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The proton-translocating NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1) of Thermus thermophilus HB-8 is composed of 14 subunits (designated Nqo1-14). This NDH-1 houses nine putative iron-sulfur binding sites, eight of which are generally found in bacterial NDH-1 and its mitochondrial counterpart (complex I). The extra site contains a CXXCXXXCX(27)C motif and is located in the Nqo3 subunit. This motif was originally found in Escherichia coli NDH-1 and was assigned to a binuclear cluster (g(z, y, x) = 2.00, 1.95, 1.92) and named N1c. In this report, the Thermus Nqo3 fragment containing this motif was heterologously overexpressed, using a glutathione S-transferase fusion system. This fragment contained a small amount of iron-sulfur cluster, whose content was significantly increased by in vitro reconstitution. The UV-visible and EPR spectroscopic properties of this fragment indicate that the ligated iron-sulfur cluster is tetranuclear with nearly axial symmetry (g( parallel, perpendicular) = 2.045, approximately 1.94). Site-directed mutants show that all four cysteines participate in the ligation of a [4Fe-4S] cluster. Considering the fact that the same motif coordinates only tetranuclear clusters in other enzymes so far known, we propose that the CXXCXXXCX(27)C motif in the Nqo3 subunit most likely ligates the [4Fe-4S] cluster.  相似文献   

The structural gene of the Paracoccus denitrificans NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase encoding a homologue of the 75-kDa subunit of bovine complex I (NQO3) has been located and sequenced. It is located approximately 1 kbp downstream of the gene coding for the NADH-binding subunit (NQO1) [Xu, X., Matsuno-Yagi, A., and Yagi, T. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 6422-6428] and is composed of 2019 base pairs and codes for 673 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 73,159. The M(r) 66,000 polypeptide of the isolated Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex is assigned the NQO3 designation on the basis of N-terminal protein sequence analysis, amino acid analysis, and immuno-cross-reactivity. The encoded protein contains a putative tetranuclear iron-sulfur cluster (probably cluster N4) and possibly a binuclear iron-sulfur cluster. An unidentified reading frame (URF3) which is composed of 396 base pairs and possibly codes for 132 amino acid residues was found between the NQO1 and NQO3 genes. When partial DNA sequencing of the regions downstream of the NQO3 gene was performed, sequences homologous to the mitochondrial ND-1, ND-5, and ND-2 gene products of bovine complex I were found, suggesting that the gene cluster carrying the Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex contains not only structural genes encoding water-soluble subunits but also structural genes encoding hydrophobic subunits.  相似文献   

T Yagi  T M Dinh 《Biochemistry》1990,29(23):5515-5520
The NADH dehydrogenase complex isolated from Paracoccus denitrificans is composed of approximately 10 unlike polypeptides and contains noncovalently bound FMN, non-heme iron, and acid-labile sulfide [Yagi, T. (1986) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 250, 302-311]. When the Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex was irradiated by UV light in the presence of [adenylate-32P]NAD, radioactivity was incorporated exclusively into one of three polypeptides of Mr approximately 50,000. Similar results were obtained when [adenylate-32P]NADH was used. The labeling of the Mr 50,000 polypeptide was diminished when UV irradiation of the enzyme with [adenylate-32P]NAD was performed in the presence of NADH, but not in the presence of NADP(H). The labeled polypeptide was isolated by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis and was shown to cross-react with antiserum to the NADH-binding subunit (Mr = 51,000) of bovine NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase. Its amino acid composition was also very similar to that of the bovine NADH-binding subunit. These chemical and immunological results indicate that the Mr 50,000 polypeptide is an NADH-binding subunit of the Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex.  相似文献   

