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Diandongia pista Rong is the thickest-shelled and strongly mineralized of all the brachiopods that have been recorded from the Chengjiang Fauna. It is also one of the most common species in the biota. Previous accounts have concentrated largely on the exceptionally preserved soft-bodied anatomy of this species. Here its detailed internal and external shell morphologies are described for the first time, based on BSEM and SEM observations. Its general shell morphology, pseudointerareas, and pustulose ornamentation are most similar to those of the Botsfordiidae, where many species have a Diandongia-like rhombic pattern of pustules in the juvenile apical region only. On the other hand, other aspects of the muscle pattern and the partly smooth adult ornamentation of D. pista is more suggestive of species within the Neobolidae, like Edreja. The mantle canal system in sub-adults of D. pista is comparable to that of the Eoobolidae and Obolidae, whereas the adult vascular system branches peripherally in dichotomy. D. pista may be the earliest representatives possessing some plesiomorphic characters of the Botsfordiidae.  相似文献   

A new arthropod, Luohuilinella rarus nov. gen., nov. sp., is described from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte (Series 2, Stage 3), Yunnan, Southwest China. Luohuilinella nov. gen. is extremely rare in this Lagerstätte, represented by a single specimen. It has a large cephalic shield and a tapering trunk with well-developed pleural field. The cephalic shield is crescentic in outline and its anterolateral margin has two notches. The trunk is weakly trilobate, composed of 27 distinct tergites with well-developed pleural spines and a terminal piece. Luohuilinella nov. gen. resembles xandarellids in overall body architecture and especially in the reduced first trunk tergite. Its ventral morphology is, however, presently unknown. Therefore, it is provisionally assigned to Xandarellida.  相似文献   

The classic Chengjiang Lagerstätte (Lower Cambrian, Atdabanian stage: Yu''anshan Formation) Yunnan, southwestern China, has yielded, besides the exceptional and often controversial soft-bodied fossils, a fauna of primitive/early lingulid brachiopods. Diandongia pista (Rong 1974) is one of the commonest and most strongly mineralized of the phosphatic brachiopods from the Lagerstätte. The shells of this species have been found to commonly serve as a basibiont host. Epibionts comprise the coeval brachiopod Longtancunella chengjiangensis and the cone-shaped cnidarian-related Archotuba conoidalis, as well as rounded smaller-sized epizoans (lesser than 2 mm). A principle morphological analysis demonstrates that the ovoid and rounded organisms that often occur along the commissure of D. pista resemble small juvenile or immature brachiopods. Epibiont-bearing shells of D. pista with soft-tissue preservation demonstrate that the host brachiopods were overgrown while alive, and provide an argument for D. pista having a semi-infaunal life style with only the slim pedicle embedded in sediment. The epibiotic association sheds direct light on the ecology of Cambrian brachiopods in soft-substrate marine environments. The Chengjiang fossils demonstrate that the Early Cambrian brachiopods, as compared with recent lingulids, occupied different and a wider spectrum of ecological niches and tiers of space.  相似文献   

Despite being internal organs, digestive structures are frequently preserved in Cambrian Lagerstätten. However, the reasons for their fossilisation and their biological implications remain to be thoroughly explored. This is particularly true with arthropods – typically the most diverse fossilised organisms in Cambrian ecosystems – where digestive structures represent an as-yet underexploited alternative to appendage morphology for inferences on their biology. Here we describe the phosphatised digestive structures of three trilobite species from the Cambrian Weeks Formation Lagerstätte (Utah). Their exquisite, three-dimensional preservation reveals unique details on trilobite internal anatomy, such as the position of the mouth and the absence of a differentiated crop. In addition, the presence of paired pygidial organs of an unknown function is reported for the first time. This exceptional material enables exploration of the relationships between gut phosphatisation and the biology of organisms. Indeed, soft-tissue preservation is unusual in these fossils as it is restricted to the digestive structures, which indicates that the gut played a central role in its own phosphatisation. We hypothesize that the gut provided a microenvironment where special conditions could develop and harboured a source of phosphorus. The fact that gut phosphatization has almost exclusively been observed in arthropods could be explained by their uncommon ability to store ions (including phosphorous) in their digestive tissues. However, in some specimens from the Weeks Formation, the phosphatisation extends to the entire digestive system, suggesting that trilobites might have had some biological particularities not observed in modern arthropods. We speculate that one of them might have been an increased capacity for ion storage in the gut tissues, related to the moulting of their heavily-mineralised carapace.  相似文献   

