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Comparisons of gene orders between species permit estimation of the rate of chromosomal evolution since their divergence from a common ancestor. We have compared gene orders on three chromosomes of Drosophila pseudoobscura with its close relative, D. miranda, and the distant outgroup species, D. melanogaster, by using the public genome sequences of D. pseudoobscura and D. melanogaster and approximately 50 in situ hybridizations of gene probes in D. miranda. We find no evidence for extensive transfer of genes among chromosomes in D. miranda. The rates of chromosomal rearrangements between D. miranda and D. pseudoobscura are far higher than those found before in Drosophila and approach those for nematodes, the fastest rates among higher eukaryotes. In addition, we find that the D. pseudoobscura chromosome with the highest level of inversion polymorphism (Muller's element C) does not show an unusually fast rate of evolution with respect to chromosome structure, suggesting that this classic case of inversion polymorphism reflects selection rather than mutational processes. On the basis of our results, we propose possible ancestral arrangements for the D. pseudoobscura C chromosome, which are different from those in the current literature. We also describe a new method for correcting for rearrangements that are not detected with a limited set of markers.  相似文献   

Bachtrog D  Andolfatto P 《Genetics》2006,174(4):2045-2059
Selection, recombination, and the demographic history of a species can all have profound effects on genomewide patterns of variability. To assess the impact of these forces in the genome of Drosophila miranda, we examine polymorphism and divergence patterns at 62 loci scattered across the genome. In accordance with recent findings in D. melanogaster, we find that noncoding DNA generally evolves more slowly than synonymous sites, that the distribution of polymorphism frequencies in noncoding DNA is significantly skewed toward rare variants relative to synonymous sites, and that long introns evolve significantly slower than short introns or synonymous sites. These observations suggest that most noncoding DNA is functionally constrained and evolving under purifying selection. However, in contrast to findings in the D. melanogaster species group, we find little evidence of adaptive evolution acting on either coding or noncoding sequences in D. miranda. Levels of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in D. miranda are comparable to those observed in D. melanogaster, but vary considerably among chromosomes. These patterns suggest a significantly lower rate of recombination on autosomes, possibly due to the presence of polymorphic autosomal inversions and/or differences in chromosome sizes. All chromosomes show significant departures from the standard neutral model, including too much heterogeneity in synonymous site polymorphism relative to divergence among loci and a general excess of rare synonymous polymorphisms. These departures from neutral equilibrium expectations are discussed in the context of nonequilibrium models of demography and selection.  相似文献   

W W Anderson 《Génome》1989,31(1):239-245
The inverted gene arrangements of Drosophila pseudoobscura were used by Th. Dobzhansky in pioneering analyses of natural selection. Recent experiments have shed light on the mechanisms of selection contributing to the balanced polymorphism for the gene arrangements. In experimental populations, both major components of fitness, viability and fertility, are frequency dependent, and rare genotypes often have a selective advantage. Viabilities are also density dependent. The frequency dependence and density dependence of the fitness components are not universal. Some karyotypes are strongly influenced by frequency or density, some are slightly influenced, and some do not appear to be influenced at all. The role of heterozygote advantage in the selection on the gene arrangements is not clear. It is probably one important element in the overall selection, but viability and fertility do not always show a heterozygote advantage. Viability and fertility components of selection seem to be about equally important in changing inversion frequencies. Male mating success is an important component of selection in natural populations, and in one population rare male karyotypes have been found to have a pronounced mating advantage.  相似文献   

Most models of hybridization assume that hybrids are less fit than their parental taxa. In contrast, some researchers have explored the possibility that hybrid individuals may actually have higher fitness and so play an important role in the generation of new species or adaptations. By estimating age-specific fitness components, we can determine not only how hybrid fitness differs from parental taxa, but also whether the fitness of hybrids relative to parental taxa changes with age. Here we describe an analysis of age-specific fitness traits in two species of Drosophila, D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis, and their F1 hybrids. At early ages, hybrid females lay as many eggs as parental individuals, on average, but produce far fewer offspring. By late ages, in contrast, parental taxa show a steep decline in production not seen in hybrids, such that hybrids produce more offspring, on average, than parental taxa. Furthermore, egg-adult survival in hybrids is negatively correlated with egg density, whereas these traits are only weakly correlated in parental taxa. The results are limited somewhat by the fact that we analyze only two strains, and that these may be partially inbred. Nonetheless, the results are certainly illustrative, pointing out not only that at least some hybrid individuals may be as fit or fitter than parental taxa, but also that the difference between hybrids and parental taxa varies with age.  相似文献   

