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When males and hermaphrodites coexist: a review of androdioecy in animals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Androdioecy (populations consisting of males and hermaphrodites)is a rare mating system in plants and animals: up to 50 plantsand only 36 animals have been described as being androdioecious,with most of the latter being crustaceans. To date, a thoroughcomparative analysis of androdioecy in animals has not beenundertaken. Herein we present such an analysis. Androdioecyhas only been extensively surveyed in 2 animal taxa: the nematodeCaenorhabditis and the clam shrimp Eulimnadia. The other majortaxon having androdioecious species is the Cirripedia (barnacles),but there are only limited studies on androdioecy in this group.In animals, androdioecy is found either in species that havemorphologically and ecologically distinct sexes (that is, hermaphroditesand small, "complemental" males) that are derived from hermaphroditicancestors (that is, the barnacles) or in species that have similarly-sizedmales and hermaphrodites that have been derived from dioeciousancestors (the remaining androdioecious species). We suggestthat the barnacles have evolved a sexual specialization in theform of these complemental males that can more efficiently usethe constrained habitats that these barnacles often experience.For the remaining species, we suggest that androdioecy has evolvedas a response to reproductive assurance in species that experienceepisodic low densities. Additionally, we hypothesize that thedevelopment of mechanisms allowing reproductive assurance inspecies with a number of sexually differentiated traits is mostlikely to result in androdioecy rather than gynodioecy (mixturesof females and hermaphrodites), and that these species may bedevelopmentally constrained to stay androdioecious rather thanbeing capable of evolving into populations solely consistingof efficient, self-compatible hermaphrodites. We conclude bysuggesting several areas in need of further study to understandmore completely the evolution and distribution of this interestingmating system in animals.  相似文献   

Li F  Yin Y  Tan B  Kong X  Wu G 《Amino acids》2011,41(5):1185-1193
Macronutrients, such as protein or amino acid, not only supply calories but some components may also play as signaling molecules to affect feeding behavior, energy balance, and fuel efficiency. Leucine, a branched-chain amino acid is a good example. After structural roles are satisfied, the ability of leucine to function as signal and oxidative substrate is based on a sufficient intracellular concentration. Therefore, leucine level must be sufficiently high to play the signaling and metabolic roles. Leucine is not only a substrate for protein synthesis of skeletal muscle, but also plays more roles beyond that. Leucine activates signaling factor of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) to promote protein synthesis in skeletal muscle and in adipose tissue. It is also a major regulator of the mTOR sensitive response of food intake to high protein diet. Meanwhile, leucine regulates blood glucose level by promoting gluconeogenesis and aids in the retention of lean mass in a hypocaloric state. It is beneficial to animal nutrition and clinical application and extrapolation to humans.  相似文献   

Why and how antibiotics are used in swine production   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In summary, published research data clearly show that the use of antibiotics during all phases of growth benefits the rate and efficiency of body weight gain, reduces mortality and morbidity, reduces subclinical disease, and improves health in pigs. Also, antibiotics at breeding and during lactation benefits reproductive and lactational performance in sows. The economic benefits are several-fold greater than the cost of the antibiotic when a cost-effective antibiotic is used for this purpose. Monitoring and surveillance of microbial resistance in animals and humans has continued, with no animal-to-human infection path being clearly delineated. Although the incidence of antibiotic resistance in the human population remains high, there is no clear evidence that the levels or patterns have changed. The high levels of antimicrobial resistance in humans likely result from antibiotics prescribed directly to humans, because well over half of the antibiotics produced in the United States is used in human medicine. Whether antibiotic usage in swine, poultry, and other food-producing animals contributes to antibiotic resistance in the human population will continue to be debated. Even though antibiotics have been fed for nearly 50 years to literally billions of animals, there is still no convincing evidence of unfavorable health effects in humans that can be directly linked to the feeding of subtherapeutic levels of antibiotics to swine or other animals. Hopefully, policy decisions in the future regarding the use of antimicrobials in animals will be based on science and sound risk assessment, and not on emotionalism.  相似文献   

Around 60% of pheasants released for shooting in the UK, an estimated 21 million birds, do not end up at their intended fate: being shot. This constitutes wastage, raising economic, environmental and ethical questions. We review what is known of the fates of released pheasants and consider why they do not directly contribute to the numbers harvested. We focus on four main explanations: predation, disease, starvation and dispersal, and highlight other important causes of mortality. For each explanation, we attempt to attribute levels of loss and identify timings or conditions when such losses may be heaviest. We review factors that exacerbate losses and methods available to mitigate them. Opportunities for amelioration may arise at all stages of the rearing and release of pheasants and involve changes to the conditions under which eggs are produced, the way young pheasants are reared or the management of the environment into which they are released. We found few studies investigating impacts of post-release management techniques on pheasant survival outside of the breeding season within a UK context. We found that a number of less commonly deployed practices focusing on early-life, pre-release management may improve survival. Given the scale of pheasant releasing in the UK, even improvements in survival of 1% would mean that ~?350,000 fewer birds die of natural causes. Complementing current post-release management with proven novel pre-release management interventions could reduce the number of pheasants required for release, whilst maintaining current shooting levels. Lowering release numbers would lower financial costs, benefit the environment and reduce some ethical concerns over the release and shooting of reared pheasants.  相似文献   

