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刘艳  胜振涛  蒋容静  黄原  李胜 《昆虫学报》2007,50(12):1285-1292
保幼激素 (juvenile hormone,JH) 是通过甲羟戊酸途径合成的一类倍半萜化合物。以昆虫中普遍存在的JH Ⅲ为例,从分子水平上概述了JH合成途径中的各种酶,并对其中的两个关键酶:羟甲基戊二酰辅酶A还原酶和保幼激素酸甲基转移酶作了详细介绍。还从家蚕基因组数据库(http://silkworm.genomics.org.cn)中推测出了JH合成途径中大部分酶的编码基因,初探了JH合成的调节机制,讨论了JH合成的研究趋势。  相似文献   

保幼激素的代谢   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李胜  蒋容静  曹梅讯 《昆虫学报》2004,47(3):389-393
保幼激素的代谢由保幼激素酯酶、保幼激素环氧水解酶和保幼激素二醇激酶等共同催化完成。在这些代谢酶的作用下,保幼激素代谢成保幼激素酸、保幼激素二醇、保幼激素酸二醇和保幼激素二醇磷酸。作者总结了保幼激素代谢的研究方法;按实验室和昆虫种类为线索,归纳和概括了每一种保幼激素代谢酶的研究进程;对保幼激素酯酶和保幼激素环氧水解酶作了序列分析;最后对保幼激素的代谢研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

保幼激素的分子作用机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘影  胜振涛  李胜 《昆虫学报》2008,51(9):974-978
蜕皮激素(ecdysteroids, Ecd)和保幼激素(juvenile hormone, JH)是调控昆虫发育和变态的两种最为重要的昆虫激素。尽管Ecd的分子作用机制已经相当明了,但是,因为迄今为止还没有成功地鉴定出JH受体,人们对JH的分子作用机制还了解甚少。本文从三个方面较为详尽地介绍了近年来JH分子作用机制的相关研究进展:1) JH和Ecd在分子水平上相互作用, JH可以通过改变或者抑制Ecd信号来调控昆虫的发育和变态;2) JH核受体的两个候选基因为Met和USP;3) JH还可以通过膜受体和蛋白激酶C传导信号。  相似文献   

本文介绍了保幼激素类似物对白蚁的影响,包括诱导前兵蚁、兵蚁和一些中间品级(形态畸形)的产生、抑制白蚁的取食、减少或消除白蚁的共生原生动物群、对白蚁产生不同水平的急性和慢性毒性、抑制工蚁蜕皮以及繁殖蚁建立新群体等方面的影响,其中最主要影响是诱导前兵、兵蚁和一些中间品级的产生破坏了白蚁群体品级比例的平衡性或完整性.因此,保幼激素类似物可用于白蚁的防治,并在田问防治散白蚁和乳白蚁均取得了较好的防治效果,并探讨了应用保幼激素类似物防治白蚁的潜力与前景.  相似文献   

保幼激素及其代谢产物的HPLC分离方法的改进和应用   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
欧阳迎春  李胜 《昆虫学报》2003,46(3):282-287
传统的正相高效液相色谱(normal phase high performance liquid chromatography, NP-HPLC)可以较好地分离保幼激素(juvenile hormone, JH)Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ,但不能分离保幼激素的代谢产物及其类似物。经过改进的反相高效液相色谱(reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography, RP-HPLC)不仅可以很好地分离保幼激素,还能定性定量分析保幼激素的代谢产物及其类似物。离体培养昆虫咽侧体(corpora allata, CA)所合成的、被同位素标记的痕量保幼激素可以用以上两种色谱方法进行分离和鉴定。此外,RP-HPLC还可以用来分离体内或体外同位素标记的保幼激素代谢产物,以及测量血淋巴中的保幼激素滴度。  相似文献   

类胡萝卜素生物合成途径及其控制与遗传操作   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
类胡萝卜素在真菌和植物细胞胞液/内质网上是由乙酰CoA经甲羟戊酸途径合成的,在细菌与植物质体中由磷酸甘油醛与丙酮酸经1-脱氧木酮糖-5-磷酸途径合成。形成的异戊烯基焦磷酸经多次缩合生成第一个类胡萝卜素八氢番茄红素,再经脱氢、环化、羟基化、环氧化等转变为其它类胡萝卜素。类胡萝卜素生物合成中涉及的酶都是膜结合的或整合入膜中的。类胡萝卜素合成是通过底物可利用性与环化分支方式进行控制的。白色体到叶绿体的转变以及花与果实成熟时类胡萝卜素合成增加是在基因转录水平调节的。进行类胡萝卜素合成酶基因的转化,可增加转化体类胡萝卜素的积累。  相似文献   

