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镜像神经元研究概况述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
袁逖飞  陈巍  丁峻 《生命科学》2007,19(5):547-550
镜像神经元是近来国外认知神经科学研究的热点,通过一系列最新的技术,人们确立了人体内存在镜像神经系统的观点。镜像神经系统在语言进化、动作识别与理解、行为模仿等方面都起着重要的作用。本文就镜像神经系统的研究做一概述。  相似文献   

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) demonstrate difficulty with social interactions and relationships, but the neural mechanisms underlying these difficulties remain largely unknown. While social difficulties in ASD are most apparent in the context of interactions with other people, most neuroscience research investigating ASD have provided limited insight into the complex dynamics of these interactions. The development of novel, innovative “interactive social neuroscience” methods to study the brain in contexts with two interacting humans is a necessary advance for ASD research. Studies applying an interactive neuroscience approach to study two brains engaging with one another have revealed significant differences in neural processes during interaction compared to observation in brain regions that are implicated in the neuropathology of ASD. Interactive social neuroscience methods are crucial in clarifying the mechanisms underlying the social and communication deficits that characterize ASD.  相似文献   

The existence of a specialized imitation module in humans is hotly debated. Studies suggesting a specific imitation impairment in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) support a modular view. However, the voluntary imitation tasks used in these studies (which require socio-cognitive abilities in addition to imitation for successful performance) cannot support claims of a specific impairment. Accordingly, an automatic imitation paradigm (a 'cleaner' measure of imitative ability) was used to assess the imitative ability of 16 adults with ASD and 16 non-autistic matched control participants. Participants performed a prespecified hand action in response to observed hand actions performed either by a human or a robotic hand. On compatible trials the stimulus and response actions matched, while on incompatible trials the two actions did not match. Replicating previous findings, the Control group showed an automatic imitation effect: responses on compatible trials were faster than those on incompatible trials. This effect was greater when responses were made to human than to robotic actions ('animacy bias'). The ASD group also showed an automatic imitation effect and a larger animacy bias than the Control group. We discuss these findings with reference to the literature on imitation in ASD and theories of imitation.  相似文献   

Cook R 《Biology letters》2012,8(5):856-859
Since their discovery, mirror neurons-units in the macaque brain that discharge both during action observation and execution-have attracted considerable interest. Whether mirror neurons are an innate endowment or acquire their sensorimotor matching properties ontogenetically has been the subject of intense debate. It is widely believed that these units are an innate trait; that we are born with a set of mature mirror neurons because their matching properties conveyed upon our ancestors an evolutionary advantage. However, an alternative view is that mirror neurons acquire their matching properties during ontogeny, through correlated experience of observing and performing actions. The present article re-examines frequently overlooked neurophysiological reports of 'tool-use' and 'audiovisual' mirror neurons within the context of this debate. It is argued that these findings represent compelling evidence that mirror neurons are a product of sensorimotor experience, and not an innate endowment.  相似文献   

The observation of actions executed by others results in desynchronization of electroencephalogram (EEG) in the alpha and beta frequency bands recorded from the central regions in humans. On the other hand, mirror neurons, which are thought to be responsible for this effect, have been studied only in macaque monkeys, using single-cell recordings. Here, as a first step in a research programme aimed at understanding the parallels between human and monkey mirror neuron systems (MNS), we recorded EEG from the scalp of two monkeys during action observation. The monkeys were trained to fixate on the face of a human agent and subsequently to fixate on a target upon which the agent performed a grasping action. We found that action observation produced desynchronization in the 19–25 Hz band that was strongest over anterior and central electrodes. These results are in line with human data showing that specific frequency bands within the power spectrum of the ongoing EEG may be modulated by observation of actions and therefore might be a specific marker of MNS activity.  相似文献   

