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Macroecological models for predicting species distributions usually only include abiotic environmental conditions as explanatory variables, despite knowledge from community ecology that all species are linked to other species through biotic interactions. This disconnect is largely due to the different spatial scales considered by the two sub‐disciplines: macroecologists study patterns at large extents and coarse resolutions, while community ecologists focus on small extents and fine resolutions. A general framework for including biotic interactions in macroecological models would help bridge this divide, as it would allow for rigorous testing of the role that biotic interactions play in determining species ranges. Here, we present an approach that combines species distribution models with Bayesian networks, which enables the direct and indirect effects of biotic interactions to be modelled as propagating conditional dependencies among species’ presences. We show that including biotic interactions in distribution models for species from a California grassland community results in better range predictions across the western USA. This new approach will be important for improving estimates of species distributions and their dynamics under environmental change.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate how factors acting at different spatial scales influence range limits in bird species of the Colombian Andes. Location Andes Mountains of Colombia. Methods We used Maxent , a climate envelope model (CEM), and environmental and geographic information to study range‐filling (i.e. the extent to which a species occurs in all the areas in which it is predicted to occur) in 70 range‐restricted bird species of the Colombian Andes. Environmental data were taken from the WorldClim database, and species occurrence data were taken from museum data collated by the BioMap project, an observational database, and the literature. We evaluated how climate and geographic barriers may shape range limits at two scales. Results At a broad extent (i.e. across the three main cordilleras within the Colombian Andes), we find that CEMs predict there to be suitable environmental conditions for particular species in regions where the species is absent, possibly as a result of dispersal limitation or biotic interactions. In contrast, at a finer scale (within a given cordillera), species generally occur across the entire area predicted to be suitable by a given CEM. Geographic discontinuities within cordilleras do not generally correspond to range limits; instead, range limits correspond to changes in environmental conditions. Main conclusions Our results suggest that different mechanisms influence the presence of species at different scales. Dispersal limitation, potentially combined with species interactions, may influence range limits at a broad extent (the entire Colombian Andes), while strong environmental gradients correspond to range limits at a finer scale (within a cordillera).  相似文献   

The geographic scaling of biotic interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A central tenet of ecology and biogeography is that the broad outlines of species ranges are determined by climate, whereas the effects of biotic interactions are manifested at local scales. While the first proposition is supported by ample evidence, the second is still a matter of controversy. To address this question, we develop a mathematical model that predicts the spatial overlap, i.e. co‐occurrence, between pairs of species subject to all possible types of interactions. We then identify the scale of resolution in which predicted range overlaps are lost. We found that co‐occurrence arising from positive interactions, such as mutualism (+/+) and commensalism (+/0), are manifested across scales. Negative interactions, such as competition (?/?) and amensalism (?/0), generate checkerboard patterns of co‐occurrence that are discernible at finer resolutions but that are lost and increasing scales of resolution. Scale dependence in consumer–resource interactions (+/?) depends on the strength of positive dependencies between species. If the net positive effect is greater than the net negative effect, then interactions scale up similarly to positive interactions. Our results challenge the widely held view that climate alone is sufficient to characterize species distributions at broad scales, but also demonstrate that the spatial signature of competition is unlikely to be discernible beyond local and regional scales.  相似文献   

The extent that biotic interactions and dispersal influence species ranges and diversity patterns across scales remains an open question. Answering this question requires framing an analysis on the frontier between species distribution modelling (SDM), which ignores biotic interactions and dispersal limitation, and community ecology, which provides specific predictions on community and meta‐community structure and resulting diversity patterns such as species richness and functional diversity. Using both empirical and simulated datasets, we tested whether predicted occurrences from fine‐resolution SDMs provide good estimates of community structure and diversity patterns at resolutions ranging from a resolution typical of studies within reserves (250 m) to that typical of a regional biodiversity study (5 km). For both datasets, we show that the imprint of biotic interactions and dispersal limitation quickly vanishes when spatial resolution is reduced, which demonstrates the value of SDMs for tracking the imprint of community assembly processes across scales.  相似文献   

