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 Using electron microscopy, the first stages of ommatidial development in the flour beetle Tribolium castaneum were analysed in relation to the cellular architecture of the adult compound eye and were compared to the corresponding patterning process in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. The ommatidia of the slightly horse-shoe shaped beetle compound eye contain six peripheral and two central retinula cells. The rhabdomere of the posteriorly located central photoreceptor cell is restricted to the distal half of the rhabdom whilst that of the anterior one is restricted to its proximal half. The development of the compound eye takes place in an external eye imaginal disc. Most stages of ommatidial development, as known from Drosophila, i.e. arc-like cell groups, five-cell clusters, immature eight-cell clusters and symmetrical eight-cell clusters, are very precisely conserved between the two species. Two major differences exist: 1. In Tribolium, the cone cell precursor cells synchronously join to the immature eight-cell cluster. As a consequence, the symmetrical eight-cell cluster immediately transforms into a four-cone-cell cluster. 2. The maturing ommatidia do not undergo rotation in Tribolium. Overall, no morphological indiation for an equator in the adult Tribolium compound eye could be found. Considering the strong evolutionary conservation of early ommatidial development, homology of photoreceptor cells of distantly related insects is proposed to be inferred from their ontogenetic origin. Received: 6 November 1995 / Accepted: 9 April 1996  相似文献   

Increasing levels of inhibitors that target cysteine and/or serine proteinases were fed to Tribolium castaneum larvae, and the properties of digestive proteinases were compared in vitro. Cysteine proteinases were the major digestive proteinase class in control larvae, and serine proteinase activity was minor. Dietary serine proteinase inhibitors had minimal effects on either the developmental time or proteolytic activity of T. castaneum larvae. However, when larvae ingested cysteine proteinase inhibitors, there was a dramatic shift from primarily cysteine proteinases to serine proteinases in the proteinase profile of the midgut. Moreover, a combination of cysteine and serine proteinase inhibitors in the diet prevented this shift from cysteine proteinase-based digestion to serine proteinase-based digestion, and there was a corresponding substantial retardation in growth. These data suggest that the synergistic inhibitory effect of a combination of cysteine and serine proteinase inhibitors in the diet of T. castaneum larvae on midgut proteolytic activity and beetle developmental time is achieved through the prevention of the adaptive proteolytic response to overcome the activity of either type of inhibitor.  相似文献   

Tribolium castaneum, a pest of stored grain, has a uniform morphology, preventing the visual identification of strains from different areas. Polymorphisms in the nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial genes of this species were examined, and combined into seven haplotypes among the test insect specimens originating from Japan, Thailand, and Canada. These results suggested the potential for geographical differentiation.  相似文献   

The physiology of the gut lumen of the red flour beetle, T. castaneum, was studied to determine the conditions for optimal protein hydrolysis. Although the pH of gut lumen extracts from T. castaneum was 6.5, maximum hydrolysis of casein by gut proteinases occurred at pH 4.2. The synthetic substrate N-alpha-benzoyl-DL-arginine-rho-nitroanilide was hydrolyzed by T. castaneum gut proteinases in both acidic and alkaline buffers, whereas hydrolysis of N-succinyl-ala-ala-pro-phe rho-nitroanilide occurred in alkaline buffer. Inhibitors of T. castaneum digestive proteinases were examined to identify potential biopesticides for incorporation in transgenic seed. Cysteine proteinase inhibitors from potato, Job's tears, and sea anemone (equistatin) were effective inhibitors of in vitro casein hydrolysis by T. castaneum proteinases. Other inhibitors of T. castaneum proteinases included leupeptin, L-trans-epoxysuccinylleucylamido [4-guanidino] butane (E-64), tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone, and antipain. Casein hydrolysis was inhibited weakly by chymostatin, N-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone, and soybean trypsin inhibitor (Kunitz). The soybean trypsin inhibitor had no significant effect on growth when it was bioassayed alone, but it was effective when used in combination with potato cysteine proteinase inhibitor. In other bioassays with single inhibitors, larval growth was suppressed by the cysteine proteinase inhibitors from potato, Job's tears, or sea anemone. Levels of inhibition were similar to that observed with E-64, although the moles of proteinaceous inhibitor tested were approximately 1000-fold less. These proteinaceous inhibitors are promising candidates for transgenic seed technology to reduce seed damage by T. castaneum.  相似文献   

