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The structures of the 5' termini of the protamine mRNAs (PmRNAs) have been investigated by inhibiting their translation in wheat-germ extracts in the presence of 7-methyl guanosine 5'-phosphate (m7GMP), an analogue of cap structure in mRNAs. Second, the cap structures on PmRNAs were examined by labelling the RNA at the 5' end with T4 polynucleotide kinase and [-32p]ATP before and after removal of these structures with tobacco acid pyrophosphatase and alkaline phosphatase. The results indicate that cap structures of the PmRNAs are heterogeneous. It appears that the mRNAs coding Ior protamine components CI and CIII have at least a cap 1 structure while the mRNAs coding for CII do not appear to be capped or methylated.  相似文献   

Human ACAT1 cDNA K1 was first cloned and functionally expressed in 1993. There are two adjacent in-frame AUG codons, AUG1397-1399 and AUG1415-1417, at 5′-terminus of the open reading frame (ORF,nt 1397-3049) of human ACAT1 mRNA corresponding to cDNA K1. In current work, these two adjacent in-frame AUGs at 5′-terminus of the predicted ORF (5′-ORF-AUGs) as start codons for translation initiation of human ACAT1 mRNA were characterized in detail. Codon mutations indicated that both of these two adjacent 5′-ORF-AUGs can be selected as start codons but the first 5′-ORF-AUG1397-1399 is a main start codon consistent with that of the predicted ORF of human ACAT1 mRNA. Further deletion and mutation analyses demonstrated that a stable upstream stem-loop structure enhanced the selection of the first 5′-ORF-AUG1397-1399 as a main start codon, in addition to upstream nucleotide A in the -3 position, which is a key site of Kozak sequence. In addition, result of ACAT1 enzymatic activity assay showed no obvious difference between these two ACAT1 proteins respectively initiated from the two adjacent 5′-ORF-AUGs. This work showed that astable upstream stem-loop structure could modulate the start codon selection during translation initiation of mRNAs that contain adjacent multi-5′-ORF-AUGs.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic mRNAs that prematurely terminate translation are recognized and degraded by nonsense mediated decay (NMD). This degradation pathway is well studied in animal and yeast cells. The data available imply that NMD also takes place in plants. However, the molecular mechanism of recognition and degradation of plant RNAs containing premature terminator codon (PTC) is not known. Here we report that in plant cells this mechanism involves the recognition of the sizes of the 3'-untranslated regions (3'UTR). Plant 3'UTRs longer than 300 nucleotides induce mRNA instability. Contrary to mammalian and yeast cells, this destabilization does not depend on the presence of any specific sequences downstream of the terminator codon. Unlike nuclear-produced mRNAs, plant virus vector long 3'UTR-containing RNAs, which are synthesized directly in the cytoplasm, are stable and translated efficiently. This shows that RNAs produced in the cytoplasm by viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase are able to avoid the proposed mechanism.  相似文献   

The arrangement of the template sequence 3′ of the A-site codon on the 80S ribosome was studied using mRNA analogs containing Phe codon UUU at the 5′ end and a photoreactive perfluoroarylazido group linked to C5 of U or N7 of G. The analogs were positioned on the ribosome with the use of tRNAPhe, which directed the UUU codon to the P site, bringing a modified nucleotide to position +9 or +12 relative to the first nucleotide of the P-site codon. Upon mild UV irradiation of ribosome complexes, the analogs of both types crosslinked to the 18S rRNA and proteins of the 40S subunit. Comparisons were made with the crosslinking patterns of complexes in which an mRNA analog contained a modified nucleotide in position +7 (the crosslinking to 18S rRNA in such complexes has been studied previously). The efficiency of crosslinking to ribosomal components depended on the nature of the modified nucleotide of an mRNA analog and its position on the ribosome. The extent of crosslinking to the 18S rRNA drastically decreased as the modified nucleotide was transferred from position +7 to position +12. The 18S rRNA nucleotides involved in crosslinking were identified. A modified nucleotide in position +9 crosslinked to the invariant dinucleotide A1824/A1825 and variable A1823 in the 3′ minidomain of the 18S rRNA and to S15. The same ribosomal components have earlier been shown to crosslink to modified nucleotides in positions +4 to +7. In addition, all mRNA analogs crosslinked to invariant C1698 in the 3′ minidomain and to conserved region 605–620, which closes helix 18 in the 5′ domain.  相似文献   

The translation of polyadenylated and of non-poly-adenylated RNA obtained from lactating rat mammary gland was almost totally inhibited by 0,5 mM 7-methylguanosine-5-phosphate in the wheat-germ cell-free system, This inhibition was maintained during the preparation of the 9S whey-protein mRNA and of the 12S and ISS casein mRNAs, Chemical decapping of these mRNAs caused a similar reduction of their activity . Although a large fraction of milk-protein mRNAs have been reported to lack 3-polyadenylation, these results show that the mRNAs in the mammary gland do contain a 5-terminal 7-methylguanosine cap.  相似文献   

