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We have previously shown that the cholecystokinin (CCK)-binding proteins in rat pancreatic plasma membranes consist of a major Mr 85,000 and minor Mr 55,000 and Mr 130,000 species as revealed by affinity labeling with 125I-CCK-33 using the cross-linker, disuccinimidyl suberate. The glycoprotein nature of these species was investigated using endoglycosidase F (endo F) and neuraminidase treatment and wheat germ agglutinin-agarose chromatography. Treatment of affinity-labeled membranes with endo F resulted in increased electrophoretic mobilities of all three binding proteins, indicating removal of N-linked oligosaccharide side chains. Endo F treatment of each protein in gel slices indicated the following cleavage relationships: Mr 85,000----65,000; Mr 55,000----45,000; Mr 130,000---- 110,000. Using limiting enzyme conditions to digest each protein contained in excised SDS gel slices, three and four products, respectively, were identified for the Mr 85,000 and 55,000 proteins. Similar treatment of the Mr 130,000 protein revealed only the Mr 110,000 product. These results indicated that the Mr 85,000 protein has at least three, the Mr 55,000 protein has at least four, and the Mr 130,000 protein has at least one, N-linked oligosaccharide side chain(s) on their polypeptide backbone. Neuraminidase treatment of affinity-labeled membranes caused slight increases in the electrophoretic mobilities of all three proteins, indicating the presence of sialic acid residues. Solubilization of affinity-labeled membranes in Nonidet P-40 followed by affinity chromatography on wheat germ agglutinin-agarose revealed that all three CCK-binding proteins specifically interact with this lectin and can be eluted with N-acetyl- D-glucosamine. Analysis of the proteins present in the eluted fractions by silver staining indicated a significant enrichment for proteins having molecular weights corresponding to the major CCK-binding proteins in comparison to the pattern of native membranes. Taken together, these studies provide definitive evidence that the CCK- binding proteins in rat pancreas are (sialo)glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Affinity-labeling probes with sites of cross-linking distributed along the ligand have been used to biochemically characterize the pancreatic cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor. Probes with photolabile sites spanning the receptor-binding domain have labeled a Mr = 85,000-95,000 plasma membrane protein, while a probe cross-linked via the amino terminus of CCK-33, far removed from the carboxyl-terminal receptor-binding domain, has labeled a distinct Mr = 80,000 protein. In this work, protease peptide mapping of the pancreatic proteins labeled by each of these probes has been performed to gain insight into the identities of the bands and to define domains of the labeled proteins. Photolabile decapeptide probes with sites of cross-linking at the amino terminus, mid region, and carboxyl terminus of the receptor-binding domain each labeled a Mr = 85,000-95,000 glycoprotein with a Mr = 42,000 core protein and similar Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease peptide maps. This confirms that each probe labels the same binding protein and the same domain of that protein. Serial slices through the broad labeled band were separately deglycosylated and protease-treated, demonstrating a single protein core with differential glycosylation. The CCK-33-based probe, however, labeled predominantly two proteins, one having similar sizes in its native and deglycosylated forms to that labeled by the decapeptide probes and a distinct Mr = 80,000 protein. Of note, the peptide map of the protein believed to be the same as that labeled by the shorter probes was different, suggesting that this probe labeled the binding subunit at a site distinct from that which was labeled by the short probes.  相似文献   

The content of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was measured in human brain tumours with different histological structure, origin and rate of malignancy. The polypeptide composition of CFAP was established in human brain and tumours by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by immunoblotting. In tumours with an astrocyte type of differentiation, GFAP was revealed as a set of immunologically related and partially degraded polypeptides with a molecular weight of around and below 37 kD. It was assumed that the appearance of intact GFAP polypeptides (49 kD) in some tumours may be considered as a result of penetration of reactive astrocytes into tumour tissue.  相似文献   

Distribution of gastrin and CCK-like peptides in rat brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The distribution of gastrin and CCK-like peptides in the rat brain was studied by immunocytochemistry using an antiserum reacting equally well with both groups of peptides. Immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were detected in all cortical areas, in the hippocampus where they were particularly numerous, in the mesencephalic central gray and in the medulla oblongata. After colchicine treatment immunoreactive material appeared also in cell bodies of the magnocellular hypothalamic system. Immunoreactive nerve fibers were widely distributed in the brain. Particularly dense accumulations were seen in the hippocampus near the ventral surface of the brain, in the caudate nucleus, in the interpeduncular nucleus, the parabrachial nucleus, the dorsal part of the medulla oblongata and in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. In the hypothalamus immunoreactive nerve fibers were observed in all nuclei, being most frequent in the ventromedial, dorsal and lateral hypothalamic nuclei. A rich supply of nerve fibers was seen in the outer zone of the median eminence and in the neurohypophysis. From previous immunochemical analysis it appears that the peptide demonstrated in most parts of the brain is identical with CCK-8. In the neurosecretory cell bodies of the hypothalamus, the median eminence and the neurohypophysis, however, the immunoreactive material is probably identical with gastrin.  相似文献   

