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Summary A supernumerary microchromosome measuring 0.5–1 m found in over half of the metaphases of a CREST scleroderma patient and his daughter has been characterized by various cytogenetic techniques. The microchromosome consisted of constitutive heterochromatin and contained nuclear antigens reacting with specific anti-kinetochore antibodies. The most remarkable property of the microchromosome was its non-random position: it was closely associated with the centromere of any of the normal chromosomes in the majority of the metaphases. Furthermore, an inordinately high rate of Y chromosome aneuploidy was found in the CREST scleroderma patient. The origin and structure of the microchromosome, its possible connection with the CREST variant of scleroderma, and the phenomenon of centromeric association are discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of the peptides recognized by CREST sera was carried out in different mouse tissues and cells, including spermatozoa. In all cases, a polypeptide of Mr = 18000 was recognized by the sera and occasionally two other proteins of Mr = 80000 and Mr = 140000 were observed after immunoblotting of nuclear proteins. In both early and late spermatids, centromeric staining was observed after incubation and immunofluorescence with CREST sera. After detergent treatment, it was even possible to detect centromeric staining in mature spermatozoa. In spermatid cells, the immunofluorescent pattern presented a binomial distribution of the number of fluorescent spots, with a mean value around half of the haploid number of chromosomes. Since this pattern is the result of chromosome segregation after meiosis II, our data suggest that this centromeric peptide is not directly implicated in the chromosome segregation process. On the other hand, the distribution of spots after immunofluorescence suggests a different organization of centromeric components in meiosis I and meiosis II.  相似文献   

For the purpose of comparative mapping of quail (Coturnix c. japonica) and human (Homo sapiens) genomes, DNA fragments from human chromosome 3 (HSA3p14-21 and HSA3q13-23) were localized on quail mitotic chromosomes. Using the method of double-color fluorescence DNA-DNA in situ hybridization, these fragments were mapped to two different microchromosomes. Earlier, similar studies were performed using chicken mitotic chromosomes. There it was demonstrated that the clones of interest were distributed among three microchromosomes (GGA12, GGA14, and GGA15). Thus, interspecific difference in the location of human chromosome 3 DNA fragments in the genomes of closely related avian species was discovered. A new confirmation of the hypothesis on the preferable localization of the gene-rich human chromosome regions on avian microchromosomes was obtained. At the same time, a suggestion on the localization of some orthologous genes in the genome of the organism under study was made: ARF4, SCN5A, PHF7, ABHD6, ZDHHC3, MAPKAPK3, ADSYNA (homolog of chicken chromosome 12), DRD2, PP2C-ETA, RAB7, CCKAR, and PKD1 (homolog of chicken chromosome 15). However, localization of the corresponding quail genes needs to be confirmed, as far as the sequences used were only the orthologs of the corresponding chicken genes.  相似文献   

T. Haaf  M. Schmid 《Human genetics》1989,81(2):137-143
Summary Centromere arrangement in interphase and metaphase cells of two human tumour cell lines was analysed using anti-kinetochore antibodies as immunofluorescent probes. In GLC1 interphase nuclei, kinetochores were non-randomly positioned around the nucleolus and close to the nuclear membrane. During S and early G2 phase, necklace-like strands of kinetochores were formed in the centre of the nucleus. The duplication of sister kinetochores during the G2 phase was not synchronized. At late G2 phase, a relatively random topological distribution of centromeres was observed with short linear arrays of sister kinetochores. Carefully spread metaphase plates of MDA-MB231 cells generally exhibited a linear alignment of centromeres and large centromeric clusters. In completely pulverized MDA-MB231 cells, centromeres showed a strong tendency to associate with each other.  相似文献   

