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Clostridium difficile infection is a serious and highly prevalent nosocomial disease in which the two large, Rho-glucosylating toxins TcdA and TcdB are the main virulence factors. We report for the first time crystal structures revealing how neutralizing and non-neutralizing single-domain antibodies (sdAbs) recognize the receptor-binding domains (RBDs) of TcdA and TcdB. Surprisingly, the complexes formed by two neutralizing antibodies recognizing TcdA do not show direct interference with the previously identified carbohydrate-binding sites, suggesting that neutralization of toxin activity may be mediated by mechanisms distinct from steric blockage of receptor binding. A camelid sdAb complex also reveals the molecular structure of the TcdB RBD for the first time, facilitating the crystallization of a strongly negatively charged protein fragment that has resisted previous attempts at crystallization and structure determination. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry measurements confirm the stoichiometries of sdAbs observed in the crystal structures. These studies indicate how key epitopes in the RBDs from TcdA and TcdB are recognized by sdAbs, providing molecular insights into toxin structure and function and providing for the first time a basis for the design of highly specific toxin-specific therapeutic and diagnostic agents.  相似文献   

Microcin B17 (McB) is a 43-amino acid antibacterial peptide targeting the DNA gyrase. The McB precursor is ribosomally produced and then post-translationally modified by the McbBCD synthase. Active mature McB contains eight oxazole and thiazole heterocycles. Here, we show that a major portion of mature McB contains an additional unusual modification, a backbone ester bond connecting McB residues 51 and 52. The modification results from an N → O shift of the Ser(52) residue located immediately downstream of one of McB thiazole heterocycles. We speculate that the N,O-peptidyl shift undergone by Ser(52) is an intermediate of post-translational modification reactions catalyzed by the McbBCD synthase that normally lead to formation of McB heterocycles.  相似文献   

NarE is a 16 kDa protein identified from Neisseria meningitidis, one of the bacterial pathogens responsible for meningitis. NarE belongs to the family of ADP-ribosyltransferases (ADPRT) and catalyzes the transfer of ADP-ribose moieties to arginine residues in target protein acceptors. Many pathogenic bacteria utilize ADP-ribosylating toxins to modify and alter essential functions of eukaryotic cells. NarE is further the first ADPRT which could be shown to bind iron through a Fe-S center, which is crucial for the catalytic activity. Here we present the NMR solution structure of NarE, which shows structural homology to other ADPRTs. Using NMR titration experiments we could identify from Chemical Shift Perturbation data both the NAD binding site, which is in perfect agreement with a consensus sequence analysis between different ADPRTs, as well as the iron coordination site, which consists of 2 cysteines and 2 histidines. This atypical iron coordination is also capable to bind zinc. These results could be fortified by site-directed mutagenesis of the catalytic region, which identified two functionally crucial residues. We could further identify a main interaction region of NarE with antibodies using two complementary methods based on antibody immobilization, proteolytic digestion, and mass spectrometry. This study combines structural and functional features of NarE providing for the first time a characterization of an iron-dependent ADPRT.  相似文献   

