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For habitat specialists, fragmentation has major consequences as it means less suitable habitat for the species to live in. In a fragmented landscape, we would expect larger, but spatially more clustered, foraging ranges. We studied the impact of landscape fragmentation on the foraging range and habitat exploitation of a specialised forest bat by radiotracking 16 female lesser horseshoe bats Rhinolophus hipposideros in a landscape with connected woodland structures and in a highly fragmented landscape in Carinthia, Austria.Contrary to our expectations, spatial foraging behaviour was not influenced by fragmentation. No differences in the behaviour of the bats between the sites were evident for the foraging ranges (minimum convex polygon, MCP), the core foraging areas (50% kernel), nor the mean or the maximum distances from the roost. However, in the highly fragmented landscape, the foraging activity of individuals was spatially more clustered and the overall MCP of all bats of a colony was greater compared to the less fragmented landscape.Woodland was the most important foraging habitat for the lesser horseshoe bats at both study sites. Habitat selection at the individual MCPs was evident only at the site with low fragmentation. However, in the core foraging areas, woodland was significantly selected over all other habitat types at both study sites.We conclude that (1) conservation measures for colonies of lesser horseshoe bats should be undertaken within 2.5 km of the nursery roost, (2) woodland is the key foraging habitat particularly in the vicinity of the roost, and (3) any loss of woodland near the colonial roosts are likely to negatively influence the colony, since these bats do not seem to be able to adapt their spatial foraging behaviour in a degraded landscape. The inflexible spatial behaviour of this specialised bat highlights the need to compensate for any habitat loss within the foraging range of a bat colony.  相似文献   

Although widespread, the ecology of the whiskered bat, Myotis mystacinus in Europe remains poorly understood. Ireland is positioned at the most western extreme of this species’ range. To ascertain the ecology of M. mystacinus at its geographic range extreme, the roosting behaviour, home range and habitat use of females in a maternity roost in Ireland was investigated by radio-tracking. M. mystacinus were active in a diversity of habitats: namely, mixed woodland, riparian vegetation, arable land and rough grassland. However, only mixed woodland and riparian habitats were selected as core foraging areas. This is in contrast to a previous study from Britain where only pasture was utilised but is in agreement with data from Slovakia, where woodland was also selected, whilst riparian areas were also utilised by this species in Germany. A high degree of overlap in the foraging areas of individuals was observed. A total of seven roosts were utilised by tracked bats and roost switching behaviour was observed. We discuss our contrasting results in respect to range limitations, regional variability in landscape structure and the composition of bat communities. The present results have implications for the conservation of M. mystacinus within Ireland and other parts of its range, highlighting the need for range wide ecological studies. Regional variability in the ecology of bats related to landscape factors is an important consideration for bat conservation and therefore must be incorporated into future management plans.  相似文献   

Conservation increasingly operates at the landscape scale. For this to be effective, we need landscape scale information on species distributions and the environmental factors that underpin them. Species records are becoming increasingly available via data centres and online portals, but they are often patchy and biased. We demonstrate how such data can yield useful habitat suitability models, using bat roost records as an example. We analysed the effects of environmental variables at eight spatial scales (500 m – 6 km) on roost selection by eight bat species (Pipistrellus pipistrellus, P. pygmaeus, Nyctalus noctula, Myotis mystacinus, M. brandtii, M. nattereri, M. daubentonii, and Plecotus auritus) using the presence-only modelling software MaxEnt. Modelling was carried out on a selection of 418 data centre roost records from the Lake District National Park, UK. Target group pseudoabsences were selected to reduce the impact of sampling bias. Multi-scale models, combining variables measured at their best performing spatial scales, were used to predict roosting habitat suitability, yielding models with useful predictive abilities. Small areas of deciduous woodland consistently increased roosting habitat suitability, but other habitat associations varied between species and scales. Pipistrellus were positively related to built environments at small scales, and depended on large-scale woodland availability. The other, more specialist, species were highly sensitive to human-altered landscapes, avoiding even small rural towns. The strength of many relationships at large scales suggests that bats are sensitive to habitat modifications far from the roost itself. The fine resolution, large extent maps will aid targeted decision-making by conservationists and planners. We have made available an ArcGIS toolbox that automates the production of multi-scale variables, to facilitate the application of our methods to other taxa and locations. Habitat suitability modelling has the potential to become a standard tool for supporting landscape-scale decision-making as relevant data and open source, user-friendly, and peer-reviewed software become widely available.  相似文献   