We characterized two Y-ring microchromosomes (MC) found in an azoospermic patient with Turner stigmata (case A) and a male infant with hypospadias (case B). The karyotypes, as assessed by banding, FISH, and STRs/STSs analyses, were 46,X,r(Y).ish r(Y)(p11.3q11.222)(SRY+,DYZ3+) and 46,X,+r(Y)/45,X.ish r(Y)(p 11.2q11.2)(Xp/Yp-,SRY+,DYZ3+) respectively. In both cases, we evaluated the association of each MC with the centromere of the nearest and second nearest chromosomes in G-banded metaphases by means of measuring the intervening distance according to two criteria: < or =1 time or < or =3 times the size of the MC in each metaphase. The case A's MC was associated 84 times in 98 cells according to the latter or less strict criterion and two times in 98 cells according to the strict criterion; the corresponding values for case B were 84 and two in 95 cells respectively. The centromeric association appears to be related to centromeric attraction mediated by heterochromatin or centromere-specific proteins, the replication time, and the Rabl orientation.  相似文献   

Summary Supernumerary bisatellited microchromosomes detected in three unrelated patients were identified as inverted duplications of chromosome 15. Each of these chromosomes contained a small euchromatic interstitial band presumably derived from the proximal portion of region 15q1. The clinical significance of this material was difficult to assess. Two of our cases were ascertained as the result of routine amniotic fluid studies. One of the affected fetuses had an unusual form of mosaicism 46,XY/48,XY, + inv dup(15), + inv dup(15), but no apparent developmental abnormalities. The inv dup (15) of the second fetus was familial in origin; no phenotypic abnormalities or evidence of mosaicism were detected in the carrier parent. The third inv dup(15) was found in a 20.5-month-old boy referred for developmental retardation. The clinical findings in this case were similar to those seen in patients with large inv dup(15)'s and did not suggest Prader-Willi syndrome.  相似文献   

Summary Instability of the centromeric regions of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16 in cultured lymphocytes of an 8-month-old girl with malabsorption and combined immunodeficiency is reported. Together with the two previous reports on this condition, the present report seems to confirm the specific association of combined immunodeficiency and centromeric instability of chromosomes 1, 9 and 16 with multibranching.  相似文献   

Autism is a highly heritable neurodevelopmental disorder whose underlying genetic causes have yet to be identified. To date, there have been eight genome screens for autism, two of which identified a putative susceptibility locus on chromosome 16p. In the present study, 10 positional candidate genes that map to 16p11-13 were examined for coding variants: A2BP1, ABAT, BFAR, CREBBP, EMP2, GRIN2A, MRTF-B, SSTR5, TBX6, and UBN1. Screening of all coding and regulatory regions by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography identified seven nonsynonymous changes. Five of these mutations were found to cosegregate with autism, but the mutations are not predicted to have deleterious effects on protein structure and are unlikely to represent significant etiological variants. Selected variants from candidate genes were genotyped in the entire International Molecular Genetics Study of Autism Consortium collection of 239 multiplex families and were tested for association with autism by use of the pedigree disequilibrium test. Additionally, genotype frequencies were compared between 239 unrelated affected individuals and 192 controls. Patterns of linkage disequilibrium were investigated, and the transmission of haplotypes across candidate genes was tested for association. Evidence of single-marker association was found for variants in ABAT, CREBBP, and GRIN2A. Within these genes, 12 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were subsequently genotyped in 91 autism trios (one affected individual and two unaffected parents), and the association was replicated within GRIN2A (Fisher's exact test, P<.0001). Logistic regression analysis of SNP data across GRIN2A and ABAT showed a trend toward haplotypic differences between cases and controls.  相似文献   

