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Response of wetland plant species to hydrologic conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding hydrologic requirements of native and introduced species is critical to sustaining native plant communities in wetlands of disturbed landscapes. We examined plant assemblages, and 31 of the most common species comprising them, from emergent wetlands in an urbanizing area of the Pacific Northwest, USA, in relation to in situ, fine-scale hydrology. Percent cover by plant species was estimated in 2208 1-m2 plots across 43 sites, with water depth at time of vegetation sampling measured in 432 plots. Three years of bi-weekly hydrologic data from each of the 43 sites were used to estimate mean surface water level and mean absolute difference (MAD) in surface water level for every plot. Nine assemblages of plant species that co-occur in the field were identified using TWINSPAN. The assemblage richest in native species occurred under intermediate hydrologic conditions and was bracketed by pasture grass dominated assemblages at drier conditions with low water level variability, and Phalaris arundinacea L. assemblages with higher mean water levels and variability. Results suggest minor changes in average water levels (10 cm) or in variability (±2 cm in MAD) could promote a shift from assemblages dominated by natives to those dominated by invasive or alien taxa. Canonical correspondence analysis segregated the species into four groups related to hydrologic gradients. Each species response group was typified by taxa with similar optima for a given environmental variable, with each group related to a characteristic suite of hydrologic conditions. The most common species (P. arundinacea, Juncus effusus L., and Typha latifolia L.), each representing a different response group, exhibited unique responses in occurrence/abundance in relation to water level variability, but were abundant over a wide range of water depth. The realized niches of other species in each response group were more restricted, with peaks in cover confined to narrower ranges of water depth and variability.  相似文献   

Aims A plethora of theories explain species invasion, yet when tested in isolation, support or falsification becomes contingent on study species, system and approach. Our objective was to examine community-level species invasion as a function of multiple competing hypotheses.  相似文献   

Factors limiting tree invasion in the Inland Pampas of Argentina were studied by monitoring the establishment of four alien tree species in remnant grassland and cultivated forest stands. We tested whether disturbances facilitated tree seedling recruitment and survival once seeds of invaders were made available by hand sowing. Seed addition to grassland failed to produce seedlings of two study species, Ligustrum lucidum and Ulmus pumila, but did result in abundant recruitment of Gleditsia triacanthos and Prosopis caldenia. While emergence was sparse in intact grassland, seedling densities were significantly increased by canopy and soil disturbances. Longer-term surveys showed that only Gleditsia became successfully established in disturbed grassland. These results support the hypothesis that interference from herbaceous vegetation may play a significant role in slowing down tree invasion, whereas disturbances create microsites that can be exploited by invasive woody plants. Seed sowing in a Ligustrum forest promoted the emergence of all four study species in understorey and treefall gap conditions. Litter removal had species-specific effects on emergence and early seedling growth, but had little impact on survivorship. Seedlings emerging under the closed forest canopy died within a few months. In the treefall gap, recruits of Gleditsia and Prosopis survived the first year, but did not survive in the longer term after natural gap closure. The forest community thus appeared less susceptible to colonization by alien trees than the grassland. We conclude that tree invasion in this system is strongly limited by the availability of recruitment microsites and biotic interactions, as well as by dispersal from existing propagule sources.  相似文献   

The historical spatio-temporal distribution of invasive species is rarely documented, hampering efforts to understand invasion dynamics, especially at regional scales. Reconstructing historical invasions through use of herbarium records combined with spatial trend analysis and modeling can elucidate spreading patterns and identify susceptible habitats before invasion occurs. Two perennial species were chosen to contrast historic and potential phytogeographies: Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum), introduced intentionally across the US; and mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), introduced largely accidentally to coastal areas. Spatial analysis revealed that early in the invasion, both species have a stochastic distribution across the contiguous US, but east of the 90(th) meridian, which approximates the Mississippi River, quickly spread to adjacent counties in subsequent decades. In contrast, in locations west of the 90(th) meridian, many populations never spread outside the founding county, probably a result of encountering unfavorable environmental conditions. Regression analysis using variables categorized as environmental or anthropogenic accounted for 24% (Japanese knotweed) and 30% (mugwort) of the variation in the current distribution of each species. Results show very few counties with high habitat suitability (>/=80%) remain un-invaded (5 for Japanese knotweed and 6 for mugwort), suggesting these perennials are reaching the limits of large-scale expansion. Despite differences in initial introduction loci and pathways, Japanese knotweed and mugwort demonstrate similar historic patterns of spread and show declining rates of regional expansion. Invasion mitigation efforts should be concentrated on areas identified as highly susceptible that border invaded regions, as both species demonstrate secondary expansion from introduction loci.  相似文献   

