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Acute pancreatitis is a life-threatening inflammatory disease characterized by abdominal pain of unknown etiology. Trypsin, a key mediator of pancreatitis, causes inflammation and pain by activating protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR(2)), but the isoforms of trypsin that cause pancreatitis and pancreatic pain are unknown. We hypothesized that human trypsin IV and rat P23, which activate PAR(2) and are resistant to pancreatic trypsin inhibitors, contribute to pancreatic inflammation and pain. Injections of a subinflammatory dose of exogenous trypsin increased c-Fos immunoreactivity, indicative of spinal nociceptive activation, but did not cause inflammation, as assessed by measuring serum amylase and myeloperoxidase activity and by histology. The same dose of trypsin IV and P23 increased some inflammatory end points and caused a more robust effect on nociception, which was blocked by melagatran, a trypsin inhibitor that also inhibits polypeptide-resistant trypsin isoforms. To determine the contribution of endogenous activation of trypsin and its minor isoforms, recombinant enterokinase (ENK), which activates trypsins in the duodenum, was administered into the pancreas. Intraductal ENK caused nociception and inflammation that were diminished by polypeptide inhibitors, including soybean trypsin inhibitor and a specific trypsin inhibitor (type I-P), and by melagatran. Finally, the secretagogue cerulein induced pancreatic nociceptive activation and nocifensive behavior that were reversed by melagatran. Thus trypsin and its minor isoforms mediate pancreatic pain and inflammation. In particular, the inhibitor-resistant isoforms trypsin IV and P23 may be important in mediating prolonged pancreatic inflammatory pain in pancreatitis. Our results suggest that inhibitors of these isoforms could be novel therapies for pancreatitis pain.  相似文献   

The microaerophilic intestinal parasitic protozoan Entamoeba histolytica has been previously shown to be highly susceptible to oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide. However the mechanism of cell death was not investigated. Studies presented in this paper demonstrate several morphological features in the parasite when exposed to H2O2 which are identical to metazoan apoptotic phenotype indicating a possible apoptosis-like cell death exhibited by E. histolytica in response to H2O2 treatment. Trophozoite cell shrinkage, DNA fragmentation, phosphatidyl serine externalization and increased endogenous reactive oxygen species level have been observed in the protozoan parasite when exposed to 2.0 mM H2O2 for different time periods. Although the parasite genome is completely devoid of any of the homologues of mammalian caspases it still codes for a huge number of cysteine proteases which may take over the apoptotic function of the caspases. But the present study indicates the existence of a cysteine protease independent programmed cell death in the parasite since E-64 the specific cysteine protease inhibitor could not rescue the cells from H2O2 induced apoptosis-like cell death.  相似文献   

The serine proteases of the trypsin superfamily are versatile enzymes involved in a variety of biological processes. In the cardiovascular system, the importance of these enzymes in blood coagulation, platelet activation, fibrinolysis, and thrombosis has been well established. Recent studies have shown that trypin-like serine proteases are also important in maintaining cardiac function and contribute to heart-related disease processes. In this review, we describe the biological function of corin, tissue kallikrein, chymase and urokinase and discuss their roles in cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy, heart failure, and aneurysm.  相似文献   

In unicellular eukaryotes, apoptosis-like cell death occurs during development, aging and reproduction, and can be induced by environmental stresses and exposure to toxic agents. The essence of the apoptotic machinery in unicellular organisms is similar to that in mammals, but the apoptotic signal network is less complex and of more ancient origin. The review summarizes current data about key apoptotic proteins and mechanisms of the transduction of apoptotic signals by caspase-like proteases and mitochondrial apoptogenic proteins in unicellular eukaryotes. The roles of receptor-dependent and receptor-independent caspase cascades are reviewed.  相似文献   