Chromosomal rearrangements may play an important role in how populations adapt to a local environment. The gene arrangement polymorphism on the third chromosome of Drosophila pseudoobscura is a model system to help determine the role that inversions play in the evolution of this species. The gene arrangements are the likely target of strong selection because they form classical clines across diverse geographic habitats, they cycle in frequency over seasons, and they form stable equilibria in population cages. A numerical approach was developed to estimate the fitness sets for 15 gene arrangement karyotypes in six niches based on a model of selection-migration balance. Gene arrangement frequencies in the six different niches were able to reach a stable meta-population equilibrium that matched the observed gene arrangement frequencies when recursions used the estimated fitnesses with a variety of initial inversion frequencies. These analyses show that a complex pattern of selection is operating in the six niches to maintain the D. pseudoobscura gene arrangement polymorphism. Models of local adaptation predict that the new inversion mutations were able to invade populations because they held combinations of two to 13 local adaptation loci together.  相似文献   



A primary objective of comparative genomics is to identify genomic elements of functional significance that contribute to phenotypic diversity. Complex changes in genome structure (insertions, duplications, rearrangements, translocations) may be widespread, and have important effects on organismal diversity. Any survey of genomic variation is incomplete without an assessment of structural changes.  相似文献   

Edward M. Berger 《Genetics》1974,78(4):1157-1172
In vitro enzyme hybridization was carried out with combinations of six allozymic variants of Esterase-5 from Drosophila pseudoobscura. Studies on heat stability and specific activity changes accompanying hybridization were done to examine the possible expression of overdominance at the biochemical level. In 11 of 15 combinations no significant change in specific activity was found following hybridization. In two cases hybridization resulted in a decrease in activity in the mixture, while in two cases esterase activity was elevated. Heat stability studies, in several cases, revealed reduced rates of inactivation in in vitro and in vivo heterozygotes compared with homozygotes. From these and other data a model for the molecular mechanism of heterosis is presented.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(8):1517-1528.e6
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H. Allen Orr 《Genetics》1987,116(4):555-563
The genetic basis of male and female sterility in hybrids of Drosophila pseudoobscura-Drosophila persimilis was studied using backcross analysis. Previous studies indirectly assessed male fertility by measuring testis size; these studies concluded that male sterility results from an X chromosome-autosome imbalance. By directly scoring for the production of motile sperm, male sterility is shown to be largely due to an incompatibility between genes on the X and Y chromosomes of these two species. These species have diverged at a minimum of nine loci affecting hybrid male fertility. Semisterility of hybrid females appears to result from an X chromosome-cytoplasm interaction; the X chromosome thus has the largest effect on sterility in both male and female hybrids. This is apparently the first analysis of the genetic basis of female sterility, or of sterility/inviability affecting both sexes, in an animal hybridization.  相似文献   

Sankar Subramanian 《Genetics》2013,193(3):995-1002
Previous studies observed a higher ratio of divergences at nonsynonymous and synonymous sites (ω = dN/dS) in species with a small population size compared to that estimated for those with a large population size. Here we examined the theoretical relationship between ω, effective population size (Ne), and selection coefficient (s). Our analysis revealed that when purifying selection is high, ω of species with small Ne is much higher than that of species with large Ne. However the difference between the two ω reduces with the decline in selection pressure (s → 0). We examined this relationship using primate and rodent genes and found that the ω estimated for highly constrained genes of primates was up to 2.9 times higher than that obtained for their orthologous rodent genes. Conversely, for genes under weak purifying selection the ω of primates was only 17% higher than that of rodents. When tissue specificity was used as a proxy for selection pressure we found that the ω of broadly expressed genes of primates was up to 2.1-fold higher than that of their rodent counterparts and this difference was only 27% for tissue specific genes. Since most of the nonsynonymous mutations in constrained or broadly expressed genes are deleterious, fixation of these mutations is influenced by Ne. This results in a higher ω of these genes in primates compared to those from rodents. Conversely, the majority of nonsynonymous mutations in less-constrained or tissue-specific genes are neutral or nearly neutral and therefore fixation of them is largely independent of Ne, which leads to the similarity of ω in primates and rodents.  相似文献   

Genes encoding reproductive proteins often diverge rapidly due to positive selection on nucleotide substitutions. While this general pattern is well established, the extent to which specific reproductive genes experience similar selection in different clades has been little explored, nor have possible targets of positive selection other than nucleotide substitutions, such as indels, received much attention. Here, we inspect for the signature of positive selection in the genes encoding five accessory gland proteins (Acps) (Acp26Aa, Acp32CD, Acp53Ea, Acp62F, and Acp70A) originally described from Drosophila melanogaster but with recognizable orthologues in the D. pseudoobscura subgroup. We compare patterns of selection within the D. psuedoobscura subgroup to those in the D. melanogaster subgroup. Similar patterns of positive selection were found in Acp26Aa and Acp62F in the two subgroups, while Acp53Ea and Acp70A experienced purifying selection in both subgroups. These proteins have thus remained targets for similar types of selection over long (>21-MY) periods of time. We also found several indel substitutions and polymorphisms in Acp26Aa and Acp32CD. These indels occur in the same regions as positively selected nucleotide substitutions for Acp26Aa in the D. pseudoobscura subgroup but not in the D. melanogaster subgroup. Rates of indel substitution within Acp26Aa in the D. pseudoobscura subgroup were up to several times those in noncoding regions of the Drosophila genome. This suggests that indel substitutions may be under positive selection and may play a key role in the divergence of some Acps. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Willis Swanson]  相似文献   

