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Here we show, at a high resolution (1%), the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease gene quasispecies landscape from three infected na?ve individuals. A huge range of genetic configurations was found (67%, 71%, and 80% of the nucleotide clones from the three individuals, respectively, were different), and these configurations created a dense net that linked different parts of the viral population. Similarly, a vast diversity of different protease activities was also found. Importantly, 65% of the analyzed enzymes had detectable protease activity, and 11% of the minority individual variants showed similar or better fitness than the master (most abundant) enzyme, suggesting that the viral complexity in this genomic region does not exclusively depend on the enzyme's catalytic efficiency. Several high-fitness minority variants had only one substitution compared to the master sequence, supporting the possibility that the rugged HIV-1 protease quasispecies fitness landscape may be formed by a continuous network that can be traversed by single mutational steps without passing through defective or less-adapted proteins.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus from rhesus macaques (SIVmac), like human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), encodes a transactivator (tat) which stimulates long terminal repeat (LTR)-directed gene expression. We performed cotransfection assays of SIVmac and HIV-1 tat constructs with LTR-CAT reporter plasmids. The primary effect of transactivation for both SIVmac and HIV-1 is an increase in LTR-directed mRNA accumulation. The SIVmac tat gene product partially transactivates an HIV-1 LTR, whereas the HIV-1 tat gene product fully transactivates an SIVmac LTR. Significant transactivation is achieved by the product of coding exon 1 of the HIV-1 tat gene; however, inclusion of coding exon 2 results in a further increase in mRNA accumulation. In contrast, coding exon 2 of the SIVmac tat gene is required for significant transactivation. These results imply that the tat proteins of SIVmac and HIV-1 are functionally similar but not interchangeable. In addition, an in vitro-generated mutation in SIVmac tat disrupts splicing at the normal splice acceptor site at the beginning of coding exon 2 and activates a site approximately 15 nucleotides downstream. The product of this splice variant stimulates LTR-directed gene expression. This alternative splice acceptor site is also used by a biologically active provirus with an efficiency of approximately 5% compared with the upstream site. These data suggest that a novel tat protein is encoded during the course of viral infection.  相似文献   

Organization of immature human immunodeficiency virus type 1   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Immature retrovirus particles contain radially arranged Gag polyproteins in which the N termini lie at the membrane and the C termini extend toward the particle's center. We related image features to the polyprotein domain structure by combining mutagenesis with cryoelectron microscopy and image analysis. The matrix (MA) domain appears as a thin layer tightly associated with the inner face of the viral membrane, separated from the capsid (CA) layer by a low-density region corresponding to its C terminus. Deletion of the entire p6 domain has no effect on the width or spacing of the density layers, suggesting that p6 is not ordered in immature human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). In vitro assembly of a recombinant Gag polyprotein containing only capsid (CA) and nucleocapsid (NC) domains results in the formation of nonenveloped spherical particles which display two layers with density matching that of the CA-NC portion of immature HIV-1 Gag particles. Authentic, immature HIV-1 displays additional surface features and an increased density between the lipid bilayers which reflect the presence of gp41. The other internal features match those of virus-like particles.  相似文献   

We have found that chronically HIV-1(IIIB)-infected H9 cells showed 21-fold resistance to 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine (ARA-C) compared with uninfected H9 cells. In the infected H9 cells, a 37% increase of dCTP pool and a 34% increase of dATP were observed, and no alteration of dTTP and dGTP was observed, compared with the uninfected H9 cells. A marked decrease of ARA-CTP generation was observed in the infected H9 cells after 3-h incubation with 0.1-10 microM ARA-C. The level of deoxycytidine kinase activity with ARA-C as substrate was similar in both the infected and the uninfected cells; however, a 37-fold increase of cytidine deaminase activity was observed in the infected H9 cells. These results indicate that the induction of cytidine deaminase activity by HIV-1(IIIB) infection conferred ARA-C resistance to H9 cells. This conclusion was supported by the observation that a marked reversal of ARA-C resistance in the infected H9 cells occurred after treatment with the inhibitor of cytidine deaminase, 3,4,5,6-tetrahydrouridine. The understanding of these cellular alterations in drug sensitivity may facilitate the development of effective therapeutic strategies against HIV-1-infected cells.  相似文献   