Metacaspases in plants, fungi, and protozoa constitute new members of a conserved superfamily of caspase-related proteases. A yeast caspase-1 protein (Yca1p), which is the single metacaspase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was shown to mediate apoptosis triggered by oxidative stress or aging in yeast. To examine whether plant metacaspase genes are functionally related to YCA1, we carried out analyses of AtMCP1b and AtMCP2b, representing the two subtypes of the Arabidopsis metacaspase family, utilizing yeast strains with wild-type and the disrupted YCA1 gene (yca1Delta). Inducible expression of AtMCP1b and AtMCP2b significantly promoted yeast apoptosis-like cell death of both the wild-type and yca1Delta strains, relative to the vector controls, during oxidative stress and early aging process. Mutational analysis of the two AtMCPs revealed that their cell-death-inducing activities depend on their catalytic center cysteine residues as well as caspase-like processing. In addition, the phenotype induced by the expression of two AtMCPs was effectively prevented when the cells were pretreated with a broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethyl-ketone. These results suggest that the two subtypes of Arabidopsis metacaspases are functionally related to Yca1p with caspase-like characteristics. However, we found that bacterial and yeast extracts containing AtMCP1b, AtMCP2b, or Yca1p exhibit arginine/lysine-specific endopeptidase activities but cannot cleave caspase-specific substrates. Together, the results strongly implicate that expression of metacaspases could result in the activation of downstream protease(s) with caspase-like activities that are required to mediate cell death activation via oxidative stress in yeast. Metacaspases from higher plants may serve similar functions.  相似文献   

Neuronal cell death occurs during development of the central nervous system as well as in pathological situations such as acute injury and progressive degenerative diseases. For instance, granule cells in the developing cerebellum and neuronal precursor cells in the cortex undergo programmed cell death, or apoptosis. There is currently strong debate conceming the mechanism of death in many degenerative events such as ischemia, blunt head trauma, excitotoxicity and neurodegenerative diseases, i.e. Alzheimer's disease. Neurons can die a necrotic death when the initial insult is too great; apoptosis requires "planning." For example, the cell death seen in the core of an ischemic infarct is necrotic, while in the surrounding penumbra region the death is probably apoptotic. Regardless of the degenerative pathway, damaged or dead neurons are a hallmark of many diseases including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, glaucoma, ischemia and multiple sclerosis. Molecules such as cytokines, chemokines, reactive nitrogen/oxygen species, and proteases play an important role in promoting and/or mediating neurodegeneration. Proteases have been implicated in both physiological and pathological events, suggesting their intervention in key points when things go awry. In this review we will summarize recent findings linking extracellular proteases with neuronal cell death in both human diseases and their animal models.  相似文献   

PAN and leukocytolysis were measured in dog blood placed in hypo- and hypertonic solutions of glycerin and glucose (1:10). It was found that leukocytolytic activity of the substances depends on equimolar concentrations of nonelectrolytes. It is more pronounced in hypo- than in hypertonic conditions. Glycerin is 3-5-times more active than glucose. In concentrations 2.0 M for glycerin and 0.5 M for glucose leukocytolysis is less active. Mononuclears are more resistant than neutrophils in strong solutions. PAN increased by 11-16% in hypotonic solutions. Strong glycerin solutions reduce PAN less than glucose which stimulates the digestive activity. The results can be of use in specific leukolysis tests to diagnose drug allergy.  相似文献   

We have identified the yeast gene STM1 in an overexpression screen for new proteasomal substrates. Stm1 is unstable in wild-type cells and stabilized in cells with defective proteasomal activity and thus a bona fide substrate of the proteasome. It is localized in the perinuclear region and is required for growth in the presence of mutagens. Overexpression in cells with impaired proteasomal degradation leads to cell death accompanied with cytological markers of apoptosis: loss of plasma membrane asymmetry, chromatin condensation, and DNA cleavage. Cells lacking Stm1 display deficiency in the apoptosis-like cell death process induced by treatment with low concentrations of H(2)O(2). We suggest that Stm1 is involved in the control of the apoptosis-like cell death in yeast. Survival is increased when Stm1 is completely missing from the cells or when inhibition of Stm1 synthesis permits proteasomal degradation to decrease its amount in the cell. Conversely, Stm1 accumulation induces cell death. In addition we identified five other genes whose overexpression in proteasomal mutants caused similar apoptotic phenotypes.  相似文献   