Myopia, the leading cause of visual impairment worldwide, results from an increase in the axial length of the eyeball. Mutations in LEPREL1, the gene encoding prolyl 3-hydroxylase-2 (P3H2), have recently been identified in individuals with recessively inherited nonsyndromic severe myopia. P3H2 is a member of a family of genes that includes three isoenzymes of prolyl 3-hydroxylase (P3H), P3H1, P3H2, and P3H3. Fundamentally, it is understood that P3H1 is responsible for converting proline to 3-hydroxyproline. This limited additional knowledge also suggests that each isoenzyme has evolved different collagen sequence-preferred substrate specificities. In this study, differences in prolyl 3-hydroxylation were screened in eye tissues from P3h2-null (P3h2n/n) and wild-type mice to seek tissue-specific effects due the lack of P3H2 activity on post-translational collagen chemistry that could explain myopia. The mice were viable and had no gross musculoskeletal phenotypes. Tissues from sclera and cornea (type I collagen) and lens capsule (type IV collagen) were dissected from mouse eyes, and multiple sites of prolyl 3-hydroxylation were identified by mass spectrometry. The level of prolyl 3-hydroxylation at multiple substrate sites from type I collagen chains was high in sclera, similar to tendon. Almost every known site of prolyl 3-hydroxylation in types I and IV collagen from P3h2n/n mouse eye tissues was significantly under-hydroxylated compared with their wild-type littermates. We conclude that altered collagen prolyl 3-hydroxylation is caused by loss of P3H2. We hypothesize that this leads to structural abnormalities in multiple eye tissues, but particularly sclera, causing progressive myopia.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus causes a wide range of human disease ranging from localized skin and soft tissue infections to potentially lethal systemic infections. S. aureus has the biosynthetic ability to generate numerous virulence factors that assist in circumventing the innate immune system during disease pathogenesis. Recent studies have uncovered a set of extracellular peptides produced by community-associated methicillin-resistant S. aureus (CA-MRSA) with homology to the phenol-soluble modulins (PSMs) from Staphylococcus epidermidis. CA-MRSA PSMs contribute to skin infection and recruit and lyse neutrophils, and truncated versions of these peptides possess antimicrobial activity. In this study, novel CA-MRSA PSM derivatives were discovered by the use of microbial imaging mass spectrometry. The novel PSM derivatives are compared with their parent full-length peptides for changes in hemolytic, cytolytic, and neutrophil-stimulating activity. A potential contribution of the major S. aureus secreted protease aureolysin in processing PSMs is demonstrated. Finally, we show that PSM processing occurs in multiple CA-MRSA strains by structural confirmation of additional novel derivatives. This work demonstrates that IMS can serve as a useful tool to go beyond genome predictions and expand our understanding of the important family of small peptide virulence factors.  相似文献   

The presence of the prion protein (PrP) in normal human urine is controversial and currently inconclusive. This issue has taken a special relevance because prion infectivity has been demonstrated in urine of animals carrying experimental or naturally occurring prion diseases, but the actual presence and tissue origin of the infectious prion have not been determined. We used immunoprecipitation, one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry to prove definitely the presence of PrP in human urine and its post-translational modifications. We show that urinary PrP (uPrP) is truncated mainly at residue 112 but also at other residues up to 122. This truncation makes uPrP undetectable with some commonly used antibodies to PrP. uPrP is glycosylated and carries an anchor which, at variance with that of cellular PrP, lacks the inositol-associated phospholipid moiety, indicating that uPrP is probably shed from the cell surface. The detailed characterization of uPrP reported here definitely proves the presence of PrP in human urine and will help determine the origin of prion infectivity in urine.  相似文献   

Fibrillar type I collagen is the major organic component in bone, providing a stable template for mineralization. During collagen biosynthesis, specific hydroxylysine residues become glycosylated in the form of galactosyl- and glucosylgalactosyl-hydroxylysine. Furthermore, key glycosylated hydroxylysine residues, α1/2-87, are involved in covalent intermolecular cross-linking. Although cross-linking is crucial for the stability and mineralization of collagen, the biological function of glycosylation in cross-linking is not well understood. In this study, we quantitatively characterized glycosylation of non-cross-linked and cross-linked peptides by biochemical and nanoscale liquid chromatography-high resolution tandem mass spectrometric analyses. The results showed that glycosylation of non-cross-linked hydroxylysine is different from that involved in cross-linking. Among the cross-linked species involving α1/2-87, divalent cross-links were glycosylated with both mono- and disaccharides, whereas the mature, trivalent cross-links were primarily monoglycosylated. Markedly diminished diglycosylation in trivalent cross-links at this locus was also confirmed in type II collagen. The data, together with our recent report (Sricholpech, M., Perdivara, I., Yokoyama, M., Nagaoka, H., Terajima, M., Tomer, K. B., and Yamauchi, M. (2012) Lysyl hydroxylase 3-mediated glucosylation in type I collagen: molecular loci and biological significance. J. Biol. Chem. 287, 22998–23009), indicate that the extent and pattern of glycosylation may regulate cross-link maturation in fibrillar collagen.  相似文献   

