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This study was conducted to examine influences of personality characteristics on children's eyewitness recall. A sample of 217 children from 3 age groups (6-, 8-, and 10-year-olds) were included in the study. To explain individual differences in children's free recall of an observed event as well as in their ability to answer specific questions accurately, intelligence and teachers' rating of shyness were selected as central personality characteristics. The results revealed a significant influence of intelligence on free recall but not on suggestibility and a significant influence of shyness on the accuracy of cued recall. Whereas the effect of intelligence was positive, shyness was negatively related to eyewitness recall: Shy children were less accurate in answering specific questions than were those children of the same age group who were not shy.  相似文献   

The efficiencies of the estimators in the linear logistic regression model are examined using simulations under six missing value treatments. These treatments use either the maximum likelihood or the discriminant function approach in the estimation of the regression coefficients. Missing values are assumed to occur at random. The cases of multivariate normal and dichotomous independent variables are both considered. We found that in general, there is no uniformly best method. However, mean substitution and discriminant function estimation using existing pairs of values for correlations turn out to be favourable for the cases considered.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the estimation of several missing values in F-square designs. The estimating equations for the non-iterative least squares estimation of Missing Values and explicit expressions for the estimators of the particular patterns of Missing Values are presented. This procedure is illustrated with the help of a numerical example.  相似文献   

Several theorems on estimation and verification of linear hypotheses in some Zyskind-Martin (ZM) models are given. The assumptions are as follows. Let y = Xβ + e or (y, Xβ, σ2V) be a fixed model where y is a vector of n observations, X is a known matrix nXp with rank r(X) = r ≦ p < n, where p is a number of coordinates of the unknown parameter vector β, e is a random vector of errors with covariance matrix σ2V, where σ2 is unknown scalar parameter, V is a known non-negative definite matrix such that R(X) ? R(V). Symbol R(A) denotes a vector space generated by columns of matrix A. The expected value of y is Xβ. In this paper four following Zyskind-Martin (ZM) models are considered: ZMd, ZMa, ZMc and ZMqd (definitions in sec. 1) when vector y y1 y2 involves a vector y1 of m missing values and a vector y2 with (n — m) observed values. A special transformation of ZM model gives again ZM model (cf. theorem 2.1). Ten properties of actual (ZMa) and complete (ZMc) Zyskind-Martin models with missing values (cf. theorem 2.2) test functions F are given in (2.11)) are presented. The third propriety constitutes a generalization of R. A. Fisher's rule from standard model (y, Xβ, σ2I) to ZM model. Estimation of vector y1 (cf. 3.3) of vector β (cf. th. 3.2) and of scalar σ2 (cf. th. 3.4) in actual ZMa model and in diagonal quasi-ZM model (ZMqd) are presented. Relation between y? 1 and β is given in theorem 3.1. The results of section 2 are illustrated by numerical example in section 4.  相似文献   

Missing data are unavoidable in environmental epidemiologic surveys. The aim of this study was to compare methods for handling large amounts of missing values: omission of missing values, single and multiple imputations (through linear regression or partial least squares regression), and a fully Bayesian approach. These methods were applied to the PARIS birth cohort, where indoor domestic pollutant measurements were performed in a random sample of babies'' dwellings. A simulation study was conducted to assess performances of different approaches with a high proportion of missing values (from 50% to 95%). Different simulation scenarios were carried out, controlling the true value of the association (odds ratio of 1.0, 1.2, and 1.4), and varying the health outcome prevalence. When a large amount of data is missing, omitting these missing data reduced statistical power and inflated standard errors, which affected the significance of the association. Single imputation underestimated the variability, and considerably increased risk of type I error. All approaches were conservative, except the Bayesian joint model. In the case of a common health outcome, the fully Bayesian approach is the most efficient approach (low root mean square error, reasonable type I error, and high statistical power). Nevertheless for a less prevalent event, the type I error is increased and the statistical power is reduced. The estimated posterior distribution of the OR is useful to refine the conclusion. Among the methods handling missing values, no approach is absolutely the best but when usual approaches (e.g. single imputation) are not sufficient, joint modelling approach of missing process and health association is more efficient when large amounts of data are missing.  相似文献   