T Yagi  K Hon-nami  T Ohnishi 《Biochemistry》1988,27(6):2008-2013
Two types of the NADH-quinone reductase were isolated from Thermus thermophilus HB-8 membranes, by use of the nonionic detergent, dodecyl beta-maltoside, and NAD-agarose affinity, DEAE-cellulose, hydroxyapatite, and Superose 6 column chromatography. One of these (NADH dehydrogenase 1) is a complex composed of 10 unlike polypeptides, and the other (NADH dehydrogenase 2) exhibits a single band (Mr 53,000) upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The NADH-ubiquinone-1 reductase activity of the isolated NADH dehydrogenase 1 was about 14 times higher than that of the dodecyl beta-maltoside extract and partially rotenone sensitive. The NADH-ubiquinone-1 reductase activity of the isolated NADH dehydrogenase 2 was about 30-fold as high as that of the dodecyl beta-maltoside extract and rotenone insensitive. The purified NADH dehydrogenase 1 contained noncovalently bound FMN, non-heme iron, and acid-labile sulfide. The ratio of FMN to non-heme iron to acid-labile sulfide was 1:11-12:7-9. The high content of iron and labile sulfide is suggestive of the presence of several iron-sulfur clusters. The purified NADH dehydrogenase 2 contained noncovalently bound FAD and no non-heme iron or acid-labile sulfide. The activities of both NADH dehydrogenases were stable at temperatures of greater than or equal to 80 degrees C. The occurrence of two distinct types of NADH dehydrogenase as a common feature in the membranes of various aerobic bacteria is discussed.  相似文献   

X M Xu  A Matsuno-Yagi  T Yagi 《Biochemistry》1991,30(26):6422-6428
The NADH dehydrogenase complex isolated from Paracoccus denitrificans is composed of approximately 10 unlike polypeptides and contains noncovalently bound FMN, non-heme iron, and acid-labile sulfide [Yagi, T. (1986) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 250, 302-311]. The NADH-binding subunit (Mr = 50,000) of this enzyme complex was identified by direct photoaffinity labeling with [32P]NADH [Yagi, T., & Dinh, T.M. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 5515-5520]. Primers were synthesized on the basis of the N-terminal amino acid sequence of this polypeptide, and these primers were used to synthesize an oligonucleotide probe by the polymerase chain reaction. This probe was utilized to isolate the gene encoding the NADH-binding subunit from a genomic library of P. denitrificans. The nucleotide sequence of the gene and the deduced amino acid sequence of the entire NADH-binding subunit were determined. The NADH-binding subunit has 431 amino acid residues and a calculated molecular weight of 47,191. The encoded protein contains a putative NAD(H)-binding and an iron-sulfur cluster-binding consensus sequence. The deduced amino acid sequence of the Paracoccus NADH-binding subunit shows remarkable similarity to the alpha subunit of the NAD-linked hydrogenase of Alcaligenes eutrophus H16. When partial DNA sequencing of the regions surrounding the gene encoding the NADH-binding subunit was carried out, sequences homologous to the 24-, 49-, and 75-kDa polypeptides of bovine complex I were detected, suggesting that the structural genes of the Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex constitute a gene cluster.  相似文献   

Five distinct low potential iron-sulfur clusters have been identified potentiometrically in the membrane particles from Thermus thermophilus HB-8. Three of these clusters (designated as [N-1H]T, [N-2H]T, and [N-3]T) exhibit the following midpoint redox potentials and g values (Em8.0 = -274 mV, gx,y,z = 1.93, 1.94, 2.02), (Em8.0 = -304 mV, gx,y,z = 1.89, 1.95, 2.04), and (Em8.0 = -289 mV, gx,y,z = 1.80, 1.83, 2.06), respectively. These clusters, one binuclear and two tetranuclear, have been shown to be components of the energy coupled NADH-menaquinone oxidoreductase complex (NADH dh I). They are reducible by NADH in the piericidin A-inhibited aerobic membrane particles as well as in the purified NADH dh I complex. Two additional very low potential iron-sulfur clusters (one binuclear, [N-1L]T, and one tetranuclear, [N-2L]T) were observed in membrane particles. These clusters possess the following physiochemical properties (Em8.0 = -418 mV, gx,y,z = 1.93, 19.5, 2.02) and (Em8.0 = -437 mV, gx,y,z = 1.89, 1.95, 2.04), respectively. No high potential tetranuclear cluster equivalent to the mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster [N-2]B was found in this bacterial system. In membrane particles isolated from T. thermophilus HB-8 cells, four different semiquinone species have been identified based on their redox midpoint potentials [Em9(Q/QH2) = 40, -100, -160, -300 mV] and sensitivity to the quinone analogue inhibitor, 2-heptyl-4-hydroxy quinoline-N-oxide. Of these semiquinone species the -100 mV component has been suggested to be part of the NADH dehydrogenase. Piericidin A sensitive delta psi formation has been demonstrated to be coupled to the NADH-MQ1 oxidoreductase in membrane vesicles of T. thermophilus HB-8.  相似文献   

