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During the austral summer of 1995, distributions of phytoplankton biomass (as chlorophyll a), primary production, and nutrient concentrations along two north-south transects in the marginal ice zone of the northwestern Weddell Sea were examined as part of the 8th Korean Antarctic Research Program. An extensive phytoplankton bloom, ranging from 1.6 to 11.2 mg m−3 in surface chlorophyll a concentration, was encountered along the eastern transect and extended ca. 180 km north of the ice edge. The spatial extent of the bloom was closely related to the density field induced by the input of meltwater from the retreating sea ice. However, the extent (ca. 200 km) of the phytoplankton bloom along the western transect exceeded the meltwater-influenced zone (ca. 18 km). The extensive bloom along the western transect was more closely related to local hydrography than to the proximity of the ice edge and the resulting meltwater-induced stability of the upper water column. In addition, the marginal ice zone on the western transect was characterized by a deep, high phytoplankton biomass (up to 8 mg Chl a m−3) extending to 100-m depth, and the decreased nutrient concentration, which was probably caused by passive sinking from the upper euphotic zone and in situ growth. Despite the low bloom intensity relative to the marginal ice zone in both of the transects, mean primary productivity (2.6 g C m−2 day−1) in shelf waters corresponding to the northern side of the western transect was as high as in the marginal ice zone (2.1 g C m−2 day−1), and was 4.8 times greater than that in open waters, suggesting that shelf waters are as highly productive as the marginal ice zone. A comparison between the historical productivity data and our data also shows that the most productive regions in the Southern Ocean are shelf waters and the marginal ice zone, with emerging evidence of frontal regions as another major productive site. Accepted: 27 September 1998  相似文献   

Summary Phyto- and protozooplankton were sampled in the upper 10 m of the water column in austral summer during a cruise of RV Polarstern from January 6 to February 20 1985 in the eastern Bransfield Strait vicinity and in the northern, southeastern (off Vestkapp, twice: I and II) and southern Weddell Sea (Vahsel Bay across the Filchner Depression to Gould Bay). The plankton assemblages are discussed in relation to physical, chemical and biological factors in the different geographical areas in summer. Phytoplankton biomass (Phytoplankton carbon, PPC) ranged from 4–194 g carbon/l and consisted on average of 65% diatoms and 35% autotrophic flagellates. Whereas in the northwest phytoplankton assemblages were dominated by small nanoflagellates (78% of PPC), higher biomass of diatoms (54–94% of PPC) occurred at the other sampling sites. In general autotrophic flagellates and small pennate diatoms dominated at oceanic stations; in neritic areas large centric diatoms prevailed. Chlorophyll a concentrations ranged from 0.25–3.14/g chl a/l with a mean of 1.13/gmg chlorophyll a/l and an average phytoplankton carbon/chlorophyll a ratio of 39. Protozooplankton biomass (Protozooplankton carbon, PZC) ranged from 0–67 g carbon/l and consisted of 49% ciliates, 49% heterotrophic dinoflagellates and 2% tintinnids. Heterotrophic dinoflagellates were more important in the northern investigation areas (58%–84% of PZC). Ciliates dominated the protozooplankton in the southeast and south (56%–65% of PZC); higher abundances of tintinnids were observed only in the south (11% of PZC). The most remarkable feature of the surface waters was the high protozooplankton biomass: protozooplankton amounted to 25% on an average of the combined biomass of PPC plus PZC for the entire investigation period. Protozoan biomass in the southeastern and southern Weddell Sea occasionally exceeded phytoplankton biomass. Temperature, salinity, and inorganic nutrients were generally lower in the southern regions; at most of these stations a meltwater layer occurred in the upper meters of the water column. We suggest that this physical regime allows a well developed summer system with a high proportion of heterotrophic microplankton. In the eastern Bransfield Strait, in the northern Weddell Sea and close to the coast off Vestkapp (I), however, early summer conditions occurred with less protozooplankton contribution.Contribution no. 427 from the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research  相似文献   