Cholecystokinin (CCK) and met-enkephalin (MEK) related peptides have been shown to alter feeding behavior subsequent to their injection into the peripheral circulation or directly into the brains of several species. To evaluate the potential role of endogenous brain pools of these peptides in feeding, groups of sheep were sacrificed either immediately following a meal (satiated) or after various intervals of food deprivation (hungry). Content of CCK-gastrin immunoreactivity in the anterior hypothalami of satiated sheep was elevated compared to 2, 4, or 24 hours of food deprivation. Content of MEK increased progressively with longer intervals of fasting (4 and 24 hours) in the amygdala and basomedial hypothalamus, whereas olfactory bulb content decreased with a similar time course. The results support a potential role for anterior hypothalamic CCK/gastrin in behaviors of satiety, whereas MEK neurons of limbic/rhinencephalic regions appear to form part of a separate circuit gradually activated by increasing hunger. Results are discussed in terms of potential target regions of the peptides, as well as the regional levels and feeding response of sheep as compared to available data from other species.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The ECL cells are histamine-producing endocrine cells in the oxyntic mucosa that synthesize and secrete proteins and peptides. They are the primary target for gastrin and mediate the control of gastrin on acid secretion and oxyntic mucosal growth. Knowledge of the molecular biology of the ECL cell is therefore important for understanding gastric physiology. Accordingly, we wanted to identify genes that are characteristically expressed in the ECL cells and controlled by gastrin. METHODS: Using Affymetrix GeneChips, RNA expression profiles were generated from ECL cells isolated by counterflow elutriation from hyper- or hypogastrinemic rats. Contamination from non-endocrine cells was eliminated by subtraction of the expression profiles of the fundic and antral mucosa. RESULTS: The expression of 365 genes was ECL cell characteristic. Gastrin was found to control the expression of 120 which could be divided into two major groups depending on the known or anticipated biological function of the encoded protein: genes encoding proteins involved in the secretory process and genes encoding proteins needed to generate energy for secretion. Interestingly, gastrin stimulation also increased ECL cells expression of anti-apoptotic genes. CONCLUSION: The ECL cell specific expression profile is reminiscent of that of neurons and other endocrine cells exhibiting high expression of genes encoding proteins involved in the synthesis, storage and secretion of neuropeptides or peptide hormones. Gastrin regulated the expression of one third of these genes and is thus involved in the control of secretion from the ECL cells.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. A basic fraction from brain cytosol was found to contain two or more tubulin-binding proteins, able to induce aggregation of tubulin accompanied by hydrolysis of GTP.
  • 2.2. In some respects tubulin aggregation by the brain proteins was similar to its aggregation by polylysine.
  • 3.3. The burst of GTP hydrolysis accompanying tubulin aggregation by polylysine had the following characteristics: enhanced by salt and abolished by low temperature; not stoichiometric with the amount of tubulin precipitated and actually maximal at relatively low polylysine concentration; uncoupled temporally from aggregation, which occurred over a much shorter interval.

