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OBJECTIVE--To assess the effect of five different surgical treatments for glue ear (secretory otitis media) on improvement in hearing and, assuming one or more treatments to be effective, to identify the appropriate indications for surgery. DESIGN--Randomised controlled trial of children receiving (a) adenoidectomy, bilateral myringotomy, and insertion of a unilateral grommet; (b) adenoidectomy, unilateral myringotomy, and insertion of a unilateral grommet; (c) bilateral myringotomy and insertion of a unilateral grommet; and (d) unilateral myringotomy and insertion of a grommet. Children were followed up at seven weeks, six months, 12 months, and 24 months by symptom history and clinical investigations. SETTING--Otolaryngology department in an urban hospital. PATIENTS--149 Children aged 4-9 years who were admitted for surgery for glue ear and who had no history of previous operations on tonsils, adenoids, or ears and no evidence of sensorineural deafness. Inadequate follow up information on levels of hearing and on middle ear function was obtained from 22. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Mean hearing loss (dB) of the three worst heard frequencies between 250 and 4000 Hz, results of impedance tympanometry, and parental views on their child''s progress. RESULTS--In the 127 children for whom adequate information was available ears in which a grommet had been inserted performed better in the short term (for at least six months) than those in which no grommet had been inserted, irrespective of any accompanying procedure. Most of the benefit had disappeared by 12 months. Adenoidectomy produced a slight improvement that was not significant, though was sustained for at least two years. The ears of children who had had an adenoidectomy with myringotomy and grommet insertion, however, continued to improve so that two years after surgery about 50% had abnormal tympanometry compared with 83% of those who had had only myringotomy and grommet insertion, and 93% of the group that had had no treatment. Logistic regression analyses identified preoperative hearing level as the single best predictor of good outcome from surgery. Other variables contributed little additional predictive power. CONCLUSIONS--If the principal objective of surgery for glue ear is to restore hearing then our study shows that insertion of grommets is the treatment of choice. The addition of an adenoidectomy will increase the likelihood of restoration of normal function of the middle ear but will not improve hearing. When deciding appropriate indications for surgery, a balance has to be made between performing unnecessary operations and failing to treat patients who might benefit from surgical intervention. Preoperative audiometry scores might be the best predictor in helping to make this decision.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the influence of preoperative abstinence on postoperative outcome in alcohol misusers with no symptoms who were drinking the equivalent of at least 60 g ethanol/day. DesignRandomised controlled trial.SettingCopenhagen, Denmark.Subjects42 alcoholic patients without liver disease admitted for elective colorectal surgery.InterventionsWithdrawal from alcohol consumption for 1 month before operation (disulfiram controlled) compared with continuous drinking.ResultsThe intervention group developed significantly fewer postoperative complications than the continuous drinkers (31% v 74%, P=0.02). Delayed type hypersensitivity responses were better in the intervention group before (37 mm2 v 12 mm2, P=0.04), but not after surgery (3 mm2 v 3 mm2). Development of postoperative myocardial ischaemia (23% v 85%) and arrhythmias (33% v 86%) on the second postoperative day as well as nightly hypoxaemic episodes (4 v 18 on the second postoperative night) occurred significantly less often in the intervention group. Surgical stress responses were lower in the intervention group (P⩽0.05).ConclusionsOne month of preoperative abstinence reduces postoperative morbidity in alcohol abusers. The mechanism is probably reduced preclinical organ dysfunction and reduction of the exaggerated response to surgical stress.