The seasonal development and decline of phytoplankton was investigated in the eastern Weddell Sea during summer and fall 1991. During the first half of the study (15 Jan–13 Feb) in an area off Vestkapp, favourable irradiance/mixing regimes initiated net phytoplankton growth in ice-free waters on the shelf and in stretches of open water over the partially ice-covered deep ocean. Chi a concentrations in the upper water column were moderate (0.2–0.8 g l–1), but significantly above winter values. Later in the season (16 Feb–11 March), a phytoplankton bloom with surface Chl a concentrations ranging from 1.6–2.3 g l–1 was encountered in an area further to the east. We suggest that the upper water column must have been stratified in this region for time scales of weeks to faciliate bloom development. Bacterial biomass and productivity generally paralleled the seasonal development of the phytoplankton. Nitrate concentrations in the upper mixed layer were substantially lower than would be expected from the existing phytoplankton standing stock, suggesting that heterotrophic consumption of organic matter by bacteria and zooplankton removed a large fraction of the primary production. The shallow seasonal pycnocline was eventually eroded by the passage of a storm, resulting in a homogeneous distribution of phytoplankton biomass over the entire water column, followed by sedimentation and deposition of phytodetritus on the sea floor. After the storm induced destratification, bacterial productivity was particularly high, amounting to more than half of the primary production (range: 10%–120%) in the upper water column. Subsequently, phytoplankton biomass in the upper water column decreased to values <1 g Chl a l–1. The combination of low incident irradiances and incessant deep mixing prevented the phytoplankton biomass to increase again. During the last week of the investigation, extensive new-ice formation was observed. A major fraction of the residual surface plankton was incorporated into new sea ice, thus terminating the pelagic growth season of the phytoplankton in the eastern Weddell Sea.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper describes composition and abundance of meso- and macrozooplankton in the epipelagic zone of the Weddell Sea and gives a systematic review of encountered species regarding results of earlier expeditions. Material was sampled from 6 February to 10 March 1983 from RV Polarstern with a RMT 1+8 m (320 and 4500 m mesh size). In agreement with topography and water mass distribution three distinct communities were defined, clearly separated by cluster analysis: The Southern Shelf Community has lowest abundances (approx. 9000 ind./1000 m3). Euphausia crystallorophias and Metridia gerlachei are predominating. Compared with the low overall abundance the number of regularly occurring species is high (55) due to many neritic forms. Herbivores and omnivores are dominating (58% and 35%). The North-eastern Shelf Community has highest abundances (about 31 000 ind./1000 m3). It is predominated by copepodites I–III of Calanus propinquus and Calanoides acutus (61%). The faunal composition is characterized by both oceanic and neritic species (64). Fine-filter feeders are prevailing (65%). The Oceanic Community has a mean abundance of approximately 23 000 ind./1000 m3, consisting of 61 species. Dominances are not as pronounced as in the shelf communities. Apart from abundant species like Calanus propinquus, Calanoides acutus, Metridia gerlachei, Oithona spp. and Oncaea spp. many typical inhabitants of the Eastwind Drift are encountered. All feeding types have about the same importance in the Oceanic Community.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton biomass and productivity were measured during two cruises in the Bransfield Strait in December 1991 (D91) and January/February 1993 (J93). Strong seasonal variability in productivity values was observed due to differences in the physiological response of phytoplankton. However, although the photosynthetic capacity of phytoplankton was markedly lower in D91 [P m B =0.61 ± 0.25 mg C (mg Chla)−1 h−1] than in J93 [P m B =2.18 ± 0.91 mg C (mg Chla)−1 h−1], average water column chlorophyll values in different areas of the strait were approximately similar in D91 (49–78 mg Chla m−2) and J93 (22–76 mg Chla m−2). The spatial distribution of chlorophyll was patchy and generally associated with the influence of the different water masses that meet together in the Bransfield Strait. No correlation was found between the mixed layer depth and either the integrated chlorophyll or the productivity. Our results suggest that major phytoplankton blooms in the Bransfield Strait are advected from the nearby Gerlache Strait or Bellingshausen Sea following the main eastward surface currents. Accepted: 5 July 1998  相似文献   

