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After implantation, mouse embryos deficient for the activity of the transforming growth factor-beta member Nodal fail to form both the mesoderm and the definitive endoderm. They also fail to specify the anterior visceral endoderm, a specialized signaling center which has been shown to be required for the establishment of anterior identity in the epiblast. Our study reveals that Nodal-/- epiblast cells nevertheless express prematurely and ectopically molecular markers specific of anterior fate. Our analysis shows that neural specification occurs and regional identities characteristic of the forebrain are established precociously in the Nodal-/- mutant with a sequential progression equivalent to that of wild-type embryo. When explanted and cultured in vitro, Nodal-/- epiblast cells readily differentiate into neurons. Genes normally transcribed in organizer-derived tissues, such as Gsc and Foxa2, are also expressed in Nodal-/- epiblast. The analysis of Nodal-/-;Gsc-/- compound mutant embryos shows that Gsc activity plays no critical role in the acquisition of forebrain characters by Nodal-deficient cells. This study suggests that the initial steps of neural specification and forebrain development may take place well before gastrulation in the mouse and highlights a possible role for Nodal, at pregastrula stages, in the inhibition of anterior and neural fate determination.  相似文献   

Nodal, a secreted factor known for its conserved functions in cell-fate specification and the establishment of embryonic axes, is also required in mammals to maintain the pluripotency of the epiblast, the tissue that gives rise to all fetal lineages. Although Nodal is expressed as early as E3.5 in the mouse embryo, its regulation and functions at pre- and peri-implantation stages are currently unknown. Sensitive reporter transgenes for two Nodal cis-regulatory regions, the PEE and the ASE, exhibit specific expression profiles before implantation. Mutant and inhibitor studies find them respectively regulated by Wnt/β-catenin signaling and Activin/Nodal signaling, and provide evidence for localized and heterogeneous activities of these pathways in the inner cell mass, the epiblast and the primitive endoderm. These studies also show that Nodal and its prime effector, FoxH1, are not essential to preimplantation Activin/Nodal signaling. Finally, a strong upregulation of the ASE reporter in implanting blastocysts correlates with a downregulation of the pluripotency factor Nanog in the maturing epiblast. This study uncovers conservation in the mouse blastocyst of Wnt/β-catenin and Activin/Nodal-dependent activities known to govern Nodal expression and the establishment of polarity in the blastula of other deuterostomes. Our results indicate that these pathways act early on to initiate distinct cell-specification processes in the ICM derivatives. Our data also suggest that the activity of the Activin/Nodal pathway is dampened by interactions with the molecular machinery of pluripotency until just before implantation, possibly delaying cell-fate decisions in the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms controlling inductive events leading to the specification and terminal differentiation of cardiomyocytes are still largely unknown. We have investigated the role of Cripto, an EGF-CFC factor, in the earliest stages of cardiomyogenesis. We find that both the timing of initiation and the duration of Cripto signaling are crucial for priming differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells into cardiomyocytes, indicating that Cripto acts early to determine the cardiac fate. Furthermore, we show that failure to activate Cripto signaling in this early window of time results in a direct conversion of ES cells into a neural fate. Moreover, the induction of Cripto activates the Smad2 pathway, and overexpression of activated forms of type I receptor ActRIB compensates for the lack of Cripto signaling in promoting cardiomyogenesis. Finally, we show that Nodal antagonists inhibit Cripto-regulated cardiomyocyte induction and differentiation in ES cells. All together our findings provide evidence for a novel role of the Nodal/Cripto/Alk4 pathway in this process.  相似文献   

The TGFbeta family member Nodal has been shown to be involved in a variety of processes in development, including early axis formation. Here, we use a conditional gene inactivation strategy to show a specific requirement for Nodal in the epiblast. Complete inactivation of the Nodal locus in the epiblast using the Sox2-Cre deleter strain results in a failure to establish global anterior-posterior patterning, a phenotype that resembles the Nodal null phenotype. By contrast, mosaic inactivation of Nodal in the epiblast using the Mox2-Cre (MORE) deleter strain affects formation of the anterior mesendoderm and subsequent anterior neurectoderm patterning. Furthermore, ES cell chimera experiments indicate that Nodal-deficient ES cells preferentially populate the anterior compartment of the epiblast, suggesting that cell mixing in the epiblast is not random and that Nodal signaling mediates a novel anterior-posterior cell-sorting process within the epiblast before gastrulation.  相似文献   