To understand the biochemical basis for the function of the rotenone-insensitive internal NADH-quinone (Q) oxidoreductase (Ndi1), we have overexpressed mature Ndi1 in Escherichia coli membranes. The Ndi1 purified from the membranes contained one FAD and showed enzymatic activities comparable with the original Ndi1 isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. When extracted with Triton X-100, the isolated Ndi1 did not contain Q. The Q-bound form was easily reconstituted by incubation of the Q-free Ndi1 enzyme with ubiquinone-6. We compared the properties of Q-bound Ndi1 enzyme with those of Q-free Ndi1 enzyme, with higher activity found in the Q-bound enzyme. Although both are inhibited by low concentrations of AC0-11 (IC(50) = 0.2 microm), the inhibitory mode of AC0-11 on Q-bound Ndi1 was distinct from that of Q-free Ndi1. The bound Q was slowly released from Ndi1 by treatment with NADH or dithionite under anaerobic conditions. This release of Q was prevented when Ndi1 was kept in the reduced state by NADH. When Ndi1 was incorporated into bovine heart submitochondrial particles, the Q-bound form, but not the Q-free form, established the NADH-linked respiratory activity, which was insensitive to piericidin A but inhibited by KCN. Furthermore, Ndi1 produces H(2)O(2) as isolated regardless of the presence of bound Q, and this H(2)O(2) was eliminated when the Q-bound Ndi1, but not the Q-free Ndi1, was incorporated into submitochondrial particles. The data suggest that Ndi1 bears at least two distinct Q sites: one for bound Q and the other for catalytic Q.  相似文献   

Bacterial proton-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1) consists of a peripheral and a membrane domain. The peripheral domain catalyzes the electron transfer from NADH to quinone through a chain of seven iron-sulfur (Fe/S) clusters. Subunit NuoI in the peripheral domain contains two [4Fe-4S] clusters (N6a and N6b) and plays a role in bridging the electron transfer from cluster N5 to the terminal cluster N2. We constructed mutants for eight individual Cys-coordinating Fe/S clusters. With the exception of C63S, all mutants had damaged architecture of NDH-1, suggesting that Cys-coordinating Fe/S clusters help maintain the NDH-1 structure. Studies of three mutants (C63S-coordinating N6a, P110A located near N6a, and P71A in the vicinity of N6b) were carried out using EPR measurement. These three mutations did not affect the EPR signals from [2Fe-2S] clusters and retained electron transfer activities. Signals at g(z) = 2.09 disappeared in C63S and P110A but not in P71A. Considering our data together with the available information, g(z,x) = 2.09, 1.88 signals are assigned to cluster N6a. It is of interest that, in terms of g(z,x) values, cluster N6a is similar to cluster N4. In addition, we investigated the residues (Ile-94 and Ile-100) that are predicted to serve as electron wires between N6a and N6b and between N6b and N2, respectively. Replacement of Ile-100 and Ile-94 with Ala/Gly did not affect the electron transfer activity significantly. It is concluded that conserved Ile-100 and Ile-94 are not essential for the electron transfer.  相似文献   

The proton-translocating NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1) of Paracoccus denitrificans is composed of at least 14 subunits (NQO1-14) and is located in the cytoplasmic membrane. In the present study, topological properties and stoichiometry of the 7 subunits (NQO1-6 and NQO9) of the P. denitrificans NDH-1 in the membranes were investigated using immunological techniques. Treatments with chaotropic reagents (urea, NaI, or NaBr) or with alkaline buffer (pH 10-12) resulted in partial or complete extraction of all the subunits from the membranes. Of interest is that when NaBr or urea were used, the NQO6 and NQO9 subunits remained in the membranes, whereas the other subunits were completely extracted, suggesting their direct association with the membrane part of the enzyme complex. Both deletion study and homologous expression study of the NQO9 subunit provided a clue that its hydrophobic N-terminal stretch plays an important role in such an association. In light of this observation and others, topological properties of the subunits in the NDH-1 enzyme complex are discussed. In addition, determination of stoichiometry of the peripheral subunits of the P. denitrificans NDH-1 was completed by radioimmunological methods. All the peripheral subunits are present as one molecule each in the enzyme complex. These results estimated the total number of cofactors in the P. denitrificans NDH-1; the enzyme complex contains one molecule of FMN and up to eight iron-sulfur clusters, 2x[2Fe-2S] and 6x[4Fe-4S], provided that the NQO6 subunit bears one [4Fe-4S] cluster.  相似文献   

