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对不同防治对策下施用氯敌鼠作为杀鼠剂对农田小哺乳动物群落结构的影响进行了研究.结果表明,杀鼠剂对群落组成有很大影响,灭鼠时机、灭鼠次数不同,群落的反应也不同.秋季灭鼠,小哺乳动物数量逐年下降,3 年后可达到较低密度.群落多样性也逐年下跌,且回升极弱.春季灭鼠,数量可持续在低水平,群落多样性较其它处理高,对化学灭鼠破坏的生物多样性有较强的恢复力.灭鼠频次的增加对小哺乳动物总体数量降低有强化作用.可以认为,化学灭鼠明显地降低了群落中小哺乳动物的密度,也降低了群落的多样性.促使小哺乳动物群落向着优势种突出、种类单调、群落稳定性差的方向演替.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of thermogenesis and thermoregulation were studied in the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) and greater vole (Eothenomys miletus) of the subtropical region, and Brandt's vole (Microtus brandti), Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus), Daurian ground squirrel (Spermophilus dauricus) and plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) of the northern temperate zone. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) and non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) increased significantly in T. belangeri, E. miletus, M. brandti and M. unguiculatus after cold acclimation (4 degrees C) for 4 weeks. In T. belangeri, the increase in RMR and thermogenesis at liver cellular level were responsible for enhancing the capacity of enduring cold stress, and homeothermia was simultaneously extended. Stable body temperature in M. brandti, E. miletus, M. unguiculatus and O. curzoniae was maintained mainly through increase in NST, brown adipose tissue (BAT) mass and its mitochondrial protein content, and the upregulation of uncoupling protein (UCP1) mRNA, as well as enhancement of the activity of cytochrome C oxidase, alpha-glycerophosphate oxidase and T(4) 5'-deiodinase in BAT mitochondria. The RMR in O. curzoniae and euthermic S. dauricus was not changed, while NST significantly increased during cold exposure; the former maintained their stable body temperature and mass, while body temperature in the latter declined by 4.8 degrees C. The serum T(3) concentration or ratio of T(3)/T(4) in all the species was enhanced after cold acclimation. Results indicated that: (1) the adaptive mechanisms of T. belangeri residing in the subtropical region to cold are primarily by increasing RMR and secondly by increasing NST, and the mechanisms of thermogenesis are similar to those in tropical mammals; (2) in small mammals residing in northern regions, the adaptation to cold is chiefly to increase NST; (3) the mechanism of cold-induced thermogenesis in E. miletus residing in subtropical and high mountain regions is similar to that in the north; (4) a low RMR in warm environments and peak RMR and NST in cold environments enabled M. unguiculatus to tolerate a semi-desert climate; (5) O. curzoniae has unusually high RMR and high NST, acting mainly via increasing NST to adapt to extreme cold of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; (6) the adaptation of euthermic S. dauricus to cold is due to an increase in NST and a relaxed homeothermia; and lastly (7) the thyroid hormone is involved in the regulation of cold adaptive thermogenesis in all the species studied.  相似文献   

Aim Small mammals were live‐trapped in a primary rain forest to evaluate the relative distribution of species to each other and to microhabitat properties on the ground and in the canopy. Location Kinabalu National Park in Borneo, Sabah, Malaysia. Methods Seven trapping sessions were conducted along two grids with 31 trap points at distances of 20 m on the ground and in the lower canopy at an average height of 13.5 m. Results Species diversity and abundance of small mammals proved to be high: 20 species of the families Muridae, Sciuridae, Tupaiidae, Hystricidae, Viverridae and Lorisidae were trapped, with murids being dominant in both habitat layers. The terrestrial community was significantly more diverse with 16 captured species (Shannon–Wiener's diversity index = 2.47), while 11 species were trapped in the canopy ( = 1.59). The Whitehead's rat, Maxomys whiteheadi, and the red spiny rat, Maxomys surifer, dominated the terrestrial community whereas the large pencil‐tailed tree mouse, Chiropodomys major, was by far the most abundant species in the canopy. Other abundant species of the canopy community, the dark‐tailed tree rat, Niviventer cremoriventer, and the lesser treeshrew, Tupaia minor, were also abundant on the ground, and there was no clear boundary between arboreal and terrestrial species occurrences. Main conclusions As most species were not confined to specific microhabitats or habitat layers, species seemed to rely on resources not necessarily restricted to certain microhabitats or habitat layers, and separation of species probably resulted mainly from a species’ concentrated activity in a preferred microhabitat rather than from principal adaptations to certain habitats. Ecological segregation was stronger in the more diverse terrestrial community, though microhabitat selection was generally not sufficient to explain the co‐occurrences of species and the variability between local species assemblages. Constraints on small mammal foraging efficiency in the three‐dimensional more complex canopy may be responsible for the similarity of microhabitat use of all common arboreal species. Community composition was characterized by mobile species with low persistence rates, resulting in a high degree of variability in local species assemblages with similar turnover rates in both habitats.  相似文献   