One of the key problems in ecology is our need to anticipate the set of locations in which a species will be found (hereafter species' distributions). A major source of uncertainty in these models is the role of interactions among species (hereafter biotic interactions). Unfortunately, it is difficult to directly study this problem at large spatial scales and we lack a clear understanding of when biotic interactions shape species' distributions. We show a simple, direct link between the ease of species' coexistence and the importance of competition for shaping species' distributions. We show that increasing the ease of species' coexistence reduces the influence of biotic interactions. Changing the spatial scale of the analysis can reduce the influence of species interactions, but only when it promotes regional coexistence. Using these ideas, we analyze the conditions under which biotic interactions alter species' distributions in a Lotka–Volterra model of competition along an environmental gradient and argue that coexistence theory, rather than scale alone, provides a guide to the influence of species interactions. Our results provide a guide to the facets of biotic interactions that are necessary to anticipate their effects on species distributions. As such, we expect our work will help the development of more realistic distribution models.  相似文献   

The major processes generating pattern in plant community composition depend upon the spatial scale and resolution of observation, therefore understanding the role played by spatial scale on species patterns is of major concern. In this study, we investigate how well environmental (topography and soil variables) and spatial variables explain variation in species composition in a 25-ha temperate forest in northeastern China. We used new variation partitioning approaches to discover the spatial scale (using multi-scale spatial PCNM variables) at which environmental heterogeneity and other spatially structured processes influence tree community composition. We also test the effect of changing grain of the study (i.e. quadrat size) on the variation partitioning results. Our results indicate that (1) species composition in the Changbai mixed broadleaf-conifer forest was controlled mainly by spatially structured soil variation at broad scales, while at finer scales most of the explained variation was of a spatial nature, pointing to the importance of biotic processes. (2) These results held at all sampling grains. However, reducing quadrat size progressively reduced both spatially and environmentally explained variance. This probably partly reflects increasing stochasticity in species abundances, and the smaller proportion of quadrats occupied by each species, when quadrat size is reduced. The results suggest that environmental heterogeneity (i.e. niche processes) and other biotic processes such as dispersal work together, but at different spatial scales, to build up diversity patterns.  相似文献   

The relative importance of extrinsic and intrinsic causes of variability is among the oldest unresolved problems in ecology. However, the interaction between large-scale intrinsic variability in species abundance and environmental heterogeneity is still unknown. We use a metacommunity model with disturbance-recovery dynamics to resolve the interaction between scales of environmental heterogeneity, biotic processes and of intrinsic variability. We explain how population density increases with environmental variability only when its scale matches that of intrinsic patterns of abundance, through their ability to develop in heterogeneous environments. Succession dynamics reveals how the strength of local species interactions, through its control of intrinsic variability, can in turn control the scale of metapopulation response to environmental scales. Our results show that the environment and species density might fail to show any correlation despite their strong causal association. They more generally suggest that the spatial scale of ecological processes might not be sufficient to build a predictive framework for spatially heterogeneous habitats, including marine reserve networks.  相似文献   

Disentangling how communities of soil organisms are deterministically structured by abiotic and biotic factors is of utmost relevance, and few data sets on co‐occurrence patterns exist in soil ecology compared to other disciplines. In this study, we assessed species spatial co‐occurrence and niche overlap together with the heterogeneity of selected soil properties in a gallery forest (GF) of the Colombian Llanos. We used null‐model analysis to test for non‐random patterns of species co‐occurrence and body size in assemblages of earthworms and whether the pattern observed was the result of environmental heterogeneity or biotic processes structuring the community at small scales by means of co‐inertia analysis (CoIA). The results showed that earthworm species co‐occurred more frequently than expected by chance at short distances, and CoIA highlighted a significant specific relationship between earthworm species and soil variables. The effect of soil environmental heterogeneity on one litter‐feeding species but also the impact of soil‐feeding species on soil physical properties was revealed. Correlogram analysis on the first axis extracted in the CoIA showed the scale of the common structure shared by the fauna and soil variable tables. The earthworm community was not deterministically structured by competition and co‐occurrence of competing species was facilitated by soil environmental heterogeneity at small scales in the GF. Our results agreed with the coexistence aggregation model which suggests that spatial aggregation of competitors at patchily distributed resources (environment) can facilitate species coexistence.  相似文献   

