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Recent studies of reproductive skew have revealed great variationin the distribution of direct fitness among group members, yetthere have been surprisingly few attempts to explore the consequencesof such variation for stable group size, and none that takeinto account the future benefits of group membership to nonbreeders.This means that the existing theory is not suited to explainthe group size of most cooperatively breeding vertebrates andprimitively social insects in which group membership involvessubstantial future benefits. Here we model the group size ofsuch species as social queues in which nonbreeders can inherita breeding position if they outlive those ahead of them in thequeue. We demonstrate, however, that the results can be generalizedto systems in which inheritance occurs via scramble competition,rather than via a strict queue. The model predicts that stablegroup size will depend on the number of breeding positions inthe group and the mortality rates of breeders and nonbreeders,but not on the distribution of reproduction among the pool ofbreeders. This is because deaths occur at random, so that eachindividual has the same chance of surviving to reach each breedingposition. We tested a specific prediction of the model usingdata on ovarian development in the paper wasp, Polistes dominulus.We found a positive correlation between group size and the proportionof females with fully developed eggs, as predicted. Our resultsclarify the interaction between the dominance structure andsize of animal groups and add to the growing recognition ofthe potential for inheritance as a major determinant of bothindividual behavior and group-level characteristics of animalsocieties.  相似文献   

Costly young and reproductive skew in animal societies   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
Many recent models of reproductive skew explain subordinatereproduction as a staying incentive offered by dominants, whocan produce more young with a helper present than without. Here,we present a new, alternative explanation for subordinate reproduction,which applies whenever the fitness cost to a parent of producingyoung is an accelerating function of the number produced (ascommonly assumed in optimal clutch size theory). Under these circumstances,a dominant individual may be selected to offer a share of reproductionto a related subordinate, not as an incentive to stay, but becauseadditional offspring that would be expensive for the dominantto produce are cheap for the subordinate. "Beneficial sharing"of this kind is more likely the more closely related the subordinateis to the dominant, so that the model predicts a negative relationshipbetween skew and relatedness. This result runs directly counterto the positive relationship predicted by previous incentive-basedmodels. We explore the interaction of these contrasting effectsby developing an integrated model that allows for both beneficialsharing and staying incentives. When offspring are cheap to produce,this integrated model predicts that the incentive effect will dominate,and skew will increase with relatedness. When young are costly,in contrast, beneficial sharing will be of greater importance,and skew will decrease with relatedness.  相似文献   

Many cooperatively breeding societies are characterized by high reproductive skew, such that some socially dominant individuals breed, while socially subordinate individuals provide help. Inbreeding avoidance serves as a source of reproductive skew in many high‐skew societies, but few empirical studies have examined sources of skew operating alongside inbreeding avoidance or compared individual attempts to reproduce (reproductive competition) with individual reproductive success. Here, we use long‐term genetic and observational data to examine factors affecting reproductive skew in the high‐skew cooperatively breeding southern pied babbler (Turdoides bicolor). When subordinates can breed, skew remains high, suggesting factors additional to inbreeding avoidance drive skew. Subordinate females are more likely to compete to breed when older or when ecological constraints on dispersal are high, but heavy subordinate females are more likely to successfully breed. Subordinate males are more likely to compete when they are older, during high ecological constraints, or when they are related to the dominant male, but only the presence of within‐group unrelated subordinate females predicts subordinate male breeding success. Reproductive skew is not driven by reproductive effort, but by forces such as intrinsic physical limitations and intrasexual conflict (for females) or female mate choice, male mate‐guarding and potentially reproductive restraint (for males). Ecological conditions or “outside options” affect the occurrence of reproductive conflict, supporting predictions of recent synthetic skew models. Inbreeding avoidance together with competition for access to reproduction may generate high skew in animal societies, and disparate processes may be operating to maintain male vs. female reproductive skew in the same species.  相似文献   