In all vertebrates, invariant left/right (L/R) positioning and organization of the internal viscera is controlled by a conserved pathway. Nodal, a member of the TGFbeta superfamily is a critical upstream component responsible for initiating L/R axis determination. Asymmetric Nodal expression in the node preceeds and foreshadows morphological L/R asymmetry. Here we address the mechanism of Nodal activation in the left LPM by studying the function of a novel enhancer element, the AIE. We show this element is exclusively active in cells of the left lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) and is not itself responding to Nodal asymmetry. To test the hypothesis that this element may initiate asymmetric Nodal expression in the LPM, we deleted it from the mouse germ line. Mice homozygous for the AIE deletion (Nodal(deltaaie/deltaaie)) show no defects. However, we find that the AIE contributes to regulating the level of asymmetric Nodal activity; analysis of transheterozygous embryos (Nodal(deltaaie/null)) shows reduced Nodal expression in the left LPM associated with a low penetrance of L/R defects. Our findings point to the existence of two independent pathways that control Nodal expression in the left LPM.  相似文献   

Aurora A is a mitotic kinase essential for cell proliferation. In mice, ablation of Aurora A results in mitotic arrest and pre-implantation lethality, preventing studies at later stages of development. Here we report the effects of Aurora A ablation on embryo patterning at early post-implantation stages. Inactivation of Aurora A in the epiblast or visceral endoderm layers of the conceptus leads to apoptosis and inhibition of embryo growth, causing lethality and resorption at approximately E9.5. The effects on embryo patterning, however, depend on the tissue affected by the mutation. Embryos with an epiblast ablation of Aurora A properly establish the anteroposterior axis but fail to progress through gastrulation. In contrast, mutation of Aurora A in the visceral endoderm, leads to posteriorization of the conceptus or failure to elongate the anteroposterior axis. Injection of ES cells into Aurora A epiblast knockout blastocysts reconstitutes embryonic development to E9.5, indicating that the extra-embryonic tissues in these mutant embryos can sustain development to organogenesis stages. Our results reveal new ways to induce apoptosis and to ablate cells in a tissue-specific manner in vivo. Moreover, they show that epiblast-ablated embryos can be used to test the potency of stem cells.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted to reveal fundamental aspects of starfish embryogenesis, particularly embryonic axis specification or determination, in Patiria pectinifera. We first cloned PpNodal, which is known to play an important role in the specification of the embryonic axis in a wide range of animals, and studied its expression profile. PpNodal expression was first detected at the mid‐blastula stage and showed a single peak around the onset of gastrulation. These features of Nodal expression were shifted to later stages by several hours, compared with those of sea urchin embryos. After the gastrulation started, the expression level became gradually lowered up to the early bipinnaria stage, while the expression level became drastically lowered in sea urchin embryos during gastrulation. The localized Nodal expression in the presumptive oral region was not observed in starfish embryos, unlike in sea urchin embryos. Furthermore, SB431542, an inhibitor of Nodal receptor, did not affect the formation of the DV axis, although it caused the loss of left‐right asymmetry. In contrast to this, SB525334, a specific inhibitor of TGF‐beta receptor, caused the complete loss of the DV axis. Thus, the usage of signaling molecules during early embryogenesis likely varies among echinoderm classes.  相似文献   

