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Aquaporin-8 (AQP8) water channels, which are expressed in rat hepatocyte bile canalicular membranes, are involved in water transport during bile formation. Nevertheless, there is no conclusive evidence that AQP8 mediates water secretion into the bile canaliculus. In this study, we directly evaluated whether AQP8 gene silencing by RNA interference inhibits canalicular water secretion in the human hepatocyte-derived cell line, HepG2. By RT-PCR and immunoblotting we found that HepG2 cells express AQP8 and by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy that it is localized intracellularly and on the canalicular membrane, as described in rat hepatocytes. We also verified the expression of AQP8 in normal human liver. Forty-eight hours after transfection of HepG2 cells with RNA duplexes targeting two different regions of human AQP8 molecule, the levels of AQP8 protein specifically decreased by 60-70%. We found that AQP8 knockdown cells showed a significant decline in the canalicular volume of approximately 70% (P < 0.01), suggesting an impairment in the basal (nonstimulated) canalicular water movement. We also found that the decreased AQP8 expression inhibited the canalicular water transport in response either to an inward osmotic gradient (-65%, P < 0.05) or to the bile secretory agonist dibutyryl cAMP (-80%, P < 0.05). Our data suggest that AQP8 plays a major role in water transport across canalicular membrane of HepG2 cells and support the notion that defective expression of AQP8 causes bile secretory dysfunction in human hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is implicated in the pathogenesis of lung inflammation and edema. In this study, the effects of nitric oxide (NO)-donors on membrane water permeability and cell surface expression of aquaporin-5 (AQP5) in mouse lung epithelial cells were examined. NO-donors, GSNO and NOC-18 decreased cell surface expression of AQP5, concentration- and time-dependently, whereas they did not affect the amount of AQP5 in whole cell lysates. The membrane water permeability of cells was also decreased by treatment with NO-donors. The decrease in cell surface AQP5 by NO was abolished by simultaneous treatment with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, but not with ODQ, an inhibitor of the cGMP-dependent pathway. In addition, immunocytochemistry with anti-AQP5 indicated that NO changed AQP5 localization from the plasma membrane to the intracellular fraction. These data indicate that NO stimulates AQP5 internalization from the plasma membrane through a cGMP-independent mechanism, and decreases membrane water permeability.  相似文献   

Water channels AQP7 and AQP8 may be involved in transcellular water movement in the small intestine. We show that both AQP7 and AQP8 mRNA are expressed in rat small intestine. Immunoblot and immunohistochemistry experiments demonstrate that AQP7 and AQP8 proteins are present in the apical brush border membrane of intestinal epithelial cells. We investigated the effect of several metals and pH on the osmotic water permeability (Pf) of brush border membrane vesicles (BBMVs) and of AQP7 and AQP8 expressed in a cell line. Hg2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+ caused a significant decrease in the BBMV Pf, whereas Ni2+ and Li+ had no effect. AQP8-transfected cells showed a reduction in Pf in the presence of Hg2+ and Cu2+, whereas AQP7-transfected cells were insensitive to all tested metals. The Pf of both BBMVs and cells transfected with AQP7 and AQP8 was not affected by pH changes within the physiological range, and the Pf of BBMVs alone was not affected by phlorizin or amiloride. Our results indicate that AQP7 and AQP8 may play a role in water movement via the apical domain of small intestine epithelial cells. AQP8 may contribute to the water-imbalance-related clinical symptoms apparent after ingestion of high doses of Hg2+ and Cu2+.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase) mediates several signal transduction pathways in hepatocytes, including some involved in the regulation of vesicle trafficking. Hepatocytes express the water channel AQP8 (aquaporin-8) predominantly in an intracellular location, and it redistributes to the canalicular membrane, upon stimulation with the hormone glucagon, by a cAMP/protein kinase A-dependent mechanism. Since glucagon is capable of stimulating PI3K activity in hepatocytes and a cross talk between cAMP and PI3K has been suggested, in the present study, we examine whether PI3K activation is involved in the glucagon-induced translocation of AQP8. RESULTS: By quantitative immunoblotting of purified hepatocyte plasma membranes, we found that the preincubation of cells with two structurally different PI3K inhibitors, wortmannin or LY294002, prevented the glucagon-induced translocation of AQP8 to hepatocyte plasma membrane. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy in cultured hepatocytes confirmed the dependence of the hormone-induced redistribution of AQP8 on PI3K activity. Functional studies showed that the PI3K inhibitors were also capable of preventing the glucagon-induced increase in hepatocyte osmotic membrane water permeability. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that PI3K activation is involved in the glucagon-dependent signal transduction pathways leading to hepatocyte AQP8 translocation.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are remarkably plastic organelles constantly changing their shape to fulfil their various functional activities. Although the osmotic movement of water into and out of the mitochondrion is central for its morphology and activity, the molecular mechanisms and the pathways for water transport across the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM), the main barrier for molecules moving into and out of the organelle, are completely unknown. Here, we show the presence of a member of the aquaporin family of water channels, AQP8, and demonstrate the strikingly high water permeability (Pf) characterizing the rat liver IMM. Immunoblotting, electron microscopy, and biophysical studies show that the largest mitochondria feature the highest AQP8 expression and IMM Pf. AQP8 was also found in the mitochondria of other organs, whereas no other known aquaporins were seen. The osmotic water transport of liver IMM was partially inhibited by the aquaporin blocker Hg2+, while the related activation energy remained low, suggesting the presence of a Hg2+-insensitive facilitated pathway in addition to AQP8. It is suggested that AQP8-mediated water transport may be particularly important for rapid expansions of mitochondrial volume such as those occurring during active oxidative phosphorylation and those following apoptotic signals.  相似文献   