Key messages

  • Recent data have shown alcohol misusers to have a threefold increase in postoperative morbidity
  • In misusers recovery from organ dysfunction induced by alcohol is seen after abstinence
  • Abstinence from alcohol for 1 month before surgery reduces postoperative morbidity after colorectal surgery
  • Mechanisms may involve reduced responses to surgical stress and improved cardiac and immune dysfunction
  • Withdrawal from alcohol before an operation is recommended in alcohol abusers

ObjectiveTo determine whether preoperative assessments carried out by appropriately trained nurses are inferior in quality to those carried out by preregistration house officers.DesignRandomised controlled equivalence/non-inferiority trial.SettingFour NHS hospitals in three trusts. Three of the four were teaching hospitals.ParticipantsAll patients attending for assessment before general anaesthesia for general, vascular, urological, or breast surgery between April 1998 and March 1999.InterventionAssessment by one of three appropriately trained nurses or by one of several preregistration house officers.Results1907 patients were randomised, and 1874 completed the study; 926 were assessed by house officers and 948 by nurses. Overall 121/948 (13%) assessments carried out by nurses were judged to have possibly affected management compared with 138/926 (15%) of those performed by house officers. Nurses were judged to be non-inferior to house officers in assessment, although there was variation among them in terms of the quality of history taking. The house officers ordered considerably more unnecessary tests than the nurses (218/926 (24%) v 129/948 (14%).ConclusionsThere is no reason to inhibit the development of nurse led preoperative assessment provided that the nurses involved receive adequate training. However, house officers will continue to require experience in preoperative assessment.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess the effectiveness of two mechanical methods of blood conservation in reducing the need for allogeneic red blood cells or coagulation products during cardiac surgery.DesignRandomised controlled trial.SettingRegional cardiac centre in a teaching hospital in Southampton.Participants263 adults aged 18-80 years undergoing elective coronary artery bypass surgery entered the study, of whom 252 completed the trial. All patients received routine perioperative care. Patients were allocated to one of three treatment groups: intraoperative cell salvage, intraoperative cell salvage with acute perioperative normovolaemic haemodilution, or no mechanical blood conservation. There were 84 patients in each group.ResultsOf the patients in the intraoperative cell salvage group, 26 were given a transfusion of allogeneic blood, compared with 43 in the control group (odds ratio 0.43 (95% confidence interval 0.23 to 0.80)). The mean number of units of allogeneic blood transfused per patient in the intraoperative cell salvage group was 0.68 units (SD=1.55), compared with 1.07 (1.56) units in the control group. 32 of the patients in the intraoperative cell salvage group were given any blood product, compared with 47 in the control group (odds ratio 0.47 (0.25 to 0.89); P=0.019). Combining acute perioperative normovolaemic haemodilution with intraoperative cell salvage conferred no additional benefits.ConclusionsAn intraoperative cell salvage device should be used in elective coronary artery bypass grafting. Pharmacological strategies may achieve further reductions in blood transfusions. Yet further reductions in blood transfusions could be achieved if the lower safe limit of haemoglobin concentration in patients undergoing cardiac surgery were known.

What is already known on this topic

Patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass surgery often need a blood transfusionRecent meta-analyses have shown that the mechanical blood conservation techniques of intraoperative cell salvage and acute perioperative normovolaemic haemodilution may reduce the need for transfusion, but flawed methods in trials mean that clear evidence in cardiac surgery is lacking

