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A new species, Viscum malurianum (Viscaceae) is described with illustrations from Karnataka State in India.  相似文献   

Two new species of Viscum from the southern and southwestern China are described and illustrated. Both Viscum macrofalcatum and V. hainanense are monoecious plants with inflorescences axillary, usually 3–5 flowers in one cyme, the middle one male, outer ones females. Viscum macrofalcatum differs from V. hainanense by having 1–6 sessile cymes in the axil, whereas V. hainanense has only 1 cyme in the axil, and peduncle 0.5–1 mm long. The most closely related species to these entities is V yunnnanense. Based on the habit and habitat, external morphology, and palynological characters, we concluded that the three entities are specifically distinct.  相似文献   

Cycas swamyi Singh & Radha, sp. nov. (Cycadaceae) is described and illustrated from Karnataka, India. This new species has been confused with Cycas circinalis L., which is found in the Western Ghats. However, on the basis of its habit, characteristic isotomous‐type dichotomous branching, pinnae anatomy, mega‐ and microsporophyll morphology and seed anatomy, it has been segregated from C. circinalis and is described here as a new species. The distribution and conservation status are also discussed. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 430–435  相似文献   

Arceuthobium pendens, a parasite of the pinyonsPinus discolor andP. cembroides, is described from San Luis Potosí and Veracruz, Mexico. This andA. divaricatum Engelm. are the only dwarf mistletoes known to parasitize pinyons.Arceuthobium pendens is distinct fromA. divaricatum Engelm. in its long, slender, greenish shoots, formation of systemic witches brooms, and frequency on various species of pinyons. With the discovery of this new species, 19 dwarf mistletoes are known from Mexico.  相似文献   

报道1种槲寄生属植物一尼泊尔槲寄生Viscum nepalense Spreng.在中国的新分布。  相似文献   

G. R. Hegde 《Hydrobiologia》1986,134(2):113-115
Collections made in July 1984 in a temporary stream at Londa, Karnataka State, India, contained two new varieties of Desmids belonging to the genera Micrasterias Agardh ex Ralfs and Staurastrum Meyen ex Ralfs. Four other Desmids showed interesting variations, described in detail.  相似文献   

G. R. Hegde 《Hydrobiologia》1986,140(2):149-153
Freshwater algal collections in ponds and lakes of Shimoga district of Karnataka State (India) during 1977–1978 contained 9 Desmid taxa with interesting variations. Two new taxa belonging to Staurastrum Meyen ex Ralfs are described.  相似文献   

U. D. Bongale 《Hydrobiologia》1989,171(2):103-106
Six new taxa including two new species (Cosmarium bourrellyi Bongale sp. nov. andC. desikacharyi Bongale sp. nov.) and four new varieties (C. auriculatum var.protrusum Bongale var. nov.,C. pachydermum var.inflatum Bongale var. nov.,C. pseudoconnatum var.tuberculans Bongale var. nov. andC. quadrum var.rotundatum Bongale var. nov.) are reported. Algae were collected from a paddy field at Belgaum.  相似文献   

Algae were collected from a paddy field at Belgaum during August 1985. Two new taxa ofStaurastrum Meyen (viz.S. quebecense Irénée-Marie fa.minor Bongale fa.nov. andS. sebaldii Renisch var.triangularis Bongale var. nov.) and two other taxa showing major variations (viz.S. gracile Ralfs. var.elongatulum West et West fa. andS. leutkemuelleri Donat et Ruttner ms. fa.) are reported.  相似文献   

Thottea ponmudiana sp. nova from Kerala (India) can readily be distinguished from its closest allyTh. siliquosa and all the other known species of the genus by its yellow flowers with purple eyes, deeply lobed perianth with strongly reflexed margins, uniseriate stamens united in three bundles and strongly 4-angled, green, glabrescent fruits.  相似文献   

Liparis indiraii spec. nova from India is close toL. alata A. Rich. andL. atropurpurea Lindl.  相似文献   

A new species, Polyalthia meghalayensis (Annonaceae) is described with illustrations from the Garo Hills of Meghalaya, India.  相似文献   

Litsea beei, a new species of Lauraceae from India is described and illustrated. The new species is allied to the Burmese-Malayan species L. myristicaefolia.  相似文献   

Memecylon sivadasanii , a new species of Melastomataceae from India is described and illustrated. The new species is allied to M. angustifolium and M. rivulare.  相似文献   

Ceropegia schumanniana , a new species belonging to Asclepiadaceae is described from the Western Ghats of India.  相似文献   

Acrotrema agastyamalayanum , a new species of Dilleniaceae from India is described and illustrated. The new species is allied to A. arnottianum an endemic species of the southern Western Ghats.  相似文献   

Hygrocybe rubida, a new species in subsection Squamulosae of section Coccinea, collected from tropical evergreen forests of Western Ghats of Kerala is formally described. The species is characterized by a bright red, dry pileus and stipe; ovoid to subamygdaliform spores; a distinctly sterile lamella-edge with crowded cheilocystidia and a trichodermial pileipellis.  相似文献   

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