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欧阳平凯 《生物工程学报》2022,38(11):3991-4000
工业生物技术是指以微生物或酶为催化剂进行物质转化,大规模地生产人类所需的化学品、医药、燃料、材料、食品等产品的生物技术。发展工业生物技术是人类由化石经济向生物经济过渡的关键路径,是解决人类目前面临的资源、能源及环境问题的重要手段。中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所是我国工业生物技术和生物制造领域的主力代表。本文结合该研究所成立十年来的发展,简要回顾了我国工业生物技术发展战略规划布局、重要技术突破进展和行业影响,并对我国工业生物技术和生物制造的未来发展进行了展望分析。  相似文献   

王钦宏  马延和 《生物工程学报》2022,38(11):3981-3990
工业生物技术是指以微生物或酶为催化剂进行物质转化,大规模地生产人类所需的化学品、医药、燃料、材料、食品等产品的生物技术。发展工业生物技术是人类由化石经济向生物经济过渡的关键路径,是解决人类目前面临的资源、能源及环境问题的重要手段。中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所是我国工业生物技术和生物制造领域的主力代表。本文结合该研究所成立十年来的发展,简要回顾了我国工业生物技术发展战略规划布局、重要技术突破进展和行业影响,并对我国工业生物技术和生物制造的未来发展进行了展望分析。  相似文献   

以“创新支撑发展,产业成就未来”为主题的第三届中国工业生物技术发展高峰论坛,于4月23日~25日在天津滨海新区隆重举行。本次论坛由中科院生命科学与生物技术局、国家发展和改革委员会高技术产业司、科技部中国生物技术发展中心、中国生物工程学会共同主办,中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所(筹)、中国科学院微生物研究所、天津市高新技术成果转化中心承办。来自全国的300多位与会代表出席了本次论坛。  相似文献   

中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所是中国科学院与天津市人民政府共建的中国科学院序列研究所,是中国科学院面向国家战略需求和区域经济社会发展需求,响应党中央国务院部署,探索产学研结合高效技术转移模式,积极支持天津滨海新区建设的一项重大战略决策。  相似文献   

中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所(筹)(简称天津生物技术所)是中国科学院直属科研机构.肩负着引领我国工业生物技术跨越式发展,促进天津市、环渤海地区乃至全国工业可持续发展的历史使命。  相似文献   

中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所(筹)(简称天津生物技术所)是中国科学院直属科研机构.肩负着引领我国工业生物技术跨越式发展.促进天津市、环渤海地区乃至全国工业可持续发展的历史使命。  相似文献   

近日,中国科学院微生物研究所与天津保税区管委会在天津签订了联合建设天津工业生物技术研发基地的合作协议。中国科学院微生物研究所所长高福与天津市委副秘书长,天津保税区管委会主任苟利军分别在合作协议上签字,这表明该所与天津保税区的合作进入了一个崭新的阶段,天津研发基地的建设也即将全面展开。  相似文献   

2013年5月10日,由中国科学院生命科学与生物技术局、科技部中国生物技术发展中心、国家发展和改革委员会高技术产业司、中国生物工程学会和天津市科学技术委员会共同主办,中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所承办的第七届中国工业生物技术发展高峰论坛在天津隆重开幕。  相似文献   

赵国屏 《生物工程学报》2022,38(11):4001-4011
“合成生物学”在生命科学研究中汇聚了工程、物理、化学、数学、计算机等学科的进展,采用工程科学的研究理念,对生物体进行有目标地设计、改造乃至重新合成,甚至创建赋予非自然功能的“人造生命”,推动了从认识生命到设计生命的跨越,正在引领产业技术变革和生物经济可持续发展。本文结合中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所作为我国合成生物学领域重要代表成立十年来的发展,聚焦“造物致用”,简要回顾和梳理了国内外合成生物学的重要科技进展与产业发展状况,并展望分析了我国合成生物学的未来发展。  相似文献   

国家级微藻能源研究项目近日启动由中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所等多家单位共同承担的"微藻能源规模化制备的科学基础"国家973项目已于近日正式启动。  相似文献   

Life science and biotechnology have become a top priority in research and development in many countries as the world marches into the new century. China as a developing country with a 1.3 billion population and booming economy is actively meeting the challenge of a new era in this area of research. Owing to support from the government and the scientific community, and reform to improve the infrastructure, recent years have witnessed a rapid progress in some important fields of life science and biotechnology in China, such as genomics and protein sciences, neuroscience, systematics, super-hybrid rice research, stem cell and cloning technology, gene therapy and drug/vaccine development. The planned expansion and development of innovation in related sectors and the area of bioethics are described and discussed.  相似文献   

从知识创新展望21世纪生物多样性科学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先简要介绍汤佩松(1983)创新植物学,随后根据其创新思想分析了生物多样性三个层次研究的现状和问题。提出了一个根据DNA 序列变异尺度为标准的新的遗传多样性等级制度。为了避免物种和其他分类群的随意性, 建议以DNA 序列变异作为可操作的分类单元(OTU)和国际上进化上显著单元(ESU)相呼应。下一世纪的分子系统学和分子生态学可能重点研究DNA 变异, 特别是重复序列的变化对生物生命活动的调控, 在分子水平上揭示结构和功能的进化和适应。第三部分讨论Diversitas五个核心课题, 说明分子水平研究和生物技术对生物多样性保护和持续利用的重要性和迫切性。最后评论了" 天人合一" 为代表的反科学主义思潮, 坚持科学进步。  相似文献   