赵翥  陈巍  汪寅 《兽类学报》2019,39(5):556-564
在灵长类镜像神经元系统的研究中,关于镜像神经元系统的产生主要存在两种观点,基因假说认为镜像神经元系统的出现基于一定的演化压力,服务于动作理解这一社会性功能;而联想学习假说则认为镜像神经元系统是感觉运动学习的产物,并不服务于动作理解。在联想学习的阵营中,联想序列学习主张一种极端的后天论立场,并通过刺激-反应范式提供大量的实证证据。但是,联想序列学习虽然能够解释大部分镜像神经元的研究,却无法否定其发生机制中的基因成分。比较镜像神经元系统在多个物种中的演化历史,探索个体早期发展对社会性信息的偏好均显示出联想序列学习存在局限,而联想序列学习提供的证据也不具有生态学效度。因此,对镜像神经元的基因基础如何影响其产生、发展与演化的探讨仍将是一个极具意义和生命力的主题。  相似文献   

Electroencephalography (EEG) is an effective, efficient, and noninvasive method of assessing and recording brain activity. Given the excellent temporal resolution, EEG can be used to examine the neural response related to specific behaviors, states, or external stimuli. An example of this utility is the assessment of the mirror neuron system (MNS) in humans through the examination of the EEG mu rhythm. The EEG mu rhythm, oscillatory activity in the 8-12 Hz frequency range recorded from centrally located electrodes, is suppressed when an individual executes, or simply observes, goal directed actions. As such, it has been proposed to reflect activity of the MNS. It has been theorized that dysfunction in the mirror neuron system (MNS) plays a contributing role in the social deficits of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The MNS can then be noninvasively examined in clinical populations by using EEG mu rhythm attenuation as an index for its activity. The described protocol provides an avenue to examine social cognitive functions theoretically linked to the MNS in individuals with typical and atypical development, such as ASD.   相似文献   

Here, we report the properties of neurons with mirror-like characteristics that were identified as pyramidal tract neurons (PTNs) and recorded in the ventral premotor cortex (area F5) and primary motor cortex (M1) of three macaque monkeys. We analysed the neurons’ discharge while the monkeys performed active grasp of either food or an object, and also while they observed an experimenter carrying out a similar range of grasps. A considerable proportion of tested PTNs showed clear mirror-like properties (52% F5 and 58% M1). Some PTNs exhibited ‘classical’ mirror neuron properties, increasing activity for both execution and observation, while others decreased their discharge during observation (‘suppression mirror-neurons’). These experiments not only demonstrate the existence of PTNs as mirror neurons in M1, but also reveal some interesting differences between M1 and F5 mirror PTNs. Although observation-related changes in the discharge of PTNs must reach the spinal cord and will include some direct projections to motoneurons supplying grasping muscles, there was no EMG activity in these muscles during action observation. We suggest that the mirror neuron system is involved in the withholding of unwanted movement during action observation. Mirror neurons are differentially recruited in the behaviour that switches rapidly between making your own movements and observing those of others.  相似文献   

Darwinian processes should favour those individuals that deploy the most effective strategies for acquiring information about their environment. We organized a computer-based tournament to investigate which learning strategies would perform well in a changing environment. The most successful strategies relied almost exclusively on social learning (here, learning a behaviour performed by another individual) rather than asocial learning, even when environments were changing rapidly; moreover, successful strategies focused learning effort on periods of environmental change. Here, we use data from tournament simulations to examine how these strategies might affect cultural evolution, as reflected in the amount of culture (i.e. number of cultural traits) in the population, the distribution of cultural traits across individuals, and their persistence through time. We found that high levels of social learning are associated with a larger amount of more persistent knowledge, but a smaller amount of less persistent expressed behaviour, as well as more uneven distributions of behaviour, as individuals concentrated on exploiting a smaller subset of behaviour patterns. Increased rates of environmental change generated increases in the amount and evenness of behaviour. These observations suggest that copying confers on cultural populations an adaptive plasticity, allowing them to respond to changing environments rapidly by drawing on a wider knowledge base.  相似文献   