The ability of S-100 proteins to inhibit the assembly of brain microtubule proteins (MTPs) in the presence of microM levels of Ca2+ increases as a function of pH. This seems to be due to an increasingly larger inhibitory effect of S-100 on the nucleation and, probably, on the elongation of microtubules (MTs) as the pH raises. In the presence of microM Ca2+ levels, the ability of S-100 to disassemble MTs also increases linearly with the pH, suggesting that the larger inhibitory effect of S-100 on MTP assembly at alkaline than at acidic pH may depend on both a decrease in the assembly rate and an increase in the disassembly rate. Also, S-100 inhibits the assembly of phosphocellulose-purified tubulin to a larger and larger extent as the pH raises. S-100 brings about its effect on MT assembly-disassembly probably by sequestering soluble tubulin, though additional mechanisms cannot be excluded. The present data are briefly discussed in relation to the role attributed to changes in intracellular pH in the regulation of the state of assembly of cytoplasmic MTs.  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that actions of intracellular Ca2+ are mediated by a four-domain Ca2+-binding protein, calmodulin. Brain is especially rich in calmodulin, containing about 400 mg (24 μmol) of EGTA-extractable calmodulin per kg of brain. However, only a fraction of the above amount is required for the calmodulin-activated enzymes and most of the rest may be assigned to calmodulin-binding proteins, proteins which are apparently devoid of enzyme activities but undergo Ca2+-dependent associations with calmodulin. Several of such proteins have been recently discovered in brain. These include a heat-labile 80 K phosphodiesterase inhibitor protein (calcineurin), a heat-stable 70 K phosphodiesterase inhibitor protein, a 50 K protein, myelin basic protein, tubulin, microtubule τ (tau) factor, a spectrin-like doublet protein (240 plus 235 K) (calspectin; fodrin) and a particle-associated 155 K protein.Functions of these calmodulin-binding proteins have not been fully elucidated yet. Some proteins may be calmodulin-regulated enzymes catalyzing yet unknown biochemical reactions, e.g. a protein phosphatase activity was found for calcineurin. Some proteins may interact with contractile elements or cytoskeleton of the cell, e.g. τ factor and calspectin interacted with tubulin and F-actin, respectively and tubulin itself is a calmodulin-binding protein. So, interesting possibilities are the regulation of the functions of cytoskeleton by calmodulin through these calmodulin-binding proteins. Regulation of microtubule assembly by Ca2+-dependent binding of calmodulin to tubulin and/or τ factor and possible involvement of calspectin in the mechanism regulating axonal transport of neuronal proteins have been suggested. Thus, the exploration of the regulating functions of Ca2+/calmodulin in brain depends largely upon the further study of the properties of these calmodulin-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Palmitoylation is a reversible posttranslational modification which is involved in the regulation of several membrane proteins such as β2-adrenergic receptor, p21ras and trimeric G-protein α-subunits. This covalent modification could be involved in the regulation of the numerous membrane proteins present in the blood-brain barrier capillaries. The palmitoylation activity present in brain capillaries was characterized using [3H]palmitate labeling followed by chloroform methanol precipitation. Palmitate solubilizing agents such as detergents and bovine serum albumin (BSA), were used for optimizing activity. Some palmitoylated substrates were identified using [3H]palmitate labeling followed by immunoprecipitation with specific antibodies. Two optimal palmitate solubilization conditions were found, one involves cell permeabilization (Triton X-100) and the other represents a more physiological condition where membrane integrity is conserved (BSA). Sensitivity to the cysteine modifier N-ethylmaleimide and to hydrolysis, using hydroxylamine or alkaline methanolysis, indicated that palmitic acid was bound to the proteins by a thioester bond. Maximal palmitate incorporation was reached after 30 or 60 min of incubation in the presence of Triton or BSA, respectively. Depalmitoylation was observed in the presence of BSA, but not with detergents. The palmitoylation reaction was optimal at pH 8 or 9 in the presence of Triton or BSA, respectively, but palmitoylated substrates were detectable over a wide range of pH values. In the presence of Triton X-100, the addition of ATP, CoA and Mg2+ to the incubation medium increased palmitoylation by up to 80-fold. Two palmitoylated substrates were identified, a 42 kDa G-protein α subunit and p21ras. The study shows that the utilization of palmitate solubilizing agents is essential to measure in vitro palmitoylation in brain capillaries. Several palmitoylated proteins are present in the blood-brain barrier including five major substrates of 12, 21, 35, 42 and 55 kDa. It is suggested that palmitoylation could play a crucial role in the regulation of brain capillary function, since the two substrates identified in this study are known to be involved in signal transduction, vesicular transport and cell differentiation.  相似文献   

For a selective covalent linkage of muramyl-peptides with human-little-gastrin the maleimide-thiol reaction principle was adopted. For this purpose thiol-functionalized muramyl-peptide derivatives, i.e. N-acetyl-muramyl-alanyl-D-isoglutaminyl-cysteamine and N-acetyl-muramyl-alanyl-D-isoglutaminyl-N epsilon-palmitoyl-lysyl-cysteamine, were reacted with N alpha-maleoyl-beta-alanyl-[15-methoxinine]-human-little-g ast rin-I-[2-17]. The resulting gastrin conjugates were used in immunization experiments on rabbits and mice. Unexpectedly, these gastrin derivatives proved to be poorly immunogenic despite the built-in immunoadjuvanticity. The titers of the antipeptide antibodies as well as of the unspecific immunoglobulins were in the range of those of the control group.  相似文献   

