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The effects of estrogen and progesterone on the function of chick oviduct tubular gland cells have been studied. Such function, as measured by the increase in specific cell products such as lysozyme and ovalbumin, requires the continuous presence of estrogen or progesterone. Withdrawal of hormone results in a rapid cessation of function and an involution of the oviduct accompanied by rapid decreases in total weight, lysozyme, and RNA. During such involution, tubular gland cells per se persist, as evidenced by a lack of comparable decrease in total DNA content and by histological demonstration of tubular gland cells. When estrogen administration is reinstituted, preexisting tubular gland cells rapidly synthesize ovalbumin and lysozyme without requiring new DNA synthesis. Administration of progesterone also stimulates the function of such cells. Furthermore, the effects of estrogen and progesterone are synergistic on the synthesis of lysozyme and ovalbumin, whereas progesterone antagonizes the estrogen-evoked formation of tubular gland cells. It is suggested that such complex interactions of estrogen and progesterone on oviduct development and function result from differences in responsiveness of the various cell types present in the tissue.  相似文献   

Daily administration of estrogen to immature female chicks results in marked oviduct growth and appearance of characteristic tubular gland cells which contain lysozyme. Although a rapid increase in total DNA and RNA content begins within 24 hr, cell specific protein, lysozyme, is first detectable after 3 days of estrogen. Progesterone administered concomitantly with estrogen antagonizes the estrogen-induced tissue growth as well as appearance of tubular gland cells and their specific products, lysozyme and ovalbumin. When the initiation of progesterone administration is delayed for progressively longer periods (days) during estrogen treatment, proportionally greater growth occurs with more lysozyme and tubular gland cells after 5 days of total treatment. Progesterone does not inhibit the estrogen-stimulated increase in uptake of α-aminoisobutyric acid and water by oviduct occurring within 24 hr or the estrogen-induced increase in total lipid, phospholipid, and phosphoprotein content of serum. The above results of progesterone antagonism can best be explained by the hypothesis that progesterone inhibits the initial proliferation of cells which become tubular gland cells but does not antagonize the subsequent cytodifferentiation leading to the synthesis of lysozyme and ovalbumin once such cell proliferation has occurred.  相似文献   

我们用化学合成的方法,制备了6S(α-氨基丙酸)-异硫氰酸荧光素-孕酮(简称:6NHPF),对鸡的输卵管孕激素受体(PR)进行了观察。发现PR存在于腔上皮细胞核,在平滑肌肌细胞及输卵管近泄殖腔端不存在PR。在输卵管相邻的组织切片上用孕酮或6NHPF的中间体化合物抑制剂,发现对合成的荧光孕酮都能够竞争性抑制,证实了这种新的,亲水性的小分子荧光孕酮能与PR特异性地结合。  相似文献   

鸡输卵管胞液中雌激素受体的性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
佘微明 《动物学研究》1987,8(2):169-176
以乙酚(DES)刺激未成年的雌鸡,输卵管增长到0.6到1.0克,胞液中含有的雌激素受体为0.082微微克分子/毫克蛋白,此种受体表现有以下的特性。 1.专一地结合雌性激素。以雌二醇作配基时平衡解离常数是0.25×10~(-9)M~(-1);在输卵管胞液中该受体的结合位点是1356/细胞。 2.硫酸铵沉淀胞液中的雌激素受体已转变成为团聚状态,如在硫酸铵沉淀的过程中有钼酸钠存在则能明显地减少团聚,因此钼酸钠有防止胞液中受体团聚的作用。 3.胞液中雌激素受体进行DEAE—葡聚糖凝胶柱层析,不论有或无钼酸钠存在,均表现为一个单一的峰。  相似文献   

给幼龄小鼠(21-23日龄)注射8IUPMSG促滤泡生长。48h后给一组动物只注射8IUhCG,另一组注射8IUhCG加100μg促乳素(PRL)。3,12和24h后杀死动物,取血和卵巢,从后者分离颗粒细胞(GC)作离体培养。测定血清和培液中雌激素和孕激素含量表明,PRL显著增强hCG所致血中孕酮含量上升,但抑制hCG所致雌激素的产生;对GC离体培养的测定结果也完全相同,上述结果表明,PRL抑制H  相似文献   