We study a learning rule based upon the temporal correlation (weighted by a learning kernel) between incoming spikes and the internal state of the postsynaptic neuron, building upon previous studies of spike timing dependent synaptic plasticity (Kempter, R., Gerstner, W., van Hemmen, J.L., Wagner, H., 1998. Extracting Oscillations: Neuronal coincidence detection with noisy periodic spike input. Neural computation 10, 1987–2017; Kempter, R., Gerstner, W., van Hemmen, J.L., 1999. Hebbian learning and spiking neurons. Physical Reviewm E59, 4498–4514; van Hemmen, J.L., 2001. Theory of synaptic plasticity. In: Moss, F., Gielen, S. (Eds.), Handbook of biological physics. vol. 4, Neuro Informatics, neural modelling, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 771–823. Our learning rule for the synaptic weight w ij is where the t j,μ are the arrival times of spikes from the presynaptic neuron j and the function u(t) describes the state of the postsynaptic neuron i. Thus, the spike-triggered average contained in the inner integral is weighted by a kernel Γ(s), the learning window, positive for negative, negative for positive values of the time difference s between post- and presynaptic activity. An antisymmetry assumption for the learning window enables us to derive analytical expressions for a general class of neuron models and to study the changes in input-output relationships following from synaptic weight changes. This is a genuinely non-linear effect (Song, S., Miller, K., Abbott, L., 2000. Competitive Hebbian learning through spike timing dependent synaptic plasticity. Nature Neuroscience 3, 919–926).  相似文献   

Spike-timing-dependent plasticity is considered the neurophysiological basis of Hebbian learning and has been shown to be sensitive to both contingency and contiguity between pre- and postsynaptic activity. Here, we will examine how applying this Hebbian learning rule to a system of interconnected neurons in the presence of direct or indirect re-afference (e.g. seeing/hearing one''s own actions) predicts the emergence of mirror neurons with predictive properties. In this framework, we analyse how mirror neurons become a dynamic system that performs active inferences about the actions of others and allows joint actions despite sensorimotor delays. We explore how this system performs a projection of the self onto others, with egocentric biases to contribute to mind-reading. Finally, we argue that Hebbian learning predicts mirror-like neurons for sensations and emotions and review evidence for the presence of such vicarious activations outside the motor system.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the social learning of orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus), especially in the context of problem-solving situations such as tool use. Sixteen orangutans were presented with a rake-like tool and desirable but out-of-reach food. Eight subjects observed a human demonstrator use the tool in one way, while another eight observed the demonstrator use the tool in another way. Subjects behaved identically in the two experimental conditions, showing no effect of the type of demonstration observed. Analysis of individual learning curves suggested that a large component of individual trial-and-error learning was at work, even for two subjects who received additional trials with an orangutan demonstrator. This pattern of results suggests that subjects were paying attention to the general functional relations in the task and to the results obtained by the demonstrator, but not to the actual methods of tool use demonstrated. It is concluded that subjects in both conditions were employing emulation learning, not imitative learning.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, a compelling number of studies reported that observing an action makes the imitation of that action more likely. The automatic character of human imitative behaviour was often claimed, but rarely tested. The demonstration of the absence of conscious control has been attempted in a recent report claiming that imitation can occur in the rock-paper-scissors (RPS) game, where strategic players should avoid imitating their opponents. This surprising result could serve as strong evidence that humans imitate each other unconsciously. We find, however, that this conclusion is problematic. In addition to reviewing the original methods, in this work, we also replicated the experiment with double the sample size. Thorough examination of the original analyses and the results of the present replication do not support the original conclusion. In our view, testing the theory of automatic imitation in RPS games is a potentially promising avenue of exploration, yet the interpretation of the data requires further understanding of the subsidiary effects controlling the behaviour of the players.  相似文献   

