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Dysregulation of kinase-based signal transduction networks contributes to multiple aspects of malignancy. Chemical genetic approaches interrogate perturbed signaling in the immediate context of small molecule inhibitor treatment. In recent years, such approaches have identified new kinase targets, clarified the impact of poly-specific inhibition using agents for which at least one primary target is known, and have identified targets for which combinatorial inhibition leads to improved efficacy. Elucidation of the mechanisms through which specific small molecule drug-like agents impact crucial cancer pathways should yield important and clinically translatable insights into the use of similar agents in patients.  相似文献   

New molecular approaches to tissue analysis.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The completion of the Human Genome Project will produce new opportunities for analysis of genes and their products in human tissue. The emergence of new technologies will enable investigators to directly examine human tissues for gene deletion, transposition, and amplification. In addition, we will be able to assess the complete gene expression of a tissue by examining the mRNA species using microarray chips. The emerging technologies of laser capture microdissection and RNA amplification enables these procedures to be carried out on groups of a few hundred cells, which will facilitate the examination of heterogeneous lesions. Finally, the application of tissue arrays and the capability of obtaining protein sequences in samples of only a few femtomoles of protein using desorption mass spectroscopy will revolutionize the analysis of protein expression.  相似文献   

Traditional anti-cancer drugs preferentially kill rapidly growing tumour cells rather than normal cells. However, most of these drugs have no preferential selection towards cancer cells and are taken up by the whole body, resulting in significant adverse side effects. Therapeutic molecules that could specifically inhibit undesirable phenotypes are an attractive way of eliminating cancer cells. There is a widespread effort to develop inhibitors against signal transduction molecules that play a key role in the proliferative, migratory and invasive properties of a cancer cell. Grb7 is an adaptor-type signalling protein that is recruited via its Src-homology 2 (SH2) domain to a variety of tyrosine kinases. Grb7 is overexpressed in breast, oesophageal and gastric cancers, and may contribute to the invasive potential of cancer cells. Molecular interactions involving Grb7 therefore provide attractive targets for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation is a key mechanism of cell regulation in normal and cancer cells. Various new cancer drugs and drug candidates are aimed at protein kinase targets. However, selecting patients likely to respond to these treatments, even among individuals with tumors expressing validated kinase targets remains a major challenge. There exists a need for biomarkers to facilitate the monitoring of modulation of drug-targeted kinase pathways. Phospho-proteomics involves the enrichment of phosphorylated proteins from tissue, and the application of technologies such as mass spectrometry (MS) for the identification and quantification of protein phosphorylation sites. It has potential to provide pharmacodynamic readouts of disease states and cellular drug responses in tumor samples, but technical hurdles and bioinformatics challenges will need to be addressed.  相似文献   

Medicinal mushroom modulators of molecular targets as cancer therapeutics   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Empirical approaches to discover anticancer drugs and cancer treatments have made limited progress in the past several decades in finding a cure for cancer. The expanded knowledge of the molecular basis of tumorigenesis and metastasis, together with the inherently vast structural diversity of natural compounds found in mushrooms, provided unique opportunities for discovering new drugs that rationally target the abnormal molecular and biochemical signals leading to cancer. This review focuses on mushroom low-molecular-weight secondary metabolites targeting processes such as apoptosis, angiogenesis, metastasis, cell cycle regulation, and signal transduction cascades. Also discussed in this review are high-molecular-weight polysaccharides or polysaccharide–protein complexes from mushrooms that appear to enhance innate and cell-mediated immune responses, exhibit antitumor activities in animals and humans, and demonstrate the anticancer properties of selenium compounds accumulated in mushrooms.  相似文献   

The management of malignant disease remains one of the most challenging areas of modern medicine. The lifetime risk of developing cancer in the western world is estimated to be as high as 1 in 3. Traditionally, surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy have been the primary choice of treatment for patients with malignant tumours. Despite advances in the use and development of conventional cytotoxic agents, the cure rate remains disappointing in most patients with advanced disease of the common solid tumours. Consequently, the development of novel anti-cancer therapies is a high priority in cancer medicine. In recent years, a new generation of cancer therapies has emerged, based on a growing understanding of the molecular events that contribute to malignant transformation. A major difference between normal and cancer cells is the ability of cancer cells to multiply in an unrestricted and ungoverned fashion. In this context, there is considerable interest in elucidating the mechanisms that allow this unrestricted proliferation and that ultimately result in immortal cancer cells. It is now clear that the enzyme telomerase confers immortality on cells in most types of cancer. With the cancer cell reliant on telomerase for its survival, telomerase represents an extremely attractive mechanism-based target for the development of new cancer therapeutics.  相似文献   