What this study adds

Intraoperative cell salvage significantly reduces the number of patients needing an allogeneic blood transfusionCombining acute perioperative normovolaemic haemodilution with intraoperative cell salvage does not confer any additional benefit  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of a health check and assess any particular benefits resulting from feedback of plasma cholesterol concentration or coronary risk score, or both. DESIGN: Randomised controlled trial in two Glasgow work sites. SUBJECTS: 1,632 employees (89% male) aged 20 to 65 years. INTERVENTIONS: At the larger work site, (a) health education; (b) health education and feedback on cholesterol concentration; (c) health education and feedback on risk score; (d) health education with feedback on cholesterol concentration and risk score (full health check); (e) no health intervention (internal control). At the other work site there was no health intervention (external control). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Changes in Dundee risk score, plasma cholesterol concentration, diastolic blood pressure, body mass index and self-reported behaviours (smoking, exercise, alcohol intake, and diet) in comparison with internal and external control groups. RESULTS: Comparisons between the full health check and the internal control groups showed a small difference (0.13 mmol/l) in the change in mean cholesterol concentration (95% confidence interval 0.02 to 0.22, P = 0.02) but no significant differences for changes in Dundee risk score (P = 0.21), diastolic blood pressure (P = 0.71), body mass index (P = 0.16), smoking (P = 1.00) or exercise (P = 0.41). Significant differences between the two groups were detected for changes in self-reported consumption of alcohol (41% in group with full health check v 17% in internal control group, P = 0.001) fruit and vegetables (24% v 12%, P < 0.001), and fat (30% v 9%, P < 0.001). Comparison of all groups showed no advantage from feedback of cholesterol concentration or risk score, or both. CONCLUSIONS: The health check only had a small effect on reversible coronary risk. It was effective in influencing self reported alcohol consumption and diet. Feedback on cholesterol concentration and on risk score did not provide additional motivation for a change in behaviour.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess whether intraoperative intravascular volume optimisation improves outcome and shortens hospital stay after repair of proximal femoral fracture. DESIGN: Prospective, randomised controlled trial comparing conventional intraoperative fluid management with repeated colloid fluid challenges monitored by oesophageal Doppler ultrasonography to maintain maximal stroke volume throughout the operative period. SETTING: Teaching hospital, London. SUBJECTS: 40 patients undergoing repair of proximal femoral fracture under general anaesthesia. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomly assigned to receive either conventional intraoperative fluid management (control patients) or additional repeated colloid fluid challenges with oesophageal Doppler ultrasonography used to maintain maximal stroke volume throughout the operative period (protocol patients). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Time declared medically fit for hospital discharge, duration of hospital stay (in acute bed; in acute plus long stay bed), mortality, perioperative haemodynamic changes. RESULTS: Intraoperative intravascular fluid loading produced significantly greater changes in stroke volume (median 15 ml (95% confidence interval 10 to 21 ml)) and cardiac output (1.2 l/min (0.1 to 2.3 l/min)) than in the conventionally managed group (-5 ml (-10 to 1 ml) and -0.4 l/min (-1.0 to 0.2 l/min)) (P < 0.001 and P < 0.05, respectively). One protocol patient and two control patients died in hospital. In the survivors, postoperative recovery was significantly faster in the protocol patients, with shorter times to being declared medically fit for discharge (median 10 (9 to 15) days v 15 (11 to 40) days, P < 0.05) and a 39% reduction in hospital stay (12 (8 to 13) days v 20 (10 to 61) days, P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Proximal femoral fracture repair constitutes surgery in a high risk population. Intraoperative intravascular volume loading to optimal stroke volume resulted in a more rapid postoperative recovery and a significantly reduced hospital stay.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of a voluntary sector based befriending scheme in improving psychological wellbeing and quality of life for family carers of people with dementia.Design Single blind randomised controlled trial.Setting Community settings in East Anglia and London.Participants 236 family carers of people with primary progressive dementia.Intervention Contact with a befriender facilitator and offer of match with a trained lay volunteer befriender compared with no befriender facilitator contact; all participants continued to receive “usual care.”Main outcome measures Carers’ mood (hospital anxiety and depression scale—depression) and health related quality of life (EuroQoL) at 15 months post-randomisation.Results The intention to treat analysis showed no benefit for the intervention “access to a befriender facilitator” on the primary outcome measure or on any of the secondary outcome measures.Conclusions In common with many carers’ services, befriending schemes are not taken up by all carers, and providing access to a befriending scheme is not effective in improving wellbeing.Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN08130075.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the effects of temazepam on the quality of sleep and on oxygen saturation during sleep in subjects at high altitude. Design: Randomised, blinded, crossover, placebo controlled trial. Setting: Base camp at Mount Everest (altitude 5300 m). Subjects: 11 members of British Mount Everest Medical Expedition recently arrived at base camp. Intervention: Participants were randomly allocated to receive either temazepam 10 mg or placebo on their first night at base camp and the other treatment on the second night. Main outcome measures: Quality of sleep (assessed subjectively), mean arterial oxygen saturation value, and changes in saturation values (as measure of periodic breathing) while participants taking temazepam or placebo. Results: All participants noted subjective improvements in sleep. Mean saturation value remained unchanged when temazepam was compared with placebo (74.65% v 75.70%, P=0.5437). There were fewer changes in oxygen saturation when participants took temazepam and when measured as decreases >4% below the mean value of saturation each hour (P=0.0036, paired Student’s t test (two tailed)). Conclusions: Participants taking temazepam at 5300 m showed no significant drop in mean oxygen saturation values during sleep. Both the number and severity of changes in saturation during sleep decreased and the quality of sleep improved. This may be a result of a reduction in the number of awakenings and might lead to greater respiratory stability and fewer episodes of periodic breathing. This has the effect of improving the quality of sleep and reducing the number of periods of desaturation during sleep