Four new gene arrangements of chromosome 3 of Drosophila pseudoobscura are reported, as well as an updated phylogenetic sequence of the inversion polymorphism in this species. Evidence that the Tree Line gene arrangement of chromosome 3 was the original form in D. pseudoobscura, and that Central Mexico is the center of distribution of this species is discussed.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1987,35(2):468-476
Wild mating male D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura were larger than randomly sampled males. That this was due to size and not a confounding effect of age was confirmed by release experiments with D. melanogaster of standard age; larger males were at a mating advantage with virgin and inseminated females. In both species larger males delivered more courtship and in D. pseudoobscura they won more aggressive encounters. These results on Drosophila in the field confirm and extend those previously obtained in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Noor MA  Garfield DA  Schaeffer SW  Machado CA 《Genetics》2007,177(3):1417-1428
As whole-genome sequence assemblies accumulate, a challenge is to determine how these can be used to address fundamental evolutionary questions, such as inferring the process of speciation. Here, we use the sequence assemblies of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis to test hypotheses regarding divergence with gene flow. We observe low differentiation between the two genome sequences in pericentromeric and peritelomeric regions. We interpret this result as primarily a remnant of the correlation between levels of variation and local recombination rate observed within populations. However, we also observe lower differentiation far from the fixed chromosomal inversions distinguishing these species and greater differentiation within and near these inversions. This finding is consistent with models suggesting that chromosomal inversions facilitate species divergence despite interspecies gene flow. We also document heterogeneity among the inverted regions in their degree of differentiation, suggesting temporal differences in the origin of each inverted region consistent with the inversions arising during a process of divergence with gene flow. While this study provides insights into the speciation process using two single-genome sequences, it was informed by lower throughput but more rigorous examinations of polymorphism and divergence. This reliance highlights the need for complementary genomic and population genetic approaches for tackling fundamental evolutionary questions such as speciation.  相似文献   

The major larval cuticle protein (LCP) genes I–IV ofDrosophila melanogaster are clustered on the right arm of the second chromosome. By cross-hybridization we cloned the corresponding genes from three different members of theobscura group:D. persimilis, D. pseudoobscura andD. miranda. InD. pseudoobscura andD. persimilis the gene cluster maps to autosome3. In contrast, inD. miranda it was found on theX2 andY sex chromosome. Hence, this exceptional karyotypic situation offers a unique opportunity to analyse the molecular processes underlying the phenomenon of chromosome degeneration. Comparison of LCP genes I–IV in theX2 andY chromosomal region inD. miranda revealed extensive DNA rearrangements at the latter. TheY chromosomal LCP cluster is characterized by DNA insertions which are absent in the correspondingX2 chromosomal DNA, suggesting that these DNA sequences must have invaded this area. In addition, part of the analysedY chromosomal region is duplicated.  相似文献   

Following cessation of recombination during sex chromosome evolution, the nonrecombining sex chromosome is affected by a number of degenerative forces, possibly resulting in the fixation of deleterious mutations. This might take place because of weak selection against recessive or partly recessive deleterious mutations due to permanent heterozygosity of nonrecombining chromosomes. Furthermore, population genetic processes, such as selective sweeps, background selection, and Muller’s ratchet, result in a reduction in Ne, which increase the likelihood of fixation of deleterious mutations. Theory thus predicts that nonrecombining genes should show increased levels of nonsynonymous (dN) to synonymous substitutions (dS). We tested this in an avian system by estimating the ratio between dN and dS in six gametologous gene pairs located on the Z chromosome and the nonrecombining, female-specific W chromosome. In comparisons, we found a significantly higher dN/dS ratio for the W-linked than the Z-linked copy in three of the investigated genes. In a concatenated alignment of all six genes, the dN/dS ratio was six times higher for W-linked than Z-linked genes. By using human and mouse as outgroup in maximum likelihood analyses, W-linked genes were found to evolve differently compared with their Z-linked gametologues and outgroup sequences. This seems not to be a consequence of functional diversification because dN/dS ratios between gametologous gene copies were consistently low. We conclude that deleterious mutations are accumulating at a high rate on the avian W chromosome, probably as a result of the lack of recombination in this female-specific chromosome. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Deborah Charlesworth]  相似文献   

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