Mono-therapeutics is rarely effective as a treatment option, which limits the survival of patients in advanced grade aggressive cancers. Combinational therapeutics (multiple drugs for multiple targets) to combat cancer is gaining momentum in recent years. Hence, it is of interest to document known data for combinational therapeutics in cancer treatment. An amalgamation of therapeutic agents enhances the efficacy and potency of the therapy. Combinational therapy can potentially target multiple pathways that are necessary for the cancer cells to proliferate, and/or target molecules, which may help cancer to become more aggressive and metastasize. In this review, we discuss combinational therapeutics, which include human γδ T cells in combinations with biologically active anti-cancer molecules, which synergistically may produce promising combinational therapeutics.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylases (HDACs) and histone acetyl transferases (HATs) are two counteracting enzyme families whose enzymatic activity controls the acetylation state of protein lysine residues, notably those contained in the N-terminal extensions of the core histones. Acetylation of histones affects gene expression through its influence on chromatin conformation. In addition, several non-histone proteins are regulated in their stability or biological function by the acetylation state of specific lysine residues. HDACs intervene in a multitude of biological processes and are part of a multiprotein family in which each member has its specialized functions. In addition, HDAC activity is tightly controlled through targeted recruitment, protein-protein interactions and post-translational modifications. Control of cell cycle progression, cell survival and differentiation are among the most important roles of these enzymes. Since these processes are affected by malignant transformation, HDAC inhibitors were developed as antineoplastic drugs and are showing encouraging efficacy in cancer patients.  相似文献   

Several presentations by attendees of the 11th International Prostate Cancer Update addressed recent advances in prostate cancer treatment. A study that examined whether a relationship exists between neuroendocrine (NE) cell differentiation and hormone-refractory prostate cancer (HRPC) concluded that the appearance of NE cells in prostatic carcinoma is an important phenomenon in the development of HRPC. Exisuland, a selective apoptotic antineoplastic drug, was compared to placebo in a recent study and was found to significantly inhibit the increase of prostate-specific antigen in patients who had undergone radical prostatectomy. A new dosing regimen for flutamide (500 mg daily) was found to have no significant differences from the currently recommended dose (250 mg every 8 hours); the new, single daily dose could meet with greater compliance and would reduce drug cost by 30%. The antiproliferative effect of vitamin D on prostatic carcinoma cells was discussed, along with the possible role of vitamin D supplementation during prostate cancer treatment. Finally, a presentation on hospice care acknowledged that referral for such care is unfortunately at times delayed by physicians, patients, and patients' families, leaving insufficient time for all the benefits of that stage of care to be realized.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is an established method for studying the conformational changes that are important for protein function. Recent advances in hardware and software have allowed MD simulations over the same timescales as experiment, improving the agreement between theory and experiment to a large extent. However, running such simulations are costly, in terms of resources, storage, and trajectory analysis. There is still a place for techniques that involve short MD simulations. In order to overcome the sampling paucity of short time-scales, hybrid methods that include some form of MD simulation can exploit certain features of the system of interest, often combining experimental information in surprising ways. Here, we review some recent hybrid approaches to the simulation of proteins.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the computation of free energies have facilitated the understanding of host—guest and protein—ligand recognition. Rigorous perturbation methods have been assessed and expanded, and more approximate techniques have been developed that allow faster treatment of diverse systems.  相似文献   

Abnormal proteinaceous deposits are found in the brain of patients with many different neurodegenerative diseases. In many of these diseases, the production of the deposits is probably associated with disease pathogenesis. In Alzheimer's disease (AD), the amyloid protein (A beta), is produced by the action of enzymes known as secretases, which cleave the beta-amyloid protein precursor. A beta is secreted from cells in the brain, after which it oligomerizes and is deposited in the extracellular compartment of the brain to form amyloid plaques and amyloid angiopathy. Targeting the production of A beta and its aggregation is now a key strategy in the development of novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of AD. This review examines the potential of immunization strategies, cholesterol-lowering drugs, protease inhibitors and nicotinic drugs for the treatment of AD.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of new potent therapeutic molecules which do not reach the clinic due to poor delivery and low bioavailability have made the delivery of molecules a keystone in therapeutic development. Several technologies have been designed to improve cellular uptake of therapeutic molecules, including CPPs (cell-penetrating peptides), which represent a new and innovative concept to bypass the problem of bioavailability of drugs. CPPs constitute very promising tools and have been successfully applied for in vivo. Two CPP strategies have been described to date; the first one requires chemical linkage between the drug and the carrier for cellular drug internalization, and the second is based on the formation of stable complexes with drugs, depending on their chemical nature. The Pep and MPG families are short amphipathic peptides, which form stable nanoparticles with proteins and nucleic acids respectively. MPG- and Pep-based nanoparticles enter cells independently of the endosomal pathway and efficiently deliver cargoes, in a fully biologically active form, into a large variety of cell lines, as well as in animal models. This review focuses on the structure-function relationship of non-covalent MPG and Pep-1 strategies, and their requirement for cellular uptake of biomolecules and applications in cultured cells and animal models.  相似文献   

