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Abstract Most biogeographical studies propose that southern temperate faunal disjunctions are either the result of vicariance of taxa originated in Gondwana or the result of transoceanic dispersal of taxa originated after the breakup of Gondwana. The aim of this paper is to show that this is a false dichotomy. Antarctica retained a mild climate until mid‐Cenozoic and had lasting connections, notably with southern South America and Australia. Both taxa originally Gondwanan and taxa secondarily on Gondwanan areas were subjected to tectonic‐induced vicariance, and there is no need to invoke ad hoc transoceanic dispersal, even for post‐Gondwanan taxa. These different elements with circumantarctic distributions are here called ‘allochronic taxa’– taxa presently occupying the same area, but whose presence in that area does not belong to the same time period. This model allows accommodation of conflicting sources of evidence now available for many groups with circumantarctic distributions. The fact that the species from both layers are mixed up in the current biodiversity implies the need to use additional sources of evidence – such as biogeographical, palaeontological, geological and molecular – to discriminate which are the original Gondwanan and which are post‐Gondwanan elements in austral landmasses.  相似文献   

Late Mesozoic palaeobiogeography has been characterized by a distinction between the northern territories of Laurasia and the southern landmasses of Gondwana. The repeated discovery of Gondwanan lineages in Laurasia has led to the proposal of alternative scenarios to explain these anomalous occurrences. A new biogeographical model for late Mesozoic terrestrial ecosystems is here proposed in which Europe and "Gondwanan" territories possessed a common Eurogondwanan fauna during the earliest Cretaceous. Subsequently, following the Hauterivian, the European territories severed from Africa and then connected to Asiamerica resulting in a faunal interchange. This model explains the presence of Gondwanan taxa in Laurasia and the absence of Laurasian forms in the southern territories during the Cretaceous. In order to test this new palaeobiogeographical model, tree reconciliation analyses (TRAs) were performed based on biogeographical signals provided by a supertree of late Mesozoic archosaurs. The TRAs found significant evidence for the presence of an earliest Cretaceous Eurogondwanan fauna followed by a relatively short-term Gondwana-Laurasia dichotomy. The analysis recovered evidence for a biogeographical reconnection of the European territories with Africa and South America-Antarctica during the Campanian to Maastrichtian time-slice. This biogeographical scenario appears to continue through the early Tertiary and sheds light on the trans-Atlantic disjunct distributions of several extant plant and animal groups.  相似文献   

Nothofagus (southern beech), with an 80-million-year-old fossil record, has become iconic as a plant genus whose ancient Gondwanan relationships reach back into the Cretaceous era. Closely associated with Wegener's theory of “Kontinentaldrift”, Nothofagus has been regarded as the “key genus in plant biogeography”. This paradigm has the New Zealand species as passengers on a Moa's Ark that rafted away from other landmasses following the breakup of Gondwana. An alternative explanation for the current transoceanic distribution of species seems almost inconceivable given that Nothofagus seeds are generally thought to be poorly suited for dispersal across large distances or oceans. Here we test the Moa's Ark hypothesis using relaxed molecular clock methods in the analysis of a 7.2-kb fragment of the chloroplast genome. Our analyses provide the first unequivocal molecular clock evidence that, whilst some Nothofagus transoceanic distributions are consistent with vicariance, trans-Tasman Sea distributions can only be explained by long-distance dispersal. Thus, our analyses support the interpretation of an absence of Lophozonia and Fuscospora pollen types in the New Zealand Cretaceous fossil record as evidence for Tertiary dispersals of Nothofagus to New Zealand. Our findings contradict those from recent cladistic analyses of biogeographic data that have concluded transoceanic Nothofagus distributions can only be explained by vicariance events and subsequent extinction. They indicate that the biogeographic history of Nothofagus is more complex than envisaged under opposing polarised views expressed in the ongoing controversy over the relevance of dispersal and vicariance for explaining plant biodiversity. They provide motivation and justification for developing more complex hypotheses that seek to explain the origins of Southern Hemisphere biota.  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this study was to determine the contributions of Gondwanan vicariance and marine dispersal to the contemporary distribution of galaxiid fishes. This group has been central in arguments concerning the roles of dispersal and vicariance in the Southern Hemisphere, as some taxa have marine life history stages through which transoceanic dispersal may have been facilitated, yet other galaxiids are entirely restricted to freshwaters. Location Southern Hemisphere land masses of Gondwanan derivation. Methods Biogeographic hypotheses of Gondwanan vicariance and marine dispersal were tested using four lines of evidence: (1) concordance of species–area phylogenetic relationships, (2) molecular estimates of lineage divergence times with a priori expectations based on plate tectonics, (3) reconstructions of ancestral dispersal capabilities, and (4) reconstructions of distribution inheritance scenarios (using the dispersal–extinction–cladogenesis model to infer historical ranges and dispersal and extinction events). Results Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed from 4531 mitochondrial and nuclear nucleotide characters, and 181 morphological characters, across 53 of the 56 presently recognized species. Phylogenetic relationships were generally well resolved and supported among galaxiids using the combined dataset, and conflicting relationships between molecular and morphological datasets typically received low topological support from either or both datasets. Transoceanic disjunctions were exhibited at 16 nodes, but only three pre‐dated relevant continental fragmentation events; furthermore, ancestral distribution inheritance scenarios for two of these nodes reflected cladogenesis within, rather than between, Gondwanan land masses, and ancestral marine dispersal capability could not be rejected for all three. Instead, the four lines of evidence surveyed suggest that Gondwanan vicariance occurred twice, but in both instances was preceded by marine dispersal between land masses, and in at least one instance was initiated by the cessation of marine dispersal subsequent to continental fragmentation. Main conclusions Gondwanan vicariance appears to have been preceded by marine dispersal in the few instances where it may explain contemporary galaxiid distribution, such that these biogeographic mechanisms may sometimes have a synergistic relationship.  相似文献   

