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The major outer membrane porin (PorB) of Neisseria gonorrhoeae is an essential protein that mediates ion exchange between the organism and its environment and also plays multiple roles in human host pathogenesis. To facilitate structure-function studies of porin''s multiple roles, we performed saturating mutagenesis at the porB locus and used deep sequencing to identify essential versus mutable residues. Random mutations in porB were generated in a plasmid vector, and mutant gene pools were transformed into N. gonorrhoeae to select for alleles that maintained bacterial viability. Deep sequencing of the input plasmid pools and the output N. gonorrhoeae genomic DNA pools identified mutations present in each, and the mutations in both pools were compared to determine which changes could be tolerated by the organism. We examined the mutability of 328 amino acids in the mature PorB protein and found that 308 of them were likely to be mutable and that 20 amino acids were likely to be nonmutable. A subset of these predictions was validated experimentally. This approach to identifying essential amino acids in a protein of interest introduces an additional application for next-generation sequencing technology and provides a template for future studies of both porin and other essential bacterial genes.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the major outer membrane protein (OMP) from Aeromonas veronii, Omp38, was cloned and characterized. Sequence analysis revealed an open reading frame of 1,047 nucleotides coding for a primary protein of 349 amino acids with a 20–amino-acid signal peptide at the N-terminal and the consensus sequence Ala-X-Ala (Ala-Asn-Ala) as the signal peptidase I recognition site. The mature protein is composed of 329 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 36,327 Da. The degree of identity of the deduced Omp38 amino acid sequence to porins from enteric bacteria (OmpF, PhoE, and OmpC) was only 30%. Nevertheless, Omp38 possesses typical features of Gram-negative porins, including acidic pI, high glycine and low proline content, no cysteine residues, and a carboxy-terminal Phe. On the basis of PhoE-OmpF three-dimensional structure and the Kyte-Doolittle hydrophobicity analysis, it seems likely that Omp38 secondary structure consists of 16 antiparallel β-strands and 8 loops. Phylogenetic analyses among Omp38 and related porins from Gram-negative bacteria originate well-defined clusters that agree with the taxonomy of the corresponding organisms.  相似文献   

脑膜炎奈瑟氏菌外膜蛋白NhhA的克隆表达及免疫学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过克隆脑膜炎奈瑟氏菌NhhA基因GNA0992于原核表达载体pET 20b,在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中实现了可溶性表达,表达量约占菌体蛋白总量的20%。经初步纯化后免疫小鼠,对其免疫原性进行了初步分析。结果显示,经3次腹腔免疫,血清IgG滴度达到23186,同时杀菌力实验显示NhhA能诱导针对B群脑膜炎奈瑟氏菌的补体依赖的杀菌反应。证明了NhhA是一种良好的抗原,为疫苗开发的蛋白靶标筛选工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Since the concentration of free iron in the human host is low, efficient iron-acquisition mechanisms constitute important virulence factors for pathogenic bacteria. In Gram-negative bacteria, TonB-dependent outer membrane receptors are implicated in iron acquisition. It is far less clear how other metals that are also scarce in the human host are transported across the bacterial outer membrane. With the aim of identifying novel vaccine candidates, we characterized in this study a hitherto unknown receptor in Neisseria meningitidis. We demonstrate that this receptor, designated ZnuD, is produced under zinc limitation and that it is involved in the uptake of zinc. Upon immunization of mice, it was capable of inducing bactericidal antibodies and we could detect ZnuD-specific antibodies in human convalescent patient sera. ZnuD is highly conserved among N. meningitidis isolates and homologues of the protein are found in many other Gram-negative pathogens, particularly in those residing in the respiratory tract. We conclude that ZnuD constitutes a promising candidate for the development of a vaccine against meningococcal disease for which no effective universal vaccine is available. Furthermore, the results suggest that receptor-mediated zinc uptake represents a novel virulence mechanism that is particularly important for bacterial survival in the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