The human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes produces pili that are essential for adhesion to host surface receptors. Cpa, the adhesin at the pilus tip, was recently shown to have a thioester-containing domain. The thioester bond is believed to be important in adhesion, implying a mechanism of covalent attachment analogous to that used by human complement factors. Here, we have characterized a second active thioester-containing domain on Cpa, the N-terminal domain of Cpa (CpaN). Expression of CpaN in Escherichia coli gave covalently linked dimers. These were shown by x-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry to comprise two CpaN molecules cross-linked by the polyamine spermidine following reaction with the thioester bonds. This cross-linked CpaN dimer provides a model for the covalent attachment of Cpa to target receptors and thus the streptococcal pilus to host cells. Similar thioester domains were identified in cell wall proteins of other Gram-positive pathogens, suggesting that thioester domains are more widely used and provide a mechanism of adhesion by covalent bonding to target molecules on host cells that mimics that used by the human complement system to eliminate pathogens.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide FF2 (NPFF2) receptor belongs to the rhodopsin family of G protein-coupled receptors and mediates the effects of several related RFamide neuropeptides. One of the main pharmacological interests of this system resides in its ability to regulate endogenous opioid systems, making it a potential target to reduce the negative effects of chronic opioid use. Phosphorylation of intracellular residues is the most extensively studied post-translational modification regulating G protein-coupled receptor activity. However, until now, no information concerning NPFF2 receptor phosphorylation is available. In this study, we combined mass spectrometric analysis and site-directed mutagenesis to analyze for the first time the phosphorylation pattern of the NPFF2 receptor and the role of the various phosphorylation sites in receptor signaling, desensitization, and trafficking in a SH-SY5Y model cell line. We identified the major, likely GRK-dependent, phosphorylation cluster responsible for acute desensitization, 412TNST415 at the end of the C terminus of the receptor, and additional sites involved in desensitization (372TS373) and internalization (Ser395). We thus demonstrate the key role played by phosphorylation in the regulation of NPFF2 receptor activity and trafficking. Our data also provide additional evidence supporting the concept that desensitization and internalization are partially independent processes relying on distinct phosphorylation patterns.  相似文献   

Oxidative damage by myeloperoxidase (MPO) has been proposed to deprive HDL of its cardioprotective effects. In vitro studies reveal that MPO chlorinates and nitrates specific tyrosine residues of apoA-I, the major HDL protein. After Tyr-192 is chlorinated, apoA-I is less able to promote cholesterol efflux by the ABCA1 pathway. To investigate the potential role of this pathway in vivo, we used tandem mass spectrometry with selected reaction monitoring to quantify the regiospecific oxidation of apoA-I. This approach demonstrated that Tyr-192 is the major chlorination site in apoA-I in both plasma and lesion HDL of humans. We also found that Tyr-192 is the major nitration site in apoA-I of circulating HDL but that Tyr-18 is the major site in lesion HDL. Levels of 3-nitrotyrosine strongly correlated with levels of 3-chlorotyrosine in lesion HDL, and Tyr-18 of apoA-I was the major nitration site in HDL exposed to MPO in vitro, suggesting that MPO is the major pathway for chlorination and nitration of HDL in human atherosclerotic tissue. These observations may have implications for treating cardiovascular disease, because recombinant apoA-I is under investigation as a therapeutic agent and mutant forms of apoA-I that resist oxidation might be more cardioprotective than the native form.  相似文献   

Because of its unique physical and chemical properties, rat tail tendon collagen has long been favored for crystallographic and biochemical studies of fibril structure. In studies of the distribution of 3-hydroxyproline in type I collagen of rat bone, skin, and tail tendon by mass spectrometry, the repeating sequences of Gly-Pro-Pro (GPP) triplets at the C terminus of α1(I) and α2(I) chains were shown to be heavily 3-hydroxylated in tendon but not in skin and bone. By isolating the tryptic peptides and subjecting them to Edman sequence analysis, the presence of repeating 3-hydroxyprolines in consecutive GPP triplets adjacent to 4-hydroxyproline was confirmed as a unique feature of the tendon collagen. A 1960s study by Piez et al. (Piez, K. A., Eigner, E. A., and Lewis, M. S. (1963) Biochemistry 2, 58-66) in which they compared the amino acid compositions of rat skin and tail tendon type I collagen chains indeed showed 3-4 residues of 3Hyp in tendon α1(I) and α2(I) chains but only one 3Hyp residue in skin α1(I) and none in α2(I). The present work therefore confirms this difference and localizes the additional 3Hyp to the GPP repeat at the C terminus of the triple-helix. We speculate on the significance in terms of a potential function in contributing to the unique assembly mechanism and molecular packing in tendon collagen fibrils and on mechanisms that could regulate 3-hydroxylation at this novel substrate site in a tissue-specific manner.  相似文献   