The wine industry in South Africa is over three centuries old and over the last decade has reemerged as a significant competitor in world wine markets. The Institute for Wine Biotechnology (IWBT) was established in partnership with the Department of Viticulture and Oenology at Stellenbosch University to foster basic fundamental research in the wine sciences leading to applications in the broader wine and grapevine industries. This review focuses on the different research programmes of the Institute (grapevine, yeast and bacteria biotechnology programmes, and chemical-analytical research), commercialisation activities (SunBio) and new initiatives to integrate the various research disciplines. An important focus of future research is the Wine Science Research Niche Area programme, which connects the different research thrusts of the IWBT and of several research partners in viticulture, oenology, food science and chemistry. This 'Functional Wine-omics' programme uses a systems biology approach to wine-related organisms. The data generated within the programme will be integrated with other data sets from viticulture, oenology, analytical chemistry and the sensory sciences through chemometrics and other statistical tools. The aim of the programme is to model aspects of the wine making process, from the vineyard to the finished product.  相似文献   

秦松  林瀚智  姜鹏 《生物学杂志》2010,27(1):64-67,49
随着可供利用的陆生资源的日益枯竭以及系统生物学与整合生物技术的兴起,藻类学研究正面临着许多前所未有的挑战与机遇。在312次香山科学会议——《藻类学的新前沿》上,与会专家围绕“系统生物学时代的藻类学研究”、“面向资源环境新需求的藻类生物技术”、“藻类学科和藻类产业的可持续发展”、“藻类与环境”等关键问题,进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

Innovations are central for the economic growth; however, the use of new technologies needs to be widely accepted in the general public and the society as a whole. Biotechnology in general, and the use of genetic engineering in food production in particular are seen critically by the European public and perceived as "risky", and a transatlantic divide between European and US citizens has been observed. This review investigates the reasons for those differing perceptions and proposes new strategies to communicate the benefits of biotechnology in agriculture to a broader public. When analyzing the dialogue process that has taken place between public, scientists, governmental organizations and industry, questions arise on what has been done differently in Europe, in order to propose new, more successful and efficient communication strategies for the future.  相似文献   

汤章城 《生命科学》2002,14(6):375-378
由于空间生物技术潜在重大社会和经济效益。加强探索空间生物技术的发展。目前已经成为空间科学技术发展的重点之一。我国的空间技术在系列应用卫星成功发展的基础上,已将进入到更先进的载人飞船阶段。我国的科技人员将会有更多的机会,更好的条件在空间开展生物技术的研究。以促进其发展和应用,造福于人类,本文简要地介绍了空间发展生物技术的优越性。空间生物技术发展的热点和趋势,以及空间生物技术硬件发展的动态。  相似文献   


In this essay I posit race as a kind of technology, one that creates parallel universes and premature death, requiring routine maintenance and upgrade. I suggest that David Theo Goldberg’s Are We Postracial Yet? is a story of innovation that expertly exposes the trade secrets of the social production of race. I argue that not only are technological and social innovation metaphorically linked; technoscience is also one of the most effective conduits for reproducing racial inequality, and so I extend Goldberg’s analysis to address the central role of science and technology in modern statecraft and racecraft. Finally, if postracial innovators are busily refurbishing racism to remake inequality, then those who seek radical transformation in the other direction, towards freedom and justice, must re-examine the default settings, rather than the routine breakdowns, of social life.  相似文献   

Heavey P 《Bioethics》2013,27(1):36-47
Some religious believers may see synthetic biology as usurping God's creative role. The Catholic Church has yet to issue a formal teaching on the field (though it has issued some informal statements in response to Craig Venter's development of a 'synthetic' cell). In this paper I examine the likely reaction of the Catholic Magisterium to synthetic biology in its entirety. I begin by examining the Church's teaching role, from its own viewpoint, to set the necessary backround and context for the discussion that follows. I then describe the Church's attitude to science, and particularly to biotechnology. From this I derive a likely Catholic theology of synthetic biology. The Church's teachings on scientific and biotech research show that it is likely to have a generally positive disposition to synbio, if it and its products can be acceptably safe. Proper evaluation of, and protection against, risk will be a significant factor in determining the morality of the research. If the risks can be minimized through regulation or other means, then the Church is likely to be supportive. The Church will also critique the social and legal environment in which the research is done, evaluating issues such as the patenting of scientific discoveries and of life.  相似文献   

The physiology of plant hormones was one of the most dynamic fields in experimental biology in the 1930s, and an important part of T. H. Morgan's influential life science division at the California Institute of Technology. I describe one episode of plant physiology research at the institution in which faculty member James Bonner discovered that the B vitamin thiamin is a plant growth regulator, and then worked in close collaboration with the Merck pharmaceutical firm to develop it as a growth-boosting agrichemical. This episode allows one to draw continuities between certain fields of life science in the United States circa 1940 and the biotechnology industry today, and also foregrounds a number of similarities between plant physiology of the late 1930s and the molecular biology of the period. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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