Organelles such as endosomes and the Golgi apparatus play a critical role in regulating signal transmission to the nucleus. Recent experiments have shown that appropriate positioning of these organelles within the intracellular space is critical for effective signal regulation. To understand the mechanism behind this observation, we consider a reaction-diffusion model of an intracellular signaling cascade and investigate the effect on the signaling of intracellular regulation in the form of a small release of phosphorylated signaling protein, kinase, and/or phosphatase. Variational analysis is applied to characterize the most effective regions for the localization of this intracellular regulation. The results demonstrate that signals reaching the nucleus are most effectively regulated by localizing the release of phosphorylated substrate protein and kinase near the nucleus. Phosphatase release, on the other hand, is nearly equally effective throughout the intracellular space. The effectiveness of the intracellular regulation is affected strongly by the characteristics of signal propagation through the cascade. For signals that are amplified as they propagate through the cascade, reactions in the upstream levels of the cascade exhibit much larger sensitivities to regulation by release of phosphorylated substrate protein and kinase than downstream reactions. On the other hand, for signals that decay through the cascade, downstream reactions exhibit larger sensitivity than upstream reactions. For regulation by phosphatase release, all reactions within the cascade show large sensitivity for amplified signals but lose this sensitivity for decaying signals. We use the analysis to develop a simple model of endosome-mediated regulation of cell signaling. The results demonstrate that signal regulation by the modeled endosome is most effective when the endosome is positioned in the vicinity of the nucleus. The present findings may explain at least in part why endosomes in many cell types localize near the nucleus.  相似文献   

The developing paradigms about YKL-40, a member of the “mammalian chitinase-like proteins”, from across the globe, project it as a vital parameter for the detection of disease onset and progression. It is expressed and secreted by cancer cells of different origins along with a variety of non-malignant cells including inflammatory and structural cells. Numerous studies demonstrate that YKL-40 over-expression is associated with increased patient mortality though the cellular receptors responsible for mediating these effects have not yet been identified. The putative YKL-40 ligands are thought to be carbohydrate structures, since it is capable of binding chitin, chito-oligosaccharides and heparin. Binding of collagen to YKL-40, identified it as the only non-carbohydrate extracellular matrix (ECM) ligand for YKL-40. Our broad understanding of YKL-40 as a versatile biomarker and its involvement in activating several signaling pathways make us anticipate that its specific receptors/binding partners may exist on the cell surface also. The cell surface heparan sulfate (HS) moieties seem to be the potential candidates for this role, suggesting that it could interact with HS-proteoglycans. It is recommended to clearly delineate YKL-40-mediated signaling mechanisms before promoting the YKL-40 know-how for translational research, in both diagnostic and therapeutic applications. The present review provides an overview of YKL-40 as a versatile biomarker, discussing the related pathological mechanisms and aims to reassess and unify the already proposed diverse hypotheses in YKL-40-regulated signaling mechanisms.  相似文献   

We investigated the roles of feedback and attention in training a vernier discrimination task as an example of perceptual learning. Human learning even of simple stimuli, such as verniers, relies on more complex mechanisms than previously expected – ruling out simple neural network models. These findings are not just an empirical oddity but are evidence that present models fail to reflect some important characteristics of the learning process. We will list some of the problems of neural networks and develop a new model that solves them by incorporating top-down mechanisms. Contrary to neural networks, in our model learning is not driven by the set of stimuli only. Internal estimations of performance and knowledge about the task are also incorporated. Our model implies that under certain conditions the detectability of only some of the stimuli is enhanced while the overall improvement of performance is attributed to a change of decision criteria. An experiment confirms this prediction. Received: 23 May 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 16 October 1997  相似文献   

Despite the success in using genome-wide association studies to identify many loci associated with human disease, there are several gaps in understanding of how common genetic diseases are manifested. Epigenetic studies, which focus on DNA and chromatin modifications, have the potential to complement genetic approaches and provide more insight into mechanism, environmental effects and modes of inheritance, including the potential for non-DNA-based heritability. However, there are considerable challenges in designing and interpreting epigenetic studies associated with disease. Here, I review recent studies focused on individual variation in chromatin, and outline how epigenome-based studies can be used to complement genetic studies. In particular, I see more benefit to epigenetic studies being performed in the context of genetic studies, rather than as separate investigations.  相似文献   

Cooption and modularity are informative concepts in evolutionary developmental biology. Genes function within complex networks that act as modules in development. These modules can then be coopted in various functional and evolutionary contexts. Hormonal signaling, the main focus of this review, has a modular character. By regulating the activities of genes, proteins and other cellular molecules, a hormonal signal can have major effects on physiological and ontogenetic processes within and across tissues over a wide spatial and temporal scale. Because of this property, we argue that hormones are frequently involved in the coordination of life history transitions (LHTs) and their evolution (LHE). Finally, we promote the usefulness of a comparative, non-model system approach towards understanding how hormones function and guide development and evolution, highlighting thyroid hormone function in echinoids as an example.  相似文献   

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