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Collective motion phenomena in large groups of social organisms have long fascinated the observer, especially in cases, such as bird flocks or fish schools, where large-scale highly coordinated actions emerge in the absence of obvious leaders. However, the mechanisms involved in this self-organized behavior are still poorly understood, because the individual-level interactions underlying them remain elusive. Here, we demonstrate the power of a bottom-up methodology to build models for animal group motion from data gathered at the individual scale. Using video tracks of fish shoal in a tank, we show how a careful, incremental analysis at the local scale allows for the determination of the stimulus/response function governing an individual''s moving decisions. We find in particular that both positional and orientational effects are present, act upon the fish turning speed, and depend on the swimming speed, yielding a novel schooling model whose parameters are all estimated from data. Our approach also leads to identify a density-dependent effect that results in a behavioral change for the largest groups considered. This suggests that, in confined environment, the behavioral state of fish and their reaction patterns change with group size. We debate the applicability, beyond the particular case studied here, of this novel framework for deciphering interactions in moving animal groups.  相似文献   

Nutrient requirements of callus tissues previously obtained from Vigna sinensis hypocotyl segments were investigated on modified White's (Miller and Skoog) and Murashige and Skoog's media containing 1 mg/1 of each of 2,4-D and kinetin, 2% sucrose and 1% agar. Yields of tissues on the latter medium were 3 times more than the former. After studying various organic and inorganic nutrients, two synthetic media have been developed for callus cultures. The above modified White's medium further supplemented with 2% sucrose, and 500 mg/1 of urea or asparagine was suitable for a compact callus with a dry-to-fresh-weight ratio around 8% and on this the tissues grew 15- to 17-fold in 5 weeks. Similarly the Murashige and Skoog's medium further enriched with 2% sucrose, 400 mg/1 of urea or a mixture of aspartic acid (750 mg/1), glutamic acid (250 mg/1), asparagine (250 mg/1) and arginine (250 mg/1), was apt for a friable callus with a dry to fresh weight ratio of 3 to 4% and it promoted a 45- to 50-fold increase in growth in 5 weeks.  相似文献   



Game theory and the Prisoner''s Dilemma (PD) game in particular, which captures the paradox of cooperative interactions that lead to benefits but entail costs to the interacting individuals, have constituted a powerful tool in the study of the mechanisms of reciprocity. However, in non-human animals most tests of reciprocity in PD games have resulted in sustained defection strategies. As a consequence, it has been suggested that under such stringent conditions as the PD game humans alone have evolved the necessary cognitive abilities to engage in reciprocity, namely, numerical discrimination, memory and control of temporal discounting.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We use an iterated PD game to test rats (Rattus norvegicus) for the presence of such cognitive abilities by manipulating the strategy of the opponent, Tit-for-Tat and Pseudo-Random, or the relative size of the temptation to defect. We found that rats shape their behaviour according to the opponent''s strategy and the relative outcome resulting from cooperative or defective moves. Finally, we show that the behaviour of rats is contingent upon their motivational state (hungry versus sated).


Here we show that rats understand the payoff matrix of the PD game and the strategy of the opponent. Importantly, our findings reveal that rats possess the necessary cognitive capacities for reciprocity-based cooperation to emerge in the context of a prisoner''s dilemma. Finally, the validation of the rat as a model to study reciprocity-based cooperation during the PD game opens new avenues of research in experimental neuroscience.  相似文献   

The emergence of groups and of inequality is often traced to pre-existing differences, exclusionary practices, or resource accumulation processes, but can the emergence of groups and their differential success simply be a feature of the behaviors of a priori equally-capable actors who have mutually adapted? Using a simple model of behavioral co-adaptation among agents whose individual actions construct a common environment, we present evidence that the formation of unequal groups is endemic to co-adaptive processes that endogenously alter the environment; agents tend to separate into two groups, one whose members stop adapting earliest (the in-group), and another comprising agents who continue to adapt (the out-group). Over a wide range of model parameters, members of the in-group are rewarded more on average than members of the out-group. The primary reason is that the in-group is able to have a more profound influence on the environment and mold it to the benefit of its members. This molding capacity proves more beneficial than the persistence of adaptivity, yet, crucially, which agents are able to form a coalition to successfully exert this control is strongly contingent on random aspects of the set of agent behaviors. In this paper, we present the model, relevant definitions, and results. We then discuss its implications for the study of complex adaptive systems generally.  相似文献   