Knowledge of roost selection by northern yellow bats (Lasiurus intermedius) is limited to a small number of known roost locations. Yet knowledge of basic life history is fundamental to understanding past response to anthropogenic change and to predict how species will respond to future environmental change. Therefore, we examined male northern yellow bat roost selection on 2 Georgia, USA, barrier islands with different disturbance histories. Sapelo Island has a history of extensive disturbance and is dominated by pine (Pinus spp.) forests; Little Saint Simons Island has a limited disturbance history with maritime oak (Quercus spp.) forest as the dominant cover type. From March–July 2012 and 2013, we radio-tracked 35 adult male northern yellow bats to diurnal roosts and modeled roost characteristics at the plot and landscape scales. We located 387 roosts, of which 95% were in Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides) hanging in hardwood trees. On both islands, bats selected roost trees with larger diameters than surrounding trees and selected roost locations with greater open flight space (i.e., low midstory clutter) underneath. Roosts were located farther from open areas on Sapelo and closer to fresh water on Little Saint Simons compared to random locations. Lower availability of hardwood forest on Sapelo may have resulted in small-scale roost site selection (i.e., plot level) despite potential increased costs of commuting to water and open areas for foraging. In contrast, greater availability of hardwood forest on Little Saint Simons likely allowed selection of roosts closer to fresh water, which provides foraging and drinking opportunities. Our results indicate that mature hardwood trees in areas with low midstory clutter are important in male northern yellow bat roost selection, but landscape-level features have varying influences on roost selection, likely as a result of differences in disturbance history. Therefore, management will differ depending on the landscape context. Further research is needed to examine roost selection by females, which may have different habitat requirements. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   



The structuring of wild animal populations can influence population dynamics, disease spread, and information transfer. Social network analysis potentially offers insights into these processes but is rarely, if ever, used to investigate more than one species in a community. We therefore compared the social, temporal and spatial networks of sympatric Myotis bats (M. nattereri (Natterer''s bats) and M. daubentonii (Daubenton''s bats)), and asked: (1) are there long-lasting social associations within species? (2) do the ranges occupied by roosting social groups overlap within or between species? (3) are M. daubentonii bachelor colonies excluded from roosting in areas used by maternity groups?


Using data on 490 ringed M. nattereri and 978 M. daubentonii from 379 colonies, we found that both species formed stable social groups encompassing multiple colonies. M. nattereri formed 11 mixed-sex social groups with few (4.3%) inter-group associations. Approximately half of all M. nattereri were associated with the same individuals when recaptured, with many associations being long-term (>100 days). In contrast, M. daubentonii were sexually segregated; only a quarter of pairs were associated at recapture after a few days, and inter-sex associations were not long-lasting. Social groups of M. nattereri and female M. daubentonii had small roost home ranges (mean 0.2 km2 in each case). Intra-specific overlap was low, but inter-specific overlap was high, suggesting territoriality within but not between species. M. daubentonii bachelor colonies did not appear to be excluded from roosting areas used by females.


