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Behavioural and cardiac responses of multiparous dairy cows (n=24) during milking in a 2×4 stall herringbone milking system were evaluated in this study. Heart rate (HR), parasympathetic tone index (high frequency component, HF) of heart rate variability and sympathovagal balance indicator LF/HF ratio (the ratio of the low frequency (LF) and the HF component) were analysed. Measurement periods were established as follows: (1) standing calm (baseline), (2) udder preparation, (3) milking, (4) waiting after milking in the milking stall and (5) in the night (2 h after milking). Step behaviour was recorded and calculated per minute for the three phases of the milking process (udder preparation, milking and waiting after milking). HR was higher during udder preparation and milking compared with baseline (P=0.03, 0.027, respectively). HF was significantly lower than baseline levels during waiting in the milking stall after milking (P=0.009), however, during udder preparation, milking and 2 h after milking did not differ from baseline (P>0.05, in either case). LF/HF during the three phases of the milking process differed neither from baseline levels nor from each other. Steps occurred more often during waiting after milking than during udder preparation (P=0.042) or during milking (23; P=0.017). Our results suggest that the milking procedure itself was not stressful for these animals. After milking (following the removal of the last teat cup and before leaving the milking stall), both decreased parasympathetic tone (lower HF) and increased stepping rate indicated a sensitive period for animals during this phase.  相似文献   

Contraction work (CW) was recorded for each of 200 repetitive isokinetic plantar flexions (1.05 rad.s-1) and knee extensions (1.57 rad.s-1) in 14 elite male orienteers. Simultaneous recordings of integrated electromyograms (iEMG) were obtained from the 3 parts of triceps surae and from 3 superficial portions of quadriceps femoris. CW in both muscle groups decreased significantly during the first 30 contractions (the fatigue phase), followed by a steady state level. The relative steady state level was higher for the plantar flexors (70 +/- 17%) than for the knee extensors (56 +/- 12%). For quadriceps a significant increase in iEMG occurred during the first 10 contractions followed by a decrease, whereas the iEMG of the plantar flexors showed a gradual decrease to the steady state level, which was similar for the two muscle groups (71-72%). The chosen expression of output/input balance (CW/iEMG) was constant throughout the plantarflexion test but decreased during the initial 20 knee extensions down to 82%. Thus, the fatigue phase of the knee extensions appeared to be divided into two; the first part had decreases in both CW and CW/iEMG and the second part with a decrease in CW alone. In contrast the plantar flexors only showed the characteristics of the second part.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase activity of the cat hind leg   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Relationship between body and leg VO2 during maximal cycle ergometry.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It is not known whether the asymptotic behavior of whole body O2 consumption (VO2) at maximal work rates (WR) is explained by similar behavior of VO2 in the exercising legs. To resolve this question, simultaneous measurements of body and leg VO2 were made at submaximal and maximal levels of effort breathing normoxic and hypoxic gases in seven trained male cyclists (maximal VO2, 64.7 +/- 2.7 ml O2.min-1.kg-1), each of whom demonstrated a reproducible VO2-WR asymptote during fatiguing incremental cycle ergometry. Left leg blood flow was measured by constant-infusion thermodilution, and total leg VO2 was calculated as the product of twice leg flow and radial arterial-femoral venous O2 concentration difference. The VO2-WR relationships determined at submaximal WR's were extrapolated to maximal WR as a basis for assessing the body and leg VO2 responses. The differences between measured and extrapolated maximal VO2 were 235 +/- 45 (body) and 203 +/- 70 (leg) ml O2/min (not significantly different). Plateauing of leg VO2 was associated with, and explained by, plateauing of both leg blood flow and O2 extraction and hence of leg VO2. We conclude that the asymptotic behavior of whole body VO2 at maximal WRs is a direct reflection of the VO2 profile at the exercising legs.  相似文献   