The recent emergence of heritable high level resistance to phosphine in stored grain pests is a serious concern among major grain growing countries around the world. Here we describe the genetics of phosphine resistance in the rust red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), a pest of stored grain as well as a genetic model organism. We investigated three field collected strains of T. castaneum viz., susceptible (QTC4), weakly resistant (QTC1012) and strongly resistant (QTC931) to phosphine. The dose-mortality responses of their test- and inter-cross progeny revealed that most resistance was conferred by a single major resistance gene in the weakly (3.2×) resistant strain. This gene was also found in the strongly resistant (431×) strain, together with a second major resistance gene and additional minor factors. The second major gene by itself confers only 12-20× resistance, suggesting that a strong synergistic epistatic interaction between the genes is responsible for the high level of resistance (431×) observed in the strongly resistant strain. Phosphine resistance is not sex linked and is inherited as an incompletely recessive, autosomal trait. The analysis of the phenotypic fitness response of a population derived from a single pair inter-strain cross between the susceptible and strongly resistant strains indicated the changes in the level of response in the strong resistance phenotype; however this effect was not consistent and apparently masked by the genetic background of the weakly resistant strain. The results from this work will inform phosphine resistance management strategies and provide a basis for the identification of the resistance genes.  相似文献   

The insect head is composed of several segments. During embryonic development, the segments fuse to form a rigid head capsule where obvious segmental boundaries are lacking. Hence, the assignment of regions of the insect head to specific segments is hampered, especially with respect to dorsal (vertex) and lateral (gena) parts. We show that upon Tribolium labial (Tc-lab) knock down, the intercalary segment is deleted but not transformed. Furthermore, we find that the intercalary segment contributes to lateral parts of the head cuticle in Tribolium. Based on several additional mutant and RNAi phenotypes that interfere with gnathal segment development, we show that these segments do not contribute to the dorsal head capsule apart from the dorsal ridge. Opposing the classical view but in line with findings in the vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster and the milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus, we propose a “bend and zipper” model for insect head capsule formation.  相似文献   

In the Drosophila segmentation hierarchy, periodic expression of pair-rule genes translates gradients of regional information from maternal and gap genes into the segmental expression of segment polarity genes. In Tribolium, homologs of almost all the eight canonical Drosophila pair-rule genes are expressed in pair-rule domains, but only five have pair-rule functions. even-skipped, runt and odd-skipped act as primary pair-rule genes, while the functions of paired (prd) and sloppy-paired (slp) are secondary. Since secondary pair-rule genes directly regulate segment polarity genes in Drosophila, we analyzed Tc-prd and Tc-slp to determine the extent to which this paradigm is conserved in Tribolium. We found that the role of prd is conserved between Drosophila and Tribolium; it is required in both insects to activate engrailed in odd-numbered parasegments and wingless (wg) in even-numbered parasegments. Similarly, slp is required to activate wg in alternate parasegments and to maintain the remaining wg stripes in both insects. However, the parasegmental register for Tc-slp is opposite that of Drosophila slp1. Thus, while prd is functionally conserved, the fact that the register of slp function has evolved differently in the lineages leading to Drosophila and Tribolium reveals an unprecedented flexibility in pair-rule patterning.  相似文献   