凤蝶的幼虫经过几次蜕皮后,颜色会突然从黑白变为鲜艳的绿色。日本科学家发现,幼虫体内保幼激素量的变化改变了基因的作用方式,从而促使幼虫变色。  相似文献   

周树堂  郭伟  宋佳晟 《昆虫知识》2012,49(5):1087-1094
保幼激素(juvenile hormone,JH)和蜕皮激素(20-hydroxyecdysone,20E)是协同调控昆虫发育、变态与生殖的两个重要激素。由于20E的主要分子作用机制已经比较明了,揭示JH的分子作用机制成为过去20多年来昆虫学领域研究的一个重点和难点。国内外多个研究团队利用赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum、果蝇Drosophilamelanogaster、烟草天蛾Manduca sexta等为模式,在JH受体的鉴定、JH在昆虫发育变态和生殖中的分子调控机制以及JH与20E在分子水平上的交互作用等方面开展了大量的研究工作,本文就近几年在这些方面取得的主要研究进展作一个综述。  相似文献   

变态发育是昆虫适应生态环境和气候变化的主要生存策略之一.保幼激素(juvenile hormone,JH)和蜕皮激素(20-hydroxyecdysone,20E)的相互作用主要调控昆虫组织凋亡和重建、蜕皮等变态生理活动,近年来保幼激素和蜕皮激素调控昆虫变态发育的分子机制取得了较大的进展.本研究总结了JH和20E的合成...  相似文献   

金敏娜  林欣大 《生态学报》2014,34(6):1361-1370
随着分子生物学技术的快速发展,对生态环境中各类生物的研究,包括对生物某些特定基因结构和功能的研究等逐步拓展和加深。保幼激素(Juvenile Hormone,JH)是由咽侧体(Corpus Allatum,CA)分泌的,在昆虫发育、变态和生殖过程中起重要作用的激素。目前对JH信号传导途径的作用机理还不十分清楚。现有研究表明,Kruppel homolog-1(Kr-h1)是一种含C2H2锌指结构的转录因子,处于保幼激素信号途径下游,在保幼激素信号通路中起着重要作用。已报道的Kr-h1基因的功能主要包括:调控幼虫生长发育和变态,与蜜蜂的觅食行为密切相关,参与果蝇幼体神经细胞的形成等等。对就近十年来Kr-h1基因的特性和功能研究作一个综述以了解不同昆虫中保幼激素的分子作用机制,为开发生物农药奠定理论基础,也为维护良好的生态环境作出理论贡献。  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) acid methyltransferase (JHAMT) is a rate-limiting enzyme that converts JH acids or inactive precursors of JHs to active JHs at the final step of JH biosynthesis in insects and thus presents an excellent target for the development of insect growth regulators or insecticides. However, the three-dimensional properties and catalytic mechanism of this enzyme are not known. Herein, we report the crystal structure of the JHAMT apoenzyme, the three-dimensional holoprotein in binary complex with its cofactor S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine, and the ternary complex with S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine and its substrate methyl farnesoate. These structures reveal the ultrafine definition of the binding patterns for JHAMT with its substrate/cofactor. Comparative structural analyses led to novel findings concerning the structural specificity of the progressive conformational changes required for binding interactions that are induced in the presence of cofactor and substrate. Importantly, structural and biochemical analyses enabled identification of one strictly conserved catalytic Gln/His pair within JHAMTs required for catalysis and further provide a molecular basis for substrate recognition and the catalytic mechanism of JHAMTs. These findings lay the foundation for the mechanistic understanding of JH biosynthesis by JHAMTs and provide a rational framework for the discovery and development of specific JHAMT inhibitors as insect growth regulators or insecticides.  相似文献   

We report on juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis from long‐chain intermediates by specific reproductive tissues and the corpora allata (CA) prepared from adult longhorned beetles, Apriona germari. The testes, male accessory glands (MAGs), ovaries, and CA contained the long‐chain intermediates in the JH biosynthetic pathway, farnesoic acid (FA), methyl farnesoate (MF), and JH III. The testes and ovaries, but not CA, produced radioactive JH III after the addition of 3H‐methionine and, separately, unlabeled methionine, to the incubation medium. We inferred that endogenous FA is methylated to MF in the testes and ovaries. Addition of farnesol led to increased amounts of FA in the testes, MAGs, ovaries, and CA, indicating oxidation of farnesol to FA. Addition of FA to incubation medium yielded increased JH III, again indicating methylation of FA to MF in the testes, MAGs, ovaries, but not CA. Addition of MF to incubation medium also led to JH III, from which we inferred the epoxidation of MF to JH III. JH biosynthesis from farnesol in the testes, MAGs, and ovaries of A. germari proceeds via oxidation to FA, methylation to MF, and epoxidation to JH III. This is a well‐known pathway to JH III, described here for the first time in reproductive tissues of longhorned beetles. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