Nothofagus (southern beech), with an 80-million-year-old fossil record, has become iconic as a plant genus whose ancient Gondwanan relationships reach back into the Cretaceous era. Closely associated with Wegener's theory of “Kontinentaldrift”, Nothofagus has been regarded as the “key genus in plant biogeography”. This paradigm has the New Zealand species as passengers on a Moa's Ark that rafted away from other landmasses following the breakup of Gondwana. An alternative explanation for the current transoceanic distribution of species seems almost inconceivable given that Nothofagus seeds are generally thought to be poorly suited for dispersal across large distances or oceans. Here we test the Moa's Ark hypothesis using relaxed molecular clock methods in the analysis of a 7.2-kb fragment of the chloroplast genome. Our analyses provide the first unequivocal molecular clock evidence that, whilst some Nothofagus transoceanic distributions are consistent with vicariance, trans-Tasman Sea distributions can only be explained by long-distance dispersal. Thus, our analyses support the interpretation of an absence of Lophozonia and Fuscospora pollen types in the New Zealand Cretaceous fossil record as evidence for Tertiary dispersals of Nothofagus to New Zealand. Our findings contradict those from recent cladistic analyses of biogeographic data that have concluded transoceanic Nothofagus distributions can only be explained by vicariance events and subsequent extinction. They indicate that the biogeographic history of Nothofagus is more complex than envisaged under opposing polarised views expressed in the ongoing controversy over the relevance of dispersal and vicariance for explaining plant biodiversity. They provide motivation and justification for developing more complex hypotheses that seek to explain the origins of Southern Hemisphere biota.  相似文献   

Oceans, or other wide expanses of inhospitable environment, interrupt present day distributions of many plant groups. Using molecular dating techniques, generally incorporating fossil evidence, we can estimate when such distributions originated. Numerous dating analyses have recently precipitated a paradigm shift in the general explanations for the phenomenon, away from older geological causes, such as continental drift, in favour of more recent, long-distance dispersal (LDD). For example, the ‘Gondwanan vicariance’ scenario has been dismissed in various studies of Indian Ocean disjunct distributions. We used the gentian tribe Exaceae to reassess this scenario using molecular dating with minimum (fossil), maximum (geological), secondary (from wider analyses) and hypothesis-driven age constraints. Our results indicate that ancient vicariance cannot be ruled out as an explanation for the early origins of Exaceae across Africa, Madagascar and the Indian subcontinent unless a strong assumption is made about the maximum age of Gentianales. However, both the Gondwanan scenario and the available evidence suggest that there were also several, more recent, intercontinental dispersals during the diversification of the group.  相似文献   