The molecular identity of the key executioners involved in controlling plant programmed cell death (PCD) has been elusive. In a recent paper published in Science, Hatsugai and coworkers reported that a well-characterized protease called VPE from the plant cell vacuole can cleave caspase-specific substrates and is required for cell death activation by tobacco mosaic virus. This work provides clear evidence for the importance of the vacuole in plant PCD and a novel regulatory function for this organelle as well as for VPE proteases.  相似文献   

Trematodes, also known as flukes, are phylogenetically ancient parasitic organisms. Due to their importance as human and veterinary parasites, their proteins have been investigated extensively as drug and vaccine targets. Among those, proteases, as crucial enzymes for parasite survival, are considered candidate molecules for anti-parasitic interventions. Surprisingly however, trematode serine proteases, in comparison with other groups of proteases, are largely neglected. Genes encoding serine proteases have been identified in trematode genomes in significant abundance, but the biological roles and biochemical functions of these proteases are poorly understood. However, increasing volumes of genomic and proteomic studies, and accumulated experimental evidence, indicate that this class of proteases plays a substantial role in host–parasite interactions and parasite survival. Here, we discuss in detail serine proteases at genomic and protein levels, and their known or hypothetical functions.  相似文献   

Han SI  Kim YS  Kim TH 《BMB reports》2008,41(1):1-10
Apoptosis is considered to be a programmed and controlled mode of cell death, whereas necrosis has long been described as uncontrolled and accidental cell death resulting from extremely harsh conditions. In the following review, we will discuss the features and physiological meanings as well as recent advances in the elucidation of the signaling pathways of both apoptotic cell death and programmed necrotic cell death.  相似文献   

The most common drug resistance mechanism in tumor cells is expression on their surface of the energy-dependent pump like P-glycoprotein (P-gp) that expels chemotherapeutic agents from the interior. An imitation of the hypoxic condition by the iron chelator deferoxamine caused Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1α) stabilization and inhibition of doxorubicin-induced apoptosis in colon cancer НСТ116 cells. P-gp blocker verapamil suppressed doxorubicin accumulation leading to cell death induction. Considering these results, P-gp may be used as a potential target to stimulate chemotherapeutic drugs activity that will contribute to more efficient tumor cells elimination.  相似文献   

Serine protease inhibitor 2A inhibits caspase-independent cell death   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The release of cysteine cathepsins from the lysosome into the cytoplasm can trigger programs of cell death (PCD) that do not require caspase executioner proteases but instead are mediated by toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). Here, we show that a cytoplasmic inhibitor of papain-like cathepsins - Serine protease inhibitor 2A (Spi2A) - is required for the protection of cells from caspase-independent PCD triggered by tumor necrosis factor-alpha. In the absence of caspase activity, Spi2A suppressed PCD by inhibiting cathepsin B after it was released into the cytoplasm. Spi2A also directly protected against ROS-mediated PCD, which is consistent with a role in suppressing caspase-independent pathways of PCD. We conclude that inhibition of lysosomal executioner proteases by Spi2A is a physiological mechanism by which cells are protected from caspase-independent programmed cell death.  相似文献   

The unicellular eukaryote, Blepharisma japonicum, is a light-sensitive ciliated protozoa. It possesses a photoreceptor pigment called blepharismin that plays critical roles in defensive behavior against predators and step-up photophobic response. In addition, the pigment generates reactive oxygen species such as singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radicals which contribute to photodynamic action. Previous studies reported that intense light (>300 W m−2) induced rapid photodynamic killing (necrosis) characterized by cell swelling and plasma efflux, while moderate light (3-30 W m−2) only induced pigment extrusion and photooxidation. We have found that moderate light (5 W m−2) induced apoptosis-like cell death. Microscopically it was found that >3 h of moderate light irradiation induced macronuclear condensation and plasma efflux without cell swelling. Single cell gel electrophoresis assay showed that DNA fragmentation occurred between 1 and 3 h of irradiation, and the condensed macronuclei contained quite fragmented DNA. Macronuclear DNA extracted from light-irradiated cells contained DNA fragments of 180-200 and 360-400 bp, which were seen as apoptosis ladders.  相似文献   

