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月光花素对彩叶芋愈伤组织细胞生长和分化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在含有NAA0.2mg/L,2.4-D0.2mg/L的MS基础培养基中添加月光花素培养彩叶芋愈伤组织,结果显示,低浓度的月光花素能促进愈伤组织生长,高浓度则有明显的抑制作用,最适浓度为1.0 ̄2.0mg/L;培养两个月后,添加适宜浓度的月光花素(0.2 ̄2.0mg/L)的培养基能促进体细胞分化和植株再生,而高浓度处理和对照均未能分化出绿苗,表明适宜浓度的月光花素在合适的各行其事纱剂量的协同作用下,  相似文献   

植物的组织培养是近年来迅速发展起来的生物技术。但在培养中常常遇到植物愈伤组织生长缓慢。绿苗分化率低等问题。虽然可以利用添加类生长素和细胞分裂索等植物生长调节剂来加以控制,但仍然有许多植物愈伤组织生长十分缓慢。绿苗诱导率很低,很难用到生产实践中。我们试图应用月光花素甲添加到培养基中来解决上述问题。所用月光花素甲经过光谱分析和用稻根抑制法进行生物鉴定,确认其为活性强的提纯  相似文献   

高压静电对烟草愈伤组织生长和根分化的效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用场强 +1.0 KV/ cm高压静电 ( HV EF)处理烟草愈伤组织 30 min,处理组愈伤组织生长量达 10 .6 4g,比对照组高 8.0 % ,根分化率达 70 .6 % ,比对照组高 95%。超氧物歧化酶 ( SOD)活性、蛋白质含量分别为356 .3U/ g.FW、11.0 7m g/ g.FW,分别比对照增加 10 .5%、2 3.5%。过氧化物酶 ( POD)和吲哚乙酸 ( IAA)氧化酶活性处理组分别为 56 .3OD4 70 / min.g.FW、87.1μg/ g.h.FW,分别比对照下降 2 6 .1%、8.7%。结果表明 ,高压静电处理可促进烟草愈伤组织细胞生长和根的分化 ,这与 HV EF影响体内 SOD、POD和 IAA氧化酶活性以及蛋白质含量的变化相关。  相似文献   

生长调节物质对石刁柏愈伤组织诱导及根芽分化的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
石刁柏幼茎在0.1~20mg/L 2,4-D和0.1~80mg/LNAA条件下,均能形成愈伤组织,2,4-D和6-BA,NAA和KT配合使用,愈伤组织诱导率能大幅度提高,高速100%。几种生长调节物质中以IAA对促进根的分化最有利。6-BA或KT中芽分化率以0~1mg/L的浓度为佳。  相似文献   

三七愈伤组织分化的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

寡糖素对西洋参和人参愈伤组织培养的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
红花、人参和黑节草寡糖素(简称CO、GO和DO)分别加入到培养基中,均能影响西洋参和人参愈伤组织生长和皂甙的合成。CO、GO和DO促进西洋参愈伤组织皂甙合成的最适浓度分别为5ppm、15ppm和10ppm,皂甙产率分别为14.89mg/flask、11.24mg/flask和14.53mg/flask,均明显高于对照(8.22mg/flash).CO、GO和DO促进人参愈伤组织皂甙合成的最适浓度分别为5ppm、20ppm和5ppm,皂甙产率分别为11.79mg/flask、11.20mg/flask和10.48mg/flask,均明显高于对照(6.65mg/flask),它们在适度浓度下对人参愈伤组织的生长均有促进作用。  相似文献   

不同生长素对盾叶薯蓣 (DioscoreazingiberensisC .H .Wright)愈伤组织细胞生长量的影响差异是NAA >IAA >2 ,4 D ,而对薯蓣皂甙元合成的影响是 2 ,4 D >IAA >NAA。在有生长素存在的条件下 ,光照 2 4h ,另加 0 5mg LKT促进愈伤组织细胞的生长 ,而附加 0 5mg LBA促进薯蓣皂甙元的合成 ;相反 ,光照 12h ,另加 0 5mg LBA促进生长 ,附加 0 5mg LKT促进合成。愈伤组织生长越旺 ,薯蓣皂甙元积累越少。低浓度的生长素促进薯蓣皂甙元的合成。  相似文献   

培养基对甜叶悬钩子愈伤组织生长及甜菜甙产生的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

培养条件对平贝母愈伤组织分化的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
唐巍  杨映根 《生物技术》1996,6(4):11-14
以平贝母无菌苗幼茎切段诱导产生的愈伤组织为试材,研究了基本培养基、蔗糖浓度、继代时间及继代周期时间对愈伤组织分化的影响。结果表明,MS基本培养基有利于不定芽的诱导,N6培养基有利于体细胞胚的诱导。在MN培养基上,随着蔗糖浓度的升高,不定芽发生能力下降,体细胞胚发生率升高。继代时间越长,不定芽及体细胞胚的发生能力均下降。体细胞胚胎发生的最佳继代周期时间是21天,不定芽发生的最佳继代周期时间是28天。  相似文献   

