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In this paper we introduce an efficient algorithm for alignment of multiple large-scale biological networks. In this scheme, we first compute a probabilistic similarity measure between nodes that belong to different networks using a semi-Markov random walk model. The estimated probabilities are further enhanced by incorporating the local and the cross-species network similarity information through the use of two different types of probabilistic consistency transformations. The transformed alignment probabilities are used to predict the alignment of multiple networks based on a greedy approach. We demonstrate that the proposed algorithm, called SMETANA, outperforms many state-of-the-art network alignment techniques, in terms of computational efficiency, alignment accuracy, and scalability. Our experiments show that SMETANA can easily align tens of genome-scale networks with thousands of nodes on a personal computer without any difficulty. The source code of SMETANA is available upon request. The source code of SMETANA can be downloaded from http://www.ece.tamu.edu/~bjyoon/SMETANA/.  相似文献   

We describe a new program for the alignment of multiple biological sequences that is both statistically motivated and fast enough for problem sizes that arise in practice. Our Fast Statistical Alignment program is based on pair hidden Markov models which approximate an insertion/deletion process on a tree and uses a sequence annealing algorithm to combine the posterior probabilities estimated from these models into a multiple alignment. FSA uses its explicit statistical model to produce multiple alignments which are accompanied by estimates of the alignment accuracy and uncertainty for every column and character of the alignment—previously available only with alignment programs which use computationally-expensive Markov Chain Monte Carlo approaches—yet can align thousands of long sequences. Moreover, FSA utilizes an unsupervised query-specific learning procedure for parameter estimation which leads to improved accuracy on benchmark reference alignments in comparison to existing programs. The centroid alignment approach taken by FSA, in combination with its learning procedure, drastically reduces the amount of false-positive alignment on biological data in comparison to that given by other methods. The FSA program and a companion visualization tool for exploring uncertainty in alignments can be used via a web interface at http://orangutan.math.berkeley.edu/fsa/, and the source code is available at http://fsa.sourceforge.net/.  相似文献   



Protein sequence alignment is essential for a variety of tasks such as homology modeling and active site prediction. Alignment errors remain the main cause of low-quality structure models. A bioinformatics tool to refine alignments is needed to make protein alignments more accurate.


We developed the SFESA web server to refine pairwise protein sequence alignments. Compared to the previous version of SFESA, which required a set of 3D coordinates for a protein, the new server will search a sequence database for the closest homolog with an available 3D structure to be used as a template. For each alignment block defined by secondary structure elements in the template, SFESA evaluates alignment variants generated by local shifts and selects the best-scoring alignment variant. A scoring function that combines the sequence score of profile-profile comparison and the structure score of template-derived contact energy is used for evaluation of alignments. PROMALS pairwise alignments refined by SFESA are more accurate than those produced by current advanced alignment methods such as HHpred and CNFpred. In addition, SFESA also improves alignments generated by other software.


SFESA is a web-based tool for alignment refinement, designed for researchers to compute, refine, and evaluate pairwise alignments with a combined sequence and structure scoring of alignment blocks. To our knowledge, the SFESA web server is the only tool that refines alignments by evaluating local shifts of secondary structure elements. The SFESA web server is available at http://prodata.swmed.edu/sfesa.  相似文献   

Researchers are perpetually amassing biological sequence data. The computational approaches employed by ecologists for organizing this data (e.g. alignment, phylogeny, etc.) typically scale nonlinearly in execution time with the size of the dataset. This often serves as a bottleneck for processing experimental data since many molecular studies are characterized by massive datasets. To keep up with experimental data demands, ecologists are forced to choose between continually upgrading expensive in-house computer hardware or outsourcing the most demanding computations to the cloud. Outsourcing is attractive since it is the least expensive option, but does not necessarily allow direct user interaction with the data for exploratory analysis. Desktop analytical tools such as ARB are indispensable for this purpose, but they do not necessarily offer a convenient solution for the coordination and integration of datasets between local and outsourced destinations. Therefore, researchers are currently left with an undesirable tradeoff between computational throughput and analytical capability. To mitigate this tradeoff we introduce a software package to leverage the utility of the interactive exploratory tools offered by ARB with the computational throughput of cloud-based resources. Our pipeline serves as middleware between the desktop and the cloud allowing researchers to form local custom databases containing sequences and metadata from multiple resources and a method for linking data outsourced for computation back to the local database. A tutorial implementation of the toolkit is provided in the supporting information, S1 Tutorial. Availability: http://www.ece.drexel.edu/gailr/EESI/tutorial.php.  相似文献   