The origin of avian microchromosomes has long been the subject of much speculation and debate. Microchromosomes are a universal characteristic of all avian species and many reptilian karyotypes. The typical avian karyotype contains about 40 pairs of chromosomes and usually 30 pairs of small to tiny microchromosomes. This characteristic karyotype probably evolved 100-250 million years ago. Once the microchromosomes were thought to be a non-essential component of the avian genome. Recent work has shown that even though these chromosomes represent only 25% of the genome; they encode 50% of the genes. Contrary to popular belief, microchromosomes are present in a wide range of vertebrate classes, spanning 400-450 million years of evolutionary history. In this paper, comparative gene mapping between the genomes of chicken, human, mouse and zebrafish, has been used to investigate the origin and evolution of avian microchromosomes during this period. This analysis reveals evidence for four ancient syntenies conserved in fish, birds and mammals for over 400 million years. More than half, if not all, microchromosomes may represent ancestral syntenies and at least ten avian microchromosomes are the product of chromosome fission. Birds have one of the smallest genomes of any terrestrial vertebrate. This is likely to be the product of an evolutionary process that minimizes the DNA content (mostly through the number of repeats) and maximizes the recombination rate of microchromosomes. Through this process the properties (GC content, DNA and repeat content, gene density and recombination rate) of microchromosomes and macrochromosomes have diverged to create distinct chromosome types. An ancestral genome for birds likely had a small genome, low in repeats and a karyotype with microchromosomes. A "Fission-Fusion Model" of microchromosome evolution based on chromosome rearrangement and minimization of repeat content is discussed.  相似文献   

Familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS) affects 5%-10% of cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and is inherited as an autosomal dominant condition with incomplete penetrance. One-fifth of these cases of FALS are associated with mutations in copper/zinc-dependent superoxide dismutase (SOD1), but the gene defect in the remaining 80% of familial cases is, as yet, unknown. We have carried out a preliminary genome screen, using a U.K. resource of families lacking SOD1 mutations, to identify other potential disease loci and have identified a putative locus on chromosome 16q12.1-q12.2. The region associated with disease was further refined in the major family that contributed to this result and was localized to D16S409-D16S3032, a 14.74-cM genetic interval that corresponds to a physical distance of 6.6 Mb, which coincides with a region independently identified by two further research groups in the United States and the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Summary 3 cases of the 18q — syndrome, 2 boys and 1 girl, are presented, and a comparison with data from the literature is given. The following features are typical of the syndrome: short stature, mental retardation, muscular hypotonia, a peculiar dysmorphia of the face and ears, cryptorchidism and small scrotum in males, proximally implanted thumbs, tapering fingers, excess of whorls on the fingertips, and dorsally implanted second toes. Midface hypoplasia with hypertelorism and cleft palate, as well as strabismus, were present in 2 of our patients, whereas all 3 showed nystagmus and prominence of anthelix and antitragus. In addition, 2 patients exhibited narrow ear canals and impaired hearing. One patient had coloboma of the iris and choroid, pale optic discs, and cleft lip; another had umbilical and inguinal hernias. Two cases represented de novo deletions of the long arm of chromosomes 18, whereas the karyotype of the father of the third case revealed a balanced translocation t(15;18)(q24;q21).
Zusammenjassung 3 Patienten mit dem 18q — Syndrom, 2 Knaben und 1 Mädchen, werden vorgestellt und mit den Fällen der Literatur verglichen. Die folgenden typischen Merkmale des 18q — Syndroms fanden sich bei ihnen: Kleinwuchs, Schwachsinn, muskuläre Hypotonie, Gesichts- und Ohrdysmorphie, Kryptorchismus bei den Knaben sowie zurückversetzte Daumen, konisch zulaufende Finger, Häufung von Wirbelmustern auf den Fingerbeeren und nach dorsal versetzte 2. Zehen. 2 Patienten zeigten die für das 18q — Syndrom typische Mittelgesichtsdysplasie sowie Hypertelorismus und Strabismus, hingegen wiesen alle drei Nystagmus und eine charakteristische Ohrdysmorphie mit Vortreten von Anthelix und Antitragus auf. Je 2 Patienten waren schwerhörig bzw. hatten auffallend enge Gehörgänge. Bei einem Fall fanden sich noch ein Iris- und Chorioideakolobom, Opticusatrophie und eine Lippenspatle, bei einem anderen eine Nabel- und Leistenhernie. Bei 2 Patienten war die Deletion des langen Arms von Chromosome 18 neu entstanden, bei einem war der Vater Träger einer balancierten Translokation t(15;18)(q24;q21).

