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A fate map has been constructed for the shoot apical region of the embryo of the dicotyledonous plant Arabidopsis thaliana using spontaneously arising clonal albino sectors caused by the chloroplast mutator 1-2 mutation. Chimeric seedlings exhibiting albino sectors shared between the cotyledons and first true leaves revealed patterns of organ inclusion and exclusion. Frequencies of clone sharing were used to calculate developmental distances between organs based on the frequency of clonal sectors failing to extend between different organs. The resulting fate map shows asymmetry in the developmental distances between the cotyledons (embryonic leaves) which in turn predicts the location of the first post-germination leaf and the handedness of the spiral of leaf placement around the central stem axis in later development. The map suggests that embryonic leaf fate specification in the cotyledons may represent a developmental ground state necessary for the formation of the shoot apical meristem.  相似文献   

Saturating the genetic map of Arabidopsis thaliana with embryonic mutations   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
One goal of the Arabidopsis genome project is to identify every gene with an essential function in growth and development. Towards that end, the results are reported here of a mapping project designed to enhance the linkage map of Arabidopsis and establish a valuable resource of mutations in essential genes with known map locations. Embryo-defective (emb) mutations were chosen because they represent the most common heritable defect identified following mutagenesis in Arabidopsis. Multiple marker lines with easily scored phenotypes were constructed to facilitate mapping efforts. Recombination data were obtained for 169 mutants defective in embryo-genesis. The chromosomal locations of 110 emb genes are presented in this report. Twenty-six of these genes are tagged with T-DNA. Nine other mutants isolated following seed transformation appear to contain chromosomal translocations. Another 31 mutant genes in the collectiohave been assigned to a linkage group but not yet placed on the map. Nineteen examples of duplicate alleles have also been found. This is consistent with the estimate that approximately 500 genes readily mutate to give an embryo-defective phenotype in Arabidopsis. With continued progress, it may therefore be possible to approach saturation for this important class of mutations. Molecular cloning of these genes should be facilitated by identifying cDNAs and genomic sequences that map to similar locations.  相似文献   

The apical plasma membrane of epithelia presents the interface between organs and the external environment. It has biochemical activities distinct from those of the basal and lateral plasma membranes, as it accommodates the production and assembly of ordered apical matrices involved in organ protection and physiology and determines the microenvironment in the apical extracellular milieu. Here, we emphasise the importance of the apical plasma membrane in tissue differentiation, by mainly focussing on the embryo of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, and discuss the principal organisation of the apical plasma membrane into repetitive subdomains of specific topologies and activities essential for epithelial function.  相似文献   

During gastrulation in vertebrates the cells of the embryonic ectoderm give rise to epidermal progenitors in the ventral side and neural progenitors in the dorsal side. Despite many years of scrutiny, the molecular basis of these important embryonic cell fate decisions have not been solved. Only recently have we witnessed swift progress in the quest for factors involved in neural and epidermal induction. Several of what seem to be bona fide in vivo neural and epidermal inducers have been cloned, and the mechanism of their functions in embryos is also beginning to be understood. These new molecular results have revolutionized our view on the patterning of embryonic ectoderm and suggest that while the induction of epidermis requires instructive inductive signals, the establishment of neural fate occurs by default when epidermal inducers are inhibited. In this review, we discuss recent advances of our knowledge on epidermal and neural induction in the context of the “default model”. We will then address the process of neurogenesis as well as recent findings on neural patterning. Emphasis is placed on, but not limited to, discoveries made in Xenopus, as most of our progress in understanding the ectodermal patterning is obtained from studies using this organism. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 36: 128–151, 1998  相似文献   

Origin and organization of the zebrafish fate map   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
We have analyzed lineages of cells labeled by intracellular injection of tracer dye during early zebrafish development to learn when cells become allocated to particular fates during development, and how the fate map is organized. The earliest lineage restriction was described previously, and segregates the yolk cell from the blastoderm in the midblastula. After one or two more cell divisions, the lineages of epithelial enveloping layer (EVL) cells become restricted to generate exclusively periderm. Following an additional division in the late blastula, deep layer (DEL) cells generate clones that are restricted to single deep embryonic tissues. The appearance of both the EVL and DEL restrictions could be causally linked to blastoderm morphogenesis during epiboly. A fate map emerges as the DEL cell lineages become restricted in the late blastula. It is similar in organization to that of an amphibian embryo. DEL cells located near the animal pole of the early gastrula give rise to ectodermal fates (including the definitive epidermis). Cells located near the blastoderm margin give rise to mesodermal and endodermal fates. Dorsal cells in the gastrula form dorsal and anterior structures in the embryo, and ventral cells in the gastrula form dorsal, ventral and posterior structures. The exact locations of progenitors of single cell types and of local regions of the embryo cannot be mapped at the stages we examined, because of variable cell rearrangements during gastrulation.  相似文献   

In higher plants, molecular mechanisms regulating shoot apical meristem (SAM) formation and organ separation are largely unknown. The CUC1 (CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1) and CUC2 are functionally redundant genes that are involved in these processes. We cloned the CUC1 gene by a map-based approach, and found that it encodes a NAC-domain protein highly homologous to CUC2. CUC1 mRNA was detected in the presumptive SAM during embryogenesis, and at the boundaries between floral organ primordia. Surprisingly, overexpression of CUC1 was sufficient to induce adventitious shoots on the adaxial surface of cotyledons. Expression analyses in the overexpressor and in loss-of-function mutants suggest that CUC1 acts upstream of the SHOOT MERISTEMLESS gene.  相似文献   

