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FUS7 was previously identified by a mutation that causes a defect in cell fusion in a screen for bilateral mating defects. Here we show that FUS7 is allelic to RVS161/END6, a gene implicated in a variety of processes including viability after starvation, endocytosis, and actin cytoskeletal organization. Two lines of evidence indicate that RVS161/END6's endocytic function is not required for cell fusion. First, several other endocytic mutants showed no cell fusion defects. Second, we isolated five function-specific alleles of RVS161/FUS7 that were defective for endocytosis, but not mating, and three alleles that were defective for cell fusion but not endocytosis. The organization of the actin cytoskeleton was normal in the cell fusion mutants, indicating that Rvs161p's function in cell fusion is independent of actin organization. The three to fourfold induction of RVS161 by mating pheromone and the localization of Rvs161p-GFP to the cell fusion zone suggested that Rvs161p plays a direct role in cell fusion. The phenotypes of double mutants, the coprecipitation of Rvs161p and Fus2p, and the fact that the stability of Fus2p was strongly dependent on Rvs161p's mating function lead to the conclusion that Rvs161p is required to interact with Fus2p for efficient cell fusion.  相似文献   

Zhu W  Rainville IR  Ding M  Bolus M  Heintz NH  Pederson DS 《Genetics》2002,160(4):1319-1333
Clf1p is an essential, highly conserved protein in S. cerevisiae that has been implicated in pre-mRNA splicing. Clf1p's ortholog in Drosophila, Crn, is required for normal cell proliferation. Cells depleted of Clf1p arrest primarily with large buds, a single nucleus, a 2C DNA content, and a short, intact mitotic spindle. We isolated temperature-sensitive clf1 mutants that exhibit similar mitotic defects when released to the restrictive temperature from an early S-phase block. While these mutants also accumulate unspliced pre-mRNA at the restrictive temperature, the mitotic arrest does not appear to result from a failure to splice tubulin pre-mRNA. Moreover, the same mutants exhibit a delayed entry into S phase when released to the restrictive temperature from a G1 phase block. This delay could not be suppressed by disruption of the S-phase CDK inhibitor SIC1, suggesting that Clf1p is involved in DNA replication. Consistent with this possibility, we find that Clf1p (but not the mutant clf1p) interacts with the DNA replication initiation protein Orc2p in two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation assays, that Clf1p preferentially associates with origins of DNA replication, and that this association is Orc2p dependent. These observations suggest that Clf1p plays a direct role in the initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Fiori A  Mason TL  Fox TD 《Eukaryotic cell》2003,2(3):651-653
The 5′-untranslated leaders of mitochondrial mRNAs appear to localize translation within the organelle. VAR1 is the only yeast mitochondrial gene encoding a major soluble protein. A chimeric mRNA bearing the VAR1 untranslated regions and the coding sequence for pre-Cox2p appears to be translated at the inner membrane surface. We propose that translation of the ribosomal protein Var1p is also likely to occur in close proximity to the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Monoglyceride lipases (MGLs) are a group of α/β-hydrolases that catalyze the hydrolysis of monoglycerides (MGs) into free fatty acids and glycerol. This reaction serves different physiological functions, namely in the last step of phospholipid and triglyceride degradation, in mammalian endocannabinoid and arachidonic acid metabolism, and in detoxification processes in microbes. Previous crystal structures of MGLs from humans and bacteria revealed conformational plasticity in the cap region of this protein and gave insight into substrate binding. In this study, we present the structure of a MGL from Saccharomyces cerevisiae called Yju3p in its free form and in complex with a covalently bound substrate analog mimicking the tetrahedral intermediate of MG hydrolysis. These structures reveal a high conservation of the overall shape of the MGL cap region and also provide evidence for conformational changes in the cap of Yju3p. The complex structure reveals that, despite the high structural similarity, Yju3p seems to have an additional opening to the substrate binding pocket at a different position compared to human and bacterial MGL. Substrate specificities towards MGs with saturated and unsaturated alkyl chains of different lengths were tested and revealed highest activity towards MG containing a C18:1 fatty acid.  相似文献   

Auranofin is a gold based drug in clinical use since 1985 for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Beyond its antinflammatory properties, auranofin exhibits other attractive biological and pharmacological actions such as a potent in vitro cytotoxicity and relevant antimicrobial and antiparasitic effects that make it amenable for new therapeutic indications. For instance, auranofin is currently tested as an anticancer agent in four independent clinical trials; yet, its mode of action is highly controversial. With the present study, we explore the effects of auranofin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its likely mechanism. Notably, auranofin is reported to induce remarkable yeast growth inhibition. Solid evidence is provided that growth inhibition is the consequence of a direct cytotoxic insult occurring at the mitochondrial level; a profound depression of cell respiration is indeed clearly documented as the main cause of cell death while induction of ROS plays only a secondary role. More in detail, the mitochondrial NADH kinase Pos5 is identified as a primary target for auranofin. The implications of these results are discussed in the frame of current mechanistic knowledge on the cellular effects of auranofin and of its role as a prospective anticancer drug.  相似文献   