植物类萜生物合成途径及关键酶的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
萜类化合物是植物中广泛存在的一类代谢产物,在植物的生长、发育过程中起着重要的作用。植物中的萜类化合物有两条合成途径:甲羟戊酸途径和5-磷酸脱氧木酮糖/2C-甲基4-磷酸-4D-赤藓糖醇途径。这两条途径中都存在一系列调控萜类化合物生成、结构和功能各异的酶,其中关键酶的作用决定了下游萜类化合物的产量。植物类萜生物合成途径的调控以及该途径中关键酶的研究已成为目前国内外生物学领域的一大热点。综述了植物类萜生物合成途径和参与该途径的关键酶及其基因工程的研究进展,并展望了其应用前景。  相似文献   

Electrostimulation of the medial neurosecretory cells of day-1 adult female Locusta migratoria resulted in a significant enhancement of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by the corpora allata within 2–3 days of the operation, as determined by a radiochemical assay for juvenile hormone biosynthesis. This elevation in the rate of juvenile hormone biosynthesis was also reflected in basal oöcyte length, with the oöcytes of stimulated animals significantly larger than the sham-operated animals. Radio-frequency cautery of the cerebral axonal tracts of the medial neurosecretory cells prevented this enhancement in juvenile hormone biosynthesis and in basal oöcyte growth in both stimulated and sham-operated animals.Stimulation of the lateral neurosecretory cells resulted in a slight elevation in rates of juvenile hormone biosynthesis 2 days after the operation. However, after cautery of the medial cell tracts, a significant elevation in juvenile hormone biosynthesis was observed 1 and 2 days after stimulation. Basal oöcyte length in stimulated animals differed significantly from sham-operated animals only on day 6. Cautery of the medial cell tracts again attenuated oöcyte growth. Our results suggest that the medial neurosecretory cells are the source of an allatotropin that can be released by electrostimulation. This substance appears to operate directly on the corpus allatum, causing a change in the juvenile hormone biosynthetic machinery.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to determine whether adult males of Heliothis virescens transfer juvenile hormone (JH) to females during copulation, and an in vitro radiochemical assay was used to determine whether mating causes an allatotropic effect, i.e., stimulation of JH biosynthesis by corpora allata (CA). In vitro, CA from 3-day-old mated females synthesized and released approximately 2.5 times total JH as that of CA from comparably aged virgin females. Of the homologues, JH II exhibited significant increase in mated females; JH I also increased but not significantly. JH III remained similar to that of virgin females. This is the first demonstration of an allatotropic effect of mating in moths. In contrast to the female, CA of virgin males did not produce any JH, but accessory sex glands (ASG) in 3-day-old males synthesized small amounts of JH. Immediately after adult emergence, male ASG contained approximately 1.5 ng JH I and II, which increased by 12 h after emergence and remained at this high level up to 54 h after emergence. JH III was barely detected in ASG. JH in ASG of mated male immediately after uncoupling was depleted almost completely, and 24 h later recovered to levels comparable to that of 54-h-old virgin male. Virgin female bursa copulatrix did not contain any JH, but mated female bursa, immediately after uncoupling, had JH at levels comparable to that observed in virgin male ASG. By 6 h after uncoupling, JH levels decreased dramatically in mated female bursa. These data suggest the transfer of JH to females by the male. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 38:100–107, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The synthesis of juvenile hormone-III by corpora allata of the cockroach Diploptera punctata is dependent under in vitro conditions upon a supply of exogenous methionine. Radiolabelled S-adenosylmethionine was identified by HPLC in extracts of corpora allata incubated with either [methyl-3H]methionine or [35S]methionine. Juvenile hormone (JH) synthesis by intact glands in vitro was inhibited by cycloleucine and selenomethionine, but this inhibition could be relieved by increasing the concentration of methionine. S-adenosylhomocysteine or sinefungin had little or no inhibitory effect on JH synthesis by intact glands, but 5′-deoxy-5′-methylthioadenosine was inhibitory. Adenosine and homocysteine synergistically inhibited JH synthesis. These results show that JH-III synthesis by intact glands can be inhibited by interfering with the S-adenosylmethionine-dependent transmethylation, and suggest that the product and inhibitor of that reaction, S-adenosyl-homocysteine, is rapidly hydrolyzed to adenosine and homocysteine in the corpora allata.  相似文献   

A radiochemical assay measuring juvenile hormone synthesis by corpora allata incubated in vitro was adapted for use with the termite Zootermopsis angusticollis. Corpora allata from 3–4-day old virgin female neotenic reproductives were used in these studies because this caste showed the highest rates of juvenile hormone synthesis (0.6 pmol h?1 per pair corpora allata). Juvenile hormone-III synthesis was linear for up to 6 h over the range of concentrations of labelled l-methionine from 27–280 μM. Rates of juvenile hormone synthesis were stimulated up to 10-fold in a dose-dependent manner by the addition of farnesoic acid to the incubation medium. However, the relatively high concentration of 120 μM farnesoic acid reduced the rates of juvenile hormone synthesis. The radiochemical assay was used to determine rates of juvenile hormone synthesis in vitro by corpora allata from larvae with a queen and king vs orphaned larvae. The presence of reproductives resulted in a suppression of larval corpus allatum activity relative to orphaned controls.  相似文献   

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