Inactive forearm muscle oxygenation has been reported to begin decreasing from the respiratory compensation point (RCP) during ramp leg cycling. From the RCP, hyperventilation occurs with a decrease in arterial CO2 pressure (PaCO2). The aim of this study was to determine which of these two factors, hyperventilation or decrease in PaCO2, is related to a decrease in inactive biceps brachii muscle oxygenation during leg cycling. Each subject (n = 7) performed a 6-min two-step leg cycling. The exercise intensity in the first step (3 min) was halfway between the ventilatory threshold and RCP (170+/-21 watts), while that in the second step (3 min) was halfway between the RCP and peak oxygen uptake (240+/-28 watts). The amount of hyperventilation and PaCO2 were calculated from gas parameters. The average cross correlation function in seven subjects between inactive muscle oxygenation and amount of hyperventilation showed a negative peak at the time shift of zero (r = -0.72, p<0.001), while that between inactive muscle oxygenation and calculated PaCO2 showed no peak near the time shift of zero. Thus, we concluded that decrease in oxygenation in inactive arm muscle is closely coupled with increase in the amount of hyperventilation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between hip and knee strength, and valgus knee motion during a single leg squat. Thirty healthy adults (15 men, 15 women) stood on their preferred foot, squatted to approximately 60 deg of knee flexion, and returned to the standing position. Frontal plane knee motion was evaluated using 3-D motion analysis. During Session 2, isokinetic (60 deg/sec) concentric and eccentric hip (abduction/adduction, flexion/extension, and internal/external rotation) and knee (flexion/extension) strength was evaluated. The results demonstrated that hip abduction (r2=0.13), knee flexion (r2=0.18), and knee extension (r2=0.14) peak torque were significant predictors of frontal plane knee motion. Significant negative correlations showed that individuals with greater hip abduction (r=-0.37), knee flexion (r=-0.43), and knee extension (r=-0.37) peak torque exhibited less motion toward the valgus direction. Men exhibited significantly greater absolute peak torque for all motions, excluding eccentric internal rotation. When normalized to body mass, men demonstrated significantly greater strength than women for concentric hip adduction and flexion, knee flexion and extension, and eccentric hip extension. The major findings demonstrate a significant role of hip muscle strength in the control of frontal plane knee motion.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of the presence of an unfamiliar, a gentle or an aversive handler during milking on behaviour and milk yield, and whether cows can learn to approach or avoid a handler by observing the neighbouring cow's responses. In Experiment 1, Danish Friesian cows (n=16) were treated gently (offering hay and concentrates) by one handler and aversively (hit every 15s on the head with the hand) by another handler for six periods of 2min each. The two handlers wore different coloured overalls, and each cow received either gentle or aversive treatment in the first week and the other treatment the following week. All cows kept a longer distance to the aversive than to the gentle handler in a 1min test after treatment. Milk yield and residual milk did not differ when the aversive or the gentle handler was standing in front of the cow during milking, although the cows moved their legs and tail less when the aversive handler was present. When an unfamiliar person was standing in front of the cows during milking, behaviour and milk yield did not differ from control milkings. Cows and heifers (n=10) that had observed their neighbours receiving gentle treatment by one handler and aversive treatment from another handler did not differ in the distance they kept from these two handlers. In Experiment 2, cows (n=15) that had observed the neighbours receiving a gentle treatment (eight times for 2min) kept a shorter distance to that handler after treatment of their neighbours, and the distance they kept was correlated with the distance kept by the neighbouring cows. This suggests that responses of observer cows may be affected by the responses of the cows being treated. The cows rapidly learned to avoid an aversive handler, but although the cows showed clear avoidance response to the aversive handler there was no effect on milk yield when the aversive handler was present at milking.  相似文献   

