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Spectrophotometric studies on the behaviour of coproferrihaem in aqueous solution showed that, in the pH range 6.66--8.04, a dimerization process occurs according to the equation 2 monomer K in equilibrium dimer + H+ The value of K, the pH-independent dimerization constant, was found to be 2.10 . 10(-3), signifying that coproferrihaem shows the least tendency to dimerize of any ferrihaem so far investigated. Forward and reverse rate constants for the dimerization process have been determined by the temperature-jump method. The results suggest that the cation-bridging between carboxyl residues, postulated for the dimers of the dicarboxylic ferrihaems, cannot occur between the additional carboxyl residues of coproferrihaem and that the increased negative charge may cause destabiliztion of the coproferrihaem dimer by repulsion effects.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the interaction of Au(III) with whole yeast RNA has been studied using UV-spectrophotometry. The reaction is second order with respect to the nucleotide unit of RNA and first order with respect to Au(III) in the respective stoichiometry of 2 : 1. The effects of initial composition, temperature, ionic strength, pH and chloride ion on the kinetics have been studied. Activation energy is found to be 11.5 kcal/mol. Effect of ionic strength indicates that both the positively charged and neutral species of Au(III) take part in the rate limiting step, the former being dominant at low ionic strength. A plausible mechanism has been proposed which involves the interaction of two nucleotide units of RNA with one species of Au(III) in the rate limiting step.  相似文献   

The reactions of dilute solutions of octaethylporphyrin and its iron (II) and iron (III) complexes with methyl, 2-cyanopropyl, t-butoxy, and benzoyloxy radicals are described. The results are summarized: (i) The reactivity of the porphyrin and its high-spin iron (II) and iron (III) complexes toward alkyl and t-butoxy radicals stands in the order: FeII > FeIII ? free porphyrin. For benzoyloxy radicals the order is FeII > Porp > FeIII. (ii) The exclusive path of reaction of high-spin iron (II) porphyrin with radicals is the rapid reduction of the radical and generation of an iron (III) porphyrin. The dominant path of reaction of high-spin iron (III) porphyrin with alkyl and (presumably) t-butoxy radicals is a rapid axial inner sphere reduction of the porphyrin. An axial ligand of iron is transferred to the radical. (iv) The reaction of benzoyloxy radicals with high or low-spin iron (III) porphyrins occurs primarily at the meso position. With the low-spin dipyridyl complex in pyridine the attendant reduction to iron (II) can be observed spectrally. Methyl radicals also reduce this complex by adding to the meso position. (v) The reaction of a radical with either an iron (II) or an iron (III) porphyrin results in the generation of the other valence state of iron and consequently oxidation and reduction products emanating from both iron species are obtained. (vi) No evidence for an iron (IV) is intermediate is apparent. (vii) Iron (II) porphyrins in solvents that impart either spin state are easily oxidized by diacyl peroxides. The occurrence of both axial and peripheral redox reactions with the iron complexes supports an underlying premise of a recent theory of hemeprotein reactivity. The relevance of the work to bioelectron transfer and heme catabolism is noted.  相似文献   

Equilibrium studies of BMXD complexation with copper(II) and glycylglycine were performed by potentiometric and UV-visible titration. The equilibrium constants determined by potentiometry for the ternary system are: [LCu2P3+]/[LCu24+][P]=8.11(3), [LCu2HP4+]/[LCu2P3+][H+]=5.39(2), [LCu2H−1P2+][H+]/[LCu2P3+]=−6.33(2), [LCu2(OH)H−1P+][H+]/[LCu2H−1P2+]=−8.20(1) and [LCu2(OH)2HH−1P][H+]/[LCu2(OH)H−1P−1]=−10.33(3), which are in good agreement with the values determined by UV-visible titration. The species formed were confirmed by electrospray mass spectrometry. The association constants, determined by kinetic studies, for the association of the second molecule of glycylglycine with the LCu2P complex, for two ionic media, are 1.29 (KCl) and 1.27 (KNO3). These are in good agreement with the values determined by thermodynamic measurements 1.41 (KCl) and 1.26 (KNO3).  相似文献   