Our data suggest marked species- and sex-specific patterns of disease and information transmission are likely between bats of the same genus despite sharing a common habitat. The clear partitioning of the woodland amongst social groups, and their apparent reliance on small patches of habitat for roosting, means that localised woodland management may be more important to bat conservation than previously recognised.  相似文献   

We radio-tracked Myotis emarginatus in Upper Bavaria, Germany to identify the key-foraging habitats and to enable an adequate habitat management for this endangered species. The studied females foraged at a distance of up to 8.1 km around their colony roost. The average distance of the foraging area was 3.7 km, where 70% of foraging areas were located within a distance of 5 km and 90% within 6 km of the nurseries. Moreover, these bats spent about 75% of their foraging time within 5 km and 85% within a 6-km radius. To reach the foraging areas, the bats usually used riparian woodlands, hedges and tree lines as flight paths. Specifically, 46.9% of the foraging areas were located in forests, 24.5% in cow sheds, 18.4% in riparian woodlands along streams and 10.2% in fields, villages, orchards, hedges and groves on open land. On average, the bats foraged in forests for 56.2% of the time, during which habitat allocation was possible. In cow sheds the percentage was 29.2%, in riparian deciduous woodland 11.5% and in the other habitats 3.1%. Within forests M. emarginatus avoided foraging in spruce monocultures. Pure stands of spruce covered 45% of the total forest area, but only 10% of the foraging areas were located in this forest type. Deciduous forests on the other hand were much more common as foraging sites (40% versus 11%). Therefore, the availability of native deciduous forest and of fly-infested stables within a radius of 6 km around the colony roosts should be the focus of conservation concepts for M. emarginatus.  相似文献   

Ecomorphological studies of bat communities often reveal the spatial and temporal coexistence of morphologically similar species, leading to suggestions that these communities are structured by non-deterministic processes. However, the diversification of echolocation call structure in bats allows for considerable morphological similarity while still permitting niche differentiation based on specialisation for prey type and habitat structure. The recent separation of a common Palaearctic bat, the pipistrelle, into Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus, which are sympatrically distributed throughout their range, raises the question as to whether these two morphologically similar species partition resources in time and space.
To test the hypothesis that the coexistence of these cryptic species is facilitated by differential habitat use, 14 P . pipistrellus , and 12 P. pygmaeus were radio-tracked from adjacent maternity roosts, in northeast Scotland, from May to September 2002/2003. The two species showed distinct habitat partitioning with P. pygmaeus foraging predominantly in riparian woodland and over water, and P. pipistrellus foraging along woodland edges and short isolated tree lines. Inter-specific overlap in habitat use was low and consequently foraging ranges were segregated spatially.
The degree of habitat partitioning revealed in these species, which show considerable overlap in echolocation call parameters and functional morphology, suggests that morphological features, whilst useful in separating chiropteran species into coarse-grained foraging guilds, may not predict fine-grained ecological segregation.  相似文献   

Conflict can arise when bats roost in human dwellings and householders are affected adversely by their presence. In the United Kingdom, the exclusion of bats from roosts can be licensed under exceptional circumstances to alleviate conflict, but the fate of excluded bats and the impact on their survival and reproduction is not well understood. Using radio-tracking, we investigated the effects of exclusion on the soprano pipistrelle Pipistrellus pygmaeus, a species that commonly roosts in buildings in Europe. Exclusions were performed under licence at five roosts in England in spring, when females were in the early stages of pregnancy. Following exclusion, all bats found alternative roosts and colonies congregated in nearby known roosts that had been used by radio-tagged bats prior to exclusion. We found no difference in roosting behaviour before and after exclusion. Both the frequency of roost switching and the type of roosts used by bats remained unchanged. We also found no change in foraging behaviour. Bats foraged in the same areas, travelled similar distances to reach foraging areas and showed similar patterns of habitat selection before and after exclusion. Population modelling suggested that any reduction in survival following exclusion could have a negative impact on population growth, whereas a reduction in productivity would have less effect. While the number of soprano pipistrelle exclusions currently licensed each year is likely to have little effect on local populations, the cumulative impacts of licensing the destruction of large numbers of roosts may be of concern.  相似文献   