A novel method is presented for predicting the common secondary structures and alignment of two homologous RNA sequences by sampling the ‘structural alignment’ space, i.e. the joint space of their alignments and common secondary structures. The structural alignment space is sampled according to a pseudo-Boltzmann distribution based on a pseudo-free energy change that combines base pairing probabilities from a thermodynamic model and alignment probabilities from a hidden Markov model. By virtue of the implicit comparative analysis between the two sequences, the method offers an improvement over single sequence sampling of the Boltzmann ensemble. A cluster analysis shows that the samples obtained from joint sampling of the structural alignment space cluster more closely than samples generated by the single sequence method. On average, the representative (centroid) structure and alignment of the most populated cluster in the sample of structures and alignments generated by joint sampling are more accurate than single sequence sampling and alignment based on sequence alone, respectively. The ‘best’ centroid structure that is closest to the known structure among all the centroids is, on average, more accurate than structure predictions of other methods. Additionally, cluster analysis identifies, on average, a few clusters, whose centroids can be presented as alternative candidates. The source code for the proposed method can be downloaded at http://rna.urmc.rochester.edu.  相似文献   

In the growing field of genomics, multiple alignment programs are confronted with ever increasing amounts of data. To address this growing issue we have dramatically improved the running time and memory requirement of Kalign, while maintaining its high alignment accuracy. Kalign version 2 also supports nucleotide alignment, and a newly introduced extension allows for external sequence annotation to be included into the alignment procedure. We demonstrate that Kalign2 is exceptionally fast and memory-efficient, permitting accurate alignment of very large numbers of sequences. The accuracy of Kalign2 compares well to the best methods in the case of protein alignments while its accuracy on nucleotide alignments is generally superior. In addition, we demonstrate the potential of using known or predicted sequence annotation to improve the alignment accuracy. Kalign2 is freely available for download from the Kalign web site (http://msa.sbc.su.se/).  相似文献   

Many biological questions, including the estimation of deep evolutionary histories and the detection of remote homology between protein sequences, rely upon multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees of large datasets. However, accurate large-scale multiple sequence alignment is very difficult, especially when the dataset contains fragmentary sequences. We present UPP, a multiple sequence alignment method that uses a new machine learning technique, the ensemble of hidden Markov models, which we propose here. UPP produces highly accurate alignments for both nucleotide and amino acid sequences, even on ultra-large datasets or datasets containing fragmentary sequences. UPP is available at https://github.com/smirarab/sepp.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0688-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The rapidly growing availability of genome information has created considerable demand for both fast and accurate phylogenetic inference algorithms. We present a novel method called DendroBLAST for reconstructing phylogenetic dendrograms/trees from protein sequences using BLAST. This method differs from other methods by incorporating a simple model of sequence evolution to test the effect of introducing sequence changes on the reliability of the bipartitions in the inferred tree. Using realistic simulated sequence data we demonstrate that this method produces phylogenetic trees that are more accurate than other commonly-used distance based methods though not as accurate as maximum likelihood methods from good quality multiple sequence alignments. In addition to tests on simulated data, we use DendroBLAST to generate input trees for a supertree reconstruction of the phylogeny of the Archaea. This independent analysis produces an approximate phylogeny of the Archaea that has both high precision and recall when compared to previously published analysis of the same dataset using conventional methods. Taken together these results demonstrate that approximate phylogenetic trees can be produced in the absence of multiple sequence alignments, and we propose that these trees will provide a platform for improving and informing downstream bioinformatic analysis. A web implementation of the DendroBLAST method is freely available for use at http://www.dendroblast.com/.  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a cornerstone of modern molecular biology and represents a unique means of investigating the patterns of conservation and diversity in complex biological systems. Many different algorithms have been developed to construct MSAs, but previous studies have shown that no single aligner consistently outperforms the rest. This has led to the development of a number of ‘meta-methods’ that systematically run several aligners and merge the output into one single solution. Although these methods generally produce more accurate alignments, they are inefficient because all the aligners need to be run first and the choice of the best solution is made a posteriori. Here, we describe the development of a new expert system, AlexSys, for the multiple alignment of protein sequences. AlexSys incorporates an intelligent inference engine to automatically select an appropriate aligner a priori, depending only on the nature of the input sequences. The inference engine was trained on a large set of reference multiple alignments, using a novel machine learning approach. Applying AlexSys to a test set of 178 alignments, we show that the expert system represents a good compromise between alignment quality and running time, making it suitable for high throughput projects. AlexSys is freely available from http://alnitak.u-strasbg.fr/∼aniba/alexsys.  相似文献   