We describe the exceptionally well-preserved non-trilobite artiopodan Zhiwenia coronata gen. et sp. nov. from the Cambrian Stage 3 Xiaoshiba Lagerstätte in Yunnan, China. The exoskeleton consists of a cephalic shield with dorsal sutures expressed as lateral notches that accommodate stalked lateral eyes, an elongate trunk composed of 20 tergites—the first of which is reduced—and a short tailspine with marginal spines. Appendicular data include a pair of multi-segmented antennae, and homonomous biramous trunk limbs consisting of an endopod with at least seven podomeres and a flattened exopod with lamellae. Although the presence of cephalic notches and a reduced first trunk tergite invites comparisons with the petalopleurans Xandarella, Luohiniella and Cindarella, the proportions and exoskeletal tagmosis of Zhiwenia do not closely resemble those of any major group within Trilobitomorpha. Parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses consistently support Zhiwenia as sister-taxon to the Emu Bay Shale artiopodan Australimicola spriggi, and both of them as closely related to Acanthomeridion from the Chengjiang. This new monophyletic clade, Protosutura nov., occupies a basal phylogenetic position within Artiopoda as sister-group to Trilobitomorpha and Vicissicaudata, illuminates the ancestral organization of these successful euarthropods, and leads to a re-evaluation of the evolution of ecdysial dorsal sutures within the group.  相似文献   

The diverse and exceptionally well-preserved pycnogonids described herein from the Middle Jurassic La Voulte Lagerstätte fill a 400 Myr gap of knowledge in the evolutionary history of this enigmatic group of marine arthropods. They reveal very close morphological and functional (locomotion, feeding) similarities with present-day pycnogonids and, by contrast, marked differences with all Palaeozoic representatives of the group. This suggests a relatively recent, possibly Mesozoic origin for at least three major extant lineages of pycnogonids (Ammotheidae, Colossendeidae, Endeidae). Combined evidence from depositional environment, faunal associates and recent analogues indicate that the La Voulte pycnogonids probably lived in the upper bathyal zone (ca 200 m). Our results point to a remarkable morphological and ecological stability of this arthropod group over at least 160 Myr and suggest that the colonization of the deep sea by pycnogonids occurred before the Jurassic.  相似文献   

The Triassic to Recent fossil record of the dinoflagellates is represented overwhelmingly by geologically resistant, organic-walled, non-motile resting cysts; such cysts are formed following the sexual phase in the life cycle. Very few confirmed records exist of the motile stage being preserved in the fossil record. This paper reports the occurrence of two very unusual dinoflagellate taphofacies, one developed in bituminous shales and the other in micrites, from the Oligocene fossil Lagerstätte at Sieblos, Hesse, Germany. A new dinoflagellate taxon, Sieblososphaera martini sp. nov. has been identified through analysis of dissociated skeletal elements in the bituminous shales and external moulds and casts in the micrites. The unique preservation of these fossils confirms them not only as primary biogenically silicified motile thecate cells, but also indicates that there was a much greater range of tabulation present within the subfamily Lithoperidiniaceae than has hitherto been recognized.  相似文献   