The Warmth Index of Kira was calculated for 36 meteorological stations in Italy and 18 stations in SW. Australia, both countries with mediterranean type climate. On the basis of a correlation with rainfall it appears possible to indicate distinct ecological spaces for most climatogenous vegetation types. A remarkable ecological parallelism between the natural vegetation in Italy and SW. Australia can be evidentiated; some particular features are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract As urban areas continue to expand and replace natural and agricultural landscapes, the ability to manage and conserve native wildlife within urban environments is becoming increasingly important. To do so we first need to understand species' responses to local‐level habitat attributes in order to inform the decision‐making process and on‐ground conservation actions. Patterns in the occurrence of native terrestrial reptile and small mammal species in 59 sites located in remnant urban habitat fragments of Brisbane City were assessed against local‐level environmental characteristics of each site. Cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling ordination, and principal axis correlation were used to investigate relationships between species' occurrences and environmental characteristics. Native reptiles were most strongly associated with the presence of termite mounds, a high amount of fallen woody material, and a moderate amount of weed cover. Native small mammals were most strongly associated with the presence of grass trees (Xanthorrhoea spp.), and both reptiles and small mammals were negatively influenced by increased soil compaction. Significant floristic characteristics were considered to be important as structural, rather than compositional, habitat elements. Therefore, habitat structure, rather than vegetation composition, appears to be most important for determining native, terrestrial reptile and small mammal species assemblages in urban forest fragments. We discuss the management implications in relation to human disturbances and local‐level management of urban remnants.  相似文献   

The properties of large plasmids harbored by Bacillus subtilis strains isolated from soils of Moscow and Moscow oblast and from different regions of the Republic of Belarus have been studied. All large plasmids in the collection of strains from Belarus were capable of conjugative mobilization of the small plasmid pUB110 and were similar in size and other properties. Most of the tested plasmids harbored by strains isolated from Moscow soils had no mobilization ability; they were of different sizes and showed no homology with the replication region of plasmids from the Belarussian collection. The uniformity of the plasmids present in strains from Belarussian soils may be due to their active horizontal transfer under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Summary. The human organism is exposed to numerous processes that generate reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS may directly or indirectly cause oxidative modification and damage of proteins. Protein oxidation is regarded as a crucial event in the pathogenesis of various diseases ranging from rheumatoid arthritis to Alzheimer’s disease and atherosclerosis. As a representative example, oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) is regarded as a crucial event in atherogenesis. Data concerning the role of circulating oxidized LDL (oxLDL) in the development and outcome of diseases are scarce. One reason for this is the shortage of methods for direct assessment of the metabolic fate of circulating oxLDL in vivo. We present an improved methodology based on the radiolabelling of apoB-100 of native LDL (nLDL) and oxLDL, respectively, with the positron emitter fluorine-18 (18F) by conjugation with N-succinimidyl-4-[18F]fluorobenzoate ([18F]SFB). Radiolabelling of both nLDL and oxLDL using [18F]SFB causes neither additional oxidative structural modifications of LDL lipids and proteins nor alteration of their biological activity and functionality, respectively, in vitro. The method was further evaluated with respect to the radiopharmacological properties of both [18F]fluorobenzoylated nLDL and oxLDL by biodistribution studies in male Wistar rats. The metabolic fate of [18F]fluorobenzoylated nLDL and oxLDL in rats in vivo was further delineated by dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) using a dedicated small animal tomograph (spatial resolution of 2 mm). From this study we conclude that the use of [18F]FB-labelled LDL particles is an attractive alternative to, e.g., LDL iodination methods, and is of value to characterize and to discriminate the kinetics and the metabolic fate of nLDL and oxLDL in small animals in vivo.  相似文献   

Most species exist as subdivided ex situ daughter population(s) derived from a single original group of individuals. Such subdivision occurs for many reasons both natural and manmade. Traditional British and Irish pony breeds were introduced to North America (U.S.A. and Canada) within the last 150 years, and subsequently equivalent breed societies were established. We have analyzed selected U.K. and North American equivalent pony populations as a case study for understanding the relationship between putative source and derived subpopulations. Diversity was measured using mitochondrial DNA and a panel of microsatellite markers. Genetic signatures differed between the North American subpopulations according to historical management processes. Founder effect and stochastic drift was apparent, particularly pronounced in some breeds, with evidence of admixture of imported mares of different North American breeds. This demonstrates the importance of analysis of subpopulations to facilitate understanding the genetic effects of past management practices and to lead to informed future conservation strategies.  相似文献   

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