Next-generation DNA sequencing platforms provide exciting new possibilities for in vitro genetic analysis of functional nucleic acids. However, the size of the resulting data sets presents computational and analytical challenges. We present an open-source software package that employs a locality-sensitive hashing algorithm to enumerate all unique sequences in an entire Illumina sequencing run (∼108 sequences). The algorithm results in quasilinear time processing of entire Illumina lanes (∼107 sequences) on a desktop computer in minutes. To facilitate visual analysis of sequencing data, the software produces three-dimensional scatter plots similar in concept to Sewall Wright and John Maynard Smith’s adaptive or fitness landscape. The software also contains functions that are particularly useful for doped selections such as mutation frequency analysis, information content calculation, multivariate statistical functions (including principal component analysis), sequence distance metrics, sequence searches and sequence comparisons across multiple Illumina data sets. Source code, executable files and links to sample data sets are available at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/sewal.  相似文献   

We present Quip, a lossless compression algorithm for next-generation sequencing data in the FASTQ and SAM/BAM formats. In addition to implementing reference-based compression, we have developed, to our knowledge, the first assembly-based compressor, using a novel de novo assembly algorithm. A probabilistic data structure is used to dramatically reduce the memory required by traditional de Bruijn graph assemblers, allowing millions of reads to be assembled very efficiently. Read sequences are then stored as positions within the assembled contigs. This is combined with statistical compression of read identifiers, quality scores, alignment information and sequences, effectively collapsing very large data sets to <15% of their original size with no loss of information. Availability: Quip is freely available under the 3-clause BSD license from http://cs.washington.edu/homes/dcjones/quip.  相似文献   

HIV-1 entry into host cells is mediated by interactions between the V3-loop of viral glycoprotein gp120 and chemokine receptor CCR5 or CXCR4, collectively known as HIV-1 coreceptors. Accurate genotypic prediction of coreceptor usage is of significant clinical interest and determination of the factors driving tropism has been the focus of extensive study. We have developed a method based on nonlinear support vector machines to elucidate the interacting residue pairs driving coreceptor usage and provide highly accurate coreceptor usage predictions. Our models utilize centroid-centroid interaction energies from computationally derived structures of the V3-loop:coreceptor complexes as primary features, while additional features based on established rules regarding V3-loop sequences are also investigated. We tested our method on 2455 V3-loop sequences of various lengths and subtypes, and produce a median area under the receiver operator curve of 0.977 based on 500 runs of 10-fold cross validation. Our study is the first to elucidate a small set of specific interacting residue pairs between the V3-loop and coreceptors capable of predicting coreceptor usage with high accuracy across major HIV-1 subtypes. The developed method has been implemented as a web tool named CRUSH, CoReceptor USage prediction for HIV-1, which is available at http://ares.tamu.edu/CRUSH/.  相似文献   



Amino acid replacement rate matrices are a crucial component of many protein analysis systems such as sequence similarity search, sequence alignment, and phylogenetic inference. Ideally, the rate matrix reflects the mutational behavior of the actual data under study; however, estimating amino acid replacement rate matrices requires large protein alignments and is computationally expensive and complex. As a compromise, sub-optimal pre-calculated generic matrices are typically used for protein-based phylogeny. Sequence availability has now grown to a point where problem-specific rate matrices can often be calculated if the computational cost can be controlled.


The most time consuming step in estimating rate matrices by maximum likelihood is building maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees from protein alignments. We propose a new procedure, called FastMG, to overcome this obstacle. The key innovation is the alignment-splitting algorithm that splits alignments with many sequences into non-overlapping sub-alignments prior to estimating amino acid replacement rates. Experiments with different large data sets showed that the FastMG procedure was an order of magnitude faster than without splitting. Importantly, there was no apparent loss in matrix quality if an appropriate splitting procedure is used.