We studied habitat selection by radio tracking Natterer's bats Myotis nattereri foraging in a grassland–woodland landscape. We tested the hypothesis that selection of foraging habitat is random at two levels: firstly, the selection of individual foraging ranges and secondly, the choice of foraging habitats made by individuals within these foraging ranges. Habitat selection was random at neither level. When selecting foraging ranges, bats maximized the area of semi-natural broad-leaved woodland and improved grassland and minimized that of dense coniferous plantations. During foraging, semi-natural broad-leaved woodland and river corridors were preferred, while dense coniferous plantations were avoided. Within individual foraging ranges, the intensity of foraging activity over river corridor habitat and semi-natural broad-leaved woodland was 8.2 and 3.8 times higher, respectively, than that over improved grassland. For successful management of Natterer's bat populations, semi-natural broad-leaved woodland should be retained. Clear felling of large blocks of native broad-leaved woodland should be avoided and conifers should not be used for reforestation. Tree cover along river banks should be encouraged and protected.  相似文献   

We studied the foraging behaviour of Rhinolophus hipposideros on the island “Herrenchiemsee” in Lake Chiemsee (Upper Bavaria) during summer 2001. The island offers extensively managed woodlands, highly structured open landscapes and a broad reed belt around the shore. On average the flight activity of the 6 radio tracked females outside the roost lasted 229 min per night. The home range size varied between 6.8 and 62.7 ha (mean 25.2 ha). The size of the activity centres varied between 2.8 and 8.2 ha (mean 5.3) and all except one were located almost exclusively in woodland. Within woodlands the bats did not select for specific spatial structures (different age classes of the stands or canopy densities). Only two bats regularly foraged in additional habitats outside woodlands. One of these bats used orchards and tree rows; the other foraged over artificial ponds and gardens adjoining to its woodland foraging area. We never found the bats foraging over the lake or the reed belt. Longer linear landscape elements as tree lines were used during commuting flights but there was no indication of a continuous foraging activity along these elements. Two females left the island to forage on the mainland in August after the fledging of juveniles. To reach the mainland shore, the bats had to fly at least 1.2 km across the lake.

Assuming that most foraging flights on the island occur in woodlands, a bat density in this habitat type of 0.7 bats/ha can be calculated.  相似文献   

Myotis capaccinii is one of the most endangered Mediterranean bats. We radio tracked 21 adult individuals to assess foraging range and analyse micro-habitat selection around a nursery roost in central Italy. Habitats were characterized by development of riparian vegetation, distance between banks, degree of water clutter and levels of water pollution (expressed by macro-benthic bioindicators). Diet was also analysed to see whether prey rarity might account for species decline. Myotis capaccinii proved highly mobile: the maximum straight line distance between roost location and the farthest foraging fix recorded on one night was c . 21 km, whereas this variable averaged 7.5 km for the entire study. In general, the species preferred calm waters bordered by well-developed riparian vegetation and large (>5 m) inter-bank distances. Such factors determined the overall quality of foraging sites. Although diet was dominated by pollution-tolerant insects such as Chironomus midges, bats preferred less polluted waters. Our study also confirmed the occurrence of piscivory in this bat. Of the factors potentially responsible for species endangerment, the most likely are general habitat degradation, that is alteration of riparian vegetation and pollution, and cave roost loss. Given the large ecological niche overlap, increasing Myotis daubentonii may be outcompeting M. capaccinii . The most urgent actions to preserve M. capaccinii are extensive restoration of riparian vegetation and strict roost protection. Our study offers indications about where, and how, restoration of riparian vegetation may translate into best conservation results.  相似文献   

Rainho A  Palmeirim JM 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e19227
Many bats are threatened by habitat loss, but opportunities to manage their habitats are now increasing. Success of management depends greatly on the capacity to determine where and how interventions should take place, so models predicting how animals use landscapes are important to plan them. Bats are quite distinctive in the way they use space for foraging because (i) most are colonial central-place foragers and (ii) exploit scattered and distant resources, although this increases flying costs. To evaluate how important distances to resources are in modelling foraging bat habitat suitability, we radio-tracked two cave-dwelling species of conservation concern (Rhinolophus mehelyi and Miniopterus schreibersii) in a Mediterranean landscape. Habitat and distance variables were evaluated using logistic regression modelling. Distance variables greatly increased the performance of models, and distance to roost and to drinking water could alone explain 86 and 73% of the use of space by M. schreibersii and R. mehelyi, respectively. Land-cover and soil productivity also provided a significant contribution to the final models. Habitat suitability maps generated by models with and without distance variables differed substantially, confirming the shortcomings of maps generated without distance variables. Indeed, areas shown as highly suitable in maps generated without distance variables proved poorly suitable when distance variables were also considered. We concluded that distances to resources are determinant in the way bats forage across the landscape, and that using distance variables substantially improves the accuracy of suitability maps generated with spatially explicit models. Consequently, modelling with these variables is important to guide habitat management in bats and similarly mobile animals, particularly if they are central-place foragers or depend on spatially scarce resources.  相似文献   