The gene of V(1)-ATPase B subunit from the thermophilic eubacterium Thermus thermophilus has been cloned and the protein overproduced in Escherichia coli. The purified protein, with a molecular weight of 53.2 kDa, was crystallized from 10% (w/v) polyethylene glycol 1000, 120 mM magnesium chloride, and 100 mM Na-tricine, pH 8.0, by the vapor diffusion method. The crystals diffracted X-rays beyond 3.5 A on a synchrotron radiation source. The crystals belong to the monoclinic space group C2, with unit cell dimensions of a = 153.1 A, b = 129.6 A, c = 92.7 A, and beta = 100.3 degrees. Assuming that three or four molecules are contained in an asymmetric unit, the V(M) value is calculated as 2.8 or 2.1 A (3)/Da, respectively.  相似文献   

X Xu  A Matsuno-Yagi  T Yagi 《Biochemistry》1992,31(30):6925-6932
In previous reports from our laboratory, the three structural genes (NQO1, NQO2, and NQO3) of the energy-transducing NADH-quinone oxidoreductase of Paracoccus denitrificans were characterized [Xu, X., Matsuno-Yagi, A., & Yagi, T. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 6422-6428; (1991) Biochemistry 30, 8678-8684; (1992) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 296, 40-48]. In this report, the four structural genes NQO4, NQO5, NQO6, and NQO7 of the same Paracoccus denitrificans oxidoreductase were cloned and sequenced. On the basis of sequence homology and immunological cross-reactivity, these genes encode counterparts of the 49-, 30-, and 20-kDa polypeptides and the mitochondrial DNA ND3 polypeptides of bovine mitochondrial complex I. These seven structural genes were found to be located in the same gene cluster. The order of the seven structural genes of the Paracoccus NADH-quinone oxidoreductase in the gene cluster is NQO7, NQO6, NQO5, NQO4, NQO2, NQO1, and NQO3. Upstream of the NQO7 gene, an open reading frame encoding a predicted polypeptide homologous to the UV repair enzyme A of Escherichia coli and Micrococcus lysodeikticus was detected. The 5'-terminus of the gene cluster carrying the Paracoccus NADH-quinone oxidoreductase was studied, and the possible promoter region is discussed. The NQO4 and NQO5 genes appear to code for the M(r) 48,000 and 21,000 polypeptides of the isolated Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex [Yagi, T. (1986) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 250, 302-311] on the basis of amino acid analyses and N-terminal protein sequence analyses. The antisera to the bovine complex I 49- and 30-kDa polypeptides cross-reacted with the Paracoccus 48- and 21-kDa subunits, respectively.  相似文献   

The ND4L subunit is the smallest mitochondrial DNA-encoded subunit of the proton-translocating NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (complex I). In an attempt to study the functional and structural roles of the NuoK subunit (the Escherichia coli homologue of ND4L) of the bacterial NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1), we have performed a series of site-specific mutations on the nuoK gene of the NDH-1 operon by using the homologous recombination technique. The amino acid residues we targeted included two highly conserved glutamic acids that are presumably located in the middle of the membrane and several arginine residues that are predicted to be on the cytosolic side. All point mutants examined had fully assembled NDH-1 as detected by blue-native gel electrophoresis and immunostaining. Mutations of nearly perfectly conserved Glu-36 lead to almost null activities of coupled electron transfer with a concomitant loss of generation of electrochemical gradient. A significant diminution of the coupled activities was also observed with mutations of another highly conserved residue, Glu-72. These results may suggest that both membrane-embedded acidic residues are important for the coupling mechanism of NDH-1. Furthermore, a severe impairment of the coupled activities occurred when two vicinal arginine residues on a cytosolic loop were simultaneously mutated. Possible roles of these arginine residues and other conserved residues in the NuoK subunit for NDH-1 function were discussed.  相似文献   

A comparison of the mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase and the energy-transducing NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1) ofParacoccus denitrificans revealed that both systems have similar electron-transfer and energy-transduction pathways. In addition, both complexes are sensitive to the same inhibitors and contain similar electron carriers, suggesting that theParacoccus NDH-1 may serve as a useful model system for the study of the human enzyme complex. The gene cluster encoding theParacoccus NDH-1 has been cloned and sequenced. It is composed of 18,106 base pairs and contains 14 structural genes and six unidentified reading frames (URFs). The structural genes, URFs, and their polypeptides have been characterized. We also discuss nucleotide sequences which are believed to play a role in the regulation of the NDH-1 gene cluster andParacoccus NDH-1 subunits which may contain the binding sites of substrates and/or electron carriers.  相似文献   