1. Subordinate helpers in cooperative societies may gain both immediate and future benefits, including paternity and territorial inheritance. However, if such opportunities correlate with rank in the queue, it is unclear why such queues should be stable. 2. In cooperatively breeding superb fairy-wrens Malurus cyaneus, only males are generally philopatric, and form stable hierarchical queues for the dominant position. 3. Male opportunities for reproduction are influenced both by their dominance status within the group, and their relatedness to the breeding female. For young queuing subordinates, the breeding female is typically their mother. Because of incest avoidance, reproduction is possible only through extra-group mating, even if the dominant position is achieved while the mother is still on the territory. If the mother dies while the helper is still a subordinate, he can seek matings both outside the group, and with the unrelated replacement female within the group. Finally, males can achieve the dominant position and pair with an unrelated female by inheritance, dispersal to a neighbouring vacancy, or by forming a liaison with an immigrant subordinate female that causes fission of the natal territory. 4. On average males spent more time living with unrelated females than with their mother. Subordinate males gained no survival advantages when living with their mother rather than an unrelated female, contrary to the prediction that parents facilitate the survival of their offspring. 5. Dominants and subordinates also had similar survival. Mortality accelerated over time, probably because older males invest more in extra-group courtship display. 6. Fairy-wren queues are likely to be stable because older birds are superior, and because extra-pair mating provides direct benefits to subordinates.  相似文献   

Heg D 《Biology letters》2008,4(6):606-609
Suppression by dominants of female subordinate reproduction has been found in many vertebrate social groups, but has rarely been shown experimentally. Here experimental evidence is provided for reproductive suppression in the group-living Lake Tanganyika cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Within groups of three unrelated females, suppression was due to medium- and small-sized females laying less frequently compared with large females, and compared with medium females in control pairs. Clutch size and average egg mass of all females depended on body size, but not on rank. In a second step, a large female was removed from the group and a very small female was added to keep the group size constant. The medium females immediately seized the dominant breeding position in the group and started to reproduce as frequently as control pairs, whereas clutch size and egg mass did not change. These results show that female subordinate cichlids are reproductively capable, but apparently suppressed with respect to egg laying. Nevertheless, some reproduction is tolerated, possibly to ensure continued alloparental care by subordinate females.  相似文献   

Individuals within groups of cooperatively breeding species may partition reproduction, with the dominant pair often taking the largest share. The dominant's ability to reproductively control subordinates may depend on differences in competitive ability, due to, e.g. body size differences, but may also depend on the number of same‐sex competitors inside the group. We tested experimentally whether subordinates reproduce more when these subordinates are large or when a second subordinate of the same sex need to be controlled by the dominants, using the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Dominant pairs were assisted by a large and a small unrelated subordinate; sexes of these fish were varied in a full‐factorial design (giving four treatments). Dominant males lost significantly more parentage to the large subordinate male when a small subordinate male was also present, compared to when a small subordinate female was present. However, subordinate paternity was generally low and did not significantly curb total dominant male reproductive output, which was more affected by the sizes and numbers of reproductive females present inside his group. Dominant female maternity, clutch sizes and total output did not depend on the treatments. Subordinate–subordinate reproduction was virtually absent (one out of 874 offspring). Female subordinates were more likely to provide care for their own broods. In contrast, male subordinates did not adjust their level of care to their parentage. Variability in female subordinate alloparental brood care was particularly high, with females showing more care than males in general. We also detected effects of growth rate and food ration on parentage independent of the treatments, most notably: (i) a trade‐off between dominant male growth rate and paternity; (ii) a decrease in dominant male paternity with increasing food ration; (iii) a positive effect of growth rate on paternity in small males. We conclude that dominant males should be sensitive to the number and sizes of subordinate males present in their group, particularly when these subordinates are not helpful or grow fast, and food is plentiful. Dominant females should be less sensitive, because female subordinates do not appear to impose reproductive costs and can be helpful through alloparental brood care.  相似文献   

A multitude of factors may determine reproductive skew among cooperative breeders. One explanation, derived from inclusive fitness theory, is that groups can partition reproduction such that subordinates do at least as well as noncooperative solitary individuals. The majority of recent data, however, fails to support this prediction; possibly because inclusive fitness models cannot easily incorporate multiple factors simultaneously to predict skew. Notable omissions are antagonistic selection (across generations, genes will be in both dominant and subordinate bodies), constraints on the number of sites suitable for successful reproduction, choice in which group an individual might join, and within‐group control or suppression of competition. All of these factors and more are explored through agent‐based evolutionary simulations. The results suggest the primary drivers for the initial evolution of cooperative breeding may be a combination of limited suitable sites, choice across those sites, and parental manipulation of offspring into helping roles. Antagonistic selection may be important when subordinates are more frequent than dominants. Kinship matters, but its main effect may be in offspring being available for manipulation while unrelated individuals are not. The greater flexibility of evolutionary simulations allows the incorporation of species‐specific life histories and ecological constraints to better predict sociobiology.  相似文献   