A new species of scorpion is described based on a rare entire adult male preserved in a cloudy amber from Miocene rocks in the Chiapas Highlands, south of Mexico. The amber-bearing beds in Chiapas constitute a Conservation Lagerstätte with outstanding organic preservation inside plant resin. The new species is diagnosed as having putative characters that largely correspond with the genus Tityus Koch, 1836 (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Accordingly, it is now referred to as Tityus apozonalli sp. nov. Its previously unclear phylogenetic relationship among fossil taxa of the family Buthidae from both Dominican and Mexican amber is also examined herein. Preliminarily results indicate a basal condition of T. apozonalli regarding to Tityus geratus Santiago-Blay and Poinar, 1988, Tityus (Brazilotityus) hartkorni Lourenço, 2009, and Tityus azari Lourenço, 2013 from Dominican amber, as was Tityus (Brazilotityus) knodeli Lourenço, 2014 from Mexican amber. Its close relationships with extant Neotropic Tityus-like subclades such as ‘Tityus clathratus’ and the subgenus Tityus (Archaeotityus) are also discussed. This new taxon adds to the knowledge of New World scorpions from the Miocene that are rarely found trapped in amber.  相似文献   

A remarkable specimen of Mesolimulus from the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) of Nusplingen, Germany, preserves the musculature of the prosoma and associated microbes in three dimensions in calcium phosphate (apatite). The musculature of Mesolimulus conforms closely to that of modern horseshoe crabs. Associated with the muscles are patches of mineralized biofilm with spiral and coccoid forms. This discovery emphasizes the potential of soft-bodied fossils as a source for increasing our knowledge of the diversity of fossil microbes in particular settings.  相似文献   

Here we report the first record of one of the most common and widespread Palaeogene selachians, the sand tiger shark Brachycarcharias, from the Ypresian Bolca Konservat-Lagerstätte. The combination of dental character of the 15 isolated teeth collected from the Pesciara and Monte Postale sites (e.g. anterior teeth up to 25 mm with fairly low triangular cusp decreasing regularly in width; one to two pairs of well-developed lateral cusplets; root with broadly separated lobes; upper teeth with a cusp bent distally) supports their assignment to the odontaspidid Brachycarcharias lerichei (Casier, 1946), a species widely spread across the North Hemisphere during the early Palaeogene. The unambiguous first report of this lamniform shark in the Eocene Bolca Konservat-Lagerstätte improves our knowledge concerning the diversity and palaeobiology of the cartilaginous fishes of this palaeontological site, and provides new insights about the biotic turnovers that involved the high trophic levels of the marine settings after the end-Cretaceous extinction.  相似文献   

While the broad framework of deuterostome evolution is now clear, the remarkable diversity of extant forms within this group has rendered the nature of the ancestral types problematic: what, for example, does the common ancestor of a sea urchin and lamprey actually look like? The answer to such questions can be addressed on the basis of remarkably well-preserved fossils from Cambrian Lagerstätten, not least the celebrated Chengjiang Lagerstätte (Yunnan, China). This deposit is particularly important because of its rich diversity of deuterostomes. These include some of the earliest known representatives, among which are the first vertebrates, as well as more enigmatic groups, notably the vetulicolians and yunnanozoans. The latter groups, in particular, have been the subject of some radical divergences in opinion as to their exact phylogenetic placements. Here, we both review the known diversity of Chengjiang deuterostomes and in particular argue that the vetulicolians and yunnanozoans represent very primitive deuterostomes. Moreover, in the latter case we present new data to indicate that the yunnanozoans are unlikely to be any sort of chordate.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2013,12(4):181-189
The first record of an invertebrate trackway from the lithographic limestones of the Canjuers Lagerstätte is described here. The preserved part of the trackway is approximately 39 cm long and 17 cm wide; it consists of two successive sets of imprints and the beginning of a third one. Two kinds of imprints have been recorded: the first one, well-preserved, is tetradactyl and the second one is straight, narrow and in sets of two or three imprints. The tracks described in this paper are similar to the type specimen of the ichnogenus Kouphichnium. The trackway, corresponding to locomotion behavior and left by a 26 cm wide specimen, can be related to the ichnospecies Kouphichnium lithographicum. This is the first evidence of a limulid from the Canjuers Lagerstätte.  相似文献   

