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采用ISSR分子标记技术对福建省闽江流域10个野生蕉自然居群的遗传多样性和遗传结构进行分析,结果显示:12条ISSR引物共检测出117个条带,105个多态性条带,多态性百分率为89.7%;野生蕉Nei遗传多样性指数为0.244,Shannon's信息指数为0.381,其中三明野生蕉遗传多样性水平最高,且不同自然居群间遗传多样性指数之间具有显著性差异;总遗传变异系数为0.589,基因流为0.349,居群间的遗传分化程度高于居群内;基于遗传距离的聚类结果与模型聚类结果均聚为3大类,分别为沙溪支流的三明野生蕉类群、闽江上游及附近支流的南平野生蕉类群和闽江下游的福州野生蕉类群。研究认为,闽江流域野生蕉资源丰富的遗传多样性主要来源于自然居群间生境异质化所引起的高频率遗传变异,且三明野生蕉类群的遗传多样性和遗传分化程度最高,可能是福建野生蕉的起源中心,也是野生蕉资源开发和利用的最主要群落。此外,水流是闽江流域野生蕉遗传迁移最关键的自然主导因素。  相似文献   

A new species of wild banana, Musa bauensis Häkkinen & Meekiong, is described and illustrated. It is from the Bau limestone area, Sarawak, East Malaysia.  相似文献   

Because wild rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) populations have suffered major declines, there is a growing need to characterize their genetic and population structure in order to protect the genetic integrity of this species. In this study, we genotyped a sample comprising 120 wild rhesus macaques from six sites in Sichuan Province for 30 nuclear microsatellite (STR) loci using an ABI 3130xl genetic analyzer. Bayesian analyses and PCA clearly differentiated monkeys from Heishui from those at other sites. The samples from all six sites exhibited high gene diversity suggesting that the Sichuan wild rhesus macaque populations are not threatened by a lack of genetic diversity. Deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was more frequent in the Danba and Heishui populations. This may be due to the more fragmented habitat and less disturbance by humans in this area that foster greater subpopulation structuring than occurs in eastern China. We suggest that this population subdivision is the result of both long-term geographic barriers and human activity.  相似文献   

The present work is part of a continuing study to revise the old names in Musa and aims to clarify the taxonomy in the sections Rhodoclamys and Callimusa. Lectotypes are designated here for Musa sect. Callimusa and M. sect. Rhodochlamys . These sections were first erected without the indication of a type species.  相似文献   

小熊猫是亚洲特有的珍稀濒危动物,目前受到栖息地减少、片断化和人类活动干扰等威胁。中国圈养小熊猫已经有60 多年历史,约55 个机构曾经饲养过小熊猫,现今圈养数量有400 多只,评估小熊猫圈养种群的遗传多样性和遗传结构对科学维持圈养种群和保存遗传种质资源意义重大。本研究利用19 个微卫星座位,对中国境内11 个小熊猫圈养种群的116 只个体进行了遗传多样性评估及遗传结构分析。结果显示11 个种群都具有较高的遗传多样性,平均基因丰富度3.505 ± 1.033 (北京)至4.026 ± 1.219 (冕宁),期望杂合度0.631 ± 0.225(黄山)至0.782 ±0.171 (温岭)。其中福州和无锡种群极显著偏离Hardy-Weinberg 平衡。整个圈养群体内各个种群遗传分化系数为0.055,呈显著分化,表明11 个种群遗传分化水平较高。Bayesian 遗传聚类分析将11 个种群聚为三个遗传簇,与野生种群的遗传聚类结果一致。结论:小熊猫圈养种群与野生种群相比,同样具有较高的遗传多样性。因此,圈养小熊猫遗传管理的重点不再是引进野生个体充实圈养种群,应制订科学的繁殖计划,避免近交,从而维持圈养种群的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

Musa aurantiaca Baker (Musaceae) is distributed from northeast India, Tibet to northern Myanmar. In the present study its intraspecific taxa are thoroughly investigated. Two new varieties are described and illustrated based on live plants in the field: M. aurantiaca Baker var. homenborgohainiana Gogoi and M. aurantiaca Baker var. jengingensis Gogoi. A key to the varieties of Musa aurantiaca Baker and closely related taxa is also provided.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - Sixty-six accessions of Musa genus with different genomic groups that consisted of wild relatives and cultivated lines were obtained from the International...  相似文献   