Key messages

  • Poor sleep at high altitude is common and may be due to a combination of physiological and physical factors
  • Frequent arousals, periodic breathing, and episodes of oxygen desaturation lead to poor sleep and daytime symptoms of drowsiness and reduced performance
  • In this study 10 mg temazepam improved subjective reports of the quality of sleep and reduced episodes of arterial desaturation, with no significant effect on mean oxygen saturation during sleep

Of 1094 patients with a confirmed stroke admitted to Northwick Park, a district general hospital, 364 (33%) died while in hospital, 215 (20%) were fully recovered when discharged, and 329 (30%) were too frail or too ill from diseases other than stroke to be considered for active rehabilitation. Only 121 (11%) were suitable for intensive treatment. They and 12 patients referred direct to outpatients were allocated at random to one of three different courses of rehabilitation. Intensive was compared with conventional rehabilitation and with a third regimen which included no routine rehabilitation, but under which patients were encouraged to continue with exercises taught while in hospital and were regularly seen at home by a health visitor. Progress at three months and 12 months was measured by an index of activities of daily living. Improvement was greatest in those receiving intensive treatment, intermediate in those receiving conventional treatment, and least in those receiving no routine treatment. Decreasing intensity of treatment was associated with a significant increase in the proportions of patients who deteriorated and in the extent to which they deteriorated. Probably only a few stroke patients, mostly men, are suitable for intensive outpatient rehabilitation, but for those patients the treatment is effective and realistic.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine whether vitamin E supplementation influences the incidence or rate of progression of age related maculopathy (AMD).DesignProspective randomised placebo controlled clinical trial.SettingAn urban study centre in a residential area supervised by university research staff.Participants1193 healthy volunteers aged between 55 and 80 years; 73% completed the trial on full protocol.InterventionsVitamin E 500 IU or placebo daily for four years.ResultsThe incidence of early age related macular degeneration (early AMD 3) was 8.6% in those receiving vitamin E versus 8.1% in those on placebo (relative risk 1.05, 95% confidence interval 0.69 to 1.61). For late disease the incidence was 0.8% versus 0.6% (1.36, 0.67 to 2.77). Further analysis showed no consistent differences in secondary outcomes.ConclusionDaily supplement with vitamin E supplement does not prevent the development or progression of early or later stages of age related macular degeneration.

What is already known on this topic

Age related macular degeneration is the leading cause of loss of vision and blindness in elderly people; for people aged ⩾90 years, two out of every three will be affected and one in four will become blindCurrently, there are no methods of prevention or treatment in most cases, though a third of cases are due to cigarette smokingAntioxidant vitamins have been suggested as a possible prevention