Figs and fig-pollinating wasps are obligate mutualists that have coevolved for over 60 million years. But when and where did pollinating fig wasps (Agaonidae) originate? Some studies suggest that agaonids arose in the Late Cretaceous and the current distribution of fig-wasp faunas can be explained by the break-up of the Gondwanan landmass. However, recent molecular-dating studies suggest divergence time estimates that are inconsistent with the Gondwanan vicariance hypothesis and imply that long distance oceanic dispersal could have been an important process for explaining the current distribution of both figs and fig wasps. Here, we use a combination of phylogenetic and biogeographical data to infer the age, the major period of diversification, and the geographic origin of pollinating fig wasps. Age estimates ranged widely depending on the molecular-dating method used and even when using the same method but with slightly different constraints, making it difficult to assess with certainty a Gondwanan origin of agaonids. The reconstruction of ancestral areas suggests that the most recent common ancestor of all extant fig-pollinating wasps was most likely Asian, although a southern Gondwana origin cannot be rejected. Our analysis also suggests that dispersal has played a more important role in the development of the fig-wasp biota than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Aim In order to resolve disputed biogeographical histories of biota with Gondwanan continental distributions, and to assess the null hypothesis of vicariance, it is imperative that a robust geological time‐frame be established. As an example, the sudden and coincident appearance of hystricognath rodents (Rodentia: Hystricognathi) on both the African and South American continents has been an irreconcilable controversy for evolutionary biologists, presenting enigmas for both Gondwanan vicariance and Late Eocene dispersal hypotheses. In an attempt to resolve this discordance, we aim to provide a more robust phylogenetic hypothesis and improve divergence‐date estimates, which are essential to assessing the null hypothesis of vicariance biogeography. Location The primary centres of distribution are in Africa and South America. Methods We implemented parsimony, maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian methods to generate a phylogeny of 37 hystricognath taxa, the most comprehensive taxonomic sampling of this group to date, on the basis of two nuclear gene regions. To increase phylogenetic resolution at the basal nodes, these data were combined with previously published data for six additional nuclear gene regions. Divergence dates were estimated using two relaxed‐molecular‐clock methods, Bayesian multidivtime and nonparametric rate smoothing. Results Our data do not support reciprocal monophyly of African and South American lineages. Indeed, Old World porcupines (i.e. Hystricomorpha) appear to be more closely related to New World lineages (i.e. Caviomorpha) than to other Old World families (i.e. Bathyergidae, Petromuridae and Thryonomyidae). The divergence between the monophyletic assemblage of South American lineages and its Old World ancestor was estimated to have occurred c. 50 Ma. Main conclusions Our phylogenetic hypothesis and divergence‐date estimates are strongly at odds with Gondwanan‐vicariance isolating mechanisms. In contrast, our data suggest that transoceanic dispersal has played a significant role in governing the contemporary distribution of hystricognath rodents. Molecular‐clock analyses imply a trans‐Tethys dispersal event, broadly confined to the Late Cretaceous, and trans‐Atlantic dispersal within the Early Eocene. Our analyses also imply that the use of the oldest known South American rodent fossil as a calibration point has biased molecular‐clock inferences.  相似文献   

Explanations of the distributions of terrestrial vertebrates during the Mesozoic are currently vigorously contested and debated in palaeobiogeography. Recent studies focusing on dinosaurs yield conflicting hypotheses. Dispersal, coupled with regional extinction or vicariance driven by continental break-up, have been cited as the main causal factors behind dinosaur distributions in the Mesozoic. To expand the scope of the debate and test for vicariance within another terrestrial group, I herein apply a cladistic biogeographical method to a large sample of Cretaceous crocodyliform taxa. A time-slicing methodology is employed and a refinement made to account for the divergence times of the analysed clades. The results provide statistically significant evidence that Gondwana fragmentation affected crocodyliform diversification during the Mid-Late Cretaceous. Detection of a vicariant pattern within crocodyliforms is important as it helps corroborate vicariance hypotheses in other fossil and extant groups as well as furthers the move towards more taxonomically diverse approaches to palaeobiogeographical research.  相似文献   