Borneo is a large island in Southeast Asia. It is divided politically into three parts: the kingdom of Brunei on the north central coast; the Malaysian states of Sarawak and Sabah to the west and east; with Kalimantan of Indonesia making up the larger par…  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,86(1):46-52
Vallisneria spinulosa is a dominant submerged macrophyte in lakes of the middle–lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Allozyme variation, clonal diversity and population genetic structure were investigated for a total of 396 individuals sampled from 10 extant populations. V. spinulosa maintained high levels of genetic variation both at the species (P = 46.2, A = 1.69, He = 0.23) and at the population level (P = 46.2, A = 1.58, He = 0.21). Although aquatic macrophytes commonly exhibit low genetic variation within populations, the obligately outcrossing mating system of V. spinulosa and pervasive gene flow likely account for the high levels of diversity maintained within populations. All V. spinulosa populations contained high clonal diversity with a mean proportion of distinguishable genotypes of 0.57 and a mean Simpson's diversity index of 0.95, indicating that populations were founded sexually or that successful seedling recruitment occurred after initial colonization. Partitioning of genetic diversity revealed a surprisingly low population differentiation (GST = 0.06) as compared to other hydrophilous angiosperms. No evidence of isolation-by-distance was found (r = 0.056, P = 0.312), suggesting that gene flow was not restricted geographically. The UPGMA cluster analysis revealed that several widely separated populations grouped together, suggesting long-distance gene flow among populations. The high vagility of V. spinulosa and extensive hydrologic connectivity among populations have facilitated long-distance gene flow and resulted in the pattern of population genetic structure in V. spinulosa.  相似文献   

Using 19 allozyme loci we studied genetic diversity in 18 populations of Yucca filamentosa (Agavaceae) from the southeastern United States. Of the 19 loci surveyed, 17 (89.5%) were polymorphic in at least one of the populations sampled. There was considerable variation among populations in the percentage of polymorphic loci (range = 31.6-84.2%, mean = 67.6%). Similar heterogeneity among populations was observed for mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus (range = 2.0-3.0; mean = 2.48) and mean expected heterozygosity (range = 0.113-0.288; mean = 0.213). On average, 83% of the total genetic diversity was found within populations. Duplications of three allozyme loci were detected in several populations. The life-history characteristics of Y. filamentosa (a long-lived, semiwoody, predominantly outcrossing monocot with a large geographical range) may contribute to the maintenance of such high levels of genetic diversity. These results contradict expectations of the genetic structure of Y. filamentosa based on observations of the dispersal and pollination behavior of its sole pollinator, Tegeticula yuccasella, the yucca moth.  相似文献   

中国北方球孢白僵菌的遗传多样性和种群遗传结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将在中国北方13省采集分离的622株球孢白僵菌按省份划分成13个亚种群,其中寄主可以鉴定到目的8目昆虫和蜘蛛目的568株按目划分成9个亚种群,用ISSR(简单重复序列区间)分子标记技术进行遗传多样性和种群遗传结构分析.结果表明:各多样性指数皆显示我国北方地区球孢白僵菌的遗传多样性水平较高,种群的异质性较强.其中内蒙古亚种群的遗传多样性和种群异质性最高,河南亚种群最低;鳞翅目亚种群的遗传多样性和种群异质性最高,蜘蛛目亚种群最低.河南与辽宁亚种群间以及蜘蛛目与螳螂目亚种群间的遗传分化系数以及遗传距离最大,宁夏与陕西亚种群间以及鞘翅目与膜翅目亚种群间最小.按寄主目划分的亚种群间的平均遗传分化系数和平均遗传距离均低于按省份划分的亚种群.这些结果以及基于遗传距离的亚种群聚类分析都证明我国北方球孢白僵菌的遗传谱系与寄主来源和地理来源均无关系.我国北方球孢白僵菌的变异主要是由各不同寄主目内科间及属间的变异造成的,也是由各省不同采集地以及采集地内部不同微生境间的差异造成的.  相似文献   

Somatic embryos of a seeded diploid ornamental banana (Musa ornata Roxb.) were obtained from zygotic embryos cultured on semi-solid Murashige and Skoog (MS) (1962) medium with the auxin 2,4-D (0.5, 1, 2 mg/l) and 5% CW. Removal of 2,4-D and transferral to Schenk and Hildebrandt (SH) (1972) salts with CW followed by basal MS led to embryo germination and growth. Plantlet production was obtained using filter paper bridges in liquid half-strength SH medium with 1% sucrose. The remarkable phenotypic fidelity of somatic embryos to that of zygotic embryos and the presence of a haustorium-like outgrowth on the somatic embryos is described.  相似文献   