One of the underlying mechanisms of multidrug resistance (MDR) is cellular overproduction of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), which acts as an efflux pump for various anti-cancer drugs. P-gp is encoded by a group of related genes termed MDR; only MDR1 is known to confer the drug resistance, and its overexpression in cancer cells has been a therapeutic target to circumvent the resistance. To overcome P-gp-mediated drug resistance, we have developed six anti-MDR1 hammerhead ribozymes and delivered them to P-gp-overproducing human leukemia cell line by a retroviral vector containing RNA polymerase III promoter. These ribozyme-transduced cells became vincristine-sensitive, concomitant with the decreases in MDR1 expression, P-gp amount and efflux pump function. Among the ribozymes tested, the anti-MDR1 ribozyme against the translation-initiation site exhibited the highest efficacy. The retrovirus-mediated transfer of this most potent anti-MDR1 ribozyme into a human lymphoma cell line, which was made resistant by infection of pHaMDR1/A retroviral vector and thus possessed a low degree of MDR due to P-gp expression relevant to clinical MDR, resulted in a complete reversal of MDR phenotype. In addition to retrovirus-mediated transfer of ribozymes, we evaluated the efficacy of cationic liposome-mediated transfer of ribozyme. Treatment of a P-gp-producing human breast cancer cell line with the liposome-ribozyme complex resulted in reversal of resistance, concomitant with the decreases in both MDR1 expression and P-gp amount. Confocal microscopic imaging of the cells after treatment with liposome/FITC-dextran showed cytoplasmic fluorescence that was abolished by cytochalasin B, indicating a high endocytotic activity in these cells. The endocytotic activity was well correlated with the success of cationic liposome-mediated transfer of MDR1 ribozyme. These distinct approaches using either retrovirus- or liposome-mediated transfer of anti-MDR1 ribozyme may be selectively applicable to the treatment of MDR cells with different properties such as endocytotic activity as a specific means to reverse resistance.  相似文献   

The metabolic properties of cancer cells diverge significantly from those of normal cells. Energy production in cancer cells is abnormally dependent on aerobic glycolysis. In addition to the dependency on glycolysis, cancer cells have other atypical metabolic characteristics such as increased fatty acid synthesis and increased rates of glutamine metabolism. Emerging evidence shows that many features characteristic to cancer cells, such as dysregulated Warburg-like glucose metabolism, fatty acid synthesis and glutaminolysis are linked to therapeutic resistance in cancer treatment. Therefore, targeting cellular metabolism may improve the response to cancer therapeutics and the combination of chemotherapeutic drugs with cellular metabolism inhibitors may represent a promising strategy to overcome drug resistance in cancer therapy. Recently, several review articles have summarized the anticancer targets in the metabolic pathways and metabolic inhibitor-induced cell death pathways, however, the dysregulated metabolism in therapeutic resistance, which is a highly clinical relevant area in cancer metabolism research, has not been specifically addressed. From this unique angle, this review article will discuss the relationship between dysregulated cellular metabolism and cancer drug resistance and how targeting of metabolic enzymes, such as glucose transporters, hexokinase, pyruvate kinase M2, lactate dehydrogenase A, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, fatty acid synthase and glutaminase can enhance the efficacy of common therapeutic agents or overcome resistance to chemotherapy or radiotherapy.  相似文献   

The most common genetic changes associated with lung cancer involve abnormalities of the genes that regulate the cell cycle. Molecular networking of P53 and P16 tumor suppressor genes and K-RAS oncogene exerts a crucial impact on cell cycle regulation and appears to be of major clinical significance for lung cancer evaluation. The present review article summarizes evaluations of P53, P16 and K-RAS in lung cancer with particular focus on biological and clinical implications, as well as on new molecular approaches to the study of these genes: P53 by yeast functional assay, P16 by methylation specific PCR (MSP) and K-RAS by enriched PCR technique.  相似文献   

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