Intercontinental distributions in the southern hemisphere can either be the result of Gondwanan vicariance or more recent transoceanic dispersal. Transoceanic dispersal has come into vogue for explaining many intercontinental distributions; however, it has been used mainly for organisms that can float or raft between the continents. Despite their name, the Sea Catfishes (Ariidae) have limited dispersal ability, and there are no examples of nearshore ariid genera with a transoceanic distribution except for Galeichthys where three species occur in southern Africa and one in the Peruvian coast. A previous study suggested that the group originated in Gondwana, and that the species arrived at their current range after the breakup of the supercontinent in the Early Cretaceous. To test this hypothesis, we infer molecular phylogenies (mitochondrial cytochrome b , ATP synthase 8/6, 12S, and 16S; nuclear rag2 ; total ∼4 kb) and estimate intercontinental divergence via molecular clocks (penalized-likelihood, Bayesian relaxed clock, and universal clock rates in fishes). Age ranges for cladogenesis of African and South American lineages are 15.4–2.5 my, far more recent than would be suggested by Gondwanan vicariance; thus, the distribution of galeichthyines must be explained by dispersal or more recent vicariant events. The nested position of the Peruvian species ( Galeichthys peruvianus ) within the African taxa is robust, suggesting that the direction of the dispersal was from Africa to South America. The progenitor of the Peruvian species likely arrived at its current distribution with the aid of ocean currents, and several scenarios are discussed.  相似文献   

Historical biological interactions among peripheral landmasses on the periphery of the Indian Ocean Basin (IOB) are generally poorly understood. While interactions based on early Gondwanan vicariance have been used to explain present day lineage distributions, several recent studies have instead inferred dispersal across the IOB. This inference is often advanced because lineages under study have species inhabiting IOB islands. Here we examine the roles of continental vicariance vs. trans-IOB dispersal in the distribution of an avian genus found around the perimeter of the IOB. A molecular phylogeny does reveal evidence of a relationship that would require the inference of trans-IOB dispersal between eastern Africa and Sri Lanka. However, molecular clock data, ancestral area analyses and paleoclimatic reconstructions suggest that vicariance related to tropical forest expansion and retraction is more likely to have facilitated African-Asian interchange, with an initial colonization of Africa from Asia quickly followed by a recolonization of Asia. Subsequent dispersal from Asia to Sri Lanka and islands east of the Sunda Shelf are inferred; these latter islands were colonized in a stepping-stone fashion that culminated in colonization of the Sunda Shelf, and a recolonization of mainland Asia. We propose that circum-IOB distributions, which post-date early Gondwanan breakup, are most likely the result of continent-based vicariant events, particularly those events related to large-scale habitat alterations, and not trans-IOB dispersals.  相似文献   

Aim The sequential break‐up of Gondwana is thought to be a dominant process in the establishment of shared biota across landmasses of the Southern Hemisphere. Yet similar distributions are shared by taxa whose radiations clearly post‐date the Gondwanan break‐up. Thus, determining the contribution of vicariance versus dispersal to seemingly Gondwanan biota is complex. The southern freshwater crayfishes (family Parastacidae) are distributed on Australia and New Guinea, South America, Madagascar and New Zealand and are unlikely to have dispersed via oceans, owing to strict freshwater limitations. We test the hypotheses that the break‐up of Gondwana has led to (1) a predominately east–west (((Australia, New Zealand: 80 Ma) Madagascar: 160–121 Ma) South America: 165–140 Ma), or (2) a southern (((Australia, South America: 52–35 Ma) New Zealand: 80 Ma) Madagascar: 160–121 Ma) pattern for parastacid crayfish. Further, we examine the evidence for a complete drowning of New Zealand and subsequent colonization by freshwater crayfish. Location Southern Hemisphere. Methods The evolutionary relationships among the 15 genera of Parastacidae were reconstructed using mitochondrial [16S, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)] and nuclear (18S, 28S) sequence data and maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods of phylogenetic reconstruction. A Bayesian (multidivtime ) molecular dating method using six fossil calibrations and phylogenetic inference was used to estimate divergence time among crayfish clades on Gondwanan landmasses. Results The South American crayfish are monophyletic and a sister group to all other southern crayfish. Australian crayfish are not monophyletic, with two Tasmanian genera, Spinastacoides and Ombrastacoides, forming a clade with New Zealand and Malagasy crayfish (both monophyletic). Divergence of crayfish among southern landmasses is estimated to have occurred around the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (109–178 Ma). Main conclusions The estimated phylogenetic relationships and time of divergence among the Southern Hemisphere crayfishes were consistent with an east–west pattern of Gondwanan divergence. The divergence between Australia and New Zealand (109–160 Ma) pre‐dated the rifting at around 80 Ma, suggesting that these lineages were established prior to the break‐up. Owing to the age of the New Zealand crayfish, we reject the hypothesis that there was a complete drowning of New Zealand crayfish habitat.  相似文献   