During early mouse embryogenesis, multiple patterning and differentiation events require the activity of Nodal, a ligand of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGFβ) family. Although Nodal signaling is known to require activity of EGF-CFC co-receptors in many contexts, it has been unclear whether all Nodal signaling in the early mouse embryo is EGF-CFC dependent. We have investigated the double null mutant phenotypes for the EGF-CFC genes Cripto and Cryptic, which encode co-receptors for Nodal, and have found that they have partially redundant functions in early mouse development. Expression of Cripto and Cryptic is non-overlapping prior to gastrulation, since Cripto is expressed solely in the epiblast whereas Cryptic is expressed in the primitive endoderm of the late blastocyst and the visceral endoderm after implantation. Despite these non-overlapping expression patterns, Cripto; Cryptic double mutants display severe defects in epiblast, extraembryonic ectoderm, and anterior visceral endoderm (AVE), resulting in phenotypes that are highly similar to those of Nodal null mutants. Our results indicate that both Cripto and Cryptic function non-cell-autonomously during normal development, and that most if not all Nodal activity in early mouse embryogenesis is EGF-CFC-dependent.  相似文献   

The establishment of anteroposterior (AP) polarity in the early mouse epiblast is crucial for the initiation of gastrulation and the subsequent formation of the embryonic (head to tail) axis. The localization of anterior and posterior determining genes to the appropriate region of the embryo is a dynamic process that underlies this early polarity. Several studies indicate that morphological and molecular markers which define the early AP axis are first aligned along the short axis of the elliptical egg cylinder. Subsequently, just prior to the time of primitive streak formation, a conformational change in the embryo realigns these markers with the long axis. We demonstrate that embryos lacking the signaling factor Wnt3 exhibit defects in this axial realignment. In addition, chimeric analyses and conditional removal of Wnt3 activity reveal that Wnt3 expression in the epiblast is required for induction of the primitive streak and mesoderm whereas activity in the posterior visceral endoderm is dispensable.  相似文献   

Reciprocal signals from embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues pattern the embryo in proximal-distal (PD) and anterior-posterior (AP) fashion. Here we have analyzed three gene trap mutations of Sall4, of which one (Sall4-1a) led to a hypomorphic and recessive phenotype, demonstrating that Sall4-1a has yet undescribed extra-embryonic and embryonic functions in regulating PD and AP axis formation. In Sall4-1a mutants the self-maintaining autoregulatory interaction between Bmp4, Nodal and Wnt, which determines the PD axis was disrupted because of defects in the extra-embryonic visceral endoderm. More severely, two distinct Sall4 gene-trap mutants (Sall4-1a,b), resembling null mutants, failed to initiate Bmp4 expression in the extra-embryonic ectoderm and Nodal in the epiblast and were therefore unable to initiate PD axis formation. Tetraploid rescue underlined the extra-embryonic nature of the Sall4-1a phenotype and revealed a further embryonic function in Wnt/beta-catenin signaling to elongate the AP axis during gastrulation. This observation was supported through genetic interaction with beta-catenin mutants, since compound heterozygous mutants recapitulated the defects of Wnt3a mutants in posterior development.  相似文献   

Nodal, a member of the TGF-β family of signaling molecules, has been implicated in pluripotency in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) [Vallier, L., Reynolds, D., Pedersen, R.A., 2004a. Nodal inhibits differentiation of human embryonic stem cells along the neuroectodermal default pathway. Dev. Biol. 275, 403-421], a finding that seems paradoxical given Nodal's central role in mesoderm/endoderm specification during gastrulation. In this study, we sought to clarify the role of Nodal signaling during hESC differentiation by constitutive overexpression of the endogenous Nodal inhibitors Lefty2 (Lefty) and truncated Cerberus (Cerb-S) and by pharmacological interference using the Nodal receptor antagonist SB431542. Compared to wildtype (WT) controls, embryoid bodies (EBs) derived from either Lefty or Cerb-S overexpressing hESCs showed increased expression of neuroectoderm markers Sox1, Sox3, and Nestin. Conversely, they were negative for a definitive endoderm marker (Sox17) and did not generate beating cardiomyocyte structures in conditions that allowed mesendoderm differentiation from WT hESCs. EBs derived from either Lefty or Cerb-S expressing hESCs also contained a greater abundance of neural rosette structures as compared to controls. Differentiating EBs derived from Lefty expressing hESCs generated a dense network of β-tubulin III positive neurites, and when Lefty expressing hESCs were grown as a monolayer and allowed to differentiate, they generated significantly higher numbers of β-tubulin positive neurons as compared to wildtype hESCs. SB431542 treatments reproduced the neuralising effects of Lefty overexpression in hESCs. These results show that inhibition of Nodal signaling promotes neuronal specification, indicating a role for this pathway in controlling early neural development of pluripotent cells.  相似文献   