Summary Brettiopsis gen.nov. is erected within the family Scrupariidae. Its affinities with the genera Brettia, Leiosalpinx, Brettiella, Bugulella and Scruparia are briefly discussed. Its type species, Brettia triplex Hastings, is redescribed on the basis of new material collected in the southern part of the Weddell Sea by the RV Polarsirkel. Bivalved brood chambers, previously unknown in this species, are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Summary Time-depth recorders were used to study the diving and haulout behavior of six crabeater seals in the marginal. ice edge zone of the Weddell Sea during March 1986. Haulout patterns revealed the seals' clear preference for diving during darkness and hauling out onto sea ice during daylight. Seals did not necessarily haul out every day; individual seals hauled out on 80–100% of days during the study period. Four general dive types were identified: 1) traveling dives, 2) foraging dives, 3) crepuscular foraging dives, and 4) exploratory dives. Nearly continual diving occurred for extended periods (about 16 h) nightly, with one individual diving up to 44 h without interruption. Foraging dives occurring during crepuscular periods were deeper than those made during the darkest hours. The authors suggest that the distinct diel pattern of dive timing and depth may be related to possible predator avoidance behavior by the seals' principal prey, Antarctic Krill.  相似文献   

Copepods in platelet-ice layers underlying fast ice and in the water column below were studied at Drescher Inlet, eastern Weddell Sea in February 1998. Three copepod species were found: Drescheriella glacialis and Paralabidocera antarctica occurred in platelet-ice layers, while Stephos longipes was only present in the water column. The distribution of all species varied considerably between station and depth. D. glacialis dominated the platelet-ice community and occurred at all five platelet-ice sampling sites, except one, with numbers of up to 26 ind. l–1. In contrast, P. antarctica was only found in low numbers (up to 2 ind. l–1) at one site. The total copepod abundance in the platelet ice was not associated with algal biomass, although it was strongly correlated with high ammonium concentrations (up to 9 M) in the interstitial water between the platelets. This is the first indirect evidence to support the hypothesis that zooplankton excretion can partly account for the high ammonium values often found in platelet-ice layers.  相似文献   

Bacterial response to formation and growth of sea ice was investigated during autumn in the northeastern Weddell Sea. Changes in standing stock, activity, and carbon production of bacteria were determined in successive stages of ice development. During initial ice formation, concentrations of bacterial cells, in the order of 1 × 108 to 3 × 108 liter-1, were not enhanced within the ice matrix. This suggests that physical enrichment of bacteria by ice crystals is not effective. Due to low concentrations of phytoplankton in the water column during freezing, incorporation of bacteria into newly formed ice via attachment to algal cells or aggregates was not recorded in this study. As soon as the ice had formed, the general metabolic activity of bacterial populations was strongly suppressed. Furthermore, the ratio of [3H]leucine incorporation into proteins to [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA changed during ice growth. In thick pack ice, bacterial activity recovered and growth rates up to 0.6 day-1 indicated actively dividing populations. However, biomass-specific utilization of organic compounds remained lower than in open water. Bacterial concentrations of up to 2.8 × 109 cells liter-1 along with considerably enlarged cell volumes accumulated within thick pack ice, suggesting reduced mortality rates of bacteria within the small brine pores. In the course of ice development, bacterial carbon production increased from about 0.01 to 0.4 μg of C liter-1 h-1. In thick ice, bacterial secondary production exceeded primary production of microalgae.  相似文献   

A study on octopodids from the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A comprehensive study of octopodids in the Weddell Sea was conducted during cruise ANT XIII/3 of RV "Polarstern". The study yielded eight species of incirrate octopodids, three of which were undescribed. There appeared to be no differences in octopodid species assemblage in the two sampling areas (Kapp Norvegia and south of Drescher Inlet), supporting the theory that there is a single macrobenthic assemblage on the eastern shelf of the Weddell Sea. Six of the octopodid species belonged to the genus Pareledone, illustrating the extensive radiation of this endemic genus within the Southern Ocean. The fragmented nature of suitable habitats and disturbance caused by glaciation cycles are proposed as mechanisms for this radiation. Comparative data illustrate that both the number of octopodid species present and their abundance are greater at higher latitudes than close to the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone.  相似文献   

Summary Stomach and intestine samples from 21 adult Weddell seals were used to study the diet of these seals from the eastern and southern Weddell Sea coast from January to February 1983 and 1985. Fish occurred in all seals, squid in five, octopods in three and Euphausia crystallorophias in one seal. Pleuragramma antarcticum was the predominant fish in the diet, constituting 61.1% of otoliths in 1983 samples and 93.8% in 1985. Aethotaxis mitopteryx, Dissostichus mawsoni, unidentified Trematomus spp. and channichthyids were also recorded. Size and wet weight of P. antarcticum were calculated from uneroded otoliths, found in 6 seal stomachs with liquid food pulp, collected during early morning hours in 1985. Size distribution of P. antarcticum from individual seals was reasonably constant, ranging between 5.0 and 22.0 cm SL; adult fish from about 14.0 to 19.0 cm SL predominated. P. antarcticum in seals from the southern area had a larger median size (16.5 cm SL), than those from further east (15.5 cm SL). Calculated wet weights of all P. antarcticum from individual seal stomachs ranged between 4.7 and 16.9 kg the mean was 12.8 kg. Comparisons with net-hauls from the southern Gould Bay suggest that Weddell seals feed mainly in deeper water layers (>400 m) where adult P. antarcticum occur at higher densities.  相似文献   