达尔文归化难题描述了外来种-本地种亲缘关系促进(预适应假说)或阻止(达尔文归化假说)外来种成功入侵的悖论。目前, 在中国仍缺少针对达尔文归化难题的研究。为系统研究外来种-本地种亲缘关系对中国外来植物入侵的影响, 该文利用线性混合效应模型从省级、市级和群落3个空间尺度以及归化、扩散和入侵3个阶段探究了外来种-本地种谱系距离和外来植物表现的关系。结果表明: 在省级和市级(区域)尺度上, 与本地种亲缘关系较近的外来植物更有可能在当地归化和扩散, 符合预适应假说的预期; 而在群落(局域)尺度上, 外来种-本地种亲缘距离与外来种是否在群落中成功定居及其入侵程度无关。该研究结果表明与本地区系亲缘较近的外来种和本地种的竞争并不强烈, 却能较好地适应本地气候环境而具有更强的归化和入侵潜力。因此, 在今后的外来植物管理和治理中需要尤其重视与本地区系亲缘关系较近的外来植物。  相似文献   

达尔文归化难题描述了外来种-本地种亲缘关系促进(预适应假说)或阻止(达尔文归化假说)外来种成功入侵的悖论。目前, 在中国仍缺少针对达尔文归化难题的研究。为系统研究外来种-本地种亲缘关系对中国外来植物入侵的影响, 该文利用线性混合效应模型从省级、市级和群落3个空间尺度以及归化、扩散和入侵3个阶段探究了外来种-本地种谱系距离和外来植物表现的关系。结果表明: 在省级和市级(区域)尺度上, 与本地种亲缘关系较近的外来植物更有可能在当地归化和扩散, 符合预适应假说的预期; 而在群落(局域)尺度上, 外来种-本地种亲缘距离与外来种是否在群落中成功定居及其入侵程度无关。该研究结果表明与本地区系亲缘较近的外来种和本地种的竞争并不强烈, 却能较好地适应本地气候环境而具有更强的归化和入侵潜力。因此, 在今后的外来植物管理和治理中需要尤其重视与本地区系亲缘关系较近的外来植物。  相似文献   

For species to persist on floodplains and in temporary wetlands in arid climates, where large and unpredictable water level fluctuations are common, at least one life history stage must be able to survive inundation. We investigated the survival and performance (RGR, total biomass and above-to-belowground biomass (A:B)) of three common and often coexisting arid zone floodplain species: Xanthium strumarium, Cyperus gymnocaulos and Ludwigia peploides. Observations suggested the species had different responses to inundation, which was tested in a controlled pond experiment. Plants were held at three elevations (+ 10 cm, ? 20 and ? 70 cm) and subjected to three hydrological regimes (static 90 cm, 1 and 5 cm day?1 inundation) for 16 weeks. Xanthium strumarium died when completely inundated for longer than 4 weeks but when partially flooded survived, showed lower growth rates, increased A:B and produced adventitious roots. C. gymnocaulos showed reduced growth rates when partially flooded and senesced to rhizomes when completely inundated for longer than 4 weeks, which re-sprouted after inundation pressure was removed. L. peploides responded positively to flooding with increased A:B and the production of adventitious roots. The species exhibited three contrasting responses to inundation, which do not necessarily fit neatly within existing water regime functional classification frameworks.  相似文献   