In this study, we report a detailed analysis of the different variants of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides in the brains and the cerebrospinal fluid from APP23 transgenic mice, expressing amyloid precursor protein with the Swedish familial Alzheimer disease mutation, at different ages. Using one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting, and mass spectrometry, we identified the Aβ peptides Aβ(1-40), -(1-42), -(1-39), -(1-38), -(1-37), -(2-40), and -(3-40) as well as minor amounts of pyroglutamate-modified Aβ (Aβ(N3pE)) and endogenous murine Aβ in brains from 24-month-old mice. Chemical modifications of the N-terminal amino group of Aβ were identified that had clearly been introduced during standard experimental procedures. To address this issue, we additionally applied amyloid extraction in ultrapure water. Clear differences between APP23 mice and Alzheimer disease (AD) brain samples were observed in terms of the relative abundance of specific variants of Aβ peptides, such as Aβ(N3pE), Aβ(1-42), and N-terminally truncated Aβ(2/3-42). These differences to human AD amyloid were also noticed in a related mouse line transgenic for human wild type amyloid precursor protein. Taken together, our findings suggest different underlying molecular mechanisms driving the amyloid deposition in transgenic mice and AD patients.  相似文献   

Myocardial ischemia and cardioprotection by ischemic pre-conditioning induce signal networks aimed at survival or cell death if the ischemic period is prolonged. These pathways are mediated by protein post-translational modifications that are hypothesized to cross-talk with and regulate each other. Phosphopeptides and lysine-acetylated peptides were quantified in isolated rat hearts subjected to ischemia or ischemic pre-conditioning, with and without splitomicin inhibition of lysine deacetylation. We show lysine acetylation (acetyl-Lys)-dependent activation of AMP-activated protein kinase, AKT, and PKA kinases during ischemia. Phosphorylation and acetyl-Lys sites mapped onto tertiary structures were proximal in >50% of proteins investigated, yet they were mutually exclusive in 50 ischemic pre-conditioning- and/or ischemia-associated peptides containing the KXXS basophilic protein kinase consensus motif. Modifications in this motif were modeled in the C terminus of muscle-type creatine kinase. Acetyl-Lys increased proximal dephosphorylation by 10-fold. Structural analysis of modified muscle-type creatine kinase peptide variants by two-dimensional NMR revealed stabilization via a lysine-phosphate salt bridge, which was disrupted by acetyl-Lys resulting in backbone flexibility and increased phosphatase accessibility.  相似文献   

Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain protein 1 (Nod1) is an intracellular protein involved in recognition of the bacterial component peptidoglycan. This recognition event induces a host defense response to eliminate invading pathogens. The genetic variation of Nod1 has been linked to several inflammatory diseases and allergies, which are strongly affected by environmental factors. We have found that many of the bacteria that contain DAP-type peptidoglycan release Nod1 ligands into the environment. However, the structures of natural Nod1 ligands in the environment are not well understood. Herein, we report the isolation and structural elucidation of natural human Nod1 (hNod1) ligands from the Escherichia coli K-12 culture supernatant. The supernatant was fractionated with reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC), resulting in the isolation of several hNod1 stimulatory fractions. Structural characterization studies demonstrated that the molecular structure of the most active fraction was the native hNod1 ligand GlcNAc-(β1–4)-(anhydro)MurNAc-l-Ala-γ-d-Glu-meso-DAP. We also found other peptidoglycan fragments using the 7-(diethylamino)coumarin-3-carbonyl labeling method to enhance sensitivity in mass spectroscopy studies. These results suggested that DAP-containing bacteria release certain hNod1 ligands to the environment, and these ligands would accumulate in the environment and regulate the immune system through Nod1.  相似文献   

