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Gribben PE  Wright JT 《Oecologia》2006,149(2):352-361
Although invasive species are a major threat to survivorship of native species, we know little about their sublethal effects. In soft-sediment marine systems, mat-forming invasive species often have positive effects, facilitating recruitment and enhancing the diversity and abundance of native invertebrates. However, because mat-forming invasive species change the habitat in which they invade, and benthic invertebrates are sensitive to environmental disturbance, important sublethal effects on native species may exist. Using a model marine system we show that the widespread mat-forming invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh has strong negative effects on the reproductive traits of a native bivalve Anadara trapezia (Deshayes, 1840) (e.g. timing of reproductive development and spawning, and follicle and gamete production) even though the invader has positive effects on recruitment. Moreover, gender specific responses occurred and indicated that females were more susceptible to invasion than males. Our results indicate that sublethal effects of an invasive species on reproductive traits will have severe consequences for fitness of the native species.  相似文献   

The relationship among parasitological parameters, abomasal size and body size measurements was investigated in lambs following an experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus. In total, 100 lambs from five different genotypes (German Merino (GM), Texel × GM, Suffolk × GM, German Blackhead Mutton × GM and Ile de France × GM) were experimentally infected with 5000 infective third stage larvae of H. contortus at the time of weaning at 12 weeks of age. Four and six weeks after infection, individual faecal samples were collected for estimation of faecal egg counts (FECs). Furthermore, wither height, shoulder width, heart girth, loin girth and body length were taken at 18 weeks of life. Lambs were slaughtered and necropsied 7 weeks post-infection, and worm counts, abomasal volume and surface area were determined. Positive correlations were found between different body size parameters, body weight and abomasal sizes. FEC and worm counts were not significantly correlated either with body size parameters or with abomasal size. The mean worm burden was higher in GM than in crossbred lambs. There was no significant difference in abomasal size between GM and crossbred lambs. The results suggest that the variations between animals in worm burden following an experimental infection with H. contortus (worm resistance) are not influenced by body size parameters or abomasal sizes. Therefore, other factors, including genetic-based differences in resistance, must cause these findings between and within breeds.  相似文献   

By summarising ecological publications over the last 30 years, this paper provides an assessment of the amount and focus of New Zealand ecological research with respect to land tenure. While the number of published articles that deal with private land has increased over the last 30 years, the majority of New Zealand ecological research publications (65%) still focuses on public conservation lands, despite these only accounting for c. 30% of the land area. Even with the increasing emphasis in ecological research on private land there is still a need to better understand both the distribution of indigenous biodiversity and the interactions that occur between land management and indigenous biodiversity on private land. Such research is essential if we are to sustain indigenous biodiversity in lowland New Zealand.  相似文献   

Following establishment in a new environment, invasive species expand their range through stratified diffusion, the coupling of local growth and spatial spread with long-distance movement of propagules that found new colonies. Consequently, the stages of arrival and establishment serially repeat until the entire habitat susceptible to invasion is occupied. An empirical example of such a phenomenon is the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.), invasion of northeastern Minnesota. Under a regional management program, a trapping grid is deployed along the L. dispar leading edge to detect male moth presence and inform management decisions. However, the presence of moths does not always indicate reproducing populations, and moths dispersing from populations behind the front can obscure the presence of latent invasions. We analyzed trapping data during the arrival and establishment of L. dispar in this region (2000–2012), supplemented with sentinel trap data to ascertain the timing of male moth flight (2005–2009), and derived yearly phenological predictions for male moth flight. We also used a male wing morphology metric (2007–2009) to further quantify spatial and temporal patterns associated with the L. dispar invasion. We provide evidence of an established L. dispar population when analyses suggest spatial randomness in trap catch data, and how the presence of phenologically distinct, immigrating adult moths from source populations outside of Minnesota recorded from sentinel traps could lead to the overestimation of the abundance of an established population. This work highlights the complexity of the initial invasion process even in a well-studied system for which a sensitive monitoring program exists.  相似文献   

Variations in male body size are known to affect inter‐ and intrasexual selection outcomes in a wide range of animals. In mating systems involving sexual signaling before mating, body size often acts as a key factor affecting signal strength and mate choice. We evaluated the effect of male size on courtship displays and mating success of the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae). Wing vibrations performed during successful and unsuccessful courtships by large and small males were recorded by high‐speed videos and analyzed through frame‐by‐frame analysis. Mating success of large and small males was investigated. The effect of male–male competition on mating success was evaluated. Male body size affected both male courtship signals and mating outcomes. Successful males showed wing‐borne signals with high frequencies and short interpulse intervals. Wing vibrations displayed by successful large males during copulation attempt had higher frequencies over smaller males and unsuccessful large males. In no‐competition conditions, large males achieved higher mating success with respect to smaller ones. Allowing large and small males to compete for a female, large males achieve more mating success over smaller ones. Mate choice by females may be based on selection of the larger males, able to produce high‐frequency wing vibrations. Such traits may be indicative of “good genes,” which under sexual selection could means good social‐interaction genes, or a good competitive manipulator of conspecifics.  相似文献   