The kinetics and mechanisms of the reactions of a pseudo-first order excess of iron(III) with the flavonoids quercetin and morin have been investigated in aqueous solution at 25 degrees C and an ionic strength of 0.5M. Mechanisms have been proposed which account satisfactorily for the kinetic data. The data are consistent with a mechanism in which the metal:ligand complex formed initially on reaction of iron(III) with the ligand subsequently decomposes through an electron transfer step. Morin forms a 1:1 metal:ligand complex while quercetin forms a 2:1 metal:ligand complex. Both ligands showed evidence for the involvement of the iron hydroxo dimer Fe2(OH)2(4+) in the complex formation reaction at the hydroxy-carbonyl moiety. The iron(III) assisted decomposition of the initial iron(III) complex formed was also investigated and the rate constants evaluated. Both the complex formation and subsequent electron transfer reactions of iron(III) with these ligands were monitored using UV-visible spectrophotometry. All of the suggested mechanisms and calculated rate constants are supported by calculations carried out using global analysis of time dependant spectra.  相似文献   

The interaction between nocodazole and calf brain tubulin in 10(-2) M sodium phosphate, 10(-4) M GTP, and 12% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide at pH 7.0 was studied. The number of binding sites for nocodazole was shown to be one per tubulin monomer of 50,000 as a result of equilibrium binding studies by gel filtration and spectroscopic techniques. The presence of microtubule-associated proteins did not significantly affect the binding of nocodazole to tubulin. The apparent equilibrium constant measured at 25 degrees C was (4 +/- 1) X 10(5) M-1. Temperature does not significantly affect the apparent equilibrium constant; hence, the binding of nocodazole to tubulin is apparently entropy driven. Stopped flow spectroscopy was employed to monitor the rate of nocodazole binding under pseudo first order conditions. The effects of temperature and nocodazole concentration were studied. The apparent rate constants were dependent on the concentration of nocodazole in a nonlinear manner. In conjunction with results from structural and thermodynamic studies the kinetic results were interpreted to suggest a mechanism of T + N in equilibrium with TN in equilibrium with T* N, where T and N are tubulin and nocodazole, respectively. T and T* represent two conformational states of tubulin. Furthermore, the kinetic data are consistent with the thermodynamic data only if a model of two parallel similar reactions were considered, one rapid and the other slow. The initial binding step for both the rapid and slow phases was characterized by identical binding constants; however, there was a significant difference in the rates of isomerization. Hence, nocodazole is potentially a useful probe for amplifying differences in solution properties of tubulin subspecies.  相似文献   

The interaction of Ca2+ and Mg2+ with three Tetracycline antibiotics (tetracycline, chlorotetracycline, and oxytetracycline) has been investigated. Spectrophotometric measurements have been used to determine the apparent association constant for this interaction as a function of pH. It is shown that the results are consistent with a model in which the metal ion can form complexes with both the fully-deprotonated and mono-protonated forms of the Tetracycline. The temperature-jump relaxation method has been used to measure the kinetics of formation of the complexes of Mg2+ with the Tetracyclines. The results are compared with those of previous studies of Mg2+ complex formation reactions and it is shown that the data is consistent with the normal dissociative model. A possible role for metal ion chelation in the mechanism of antibacterial action of the Tetracyclines is discussed.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1986,112(2):139-145
In addition to the variety of products formed during the reaction of iron(III) halobisdithiocarbamates with halogens, some novel fluxional homobinuclear iron(III) complexes with two different coordination spheres around the magnetic centers have also been synthesized and studied. The formation of these products depends on the nature of both the molecular halogen and the reagent complex, as well as on the reaction conditions. The new compounds have been characterized chemically and by means of spectroscopic methods and magnetic susceptibility measurements. The volatility characteristics and thermogravimetric analysis data for the complexes were also studied. Finally, a general mechanism accounting for the variety of products formed in the reactions of iron(III) halobisdithiocarbamates with molecular halogens is proposed.  相似文献   