Advances in proteomics and large scale studies of potential mitochondrial proteins have led to the identification of many novel mitochondrial proteins in need of further characterization. Among these novel proteins are three mammalian rRNA methyltransferase family members RNMTL1, MRM1, and MRM2. MRM1 and MRM2 have bacterial and yeast homologs, whereas RNMTL1 appears to have evolved later in higher eukaryotes. We recently confirmed the localization of the three proteins to mitochondria, specifically in the vicinity of mtDNA nucleoids. In this study, we took advantage of the ability of 2′-O-ribose modification to block site-specific cleavage of RNA by DNAzymes to show that MRM1, MRM2, and RNMTL1 are responsible for modification of human large subunit rRNA at residues G1145, U1369, and G1370, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The Spec1 and Spec2 mRNAs (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus ectoderm mRNAs) represent a small gene family that encodes 10–12 members of the troponin C superfamily of calcium-binding proteins. These mRNAs and proteins accumulate in the aboral (dorsal) ectoderm of sea urchin embryos and larvae. Using genomic and cDNA clones, we have compared the sequences of four Spec mRNAs: Spec1, Spec2a, Spec2c, and Spec2d. The mRNAs all have at least 120 bases of 5 untranslated leader, approximately 450 bases of open reading frame, and 900 bases (Spec1) or 1250 bases (Spec2a, 2c, 2d) of 3 untranslated trailer. Unexpectedly, when long stretches of 5 untranslated regions or 3 untranslated regions are compared to one another, they are found to be less divergent than the protein-coding regions. Comparing Spec2d, the most divergent member of the family, with the other Spec mRNAs shows that while the protein-coding regions are 60–62% matched, the untranslated regions are greater than 80% matched. Comparisons among Spec1, Spec2a, and Spec2c demonstrate similar but less dramatic conservation of untranslated regions. Our data imply that the Spec gene family has evolved differently from most gene families, with mutations accumulating most rapidly in intron regions, less rapidly in protein-conding regions, and least rapidly in 5 and 3 untranslated regions.  相似文献   

Metazoan replication-dependent histone mRNAs are only present in S-phase, due partly to changes in their stability. These mRNAs end in a unique stem–loop (SL) that is required for both translation and cell-cycle regulation. Previous studies showed that histone mRNA degradation occurs through both 5′→3′ and 3′→5′ processes, but the relative contributions are not known. The 3′ end of histone mRNA is oligouridylated during its degradation, although it is not known whether this is an essential step. We introduced firefly luciferase reporter mRNAs containing the histone 3′ UTR SL (Luc-SL) and either a normal or hDcp2-resistant cap into S-phase HeLa cells. Both mRNAs were translated, and translation initially protected the mRNAs from degradation, but there was a lag of ∼40 min with the uncleavable cap compared to ∼8 min for the normal cap before rapid decay. Knockdown of hDcp2 resulted in a similar longer lag for Luc-SL containing a normal cap, indicating that 5′→3′ decay is important in this system. Inhibition of DNA replication with hydroxyurea accelerated the degradation of Luc-SL. Knockdown of terminal uridyltransferase (TUTase) 4 but not TUTase 3 slowed the decay process, but TUTase 4 knockdown had no effect on destabilization of the mRNA by hydroxyurea. Both Luc-SL and its 5′ decay intermediates were oligouridylated. Preventing oligouridylation by 3′-deoxyadenosine (cordycepin) addition to the mRNA slowed degradation, in the presence or absence of hydroxyurea, suggesting oligouridylation initiates degradation. The spectrum of oligouridylated fragments suggests the 3′→5′ degradation machinery stalls during initial degradation, whereupon reuridylation occurs.  相似文献   

Many mammalian mRNAs possess long 5′ UTRs with numerous stem-loop structures. For some of them, the presence of Internal Ribosome Entry Sites (IRESes) was suggested to explain their significant activity, especially when cap-dependent translation is compromised. To test this hypothesis, we have compared the translation initiation efficiencies of some cellular 5′ UTRs reported to have IRES-activity with those lacking IRES-elements in RNA-transfected cells and cell-free systems. Unlike viral IRESes, the tested 5′ UTRs with so-called ‘cellular IRESes’ demonstrate only background activities when placed in the intercistronic position of dicistronic RNAs. In contrast, they are very active in the monocistronic context and the cap is indispensable for their activities. Surprisingly, in cultured cells or cytoplasmic extracts both the level of stimulation with the cap and the overall translation activity do not correlate with the cumulative energy of the secondary structure of the tested 5′ UTRs. The cap positive effect is still observed under profound inhibition of translation with eIF4E-BP1 but its magnitude varies for individual 5′ UTRs irrespective of the cumulative energy of their secondary structures. Thus, it is not mandatory to invoke the IRES hypothesis, at least for some mRNAs, to explain their preferential translation when eIF4E is partially inactivated.  相似文献   