Sipunculans collected during the EPOS (European Polarstern Study) leg 3 cruise (13.1.89–10.3.89) to the Weddell Sea shelf area from depths ranging from 186 to 2037 m are recorded. Seven species in three genera are recognized; Nephasoma capilleforme and Phascolion convestitum have not been recorded hitherto in Antarctica. Significant morphological characters as shown by light (LM) and electron (SEM) photographs are described and illustrated. Antarctic distribution maps of the species collected and a checklist of the sipunculan species south of the Antarctic Convergence with depths and bibliographic references are included.  相似文献   

In spring 1994, within the ROSSMIZE research project, combined measurements of nitrogen (15N) and carbon (14C) uptake were made in the Ross Sea, passing from the McMurdo polynya to the ice-covered area in the north, in order to study the effect of environmental conditions (light availability, ice cover, vertical stability) on the coupling of N and C cycles. Nitrogen (nitrate and ammonium) and carbon uptakes were measured under simulated in situ conditions. The obtained results revealed, in most situations, much higher C:N uptake ratios than the Redfield ratio for phytoplankton composition; only in the inner part of the pack ice C:N uptake was lower than the balanced composition ratio. The high uptake ratios are ascribed to a larger C requirement during early phases of bloom evolution and to a greater importance of nitrogen sources, such as urea and other dissolved organic compounds, which were not measured in this study. In contrast, the lower C:N ratios in most of the pack-ice environment are ascribed to reduced photosynthesis in comparison to nutrient assimilation at low irradiances and to an increased importance of bacterial processes. Accepted: 3 January 2000  相似文献   

 Diatom composition and biomass were investigated in the nearshore water (<30 m in depth) of Maxwell Bay, Antarctica during the 1992/1993 austral summer. Epiphytic or epilithic diatoms such as Fragilaria striatula, Achnanthes brevipes var. angustata and Licmophora spp. dominated the water column microalgal populations. Within the bay, diatom biomass in surface water was several times higher at the nearshore (2.4–14 μg C l-1) than at the offshore stations (>100 m) (1.2–3.2 μg C l-1) with a dramatic decrease towards the bay mouth. Benthic forms accounted for >90% of diatom carbon in all nearshore stations, while in the offshore stations planktonic forms such as Thalassiosira antarctica predominated (50–>90%). Microscopic examination revealed that many of these diatoms have become detached from a variety of macroalgae growing in the intertidal and shallow subtidal bottoms. Epiphytic diatoms persistently dominated during a 19-day period in the water column at a fixed nearshore station, and the biomass of these diatoms fluctuated from 0.86 to 53 μg C l-1. A positive correlation between diatom biomass and wind speed strongly suggests that wind-driven resuspension of benthic forms is the major mechanism increasing diatom biomass in the water column. Received: 28 April 1995/Accepted: 1 April 1996  相似文献   

Summary Protozooplankton were sampled in the iceedge zone of the Weddell Sea during the austral spring of 1983 and the austral autumn of 1986. Protozooplankton biomass was dominated by flagellates and ciliates. Other protozoa and micrometazoa contributed a relatively small fraction to the heterotrophic biomass. During both cruises protozoan biomass, chlorophyll a concentrations, phytoplankton production and bacterial biomass and production were low at ice covered stations. During the spring cruise, protozooplankton, phytoplankton, and bacterioplankton reached high concentrations in a welldeveloped ice edge bloom 100 km north of the receding ice edge. During the autumn cruise, the highest concentrations of biomass were in open water well-separated from the ice edge. Integrated protozoan biomass was <12% of the biomass of phytoplankton during the spring cruise and in the autumn the percentages at some stations were >20%. Bacterial biomass exceeded protozooplankton biomass at ice covered stations but in open water stations during the fall cruise, protozooplankton biomass reached twice that of bacteria in the upper 100m of the water column. The biomass of different protozoan groups was positively correlated with primary production, chlorophyll a concentrations and bacterial production and biomass, suggesting that the protozoan abundances were largely controlled by prey availability and productivity. Population grazing rates calculated from clearance rates in the literature indicated that protozooplankton were capable of consuming significant portions of the daily phyto- and bacterioplankton production.  相似文献   