雌激素和孕激素对雌性小鼠甲状腺C细胞的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨降钙素在老年女性骨质疏松症发病中的作用 ,观察了雌、孕激素对雌性小鼠甲状腺 C细胞的影响。去卵巢小鼠 (OVX)分别肌肉注射苯甲酸雌二醇 (FB)、己烯孕酮 (HPC)和苯甲酸雌二醇加乙烯孕酮 (EB+HPC)两个月。用药剂量根据小鼠口龄和体重的不同而不同。采用免疫组织化学方法显示降钙素 (CT)阳性细胞并对其进行细胞形态计量学分析。结果显示 :(1)去卵巢小鼠与正常对照组相比 ,甲状腺 C细胞数目剧增 ,给予 EB、HPC、EB+HPC治疗的各组小鼠甲状腺C细胞数目与正常对照组水平相近。 (2 )各组小鼠甲状腺 C细胞的大小无明显改变 ,平均直径间无显著性差异 (P>0 .0 5 )。雌、孕激素缺乏可引起雌性小鼠甲状腺 C细胞增生。 C细胞增生也可能是雌激素缺乏引起的骨质疏松的后果  相似文献   

家兔配后1天灌服抗孕-53(10.5mg/kg),第11天剖腹检查,对照组着床数为9.7±1.6(平均值±SEM),实验组为0.4±0.4;兔妊娠第7—9天连续灌服抗孕-53(每天5mg/kg),17天剖检,对照组活胎数为7.5±1.1,实验组活胎数为0.3±0.3,死胎数为7.0±0.5;兔妊娠第22天肌肉注射抗孕-53(1.25mg/kg)一针,30天剖检,对照组活胎数为12.2±0.2,实验组均为死胎11.9±0.5。说明抗孕-53有明显抗着床、抗早孕和终止中期妊娠的作用。抗孕-53对家兔抗着床时,血浆孕酮和雌激素变化不显著;抗孕-53对早孕家兔血浆孕酮水平明显下降,但对血浆雌激素水平无影响。  相似文献   

A number of methods for the preparation of chick oviduct nuclei have been compared. Nuclei have been isolated in hypertonic sucrose and citric acid and the product has been characterized with respect to cleanliness, ultrastructure, RNA polymerase activity, RNA integrity, and chromatin composition. The study demonstrates that the choice of oviduct nuclear isolation procedure will depend markedly on the purpose for which the nuclei are required. Thus, nuclei prepared entirely in high-molarity sucrose retain the highest levels of RNA polymerase. Those prepared rapidly in the presence of citric acid retain nuclear RNA in an essentially undegraded state. Finally, a bulk preparation is described which, because of its adaptability and high yield of morphologically intact nuclei using large amounts of tissue, is ideal for use in preparing chromatin. Conditions are described by which isolated nuclei can be stored for up to 6 months and retain their morphology, chemical characteristics, and RNA polymerase activity.  相似文献   