Predicting which species will occur together in the future, and where, remains one of the greatest challenges in ecology, and requires a sound understanding of how the abiotic and biotic environments interact with dispersal processes and history across scales. Biotic interactions and their dynamics influence species' relationships to climate, and this also has important implications for predicting future distributions of species. It is already well accepted that biotic interactions shape species' spatial distributions at local spatial extents, but the role of these interactions beyond local extents (e.g. 10 km2 to global extents) are usually dismissed as unimportant. In this review we consolidate evidence for how biotic interactions shape species distributions beyond local extents and review methods for integrating biotic interactions into species distribution modelling tools. Drawing upon evidence from contemporary and palaeoecological studies of individual species ranges, functional groups, and species richness patterns, we show that biotic interactions have clearly left their mark on species distributions and realised assemblages of species across all spatial extents. We demonstrate this with examples from within and across trophic groups. A range of species distribution modelling tools is available to quantify species environmental relationships and predict species occurrence, such as: (i) integrating pairwise dependencies, (ii) using integrative predictors, and (iii) hybridising species distribution models (SDMs) with dynamic models. These methods have typically only been applied to interacting pairs of species at a single time, require a priori ecological knowledge about which species interact, and due to data paucity must assume that biotic interactions are constant in space and time. To better inform the future development of these models across spatial scales, we call for accelerated collection of spatially and temporally explicit species data. Ideally, these data should be sampled to reflect variation in the underlying environment across large spatial extents, and at fine spatial resolution. Simplified ecosystems where there are relatively few interacting species and sometimes a wealth of existing ecosystem monitoring data (e.g. arctic, alpine or island habitats) offer settings where the development of modelling tools that account for biotic interactions may be less difficult than elsewhere.  相似文献   

Hypotheses about phylogenetic relationships among species allow inferences about the mechanisms that affect species coexistence. Nevertheless, most studies assume that phylogenetic patterns identified are stable over time. We used data on monthly samples of fish from a single lake over 10 years to show that the structure in phylogenetic assemblages varies over time and conclusions depend heavily on the time scale investigated. The data set was organized in guild structures and temporal scales (grouped at three temporal scales). Phylogenetic distance was measured as the mean pairwise distances (MPD) and as mean nearest‐neighbor distance (MNTD). Both distances were based on counts of nodes. We compared the observed values of MPD and MNTD with values that were generated randomly using null model independent swap. A serial runs test was used to assess the temporal independence of indices over time. The phylogenetic pattern in the whole assemblage and the functional groups varied widely over time. Conclusions about phylogenetic clustering or dispersion depended on the temporal scales. Conclusions about the frequency with which biotic processes and environmental filters affect the local assembly do not depend only on taxonomic grouping and spatial scales. While these analyzes allow the assertion that all proposed patterns apply to the fish assemblages in the floodplain, the assessment of the relative importance of these processes, and how they vary depending on the temporal scale and functional group studied, cannot be determined with the effort commonly used. It appears that, at least in the system that we studied, the assemblages are forming and breaking continuously, resulting in various phylogeny‐related structures that makes summarizing difficult.  相似文献   

Inouye BD 《Oecologia》2005,145(2):188-196
Species that live in patchy and ephemeral habitats can compete strongly for resources within patches at a small scale. The ramifications of these interactions for population dynamics and coexistence at regional scales will depend on the intraspecific and interspecific distributions of individuals among patches. Spatial heterogeneity due to independent aggregation of competitors among patchy habitats is an important mechanism maintaining species diversity. I describe regional patterns of aggregation for four species of insect larvae in the fruits of Apeiba membranacea, a Neotropical rainforest tree. This aggregation results from variation in densities at a small scale (among the fruits under a single tree), compounded by significant variation among trees in both mean densities and degrees of aggregation. Both the degrees of aggregation and mean densities are statistically independent within and across species at both spatial scales. I evaluate the regional consequences of these spatial patterns by using maximum likelihood methods to parameterize a model that includes both explicit measures of the strength of competition and spatial variation at both within- and among-tree spatial scales. Despite strong competitive interactions among these species, during 2 years the observed spatial variation at both scales combined was sufficient to explain the coexistence of these species, although other coexistence mechanisms may also operate simultaneously. The observed spatial variation at small spatial scales may not be sufficient for coexistence, indicating the importance of considering multiple sources of spatial heterogeneity when scaling up from experiments that investigate local interactions to regional patterns of coexistence.  相似文献   