Summary Photosynthesis-irradiance relationships and the carbon metabolism of different ice algal assemblages collected from Weddell Sea pack ice were investigated during the EPOS 1 cruise. Infiltration- and interstitial assemblages exhibited the photosynthetic characteristics of high-light adapted ice algae with a mean assimilation number of 1.81±0.93 mg C (mg Chl a)–1 h–1. A higher light harvesting efficiency under light limited conditions (alphaB-value), as well as a lower light intensity for light saturation (IK-value) was determined for the interstitial assemblage. An increase in light intensity from 3.5 to 106 mol m–2s–1 resulted in increased synthesis of polymeric carbohydrates (presumably reserve material) in a band assemblage. However, the absolute incorporation of radiolabel into lipid- and amino acid fractions remained essentially constant over this range of photon flux densities. Light-saturated rates of photosynthesis of three infiltration assemblages under hypersaline conditions (approx. 50 and 110%) decreased by 13–55% (controls: approx. 32–34%). The adverse effect of salinity treatment was much less pronounced under hyposaline conditions (approx. 20), where maximal photosynthetic rates were only slightly decreased (-9%) or even stimulated (14–22%). These observations suggest that sea ice microalgae in the ice edge region of the Weddell Sea during spring, being in a metabolically active stage, may have the potential to initiate or contribute to phytoplankton blooms upon release into the water column.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

The examination of whole mounts prepared for transmission electron microscopy has resulted in the finding of thirteen taxa of nanoplanktonic coccolithophorids from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. The material was collected as part of the AMERIEZ programme, March 1986. Cold-water adapted nanoplanktonic coccolithophorids have previously been shown to constitute a recurrent plankton element at subarctic and arctic localities. Three of the Weddell Sea species, Wigwamma annulifera, W. arctica , and Papposphaera sagittifera , are conspecific with northern hemisphere material, while two species, Calciarcus alaskensis and Turrisphaera arctica , are possibly identical with previously described arctidsubarctic material. Six taxa new to science have been described from the Weddell Sea, Wigwamma antarctica, W. triradiata, Trigonaspis melvillea, Pappomonas weddellensis, Papposphaera obpyramidalis , and P. simplicissima . The cooccurrence of identical forms at the two poles, and the fact that the species described are allocated to "arctic" genera, indicate a geologically relatively recent exchange of biological material between the poles.  相似文献   

The quantitative and qualitative distribution of phytoplankton was investigated along five North–South transects in the eastern Weddell Sea during the transition from late autumn to winter. Relationships with the regional hydrography, progressing sea ice coverage, nutrient distribution and zooplankton are discussed and compared with data from other seasons. To the north of the Antarctic Slope Front (ASF) a remnant temperature minimum layer was found above the primary pycnocline throughout summer. Surface waters had not entirely acquired typical winter characteristics. While temperature was already in the winter range, this was not the case for salinity. Highest biomass of phytoplankton, with the exception of the first transect, was found in the region adjoining the ASF to the north. Absolute chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations dropped from 0.35 to 0.19 g l–1 . Nutrient pools exhibited a replenishing tendency. Ammonium concentrations were high (0.75–2 mol l–1), indicating extensive heterotrophic activity. The phytoplankton in the ASF region was dominated by nanoflagellates, particularly Phaeocystis spp.. North of the ASF the abundance of diatoms increased, with Fragilariopsis spp., F. cylindrus and Thalassiosira spp. dominating. Community structure varied both due to hydrographical conditions and the advancing ice edge. The phytoplankton assemblage formed during late autumn were very similar to the ones found in early spring. A POC/PON ratio close to Redfield, decreasing POC concentration and a high phaeophytin/Chl a ratio, as well as a high abundance of mesozooplankton indicated that a strong grazing pressure was exerted on the phytoplankton community. A comparison between primary production (PP) in the water column and the sea ice showed a shift of the major portion of PP into the ice during the period of investigation.  相似文献   

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