白桦愈伤组织的高效诱导和不定芽分化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
选出白桦愈伤组织诱导的最适培养基为 :IS 6 BA 5 .0mg·L-1 KT 0 .5mg·L -1(茎段 ,叶柄 ) ;IS 6 BA 2 .0mg·L-1 NAA 0 .2mg·L-1(叶片 )。分化培养基为 :IS 6 BA 0 .4~ 0 .5mg·L-1,蔗糖浓度 2 0 g·L-1。愈伤组织诱导率和不定芽分化率分别达到 73 %和 90 %以上。  相似文献   

红芽大戟愈伤组织诱导及分化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以野生红芽大戟茎段、叶片和嫩芽为材料,经消毒灭菌后,接种于含不同激素组合的MS固体培养基上,分别进行愈伤组织诱导和分化,结果表明,在茎段、叶片和嫩芽3种外植体中,嫩芽的愈伤组织诱导率最高,生长最好,最佳诱导愈伤组织激素组合为MS+6-BA2.0mg·L~(-1)+NAA0.4 mg·L~(-1)。该研究旨在筛选出适合红芽大戟诱导分化的培养体系,进一步解决生产中繁殖率低的问题,为红芽大戟组织培养快速繁殖、种质资源保存提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   

黄山药愈伤组织的诱导与分化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马林  杨国涛  李军   《广西植物》2006,26(1):97-100,91
以黄山药的叶片、茎段和叶柄作外植体,以MS为基本培养基,试验了不同激素组合对愈伤组织诱导的影响,采用正交试验法研究了愈伤组织的分化效果。结果表明,以MS+2,4-D1~2mg/L+6-BA2mg/L培养基对叶片的愈伤组织诱导效果最好,接种12d后初见愈伤组织,20d后可形成大量的愈伤组织,而茎段和叶柄的诱导效果较差。分化试验结果表明,生根率最高可达85.3%,而出芽率最高仅达29.6%。  相似文献   

耿天龙  李佛生  于敏  罗枫雪  唐琳  王胜华 《广西植物》2016,36(10):1238-1244
该研究以金发草愈伤组织为材料,通过分析比较不同抗生素种类(卡那霉素、潮霉素、头孢噻呋钠和氨苄青霉素)和浓度对金发草愈伤组织生长分化的影响,来确定适用于金发草遗传转化体系中的抗性筛选剂和抑菌剂。结果表明:(1)金发草愈伤组织对卡那霉素很敏感,且其分化率随着卡那霉素浓度的增加显著减少( P=0.01)。当卡那霉素浓度为10 mg·L-1时,金发草愈伤组织的生长分化受到明显抑制,且有大量的白化苗形成,但分化率仍有36.56%;当卡那霉素浓度为15 mg·L-1时,金发草愈伤组织的分化率为11.94%,只有很少部分的愈伤分化出绿色的丛生苗;当卡那霉素浓度为20 mg·L-1时,金发草愈伤组织基本褐化死亡,分化率仅为2.26%。因此,浓度为15 mg·L-1的卡那霉素适合作为金发草遗传转化体系中的抗性筛选剂。(2)金发草愈伤组织对潮霉素的敏感性要比卡那霉素弱,且潮霉素对金发草愈伤组织分化率的影响小,但毒害作用大。因此,潮霉素不适合作为金发草遗传转化体系中的抗性筛选剂。(3)300 mg·L-1的头孢霉素和氨苄青霉素对金发草愈伤组织生长分化影响很小且能有效抑制杂菌的生长,较高浓度的氨苄青霉素对金发草愈伤组织的抑制作用不太明显。因此,300 mg·L-1的头孢霉素和较高浓度的氨苄青霉素均可作为金发草遗传转化体系中的抑菌剂。该研究确定了适用于农杆菌介导的金发草遗传转化体系中的抗性筛选剂和抑菌剂,为金发草的遗传改良及功能性基因的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

张俊娥 《广西植物》2010,30(5):682-685
为了探讨柑橘愈伤组织不能再生的原因,试图寻找柑橘愈伤组织生长速度与其体细胞胚胎发生之间的关系,对7种柑橘类型的29种基因型的愈伤组织的生长速度进行了测定,并对愈伤组织生长速度与体细胞胚胎发生之间的相关性进行了统计分析。结果表明,柑橘愈伤组织生长速度与体细胞胚胎发生之间的相关系数为r=-0.3683。由此推断在这两者之间还存在其它影响因素。  相似文献   