Previous work from our laboratory supports an important role for aquaporins (AQPs), a family of water channel proteins, in bile secretion by hepatocytes. To further define the pathways and molecular mechanisms for water movement across hepatocytes, we directly assessed osmotic water permeability (Pf) and activation energy (Ea) in highly purified, rat hepatocytes basolateral membrane vesicles (BLMV) and canalicular membrane (CMV) vesicles by measuring scattered light intensity using stopped-flow spectrophotometry. The time course of scattered light for BLMV and CMV fit well to a single-exponential function. In BLMV, Pf was 108 +/- 4 mum.s-1 (25 degrees C) with an Ea of 7.7 kcal/mol; in CMV, Pf was 86 +/- 5 mum.s-1 (25 degrees C) with an Ea of 8.0 kcal/mol. The AQP blocker, dimethyl sulfoxide, significantly inhibited the Pf of both basolateral (81 +/- 4 mum.s-1; -25%) and canalicular (59 +/- 4 mum.s-1; -30%) membrane vesicles. When CMV were isolated from hepatocytes treated with dibutyryl cAMP, a double-exponential fit was needed, implying two functionally different vesicle populations; one population had Pf and Ea values similar to those of CMV from untreated hepatocytes, but the other population had a very high Pf (655 +/- 135 mum.s-1, 25 degrees C) and very low Ea (2.8 kcal/mol). Dimethyl sulfoxide completely inhibited the high Pf value in this second vesicle population. In contrast, Pf and Ea of BLMV were unaltered by cAMP treatment of hepatocytes. Our results are consistent with the presence of both lipid- and AQP-mediated pathways for basolateral and canalicular water movement across the hepatocyte plasma membrane barrier. Our data also suggest that the hepatocyte canalicular membrane domain is rate-limiting for transcellular water transport and that this domain becomes more permeable to water when hepatocytes are exposed to a choleretic agonist, presumably by insertion of AQP molecules. These data suggest a molecular mechanism for the efficient coupling of osmotically active solutes and water transport during canalicular bile formation.  相似文献   

Aquaporin-5 (AQP5) is a water-selective channel protein that is expressed in lacrimal glands, salivary glands, and distal lung. Several studies using AQP5 knockout mice have revealed that AQP5 plays an important role in maintaining water homeostasis in the lung. We report here that all-trans retinoic acid (atRA) increases plasma membrane water permeability, AQP5 mRNA and protein expression, and AQP5 promoter activity in MLE-12 cells. The promoter activation induced by atRA was diminished by mutation at the Sp1/Sp3 binding element (SBE), suggesting that the SBE mediates the effects of atRA. In addition, atRA increased the binding of Sp1 to the SBE without changing the levels of Sp1 in the nucleus. Taken together, our data indicate that atRA increases AQP5 expression through transactivation of Sp1, leading to an increase in plasma membrane water permeability.  相似文献   

Aquaporin (AQP) water channel AQP3 has been proposed to be the major glycerol and non-AQP1 water transporter in erythrocytes. AQP1 and AQP3 are also expressed in the kidney where their deletion in mice produces distinct forms of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Here AQP1/AQP3 double knockout mice were generated and analyzed to investigate the functional role of AQP3 in erythrocytes and kidneys. 53 double knockout mice were born out of 756 pups from breeding double heterozygous mice. The double knockout mice had reduced survival and impaired growth compared with the single knockout mice. Erythrocyte water permeability was 7-fold reduced by AQP1 deletion but not further reduced in AQP1/AQP3 null mice. AQP3 deletion did not affect erythrocyte glycerol permeability or its inhibition by phloretin. Daily urine output in AQP1/AQP3 double knockout mice (15 ml) was 9-fold greater than in wild-type mice, and urine osmolality (194 mosm) was 8.4-fold reduced. The mice remained polyuric after DDAVP administration or water deprivation. The renal medulla in most AQP1/AQP3 null mice by age 4 weeks was atrophic and fluid-filled due to the severe polyuria and hydronephrosis. Our data provide direct evidence that AQP3 is not functionally important in erythrocyte water or glycerol permeability. The renal function studies indicate independent roles of AQP1 and AQP3 in countercurrent exchange and collecting duct osmotic equilibration, respectively.  相似文献   