Social dynamics are an important but poorly understood aspect of bat ecology. Herein we use a combination of graph theoretic and spatial approaches to describe the roost and social network characteristics and foraging associations of an Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) maternity colony in an agricultural landscape in Ohio, USA. We tracked 46 bats to 50 roosts (423 total relocations) and collected 2,306 foraging locations for 40 bats during the summers of 2009 and 2010. We found the colony roosting network was highly centralized in both years and that roost and social networks differed significantly from random networks. Roost and social network structure also differed substantially between years. Social network structure appeared to be unrelated to segregation of roosts between age classes. For bats whose individual foraging ranges were calculated, many shared foraging space with at least one other bat. Compared across all possible bat dyads, 47% and 43% of the dyads showed more than expected overlap of foraging areas in 2009 and 2010 respectively. Colony roosting area differed between years, but the roosting area centroid shifted only 332 m. In contrast, whole colony foraging area use was similar between years. Random roost removal simulations suggest that Indiana bat colonies may be robust to loss of a limited number of roosts but may respond differently from year to year. Our study emphasizes the utility of graphic theoretic and spatial approaches for examining the sociality and roosting behavior of bats. Detailed knowledge of the relationships between social and spatial aspects of bat ecology could greatly increase conservation effectiveness by allowing more structured approaches to roost and habitat retention for tree-roosting, socially-aggregating bat species.  相似文献   

Ectoparasitism in bats seems to be influenced strongly by the type of roost preferred by the hosts, and group size; however, the effect of habitat loss and fragmentation on the prevalence of ectoparasites in bats has scarcely been studied. In northeastern Yucatan, Mexico, we estimated the prevalence of infestation by Streblidae flies in three phyllostomid bat species with different roost preferences (caves, trees, or both) in two types of landscape matrices (tropical semi‐deciduous forest and man‐made pastures) that differed in area of forest cover and the number of forest fragments. Habitat fragmentation and the presence of a contrasting matrix may limit the availability of roosts (trees) and the movement of bats across the landscape. Accordingly, we hypothesized higher prevalence of Streblidae infestation in the pasture matrix and in the group of bats that roost in trees. Bat abundance was higher in the pasture matrix; however, the prevalence of infestation was significantly higher in the continuous forest matrix and in bats that roosted in caves. The prevalence of some species of Streblidae was affected by habitat fragmentation in species that roost in caves, such as Desmodus rotundus, as well as those using foliage and caves, such as Artibeus jamaicensis. Our results provide evidence that some species of Streblidae may respond differently to habitat fragmentation than their hosts, generating changes to bat‐ectoparasite interactions in fragmented areas. Environmental variations involving roosts, not evaluated in this study, may influence our results, since these factors affect ectoparasite abundance and reproduction.  相似文献   