Sex chromosomes and microchromosomes of Gallus domesticus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Susumu Ohno 《Chromosoma》1960,11(1):484-498

Summary We report cytogenetic and molecular studies on a family that carries, in the father, an unusually large chromosome 14p+ variant [WSi-var(14)(p+)] and, in one of his children, a translocation [DSi-der(14)] involving the variant chromosome. Increase in the size of WSi-var(14)(p+) was estimated to be approximately 35% that of a normal chromosome 14. Presence of extra chromosomal material in this variant chromosome was demonstrated by G-banding using trypsin and staining with Leishman, G-banding using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and Giemsa, and R-banding using BrdU and Giemsa. This material was positive using C-banding with BaOH and staining with Giemsa and negative in DAPI/distamycin staining, suggesting that it contained repetitive DNA but probably not of the types found in the heterochromatic regions of chromosomes 1, 9, 15, 16, and Y. Staining of the nucleolus organiser region (NOR) with AgNO3 indicated the retention of the NOR in WSi-var(14)(p+) but not in DSi-der(14). In situ hybridisation of metaphase cells with an alpha satellite DNA probe specific for human acrocentric chromosomes demonstrated a significantly increased amount of centromeric alpha sequences in WSi-var(14)(p+). Most or all of the extra alpha sequences were retained in DSi-der(14), indicating translocation near the very distal end of the enlarged region. The extra alpha satellite DNA material may have originated through amplification of some centromeric segments. The possible role of the amplified DNA in chromosomal translocations is discussed.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS), or Trisomy 21, is the most common genetic cause of cognitive impairment and congenital heart defects in the human population. To date, the contribution of microRNAs (miRNAs) in DS has not been investigated. Bioinformatic analyses demonstrate that human chromosome 21 (Hsa21) harbors five miRNA genes; miR-99a, let-7c, miR-125b-2, miR-155, and miR-802. MiRNA expression profiling, miRNA RT-PCR, and miRNA in situ hybridization experiments demonstrate that these miRNAs are overexpressed in fetal brain and heart specimens from individuals with DS when compared with age- and sex-matched controls. We hypothesize that trisomic 21 gene dosage overexpression of Hsa21-derived miRNAs results in the decreased expression of specific target proteins and contribute, in part, to features of the neuronal and cardiac DS phenotype. Importantly, Hsa21-derived miRNAs may provide novel therapeutic targets in the treatment of individuals with DS.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old patient with Turner syndrome was found to have a complex mosaicism for a microchromosome (MC) and a psu dic(Y)(q11). The MC was smaller than Yp, appeared pale in G, C and late replicating bands, had a pair of small centromeric dots, was associated with other chromosomes in most metaphases, and was rather stable both in size and during mitosis. The psu dic(Y) was Cd-positive only at the active centromere, had two pericentromeric heterochromatic regions, and lacked the Yq12 band. No cells with both abnormal chromosomes were found. To evaluate the association of the MC with all ordinary chromosomes, 857 G-banded cells with the marker were screened. The MC was considered as associated whenever the distance between it and other chromosome(s) was equal to, or smaller than, 18p. Out of 848 associations registered, 489 (57.7%) were centromeric, 202 (23.8%) telomeric, and 157 (18.5%) interstitial; i.e., centromeric associations were overrepresented (P < 0.001) and showed a random distribution, except for an excessive involvement of chromosome 8. This association pattern, also exhibited by two similar MCs in human beings, the minute Y of a marsupial and certain B chromosomes in plants, probably reflects the Rabl orientation of chromosomes in interphase.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of proteins on tyrosine is crucially involved in signal transduction and mitogenesis and is regulated by both kinases and phosphatases. Recently, a number of soluble and transmembrane receptor-linked protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPase) have been characterized. Among these is a 48.4-kDa PTPase encoded by a cDNA isolated from a T-lymphocyte library by low-stringency screening with probes derived from placental PTPase 1B. A human T-cell PTPase (PTPT) cDNA and somatic cell hybrids were used to assign a PTPT gene to conserved syntentic groups on human chromosome 18 and on mouse chromosome 18. Two unlinked sequences, one on human chromosome 1, were also detected.  相似文献   

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