In this paper an attempt has been made to obtain explicit expressions for the estimators of the several missing values in hyper-graeco-latin square designs. Further it has been shown that the estimates of the missing values in latin square designs and graeco-latin square designs are obtained as a particular case of the estimates of the missing values in hyper-graeco-latin square designs.  相似文献   



Participants with complete accelerometer data often represent a low proportion of the total sample and, in some cases, may be distinguishable from participants with incomplete data. Because traditional reliability methods characterize the consistency of complete data, little is known about reliability properties for an entire sample. This study employed Generalizability theory to report an index of reliability characterizing complete (7 days) and observable (1 to 7 days) accelerometer data.




Accelerometer data from the Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development were analyzed in this study. Missing value analyses were conducted to describe the pattern and mechanism of missing data. Generalizability coefficients were derived from variance components to report reliability parameters for complete data and also for the entire observable sample. Analyses were conducted separately by age (9, 11, 12, and 15 yrs) and daily wear time criteria (6, 8, 10, and 12 hrs).


Participants with complete data were limited (<34%) and, most often, data were not considered to be missing completely at random. Across conditions, reliability coefficients for complete data were between 0.74 and 0.87. Relatively lower reliability properties were found across all observable data, ranging from 0.52 to 0.67. Sample variability increased with longer wear time criteria, but decreased with advanced age.


A reliability coefficient that includes all participants, not just those with complete data, provides a global perspective of reliability that could be used to further understand group level associations between activity and health outcomes.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the estimation of several missing values in Graeco-Latin Square-designs. When the observations are missing in a particular pattern, explicit computable expressions are presented for the estimators of the missing values. This procedure is illustrated with the help of a numerical example.  相似文献   

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  • •Revealed inflation of missing values as multiple TMT 10-plex batches are integrated.
  • •Analyzed the impact of integrating multiple TMT 10-plex batches on the quantification accuracy of both high and low abundance proteins.
  • •Established reliable detection of false positives caused by coisolation and reporter ion interference, highlighted by the incidence of Y chromosome peptides in all female channels.
  • •Optimized new experimental design set-ups to minimize cross population reporter ion interference via insights into coisolation and reporter ion interference.

Several statistics are proposed for testing the hypothesis of equality of the means of bivariate normal distribution with unknown variances and correlation coefficient when observations are missing on both variatea. The null distributions of the statistics are approximated by well-known distributions. The empirical sizes and powers of the statistics are computed and compared with paired t test and some of the known statistics based on available data. The comparisons support the use of two of the statistics proposed in this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper an attempt has been made to estimate several missing values in replicated latin square designs. The explicit computable expressions for the non-iterative least squares estimates of the missing values are presented for particular patterns of missing values.  相似文献   

A method is suggested for handling multiple comparisons in repeated measurement situations with completely random missing values. Exact results are obtained for the situation with normally distributed observations in the case of compound symmetry. The method uses grouping with respect to the positions of the missing values. It is most efficient and best suited when there are not too many measurement occasions in the longitudinal investigation.  相似文献   

It is a common occurrence in plant breeding programs to observe missing values in three-way three-mode multi-environment trial (MET) data. We proposed modifications of models for estimating missing observations for these data arrays, and developed a novel approach in terms of hierarchical clustering. Multiple imputation (MI) was used in four ways, multiple agglomerative hierarchical clustering, normal distribution model, normal regression model, and predictive mean match. The later three models used both Bayesian analysis and non-Bayesian analysis, while the first approach used a clustering procedure with randomly selected attributes and assigned real values from the nearest neighbour to the one with missing observations. Different proportions of data entries in six complete datasets were randomly selected to be missing and the MI methods were compared based on the efficiency and accuracy of estimating those values. The results indicated that the models using Bayesian analysis had slightly higher accuracy of estimation performance than those using non-Bayesian analysis but they were more time-consuming. However, the novel approach of multiple agglomerative hierarchical clustering demonstrated the overall best performances.  相似文献   