The left-right (LR) axis is essential for the proper function of internal organs. In mammals and fish, left-sided Nodal expression governs LR patterning. Here, we show that the Polycomb group protein Ezh1, which is highly conserved from fish to human, participates in LR patterning. Knockdown of olezh1, a medaka homologue of Ezh1, led to LR reversal of internal organs. It was shown that OLEZH1 acts in silencing the expression of Spaw (a medaka homolog of Nodal) via a previously unknown pathway. Furthermore, coimmunoprecipitation showed physical interaction of Ezh1 with FoxH1, a Nodal regulator. This represents a novel mechanism for LR patterning and implies that Ezh1 has developmental importance.  相似文献   

The development of the anterior-posterior (AP) axis in the mammalian embryo is controlled by interactions between embryonic and extraembryonic tissues. It is well established that one of these extraembryonic tissues, the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE), can repress posterior cell fate and that signalling from the other, the extraembryonic ectoderm (ExE), is required for posterior patterning. Here, we show that signals from the prospective posterior ExE repress AVE gene expression and affect the distribution of the AVE cells. Surgical ablation of the prospective posterior, but not the anterior, extraembryonic region at 5.5 days of development (E5.5) perturbs the characteristic distal-to-anterior distribution of AVE cells and leads to a dramatic expansion of the AVE domain. Time-lapse imaging studies show that this increase is due to the ectopic expression of an AVE marker, which results in a symmetrical positioning of the AVE. Surgical ablation of this same ExE region after the distal-to-anterior migration has already commenced, at E5.75, does not affect the localisation of the AVE, indicating that this effect takes place within a short time window. Conversely, transplanting the prospective posterior, but not the anterior, extraembryonic region onto isolated E5.5 embryonic explants drastically reduces the AVE domain. Further, transplantation experiments demonstrate that the signalling regulating AVE gene expression originates from the posterior ExE, rather than its surrounding VE. Together, our results show that signals emanating from the future posterior ExE within a temporal window both restrict the AVE domain and promote its specific positioning. This indicates for the first time that the ExE is already regionalised a day before the onset of gastrulation in order to correctly set the orientation of the AP axis of the mouse embryo. We propose a reciprocal function of the posterior ExE and the AVE in establishing a balance between the antagonistic activities of these two tissues, essential for AP patterning.  相似文献   

In the sea urchin embryo, the oral-aboral axis is specified after fertilization by mechanisms that are largely unknown. We report that early sea urchin embryos express Nodal and Antivin in the presumptive oral ectoderm and demonstrate that these genes control formation of the oral-aboral axis. Overexpression of nodal converted the whole ectoderm into oral ectoderm and induced ectopic expression of the orally expressed genes goosecoid, brachyury, BMP2/4, and antivin. Conversely, when the function of Nodal was blocked, by injection of an antisense Morpholino oligonucleotide or by injection of antivin mRNA, neither the oral nor the aboral ectoderm were specified. Injection of nodal mRNA into Nodal-deficient embryos induced an oral-aboral axis in a largely non-cell-autonomous manner. These observations suggest that the mechanisms responsible for patterning the oral-aboral axis of the sea urchin embryo may share similarities with mechanisms that pattern the dorsoventral axis of other deuterostomes.  相似文献   