Camels are an integral and essential component of the Saudi Arabian heritage. The genetic diversity and population genetic structure of dromedary camels are poorly documented in Saudi Arabia so this study was carried out to investigate the genetic diversity of both local and exotic camel breeds. The genetic diversity was evaluated within and among camel populations using 21 microsatellite loci. Hair and blood samples were collected from 296 unrelated animals representing 4 different local breeds, namely Majaheem (MG), Maghateer (MJ), Sofr (SO), and Shaul (SH), and two exotic breeds namely Sawahli (SL) and Somali (SU). Nineteen out of 21 microsatellite loci generated multi-locus fingerprints for the studied camel individuals, with an average of 13.3 alleles per locus. Based on the genetic analyses, the camels were divided into two groups: one contained the Saudi indigenous populations (MG, MJ, SH and SO) and the other contained the non-Saudi ones (SU and SL). There was very little gene flow occurring between the two groups. The African origin of SU and SL breeds may explain their close genetic relationship. It is anticipated that the genetic diversity assessment is important to preserve local camel genetic resources and develop future breeding programs to improve camel productivity.  相似文献   

The present study considers genetic diversity of 38 populations in 4 Cirsium species of the genus Cirsium Mill. (Asteraceae), occurring in different ecological regions and tries to compare degree of genetic variability among the species with wide geographical distribution versus endemic C. pyramidale showing confined geographical distribution. The results showed that the endemic species has similar value of genetic diversity parameters as the species with wider distribution. We also studied the possible admixture nature of these populations and tried to understand the relation between genetic changes, geographical distribution and polyploidy level and chromosome pairing in these species. ISSR analysis showed population difference in allele composition and frequency. Clustering and PcoA ordination produced different groupings in each species, while STRUCTURE and reticulation analyses revealed high degree of genetic admixture and gene exchange among populations as well as allelic rearrangement. No significant correlation was observed between geographical distance and genetic distance of the populations and AMOVA test revealed no significant difference among populations in each species studied. However, high amount of within population variation occurred in all 4 species indicating their cross-pollination nature and high genetic admixture. The populations also varied in chiasma frequency and chromosome pairing as well as the occurrence of heterozygote translocations all creating more variability to be used by plants for local adaptation.  相似文献   

We studied the genetic diversity and spatial genetic structure (SGS) of adult and juvenile individuals in a population of Hancornia speciosa in Central-West Brazil. For this, we sampled and mapped 113 adults and 100 juveniles in an area of 2.5 ha. Genomic DNA was obtained from leaves and seven microsatellite loci were used to genotype all individuals. The studied population showed high genetic diversity (He) but with significant inbreeding (f) for both life stages most likely due to biparental inbreeding. Spatial genetic structure was weak for both life stages and the values of SP were low and neighborhoods (Nb) was high for both generations showing a potential long-distance gene dispersal.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and population structure of teosinte   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The teosintes, the closest wild relatives of maize, are important resources for the study of maize genetics and evolution and for plant breeding. We genotyped 237 individual teosinte plants for 93 microsatellites. Phylogenetic relationships among species and subspecific taxa were largely consistent with prior analyses for other types of molecular markers. Plants of all species formed monophyletic clades, although relationships among species were not fully resolved. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the Mexican annual teosintes divide into two clusters that largely correspond to the previously defined subspecies, Z. mays ssp. parviglumis and ssp. mexicana, although there are a few samples that represent either evolutionary intermediates or hybrids between these two subspecies. The Mexican annual teosintes show genetic substructuring along geographic lines. Hybridization or introgression between some teosintes and maize occurs at a low level and appears most common with Z. mays ssp. mexicana. Phylogeographic and phylogenetic analyses of the Mexican annual teosintes indicated that ssp. parviglumis diversified in the eastern part of its distribution and spread from east to west and that ssp. mexicana diversified in the Central Plateau of Mexico and spread along multiple paths to the north and east. We defined core sets of collections of Z. mays ssp. mexicana and ssp. parviglumis that attempt to capture the maximum number of microsatellite alleles for given sample sizes.  相似文献   

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