What this study adds

Daily supplementation with 500 mg vitamin E for four years did not alter the incidence or progression of AMD  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether compliance therapy, a cognitive-behavioural intervention, could improve compliance with treatment and hence social adjustment in acutely psychotic inpatients, and if so, whether the effect persisted six months later. DESIGN--Randomised controlled trial of compliance therapy and non-specific counselling, each comprising 4-6 sessions lasting 10-60 minutes. SETTING--Acute psychiatric admissions ward serving an inner London catchment area. SUBJECTS--47 patients with psychosis. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Informant and observer reported measure of compliance; observer assessed global functioning after intervention and three and six months later; self-rated attitudes to drug treatment after the intervention and one month later; symptom scores after intervention and six months later. RESULTS--25 patients received compliance therapy and showed significantly greater improvements in their attitudes to drug treatment and in their insight into illness and compliance with treatment compared with the control group. These gains persisted for six months. The intervention group was 5.2 times more likely than the control group to reach a criterion level of compliance (95% confidence interval 1.5 to 18.3). Global functioning showed a tendency to improve more in the intervention group after a delay (odds ratio 3.0 (0.8 to 11.5) to reach the criterion level at six months). Four subjects given compliance therapy and six in the control group were readmitted during follow up (odds ratio 2.0 (0.48 to 8.2)). CONCLUSIONS--Compliance therapy is a pragmatic method for improving compliance with drug treatment in psychotic inpatients and its gains persist for at least six months. Overall functioning may also be enhanced.  相似文献   



The Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) provides an effective way of delivering intermittent preventive treatment for malaria (IPT) to infants. However, it is uncertain how IPT can be delivered most effectively to older children. Therefore, we have compared two approaches to the delivery of IPT to Gambian children: distribution by village health workers (VHWs) or through reproductive and child health (RCH) trekking teams. In rural areas, RCH trekking teams provide most of the health care to children under the age of 5 years in the Infant Welfare Clinic, and provide antenatal care for pregnant women.

Methods and Findings

During the 2006 malaria transmission season, the catchment populations of 26 RCH trekking clinics in The Gambia, each with 400–500 children 6 years of age and under, were randomly allocated to receive IPT from an RCH trekking team or from a VHW. Treatment with a single dose of sulfadoxine pyrimethamine (SP) plus three doses of amodiaquine (AQ) were given at monthly intervals during the malaria transmission season. Morbidity from malaria was monitored passively throughout the malaria transmission season in all children, and a random sample of study children from each cluster was examined at the end of the malaria transmission season. The primary study endpoint was the incidence of malaria. Secondary endpoints included coverage of IPTc, mean haemoglobin (Hb) concentration, and the prevalence of asexual malaria parasitaemia at the end of malaria transmission period. Financial and economic costs associated with the two delivery strategies were collected and incremental cost and effects were compared. A nested case-control study was used to estimate efficacy of IPT treatment courses.Treatment with SP plus AQ was safe and well tolerated. There were 49 cases of malaria with parasitaemia above 5,000/µl in the areas where IPT was delivered through RCH clinics and 21 cases in the areas where IPT was delivered by VHWs, (incidence rates 2.8 and 1.2 per 1,000 child months, respectively, rate difference 1.6 [95% confidence interval (CI) −0.24 to 3.5]). Delivery through VHWs achieved a substantially higher coverage level of three courses of IPT than delivery by RCH trekking teams (74% versus 48%, a difference of 27% [95% CI 16%–38%]). For both methods of delivery, coverage was unrelated to indices of wealth, with similar coverage being achieved in the poorest and wealthiest groups. The prevalence of anaemia was low in both arms of the trial at the end of the transmission season. Efficacy of IPTc against malaria during the month after each treatment course was 87% (95% CI 54%–96%). Delivery of IPTc by VHWs was less costly in both economic and financial terms than delivery through RCH trekking teams, resulting in incremental savings of US$872 and US$1,244 respectively. The annual economic cost of delivering at least the first dose of each course of IPTc was US$3.47 and US$1.63 per child using trekking team and VHWs respectively.


In this setting in The Gambia, delivery of IPTc to children 6 years of age and under by VHWs is more effective and less costly than delivery through RCH trekking clinics.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00376155 Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary  相似文献   

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