We studied the occurrence of O-type P elements in at least one species of each subgroup of the saltans group, in order to better understand the phylogenetic relationships among the elements within the saltans group and with those of species belonging to the willistoni group. We found that the O-type subfamily has a patchy distribution within the saltans group (it does not occur in D. neocordata and D. emarginata), low sequence divergence among species of the saltans group as well as in relation to species of the willistoni group, a lower rate of synonymous substitution for coding sequences compared to Adh, and phylogenetic incongruities. These findings suggest that the evolutionary history of the O-type subfamily within the saltans and willistoni groups follows the same model proposed for the canonical subfamily of P elements, i.e., events of horizontal transfer between species of the saltans and willistoni groups.  相似文献   

An elongated clavicle is one of the distinct features of apes and humans. It plays an important role in providing mobility as well as stability for the shoulder joints. The relative length of the clavicle is an especially important factor in limiting the range of shoulder joint excursion. It is said that among primates, Asian apes, i.e., gibbons and orang-utans, have very long clavicles. At the same time, they also have a wide upper thoracic cage, which may diminish the effective length of the clavicle. To clarify the length of the clavicle in apes, from the standpoint of the functional anatomy of the shoulder girdle, we examined clavicular length in 15 anthropoid species exhibiting various positional behaviors. The results confirm that clavicle length in Asian apes is long, and chimpanzees have a short clavicle like that of Old and New World monkeys, when scaled to body mass. The clavicular length of chimpanzees, however, is intermediate between Old World monkeys and Asian apes when scaled against thoracic width. Therefore, living apes can be grouped together, albeit just barely, by possession of a relatively long clavicle for their thoracic cage size. Interestingly, New World monkeys tend to exhibit a longer clavicle than Old World monkeys of equivalent body mass or thoracic cage width. Although it is unclear whether the ancestral condition of clavicular length in anthropoids was similar to that of living Old or New World monkeys, an elongation of clavicle was an important step toward evolution of the modern body plan of hominoids.  相似文献   

This study investigated different techniques of grassland restoration to overcome dispersal or establishment limitation, which are key processes influencing early-successional plant community assembly. A fully randomized in situ experiment was set up in a former arable land in a floodplain along the Garonne river (south-western France) to test for the effect of (1) the type and completeness of the biological input (any biological material—seed, hay, and soil—transferred to the site under restoration), (2) soil disturbance by deep tillage, and (3) their interaction on plant community dynamics for 5 years. All inputs influenced the plant community structure and composition. The effects depended on the type of the input but not necessarily in link with its completeness. High density and diversity seed mixture led to high levels of richness and relative abundance of target species like soil blocks, the input considered as the most complete. During the first year, hay transfer mostly influenced community assembly through negative litter effects. Delayed germination of several species contributed to buffer these early effects. This study supports the importance of dispersal limitation during early succession in degraded grassland ecosystems whereas soil disturbance had only subtle effects on the seed bank and standing plant community, indicating that competition and establishment limitation were of secondary importance in our study system. Our results suggest that even low-frequency immigration events (e.g. when a few seeds are transferred within hay) can be of great importance providing that a sufficiently long time period is considered for grassland restoration.  相似文献   

 Polymorphic sequence variation in the peptide-binding domains of MHC class I molecules appears to have been driven largely by the constructive action of natural selection on the specificity of the peptide-binding groove. Similar features are displayed by the variable domains of immunoglobulins generated in the sheep ileal Peyer's patch, but in this case there is evidence that the action of a targeted hypermutator acting on a selected substrate rather than antigen-driven selection is responsible for the pattern of variation in the system. Such a hypermutator acting in the germ line would not only mimic the action of natural selection but also, by convergent mutation, generate similar patterns of variation in unrelated alleles that could be interpreted as evidence for short-tract gene conversion. We analyzed human class I MHC alleles in the light of these data, but failed to find evidence of the action of a similar hypermutator. A search for other mutationally driven patterns of variation also failed, even in hypervariable residues from parsimonious phylogenies. Single-nucleotide variation at these residues is also frequent in recent allelic variants, but the data are as consistent with short-tract gene conversion as with base mutation. We conclude that the patterns of allelic variation in MHC molecules are not driven by mutational pressure, but rather by conventional mutational processes, accompanied by short-tract gene conversion and intense natural selection. Received: 6 October 1999 / Revised: 30 December 1999  相似文献   