The Structural Maintenance of Chromosome (SMC) complex, termed cohesin, is essential for sister chromatid cohesion. Cohesin is also important for chromosome condensation, DNA repair, and gene expression. Cohesin is comprised of Scc3, Mcd1, Smc1, and Smc3. Scc3 also binds Pds5 and Wpl1, cohesin-associated proteins that regulate cohesin function, and to the Scc2/4 cohesin loader. We mutagenized SCC3 to elucidate its role in cohesin function. A 5 amino acid insertion after Scc3 residue I358, or a missense mutation of residue D373 in the adjacent stromalin conservative domain (SCD) induce inviability and defects in both cohesion and cohesin binding to chromosomes. The I358 and D373 mutants abrogate Scc3 binding to Mcd1. These results define an Scc3 region extending from I358 through the SCD required for binding Mcd1, cohesin localization to chromosomes and cohesion. Scc3 binding to the cohesin loader, Pds5 and Wpl1 are unaffected in I358 mutant and the loader still binds the cohesin core trimer (Mcd1, Smc1 and Smc3). Thus, Scc3 plays a critical role in cohesin binding to chromosomes and cohesion at a step distinct from loader binding to the cohesin trimer. We show that residues Y371 and K372 within the SCD are critical for viability and chromosome condensation but dispensable for cohesion. However, scc3 Y371A and scc3 K372A bind normally to Mcd1. These alleles also provide evidence that Scc3 has distinct mechanisms of cohesin loading to different loci. The cohesion-competence, condensation-incompetence of Y371 and K372 mutants suggests that cohesin has at least one activity required specifically for condensation.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis was used to probe the interface between the small GTPase Cdc42p and the CRIB domain motif of Ste20p. Members of a cluster of hydrophobic residues of Cdc42p were changed to alanine and/or arginine. The interaction of the wild-type and mutant proteins was measured using the two-hybrid assay; many, but not all, changes reduced interaction between Cdc42p and the target CRIB domain. Mutations in conserved residues in the CRIB domain were also tested for their importance in the association with Cdc42p. Two conserved CRIB domain histidines were changed to aspartic acid. These mutants reduced mating, as well as responsiveness to pheromone-induced gene expression and cell cycle arrest, but did not reduce in vitro the kinase activity of Ste20p. GFP-tagged mutant proteins were unable to localize to sites of polarized growth. In addition, these point mutants were synthetically lethal with disruption of CLA4 and blocked the Ste20p-Cdc42p two-hybrid interaction. Compensatory mutations in Cdc42p that reestablished the two-hybrid association with the mutant Ste20p CRIB domain baits were identified. These mutations improved the pheromone responsiveness of cells containing the CRIB mutations, but did not rescue the lethality associated with the CRIB mutant CLA4 deletion interaction. These results suggest that the Ste20p-Cdc42p interaction plays a direct role in Ste20p kinase function and that this interaction is required for efficient activity of the pheromone response pathway.  相似文献   

The open reading frame YLR070c of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has high sequence similarity to S. cerevisiae sorbitol dehydrogenase and to xylitol dehydrogenase of Pichia stipitis. Overexpression of this open reading frame in S. cerevisiae resulted in xylitol dehydrogenase activity. The enzyme is specific for NADH. The following Michaelis constants were estimated: D-xylulose, 1.1 mM; NADH, 240 microM (at pH 7.0); xylitol, 25 mM; NAD, 100 microM (at pH 9.0). Xylitol dehydrogenase activity with the same kinetic properties can also be induced by xylose in wild type S. cerevisiae cells.  相似文献   

Nickas ME  Neiman AM 《Genetics》2002,160(4):1439-1450
Spore formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires the de novo synthesis of prospore membranes and spore walls. Ady3p has been identified as an interaction partner for Mpc70p/Spo21p, a meiosis-specific component of the outer plaque of the spindle pole body (SPB) that is required for prospore membrane formation, and for Don1p, which forms a ring-like structure at the leading edge of the prospore membrane during meiosis II. ADY3 expression has been shown to be induced in midsporulation. We report here that Ady3p interacts with additional components of the outer and central plaques of the SPB in the two-hybrid assay. Cells that lack ADY3 display a decrease in sporulation efficiency, and most ady3Delta/ady3Delta asci that do form contain fewer than four spores. The sporulation defect in ady3Delta/ady3Delta cells is due to a failure to synthesize spore wall polymers. Ady3p forms ring-like structures around meiosis II spindles that colocalize with those formed by Don1p, and Don1p rings are absent during meiosis II in ady3Delta/ady3Delta cells. In mpc70Delta/mpc70Delta cells, Ady3p remains associated with SPBs during meiosis II. Our results suggest that Ady3p mediates assembly of the Don1p-containing structure at the leading edge of the prospore membrane via interaction with components of the SPB and that this structure is involved in spore wall formation.  相似文献   