Segment formation in the long germ insect Drosophila is dominated by overlapping gap gene domains in the syncytial blastoderm. In the short germ beetle Tribolium castaneum abdominal segments arise from a cellular growth zone, implying different patterning mechanisms. We describe here the single Tribolium ortholog of the Drosophila genes knirps and knirps-related (called Tc-knirps). Tc-knirps expression is conserved during head patterning and at later stages. However, posterior Tc-knirps expression in the ectoderm is limited to a stripe in A1, instead of a broad abdominal domain covering segment primordia A2-A5 as in Drosophila. Tc-knirps RNAi yields only mild defects in the abdomen, at a position posterior to the abdominal Tc-knirps domain. In addition, Tc-knirps RNAi larvae lack the antennal and mandibular segments. These defects are much more severe than the head defects caused by combined inactivation of Dm-knirps and Dm-knirps-related. Our findings support the notion that the role of gap gene homologs in abdominal segmentation differs fundamentally in long and short germ insects. Moreover, the pivotal role of Tc-knirps in the head suggests an ancestral role for knirps as head patterning gene. Based on this RNAi analysis, Tc-knirps functions neither in the head nor the abdomen as a canonical gap gene.  相似文献   

The analogues carbon dioxide (CO(2)), carbonyl sulfide (COS) and carbon disulfide (CS(2)) have been useful as substrate probes for enzyme activities. Here we explored the affinity of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase for its natural substrate CO(2), as well as COS and CS(2) (1) by in vitro kinetic metabolism studies using pure enzyme and (2) through mortality bioassay of insects exposed to toxic levels of each of the gases during carbonic anhydrase inhibition. Hydrolysis of COS to form hydrogen sulfide was catalysed rapidly showing parameters K(m) 1.86 mM and K(cat) 41 s(-1) at 25 degrees C; however, the specificity constant (K(cat)/K(m)) was 4000-fold lower than the reported value for carbonic anhydrase-catalysed hydration of CO(2). Carbonic anhydrase-mediated CS(2) metabolism was a further 65,000-fold lower than COS. Both results demonstrate the deactivating effect toward the enzyme of sulfur substitution for oxygen in the molecule. We also investigated the role of carbonic anhydrases in CO(2), COS and CS(2) toxicity using a specific inhibitor, acetazolamide, administered to Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) larvae via the diet. CO(2) toxicity was greatly enhanced by up to seven-fold in acetazolamide-treated larvae indicating that carbonic anhydrases are a key protective enzyme in elevated CO(2) concentrations. Conversely, mortality was reduced by up to 12-fold in acetazolamide-treated larvae exposed to COS due to reduced formation of toxic hydrogen sulfide. CS(2) toxicity was unaffected by acetazolamide. These results show that carbonic anhydrase has a key role in toxicity of the substrates CO(2) and COS but not CS(2), despite minor differences in chemical formulae.  相似文献   

Nearly nothing is known about the transition that visual brain regions undergo during metamorphosis, except for Drosophila in which larval eyes and the underlying neural structure are strongly reduced. We have studied the larvae of the sunburst diving beetle, Thermonectus marmoratus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), which are sophisticated visually oriented predators characterized by six elaborate stemmata on each side of the head and an associated large optic lobe. We used general neurohistological staining and 3D reconstruction to determine how the eyes and optic lobe of T. marmoratus change morphologically during metamorphosis. We find that in third (last) instar larvae, the adult neuropils are already forming de novo dorsally and slightly anteriorly to the larval neuropils, while the latter rapidly degenerate. Larval eyes are eventually reduced to distinct areas with dark pigmentation. This complete reorganization, which may be an evolutionarily conserved trait in holometabolous insects, occurs despite the considerable costs that must apply to such a visually complex animal. Our findings are consistent with the concept that stemmata are homologous to the most posterior ommatidia of hemimetabolous insects, an idea also recently supported by molecular data.  相似文献   