Based on their sequences, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hpa2 and Hpa3 proteins are annotated as two closely related members of the Gcn5 acetyltransferase family. Here, we describe the biochemical characterization of Hpa2 and Hpa3 as bona fide acetyltransferases with different substrate specificities. Mutational and MALDI-TOF analyses showed that Hpa3 translation initiates primarily from Met-19 rather than the annotated start site, Met-1, with a minor product starting at Met-27. When expressed in Escherichia coli and assayed in vitro, Hpa2 and Hpa3 (from Met-19) acetylated histones and polyamines. Whereas Hpa2 acetylated histones H3 and H4 (at H3 Lys-14, H4 Lys-5, and H4 Lys-12), Hpa3 acetylated only histone H4 (at Lys-8). Additionally, Hpa2, but not Hpa3, acetylated certain small basic proteins. Hpa3, but not Hpa2, has been reported to acetylate d-amino acids, and we present results consistent with that. Overexpression of Hpa2 or Hpa3 is toxic to yeast cells. However, their deletions do not show any standard phenotypic defects. These results suggest that Hpa2 and Hpa3 are similar but distinct acetyltransferases that might have overlapping roles with other known acetyltransferases in vivo in acetylating histones and other small proteins.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is a phenomenally successful human pathogen having evolved mechanisms that allow it to survive within the hazardous environment of macrophages and establish long term, persistent infection in the host against the control of cell-mediated immunity. One such mechanism is mediated by the truncated hemoglobin, HbN, of Mtb that displays a potent O2-dependent nitric oxide dioxygenase activity and protects its host from the toxicity of macrophage-generated nitric oxide (NO). Here we demonstrate for the first time that HbN is post-translationally modified by glycosylation in Mtb and remains localized on the cell membrane and the cell wall. The glycan linkage in the HbN was identified as mannose. The elevated expression of HbN in Mtb and M. smegmatis facilitated their entry within the macrophages as compared with isogenic control cells, and mutation in the glycan linkage of HbN disrupted this effect. Additionally, HbN-expressing cells exhibited higher survival within the THP-1 and mouse peritoneal macrophages, simultaneously increasing the intracellular level of proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α and suppressing the expression of co-stimulatory surface markers CD80 and CD86. These results, thus, suggest the involvement of HbN in modulating the host-pathogen interactions and immune system of the host apart from protecting the bacilli from nitrosative stress inside the activated macrophages, consequently driving cells toward increased infectivity and intracellular survival.  相似文献   

Malaria is one of the deadliest infectious diseases worldwide. The most severe form is caused by the eukaryotic protozoan parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of post-translational regulations for the parasite's progression throughout its life cycle, protein ubiquitylation being certainly one of the most abundant. The specificity of its components and the wide range of biological processes in which it is involved make the ubiquitylation pathway a promising source of suitable targets for anti-malarial drug development. Here, we combined immunofluorescent microscopy, biochemical assays, in silico prediction, and mass spectrometry analysis using the multidimensional protein identification technology, or MudPIT, to describe the P. falciparum ubiquitome. We found that ubiquitin conjugates are detected at every morphological stage of the parasite erythrocytic cycle. Furthermore, we detected that more than half of the parasite's proteome represents possible targets for ubiquitylation, especially proteins found to be present at the most replicative stage of the asexual cycle, the trophozoite stage. A large proportion of ubiquitin conjugates were also detected at the schizont stage, consistent with a cell activity slowdown to prepare for merozoite differentiation and invasion. Finally, for the first time in the human malaria parasite, our results strongly indicate the presence of heterologous mixed conjugations, SUMO/UB. This discovery suggests that sumoylated proteins may be regulated by ubiquitylation in P. falciparum. Altogether, our results present the first stepping stone toward a better understanding of ubiquitylation and its role(s) in the biology of the human malaria parasite.  相似文献   

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