Wind farms are steadily growing across Europe, with potentially detrimental effects on wildlife. Indeed, cumulative impacts in addition to local effects should be considered when planning wind farm development at a regional scale, and mapping the potential risk to bats at this scale would help in the large-scale planning of wind turbines and focus field surveys on vulnerable areas. Although modelling offers a powerful approach to tackle this goal, its application has been thus far neglected. We developed a simple regional-scale analysis in an area of central Italy (Molise region) that is undergoing considerable wind farm development. We implemented species distribution models (SDMs) for two bat species vulnerable to wind farm impact, Nyctalus leisleri and Pipistrellus pipistrellus. We developed risk maps by overlaying SDMs for the two species with turbine locations, assessed the alteration of the landscape patterns of foraging habitat patches determined by the wind turbines, and identified highly vulnerable areas where wind farm construction would be particularly risky. SDMs were statistically robust (AUC ≥0.8 for both species) and revealed that 41 % of the region offers suitable foraging habitat for both species. These areas host over 50 % of the existing or planned wind farms, with 21 % of the turbines located within 150 m of forest edges, suggesting an increase in fatality risk. The alterations in suitable foraging patches consisted of a 7.7 % increase in the number of patches, a 10.7 % increase in the shape index, and a 8.1 % decrease in the mean patch area. The region’s western portion, which is most suitable to both species, requires careful consideration with regard to future wind farm planning.  相似文献   

Bats frequently roost in historic churches, and these colonies are of considerable conservation value. Inside churches, bat droppings and urine can cause damage to the historic fabric of the building and to items of cultural significance. In extreme cases, large quantities of droppings can restrict the use of a church for worship and/or other community functions. In the United Kingdom, bats and their roosts are protected by law, and striking a balance between conserving the natural and cultural heritage can be a significant challenge. We investigated mitigation strategies that could be employed in churches and other historic buildings to alleviate problems caused by bats without adversely affecting their welfare or conservation status. We used a combination of artificial roost provision and deterrence at churches in Norfolk, England, where significant maternity colonies of Natterer’s bats Myotis nattereri damage church features. Radio-tracking data and population modelling showed that excluding M. nattereri from churches is likely to have a negative impact on their welfare and conservation status, but that judicious use of deterrents, especially high intensity ultrasound, can mitigate problems caused by bats. We show that deterrence can be used to move bats humanely from specific roosting sites within a church and limit the spread of droppings and urine so that problems to congregations and damage to cultural heritage can be much reduced. In addition, construction of bespoke roost spaces within churches can allow bats to continue to roost within the fabric of the building without flying in the church interior. We highlight that deterrence has the potential to cause serious harm to M. nattereri populations if not used judiciously, and so the effects of deterrents will need careful monitoring, and their use needs strict regulation.  相似文献   

Conservation of bat species is one of the most daunting wildlife conservation challenges in North America, requiring detailed knowledge about their ecology to guide conservation efforts. Outside of the hibernating season, bats in temperate forest environments spend their diurnal time in day-roosts. In addition to simple shelter, summer roost availability is as critical as maternity sites and maintaining social group contact. To date, a major focus of bat conservation has concentrated on conserving individual roost sites, with comparatively less focus on the role that broader habitat conditions contribute towards roost-site selection. We evaluated roost-site selection by a northern population of federally-endangered Indiana bats (Myotis sodalis) at Fort Drum Military Installation in New York, USA at three different spatial scales: landscape, forest stand, and individual tree level. During 2007–2011, we radiotracked 33 Indiana bats (10 males, 23 females) and located 348 roosting events in 116 unique roost trees. At the landscape scale, bat roost-site selection was positively associated with northern mixed forest, increased slope, and greater distance from human development. At the stand scale, we observed subtle differences in roost site selection based on sex and season, but roost selection was generally positively associated with larger stands with a higher basal area, larger tree diameter, and a greater sugar maple (Acer saccharum) component. We observed no distinct trends of roosts being near high-quality foraging areas of water and forest edges. At the tree scale, roosts were typically in American elm (Ulmus americana) or sugar maple of large diameter (>30 cm) of moderate decay with loose bark. Collectively, our results highlight the importance of considering day roost needs simultaneously across multiple spatial scales. Size and decay class of individual roosts are key ecological attributes for the Indiana bat, however, larger-scale stand structural components that are products of past and current land use interacting with environmental aspects such as landform also are important factors influencing roost-tree selection patterns.  相似文献   