The question of whether species co‐occurrence is random or deterministic has received considerable attention, but little is known about how anthropogenic disturbance mediates the outcomes. By combining experiments, field surveys and analysis against null models, we tested the hypothesis that anthropogenic habitat modification disrupts species co‐occurrence in stream invertebrates across spatial scales. Whereas communities in unmodified conditions were structured deterministically with significant species segregation, catchment‐scale conversion to agriculture and sediment deposition at the patch‐ or micro‐habitat scale apparently randomized species co‐occurrences. This shift from non‐random to random was mostly independent of species richness, abundance and spatial scale. Data on community‐wide life‐history traits (body size, dispersal ability and predatory habits) and beta‐diversity indicated that anthropogenic modification disrupted community assembly by affecting biotic interactions and, to a lesser extent, altering habitat heterogeneity. These data illustrate that the balance between predictable and stochastic patterns in communities can reflect anthropogenic modifications that not only transcend scales but also change the relative forces that determine species coexistence. Research into the effects of habitat modification as a key to understanding global change should extend beyond species richness and composition to include species co‐occurrence, species interactions and any functional consequences.  相似文献   



The palm family occurs in all tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. Palms are of high ecological and economical importance, and display complex spatial patterns of species distributions and diversity.


This review summarizes empirical evidence for factors that determine palm species distributions, community composition and species richness such as the abiotic environment (climate, soil chemistry, hydrology and topography), the biotic environment (vegetation structure and species interactions) and dispersal. The importance of contemporary vs. historical impacts of these factors and the scale at which they function is discussed. Finally a hierarchical scale framework is developed to guide predictor selection for future studies.


Determinants of palm distributions, composition and richness vary with spatial scale. For species distributions, climate appears to be important at landscape and broader scales, soil, topography and vegetation at landscape and local scales, hydrology at local scales, and dispersal at all scales. For community composition, soil appears important at regional and finer scales, hydrology, topography and vegetation at landscape and local scales, and dispersal again at all scales. For species richness, climate and dispersal appear to be important at continental to global scales, soil at landscape and broader scales, and topography at landscape and finer scales. Some scale–predictor combinations have not been studied or deserve further attention, e.g. climate on regional to finer scales, and hydrology and topography on landscape and broader scales. The importance of biotic interactions – apart from general vegetation structure effects – for the geographic ecology of palms is generally underexplored. Future studies should target scale–predictor combinations and geographic domains not studied yet. To avoid biased inference, one should ideally include at least all predictors previously found important at the spatial scale of investigation.  相似文献   

Patterns and functioning of communities, which are determined by a set of processes operating at a large variety of spatial and temporal scales, exhibit quite high context-dependency and low predictability at the fine spatial scales at which recent studies have concentrated. More attention to broader scale and across-scale phenomena may be useful to search for general patterns and rules in communities. In this context, it is effective to incorporate hierarchical spatial scale explicitly into the experimental and sampling design of field studies, an approach referred to here as the spatial hierarchical approach, focusing on a particular assemblage in which biological interaction and species life history are well known. The spatial hierarchical approach can provide insight into the effects of scale in operating processes and answers to a number of important questions in community ecology such as: (1) detection of patterns and processes in spatiotemporal variability in communities, including how to explain the partitioning of pattern information of species diversity at a broad scale into finer scales, and the pattern of spatial variability of community properties at the finest spatial scale; (2) evaluation of changes in patterns observed in macroecology at finer scales; (3) testing of models explaining the coexistence of competing species; and (4) detection of latitudinal patterns in spatiotemporal variability in communities and their causal processes.  相似文献   

The invasion paradox describes the scale dependence of native-exotic richness relationships (NERRs), where NERRs are negative at neighborhood scales and positive at landscape scales. However, a lack of tropical surveys and past failures to isolate potential confounding variables contribute to significant gaps in our understanding of the processes producing these patterns. We surveyed the vascular flora of 13 tropical hardwood hammocks for community characteristics (e.g., native and exotic species richness, vegetative cover) with a hierarchical sampling design. Using model selection, we determined which variables best predicted patterns of exotic species richness at each spatial scale of consideration. We found that native and exotic species richness were positively correlated at neighborhood scales, but negatively correlated at landscape scales. The latter result stands in stark opposition to the patterns published in the literature thus far. We found that natural disturbance history (as approximated by vegetative cover) was positively correlated with exotic species richness at intermediate and landscape scales only. Overall, hammock identity was the most important factor driving exotic species richness patterns at all spatial scales. Hammocks with highly-disturbed hydrologies, brought about by water management, had fewer native species and more exotic species than hammocks with more natural hydrological conditions. Our results are among the first from examination of subtropical communities, and may support the hypothesis that tropical and subtropical communities are subject to more intense biotic interactions. However, given our unique sampling design, our results do not reject the hypothesis that environmental heterogeneity drives the relationship between native and exotic species richness patterns.  相似文献   