External and internal head structures of adults of Orchymontiinae, Prosthetopinae, Hydraeninae and Ochthebiinae were studied and those of Ochthebius semisericeus and Limnebius truncatellus are described in detail. The results are evaluated with respect to their relevance for a reconstruction of hydraenid phylogeny and also compared with structural features found in adults of other staphyliniform families. The monophyly of Hydraenidae is supported by the presence of a plate‐like, trilobed premento‐hypopharyngeal extension, an unusual origin of m. tentoriohypopharyngalis, dorsal tentorial arms firmly fused with the head capsule, modified basal antennomeres, and palpigers connected by a transverse sclerotized bar. Orchymontiinae are monophyletic and the basal sister group of the remaining Hydraenidae. The presence of a ventral transverse genal bulge and of a pubescent antennal club with more than two antennomeres (reversal in some prosthetopines: e.g. Mesoceration abstrictum) are possible apomorphies of Hydraenidae excluding Orchymontiinae. Prosthetopinae are probably monophyletic and the sister group of Ochthebiinae + Hydraeninae. The latter clade is characterized by a distinct cupula formed by antennomere VI, a loose five‐segmented pubescent antennal club, and a modified antennal musculature. The presence of an unusual tentorio‐pharyngeal dilator is a shared derived feature of Ochthebiinae and the genus Davidraena. The monophyly of Ochthebiinae was confirmed and Ochtheosus is the sister group of the remaining ochthebiine genera, which are characterized by a perforated wall‐like structure formed by the posterior tentorial arms. The absence of this tentorial modification and the fimbriate galea are plesiomorphies retained in Ochtheosus. Calobius differs strongly from other subgenera of Ochthebius and a generic status may be appropriate. The monophyly of Hydraeninae is not supported. Hydraena was confirmed as a clade and Laeliaena and Limnebius are sister groups. The latter genus is characterized by several autapomorphies. The basal position of Orchymontiinae and Prosthetopinae suggests a Gondwanan origin of Hydraenidae and a primary preference for life in running water. Important evolutionary changes of head structures are complex transformations of the antennae and related structures. Yet, the use of the antennae as accessory breathing organs is not a groundplan feature of the family. The results of this study strengthen the case of staphylinoid affinities of Hydraenidae.  相似文献   

Insects live in a three-dimensional space, and need to be able to attach to different types of surfaces in a variety of environmental and behavioral contexts. Adult leaf beetles possess great attachment ability due to their hairy attachment pads. In contrast, their larvae depend on smooth pads to attach to the same host plant. We tested friction forces generated by larvae and adults of dock leaf beetles Gastrophysa viridula on different rough surfaces, and found that adults generate much higher attachment to various substrates than larvae, but are more susceptible to completely losing attachment ability on surfaces with “critical” roughness. Furthermore, sex-specific setal morphology has the effect that attachment forces of male adults are generally higher than those of females when adjusted for body weight. The results are discussed in the context of development, ecology, and changing behavioral strategies of successive life stages.  相似文献   


Red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) is a prominent pest of stored products particularly cereal flour. Since resistance of this pest to common chemical insecticides is well documented, we were examined the synergistic/antagonistic interaction between Satureja hortensis L., Trachyspermum ammi L., Ziziphora tenuior L., Cuminum cyminum L. and Foeniculum vulgare Miller essential oils, ethanolic extracts and powders with Diatomaceous earth (DE) against T. castaneum adults under laboratory conditions at 27 ± 1 °C, 65 ± 5% RH and continuous darkness. We assayed repellency of ethanolic extracts and essential oils of mentioned plants on the pest. Results showed that DE had high toxicity to the pest. Plant essential oils and ethanolic extracts (except ziziphora) synergized the performance of DE. Nevertheless, plant powders elicited antagonistic effects (except ziziphora that exhibited synergistic effect). The most repellent EO and extract was cumin which exhibited mean repellency value on adult insect equivalent to 92.58 and 51.47%, respectively.  相似文献   