J Bailey 《Heredity》2013,110(2):105-110
Chromosome counts of plants grown from open-pollinated seed from Japanese knotweed around the world have revealed the presence of extensive hybridisation with both native and other introduced taxa. These hybrids fit into three categories: inter- and intraspecific hybrids involving the taxa of Fallopia section Reynoutria (giant knotweeds), hybrids between Japanese knotweed and F. baldschuanica (Regel) Holub and hybrids between Japanese knotweed and the Australasian endemics of the genus Muehlenbeckia. In this minireview, the viability of the different classes of hybrid and the potential threats they pose are discussed in the context of recent examples of allopolyploid speciation, which generally involve hybridisation between a native and an alien species. Such wide hybridisations also challenge accepted taxonomic classifications. Japanese knotweed s.l. provides a fascinating example of the interplay between ploidy level, hybridisation and alien plant invasion. The octoploid (2n=88) Fallopia japonica var. japonica (Houtt.) Ronse Decraene is a single female clone throughout much of its adventive range, and provides an ideal system for investigating the potential for wide hybridisation.  相似文献   

Aim To assess at a broad scale the vulnerability of Mediterranean vegetation to alien plant invasion under different climatic and disturbance scenarios. Location We simulated the vegetation biogeography and dynamics on five of the main islands of the Mediterranean Basin: Mallorca, Corsica, Sardinia, Crete and Lesvos. Methods We used LPJ‐GUESS, a generalized ecosystem model based on dynamic processes describing establishment, competition, mortality and ecosystem biogeochemistry. We simulated the vegetation distribution and dynamics using a set of plant functional types (PFTs) based on bioclimatic and physiological parameters, which included tree and shrub PFTs defined especially for the Mediterranean. Additionally, two invasive PFTs, an invasive tree type and an invasive herb type, were defined and used to estimate the vulnerability to invasion of a range of different ecosystems. The model was used to simulate climate changes and associated changes in atmospheric [CO2] to 2050 according to two SpecialReport on Emissions Scenarios climate scenarios (A1Fi and B1) combined with mean disturbance intervals of 3 and 40 years. Results The simulations and scenarios showed that the effect of climate change alone is likely to be negligible in many of the simulated ecosystems, although not all. The simulated progression of an invasion was highly dependent on the initial ecosystem composition and local environmental conditions, with a particular contrast between drier and wetter parts of the Mediterranean, and between mountain and coastal areas. The rate of ecosystem disturbance was the main factor controlling susceptibility to invasion, strongly influencing vegetation development on the shorter time scale. Main conclusions Further invasion into Mediterranean island ecosystems is likely to be an increasing problem: our simulations predict that, in the longer term, almost all the ecosystems will be dominated by exotic plants irrespective of disturbance rates.  相似文献   

草木灰对四种松属种子发芽和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘发林 《生态学报》2017,37(17):5673-5680
火干扰不仅影响森林生态系统的结构与功能,而且影响群落更新与演替。为了研究草木灰对4种松属种子萌芽和幼苗生长的影响,在湖南省株洲市黄丰桥林场采集马尾松、云南松、湿地松和火炬松种子,以马尾松次生林火烧迹地的草木灰为基质,设置对照和3个草木灰处理,进行播种试验及生长观测。结果表明:(1)草木灰处理下4个物种的种子发芽率比对照试验低,并呈现随草木灰含量的增加而降低的趋势,低草木灰含量处理马尾松种子发芽率不及对照一半,中、高草木灰含量处理发芽率更低;云南松、湿地松和火炬松种子发芽率规律类似于马尾松,而高草木灰含量处理发芽率为0。(2)培养皿播种平均发芽时间比花盆播种长,无论草木灰处理还是培养条件(培养皿或花盆),马尾松和云南松种子平均发芽时间比湿地松和火炬松短。(3)4个物种种子播种14周后,对照试验中马尾松和云南松幼苗死亡率最低,而火炬松和湿地松幼苗死亡率相对增加。(4)播种14周后不同试验处理4个物种幼苗生长差异不明显。火炬松、湿地松、云南松和马尾松幼苗的单株平均干重分别达0.038、0.031、0.027、0.024 g。各物种叶干重按降序排列依次是火炬松(0.026 g)湿地松(0.019 g)云南松(0.017 g)马尾松(0.016 g),根和茎的干重比重相当,约占对应物种幼苗叶干重的三分之一。研究表明以草木灰为培养基质,马尾松和云南松种子的发芽率较高,平均发芽时间较短,更适合作为火烧迹地植被恢复先锋树种,为火干扰后选择人工促进天然更新树种提供参考。  相似文献   