研究细胞间隙连接蛋白基因43(connexin43,CX43)及其蛋白、雌激素受体(estrogen receptor,ER)、孕激素受体(progesterone receptor,PR)在子宫平滑肌瘤中的表达,从核酸及蛋白水平探讨在子宫平滑肌瘤发生中的相关关系。应用核酸原位杂交技术和SP免疫组织化学法,研究37例子宫平滑肌瘤、20例正常子宫平滑肌组织中cx43mRNA及其蛋白、ER、PR的表达规律。结果显示,cx43mRNA及其蛋白、ER、PR在子宫平滑肌瘤中的表达明显高于在子宫平滑肌组织中的水平,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。cx43mRNA及其蛋白在子宫平滑肌瘤中的过度表达,是子宫平滑肌瘤发生过程的重要事件,与ER、PR水平升高呈现一致性,对进一步揭示子宫平滑肌瘤的复杂分子机制、寻求可靠的早期标志有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的观察人子宫肌瘤及周围正常子宫平滑肌组织中IGF-1受体、雌、孕激素受体、PCNA及Bcl-2含量的区别,并分析其相互关系。方法用免疫组化ABC法检测子宫肌瘤及正常子宫平滑肌组织中IGF-1受体、雌、孕激素受体、PCNA及Bcl-2含量,并对其进行图像分析;用SPSS 11统计分析软件对其进行统计及相关性分析。结果子宫肌瘤组织中IGF-1受体的含量明显高于正常子宫平滑肌组织中含量,且与雌、孕激素受体、PCNA及Bcl-2之间均存在显著正相关。结论甾体激素可能通过调节生长因子IGF-1受体含量,调节与细胞增殖相关蛋白的表达以及抑制细胞凋亡等机制,来参与子宫肌瘤的发生发展。  相似文献   

The fitness of genotypes created by crossing strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was measured in axenic pure culture in a set of chemically defined environments. There was substantial and highly significant genotype-by-environment interaction, with genetic correlations between environments averaging only about +0.1 for both r and K. Higher-order interactions with combinations of environmental factors appeared to be no less important than simple interactions with single factors. The importance of genotype-by-environment interaction increased with the number of environmental factors manipulated. The linear reaction norms of genotypic score on environmental mean score varied substantially among genotypes and often intersected. There was also some evidence that nonallelic genetic interactions were present, and varied among environments. The genetic correlation of r with K also varied among environments, being significantly negative in some but not in others. These results are similar in all important respects to those previously obtained with different species, and suggest that genotype-by-environment interaction is important at all genetic scales. It is argued that they provide empirical support for a general theory of diversity, the “Tangled Bank,” based on the different response of genotypes to the range of conditions found in heterogeneous natural environments.  相似文献   

The study of the changes occurring during incubation in the surface tension of the two extra-embryonic fluids of the hen''s egg has yielded results which in part harmonize with previous studies of the chemical and physical nature of these liquids, and which in part are quite inexplicable in the light of these investigations. The necessity for a more thorough chemical analysis of these fluids is clearly indicated before any exact evaluation of their significance to the developing embryo can be made.  相似文献   

The relationship between the rates of increase of corneal protein fractions and incorporation of labeled precursors has been examined during embryonic and early posthatching development of the chick corneal stroma. Non-collagen protein increased gradually from 9 through 20 days of incubation. Collagen accumulated approximately logarithmically through the 19th day, the most rapid rate occurring between 13 and 20 days of incubation. The rates at which labeled amino acids are incorporated into collagen in vivo and in vitro undergo marked changes during the last week of embryonic development, corresponding closely to the rate of collagen accumulation in vivo; whereas incorporation into non-collagen protein changes much less markedly. Changes in the rate of incorporation of precursors into collagen are not due to changes in the rate of conversion of collagen from the soluble to insoluble form, or to changes in the endogenous amino acid pool size. Chick embryo corneal stroma collagen turns over very slowly, if at all. Non-collagen protein turns over more rapidly. An increase in cell number, as indicated by DNA content, does not account for the increased rate of collagen synthesis between the 9th and 16th day of incubation. It is concluded that the observed changes in collagen synthesis reflect changing activities in the individual cornea fibroblasts. These activities are comparable in the intact tissue in vivo and in isolated corneas in vitro.  相似文献   

Specific identification of tropomyosin was succeeded in chick embryos by an application of immuno-histochemical techniques with the antisera against frog skeletal muscle tropomyosin. The first appearance of tropomyosin was in the central part of cervical somites of stage 14 embryo, and the area containing tropomyosin extended dorso-ventrally in later stages. In the heart primordium, tropomyosin was first detected in the presumptive epimyocardium at stage 8 embryos and was found to be concentrated in the epimyocardium in later embryos. The stages of the first appearance of tropomyosin in somites and presumptive myocardium corresponded with those of the first appearance of thin filaments in these organ primordia reported by other investigators. Tropomyosin in myogenic cells and in muscle fibers was localized in cell membrane or in cell peripheries. It was also distributed in a striated pattern which seemed to be due to a localization of tropomyosin in the I-bands.  相似文献   