When Tribolium castaneum is grown at 20° and 70% R.H., most individuals attain the adult form but are unable to free themselves from the pupal skins. Pupae bred at 30° will become normal adults at 20° but they do not emerge as adults at 17.5° unless they spend 2 days or more at 30°. Exposure for more than 3 weeks to 15° is fatal, usually because of failure in the sloughing of the pupal cuticle. Young larvae moved from 30 or 25° to 15° die if they are close to moulting and prepupae yield distorted adults because of moulting failures. Freshly hatched larvae are killed by 56 days at 17.5° and by 14 days at 15°, but many half grown larvae survive 84 and 28 days respectively at these temperatures. Exposure of prepupae to 17.5° for 28 days, to 15° for 21 days, to 10° or 5° for 7 days inhibits the pupal moult of some individuals although development to adult proceeds inside the larval skin. Normal growth and development of larvae proceeds for 42 days at 17.5° and of pupae for 21 days at 15° C. Development of pupae at 15° continues for at least 36 days but the adults formed are distorted by entanglement with the partially sloughed pupal exuviae. Compared with 30°, the rates of pupal growth are reduced 18 times at 15°, 5 times at 17.5° and 3 1/2 times at 20°, and those of larval growth by 12 times at 17.5° and by 4, 6 and 10 times over successive 28 day periods at 20°. Larval growth persists only a few days at 15°.
Zusammenfassung Kleine Gruppen isolierter Individuen von Tribolium castaneum wurden mit entsprechendem Futter in verschiedenem Alter, von frisch geschlüpften Larven bis zu mittleren Puppenstadien, für bestimmte Zeitintervalle Temperaturen von 20, 17,5, 15, 10 und 5° C ausgesetzt. Die Insekten wurden bei 30° und 70% rel. Luftfeuchtigkeit gezüchtet und nach dem Versuch gewöhnlich wieder in diese Umgebung zurückgebracht. Die schärfsten Versuchsbedingungen töteten alle Versuchstiere, die mildesten keine. Mittlere Bedingungen töteten nur junge, häutungsreife Larven oder verursachten bei Präpuppen und Puppen eine Reihe von Häutungsstörungen, die gewöhnlich tödlich waren. Einige Larven verpuppten sich, ohne zum Abstreifen der Larvenhaut befähigt zu sein, und die Imagines hatten in verschiedenem Umfange Schwierigkeiten beim Abwerfen der Puppenhaut. Die meisten dieser Erwachsenen waren zu verstrickt, um lange leben zu können. Die schwächsten, behindernden Mißbildungen bestanden in gedehnten Hinterflügeln und aufgeblähten Elytren. T. castaneum kann sich bei konstant 20° und 70% rel. Luftfeuchtigkeit verpuppen, aber —wenn überhaupt — vermögen sich bei dieser Temperatur nur wenige zu lebensfähigen Erwachsenen zu entwickeln, es sei denn, sie werden nach 30° überführt. Bei 30° gebildete Puppen können bei 20° als Erwachsene schlüpfen, aber bei 17,5° mißlingt den meisten normaler Schlupf, außer die Puppen waren bereits 3 Tage alt. Eben gebildete Puppen werden durch 15 Tage bei 15° nicht geschädigt, aber nach 21–30 Tagen schlüpfen die meisten Erwachsenen mit gedehnten Hinterflügeln. Längere Einwirkung, bis zu 42 Tagen, verursachte heftigere Verzerrungen und 56 Tage waren tödlich. Bei 15° tritt nur eine sehr langsame Puppenentwicklung ein.Wenn Larven aus 30° in einem Alter von 7 oder weniger Tagen konstant 20° ausgesetzt werden, entwickeln sich keine normalen Imagines, bei 8–12 Tage alten bilden sich normale Erwachsene, während 13 Tage alte Larven wieder mißgebildete Erwachsene ergeben. Werden Larven verschiedenen Alters 15° ausgesetzt, so ist die Sterblichkeit bei frühen Larvenstadien, die kurz vor der Häutung stehen, groß. Ebenso führt die Einwirkung auf Präpuppen zur Störung der Imaginalhäutung.Frisch geschlüpfte Larven entwickeln sich nach 42 Tagen bei 17,5° normal, jedoch sind 56 Tage für fast alle verhängnisvoll. Die Entwicklungsperioden der Larven lassen vermuten, daß bei dieser Temperatur etwa 42 Tage lang ein gewisses Wachstum erfolgt. Etwa 14 Tage bei 15° und 7 Tage bei 5° tötet alle frisch geschlüpften Larven. Halbwüchsige Larven werden durch 21 Tage bei 15° getötet, jedoch starb keine bei der Einwirkung von 17,5° für weniger als 84 Tage.Werden große Larven für nur 21 Tage 15° oder für 7 Tage 10 oder 15° ausgesetzt, so verpuppen sich einige oder alle anormal ohne Abstoßung der Larvenhaut. Einige der nach 28tägiger Behandlung mit 17,5° gebildeten Puppen ergaben gestörte Erwachsene und die 56 Tage ausgesetzten blieben bei der Imaginalreife innerhalb der Puppenhaut in der Verpuppungslage stecken, während die meisten der nach Einwirkung von 15 und 10° gebildeten Puppen normale Imagines ergaben.