Although Nef has been proposed to effect the escape of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) from cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) through downmodulation of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules, little direct data have been presented previously to support this hypothesis. By comparing nef-competent and nef-deleted HIV-1 strains in an in vitro coculture system, we demonstrate that the presence of this viral accessory gene leads to impairment of the ability of HIV-1-specific CTL clones to suppress viral replication. Furthermore, inhibition by genetically modified CTL that do not require major histocompatibility complex class I-presented antigen (expressing the CD4 T-cell receptor [TCR] zeta-chain hybrid receptor) is similar for both nef-competent and -deleted strains, indicating that Nef does not impair the effector functions of CTL but acts at the level of TCR triggering. In contrast, we note that another accessory gene, vpr, does not induce resistance of HIV-1 to suppression by CTL clones. We conclude that Nef (and not Vpr) contributes to functional HIV-1 immune evasion and that this effect is mediated by diminished antigen presentation to CTL.  相似文献   

The expression of a membrane-anchored gp41-derived peptide (M87) has been shown to confer protection from infection through human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) (Hildinger et al., J. Virol. 75:3038-3042, 2001). In an effort to characterize the mechanism of action of this membrane-anchored peptide in comparison to the soluble peptide T-20, we selected resistant variants of HIV-1(NL4-3) and HIV-1(BaL) by serial virus passage using PM1 cells stably expressing peptide M87. Sequence analysis of the resistant isolates showed different patterns of selected point mutations in heptad repeat regions 1 and 2 (HR1 and HR2, respectively) for the two viruses analyzed. For HIV-1(NL4-3) a single amino acid change at position 33 in HR1 (L33S) was selected, whereas for HIV-1(BaL) the majority of the sequences obtained showed two amino acid changes, one in HR1 and one in HR2 (I48V/N126K). In both selections the most important contiguous 3-amino-acid sequence, GIV, within HR1, associated with resistance to soluble T-20, was not changed. Site-directed mutagenesis studies confirmed the importance of the characterized point mutations to confer resistance to M87 as well as to soluble T-20 and T-649. Replication capacity and dual-color competition assays revealed that the double mutation I48V/N126K in HIV-1(BaL) results in a strong reduction of viral fitness, whereas the L33S mutation in HIV-1(NL4-3) did enhance viral fitness compared to the respective parental viruses. However, the selected point mutations did not confer resistance to the more recently described optimized membrane-anchored fusion inhibitor M87o (Egelhofer et al., J. Virol. 78:568-575, 2004), strengthening the importance of this novel antiviral concept for gene therapy approaches.  相似文献   

RNA trafficking signals in human immunodeficiency virus type 1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Intracellular trafficking of retroviral RNAs is a potential mechanism to target viral gene expression to specific regions of infected cells. Here we show that the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genome contains two sequences similar to the hnRNP A2 response element (A2RE), a cis-acting RNA trafficking sequence that binds to the trans-acting trafficking factor, hnRNP A2, and mediates a specific RNA trafficking pathway characterized extensively in oligodendrocytes. The two HIV-1 sequences, designated A2RE-1, within the major homology region of the gag gene, and A2RE-2, in a region of overlap between the vpr and tat genes, both bind to hnRNP A2 in vitro and are necessary and sufficient for RNA transport in oligodendrocytes in vivo. A single base change (A8G) in either sequence reduces hnRNP A2 binding and, in the case of A2RE-2, inhibits RNA transport. A2RE-mediated RNA transport is microtubule and hnRNP A2 dependent. Differentially labelled gag and vpr RNAs, containing A2RE-1 and A2RE-2, respectively, coassemble into the same RNA trafficking granules and are cotransported to the periphery of the cell. tat RNA, although it contains A2RE-2, is not transported as efficiently as vpr RNA. An A2RE/hnRNP A2-mediated trafficking pathway for HIV RNA is proposed, and the role of RNA trafficking in targeting HIV gene expression is discussed.  相似文献   