Rat and guinea pig brain extracts were examined for the occurrence of gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP)-like substances by sequence specific radioimmunoassays interfaced with gel filtration and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Tryptic digestion of the immunoreactive peptides followed by RP-HPLC was used to further characterize GRP-related peptides in brain. Using these analytical techniques it was found that guinea pig brain extracts contained a peptide with characteristics identical to authentic GRP (27 amino acid residues long). A carboxyterminal fragment with the characteristics of GRP(18–27) as well as a respective aminoterminal fragment with the characteristics of GRP(1–16) were also present in guinea pig brain extracts. The GRP(18–27) seems to correspond to the bombesin related material that has been described previously in mammalian brain extracts.Rat brain extracts also contained a peptide with the characteristics of GRP(18–27). The corresponding aminoterminal fragment, however, behaved differently on RP-HPLC from authentic GRP(1–16) and it was not recognized by antibodies directed to the aminoterminal tridecapeptide fragment of authentic GRP. Similarly the GRP-like peptide from rat brain did not comigrate on RP-HPLC with authentic GRP and was unreactive to antibodies directed toward the aminoterminus of GRP.  相似文献   

G17 has growth promoting and antiapoptotic effects on the AR4-2J pancreatic acinar cell line. We previously reported that whereas MAPK regulates G17-stimulation of AR4-2J cell proliferation, Akt mediates the antiapoptotic action of G17. We examined the signal-transduction pathways mediating G17 stimulation of AR4-2J cell growth and survival. G17 activated the small GTP binding proteins Ras, Rac, Rho, and Cdc42. Transduction of the cells with adenoviral vectors expressing dominant negative Akt, Ras, Rho, and Cdc42 but not dominant negative Rac inhibited AR4-2J cell proliferation and survival. Both exoenzyme C3 from Clostridium botulinum (C3), a toxin known to inactivate Rho, and PD98059, a MAPK inhibitor, reversed G17 inhibition of AR4-2J cell apoptosis. G17 induction of Akt activation was reduced by >60% by both dominant negative Ras and Rho and by 30% by dominant negative Cdc42. In contrast, G17-stimulated MAPK activation was blocked by >80% by dominant negative Ras but not by dominant negative Rho and Cdc42. Similar results were observed in the presence of C3. Dominant negative Rac failed to affect G17 induction of both Akt and MAPK, whereas it inhibited sorbitol by almost 50% but not G17-stimulated activation of p38 kinase. Thus G17 promotes AR4-2J cell growth and survival through the activation of multiple GTP binding proteins, which, in turn, regulate different protein kinase cascades. Whereas Ras activates Akt and MAPK, Rho and Cdc42 appear to regulate Akt and possibly other as yet unidentified kinases mediating the growth-stimulatory actions of G17.  相似文献   

Dibutyryl cyclic GMP has been reported to interact with antisera specific for C-terminal tetrapeptide amide common for cholecystokinin (CCK) and gastrin. Moreover, cyclic nucleotides elute by gel chromatography in the same position as the free CCK/gastrin tetrapeptide. Therefore, we have examined the reactivity of 25 mononucleotides with eight CCK and gastrin antisera. The results show that the nucleotides all bind poorly to the antisera (nucleotide concentration required 1 mM). Hence, endogenous cyclic nucleotides, which are present in biological extracts in pM to nM concentrations, do not interfere with immunochemical CCK or gastrin measurements. The antisera displayed highly individual patterns of reactivity without preferential binding of di- or monobutyryl cyclic nucleotides (AMP, GMP or IMP). Thus, the present results do not support the idea of structural resemblance between the C-terminus of CCK/gastrin peptides and butyryl derivatives of cyclic GMP. Enzymatic treatment of the antral tetrapeptide-like immunoreactivity showed that nucleotides do not contribute to this material, which appears exclusively peptidergic.  相似文献   

The microtubule associated proteins of goat brain were separated from tubulin on the basis of their thermostability and then fractionated by chromatography on Sepharose 4B column. Analysis of the fractions by SDS-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and assay of their tubulin-assembly-promoting activity indicate that this activity resides primarily in the tauproteins (mol. wt. 55,000–70,000) and a class of even lower molecular weight (25,000–35,000) proteins. Electrophoresis of the microtubule associated protein fractions separated from tubulin by phosphocellulose chromatography are in agreement with the results obtained from fractionation on Sepharose 4B columns.  相似文献   

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