The complexity of the plutonium(III)-acetate system has been determined by means of potentiometric [H+] measurements and a spectrophotometric check on the real oxidation state of the plutonium. A perchlorate medium of ionic strength I = 2M was used at 20°C.  相似文献   

Extensive investigations of the unfolding equilibria and kinetics of oxidized and reduced cytochromes c are reported. It is found that all cytochromes c have similar unfolding free energies (deltaGD = 7 +/- 1 kcal/mol). Differences among species do not correlate in any way with the metabolic differences among species. The stabilization of cytochrome c on reduction is estimated at 1.1 kcal/mol. Stability differences among species are mirrored in their denaturation kinetics. For cytochrome c (III), the unfolding exhibits multiple phases. The rate constants for the two observable phases both change by a factor of 3 between horse cytochrome c (III) and cow cytochrome c (III). On reduction, all unfolding appears to occur in a single step. The rate of this unfolding still varies between species, however, the results can be accommodated to a sequential model, with some assumptions. The observations are consistent with chain reversal occurring at an early stage in the reaction and suggest that previously observed rapid processes may be ligand exchange processes.  相似文献   

Nature of the fast and slow refolding reactions of iron(III) cytochrome c   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fast and slow refolding reactions of iron(III) cytochrome c (Fe(III) cyt c), previously studied by Ikai et al. (Ikai, A., Fish, W. W., & Tanford, C. (1973) J. Mol. Biol. 73, 165--184), have been reinvestigated. The fast reaction has the major amplitude (78%) and is 100-fold faster than the slow reaction in these conditions (pH 7.2, 25 degrees C, 1.75 M guanidine hydrochloride). We show here that native cyt c is the product formed in the fast reaction as well as in the slow reaction. Two probes have been used to test for formation of native cyt c. absorbance in the 695-nm band and rate of reduction of by L-ascorbate. Different unfolded species (UF, US) give rise to the fast and slow refolding reactions, as shown both by refolding assays at different times after unfolding ("double-jump" experiments) and by the formation of native cyt c in each of the fast and slow refolding reactions. Thus the fast refolding reaction is UF leads to N and the slow refolding reaction is Us leads to N, where N is native cyt c, and there is a US in equilibrium UF equilibrium in unfolded cyt c. The results are consistent with the UF in equilibrium US reaction being proline isomerization, but this has not yet been tested in detail. Folding intermediates have been detected in both reactions. In the UF leads to N reaction, the Soret absorbance change precedes the recovery of the native 695-nm band spectrum, showing that Soret absorbance monitors the formation of a folding intermediate. In the US leads to N reaction an ascorbate-reducible intermediate has been found at an early stage in folding and the Soret absorbance change occurs together with the change at 695 nm as N is formed in the final stage of folding.  相似文献   

The Mössbauer spectra of frozen aqueous solutions of iron(III) over the pH range 1.9 to 12 are reported. The spectra show that tetra(p-sulphophenyl)porphine iron(III) exists principally in two forms, monomeric and as μ-oxo-oligomers, depending on the pH of the solution. Above pH 4.0 only the μ-oxo-oligomer exists and at very low pHs (2.0 or less) only monomers are present. The quadrupole splitting of the monomer is the largest yet recorded for a five coordinate high spin iron(III) porphyrin.  相似文献   

The complexes of Fe(III) with small molecules (glycopeptides, amino sugars) related to peptidoglycan monomer (PGM) structure were prepared and characterized by chemical and physicochemical methods. A simple method for preparation using separation of the reaction products on a molecular sieve was introduced. Using this method, monomeric complexes of small molecular weight were obtained. The likely structures were proposed on the basis of analytical results.  相似文献   