The genetic tools available in Drosophila have facilitated our understanding of how apoptosis is regulated and executed in the context of the developing organism. All embryonic apoptosis is initiated by the activity of three genes, rpr, grim and hid. Each of these genes is independently regulated, allowing developmental apoptosis to be finely controlled. These initiators in turn activate the core apoptotic machinery, including the caspases. Drosophila counterparts to other conserved components of the apoptotic machinery have been recently identified, and we discuss how these may be integrated into the process of normal developmentally regulated cell death. We also outline the role that phagocytosis plays in the final stages of apoptosis and consider the molecular mechanisms guiding the elimination of apoptotic corpses.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) is a genetically-controlled disassembly of the cell. In animal systems, the central core execution switch for apoptotic PCD is the activation of caspases (Cysteine-containing Aspartate-specific proteases). Accumulating evidence in recent years suggests the existence of caspase-like activity in plants and its functional involvement in various types of plant PCD, although no functional homologs of animal caspases were identified in plant genome. In this mini-review, we will cover the recent results on the existence of plant caspase-like proteases and introduce major technologies used in detecting the activation of caspase-like proteases during plant PCD.Key words: caspase-like proteases, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, programmed cell death  相似文献   

Caspases in yeast apoptosis-like death: facts and artefacts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Various findings suggest that programmed cell death (PCD) is induced in yeast as a response to the impact of a deleterious environment and/or an intracellular defect. Moreover, the specifically localized PCD within multicellular colonies seems to be important for the safe degradation of cell subpopulations to simple compounds that can be used as nutrients by healthy survivors occurring in propitious colony areas, being thus important for proper development and survival of the yeast population. In spite of this, the question remains whether yeast dies by real apoptosis, i.e. death involving caspases, or by other kinds of PCD. A large group of mammalian caspases includes those that are responsible for monitoring of the stimulus and initiating the dying process, as well as those involved in the execution of death. Additionally, paracaspases and metacaspases, that share some homology with real caspases, but possibly differ in substrate specificity, have been identified in plants, fungi, Dictyostelium and metazoa. In yeast, one homologue of caspases, metacaspase Mca1p/Yca1p, has been identified so far, although there are several indications of the presence of other caspase-like activities in yeast. In this minireview, we summarize various data on the possible involvement of Mca1p and other caspase-like activities in yeast PCD.  相似文献   

In plants, programmed cell death is thought to be activated during differentiation and in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. Although its mechanisms are far less clear, several morphological and biochemical features have been described in different experimental systems, including DNA laddering and cytosolic protease activation. Moreover, plant mitochondria have an alternative terminal oxidase (AOX), which is thought to be involved in protection against increased reactive oxygen species production, perhaps representing a mechanism to prevent programmed cell death. In this study, we analysed cell death induced by the herbicide dinitro-o-cresol (DNOC) in soybean (Glycine max) suspension cell cultures and evaluated biochemical and molecular events associated with programmed cell death. AOX capacity and expression were also determined. DNOC-treated cells showed fragmented nuclear DNA as assessed by an in situ assay that detects 3'-OH ends. In addition, specific colorimetric assays and immunoblot analysis revealed activation of caspase-3-like proteins and release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, respectively, confirming the apoptotic-like phenotype. Surprisingly, AOX capacity and protein levels decreased in DNOC-treated cells, suggesting no association between cell death and AOX under these experimental conditions. In conclusion, the results show that DNOC induces programmed cell death in soybean cells, suggesting that plants and animals might share similar pathways. Further, the role of AOX in cell death has not been confirmed, and may depend on the nature and intensity of stress conditions.  相似文献   

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