Under allopatric speciation models, a key step in the build-up of species richness is population dispersal leading to the co-occurrence of previously geographically isolated forms. Despite its central importance for community assembly, the extent to which the transition from spatial segregation (allopatry or parapatry) to coexistence (sympatry) is a predictable process, or alternatively one governed by chance and the vagaries of biogeographic history, remains poorly understood. Here, we use estimated divergence times and current patterns of geographical range overlap among sister species to explore the evolution of sympatry in vertebrates. We show that rates of transition to sympatry vary predictably according to ecology, being faster in marine or strongly dispersive terrestrial clades. This association with organism vagility is robust to the relative frequency of geographical speciation modes and consistent across taxonomic scales and metrics of dispersal ability. These findings reject neutral models of dispersal assembly based simply on evolutionary age and are not predicted by the main alternative view that range overlap is primarily constrained by biotic interactions. We conclude that species differences in dispersal limitation are fundamental in organizing the assembly of ecological communities and shaping broad-scale patterns of biodiversity over space and time.  相似文献   

Chen B  Kang L 《Oecologia》2005,144(2):187-195
Species that live in patchy and ephemeral habitats can compete strongly for resources within patches at a small scale. The ramifications of these interactions for population dynamics and coexistence at regional scales will depend on the intraspecific and interspecific distributions of individuals among patches. Spatial heterogeneity due to independent aggregation of competitors among patchy habitats is an important mechanism maintaining species diversity. I describe regional patterns of aggregation for four species of insect larvae in the fruits of Apeiba membranacea, a Neotropical rainforest tree. This aggregation results from variation in densities at a small scale (among the fruits under a single tree), compounded by significant variation among trees in both mean densities and degrees of aggregation. Both the degrees of aggregation and mean densities are statistically independent within and across species at both spatial scales. I evaluate the regional consequences of these spatial patterns by using maximum likelihood methods to parameterize a model that includes both explicit measures of the strength of competition and spatial variation at both within- and among-tree spatial scales. Despite strong competitive interactions among these species, during 2 years the observed spatial variation at both scales combined was sufficient to explain the coexistence of these species, although other coexistence mechanisms may also operate simultaneously. The observed spatial variation at small spatial scales may not be sufficient for coexistence, indicating the importance of considering multiple sources of spatial heterogeneity when scaling up from experiments that investigate local interactions to regional patterns of coexistence.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2006,29(1):16-26
Selection of habitat has a profound influence on interactions among species and the assembly of ecological communities. We investigated habitat preferences to understand how different cockroach species coexist in sugar-cane fields on Réunion island.Cockroach populations belonging to a guild of seven species were surveyed during one annual cycle in eight sugar-cane fields that differed by several environmental factors, in order to investigate ecological features of cockroach species and their patterns of coexistence.Structure variations of the cockroach communities were analyzed at the field scale, at the sample unit scale, and according to variations of environmental conditions related to the annual sugar-cane growth cycle. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to elucidate relationships between species diversity, population abundance and environmental characteristics.The examination of partitioning at different spatial and temporal scales evidenced that each species occupied a particular type of habitat. The main factors influencing spatial habitat selection were at the sample unit scale: presence of ants, edge effect, soil moisture and granulometry, at the field scale: irrigation, annual rainfall, altitude and age of the field. Although a pair of species shared the same type of habitat, annual population peaks of each species did not coincide in time. This suggests that resource partitioning is based both on ecological factors and interspecific competition.Factors enhancing cockroach coexistence and factors favoring population outbursts are discussed as well as specific invasive capacities of these cockroaches and the role of the cockroach community in the sugar-cane trophic web.  相似文献   

Communities of plants determine nonrandom spatial patterns defined by the intervention of abiotic and biotic factors acting at different spatial scales. We consider the influence of shrubs as one of the most important factors (biotic) affecting these spatial patterns at microscale. The macroclimate could be considered one of the most important factors (abiotic) at regional scale. To study the role and the floristic implications of each factor on the global patterns of herbaceous communities, we have developed a stratified sampling design that integrates both micro and macroscale on a 100 Km-long transect (east–west) in western central Spain. The results suggest that macroclimate could be one of the most important factors in determining herbaceous spatial patterns. Moreover, shrubs create a microspatial environmental heterogeneity that could alter such global climate patterns, modifying the spatial affinities established among species. This implies that environmental heterogeneity related to microhabitat could play a key role in spatial patterns at broad spatial scales, and consequently in the dynamics of the distribution and establishment of herbaceous species.  相似文献   

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