Exotic species and clonal species are more competitive than co-occurring species, and several plant traits have already been identified to contribute to their superior competitiveness. In this study, 13 functional traits of 36 weed species were analyzed to determine if there was generalizable difference among these species. The results indicated that species origin significantly affected fluctuating asymmetry of width (FAW), specific leaf area (SLA), and total dry mass (TDM), with exotic species showing a higher FAW and TDM but a lower SLA. Adaptive reproduction had a significant effect so that FAW and FAA tended to be higher for non-clonal species, but RMF and R/S ratio tended to be higher for clonal species. Meanwhile, the response of these traits to species origin and reproduction was altered by their interactive effect. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) ordination indicated an extremely positive relationship with all leaf traits and TDM, in exotic species, but a similar relationship with SLA, TDM, and Slw in clonal species. Clonal invasive species tended to have higher TDM, while non-clonal invasive species tended to have higher FA.  相似文献   

Modelling invasion for a habitat generalist and a specialist plant species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Predicting suitable habitat and the potential distribution of invasive species is a high priority for resource managers and systems ecologists. Most models are designed to identify habitat characteristics that define the ecological niche of a species with little consideration to individual species' traits. We tested five commonly used modelling methods on two invasive plant species, the habitat generalist Bromus tectorum and habitat specialist Tamarix chinensis , to compare model performances, evaluate predictability, and relate results to distribution traits associated with each species. Most of the tested models performed similarly for each species; however, the generalist species proved to be more difficult to predict than the specialist species. The highest area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve values with independent validation data sets of B. tectorum and T. chinensis was 0.503 and 0.885, respectively. Similarly, a confusion matrix for B. tectorum had the highest overall accuracy of 55%, while the overall accuracy for T. chinensis was 85%. Models for the generalist species had varying performances, poor evaluations, and inconsistent results. This may be a result of a generalist's capability to persist in a wide range of environmental conditions that are not easily defined by the data, independent variables or model design. Models for the specialist species had consistently strong performances, high evaluations, and similar results among different model applications. This is likely a consequence of the specialist's requirement for explicit environmental resources and ecological barriers that are easily defined by predictive models. Although defining new invaders as generalist or specialist species can be challenging, model performances and evaluations may provide valuable information on a species' potential invasiveness.  相似文献   

Generalized mutualisms are often predicted to be resilient to changes in partner identity. Variation in mutualism-related traits between native and invasive species however, can exacerbate the spread of invasive species (‘invasional meltdown’) if invasive partners strongly interact. Here we show how invasion by a seed-dispersing ant (Myrmica rubra) promotes recruitment of a co-introduced invasive over native ant-dispersed (myrmecochorous) plants. We created experimental communities of invasive (M. rubra) or native ants (Aphaenogaster rudis) and invasive and native plants and measured seed dispersal and plant recruitment. In our mesocosms, and in laboratory and field trials, M. rubra acted as a superior seed disperser relative to the native ant. By contrast, previous studies have found that invasive ants are often poor seed dispersers compared with native ants. Despite belonging to the same behavioural guild, seed-dispersing ants were not functionally redundant. Instead, native and invasive ants had strongly divergent effects on plant communities: the invasive plant dominated in the presence of the invasive ant and the native plants dominated in the presence of the native ant. Community changes were not due to preferences for coevolved partners: variation in functional traits of linked partners drove differences. Here, we show that strongly interacting introduced mutualists can be major drivers of ecological change.  相似文献   

卢宝荣  夏辉  汪魏  杨箫 《生物多样性》2010,18(6):577-1158
生物入侵给全球生态环境与社会经济都带来了严重危害, 对其入侵机制的研究非常重要。生物入侵是一个适应性进化的过程, 天然杂交与遗传渐渗可以改变外来物种对环境的适应性并提高其入侵能力, 使其进化成为入侵种。因此了解杂交-渐渗在促进生物入侵过程中的遗传作用, 将有助于我们采取有效措施来控制生物入侵及其危害。本文从杂交-渐渗对生物适应性进化和物种形成影响的角度, 阐明外来种如何通过杂交-渐渗在新的生境中改变其适应性、生存竞争能力和入侵能力。杂交-渐渗可以导致物种发生多倍体水平和同倍体水平的进化, 虽然二者的进化过程不尽相同, 但均能使杂种群体在遗传上产生较大变化, 进而影响杂种群体的适合度, 这一过程可能促使外来种在新的生境中的成功入侵进而转变为入侵种。随着转基因生物技术的迅速发展, 大量转基因作物进入环境释放和商品化种植, 具有特定功能的转基因可能通过杂交-渐渗进入野生近缘种群体, 也可能使之成为入侵性强的农田杂草, 带来难以预测的生态后果。总之, 生物入侵是一个复杂的进化和生态过程, 利用杂交-渐渗的理论来解释植物的入侵性, 仅从一个方面反映了入侵生物学的研究, 杂交-渐渗与其他理论的结合, 将从更深的层次来解释外来种的入侵机制。  相似文献   