FastMG is a simple, fast and accurate procedure to estimate amino acid replacement rate matrices from large data sets. It enables researchers to study the evolutionary relationships for specific groups of proteins or taxa with optimized, data-specific amino acid replacement rate matrices. The programs, data sets, and the new mammalian mitochondrial protein rate matrix are available at http://fastmg.codeplex.com.  相似文献   

Detection of remote sequence homology is essential for the accurate inference of protein structure, function and evolution. The most sensitive detection methods involve the comparison of evolutionary patterns reflected in multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) of protein families. We present PROCAIN, a new method for MSA comparison based on the combination of ‘vertical’ MSA context (substitution constraints at individual sequence positions) and ‘horizontal’ context (patterns of residue content at multiple positions). Based on a simple and tractable profile methodology and primitive measures for the similarity of horizontal MSA patterns, the method achieves the quality of homology detection comparable to a more complex advanced method employing hidden Markov models (HMMs) and secondary structure (SS) prediction. Adding SS information further improves PROCAIN performance beyond the capabilities of current state-of-the-art tools. The potential value of the method for structure/function predictions is illustrated by the detection of subtle homology between evolutionary distant yet structurally similar protein domains. ProCAIn, relevant databases and tools can be downloaded from: http://prodata.swmed.edu/procain/download. The web server can be accessed at http://prodata.swmed.edu/procain/procain.php.  相似文献   

We utilize the secondary structural properties of the 28S rRNA D2–D10 expansion segments to hypothesize a multiple sequence alignment for major lineages of the hymenopteran superfamily Ichneumonoidea (Braconidae, Ichneumonidae). The alignment consists of 290 sequences (originally analyzed in Belshaw and Quicke, Syst Biol 51:450–477, 2002) and provides the first global alignment template for this diverse group of insects. Predicted structures for these expansion segments as well as for over half of the 18S rRNA are given, with highly variable regions characterized and isolated within conserved structures. We demonstrate several pitfalls of optimization alignment and illustrate how these are potentially addressed with structure-based alignments. Our global alignment is presented online at (http://hymenoptera.tamu.edu/rna) with summary statistics, such as basepair frequency tables, along with novel tools for parsing structure-based alignments into input files for most commonly used phylogenetic software. These resources will be valuable for hymenopteran systematists, as well as researchers utilizing rRNA sequences for phylogeny estimation in any taxon. We explore the phylogenetic utility of our structure-based alignment by examining a subset of the data under a variety of optimality criteria using results from Belshaw and Quicke (2002) as a benchmark.Access to on-line data: http://hymenoptera.tamu.edu/rna; username, ichs; password, ichzzz  相似文献   

SNUFER is a software for the automatic localization and generation of tables used for the presentation of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). After input of a fasta file containing the sequences to be analyzed, a multiple sequence alignment is generated using ClustalW ran inside SNUFER. The ClustalW output file is then used to generate a table which displays the SNPs detected in the aligned sequences and their degree of similarity. This table can be exported to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or as a single text file, permitting further editing for publication. The software was written using Delphi 7 for programming and FireBird 2.0 for sequence database management. It is freely available for noncommercial use and can be downloaded from http://www.heranza.com.br/bioinformatica2.htm.  相似文献   

Recent metagenomics studies of environmental samples suggested that microbial communities are much more diverse than previously reported, and deep sequencing will significantly increase the estimate of total species diversity. Massively parallel pyrosequencing technology enables ultra-deep sequencing of complex microbial populations rapidly and inexpensively. However, computational methods for analyzing large collections of 16S ribosomal sequences are limited. We proposed a new algorithm, referred to as ESPRIT, which addresses several computational issues with prior methods. We developed two versions of ESPRIT, one for personal computers (PCs) and one for computer clusters (CCs). The PC version is used for small- and medium-scale data sets and can process several tens of thousands of sequences within a few minutes, while the CC version is for large-scale problems and is able to analyze several hundreds of thousands of reads within one day. Large-scale experiments are presented that clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the newly proposed algorithm. The source code and user guide are freely available at http://www.biotech.ufl.edu/people/sun/esprit.html.  相似文献   

Whole-genome sequences are now available for many microbial species and clades, however existing whole-genome alignment methods are limited in their ability to perform sequence comparisons of multiple sequences simultaneously. Here we present the Harvest suite of core-genome alignment and visualization tools for the rapid and simultaneous analysis of thousands of intraspecific microbial strains. Harvest includes Parsnp, a fast core-genome multi-aligner, and Gingr, a dynamic visual platform. Together they provide interactive core-genome alignments, variant calls, recombination detection, and phylogenetic trees. Using simulated and real data we demonstrate that our approach exhibits unrivaled speed while maintaining the accuracy of existing methods. The Harvest suite is open-source and freely available from: http://github.com/marbl/harvest.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0524-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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