A diverse assemblage of fishes (isolated teeth and scales) is reported from the Middle to Upper Pennsylvanian Buckhorn Asphalt Quarry Lagerstätte in Oklahoma, USA. The assemblage includes chondrichthyans such as the bransonelliform Bransonella lingulata, the xenacanthiform Xenacanthus, the symmoriiform Stethacanthus, ctenacanthiforms, an polyacrodontid euselachian, anachronistid neoselachians (Cooleyella amazonensis and C. sp.) and an iniopterygian paraselachian cf. Sibyrhynchidae. Moreover, the assemblage encompasses remains of acanthodians and various actinopterygians and a single specimen of an osteolepiform sarcopterygian. Most of the taxa are cosmopolitan during the Late Palaeozoic. The occurrence of bransonelliform and xenacanthiform species at the same locality is very rare in the Carboniferous. The assemblage yields the first Carboniferous occurrences of a polyacrodontid hybodontoid and an actinopterygian belonging to the Acropholidae. Bransonella lingulata from the Desmoinesian/Moscovian of the Buckhorn Asphalt Quarry in Oklahoma represents the youngest occurrence of this species.  相似文献   

Lobopodians, a paraphyletic group of rare but morphologically diverse Palaeozoic vermiform animals bearing metameric appendages, are key to the origin of extant panarthropods. First discovered in 1983 on Mount Stephen (Yoho National Park, British Columbia), the Cambrian (Wuliuan) Burgess Shale lobopodian nicknamed ‘Collins’ monster’ is formally described as Collinsovermis monstruosus gen. et sp. nov. A formal systematic treatment of the comparable and poorly known lobopodian Acinocricus stichus from Utah is also provided. The body of Collinsovermis is plump and compact but shows the diagnostic suspension-feeding characters of luolishaniid lobopodians. It possesses 14 contiguous pairs of lobopods, lacking space between them. The 6 anterior pairs are elongate, adorned with about 20 pairs of long and slightly curved ventral spinules arranged in a chevron-like pattern. These appendages terminate in a pair of thin claws and their dorsal surfaces are covered in minute spines or setae. The 8 posterior lobopod pairs, which attach to a truncated body termination, are stout and smooth, each terminated by a single strong recurved claw. Each somite bears a pair of dorsal spines; somites 4 and posteriad bear an additional median spine. The spines on somites 1–3 are much shorter than the spines on the remaining somites. The head is short, bears a terminal mouth and a pair of antenniform outgrowths, and is covered by an oblong sclerite. Collinsovermis, plus Collinsium and Acinocricus, are found to comprise a sub-group of stout luolishaniid lobopodians with remarkably long spinules on the front lobopods, interpreted here as a clade (Teratopodidae fam. nov.) This clade is distinct from both the comparatively slenderer Luolishania and a sub-group composed of Facivermis and Ovatiovermis lacking body sclerites. Luolishaniids were mostly sessile forerunners of arthropods that had coupled efficient suspension-feeding devices and, as in Collinsovermis, strong defensive or deterrent features.  相似文献   