In this study we report the first animal invasion, to our knowledge, into Lake Malawi. The colonizer is a non-native morph of the gastropod Melanoides tuberculata that differs substantially in external shell characters from co-occurring indigenous forms. However, because the species possesses extensive within-Africa geographical variation in shell morphology, it was unclear whether the invasion was range expansion of a native African morph, or a colonization from elsewhere. Mitochondrial DNA sequences indicate a southeast Asian origin for the invader, suggesting that shell variation found among indigenous allopatric populations camouflaged an intercontinental invasion.  相似文献   

Plants are connected to habitats by functional traits which are filtered by environmental gradients. Since tree species composition in the forest canopy can influence ecosystem processes by changing resource availability, litter accumulation, and soil nutrient content, we hypothesised that non-native invasive trees can establish new environmental filters on the understorey communities. In the hardwood floodplain forests in Northern Italy, the invasive trees Robinia pseudoacacia L. and Prunus serotina Ehrh. are the dominant canopy species. We used trait data assembled from databases and iterative RLQ analysis to identify a parsimonious set of functional traits responding to environmental variables (soil, light availability, disturbance, and stand structure) and the dominant native and invasive canopy species. Then, RLQ and fourth-corner analysis was conducted to investigate the joint structure between macro-environmental variables and species traits and functional groups were identified. The trait composition of the herb-layer was significantly related to the main environmental gradients and the presence of the invaders in the canopy showed significant relationships with several traits. In particular, the presence of P. serotina may mitigate or even erase the effect of disturbances, maintaining a stable forest microclimate and thus favouring ‘true’ forest species, while R. pseudoacacia may slow down forest succession and regeneration by establishing new stable associations with a graminoid-dominated understorey. The impact of the two invasive trees on herb layer composition appears to differ, indicating that different management and control strategies may be needed.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of species‐specific litter decomposability in determining plant community structure, we constructed a theoretical model of the codevelopmental dynamics of soil and vegetation. This model incorporates feedback between vegetation and soil. Vegetation changes the nutrient conditions of soil by affecting mineralization processes; soil, in turn, has an impact on plant community structure. The model shows that species‐level traits (decomposability, reproductive and competitive abilities) determine whether litter feedback effects are positive or negative. The feedback determines community‐level properties, such as species composition and community stability against invasion. The model predicts that positive feedback may generate multiple alternative steady states of the plant community, which differ in species richness or community composition. In such cases, the realized state is determined by initial abundance of co‐occurring species. Further, the model shows that the importance of species‐level traits depends on environmental conditions such as system fertility.  相似文献   

Species richness of plant communities has been demonstrated to provide resistance to invasion by unsown species, though the relationship with resource availability varies between studies. The present work involved five grassland species grown in monocultures and in four-species mixtures sown in accordance with a simplex design. The species used represented different functional groups (i.e. grasses, legumes and non-N(2)-fixing species), each of which differed internally in terms of competitiveness. I hypothesized that sown diversity would negatively affect invader performance by decreasing the availability of light and soil nitrogen (N) for invading species, and that functional composition of the sown diversity would affect the functional composition of the invading flora. The experimental plots were harvested for two years, and were fertilized with 100 kg N ha(-1) each year. The number of unsown species (classified into four functional groups) invading each plot and their proportion of the biomass harvested were recorded. The penetration of incoming light through the canopy, the apparent N uptake by the sown species from the soil, and the mineral N content in the soil were measured. I found that diverse communities captured more resources both above- and belowground, and the number of invading species and their biomass production were smaller in mixed than in monoculture plots. However, the sampling effect of one grass was also strong. These results suggest that increased resource use in diverse communities can reduce invasion.  相似文献   

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