A Definition of Optimum Nutrient Requirements in Birch Seedlings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Birch seedlings (Betula verrucosa Enrh.) were grown in nutrient solutions with pH varied in the range 2.5 to 6.8 or temperature varied in the range 2.5 to 35°C. The criteria for maximum growth previously established for birch seedlings were used and maintained by means of automatic pH and conductivity titrations with stock solutions containing the optimum nutrient proportions. Both nitrogen sources, NH4 and NO3, were present in the solutions. Growth rate was maximum or close to maximum between pH 4.0 and 6.8, whether kept at a specific level or allowed to vary between the extremes. At pH 3.5 and lower, the calcium uptake was decreased and root damage was observed. The seedlings has also a high dry matter content and obviously an unsatisfactory water balance. pH 2.5 was rapidly lethal. Growth rate was linearly correlated with solution temperature up to 20°C. Temperatures above 30°C, especially in the range 32.5 to 35°C, resulted in rapid decrease in growth rate. The nutrient contents in the seedlings were strongly affected by solution temperature in the low as well as in the high range when expressed on a dry weight basis. However, this effect was almost entirely attributable to changes in dry matter content. When expressed on a fresh weight basis, nutrient uptake and nutrient status of the seedlings appeared to be optimum throughout, although a variation remained since the varying dry matter content is included in the fresh weight basis. The results indicate, in agreement with the literature, that disturbed water uptake and water balance is the way in which growth is affected by root medium temperature. Similarly, extremely low pH levels in the nutrient solution meant root damage, although birch seedlings appear comparatively insensitive to pH variations. Thus, the growth technique used supplied the seedlings with adequate nutrients, so that the criteria used in the definition of nutrient requirements in birch seedlings are valid within wide ranges of solution pH and temperature; and other factors than nutrition determine growth.  相似文献   

随着小型猪实验动物化研究的不断进步,小型猪作为生命科学研究的实验动物越来越受到人们的重视,因此生产标准化的小型猪至关重要,而对小型猪营养需要的了解和饲料标准的制定是生产标准化小型猪的重要基础之一。本文就小型猪的国内、外品种,小型猪的消化代谢特点以及对能量、蛋白质、矿物质及粗纤维营养需要的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

A Definition of Optimum Nutrient Requirements in Birch Seedlings. II   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The aim of the experiments described was to specify further the nutrient requirements of birch seedlings. A growth method is described in which the nutrients consumed at maximum growth of birch seedlings can be replaced, without change of the nutrient solution, by means of additions made as pH and conductivity titrations so that three conditions are satisfied: 1) All necessary mineral nutrients are present in the plant in optimum proportions. 2) The nitrogen sources NH4+ and NO3- are present in the nutrient solution in an optimum ratio. 3) Total concentration in the solution is optimum. The three conditions may be regarded as criteria in a definition of nutrient requirements. The possible use of criterion 1 as an expression of the optimum nutrient status is also discussed. A considerable increase in light intensity had no significant effect on the optimum nutrient proportions or the optimum total concentration. A tendency to lower ammonium uptake in relation to nitrate was induced when both nitrogen sources were present. Simple stock nutrient solution systems are listed and discussed.  相似文献   

In well-aerated broth cultures, good growth of Renibacterium salmoninarum was obtained in a serum-free medium consisting of 1% peptone, 1% yeast extract, and 0.1% l-cysteine (PYC broth). In contrast, serum or charcoal is required for growth on agar medium. Charcoal treatment of broth media, either before bacterial inoculation or during growth, increased the growth of R. salmoninarum, whereas the surfactants Tween 20 and Tween 80 inhibited growth. l-Cysteine was essential for optimal growth. Other organic sulfur compounds, such as d-cysteine, l-methionine, homocysteine, homocysteine thiolactone, and reduced glutathione, supported only lower levels of growth, while cystine and dithiothreitol did not allow growth.  相似文献   