Although Africa was south of the Tethys Sea and originally belonged to the Gondwana, its paleobiogeographical history appears to have been distinct from those of both Gondwana and Laurasia as early as the earliest Cretaceous, perhaps the Late Jurassic. This history has been more complex than the classical one reconstructed in the context of a dual world (Gondwana vs. Laurasia). Geological and paleobiogeographical data show that Africa was isolated from the Mid-Cretaceous (Albian-Aptian) to Early Miocene, i.e., for ca. 75 million years. The isolation of Africa was broken intermittently by discontinuous filter routes that linked it to some other Gondwanan continents (Madagascar, South America, and perhaps India), but mainly to Laurasia. Interchanges with Gondwana were rare and mainly “out-of-Africa” dispersals, whereas interchanges with Laurasia were numerous and bidirectional, although mainly from Laurasia to Africa. Despite these intermittent connections, isolation resulted in remarkable absences, poor diversity, and emergence of endemic taxa in Africa. Mammals suggest that an African faunal province might have appeared by Late Jurassic or earliest Cretaceous times, i.e., before the opening of the South Atlantic. During isolation, Africa was inhabited by vicariant West Gondwanan taxa (i.e., taxa inherited from the former South American-African block) that represent the African autochthonous forms, and by immigrants that entered Africa owing to filter routes. Nearly all, or all immigrants were of Laurasian origin. Trans-Tethyan dispersals between Africa and Laurasia were relatively frequent during the Cretaceous and Paleogene and are documented as early as the earliest Cretaceous or perhaps Late Jurassic, i.e., perhaps by the time of completion of the Tethys between Gondwana and Laurasia. They were permitted by the Mediterranean Tethyan Sill, a discontinuous route that connected Africa to Laurasia and was controlled by sea-level changes. Interchanges first took place between southwestern Europe and Africa, but by the Middle Eocene a second, eastern route — the Iranian route — involved southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia. The Iranian route was apparently the filtering precursor of the definitive connection between Africa and Eurasia. The relationships and successive immigrations of mammal (mostly placental) clades in Africa allow the recognition of five to seven phases of trans-Tethyan dispersals between Africa and Laurasia that range from the Late Cretaceous to the Eocene-Oligocene transition. These Dispersal Phases involve dispersals toward Laurasia and/or toward Africa (immigrations). The immigrations in Africa gave rise to faunal assemblages, the African Faunal Strata (AFSs). All successful and typical African radiations have arisen from these AFSs. We recognize four to six AFSs, each characterized by a faunal association. Even major, old African clades such as Paenungulata or the still controversial Afrotheria, which belong to the oldest known AFS involving placentals, ultimately originated from a Laurasian stem group. Africa was an important center of origin of various placental clades. Their success in Africa is probably related to peculiar African conditions (endemicity, weak competition). Although strongly marked by endemicity, the African placental fauna did not suffer extinctions of major clades when Africa contacted Eurasia. The present geographic configuration began to take shape as early as the Mid-Cretaceous. At that time, the last connections between Africa and other Gondwanan continents began to disappear, whereas Africa was already connected to Eurasia by a comparatively effective route of interchange.  相似文献   

Since the early 1970s, boine snakes (Boidae: Boinae) have served as a prime example of a group whose current distribution was shaped by vicariant events associated with the fragmentation of the supercontinent Gondwana. Early phylogenetic treatments of this group, and what were thought to be closely related groups (Erycinae and Pythoninae) based on morphological features, produced a relatively stable view of relationships that has strongly influenced subsequent molecular-based work. We examined 4307 base pairs (bp) of nucleotide sequence data obtained from five nuclear loci (c-mos, NT3, BDNF, RAG1, and ODC) and one mitochondrial locus (cyt b) for all genera of erycines and boines, plus representatives of other groups, including those previously thought to be closely allied with boines (Ungaliophiidae, Loxocemidae, Xenopeltidae, and Pythoninae). Our results suggest that the Boidae is not monophyletic, and its current division into three subfamilies (Erycinae, Boinae, and Pythoninae) does not accurately reflect evolutionary history. We find that the evolutionary relationships are better reflected by current geographic distributions and tectonic history than by the morphological characters that have long served as the foundation of boid phylogeny. Divergence time estimates suggest that this strong congruence between geography and phylogeny is the result of several vicariant and dispersal events in the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene associated with the fragmentation of the Gondwanan supercontinent. Our results demonstrate the importance of both vicariance and dispersal in shaping the global distributions of terrestrial organisms.  相似文献   