Mutational escape by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) recognition is a major challenge for vaccine design. However, recent studies suggest that CTL escape may carry a sufficient cost to viral replicative capacity to facilitate subsequent immune control of a now attenuated virus. In order to examine how limitations can be imposed on viral escape, the epitope TSTLQEQIGW (TW10 [Gag residues 240 to 249]), presented by two HLA alleles associated with effective control of HIV, HLA-B*57 and -B*5801, was investigated. The in vitro experiments described here demonstrate that the dominant TW10 escape mutation, T242N, reduces viral replicative capacity. Structural analysis reveals that T242 plays a critical role in defining the start point and in stabilizing helix 6 within p24 Gag, ensuring that escape occurs at a significant cost. A very similar role is played by Thr-180, which is also an escape residue, but within a second p24 Gag epitope associated with immune control. Analysis of HIV type 1 gag in 206 B*57/5801-positive subjects reveals three principle alternative TW10-associated variants, and each is strongly linked to concomitant additional variants within p24 Gag, suggesting that functional constraints operate against their occurrence alone. The extreme conservation of p24 Gag and the predictable nature of escape variation resulting from these tight functional constraints indicate that p24 Gag may be a critical immunogen in vaccine design and suggest novel vaccination strategies to limit viral escape options from such epitopes.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) resistance to protease inhibitors (PI) is a major obstacle to the full success of combined antiretroviral therapy. High-level resistance to these compounds is the consequence of stepwise accumulation of amino acid substitutions in the HIV-1 protease (PR), following pathways that usually differ from one inhibitor to another. The selective advantage conferred by resistance mutations may depend upon several parameters: the impact of the mutation on virus infectivity in the presence or absence of drug, the nature of the drug, and its local concentration. Because drug concentrations in vivo are subject to extensive variation over time and display a markedly uneven tissue distribution, the parameters of selection for HIV-1 resistance to PI in treated patients are complex and poorly understood. In this study, we have reconstructed a large series of HIV-1 mutants that carry single or combined mutations in the PR, retracing the accumulation pathways observed in ritonavir-, indinavir-, and saquinavir-treated patients. We have then measured the phenotypic resistance and the drug-free infectivity of these mutant viruses. A deeper insight into the evolutionary value of HIV-1 PR mutants came from a novel assay system designed to measure the replicative advantage of mutant viruses as a function of drug concentration. By tracing the resultant fitness profiles, we determined the range of drug concentrations for which mutant viruses displayed a replicative advantage over the wild type and the extent of this advantage. Fitness profiles were fully consistent with the order of accumulation of resistance mutations observed in treated patients and further emphasise the key importance of local drug concentration in the patterns of selection of drug-resistant HIV-1 mutants.  相似文献   

Resistance genotyping provides an important resource for the clinical management of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). However, resistance to protease (PR) inhibitors (PIs) is a complex phenotype shaped by interactions among nearly half of the residues in HIV-1 PR. Previous studies of the genetic basis of PI resistance focused on fixed substitutions among populations of HIV-1, i.e., host-specific adaptations. Consequently, they are susceptible to a high false discovery rate due to founder effects. Here, we employ sequencing “mixtures” (i.e., ambiguous base calls) as a site-specific marker of genetic variation within patients that is independent of the phylogeny. We demonstrate that the transient response to selection by PIs is manifested as an excess of nonsynonymous mixtures. Using a sample of 5,651 PR sequences isolated from both PI-naive and -treated patients, we analyze the joint distribution of mixtures and eight PIs as a Bayesian network, which distinguishes residue-residue interactions from direct associations with PIs. We find that selection for resistance is associated with the emergence of nonsynonymous mixtures in two distinct groups of codon sites clustered along the substrate cleft and distal regions of PR, respectively. Within-patient evolution at several positions is independent of PIs, including those formerly postulated to be involved in resistance. These positions are under strong positive selection in the PI-naive patient population, implying that other factors can produce spurious associations with resistance, e.g., mutational escape from the immune response.  相似文献   

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