In many cooperatively breeding societies, only a few socially dominant individuals in a group breed, reproductive skew is high, and reproductive conflict is common. Surprisingly, the effects of this conflict on dominant reproductive success in vertebrate societies have rarely been investigated, especially in high-skew societies. We examine how subordinate female competition for breeding opportunities affects the reproductive success of dominant females in a monogamous cooperatively breeding bird, the Southern pied babbler (Turdoides bicolor). In this species, successful subordinate reproduction is very rare, despite the fact that groups commonly contain sexually mature female subordinates that could mate with unrelated group males. However, we show that subordinate females compete with dominant females to breed, and do so far more often than expected, based on the infrequency of their success. Attempts by subordinates to obtain a share of breeding impose significant costs on dominant females: chicks fledge from fewer nests, more nests are abandoned before incubation begins, and more eggs are lost. Dominant females appear to attempt to reduce these costs by aggressively suppressing potentially competitive subordinate females. This empirical evidence provides rare insight into the nature of the conflicts between females and the resultant costs to reproductive success in cooperatively breeding societies.  相似文献   

Although social species as diverse as humans and ants are among the most abundant organisms on Earth, animals cooperate and form groups for many reasons. How these different reasons for grouping affect a species' ecological dominance remains unknown. Here we use a theoretical model to demonstrate that the different fitness benefits that animals receive by forming groups depend on the quality of their environment, which in turn impacts their ecological dominance and resilience to global change. We then test the model's key predictions using phylogenetic comparative analysis of >6500 bird species. As predicted, we find that cooperative breeders occurring in harsh and fluctuating environments have larger ranges and greater abundances than non-cooperative breeders, but cooperative breeders occurring in benign and stable environments do not. Using our model, we further show that social species living in harsh and fluctuating environments will be less vulnerable to climate change than non-social species.  相似文献   

A major evolutionary question is how reproductive sharing arises in cooperatively breeding species despite the inherent reproductive conflicts in social groups. Reproductive skew theory offers one potential solution: each group member gains or is allotted inclusive fitness equal to or exceeding their expectation from reproducing on their own. Unfortunately, a multitude of skew models with conflicting predictions has led to confusion in both testing and evaluating skew theory. The confusion arises partly because one set of models (the ‘transactional’ type) answer the ultimate evolutionary question of what ranges of reproductive skew can yield fitness‐enhancing solutions for all group members. The second set of models (‘compromise’) give an evolutionarily proximate, game‐theoretic evolutionarily stable state (ESS) solution that determines reproductive shares based on relative competitive abilities. However, several predictions arising from compromise models require a linear payoff to increased competition and do not hold with non‐linear payoffs. Given that for most species it may be very difficult or impossible to determine the true relationship between effort devoted to competition and reproductive share gained, compromise models are much less predictive than previously appreciated. Almost all skew models make one quantitative prediction (e.g. realized skew must fall within ranges predicted by transactional models), and two qualitative predictions (e.g. variation in relatedness or competitive ability across groups affects skew). A thorough review of the data finds that these three predictions are relatively rarely supported. As a general rule, therefore, the evolution of cooperative breeding appears not to be dependent on the ability of group members to monitor relatedness or competitive ability in order to adjust their behaviour dynamically to gain reproductive share. Although reproductive skew theory fails to predict within‐group dynamics consistently, it does better at predicting quantitative differences in skew across populations or species. This suggests that kin selection can play a significant role in the evolution of sociality. To advance our understanding of reproductive skew will require focusing on a broader array of factors, such as the frequency of mistaken identity, delayed fitness payoffs, and selection pressures arising from across‐group competition. We furthermore suggest a novel approach to investigate the sharing of reproduction that focuses on the underlying genetics of skew. A quantitative genetics approach allows the partitioning of variance in reproductive share itself or that of traits closely associated with skew into genetic and non‐genetic sources. Thus, we can determine the heritability of reproductive share and infer whether it actually is the focus of natural selection. We view the ‘animal model’ as the most promising empirical method where the genetics of reproductive share can be directly analyzed in wild populations. In the quest to assess whether skew theory can provide a framework for understanding the evolution of sociality, quantitative genetics will be a central tool in future research.  相似文献   