On its own, a single cell cannot exert more than a microscopic influence on its immediate surroundings. However, via strength in numbers and the expression of cooperative phenotypes, such cells can enormously impact their environments. Simple cooperative phenotypes appear to abound in the microbial world, but explaining their evolution is challenging because they are often subject to exploitation by rapidly growing, non-cooperative cell lines. Population spatial structure may be critical for this problem because it influences the extent of interaction between cooperative and non-cooperative individuals. It is difficult for cooperative cells to succeed in competition if they become mixed with non-cooperative cells, which can exploit the public good without themselves paying a cost. However, if cooperative cells are segregated in space and preferentially interact with each other, they may prevail. Here we use a multi-agent computational model to study the origin of spatial structure within growing cell groups. Our simulations reveal that the spatial distribution of genetic lineages within these groups is linked to a small number of physical and biological parameters, including cell growth rate, nutrient availability, and nutrient diffusivity. Realistic changes in these parameters qualitatively alter the emergent structure of cell groups, and thereby determine whether cells with cooperative phenotypes can locally and globally outcompete exploitative cells. We argue that cooperative and exploitative cell lineages will spontaneously segregate in space under a wide range of conditions and, therefore, that cellular cooperation may evolve more readily than naively expected.  相似文献   

Mineral Nutrient Requirements of Pinus silvestris and Picea abies Seedlings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mineral nutrient requirements of Pinus silvestris L. and Picea abies Karst. were studied according to previously published methods applied to a series of various plant species. The optimum nutrient proportions are similar to those of Vaccinium, with a lower relative potassium requirement than birch and other broad-leaf species. Various ratios between ammonium and nitrate nitrogen were about equally efficient except for a minor growth reduction with pure nitrate, which gave a comparatively low nitrogen content and a high cation/nitrogen ratio. The rate of ammonium uptake was much higher than that of nitrate when both sources were supplied. The required total concentration in the nutrient solution for maximum growth is lower in pine than in spruce, but both fall within the low salt range. Both species, especially pine, are sensitive to high salt concentrations. Although pine and spruce grow on the same type of soils as Vaccinium— leached soils with low base saturation – accumulation of calcium or other cations is not as pronounced as in Vaccinium, especially not in pine. The results are compared with results from similar experiments with a series of other conifers. All the conifers have more flexible cation uptake mechanisms than Vaccinium but the results indicate tendencies to accumulation of anions, nitrate and phosphate. Recommended fertilizer compositions for forest fertilization and nurseries are discussed.  相似文献   

A Definition of Optimum Nutrient Requirements in Birch Seedlings. I.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The aim of the investigation was to find a method of growing birch seedlings with a constant optimum nutrient status. The studies in this paper have indicated important factors in such a growth method which must be comprised in a definition of nutrient requirements. The optimum nutrient proportions in the seedlings and the optimum total concentration in the solution must be known. Special attention must be paid to the ratio between NH4+ and NO3?in the solution and in the uptake. The amounts of nutrients taken up at optimum nutrition can be followed by measurement of pH and conductivity. Thus, the nutrients consumed may be replaced by titrations which may be automated by standard equipment. The nutrient proportions to be added are determined by the optimum internal proportions. It is not necessary to change the nutrient solution even if the volume is relatively small in relation to plant mass. There was no evidence of effects of accumulation of root exudates or infections. By using the system described, it is possible to attain considerably greater fresh and dry matter production in birch seedlings than when an optimum conventional solution is used.  相似文献   

In several primate species, peer-group rearing conditions affect the development of social behavior. We compared the social behavior of adolescent chimpanzees reared in peer groups and in a family group to see whether chimpanzees raised under different regimes show differences in sexual behavior, teasing behavior, and grooming behavior and in their ability to cope with support strategies. Surprisingly, the lack of opportunity to practice or to watch in peer groups had no measurable effect on the development of normal sexual behavior in adolescence and adulthood. Peer-group individuals groomed each other as much as peers did in the zoo. Sex differentiation in reaction to teasing and in conflict initiatives may indicate only an earlier sex differentiation in the zoo than in the peer group. This result may be attributed to the difference in demographic composition of the groups instead of some inherent difference in skill. Peer-group chimpanzees simply cannot find adult partners with which they may preferably test their position. However, there was a lack of sex differentiation in the reaction to teasing and in the number of conflicts started; both are indications of lesser sex-role development in the peer-group adolescents. Furthermore, the frequency of giving support to peers in conflicts differed, which suggests a greater ability in zoo adolescents to cope with support strategies. Accordingly, providing more natural conditions than is usual in laboratories may still add considerably to chimpanzee well-being.  相似文献   