The proton-pumping NADH-quinone oxidoreductase from Escherichia coli houses nine iron-sulfur clusters, eight of which are found in its mitochondrial counterpart, complex I. The extra putative iron-sulfur cluster binding site with a CXXCXXXCX(27)C motif in the NuoG subunit has been assigned to ligate a [2Fe-2S] (N1c). However, we have shown previously that the Thermus thermophilus N1c fragment containing this motif ligates a [4Fe-4S] (Nakamaru-Ogiso, E., Yano, T., Ohnishi, T., and Yagi, T. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 1680-1688). In the current study, we individually inactivated four sets of the iron-sulfur binding motifs in the E. coli NuoG subunit by replacing all four ligands with Ala. Each mutant subunit, designated Delta N1b, Delta N1c, Delta N4, and Delta N5, was expressed as maltose-binding protein fusion proteins. After in vitro reconstitution, all mutant subunits were characterized by EPR. Although EPR signals from cluster N1b were not detected in any preparations, we detected two [4Fe-4S] EPR signals with g values of g(x,y,z) = 1.89, 1.94, and 2.06, and g(x,y,z) = 1.91, 1.94, and 2.05 at 6-20 K in wild type, Delta N1b, and Delta N5. The former signal was assigned to cluster N4, and the latter signal was assigned to cluster N1c because of their disappearance in Delta N4 and Delta N1c. Confirming that a [4Fe-4S] cluster ligates to the N1c motif, we propose to replace its misleading [2Fe-2S] name, N1c, with "cluster N7." In addition, because these mutations differently affected the assembly of peripheral subunits by in trans complementation analysis with the nuoG knock-out strain, the implicated structural importance of the iron-sulfur binding domains is discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular properties of the NQO9 subunit of Paracoccus denitrificans NDH-1, which is predicted to contain 2x[4Fe-4S] clusters, were investigated using recombinant expression techniques and EPR spectroscopy. The full-length form of NQO9 subunit co-expressed with thioredoxin in Escherichia coli at ambient temperature was found dominantly in the cytoplasmic membrane with low amplification. Genetic deletion of relatively hydrophobic and less conserved N-terminal stretches (30 or 40 amino acid residues long) of the NQO9 subunit resulted in the overexpression of the truncated soluble form of the subunit in a high yield in the cytoplasm. The purified soluble form of the NQO9 subunit contained only a small quantity of Fe and S(2-) (2.0-2.2 mol each per mol of subunit). However, the iron-sulfur content was considerably increased by in vitro reconstitution. The reconstituted NQO9 subunit contained 7.6-7.7 mol each of Fe and S(2-) per molecule and exhibited optical absorption spectra similar to those of 2x[4Fe-4S] ferredoxins. Two sets of relatively broad axial-type EPR signals with different temperature dependence and power saturation profile were detected in the dithionite-reduced preparations at a low temperature range (8-18 K). Due to a negative shift (<600 mV) of the apparent redox midpoint potential of the iron-sulfur clusters in the soluble form of the truncated NQO9 subunit, the following two possible cases could not be discriminated: (i) two sets of EPR signals arise from two distinct species of tetranuclear iron-sulfur clusters with two intrinsically different spectral parameters g(, perpendicular) = 2.05, approximately 1.93, and g(parallel, perpendicular) = 2.08, approximately 1.90, and respective slow (P((1)/(2)) = 8 milliwatts) and fast (P((1)/(2)) = 342 milliwatts) spin relaxation; (ii) two clusters exhibit similar intrinsic EPR spectra (g(parallel, perpendicular) = 2.05, approximately 1.93) with slow spin relaxation. When both clusters in the same subunit are concomitantly paramagnetic, their spin-spin interactions cause a shift of spectra to g(parallel, perpendicular) = 2.08, approximately 1.90, with enhanced spin relaxation. In either case, our EPR data provide the first experimental evidence for the presence of two [4Fe-4S] iron-sulfur clusters in the NQO9 subunit.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex (Complex I) is inhibited by N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), and this inhibition correlates with incorporation of radioactivity from [14C]DCCD into a Complex I subunit of Mr 29,000 (Yagi, T. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 2822-2828). Resolution of [14C]DCCD-labeled Complex I in the presence of NaClO4 showed that the labeled Mr 29,000 subunit was in the hydrophobic fraction of the enzyme. This fraction, which contains greater than 17 unlike polypeptides, was subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and the Mr 29,000 subunit, containing bound [14C]DCCD, was isolated and purified. The amino acid composition and partial sequence of this subunit corresponded to those predicted from the mitochondrial DNA for the product of the mtDNA gene designated ND-1. The identity of the Mr 29,000 subunit with the ND-1 gene product was further confirmed by immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation experiments, using the hydrophobic fraction of [14C]DCCD-labeled Complex I and antiserum to a C-terminal undecapeptide synthesized on the basis of the human mitochondrial ND-1 nucleotide sequence. Thus, it appears that the DCCD-binding subunits of the respiratory chain Complexes I, III, and IV and in certain organisms the DCCD-binding subunit of the ATP synthase complex (Complex V) are all mtDNA products.  相似文献   