Cooperatively breeding groups include individuals that giveup some current reproductive opportunities while remaining ina group. In some cases, these individuals are physiologicallyor morphologically unable to reproduce. Empirical and theoreticalevidence suggest that this inability often does not result fromstress or manipulation by dominants against the interests ofsubordinates. I argue that such reproductive inhibition canrepresent a commitment not to reproduce in exchange for a reductionin costs imposed by dominants. I present a model that allowssubordinates to choose whether to inhibit their own reproduction("self-inhibition") and accept no direct reproduction whilein the group or to remain flexible and attempt to take a shareof group productivity. If dominants assess the reproductivestatus of subordinates and punish those that reproduce, thismodel predicts self-inhibition when group members are closelyrelated, opportunities for independent breeding are poor, assessmentof reproductive status and eviction are costly, and the chanceof being detected when cheating is high. However, dominantsare less likely to assess the reproductive status of subordinatesthat are closely related, resulting in a narrow window of relatednessin which self-inhibition is favored. Counterintuitively, thiswindow is wider when flexible subordinates would be able totake a large share of group production. Although the model assumesthat dominants are able to reliably detect commitment, it isgenerally robust against mistakes in the form of dominants failingto assess uncommitted subordinates, or even low frequenciesof deception by flexible subordinates.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying complex social behaviours such as dominance are largely unknown. Studying the cooperatively breeding African cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher, we show that dominant females were similar to dominant males in dominance behaviour, high testosterone levels and brain arginine vasotocin expression (a neuropeptide involved in vertebrate territorial, reproductive and social behaviours) compared to subordinate helpers, but had lower levels of 11-ketotestosterone than males. Furthermore, brain gene expression profiles of dominant females were most similar to those of the males (independent of social rank). Dominant breeder females are masculinized at the molecular and hormonal level while being at the same time reproductively competent, suggesting a modular organization of molecular and endocrine functions, allowing for sex-specific regulation.  相似文献   

Social groups of acorn woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus) range in size from unaided pairs to 15 adults. Behavioural indicators of mate guarding, assumed incest avoidance and observations of egg-laying indicate that social organization ranges from monogamous pairs to groups with up to seven male and three female putative cobreeders plus up to 10 nonbreeding helpers. In addition, groups occasionally lack a putative breeder throughout the breeding season. Here we report results from multilocus DNA fingerprinting of 372 nestlings from 123 nests in groups with putative cobreeders of one or both sexes. No extra-group fertilizations were found. Putative cobreeding males within social groups shared paternity. However, the most reproductively successful male was, on average, almost three times as successful as the next most successful and additional males only occasionally sired offspring. In contrast, cobreeding females shared parentage equally. Helpers never bred incestuously when their opposite-sex parent (or another relative, such as their uncle) held breeding status in the group. However, during breeding male vacancies, 14 nestlings were produced when helper males bred incestuously with their mother. Both male and female helpers usually became successful cobreeders with their same-sex parent following replacement of the opposite-sex breeder(s) by unrelated individuals.  相似文献   

Two current models seek to explain reproduction of subordinatesin social groups: incentives given by dominants for peacefullyremaining in the group (reproductive skew model) or incompletecontrol by dominants. These models make different predictionsconcerning genetic relatedness between individuals for thedistribution of reproduction and the stability of cooperativebreeding associations. To test these models and to furtherexplore the relationships between reproductive skew, geneticrelatedness, and investment of each participant, we performedbehavioral observations of female wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus)raising pups communally. Our results do not support previousmodels. Differences in lifetime reproductive success were significantlygreater within mother—daughter pairs than within pairsof sisters or unrelated females. Subordinate females of eitherbreeding unit did not differ in their direct reproduction.Calculations of inclusive fitness based on our results leadto the following predictions: (1) Communal nests should occuronly when ecological circumstances prevent solitary breeding.(2) Subordinate females gain the highest inclusive fitnessjoining their mothers; they also show the highest nursing investment.(3) Mothers should accept daughters, who have no opportunityfor solitary breeding. (4) Dominant sisters and unrelated femalesshould reject subordinate females because cooperative breedingreduces their reproductive success. However, breeding unitsof dominant sisters and unrelated females nevertheless occurand can be explained by our finding that such females significantlyreduce nursing time, which may help them save energy for futurebreeding cycles. Our data demonstrate that both genetic relatednessand investment skew are important in the complex evolutionof reproductive skew in cooperative breeding.  相似文献   