Summary Mouse epidermal keratinocytes (MK cells) were grown as replicating subcultures at clonal density, in a serum-free, low calcium basal medium supplemented with seven different growth factors (Bertolero et al., Exp. Cell. Res. 155:64–80, 1984). This serum-free system was used to investigate the activity of cells. bovine serum (FBS) and of serum-derived factors on the growth and differentiation of MK cells. Unfractionated, whole FBS inhibited growth and induced terminal differentiation of normal MK cells. The growth inhibitory activity was considerably reduced by passing whole FBS over a resin (Chelex) to remove Ca2+ and other di- and trivalent cations. It is not known whether this treatment removed other factors. Addition of individual serum components either stimulated or inhibited cell-growth and differentiation. Fetuin, a major α-globulin of FBS, and high density lipoprotein strongly inhibited the colony forming efficiency (CFE) of MK cells, whereas bovine serum albumin increased the CFE 4.5-fold and stimulated the growth rate as well. The addition of impure commercial preparations of platelet-derived growth factor inhibited the CFE and induced the morphological features of squamous terminally-differentiating keratinocytes. As reported in other systems, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) inhibited the growth of secondary keratinocytes in a dose-dependent manner. Thus, at least three factors present in FBS inhibited growth whereas others were stimulatory. These observations explain the difficulties in obtaining replicating subcultures of mouse keratinocytes in serum-supplemented media and emphasize the importance of a serum-free system for studies on growth control and carcinogenesis in keratinocytes. Editor’s Statement This report contributes significantly to our knowledge of keratinocyte cell biology in two ways. First, a serum-free medium has been developed that can now be used by many investigators to define growth versus differentiation factors for these cells. This is important since several impure or relatively crude preparations of factors are known to influence these cells. Second, the finding that TGF-Beta is an inhibitor of keratinocyte growth opens new avenues to investigate the biochemical events leading to differentiation. David A. Sirbasku  相似文献   

Colchicine effects on growth, oxygen uptake, and adenosine phosphates level of carrot (Daucus carota L.) callus tissue were determined over a period of 18 days after subculture. Colchicine at 10−3 and 10−4 M inhibited the increase in oxygen consumption which was observed with the initiation of callus tissue. Initially the same levels of colchicine stimulated AMP and ADP levels above those of the control, but later the levels returned to those of the control. Colchicine at 10−4 and 10−6 M reduced ATP levels; however, at 10−3 M there was no effect. Growth was not severely affected by the same concentrations during the same treatment period. Oxygen consumption and nucleotide metabolism were more sensitive to colchicine than was growth. Energy charge was calculated to be 0.7–0.8 in both treated and control tissue during 3–15 days in culture. South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Journal No. 1840.  相似文献   

Calcineurin is a Ca2+/calmodulin dependent serine/threonine protein phosphatase, and has multiple functions in animal cells. In this work, mouse calcineurin was introduced into wild-type rice and the expression of calcineurin inhibited the induction and growth of rice calli. Inhibitor analysis showed that untransformed and CNAtr transgenic callus cultures had different sensitivity to cyclosporin A (CsA), a specific inhibitor of protein phosphatase calcineurin. When callus cultures were subject to 1 μM of CsA, the growth of calli induced from untransformed wild-type rice was inhibited. Interestingly, the growth inhibition of CNAtr transgenic calli was not detected in presence of 1 μM of CsA. Our findings showed that the heterologous calcineurin might be involved in the regulation of cell growth in plant cells.  相似文献   

小麦根愈伤组织胚胎发育过程研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实验通过对6个人工合成小麦品系和对照品种“中国春”种子根愈伤组织分化形成再生植株的过程进行形态和组织切片观察,发现分化初期有2种途径,一种是从愈伤组织先形成不定胚,然后再发育成不定芽和不定根,另一种途径是直接从愈伤组织中分化发育成不定根和不定芽;分化后期不定芽和不定根生长发育有3种类型:一种是不定芽发育先于不定根,一种是不定芽与不定期不定芽和不定根生长发育有种类型:一种是不一定芽发育先于不定根,一  相似文献   

不同生长调节剂对马蹄金愈伤组织诱导的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
马蹄金是一种优良的地被兼观赏草坪植物。采用正交设计试验法 ,研究了四种不同生长调节剂对马蹄金子叶、叶片、叶柄和下胚轴愈伤组织诱导的影响。结果表明 :生长调节剂是诱导愈伤组织的关键 ,2 ,4 D对愈伤组织诱导具有显著的影响 ,适宜于马蹄金愈伤组织诱导的培养基及生长调节剂为MS +1 .0mg/L 2 ,4 D +0 .2mg/L 6 BA +0 .2mg/LKT +1 .0mg/Lα NAA。  相似文献   

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