Orthoglymma Liebherr, Marris, Emberson, Syrett & Roig‐Juñent gen.n. (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Broscini) is described to accommodate the single type species Orthoglymma wangapeka Liebherr, Marris, Emberson, Syrett & Roig‐Juñent sp.n., known from the Wangapeka Track, Kahurangi National Park, north‐western South Island, New Zealand. Orthoglymma wangapeka sp.n. is analysed cladistically along with a comprehensive array of 42 other broscine generic terminals and four out‐group taxa, using information obtained from 73 morphological characters, and placed as adelphotaxon to the remainder of subtribe Nothobroscina, a clade distributed in New Zealand, southern South America and Australia. Based on fossil evidence for Carabidae, the occurrence of Orthoglymma wangapeka sp.n. on the Buller Terrane, a geological feature once situated on the eastern margin of Gondwana, and early cladistic divergence of Orthoglymma from the remaining Nothobroscina, Orthoglymma wangapeka sp.n. is interpreted as a Gondwanan relict. The New Zealand arthropod fauna is reviewed to identify other taxa in existence at the time of Cretaceous vicariance of New Zealand and Australia. These candidate Gondwanan taxa, all of which are specified using fossil data or molecular divergence‐based estimates, are analysed biogeographically. Where phylogenetic hypotheses are available, primordial distributions are optimized using event‐based, dispersal‐vicariance (DIVA) analysis. The hypothesized Gondwanan‐aged taxa demonstrate inordinate fidelity to the Gondwanan‐aged geological terranes that constitute the western portions of New Zealand, especially in the South Island. Persistence of these relicts through a hypothesized ‘Oligocene drowning’ event is the most parsimonious explanation for the concentration of Gondwanan relicts in the Nelson, Buller and Fiordland districts of the South Island. Geographic patterns of Gondwanan‐aged taxa are compared with distributions of taxa hypothesized to have colonized New Zealand across the Tasman Sea from Australia and New Caledonia, subsequent to Cretaceous vicariance. These post‐Gondwanan taxa exhibit very different patterns of distribution and diversification in New Zealand, including: (i) abundant endemism in Northland, and the islands and peninsulas of the North Island; (ii) species geographically restricted to areas underlain by the youngest Rakaia and Pahau geological terranes; and (iii) species exhibiting exceedingly widespread geographic distributions spanning geological terranes of disparate ages.



The global movement and speciation of fungal plant pathogens is important, especially because of the economic losses they cause and the ease with which they are able to spread across large areas. Understanding the biogeography and origin of these plant pathogens can provide insights regarding their dispersal and current day distribution. We tested the hypothesis of a Gondwanan origin of the plant pathogenic mushroom genus Armillaria and the currently accepted premise that vicariance accounts for the extant distribution of the species.


The phylogeny of a selection of Armillaria species was reconstructed based on Maximum Parsimony (MP), Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI). A timeline was then placed on the divergence of lineages using a Bayesian relaxed molecular clock approach.


Phylogenetic analyses of sequenced data for three combined nuclear regions provided strong support for three major geographically defined clades: Holarctic, South American-Australasian and African. Molecular dating placed the initial radiation of the genus at 54 million years ago within the Early Paleogene, postdating the tectonic break-up of Gondwana.