The mouse embryo generates multiple cell lineages, as well as its future body axes in the early phase of its development. The early cell fate decisions lead to the generation of three lineages in the pre-implantation embryo: the epiblast, the primitive endoderm and the trophectoderm. Shortly after implantation, the anterior-posterior axis is firmly established. Recent studies have provided a better understanding of how the earliest cell fate decisions are regulated in the pre-implantation embryo, and how and when the body axes are established in the pregastrulation embryo. In this review, we address the timing of the first cell fate decisions and of the establishment of embryonic polarity, and we ask how far back one can trace their origins.  相似文献   

 The teleost dorsoventral axis cannot be distinguished morphologically before gastrulation. In order to examine whether the yolk cell affects axis determination, we bisect early cleavage embryos of the goldfish, Carassius auratus. When the vegetal yolk hemisphere is removed by bisection along the equatorial plane at the 2-cell stage, the embryos develop abnormally and exhibit a symmetrical morphology. No dorsal structures, such as notochord, somites and neural tube, differentiate and no embryonic shield is formed during gastrulation. In addition, no goosecoid mRNA is expressed before gastrulation. The frequency of abnormality decreases as the age at which the vegetal yolk hemisphere is removed increases. Most embryos removed at the 32-cell stage develop normally. Their morphological phenotype is similar to that of a Xenopus ventralized embryo generated by ultraviolet irradiation on the vegetal hemisphere soon after fertilization. We also observed that, when the embryos were bisected along the first cleavage plane at the 2-cell stage, the proportion of pairs of embryos of which one embryo developed normally was 44.8%. These results indicate that the vegetal yolk hemisphere of the early cleavage embryo of the goldfish contains axis determination factor(s), which are necessary for generation of dorsal structures. Furthermore, it is suggested that these determinant(s) are distributed asymmetrically within the vegetal yolk hemisphere. Received: 25 May 1996 / Accepted: 19 September 1996  相似文献   

A model of left-right axis formation in the chick involves inhibition of bone morphogenetic proteins by the antagonist Car as a mechanism of upregulating Nodal in the left lateral plate mesoderm. By contrast, expression of CFC, a competence factor, which is absolutely required for Nodal signaling in the lateral plate mesoderm is dependent on a functional BMP signaling pathway. We have therefore investigated the relationship between BMP and Nodal in further detail. We implanted BMP2 and Noggin-expressing cells into the left lateral plate and paraxial mesoderm and observed a strong upregulation of Nodal and its target genes Pitx2 and Nkx3.2. In addition Cfc, the Nodal type II receptor ActrIIa and Snr were found to depend on BMP signaling for their expression. Comparison of the expression domains of Nodal, Bmp2, Car and Cfc revealed co-expression of Nodal, Cfc and Bmp2, while Car and Nodal only partially overlapped. Ectopic application of BMP2, Nodal, and Car as well as combinations of this signaling molecules to the right lateral plate mesoderm revealed that BMP2 and Car need to synergize in order to specify left identity. We propose a novel model of left-right axis formation, which involves BMP as a positive regulator of Nodal signaling in the chick embryo.  相似文献   

Formation of the dorsal organizer (Spemann organizer) is an important process in early vertebrate development. In zebrafish, two molecular cascades—Bozozok/Dharma (Boz) and Nodal signaling—act in parallel to induce the dorsal organizer. However, the complete molecular mechanism regulating this event remains unclear. Here we report that zebrafish cell lines derived from various developmental stages can induce a secondary axis when they are implanted into the mid-blastula but not the early gastrula. The implanted cellsthemselves did not differentiate, but instead induced ectopic expression of dorsal organizer markers incells around the implanted cells and induced notochord formation in the secondary axis. These results indicate that cultured cell lines have the ability to induce a secondary axis through the initiation of dorsal organizer activity. However, ectopic expression of boz and sqt were not observed in cultured cells. In addition, implanted cell lines could induce the dorsal organizer even in maternal-zygotic one-eyed pinhead mutants, which are not responsive to Nodal signaling. Finally, the Nodal signaling pathway was not activatedfollowing implantation of cultured cells. Collectively, these data suggest that zebrafish cell lines induce the dorsal organizer independent of the boz and Nodal signaling pathways.  相似文献   

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