The Fet3 protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a multicopper oxidase with specificity toward Fe(II) and Cu(I). Fet3p turnover of Fe(II) supports high affinity iron uptake across the yeast plasma membrane, whereas its turnover of Cu(I) contributes to copper resistance in yeast. The structure of Fet3p has been used to identify possible amino acid residues responsible for this protein's reactivity with Cu(I), and structure-function analyses have confirmed this assignment. Fet3p Met(345) is required for the enzyme's reactivity toward Cu(I). Although the Fet3pM345A mutant exhibits wild type spectral and electrochemical behavior, the kinetic constants for Cu(I) turnover and for single-turnover electron transfer from Cu(I) to the enzyme are significantly reduced. The specificity constant with Cu(I) as substrate is reduced by one-fifth, whereas the electron transfer rate from Cu(I) is reduced 50-fold. This mutation has little effect on the reactivity toward Fe(II), indicating that Met(345) contributes specifically to Fet3p reactivity with the cuprous ion. These kinetic defects render the Fet3pM345A unable to support wild type cellular copper resistance, suggesting that there is a finely tuned copper redox balance at the yeast plasma membrane.  相似文献   

During alcoholic fermentation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is exposed to a host of environmental and physiological stresses. Extremes of fermentation temperature have previously been demonstrated to induce fermentation arrest under growth conditions that would otherwise result in complete sugar utilization at “normal” temperatures and nutrient levels. Fermentations were carried out at 15°C, 25°C, and 35°C in a defined high-sugar medium using three Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains with diverse fermentation characteristics. The lipid composition of these strains was analyzed at two fermentation stages, when ethanol levels were low early in stationary phase and in late stationary phase at high ethanol concentrations. Several lipids exhibited dramatic differences in membrane concentration in a temperature-dependent manner. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used as a tool to elucidate correlations between specific lipid species and fermentation temperature for each yeast strain. Fermentations carried out at 35°C exhibited very high concentrations of several phosphatidylinositol species, whereas at 15°C these yeast strains exhibited higher levels of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine species with medium-chain fatty acids. Furthermore, membrane concentrations of ergosterol were highest in the yeast strain that experienced stuck fermentations at all three temperatures. Fluorescence anisotropy measurements of yeast cell membrane fluidity during fermentation were carried out using the lipophilic fluorophore diphenylhexatriene. These measurements demonstrate that the changes in the lipid composition of these yeast strains across the range of fermentation temperatures used in this study did not significantly affect cell membrane fluidity. However, the results from this study indicate that fermenting S. cerevisiae modulates its membrane lipid composition in a temperature-dependent manner.  相似文献   

A postpolysomal extract of Saccharomycescerevisiae, treated with micrococcal nuclease to remove endogenous mRNAs, translates exogenous natural and synthetic mRNA templates actively and accurately at 20°C. When the temperature of incubation is 30°C or higher, protein synthesis with yeast poly(A)+ mRNA is markedly reduced, but synthesis of polyphenyl-alanine with poly (U) is only slightly affected. The protein synthesizing activity of the extract is decreased 50% in 30 minutes at 37°C, while the ability of yeast mRNA to template for protein synthesis is decreased 50% in 5 to 7 minutes when it is incubated with the postpolysomal fraction at 37°C. The release of radioactivity from isotopically-labeled yeast mRNA, into the acid-soluble form, is also much greater at 37°C than at 20°C. Thus, at the elevated temperatures, the loss of mRNA templating activity and RNA hydrolysis occur more rapidly than the loss of activity of the translational apparatus. The evidence suggests that the failure of the extract to catalyze translation at 30°C or higher, as compared to 20°C, is due to a temperature-stimulated nuclease that degrades mRNA.  相似文献   

Recently, nucleotide-activated oligosaccharides have been found to be involved in the biosynthesis of certain glycoconjugates in archaeal and bacterial procaryotes. This paper describes the isolation and partial chemical characterization of nucleotide-activated oligosaccharides from the eucaryotic microbe Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We purified four different nucleotide-activated oligosaccharides from cell extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Three of the oligosaccharides were UDP, and one was TDP-activated. D-Glucose was the only carbohydrate constituent, except for one oligosaccharide, which also contained glucosamine. The chain length varied between two and four sugar residues.  相似文献   

T A Kamilova 《Genetika》1989,25(9):1703-1704
The NYS1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts is linked to the centromere marker of chromosome IV - gene TRP1 and is located at 16.2 cM distance from it.  相似文献   

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