In commercial poultry farming, respiratory diseases cause high morbidities and mortalities, begetting colossal economic losses. Without empirical evidence, early observations led to the supposition that birds in general, and poultry in particular, have weak innate and adaptive pulmonary defences and are therefore highly susceptible to injury by pathogens. Recent findings have, however, shown that birds possess notably efficient pulmonary defences that include: (i) a structurally complex three-tiered airway arrangement with aerodynamically intricate air-flow dynamics that provide efficient filtration of inhaled air; (ii) a specialised airway mucosal lining that comprises air-filtering (ciliated) cells and various resident phagocytic cells such as surface and tissue macrophages, dendritic cells and lymphocytes; (iii) an exceptionally efficient mucociliary escalator system that efficiently removes trapped foreign agents; (iv) phagocytotic atrial and infundibular epithelial cells; (v) phagocytically competent surface macrophages that destroy pathogens and injurious particulates; (vi) pulmonary intravascular macrophages that protect the lung from the vascular side; and (vii) proficiently phagocytic pulmonary extravasated erythrocytes. Additionally, the avian respiratory system rapidly translocates phagocytic cells onto the respiratory surface, ostensibly from the subepithelial space and the circulatory system: the mobilised cells complement the surface macrophages in destroying foreign agents. Further studies are needed to determine whether the posited weak defence of the avian respiratory system is a global avian feature or is exclusive to poultry. This review argues that any inadequacies of pulmonary defences in poultry may have derived from exacting genetic manipulation(s) for traits such as rapid weight gain from efficient conversion of food into meat and eggs and the harsh environmental conditions and severe husbandry operations in modern poultry farming. To reduce pulmonary diseases and their severity, greater effort must be directed at establishment of optimal poultry housing conditions and use of more humane husbandry practices.  相似文献   

The antiarrhythmic effects of captopril, a sulphydrylcontaining angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, were compared with those of the non-sulphydryl-containing ACE inhibitor lisinopril and the sulphydryl-containing agent glutathione in an in vivo rat model of coronary artery ligation. To produce arrhythmia, the left main coronary artery was occluded for 7 min, followed by 7 min of reperfusion. Captopril (3 mg kg-1) and lisinopril (0.1, 0.3 or 1 mg kg-1) caused marked decreases in mean arterial blood pressure (BP) and heart rate, whereas glutathione (5 mg kg-) had no effect on them. The incidence of ventricular tachycardia (VT) on ischemia and reperfusion was significantly reduced by captopril and lisinopril. Captopril and 1 mg kg-1 lisinopril also significantly decreased the number of VEB during occlusion and the duration of VT on reperfusion, respectively. These drugs also attenuated the incidence of reversible ventricular fibrillation (VF) and the number of ventricular ectopic beats (VEB) during reperfusion. However, glutathione only reduced the incidence of VT on reperfusion, significantly. These results suggest that, in this experimental model, ACE inhibitors limit the arrhythmias following ischemia-reperfusion and free radical scavenging action of these drugs does not have a major contributory role in their protective effect.  相似文献   

This paper reviews published knowledge on how to deal with invasive species during biological quality assessments in European river systems for water management and assessments of ecological quality required, for example, by the European Water Frame Work Directive. The papers studied included international papers and some standards for water assessment. An overview of the current state of neozoa research showed that many different topics are treated, comprising biogeography and fauna records, species replacements and effectiveness of colonisation, life cycles, competition between native and invasive species, habitat quality and pathways of migration. Additionally, some papers have been published recently on the integration of neozoa in index-based assessment systems. Although the decline or increase of alien species populations and the corresponding impacts on indigenous populations were frequently observed, the mechanisms behind the invasions often remain hypothetical. In the reviewed papers, issues such as possible reasons for coexistence, tolerances, quality of habitat or water, life history traits and introduction of diseases were rarely covered. Few neozoa are sufficiently investigated to be categorised as indicators. After discussing the advantages and disadvantages of inclusion or exclusion, inclusion of invaders in assessments of both biodiversity (all species) and human impact (only species classified in their specific tolerance) is suggested. Further research is required to (1) update and assign ecological profiles of the non-indigenous species currently and (2) assess the effects of new invaders on native communities.  相似文献   

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