The tRNA adaptation index (tAI) is a widely used measure of the efficiency by which a coding sequence is recognized by the intra-cellular tRNA pool. This index includes among others weights that represent wobble interactions between codons and tRNA molecules. Currently, these weights are based only on the gene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, the efficiencies of the different codon–tRNA interactions are expected to vary among different organisms. In this study, we suggest a new approach for adjusting the tAI weights to any target model organism without the need for gene expression measurements. Our method is based on optimizing the correlation between the tAI and a measure of codon usage bias. Here, we show that in non-fungal the new tAI weights predict protein abundance significantly better than the traditional tAI weights. The unique tRNA–codon adaptation weights computed for 100 different organisms exhibit a significant correlation with evolutionary distance. The reported results demonstrate the usefulness of the new measure in future genomic studies.  相似文献   

The 18S rRNA nucleotides close to the template nucleotide adjacent to the 80S ribosomal A-site codon on the 3′-end (i.e., the nucleotide in position +7 relative to the first nucleotide of the P-site codon) were identified using the affinity crosslinking approach. For this purpose, the photoreactive mRNA analogues with a perfluorophenylazide group attached through various linkers to the uridine C5, 3′-terminal phosphate or guanosine N7 were used. The position of the mRNA analogues on the ribosome was preset using tRNAPhe, which recognized the phenylalanine codon directed to the P-site. An analysis of the rRNAs isolated from the irradiated complexes of 80S ribosomes showed that all the analogues are almost equally crosslinked to the 18S rRNA nucleotides we attributed to the A-site codon environment: namely, to nucleotides A1823, A1824, and A1825 of the 3′-minidomain and to the 620–630 fragment of the 18S rRNA 5′-domain. In addition, we identified a new component of the mRNA binding site of human ribosomes, nucleotide C1698, belonging to the 18S rRNA 3′-minidomain, using analogues bearing a perfluorophenylazide group on uridine and guanine residues.__________Translated from Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2005, pp. 295–302.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Demeshkina, Styazhkina, Bulygin, Repkova, Ven’yaminova, Karpova.  相似文献   

The effect of increased cellular concentrations of adenosine 3′,5′ monophosphate (cAMP) upon mutation frequency induced by N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) was studied in V79 Chinese hamster lung cells. Incubation with either forskolin, which increased the accumulation of cAMP, or 8BrcAMP, an analogue of cAMP, resulted in an increase in the mutation frequency which was concentration-dependent, regardless of whether these agents were added before or after mutagen treatment. Increased cAMP concentrations were shown in these cells to inhibit growth; however, this does not seem to be the mechanism responsible for the increase in mutation frequency as low serum concentrations which also retard growth reduced the mutation frequency observed with MNNG.  相似文献   

A number of proteases have been immobilized on alumina in a two-step procedure: the first step converted them into semisynthetic phosphoproteins which, in the second step, spontaneously bonded to alumina through their phosphate function. The immobilized enzymes thus obtained showed the physical properties typical of the inorganic carrier and a high activity on low molecular weight substrates.  相似文献   


Oligonucleotides terminating in a 5′-primary amine group are synthesized using solid phase phosphoramidite chemistry. The 5′-terminal amine group in the deprotected oligonucleotide is further derivatized with N-succinimidyl-3-(2-pyridyldithio) propionate (SPDP) followed by treatment with dithiothreitol (DTT) to produce 5′-thiol terminated oligonucleotides. Introduction of 5′-thiol group is further confirmed by reading the absorbance of the released chromophore, pyridine-2-thione at 343 nm; ?343=8080/M.  相似文献   

The translation initiation factor aIF2 of the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (Sso) recruits initiator tRNA to the ribosome and stabilizes mRNAs by binding via the γ-subunit to their 5′-triphosphate end. It has been hypothesized that the latter occurs predominantly during unfavorable growth conditions, and that aIF2 or aIF2-γ is released on relief of nutrient stress to enable in particular anew translation of leaderless mRNAs. As leaderless mRNAs are prevalent in Sso and aIF2-γ bound to the 5′-end of a leaderless RNA inhibited ribosome binding in vitro, we aimed at elucidating the mechanism underlying aIF2/aIF2-γ recycling from mRNAs. We have identified a protein termed Trf (translation recovery factor) that co-purified with trimeric aIF2 during outgrowth of cells from prolonged stationary phase. Subsequent in vitro studies revealed that Trf triggers the release of trimeric aIF2 from RNA, and that Trf directly interacts with the aIF2-γ subunit. The importance of Trf is further underscored by an impaired protein synthesis during outgrowth from stationary phase in a Sso trf deletion mutant.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2014,53(6):1020-1030
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