The distribution of extant Armillaria species is the result of ancient long-distance dispersal rather than vicariance due to continental drift. As these finding are contrary to most prior vicariance hypotheses for fungi, our results highlight the important role of long-distance dispersal in the radiation of fungal pathogens from the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Cichlid fishes are a key model system in the study of adaptive radiation, speciation and evolutionary developmental biology. More than 1600 cichlid species inhabit freshwater and marginal marine environments across several southern landmasses. This distributional pattern, combined with parallels between cichlid phylogeny and sequences of Mesozoic continental rifting, has led to the widely accepted hypothesis that cichlids are an ancient group whose major biogeographic patterns arose from Gondwanan vicariance. Although the Early Cretaceous (ca 135 Ma) divergence of living cichlids demanded by the vicariance model now represents a key calibration for teleost molecular clocks, this putative split pre-dates the oldest cichlid fossils by nearly 90 Myr. Here, we provide independent palaeontological and relaxed-molecular-clock estimates for the time of cichlid origin that collectively reject the antiquity of the group required by the Gondwanan vicariance scenario. The distribution of cichlid fossil horizons, the age of stratigraphically consistent outgroup lineages to cichlids and relaxed-clock analysis of a DNA sequence dataset consisting of 10 nuclear genes all deliver overlapping estimates for crown cichlid origin centred on the Palaeocene (ca 65–57 Ma), substantially post-dating the tectonic fragmentation of Gondwana. Our results provide a revised macroevolutionary time scale for cichlids, imply a role for dispersal in generating the observed geographical distribution of this important model clade and add to a growing debate that questions the dominance of the vicariance paradigm of historical biogeography.  相似文献   

Aim To test the hypothesis that continental drift drives diversification of organisms through vicariance, we selected a group of primitive arachnids which originated before the break‐up of Pangaea and currently inhabits all major landmasses with the exception of Antarctica, but lacks the ability to disperse across oceanic barriers. Location Major continental temperate to tropical landmasses (North America, South America, Eurasia, Africa, Australia) and continental islands (Bioko, Borneo, Japan, Java, New Caledonia, New Guinea, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatra). Methods Five kb of sequence data from five gene regions for more than 100 cyphophthalmid exemplars were analysed phylogenetically using different methods, including direct optimization under parsimony and maximum likelihood under a broad set of analytical parameters. We also used geological calibration points to estimate gross phylogenetic time divergences. Results Our analyses show that all families except the Laurasian Sironidae are monophyletic and adhere to clear biogeographical patterns. Pettalidae is restricted to temperate Gondwana, Neogoveidae to tropical Gondwana, Stylocellidae to Southeast Asia, and Troglosironidae to New Caledonia. Relationships between the families inhabiting these landmasses indicate that New Caledonia is related to tropical Gondwana instead of to the Australian portion of temperate Gondwana. The results also concur with a Gondwanan origin of Florida, as supported by modern geological data. Main conclusions By studying a group of organisms with not only an ancient origin, low vagility and restricted habitats, but also a present global distribution, we have been able to test biogeographical hypotheses at a scale rarely attempted. Our results strongly support the presence of a circum‐Antarctic clade of formerly temperate Gondwanan species, a clade restricted to tropical Gondwana and a Southeast Asian clade that originated from a series of early Gondwanan terranes that rifted off northwards from the Devonian to the Triassic and accreted to tropical Laurasia. The relationships among the Laurasian species remain more obscure.  相似文献   

The fossil record of Australian dinosaurs in general, and theropods in particular, is extremely sparse. Here we describe an ulna from the Early Cretaceous Eumeralla Formation of Australia that shares unique autapomorphies with the South American theropod Megaraptor. We also present evidence for the spinosauroid affinities of Megaraptor. This ulna represents the first Australian non-avian theropod with unquestionable affinities to taxa from other Gondwanan landmasses, suggesting faunal interchange between eastern and western Gondwana during the Mid-Cretaceous. This evidence counters claims of Laurasian affinities for Early Cretaceous Australian dinosaur faunas, and for the existence of a geographical or climatic barrier isolating Australia from the other Gondwanan continents during this time. The temporal and geographical distribution of Megaraptor and the Eumeralla ulna is also inconsistent with traditional palaeogeographic models for the fragmentation of Gondwana, but compatible with several alternative models positing connections between South America and Antarctica in the Mid-Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Fierce debate surrounds the history of organisms in the southern hemisphere; did Gondwanan break-up produce ocean barriers that imposed distribution patterns on phylogenies (vicariance)? Or have organisms modified their distributions through trans-oceanic dispersal? Recent advances in biogeographical theory suggest that the current focus on vicariance versus dispersal is too narrow because it ignores 'geodispersal' (i.e. expansion of species into areas when geographical barriers disappear), extinction and sampling errors. Geodispersal produces multiple, conflicting vicariance patterns, and extinction and sampling errors destroy vicariance patterns. This perspective suggests that it is more difficult to detect vicariance than trans-oceanic dispersal and that specialized methods must be applied if an unbiased understanding of southern hemisphere biogeography is to be achieved.  相似文献   

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