The surfaces of the disrupted-cell surfaces of the Campylobacter jejuni strains FUM158432 and M1 were examined using the negative-staining technique and electron microscopy. The surfaces of the whole cells and the outer membranes were covered with small dark dots which, in some areas, were arranged in hexagonal patterns. The hexagonal arrangement was more clearly seen in extracted outer membrane. The size of each structure was measured based on a center-to-center distance with the adjacent structure, and was determined to be 9.9±0.9 nm. A profile of the proteins in the outer membrane by SDS-PAGE, performed in 0.1% SDS and at 100 C, showed 42 kDa proteins to comprise the major outer membrane protein of this bacterium. Digestion of the outer membrane materials with proteinase reduced this protein band in the SDS-PAGE, and the amount of dark dots on the electron micrograph indicated the structure to be the major outer membrane protein (porin) of this bacterium. The power spectrogram of a computer-assisted Fourier transformation of the hexagonally arranged porin proteins suggests that the porin has a trimeric structure rather than a monomeric one.  相似文献   

Sprey TE  Kuhn DT 《Genetics》1987,115(2):283-294
The aldehyde oxidase (Aldox) distribution pattern was determined for wing discs of partial hybrids between D. melanogaster and D. simulans. In these animals the regulation of Aldox activity is not uniform over the disc epithelium as both cis-dominant and trans -acting control were evident in different regions of the disc. The Aldox expression was shown to be regulated by loci on the X chromosome, 2L and 3R of D. melanogaster and 2R and 3R of D. simulans.  相似文献   

Induced changes in the surface of Neisseria gonorrhoeae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strain F62 on medium containing pyruvate and a high ratio of cysteine to cystine resulted in functional and structural changes that are consistent with phenotypic changes in lipopolysaccharide. Both transparent (O-) and moderately opaque (O+) variants became more sensitive to killing by normal human serum and resistant to killing by pyocin G, a bacteriocin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Electrophoresis of outer membranes in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate demonstrated differences also dependent upon the growth medium. When gels were treated with periodic acid and stained with silver, lanes containing outer membranes obtained after growth in the modified medium demonstrated two bands in addition to those independent of the growth medium. The enhancement of these additional bands by periodate treatment indicated that they represent material containing carbohydrate. The mechanism by which the changes in the growth medium affected the surface of N. gonorrhoeae is not known; however, the changes demonstrated by electrophoresis were dependent upon either the high concentration of cysteine or the high ratio of cysteine to cystine.  相似文献   

Cytophaga hutchinsonii is an aerobic cellulolytic soil bacterium which was reported to use a novel contact-dependent strategy to degrade cellulose. It was speculated that cellooligosaccharides were transported into the periplasm for further digestion. In this study, we reported that most of the endoglucanase and β-glucosidase activity was distributed on the cell surface of C. hutchinsonii. Cellobiose and part of the cellulose could be hydrolyzed to glucose on the cell surface. However, the cell surface cellulolytic enzymes were not sufficient for cellulose degradation by C. hutchinsonii. An outer membrane protein, CHU_1277, was disrupted by insertional mutation. Although the mutant maintained the same endoglucanase activity and most of the β-glucosidase activity, it failed to digest cellulose, and its cellooligosaccharide utilization ability was significantly reduced, suggesting that CHU_1277 was essential for cellulose degradation and played an important role in cellooligosaccharide utilization. Further study of cellobiose hydrolytic ability of the mutant on the enzymatic level showed that the β-glucosidase activity in the outer membrane of the mutant was not changed. It revealed that CHU_1277 played an important role in assisting cell surface β-glucosidase to exhibit its activity sufficiently. Studies on the outer membrane proteins involved in cellulose and cellooligosaccharide utilization could shed light on the mechanism of cellulose degradation by C. hutchinsonii.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a major component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and is responsible for the barrier function of this membrane. A ght mutant of Neisseria meningitidis that showed increased sensitivity to hydrophobic toxic compounds, suggesting a breach in this permeability barrier, was previously described. Here, we assessed whether this phenotype was possibly caused by a defect in LPS transport or synthesis. The total amount of LPS appeared to be drastically reduced in a ght mutant, but the residual LPS was still detected at the cell surface, suggesting that LPS transport was not impaired. The ght mutant was rapidly overgrown by pseudorevertants that produced normal levels of LPS. Genetic analysis of these pseudorevertants revealed that the lpxC gene, which encodes a key enzyme in LPS synthesis, was fused to the promoter of the upstream-located pilE gene, resulting in severe lpxC overexpression. Analysis of phoA and lacZ gene fusions indicated that Ght is an inner membrane protein with an N-terminal membrane anchor and its bulk located in the cytoplasm, where it could potentially interact with LpxC. Cell fractionation experiments indeed indicated that Ght tethers LpxC to the membrane. We suggest that Ght regulates LPS biosynthesis by affecting the activity of LpxC. Possibly, this mechanism acts in the previously observed feedback inhibition of LPS synthesis that occurs when LPS transport is hampered.  相似文献   