Cow routines and behavioral responses are altered substantially following the installation of robot milking. The present study was designed to analyze the effect that switching from milking parlor to automatic milking system (AMS) had on the culling rate (due to various causes) of dairy cattle. For this purpose, culling records and causes for culling were tracked in 23 dairy farms in the Galicia region (NW Spain). The animals in these farms were monitored for 5 years. For the present study, that length of time was divided into three different stages, as follows: 2 years before switching from a milking parlor to AMS (stage 1), the 1st year following the implementation of AMS (stage 2) and the 2nd and 3rd years succeeding the implementation of AMS (stage 3). Cox models for survival analysis were used to estimate the time to culling due to different reasons during stage 1 in relation to stages 2 and 3. The data indicated that the risk of loss due to death or emergency slaughter decreased significantly following the installation of AMS. In contrast, the risk of culling due to low production, udder problems, infertility or lameness increased significantly. Low-production cows (such as cows in advanced lactation due to infertility) or sick cows (such as mastitic or lame cows) allegedly have a noticeable effect both on the performance and the amortization of the cost of AMS, which in turn would lead to a higher probability of elimination than in conventional systems.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to assess discomfort to the cow associated with milking machine function. Seven cows were presented with conditional discrimination tasks between alternative stimuli, using operant conditioning procedures. No discrimination between stimuli was evident. When allowed to choose between wide and narrow pulsation ratios, the 7 cows failed to do more than respond randomly. Four of the cows who were given a choice between potentially more or less aversive stimuli, pulsation vs. zero pulsation, showed no clear preference. The data suggest either that cows cannot discriminate within the experimental range of machine functions, i.e. that no measurable preference existed, or, under the experimental methods used, that cows could not learn the conditional discrimination required.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to establish whether temperature-humidity index values, as a measure of heat comfort, from Days 1 to 40 of gestation could be associated with the pregnancy loss rate in high producing dairy cows. Data from 1391 pregnancies were recorded. Pregnancy was diagnosed by transrectal ultrasonography between Days 34 and 45, and again 90 days after insemination. Pregnancy loss was assumed when the second pregnancy diagnosis on Day 90 proved negative and was registered in 7.8% (108/1391) of pregnancies. Mean and maximum temperature-humidity index values were established for each cow for Days 0 (day of insemination), 1, 2 and 3 after insemination, and averages established for Days 0-3, 0-10, 11-20, 21-30 and 31-40 after insemination. Cow and management variables previously found to be significantly correlated with the early fetal loss in the same geographical area were also recorded. The relative contribution of each factor to the probability of pregnancy loss was determined using logistic regression models. Based on the odds ratio, a strong association with pregnancy loss of the factors warm period of pregnancy (warm period-May to September versus cool-October to April), twin pregnancy (as negative factors: odds ratios 3.1 and 3.4, respectively) and an additional corpus luteum (as a positive factor: odds ratio 0.32) was confirmed. The likelihood of pregnancy loss increased by a factor of 1.05 for each additional unit of the mean maximum temperature-humidity index from Days 21 to 30 of gestation. Logistic regression analysis revealed no significant effects of temperature-humidity index values for the remaining gestation periods. Our results indicate that heat stress can compromise the success of gestation during the peri-implantation period, such that high temperature-humidity index values for the period 21-30 days of gestation are a risk factor for subsequent early fetal loss.  相似文献   

Pulmonary ventilation (V) and alveolar gas composition (PACO2, PAO2) were studied in 12 healthy men who performed gradual muscular work under conditions of controlled hypercapnia, hypoxia, hyperoxia or their combinations. The respiratory response was estimated by absolute values of ventilation at the given PACO2 value and by its rise by 1 mm Hg of increased PACO2 (delta V/delta PACO2) under rest and under transitional and steady-state exercise. The exercise on-switch was accompanied by displacement to the top and an increased slope of the response curve (delta V/delta PACO2) not related to the work load. These changes suggest multiplicative interaction of the neurogenic and hypercapnic drives in the load switch-on. During steady-state exercise an important role of the hypoxic drive was revealed: hypoxemia induced a shift of the delta V/delta PACO2 response curve to a higher level, especially with the great work load. Thus the positive interaction between the hypercapnic and hypoxic respiratory drive augments with muscular exercise.  相似文献   