Understanding how animals select for habitat and foraging resources therein is a crucial component of basic and applied ecology. The selection process is typically influenced by a variety of environmental conditions including the spatial and temporal variation in the quantity and quality of food resources, predation or disturbance risks, and inter‐ and intraspecific competition. Indeed, some of the most commonly employed ecological theories used to describe how animals choose foraging sites are: nutrient intake maximisation, density‐dependent habitat selection, central‐place foraging, and predation risk effects. Even though these theories are not mutually exclusive, rarely are multiple theoretical models considered concomitantly to assess which theory, or combination thereof, best predicts observed changes in habitat selection over space and time. Here, we tested which of the above theories best‐predicted habitat selection of Svalbard‐breeding pink‐footed geese at their main spring migration stopover site in mid‐Norway by computing a series of resource selection functions (RSFs) and their predictive ability (k‐fold cross validation scores). At this stopover site geese fuel intensively as a preparation for breeding and further migration. We found that the predation risk model and a combination of the density‐dependent and central‐place foraging models best‐predicted habitat selection during stopover as geese selected for larger fields where predation risk is typically lower and selection for foraging sites changed as a function of both distance to the roost site (i.e. central‐place) and changes in local density. In contrast to many other studies, the nutritional value of the available food resources did not appear to be a major limiting factor as geese used different food resources proportional to their availability. Our study shows that in an agricultural landscape where nutritional value of food resources is homogeneously high and resource availability changes rapidly; foraging behaviour of geese is largely a tradeoff between fast refuelling and disturbance/predator avoidance.  相似文献   

Susan M.  Swift 《Journal of Zoology》1997,242(2):375-384
Seven nursery roosts and four roosts of male Myotis nattereri , Kuhl 1818 were found in central Scotland at latitude 56–57 N. Most were in crevices in the stonework of man-made structures other than occupied houses. Emergence occurred late in the evening, at an average light intensity of 3.5 lux and emerging bats circled in dark, sheltered areas outside roosts before departing along flyways towards foraging areas. Individuals departed from, and returned to, roosts in groups of 2-6, and circling behaviour was repeated on returning to the roost. During pregnancy, bats from anursery roost made one flight each per night. This increased to an average maximum of 1.84 early in lactation and then decreased again to one around weaning. Night roosts were situated in foraging areas and were used by M. nattereri for resting and grooming, for suckling volant but incompletely weaned young and also, possibly, for information transfer. Important foraging habitats were woodland edges, parkland, roadside vegetation and sheltered areas of water. Arthropod prey was captured both on the wing and by gleaning from foliage, and the bats were able to vary their diet according to arthropod availability. Overall, important prey included Diptera (both Nematocera and higher flies), Trichoptera, Coleoptera and non-flying groups such as Hemiptera, Dermaptera, Arachnida and Opiliones.  相似文献   

Many forest-dwelling bats spend their diurnal inactivity period in tree cavities. During this time bats can save energy through heterothermy. A heterothermic response (torpor) is characterized by a lowered body temperature, reduced metabolic rate, and reduction of other physiological processes, and can be influenced by the microclimatic conditions of roost cavities. The thermal and physical characteristics of roosts used by the sympatric, ecologically, and morphologically similar bat species Myotis bechsteinii, M. nattereri, and Plecotus auritus were compared. These three species differ in their heterothermic behavior, with the lowest skin temperatures observed for P. auritus. Therefore, we hypothesized that roosts occupied by the three species should differ in roost characteristics and microclimatic conditions, whereby P. auritus should select colder and thermally less stable roosts. The results showed that horizontal depth of the cavity, diameter of the roost tree, and microclimatic conditions within roosts differed among species. Roosts of P. auritus had the lowest horizontal depth, lowest thermal stability, and lowest mean minimum roost temperatures. Height of the roost, diameter of the roost tree, and vertical depth were also shown to influence microclimatic conditions. With increasing diameter of the tree and increasing horizontal depth, mean minimum roost temperature increased and thermal stability improved. Furthermore, with ascending height above ground insulation and mean roost temperatures increased. Our results imply that species such as P. auritus, which use pronounced torpor as a primary energy saving strategy, prefer colder cavities that support their heterothermic strategy.  相似文献   

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