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Lamin A, a key component of the nuclear lamina, is generated from prelamin A by four post-translational processing steps: farnesylation, endoproteolytic release of the last three amino acids of the protein, methylation of the C-terminal farnesylcysteine, and finally, endoproteolytic release of the last 15 amino acids of the protein (including the farnesylcysteine methyl ester). The last cleavage step, mediated by ZMPSTE24, releases mature lamin A. This processing scheme has been conserved through vertebrate evolution and is widely assumed to be crucial for targeting lamin A to the nuclear envelope. However, its physiologic importance has never been tested. To address this issue, we created mice with a “mature lamin A-only” allele (LmnaLAO), which contains a stop codon immediately after the last codon of mature lamin A. Thus, LmnaLAO/LAO mice synthesize mature lamin A directly, bypassing prelamin A synthesis and processing. The levels of mature lamin A in LmnaLAO/LAO mice were indistinguishable from those in “prelamin A-only” mice (LmnaPLAO/PLAO), where all of the lamin A is produced from prelamin A. LmnaLAO/LAO exhibited normal body weights and had no detectable disease phenotypes. A higher frequency of nuclear blebs was observed in LmnaLAO/LAO embryonic fibroblasts; however, the mature lamin A in the tissues of LmnaLAO/LAO mice was positioned normally at the nuclear rim. We conclude that prelamin A processing is dispensable in mice and that direct synthesis of mature lamin A has little if any effect on the targeting of lamin A to the nuclear rim in mouse tissues.  相似文献   

The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) plays an essential role in the toxic response to environmental pollutants such as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (dioxin), in the adaptive up-regulation of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes, and in hepatic vascular development. In our model of AHR signaling, the receptor is found in a cytosolic complex with a number of molecular chaperones, including Hsp90, p23, and the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP), also known as ARA9 and XAP2. To understand the role of AIP in adaptive and toxic aspects of AHR signaling, we generated a conditional mouse model where the Aip locus can be deleted in hepatocytes. Using this model, we demonstrate two important roles for the AIP protein in AHR biology. (i) The expression of AIP in hepatocytes is essential to maintain high levels of functional cytosolic AHR protein in the mammalian liver. (ii) Expression of the AIP protein is essential for dioxin-induced hepatotoxicity. Interestingly, classical AHR-driven genes show differential dependence on AIP expression. The Cyp1b1 and Ahrr genes require AIP expression for normal up-regulation by dioxin, whereas Cyp1a1 and Cyp1a2 do not. This differential dependence on AIP provides evidence that the mammalian genome contains more than one class of AHR-responsive genes and suggests that a search for AIP-dependent, AHR-responsive genes may guide us to the targets of the dioxin-induced hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   

The adaptor protein APPL1 (adaptor protein containing pleckstrin homology (PH), phosphotyrosine binding (PTB), and leucine zipper motifs) was first identified as a binding protein of AKT2 by yeast two-hybrid screening. APPL1 was subsequently found to bind to several membrane-bound receptors and was implicated in their signal transduction through AKT and/or MAPK pathways. To determine the unambiguous role of Appl1 in vivo, we generated Appl1 knock-out mice. Here we report that Appl1 knock-out mice are viable and fertile. Appl1-null mice were born at expected Mendelian ratios, without obvious phenotypic abnormalities. Moreover, Akt activity in various fetal tissues was unchanged compared with that observed in wild-type littermates. Studies of isolated Appl1−/− murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) showed that Akt activation by epidermal growth factor, insulin, or fetal bovine serum was similar to that observed in wild-type MEFs, although Akt activation by HGF was diminished in Appl1−/− MEFs. To rule out a possible redundant role played by the related Appl2, we used small interfering RNA to knock down Appl2 expression in Appl1−/− MEFs. Unexpectedly, cell survival was unaffected under normal culture conditions, and activation of Akt was unaltered following epidermal growth factor stimulation, although Akt activity did decrease further after HGF stimulation. Furthermore, we found that Appl proteins are required for HGF-induced cell survival and migration via activation of Akt. Our studies suggest that Appl1 is dispensable for development and only participate in Akt signaling under certain conditions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of leptin receptor (Lepr) signaling in determining the bone mechanosensitivity and also evaluated whether differences in the Lepr signaling may contribute to the differential osteogenic response of the C57BL/6J (B6) and C3H/HeJ (C3H) pair of mouse strains to mechanical stimuli. This study shows that a loading strain of ∼2,500 μϵ, which was insufficient to produce a bone formation response in B6 mice, significantly increased bone formation parameters in leptin-deficient ob/ob mice and that a loading strain of ∼3,000 μϵ also yielded greater osteogenic responses in Lepr-deficient db/db mice than in wild-type littermates. In vitro, a 30-min steady shear stress increased [3H]thymidine incorporation and Erk1/2 phosphorylation in ob/ob osteoblasts and db/db osteoblasts much greater than those in corresponding wild-type osteoblasts. The siRNA-mediated suppression of Lepr expression in B6 osteoblasts enhanced (but in osteoblasts of C3H (the mouse strain with poor bone mechanosensitivity) restored) their anabolic responses to shear stress. The Lepr signaling (leptin-induced Jak2/Stat3 phosphorylation) in C3H osteoblasts was higher than that in B6 osteoblasts. One of the three single nucleotide polymorphisms in the C3H Lepr coding region yielded an I359V substitution near the leptin binding region, suggesting that genetic variation of Lepr may contribute to a dysfunctional Lepr signaling in C3H osteoblasts. In conclusion, Lepr signaling is a negative modulator of bone mechanosensitivity. Genetic variations in Lepr, which result in a dysfunctional Lepr signaling in C3H mice, may contribute to the poor osteogenic response to loading in C3H mice.  相似文献   

TTLL5/STAMP (tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family member 5) has multiple activities in cells. TTLL5 is one of 13 TTLLs, has polyglutamylation activity, augments the activity of p160 coactivators (SRC-1 and TIF2) in glucocorticoid receptor-regulated gene induction and repression, and displays steroid-independent growth activity with several cell types. To examine TTLL5/STAMP functions in whole animals, mice were prepared with an internal deletion that eliminated several activities of the Stamp gene. This mutation causes both reduced levels of STAMP mRNA and C-terminal truncation of STAMP protein. Homozygous targeted mutant (Stamptm/tm) mice appear normal except for marked decreases in male fertility associated with defects in progressive sperm motility. Abnormal axonemal structures with loss of tubulin doublets occur in most Stamptm/tm sperm tails in conjunction with substantial reduction in α-tubulin polyglutamylation, which closely correlates with the reduction in mutant STAMP mRNA. The axonemes in other structures appear unaffected. There is no obvious change in the organs for sperm development of WT versus Stamptm/tm males despite the levels of WT STAMP mRNA in testes being 20-fold higher than in any other organ examined. This defect in male fertility is unrelated to other Ttll genes or 24 genes previously identified as important for sperm function. Thus, STAMP appears to participate in a unique, tissue-selective TTLL-mediated pathway for α-tubulin polyglutamylation that is required for sperm maturation and motility and may be relevant for male fertility.  相似文献   

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