The proton-translocating NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1) of Paracoccus denitrificans consists of at least 14 unlike subunits (designated Nqo1-14). The NDH-1 is composed of two segments (the peripheral and membrane segments). The membrane domain segment appears to be made up of seven subunits (Nqo7, -8, -10-14). In this report, the characterization of the Paracoccus Nqo11 subunit has been investigated. An antibody against the C-terminal 12 amino acid residues of the Paracoccus Nqo11 subunit (Nqo11c) has been raised. The Nqo11c antibody reacted with a single band (11 kDa) of the Paracoccus membranes and cross-reacted with Rhodobactor capsulatus membranes. The Nqo11 subunit was not able to be extracted from the Paracoccus membranes by NaI or alkaline treatment, unlike the peripheral subunits (Nqo1 and Nqo6). The C-terminal region of the Paracoccus Nqo11 is exposed to the cytoplasmic phase. For further characterization of the Paracoccus Nqo11 subunit, the subunit was overexpressed in Escherichia coli by using the maltose-binding protein (MBP) fusion system. The MBP-fused Nqo11 subunit was expressed in the E. coli membranes (but not in soluble phase) and was extracted by Triton X-100. The isolated MBP-fused Nqo11 subunit interacted with the phospholipid vesicles and suppressed their membrane fluidity. Topological studies of the Nqo11 subunit expressed in E. coli membranes have been performed by using cysteine mapping and immunochemical analyses. The data suggest that the Nqo11 subunit has three transmembrane segments and its C-terminus protrudes into the cytoplasmic phase.  相似文献   

The ND6 subunit is one of seven mitochondrial DNA-encoded subunits of the proton-translocating NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (complex I). Physiological importance of the ND6 subunit is becoming increasingly apparent because a number of mutations leading to amino acid changes in this subunit have been found to be associated with known mitochondrial diseases. Using the Escherichia coli enzyme (NDH-1), we have investigated the NuoJ subunit (the E. coli counterpart of ND6) by employing a chromosomal DNA manipulation technique. A series of point mutations was constructed directly on the nuoJ gene in the chromosome targeting at highly conserved residues. Analyses with blue-native gel electrophoresis and immunological methods revealed that, in all point mutants, the assembly of NDH-1 was normal and that the deamino-NADH-K(3)Fe(CN)(6) reductase activity of the membrane was essentially the same as that of the wild-type. However, energy-coupled NDH-1 activities were affected to varied extents. Among them, mutants of the Val-65 residue that is located in the most conserved transmembrane segment significantly lost the coupled electron-transfer activities and exhibited diminished membrane potential and proton translocation. This may suggest that Val-65 or the area around it is important for energy transduction of the coupling site 1. Together with the results on mutations related to human diseases, possible functional roles of the NuoJ subunit have been discussed.  相似文献   

S Di Bernardo  T Yagi 《FEBS letters》2001,508(3):385-388
When Paracoccus denitrificans membranes were treated with a crosslinker, m-maleimidobenzoyl-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester (MBS), a cross-linked product of M(r) approximately 31 kDa was found which reacted with antibodies against the hydrophobic subunit Nqo7 and the connector subunit Nqo6. NaI treatment of the Paracoccus membranes before, but not after, the crosslinking step prevented the formation of the 31 kDa band. When Nqo7 and Nqo6 were coexpressed in Escherichia coli, both subunits were located in the membrane fraction. MBS treatment of the E. coli membranes generated the 31 kDa band as in the Paracoccus membranes. These results indicate that Nqo7 interacts with probable N2-binding Nqo6.  相似文献   

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