We introduce a non‐contact approach to microprint multiple types of feeder cells in a microarray format using immiscible aqueous solutions of two biopolymers. Droplets of cell suspension in the denser aqueous phase are printed on a substrate residing within a bath of the immersion aqueous phase. Due to their affinity to the denser phase, cells remain localized within the drops and adhere to regions of the substrate underneath the drops. We show the utility of this technology for creating duplex heterocellular stem cell niches by printing two different support cell types on a gel surface and overlaying them with mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). As desired, the type of printed support cell spatially direct the fate of overlaid mESCs. Interestingly, we found that interspaced mESCs colonies on differentiation‐inducing feeder cells show enhanced neuronal differentiation and give rise to dense networks of neurons. This cell printing technology provides unprecedented capabilities to efficiently identify the role of various feeder cells in guiding the fate of stem cells. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011;108: 2509–2516. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Land plants have evolved a cuticle-bearing epidermis to protect themselves from environmental stress and pathogen attack. Despite its important role, little is known about the molecular mechanisms regulating shoot epidermal cell identity. In a recent study, we found that the Arabidopsis thaliana ATML1 gene is possibly a master regulator of shoot epidermal cell fate. We revealed that ATML1 has the ability to confer shoot epidermis-related traits to non-epidermal cells of the seedlings. These data are consistent with the previous loss-of-function mutant analyses, which implied a positive role of ATML1 in epidermal cell differentiation. Importantly, ectopic epidermal cells induced in ATML1-overexpressing lines provide a novel tool to assess the intrinsic properties of epidermal cells and to study epistatic interactions among genes involved in epidermal/mesophyll differentiation. Using this system, we obtained data revealing that ATML1 negatively influenced mesophyll cell fate. In addition, we provided a working model of how division planes in epidermal cells are determined.  相似文献   

Here we show the temporal-spatial orchestration of early heart morphogenesis at cellular level resolution, in vivo, and reconcile conflicting positional fate mapping data regarding the primary heart-forming field(s). We determined the positional fates of precardiac cells using a precision electroporation approach in combination with wide-field time-lapse microscopy in the quail embryo, a warm-blooded vertebrate (HH Stages 4 through 10). Contrary to previous studies, the results demonstrate the existence of a “continuous” circle-shaped heart field that spans the midline, appearing at HH Stage 4, which then expands to form a wide arc of progenitors at HH Stages 5-7. Our time-resolved image data show that a subset of these cardiac progenitor cells do not overlap with the expression of common cardiogenic factors, Nkx-2.5 and Bmp-2, until HH Stage 10, when a tubular heart has formed, calling into question when cardiac fate is specified and by which key factors. Sub-groups and anatomical bands (cohorts) of heart precursor cells dramatically change their relative positions in a process largely driven by endodermal folding and other large-scale tissue deformations. Thus, our novel dynamic positional fate maps resolve the origin of cardiac progenitor cells in amniotes. The data also establish the concept that tissue motion contributes significantly to cellular position fate — i.e., much of the cellular displacement that occurs during assembly of a midline heart tube (HH Stage 9) is NOT due to “migration” (autonomous motility), a commonly held belief. Computational analysis of our time-resolved data lays the foundation for more precise analyses of how cardiac gene regulatory networks correlate with early heart tissue morphogenesis in birds and mammals.  相似文献   

Baker WK 《Genetics》1978,88(4):743-754
A gynandromorph fate map of the head of D. melanogaster was produced using 28 landmarks derived from one imaginal disc. An examination of the meaning of fine-structure mapping discloses that the sturt value observed between one pair of landmarks within a disc may approximate the relative physical distance of their progenitor cells at blastoderm, but for another pair of landmarks (assuming no directed cell movements), the sturt value may simply reflect their close geographic location at the time the cells are specified for their particular differentiation, a time much later in development when most cell division within the disc has come to an end. The formation of early developmental compartments has little effect on fate-map distances. Our analysis of the data suggests there are approximately ten cells present at the blastoderm stage that are head progenitors. Each blastoderm cell is likely to be the progenitor of a particular array of landmarks, but there is overlap between arrays from different blastoderm cells.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana genome contains hundreds of genes essential for seed development. Because null mutations in these genes cause embryo lethality, their specific molecular and developmental functions are largely unknown. Here, we identify a role for EMB1611/MEE22 , an essential gene in Arabidopsis, in shoot apical meristem maintenance. EMB1611 encodes a large, novel protein with N-terminal coiled-coil regions and two putative transmembrane domains. We show that the partial loss-of-function emb1611-2 mutation causes a range of pleiotropic developmental phenotypes, most dramatically a progressive loss of shoot apical meristem function that causes premature meristem termination. emb1611-2 plants display disorganization of the shoot meristem cell layers early in development, and an associated stem cell fate change to an organogenic identity. Genetic and molecular analysis indicates that EMB1611 is required for maintenance of the CLV-WUS stem cell regulatory pathway in the shoot meristem, but also has WUS -independent activity. In addition, emb1611-2 plants have reduced shoot and root growth, and their rosette leaves form trichomes with extra branches, a defect we associate with an increase in endoreduplication. Our data indicate that EMB1611 functions to maintain cells, particularly those in the shoot meristem, roots and developing rosette leaves, in a proliferative or uncommitted state.  相似文献   

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