An investigation of the behavior of protoporphyrin IX, deuteroporphyrin IX, haematoporphyrin IX and coproporphyrin III in aqueous solution revealed extensive and complex aggregation processes. Protoporphyrin appears to be highly aggregated under all conditions studied. At concentrations below 4 muM, aggregation of deutero-, haemato- and coproporphyrin is probably restricted to dimerization. At approx. 4muM each of these three porphyrins exhibits sharp changes in spectra consistent with a "micellization" process to form large aggregates of unknown size. This critical concentration increases with increasing temperature and pH, but is not very sensitive to variation in ionic strength. Temperature-jump kinetic studies on deuteroporphyrin also imply an initial dimerization process, the rate constants for which are comparable with those for various synthetic porphyrins, followed by a further extensive aggragation. The ability of a particular porphyrin to dimerize appears to parallel that of the corresponding iron(III) complexes (ferrihaems), although it is thought that ferrihaems do not exhibit further aggregation under these conditions.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric data have been determined for mesoferrihaem at several pH values and over a range of concentration covering four orders of magnitude. The data reveal a dimerization process according to the equation 2 monomer ? dimer + H+, analogous to earlier findings for deuteroferrihaem and protoferrihaem. The value of K (defined as K = [dimer][H+][monomer])2) was found to be 6.92 · 10?2. This is close to the value for deuteroferrihaem but much less than that for protoferrihaem. This is interpreted in terms of possible additional bonding between the delocalized electron systems in protoferrihaem dimers relative to those of mesoferrihaem and deuteroferrihaem.Rate constants for dimerization were determined by temperature-jump spectrophotometry. The pH dependence of the rate constants is explained in terms of two distinct pathways for the dimerization process. These involve either direct reaction between two undissociated monomer molecules or alternatively an initial acid dissociation of a monomer molecule followed by reaction between an undissociated and a dissociated molecule.  相似文献   

Potentiometric, conductometric and 31P NMR titrations have been applied to study interactions between myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (phytic acid), (±)-myo-inositol 1,2,3,5-tetrakisphosphate and (±)-myo-inositol 1,2,3-trisphosphate with iron(III) ions. Potentiometric and conductometric titrations of myo-inositol phosphates show that addition of iron increases acidity and consumption of hydroxide titrant. By increasing the Fe(III)/InsP6 ratio (from 0.5 to 4) 3 mol of protons are released per 2 mol of iron(III). At first, phytates coordinate iron octahedrally between P2 and P1,3. The second coordination site represents P5 and neighbouring P4,6 phosphate groups. Complexation is accompanied with the deprotonation of P1,3 and P4,6 phosphate oxygens. At higher concentration of iron(III) intermolecular P–O–Fe–O–P bonds trigger formation of a polymeric network and precipitation of the amorphous Fe(III)–InsP6 aggregates. 31P NMR titration data complement the above results and display the largest chemical shift changes at pD values between 5 and 10 in agreement with strong interactions between iron and myo-inositol phosphates. The differences in T1 relaxation times of phosphorous atoms have shown that phosphate groups at positions 1, 2 and 3 are complexated with iron(III). The interactions between iron(III) ions and inositol phosphates depend significantly on the metal to ligand ratio and an attempt to coordinate more than two irons per InsP6 molecule results in an unstable heterogeneous system.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional conformation of ferricytochrome c results from specific folding of the polypeptide chain around the covalently bound heme so that His-18 and Met-80 are axially coordinated to the Fe(III). The Fe(III)-free, porphyrin protein has an intrinsic viscosity, sedimentation coefficient, and circular dichroism indicative of a compact, globular protein conformation comparable to the holoprotein. Both the porphyrin protein and ferricytochrome c are reversibly denatured by guanidinium chloride. Refolding of the porphyrin protein occurs in essentially a single, exceptionally rapid kinetic phase (tau = 14 ms, 0.75 M guanidinium chloride, pH 6.5, 25 degrees C); whereas refolding of ferricytochrome c occurs in two slower kinetic phases (TAU 1 = 0.10 S, TAU 2 = 20 S) UNDER COMPARABLE CONDITIONS. The presence of Fe(III) in the metalloporphyrin of ferricytochrome c thus has a major effect on the protein folding kinetics. The slow kinetic phase is evidently due to this effect of Fe(III) and not to the slow cis-trans isomerism of the peptide bond of proline residues as has been suggested.  相似文献   

Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) play a key role in the delivery of photosensitizers to tumor cells in photodynamic therapy. The interaction of deuteroporphyrin, an amphiphilic porphyrin, with LDL is examined at equilibrium and the kinetics of association/dissociation are determined by stopped-flow. Changes in apoprotein and porphyrin fluorescence suggest two classes of bound porphyrins. The first class, characterized by tryptophan fluorescence quenching, involves four well-defined sites. The affinity constant per site is 8.75 x 10(7) M(-1) (cumulative affinity 3.5 x 10(8) M(-1)). The second class corresponds to the incorporation of up to 50 molecules into the outer lipidic layer of LDL with an affinity constant of 2 x 10(8) M(-1). Stopped-flow experiments involving direct LDL porphyrin mixing or porphyrin transfer from preloaded LDL to albumin provide kinetic characterization of the two classes. The rate constants for dissociation of the first and second classes are 5.8 and 15 s(-1); the association rate constants are 5 x 10(8) M(-1) s(-1) per site and 3 x 10(9) M(-1) s(-1), respectively. Both fluorescence and kinetic analysis indicate that the first class involves regions at the boundary between lipids and the apoprotein. The kinetics of porphyrin-LDL interactions indicates that changes in the distribution of photosensitizers among various carriers could be very sensitive to the specific tumor microenvironment.  相似文献   

Arrest of DNA replication in the terminus region of the Escherichia coli chromosome is mediated by protein-DNA complexes composed of the Tus protein and 23 base pair sequences generically called Ter sites. We have characterized the in vitro binding of purified Tus protein to a 37-base pair oligodeoxyribonucleotide containing the TerB sequence. The measured equilibrium binding constant (KD) for the chromosomal TerB site in KG buffer (50 mM Tris-Cl, 150 mM potassium glutamate, 25 degrees C, pH 7.5, 0.1 mM dithiothreitol, 0.1 mM EDTA, and 100 micrograms/ml bovine serum albumin) was 3.4 x 10(-13) M. Kinetic measurements in the same buffer revealed that the Tus-TerB complex was very stable, with a half-life of 550 min, a dissociation rate constant of 2.1 x 10(-5) s-1, and an association rate constant of 1.4 x 10(8) M-1 s-1. Similar measurements of Tus protein binding to the TerR2 site of the plasmid R6K showed an affinity 30-fold lower than the Tus-TerB interaction. This difference was due primarily to a more rapid dissociation of the Tus-TerR2 complex. Using standard chemical modification techniques, we also examined the DNA-protein contacts of the Tus-TerB interaction. Extensive contacts between the Tus protein and the TerB sequence were observed in the highly conserved 11 base-pair "core" sequence common to all identified Ter sites. In addition, protein-DNA contact sites were observed in the region of the Ter site where DNA replication is arrested. Projection of the footprinting data onto B-form DNA indicated that the majority of the alkylation interference and hydroxyl radical-protected sites were arranged on one face of the DNA helix. We also observed dimethyl sulfate protection of 2 guanine residues on the opposite side of the helix, suggesting that part of the Tus protein extends around the double helix. The distribution of contacts along the TerB sequence was consistent with the functional polarity of the Tus-Ter complex and suggested possible mechanisms for the impediment of protein translocation along DNA.  相似文献   

The coordination of iron(III) ion to hyaluronic acid (Hyal) in aqueous solutions and solid state was accomplished by potentiometric titrations and infrared spectroscopy. The potentiometric titration studies provided the binding constants for the complexes found in the systems and the speciation of these species according to the variation of pH values. The complexes found presented a complexing ability through both the chelating moieties of Hyal (via the N-glucosamine and D-glucoronic acid), showing no special preference for either one while in solid state, but when in aqueous solution the complexation via the N-glucosamine moiety was the preferred, forming two complexed species, ML and ML(2) (log K(ML)=8.2 and log K(ML2)=7.9). The presence of a mu-oxo complex via the D-glucoronic acid was also detected in both aqueous (log K=6.7) and solid states via the N-glucosamine and D-glucoronic acid simultaneously linked to two Hyal chains. A structure for this latter complex was suggested. The results indicated that these complexes could be used in eliminating the excess iron(III) in living organisms.  相似文献   

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