细菌外膜蛋白与细菌对异丙醇耐受关系密切,但迄今为止尚未见相关研究.本文首先采用基于双向电泳(two dimensional electrophoresis,2-DE)的蛋白质组学技术,研究E.coli K-12 BW25113在有无异丙醇条件下外膜蛋白表达的差异.结果发现,外膜蛋白LamB、FadL和OmpC以及OmpT、Tsx、OmpA和OmpF在异丙醇应激条件下表达量分别上调和下调.然后通过基因敲除、补救和高表达等功能基因组学的方法,探讨这些功能外膜蛋白在异丙醇应激耐受中所起的作用,发现LamB、OmpA和OmpC在E.coli K-12 BW25113对异丙醇耐受过程中起到更重要的作用.最后,对EnvZ/OmpR双组分信号转导系统在对异丙醇耐受中的作用进行了研究,证实EnvZ/OmpR双组分信号转导系统确实参与细菌对异丙醇的耐受.因此,外膜蛋白的改变和EnvZ/OmpR双组分信号转导系统的调节是革兰氏阴性细菌对异丙醇耐受的一种重要机制。  相似文献   

Attachment to host tissues is a critical step in the pathogenesis of most bacterial infections. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) remains one of the principal causes of infectious diarrhea in humans. The recent identification of additional ETEC surface molecules suggests that new targets may be exploited in vaccine development. The EtpA protein identified in ETEC H10407 is a large glycosylated adhesin secreted via the two-partner secretion system. EtpA requires its putative partner EtpB for translocation across the outer membrane (OM). We investigated the biochemical and electrophysiological properties of purified EtpB. We showed that EtpB is 65-kDa heat-modifiable protein localized to the OM. Electrophysiological experiments indicated that EtpB is able to form pores in planar lipid bilayer membranes with an asymmetric current, suggesting its functional asymmetry. The pore of EtpB frequently assumes an opened conformation and fluctuates between three well-defined conductance states. In silico analysis of the EtpB amino acid sequence and molecular modeling suggest that EtpB is similar to the well-known TpsB protein FhaC from Bordetella pertussis and has a C-terminal transmembrane β-barrel domain that is occluded by an N-terminal α-helix, an extracellular loop, and two periplasmic polypeptide-transport-associated (POTRA) domains. Together, these data confirm that EtpB is a pore-forming protein mainly folded into a β-barrel conformation and indicate that EtpB presents typical features of the OM TpsB proteins.  相似文献   