It has beenproposed that aquaporin-4 (AQP4), a water channel expressed at theplasmalemma of skeletal muscle cells, is important in normal musclephysiology and in the pathophysiology of Duchenne's musculardystrophy. To test this hypothesis, muscle water permeability andfunction were compared in wild-type and AQP4 knockout mice. Immunofluorescence and freeze-fracture electron microscopy showed AQP4protein expression in plasmalemma of fast-twitch skeletal muscle fibersof wild-type mice. Osmotic water permeability was measured inmicrodissected muscle fibers from the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and fractionated membrane vesicles from EDLhomogenates. With the use of spatial-filtering microscopy to measureosmotically induced volume changes in EDL fibers, half times(t1/2) for osmotic equilibration (7.5-8.5 s)were not affected by AQP4 deletion. Stopped-flow light-scatteringmeasurements of osmotically induced volume changes in plasmalemmavesicles also showed no significant differences in water permeability.Similar water permeability, yet ~90% decreased AQP4 proteinexpression was found in EDL from mdx mice that lack dystrophin.Skeletal muscle function was measured by force generation in isolatedEDL, treadmill performance time, and in vivo muscle swelling inresponse to water intoxication. No differences were found in EDL forcegeneration after electrical stimulation [42 ± 2 (wild-type) vs. 41 ± 2 (knockout) g/s], treadmill performance time (22 vs. 26 min; 29 m/min, 13° incline), or muscle swelling (2.8 vs. 2.9% increasedwater content at 90 min after intraperitoneal water infusion). Togetherthese results provide evidence against a significant role of AQP4 inskeletal muscle physiology in mice.


Immunocytochemistry showed expression of aquaporin-1 (AQP1) water channels at sites involved in dietary fat processing, including intrahepatic cholangiocytes, gallbladder, pancreatic microvascular endothelium, and intestinal lacteals. To determine whether AQP1 has a role in dietary fat digestion and/or absorption, mice were placed on a diet that contained 50% fat. Whereas wild-type mice (3-3.5 wk of age, 10-12 g) gained 49 +/- 5% (SE, n = 50) body weight in 8 days, and heterozygous mice gained 46 +/- 4%, AQP1 null mice gained only 4 +/- 3%; weights became similar after return to a 6% fat diet after 6 days. The null mice on a high-fat diet acquired an oily appearance, developed steatorrhea with increased stool triglyceride content, and manifested serum hypotriglyceridemia. Supplementation of the high-fat diet with pancreatic enzymes partially corrected the decreased weight gain in null mice. Absorption of [(14)C]oleic acid from small intestine was not affected by AQP1 deletion, as determined by blood radioactivity after duodenal infusion. Lipase activity in feces and small intestine was remarkably greater in AQP1 null than wild-type mice on low- and high-fat diets. Fluid collections done in older mice (that are less sensitive to a high-fat diet) by ductal cannulation showed threefold increased pancreatic fluid flow in response to secretin/cholecystokinin, but volumes, pH, and amylase activities were affected little by AQP1 deletion, nor were bile flow rates and bile salt concentrations. Together, these results establish a dietary fat misprocessing defect in AQP1 null mice.  相似文献   

Aquaporin-3 (AQP3) is an aquaglyceroporin expressed in erythrocytes and several other tissues. Erythrocytes are, together with kidney and liver, the main targets for copper toxicity. Here we report that both water and glycerol permeability of human AQP3 is inhibited by copper. Inhibition is fast, dose-dependent, and reversible. If copper is dissolved in carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer, the natural buffer system in our body, doses in the range of those observed in Wilson disease and in copper poisoning caused significant inhibition. AQP7, another aquaglyceroporin, was insensitive to copper. Three extracellular amino acid residues, Trp128, Ser152, and His241, were identified as responsible for the effect of copper on AQP3. We have previously shown that Ser152 is involved in regulation of AQP3 by pH. The fact that Ser152 mediates regulation of AQP3 by copper may explain the phenomenon of exquisite sensitivity of human erythrocytes to copper at acidic pH. When AQP3 was co-expressed with another AQP, only glycerol but not water permeability was inhibited by copper. Our results provide a better understanding of processes that occur in severe copper metabolism defects such as Wilson disease and in copper poisoning.  相似文献   