Nonhuman animal welfare is an increasingly important component of consumer expectations of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The extent to which prominent animal welfare or protection organizations may influence people’s perceptions of food industry CSR may be related to an organization’s perceived social responsibility. Data from an online survey of 300 U.S. residents were used to explore relationships between demographics/lifestyle choices and perceptions of prominent animal welfare organizations (using best–worst scaling methodology). Overall, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was perceived to be the most socially responsible organization analyzed, followed by the Humane Society of the United States and the American Humane Association (AHA). Results suggest that the perceived social responsibility of animal protection organizations in this study was not strongly linked to personally (financially) supporting them, with 2 exceptions: the perceptions of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and AHA. Improved understanding of the perception of animal welfare or protection organizations can inform decision making by organizations interested in furthering animal welfare causes.  相似文献   

Previous studies on adult emergence rhythm of Drosophila melanogaster (DM) done under semi-natural conditions have shown that emergence is correlated to daily changes in temperature, humidity and light at dawn. Recently we showed that under laboratory conditions D. ananassae (DA), a closely related species of DM exhibits patterns in its activity/rest rhythm distinct from the latter. Here, we report the results of a study aimed at examining whether this difference in activity/rest rhythm among species extends to other circadian behaviours such as the adult emergence rhythm under a more natural environment with multiple cyclic time cues. We monitored the adult emergence rhythm of recently wild-caught DM and DA populations in parallel with those of a related species D. malerkotliana (DK), both in the laboratory and under semi-natural conditions. We find that although DM, DK and DA showed marked difference from one another under laboratory conditions, such differences were not detectable in the emergence behaviour of these three species under semi-natural conditions, and that they respond very similarly to seasonal changes in the environment. The results suggest that seasonal changes in temperature and humidity contribute largely to the variation in adult emergence waveform in terms of gate width, phase and amplitude of the peak and day-to-day variance in the timing of the emergence peak. In all three species, seasons with cooler and wetter conditions make the rhythm less tightly gated, with low amplitude peak and high day-to-day variation in timing of the peak of emergence. We show that in nature the emergence rhythm of DM, DK and DA is strongly influenced by environmental factors such that in a given season all of them exhibit similar time course and waveform and that with the changing season, they all modify their emergence patterns in a similar manner.  相似文献   


Conformational energy calculations were carried out on three non-peptide antagonists of oxytocin and vasopressin: penicilide (compound 1; selective for oxytocin receptors), 1- {1-[4-(3-acetylaminopropoxy (benzoyl]-4-piperidyl}-3,4-dihydro-2(1H)-quinoline (compound 2; selective for vasopressin V1 receptors) and 5-dimethylamino-1-{(2-methylbenzylamino)-benzoyl}-2,3,4,5–tetrahydro-1H-benzapine (compound 3; selective for vasopressin V2 receptors). The obtained low-energy conformations of compound 1 were compared with low-energy conformations of oxytocin (OT) and low-energy conformations of compounds 2 and 3 were compared with low-energy conformations of arginine vasopressin (AVP). It was found that the affinity of the non-peptide antagonists and their selectivity for vasopressin and oxytocin receptors is probably connected with mimicking the aromatic rings of the Tyr2 and the Phe3 residues of AVP in the case of compounds 2 and 3 and with mimicking the Tyr2 residue and the Ile3 or Leu8 residues of OT by the outer benzene ring and the isobutyl group of compound 1. Application of the results in the design of more potent non-peptide antagonists of OT and VP is also discussed.  相似文献   

Learning has been studied extensively in the context of isolated individuals. However, many organisms are social and consequently make decisions both individually and as part of a collective. Reaching consensus necessarily means that a single option is chosen by the group, even when there are dissenting opinions. This decision-making process decouples the otherwise direct relationship between animals'' preferences and their experiences (the outcomes of decisions). Instead, because an individual''s learned preferences influence what others experience, and therefore learn about, collective decisions couple the learning processes between social organisms. This introduces a new, and previously unexplored, dynamical relationship between preference, action, experience and learning. Here we model collective learning within animal groups that make consensus decisions. We reveal how learning as part of a collective results in behavior that is fundamentally different from that learned in isolation, allowing grouping organisms to spontaneously (and indirectly) detect correlations between group members'' observations of environmental cues, adjust strategy as a function of changing group size (even if that group size is not known to the individual), and achieve a decision accuracy that is very close to that which is provably optimal, regardless of environmental contingencies. Because these properties make minimal cognitive demands on individuals, collective learning, and the capabilities it affords, may be widespread among group-living organisms. Our work emphasizes the importance and need for theoretical and experimental work that considers the mechanism and consequences of learning in a social context.  相似文献   

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