A number of social mole-rat species maintain a strong reproductive skew (only one breeding pair in the group) solely through incest avoidance. Incest avoidance probably evolved for one of two reasons, namely for actually maintaining a reproductive skew or, alternatively, to avoid high inbreeding depression. In the latter case a strong reproductive skew would result as a fortuitous by-product of the combination of a cloistral family life style of mole-rats and incest avoidance. We undertook breeding experiments in which the fertility of pairs of unrelated individuals were compared with that of pairs of double first cousins. Inbreeding depression was remarkably high and an accompanying model suggests that it may be sufficient to support the idea that strong incest avoidance evolved primarily to eliminate the costs of inbreeding and subsequently facilitated the evolution of reproductive skew.  相似文献   

Helpers in cooperatively breeding species forego all or partof their reproduction when remaining at home and assisting breedersto raise offspring. Different models of reproductive skew generatealternative predictions about the share of reproduction unrelatedsubordinates will get depending on the degree of ecologicalconstraints. Concession models predict a larger share when independentbreeding options are good, whereas restraint and tug-of-warmodels predict no effects on reproductive skew. We tested thesepredictions by determining the share of reproduction by unrelatedmale and female helpers in the Lake Tanganyika cichlid Neolamprologuspulcher depending on experimentally manipulated possibilitiesfor helper dispersal and independent breeding and dependingon helper size and sex. We created 32 breeding groups in thelaboratory, consisting of two breeders and two helpers each,where only the helpers had access to a nearby dispersal compartmentwith (treatment) or without (control) breeding substrate, usinga repeated measures design. We determined the paternity andmaternity of 1185 offspring from 47 broods using five to nineDNA microsatellite loci and found that: (1) helpers participatedin reproduction equally across the treatments, (2) large malehelpers were significantly more likely to reproduce than smallhelpers, and (3) male helpers engaged in significantly morereproduction than female helpers. Interestingly, in four broods,extragroup helper males had fertilized part of the brood. Nohelper evictions from the group after helper reproduction wereobserved. Our results suggest that tug-of-war models based oncompetition over reproduction within groups describe best thereproductive skew observed in our study system. Female breedersproduced larger clutches in the treatment compared to the controlsituation when the large helpers were males. This suggests thatmale breeder-male helper reproductive conflicts may be alleviatedby females producing larger clutches with helpers around.  相似文献   

Why sexually mature individuals stay in groups as nonreproductive subordinates is central to the evolution of sociality and cooperative breeding. To understand such delayed dispersal, its costs and benefits need to be compared with those of permanently leaving to float through the population. However, comprehensive comparisons, especially regarding differences in future breeding opportunities, are rare. Moreover, extraterritorial prospecting by philopatric individuals has generally been ignored, even though the factors underlying this route to independent breeding may differ from those of strict philopatry or floating. We use a comprehensive predictive framework to explore how various costs, benefits and intrinsic, environmental and social factors explain philopatry, prospecting, and floating in Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis). Not only floaters more likely obtained an independent breeding position before the next season than strictly philopatric individuals, but also suffered higher mortality. Prospecting yielded similar benefits to floating but lower mortality costs, suggesting that it is overall more beneficial than floating and strict philopatry. While prospecting is probably individual‐driven, although limited by resource availability, floating likely results from eviction by unrelated breeders. Such differences in proximate and ultimate factors underlying each route to independent breeding highlight the need for simultaneous consideration when studying the evolution of delayed dispersal.  相似文献   

Competition between females is particularly intense in cooperatively breeding mammals, where one female monopolises reproduction in each group. Chronic competition often affects stress and may therefore have long-term consequences for fitness, but no studies have yet investigated whether intrasexual competition has effects of this kind and, in particular, whether it affects rates of reproductive senescence. Here, we use long-term data from a wild population of meerkats to test whether reproductive success and senescence in dominant females are affected by the degree of intrasexual competition experienced prior to dominance acquisition. Females that experienced greater competition had lower breeding success and higher rates of reproductive senescence. Furthermore, females that were evicted from the group more frequently as subordinates had lower breeding success when dominant. We conclude that the intense intrasexual competition between females in cooperatively breeding groups may carry fitness costs over a longer period than is usually recognised.  相似文献   

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