Aquaporin-5 (AQP5) is a water-selective transporting protein expressed in epithelial cells of serous acini in salivary gland. We generated AQP5 null mice by targeted gene disruption. The genotype distribution from intercross of founder AQP5 heterozygous mice was 70:69:29 wild-type:heterozygote:knockout, indicating impaired prenatal survival of the null mice. The knockout mice had grossly normal appearance, but grew approximately 20% slower than litter-matched wild-type mice when placed on solid food after weaning. Pilocarpine-stimulated saliva production was reduced by more than 60% in AQP5 knockout mice. Compared with the saliva from wild-type mice, the saliva from knockout mice was hypertonic (420 mosM) and dramatically more viscous. Amylase and protein secretion, functions of salivary mucous cells, were not affected by AQP5 deletion. Water channels AQP1 and AQP4 have also been localized to salivary gland; however, pilocarpine stimulation studies showed no defect in the volume or composition of saliva in AQP1 and AQP4 knockout mice. These results implicate a key role for AQP5 in saliva fluid secretion and provide direct evidence that high epithelial cell membrane water permeability is required for active, near-isosmolar fluid transport.  相似文献   

An enriched preparation of rat hepatocyte couplets was obtaied by collagense perfusion and subsequent elutriation (> 85 per cent couplets and triplets; viability of over 95 per cent). Canalicular secretory activity (the ability to accumulate cholyl-lysyl-fluorescein, CLF) was first apparent after 2 h of culture at 37°C and was present in over 80 per cent of the total population after 5–6 h. This remained almost constant for at least 4 h in both elutriated and directly plated cells. Initial storage of freshly prepared couplets at 4°C for up to 6 h prior to incubation had no adverse effect upon secretory function. Reduction of canalicular secretory activity occurred at a concentration of the hepatotoxic agent menadione (IC50 17 μM) that was lower than that required to induce mild plasma-membrane blebbing (IC50 43 μM). This study has optimized and characterized the canalicular secretory effectiveness and stability of an enriched preparation of hepatocyte couplets, and established the feasibility of studies of toxic agents on hepatobiliary function in a heterogeneous population of hepatocytes. In this preparation other biochemical parameters can be assessed, thus complementing previous techniques using individual couplets.  相似文献   

Ma L  Huang YG  Deng YC  Tian JY  Rao ZR  Che HL  Zhang HF  Zhao G 《Life sciences》2007,80(26):2461-2468
Decreased sweat secretion is a primary side effect of topiramate in pediatric patients, but the mechanism underlying this effect remains unclear. This study aimed to better understand how topiramate decreases sweat secretion by examining its effect on the expression of carbonic anhydrase (CA) II and aquaporin-5 (AQP5), total CA activity, as well as on tissue morphology of sweat glands in mice. Both developing and mature mice were treated with a low (20 mg/kg/day) and high dose (80 mg/kg/day) of topiramate for 4 weeks. Sweat secretion was investigated by an established technique of examining mold impressions of hind paws. CA II and AQP5 expression levels were determined by immunofluorescence and immunoblotting and CA activity by a colorimetric assay. In mature mice, topiramate treatment decreased the number of pilocarpine reactive sweat glands from baseline in both the low and high dose groups by 83% and 75%, respectively. A similar decrease was seen in developing mice. Mature mice with reactive sweat glands that declined more than 25% compared to baseline were defined as anhidrotic mice. These mice did not differ from controls in average secretory coil diameter, CA II expression and CA activity. In contrast, anhidrotic mice did show a reduction in membrane AQP5 expression in sweat glands after topiramate delivery. Thus, sweat secretion and membrane AQP5 expression in mouse sweat glands decreased following topiramate administration. These results suggest dysregulation of AQP5 may be involved in topiramate-induced hypohidrosis and topiramate may serve as a novel therapy for hyperhidrosis.  相似文献   

We demonstrate for the first time that the expression of tyrosine containing membrane phosphoproteins is elevated in estrogen-induced kidney tumors, which is evident from both the types of experiments, i.e., alkali-resistant phosphorylation of membrane proteins and immunoprecipitation of tyrosine containing phosphoproteins. Tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins or peptides was modulated by the growth factors (EGF, IGF-I) and by the inhibitors of tyrosine protein kinase(s). The kinetic analyses revealed that tumor membranes have high affinity and catalytically more efficient tyrosine phosphorylating kinase enzyme(s) compared to that of normal membranes which have low affinity and catalytically less efficient kinase enzyme(s). It is proposed that overexpression of tyrosine containing membranal phosphoproteins may be involved in the induction and growth of estrogen-induced renal neoplasm.  相似文献   

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