In the present study an attempt has been made to esttimate several missing values in cross-over designs. When the observations are missing in a particular pattern, explicit expressions are given for the estimators of the missing values. This procedure is illustrated with the help of a numerical example.  相似文献   

The application of discriminant analysis like other multivariate procedures is essentially complicated with incomplete data. Therefore several methods for handling missing observations occuring in initial samples were compared with each other. Recommendations are given for selecting a suitable method depending on underlying parameters.  相似文献   

基于质谱数据的蛋白质定量分析一直是目前高通量蛋白质组学的重要研究手段.但是基于现有质谱技术的限制,大规模蛋白质定量过程中往往会产生大量的缺失值,这在一定程度上影响了下游分析的准确性.尽管很多缺失值填补方法被不断提出,但是蛋白质组学领域对于不同情况下缺失值填补方法效力的综合评估仍然缺乏.本研究基于真实数据的分布特征,构建...  相似文献   

Summary In medical research, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves can be used to evaluate the performance of biomarkers for diagnosing diseases or predicting the risk of developing a disease in the future. The area under the ROC curve (ROC AUC), as a summary measure of ROC curves, is widely utilized, especially when comparing multiple ROC curves. In observational studies, the estimation of the AUC is often complicated by the presence of missing biomarker values, which means that the existing estimators of the AUC are potentially biased. In this article, we develop robust statistical methods for estimating the ROC AUC and the proposed methods use information from auxiliary variables that are potentially predictive of the missingness of the biomarkers or the missing biomarker values. We are particularly interested in auxiliary variables that are predictive of the missing biomarker values. In the case of missing at random (MAR), that is, missingness of biomarker values only depends on the observed data, our estimators have the attractive feature of being consistent if one correctly specifies, conditional on auxiliary variables and disease status, either the model for the probabilities of being missing or the model for the biomarker values. In the case of missing not at random (MNAR), that is, missingness may depend on the unobserved biomarker values, we propose a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of MNAR on the estimation of the ROC AUC. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are studied and their finite‐sample behaviors are evaluated in simulation studies. The methods are further illustrated using data from a study of maternal depression during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Isobaric stable isotope labeling techniques such as tandem mass tags (TMTs) have become popular in proteomics because they enable the relative quantification of proteins with high precision from up to 18 samples in a single experiment. While missing values in peptide quantification are rare in a single TMT experiment, they rapidly increase when combining multiple TMT experiments. As the field moves toward analyzing ever higher numbers of samples, tools that reduce missing values also become more important for analyzing TMT datasets. To this end, we developed SIMSI-Transfer (Similarity-based Isobaric Mass Spectra 2 [MS2] Identification Transfer), a software tool that extends our previously developed software MaRaCluster (© Matthew The) by clustering similar tandem MS2 from multiple TMT experiments. SIMSI-Transfer is based on the assumption that similarity-clustered MS2 spectra represent the same peptide. Therefore, peptide identifications made by database searching in one TMT batch can be transferred to another TMT batch in which the same peptide was fragmented but not identified. To assess the validity of this approach, we tested SIMSI-Transfer on masked search engine identification results and recovered >80% of the masked identifications while controlling errors in the transfer procedure to below 1% false discovery rate. Applying SIMSI-Transfer to six published full proteome and phosphoproteome datasets from the Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium led to an increase of 26 to 45% of identified MS2 spectra with TMT quantifications. This significantly decreased the number of missing values across batches and, in turn, increased the number of peptides and proteins identified in all TMT batches by 43 to 56% and 13 to 16%, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper an attempt has been made to reduce the computational complexities involved in estimation of several missing values. As a result it has been shown that one can estimate m missing values by developing only k (≤m) linear equations, where m and k are respectively the number of missing values and missing cells. The procedure is also illustrated with the help of a numerical example.  相似文献   

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