本实验采用未成熟的雌兔,经雌二醇诱发五天,以促进子宫中孕酮受体的合成。利用此动物模型,分析了孕酮及炔诺酮庚酸酯与兔子宫细胞质和核中孕酮受体的结合特性及在细胞内的动态分布。实验结果表明:如以孕酮与其受体结合的相对结合亲合性(RBA)值为100时,炔诺酮庚酸酯的为48.6。此外还发现,炔诺酮庚酸酯可以增进孕酮受体在细胞核内的贮留。虽然该化合物有较小的 RBA 值,但其颇强的且长效的孕激素样作用可能与该化合物能使孕酮受体在核内的长时间贮留有密切关系。  相似文献   

D. N. S. Tomlinson 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):157-165
Tomlinson, D. N. S. 1975. Studies of the Purple Heron, Part 3: Egg and chick development. Ostrich 46:157-165. (Part 1, Ostrich 45:175-181; Part 2, Ostrich 45:209-223.)

The average clutch size of Ardea purpurea was found to be three eggs, with a mean incubation period of 26 days. Incubation begins immediately the first egg is laid with the result that there is a marked difference in chick size in individual nests. The optimum clutch size in terms of fledgling success, is four to a nest, although growth data from nests indicate that the fourth chick in a nest with four is not fed adequately, and the fifth chick in a nest with five dies of starvation.

In agreement with Junor's (1971) results on other herons, food expressed as a percentage of body weight per day was found to level off at 16% which was 225 g of food per bird (adult weight) per day.  相似文献   

Abstract— Changes in the contents of cholesterol and cholesterol ester and in the activity of cholesterol esterase (EC in the sciatic nerve of the chick during development were measured. The ratio of cholesterol ester/cholesterol was an inverse function of the activity of the esterase (i.e. when the ratio was high, the activity of the enzyme was low, and vice versa). The synthesis of cholesterol esterase was inhibited after addition of actinomycin D both in ovo and in vitro.  相似文献   

Floral development in Piper was compared between four-staminate species (P. aduncum and P. marginatum) and six-staminate species (P. amalago). All Piper species have a syncarpous gynoecium composed of three or four carpels. The floral apex is initiated by a periclinal division in the subsurface layer in the axil of a bract 40-55 μm high; initiation of the bracts occurs separately and considerably earlier. The floral primordium widens and the first pair of stamens are initiated at either side. The median anterior stamen forms next, and the median posterior later. This sequence is common to all species studied. In the six-staminate P. amalago, the last two stamens form simultaneously in lateral-anterior positions. The stamens hence arise as pairs, and symmetry is bilateral or dorsiventral. The three or four carpels arise simultaneously; they are soon elevated on a gynoecial ring by growth of the receptacle below the level of attachment of the carpels to produce a syncarpous gynoecium. The floral apex lastly produces the solitary basal ovule and is used up in its formation.  相似文献   

Abstract— The changes in phospholipids and gangliosides during ontogenesis of chick retina have been compared with those in brain. Three phases of accumulation of ganglioside NeuNAc in the retina were detected. In contrast, brain NeuNAc rapidly increased during embryonic life until hatching, followed by a slower increase up to the adult stage. The phospholipid changes in retina and in brain occur in a-similar manner to the variations observed for gangliosides, however in retina the changes of phospholipid content are less marked than in brain, during embryonic life. There were marked changes in the retina and brain ganglioside patterns with age. G d 3 and G d 1b decreased rapidly in per cent; correspondingly, G d 1a increased during embryonic life and became the major ganglioside in place of G d 3. There was a similarity between ganglioside patterns of chick retina and brain. Except for some slight variations during embryonic life, the retinal phospholipid pattern did not change noticeably.  相似文献   

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