The Wnt genes encode secreted glycoprotein ligands that are key players during animal development. Previous studies revealed the presence of 12 classes of Wnt genes in protostomes, although lineage specific losses of Wnt genes are common. So far, the gene expression profile of only two complete sets of arthropod Wnt genes has been studied; these are the Wnt genes of the fly Drosophila melanogaster and the beetle Tribolium castaneum. Insects, however, do not represent good models for the understanding of Wnt gene evolution because several Wnt genes have been lost in the lineage leading to the insects, or within the different orders of insects. Comparative gene expression data from non-insect arthropods are rare and restricted to a subset of Wnt genes.This study aims to fill this gap and describes four newly detected Wnt genes from the millipede Glomeris marginata (Myriapoda: Diplopoda). Together with previous studies, now 11 Glomeris Wnt genes have been isolated and their expression has been studied. The only predicted but hitherto undetected Wnt gene is Wnt10. The new data provide a platform for the comparison of Wnt gene expression patterns in arthropods and reveal conserved as well as diverged aspects of Wnt gene expression in Arthropoda. Prominent expression of Wnt4 in dorsal tissue implies a role in dorsal segmentation and suggests that Wnt4 may be the predicted substitute for the previously reported missing expression of wg/Wnt1 in dorsal tissue.  相似文献   

We analyse the role of the empty spiracles (ems) gene in embryonic brain and ventral nerve cord development. ems is differentially expressed in the neurectoderm of the anterior head versus the trunk region of early embryos. A distal enhancer region drives expression in the deutocerebral brain anlage and a proximal enhancer region drives expression in the VNC and tritocerebral brain anlage. Mutant analysis indicates that in the anterior brain ems is necessary for regionalized neurogenesis in the deutocerebral and tritocerebral anlagen. In the posterior brain and VNC ems is necessary for correct axonal pathfinding of specific interneurons. Rescue experiments indicate that the murine Emx2 gene can partially replace the fly ems gene in CNS development.  相似文献   

Phosphine resistance in Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) has evolved through changes to enzymes involved in basic metabolic pathways. These changes impose metabolic stress and could affect energy‐demanding behaviours. We therefore tested whether phosphine resistance alleles impact the movement of these insects in their quest for new resources. We measured walking and flight parameters of four T. castaneum genotypes: (1) a field‐derived population, (2) a laboratory cultured, phosphine‐susceptible reference strain, (3) a laboratory cultured, phosphine‐resistant reference strain, and (4) a resistant introgressed strain that is almost identical genetically to the susceptible population. The temporal pattern of flight was identical across all populations, but resistant beetles took flight significantly less, walked more slowly, and located resources less successfully than did susceptible beetles. Also, the field‐derived beetles (proved not to be carrying resistance genes) walked significantly faster and more directly towards food resources, and had a higher propensity for flight when compared to the susceptible laboratory beetles. These negative effects suggest survival of beetles with the resistance alleles will be compromised should they leave phosphine application sites. The field for selection therefore extends beyond the site at which phosphine fumigant imposed its effect, and other mutations are also likely to be affected in this way.  相似文献   

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