The patterns of cholesterol content in chick brain and liver were studied during embryonic development and compared with the variations in the specific activities of mevalonate-activating enzymes during the same period. Total cholesterol content in both embryonic chick brain and liver increased during incubation. The relative percentage of free cholesterol was always maintained over 85% in brain, while in liver this percentage decreased to less than 10% during the later days of incubation. A straight parallelism was observed between free cholesterol and pyrophosphomevalonate decarboxylase activity in the embryonic brain. On the other hand, the hepatic decarboxylase exhibited a lower specific activity than in brain and did not show significant variations throughout the same period of incubation. Changes in brain pyrophosphomevalonate decarboxylase activity were more pronounced than those observed in both mevalonate kinase and phosphomevalonate kinase activities, in spite of that the specific activity of decarboxylase was the lowest of the three mevalonate-activating enzymes, suggesting that this reaction is one rate-limiting step for cholesterogenesis during myelination.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to study the relationship between milk flow emission variables recorded during milking of dairy goats with variables related to milking routine, goat physiology, milking parameters and milking machine characteristics, to determine the variables affecting milking performance and help the goat industry pinpoint farm and milking practices that improve milking performance. In total, 19 farms were visited once during the evening milking. Milking parameters (vacuum level (VL), pulsation ratio and pulsation rate, vacuum drop), milk emission flow variables (milking time, milk yield, maximum milk flow (MMF), average milk flow (AVMF), time until 500 g/min milk flow is established (TS500)), doe characteristics of 8 to 10 goats/farm (breed, days in milk and parity), milking practices (overmilking, overstripping, pre-lag time) and milking machine characteristics (line height, presence of claw) were recorded on every farm. The relationships between recorded variables and farm were analysed by a one-way ANOVA analysis. The relationships of milk yield, MMF, milking time and TS500 with goat physiology, milking routine, milking parameters and milking machine design were analysed using a linear mixed model, considering the farm as the random effect. Farm was significant (P<0.05) in all the studied variables. Milk emission flow variables were similar to those recommended in scientific studies. Milking parameters were adequate in most of the farms, being similar to those recommended in scientific studies. Few milking parameters and milking machine characteristics affected the tested variables: average vacuum level only showed tendency on MMF, and milk pipeline height on TS500. Milk yield (MY) was mainly affected by parity, as the interaction of days in milk with parity was also significant. Milking time was mainly affected by milk yield and breed. Also significant were parity, the interaction of days in milk with parity and overstripping, whereas overmilking showed a slight tendency. We concluded that most of the studied variables were mainly related to goat physiology characteristics, as the effects of milking parameters and milking machine characteristics were scarce.  相似文献   

Because not all animal factors influencing profitability can be included in total merit breeding indices for profitability, the association between animal total merit index and true profitability, taking cognisance of all factors associated with costs and revenues, is generally not known. One method to estimate such associations is at the herd level, associating herd average genetic merit with herd profitability. The objective of this study was to primarily relate herd average genetic merit for a range of traits, including the Irish total merit index, with indicators of performance, including profitability, using correlation and multiple regression analyses. Physical, genetic and financial performance data from 1131 Irish seasonal calving pasture-based dairy farms were available following edits; data on some herds were available for more than 1 year of the 3-year study period (2007 to 2009). Herd average economic breeding index (EBI) was associated with reduced herd average phenotypic milk yield but with greater milk composition, resulting in higher milk prices. Moderate positive correlations (0.26 to 0.61) existed between genetic merit for an individual trait and average herd performance for that trait (e.g. genetic merit for milk yield and average per cow milk yield). Following adjustment for year, stocking rate, herd size and quantity of purchased feed in the multiple regression analysis, average herd EBI was positively and linearly associated with net margin per cow and per litre as well as gross revenue output per cow and per litre. The change in net margin per cow per unit change in the total merit index was €1.94 (s.e. = 0.42), which was not different from the expectation of €2. This study, based on a large data set of commercial herds with accurate information on profitability and genetic merit, confirms that, after accounting for confounding factors, the change in herd profitability per unit change in herd genetic merit for the total merit index is within expectations.  相似文献   

There is a large variability in profitability and productivity between farms operating with automatic milking systems (AMS). The objectives of this study were to identify the physical factors associated with profitability and productivity of pasture-based AMS and quantify how changes in these factors would affect farm productivity. We utilised two different datasets collected between 2015 and 2019 with information from commercial pasture-based AMS farms. One contained annual physical and economic data from 14 AMS farms located in the main Australian dairy regions; the other contained monthly, detailed robot-system performance data from 23 AMS farms located across Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and Chile. We used linear mixed models to identify the physical factors associated with different profitability (Model 1) and partial productivity measures (Model 2). Additionally, we conducted a Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate how changes in the physical factors would affect productivity. Our results from Model 1 showed that the two main factors associated with profitability in pasture-based AMS were milk harvested/robot (MH; kg milk/robot per day) and total labour on-farm (full-time equivalent). On average, Model 1 explained 69% of the variance in profitability. In turn, Model 2 showed that the main factors associated with MH were cows/robot, milk flow, milking frequency, milking time, and days in milk. Model 2 explained 90% of the variance in MH. The Monte Carlo simulation showed that if pasture-based AMS farms manage to increase the number of cows/robot from 54 (current average) to ~ 70 (the average of the 25% highest performing farms), the probability of achieving high MH, and therefore profitability, would increase from 23% to 63%. This could make AMS more attractive for pasture-based systems and increase the rate of adoption of the technology.  相似文献   

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