目的 构建L3 2_pGEX_5x_2重组质粒 ,诱导表达重组钩端螺旋体外膜脂蛋白LipL3 2。方法 PCR获取编码LipL3 2的基因片段 ,构建重组克隆载体和表达载体 ,转化受体菌 ,诱导表达重组LipL3 2蛋白。将重组LipL3 2蛋白和钩体抗血清进行Western_blot。结果 扩增出约 750bp的LipL3 2成熟蛋白基因 ,LipL3 2基因插入pGEX_5x_2表达载体 ,表达产物谷胱甘肽S_转移酶 (GST ,2 6× 10 3)与LipL3 2蛋白的融合蛋白的相对分子质量约为 53× 10 3 ,与预期大小一致。Western_blot显示重组LipL3 2蛋白能与钩体抗血清特异结合。结论 LipL3 2蛋白能在大肠埃希菌中表达 ,重组LipL3 2蛋白具有免疫反应性  相似文献   

The twin arginine translocation (Tat) pathway exports folded proteins from the cytoplasm to the periplasm of bacteria. The targeting of the exported proteins to the Tat pathway relies on a specific amino-terminal signal sequence, which is cleaved after exportation. In the phytopathogen Dickeya dadantii, the pectin lyase homologue PnlH is exported by the Tat pathway without cleavage of its signal sequence, which anchors PnlH into the outer membrane. In proteobacteria, the vast majority of outer membrane proteins consists of β-barrel proteins and lipoproteins. Thus, PnlH represents a new kind of outer membrane protein. In Escherichia coli, periplasmic chaperones SurA, Skp, and DegP work together with the β-barrel assembly machinery (Bam) to target and insert β-barrel proteins into the outer membrane. In this work, we showed that SurA is required for an efficient targeting of PnlH to the outer membrane. Moreover, we were able to detect an in vitro interaction between SurA and the PnlH signal sequence. Since the PnlH signal sequence contains a highly hydrophobic region, we propose that SurA protects it from the hydrophobic periplasm during targeting of PnlH to the outer membrane. We also studied the nature of the information carried by the PnlH signal sequence responsible for its targeting to the outer membrane after exportation by the Tat system.  相似文献   

The gene (com1) encoding a 27-kDa outer membrane protein in 21 strains of Coxiella burnetii from a variety of clinical and geographical sources was sequenced for strain differentiation. The com1 gene was highly conserved among all the strains tested but there were several differences in nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences. Based on the com1 gene-specific nucleotides and deduced amino acids, the 21 strains were divided into four groups. Group 1 contained 14 strains originating from ticks, cattle and human cases of acute Q fever. Groups 2 and 3 included 2 and 3 strains, respectively, originating from human cases of chronic Q fever. Group 4 contained 2 strains originating from a human case of acute Q fever and a goat with abortion. The results indicated that the strains originating from ticks, cattle and human cases of acute Q fever differed at the molecular level from those of human chronic Q fever. This study suggests that a sequence analysis of the com1 gene can be used for strain differentiation of C. burnetii.  相似文献   

Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is one of the chemolithoautotrophic bacteria important in industrial biomining operations. Some of the surface components of this microorganism are probably involved in adaptation to their acidic environment and in bacterium-mineral interactions. We have isolated and characterized omp40, the gene coding for the major outer membrane protein from T. ferrooxidans. The deduced amino acid sequence of the Omp40 protein has 382 amino acids and a calculated molecular weight of 40,095.7. Omp40 forms an oligomeric structure of about 120 kDa that dissociates into the monomer (40 kDa) by heating in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The degree of identity of Omp40 amino acid sequence to porins from enterobacteria was only 22%. Nevertheless, multiple alignments of this sequence with those from several OmpC porins showed several important features conserved in the T. ferrooxidans surface protein, such as the approximate locations of 16 transmembrane beta strands, eight loops, including a large external L3 loop, and eight turns which allowed us to propose a putative 16-stranded beta-barrel porin structure for the protein. These results together with the previously known capacity of Omp40 to form ion channels in planar lipid bilayers strongly support its role as a porin in this chemolithoautotrophic acidophilic microorganism. Some characteristics of the Omp40 protein, such as the presence of a putative L3 loop with an estimated isoelectric point of 7.21 allow us to speculate that this can be the result of an adaptation of the acidophilic T. ferrooxidans to prevent free movement of protons across its outer membrane.  相似文献   

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