Two species of fossil polydesmidan millipedes (Diplopoda: Polydesmida) embedded in amber are described from Miocene strata near Simojovel, in the Chiapas Highlands, Mexico. Maatidesmus paachtun gen. et sp. nov., placed into Chelodesmidae Cook, 1895, and Anbarrhacus adamantis gen. et sp. nov., assigned in the family Platyrhacidae Pocock, 1895. Morphological data from fossil specimens have been recovered using 3D X-ray micro-computed tomography and regular to infrared-reflected microscopy. Both fossil species are recognizable as new primarily but not exclusively, by collum margin modification and remarkable paranotal and metatergite dorsal sculpture.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(7):443-459
Here we provide new information about the anatomy of the extinct shark 2Eogaleus bolcensis from the early Eocene Bolca Konservat-Lagerstätte. The combination of morphological and dental characters of the three known articulated specimens and a single isolated tooth collected from the Pesciara and Monte Postale sites (e.g., head bulky with rounded snout, pectoral fins of semiplesodic type, cutting-clutching dentition, dermal denticles shell-shaped and of drag-reducing type, caudal fin accounting for one fourth of the entire body length, 135–153 vertebrae) supports the assignment of 2Eogaleus to the family Carcharhinidae and allows us to confirm definitively its distinct taxonomic status from the sympatric carcharhiniform, the triakid 2Galeorhinus cuvieri. Moreover, the analysis of the dermal denticle morphology and the size and maturity age estimates of the studied specimens provide new paleobiological information about 2Eogaleus, suggesting a close association of this small top predator with the tropical shallow-water marine context hypothesized for the Bolca paleobiotopes.  相似文献   

Flavones and glycosides of flavones and flavonols were obtained from leaves of five species ofBignoniaceae from the cerrado, a savanna ecosystem of Central and Southeast Brazil. A predominance of flavonol glycosides was observed in all samples investigated. Flavones were often found in species of tribeTecomeae and rarely inBignonieae. The species of the former yielded derivatives of 6-hydroxyluteolin. No 6-oxygenated compounds were found in species ofBignonieae. The results point to the flavonoid chemistry evolution ofBignoniaceae following a path of simplification. More complex chemical profiles characterize the more woodyTecomeae rather than the more advancedBignonieae.  相似文献   

The Mare aux Songes (MAS), Mauritius, Mascarene Islands, is best known for the remarkable quality and quantity of macro- and micro-fossil remains, including those of the iconic Dodo Raphus cucullatus. It remains the most productive oceanic island fossil locality in the Indian Ocean, and is considered an integrated vertebrate bone Konzentrat-Lagerstätte. Fossil remains were first discovered in September 1865, again in the 1890s and early 1900s, but all without contextual data. The discovery of additional fossil remains in 2005 initiated an international, interdisciplinary research programme in 2006, which resulted in the first contextual analysis. However, it became clearly apparent that the nineteenth- and early twentieth-century fossil collections differed both in taphonomy and in age from late twentieth- and twenty-first-century excavations, and that it was likely that each represented a different depositional setting. Here, we provide evidence for the genesis of the MAS and show that two different fossil deposits were indeed present, each differing significantly taphonomically. Furthermore, the historical material represents a younger, seasonally desiccated, lake-shore accumulation with age range from ca. 1600 yr bp to sub-recent, whereas the 4200-year-old twenty-first-century material is more associated with a deeper, lacustrine environment.  相似文献   

A small, non-biomineralized, macrophagous arthropod with chelicerate affinities, Offacolus kingi gen. et sp. nov., from the Silurian (Wenlock Series) of Herefordshire, UK, is described. The dorsal exoskeleton comprises an arch-like cephalic shield, a thorax of three free tergites and a triangular posterior tagma of five fused tergites, the last with a stout postero-dorsally directed medial spine. Seven pairs of appendages beneath the cephalic shield surround a postero-medially sited oral cavity on the ventral surface of the head. Appendages I and, probably II are uniramous and project antero-ventrally; I was sensory and II sensory and/or ambulatory. Appendages III-VI are biramous, each with an antero-ventrally projecting ramus and a robust, highly geniculate, horizontally oriented ramus that projects through an anterior gape. The former rami were ambulatory and the latter have spinose terminal podomeres and functioned as a unit for trapping food and transferring it towards the oral cavity. Appendage VII, which is probably uniramous, is posteroventrally directed and flap like. Each tergite of the thorax and posterior tagma covers at least a pair (probably two pairs) of probably biramous appendages with each ramus flap like and setose.  相似文献   

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