Fifty years ago, Niko Tinbergen defined the scope of behavioural biology with his four problems: causation, ontogeny, survival value and evolution. About 20 years ago, there was another highly significant development in behavioural biology—the discovery of mirror neurons (MNs). Here, I use Tinbergen''s original four problems (rather than the list that appears in textbooks) to highlight the differences between two prominent accounts of MNs, the genetic and associative accounts; to suggest that the latter provides the defeasible ‘best explanation’ for current data on the causation and ontogeny of MNs; and to argue that functional analysis, of the kind that Tinbergen identified somewhat misleadingly with studies of ‘survival value’, should be a high priority for future research. In this kind of functional analysis, system-level theories would assign MNs a small, but potentially important, role in the achievement of action understanding—or another social cognitive function—by a production line of interacting component processes. These theories would be tested by experimental intervention in human and non-human animal samples with carefully documented and controlled developmental histories.  相似文献   

Electromyographies of the mylohyoid muscle (MH) during the execution of the goal-oriented action “grasping to eat” have been used to determine the time relationship between the opening of the mouth and the beginning of the movement. This has been used to distinguish the behaviour of typical developing (TD) children from that of highly functioning autistic (ASD) individuals. The results of previous studies appeared to provide evidence of a deficit in action chain organization in ASD subjects and prompted the hypothesis of a “broken” mirror neuron system (MNS) for these individuals. Our results show the MH activation timing is not reliable in discriminating between TD and ASD children and the distance between the food and the subject plays a key role on the MH activation timing and cannot be neglected when analysing these type of data. The preliminary investigation on the effects of external perturbations also shows that these might have an effect on the results and further investigations are warranted. It appears that there is not enough evidence to support a link between ASD and a broken mirror network system (MNS), and the experimental results must be carefully interpreted before developing therapeutic or rehabilitative protocols.  相似文献   

情绪模仿是指观察者对表达者传递出的非言语情绪信号进行模仿,进而表现出一致的表情与行为.以往关于情绪模仿的神经机制着重强调镜像神经系统的作用,然而随着研究成果越来越丰富,研究者们发现仅仅是镜像神经系统不足以解释情绪模仿的发生过程.梳理以往实证研究可以发现,情绪模仿是包括镜像神经系统、情绪系统、运动系统以及与社会认知相关脑区在内的脑网络共同作用的结果,该网络同时受到内分泌系统的调节.本文首先基于过往研究对情绪模仿的神经生理基础进行总结,然后介绍新近的神经网络概念模型,试图解释情绪信息从表达者传递至观察者完成模仿的神经路径,为情绪模仿的神经生理机制提供较为完整的框架,并在此基础上指出未来可能的研究方向.  相似文献   

Studies of social learning in the wild are important to complement findings from experiments in captivity. In this field study, immature Bornean orangutans rarely foraged independently but consistently followed their mothers' choices. Their diets were essentially identical to their mothers' even though not all mothers had the same diet. This suggests vertical transmission of diet by enhancement. Also, immatures selectively observed their mothers during extractive foraging, which increased goal‐directed practice but not general manipulation of similar objects, suggesting observational forms of learning of complex skills. Teaching was not observed. These results are consistent with the reported presence of food traditions and skill cultures in wild orangutans. We suggest that food traditions can develop wherever association commonly allows for social learning. However, the capacity for observational learning, and thus more complex culture, is more likely to evolve among extractive foragers with prolonged association between adults and immatures. Am. J. Primatol. 72:62–71, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Schema design and implementation of the grasp-related mirror neuron system   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 Mirror neurons within a monkey's premotor area F5 fire not only when the monkey performs a certain class of actions but also when the monkey observes another monkey (or the experimenter) perform a similar action. It has thus been argued that these neurons are crucial for understanding of actions by others. We offer the hand-state hypothesis as a new explanation of the evolution of this capability: the basic functionality of the F5 mirror system is to elaborate the appropriate feedback – what we call the hand state– for opposition-space based control of manual grasping of an object. Given this functionality, the social role of the F5 mirror system in understanding the actions of others may be seen as an exaptation gained by generalizing from one's own hand to an other's hand. In other words, mirror neurons first evolved to augment the “canonical” F5 neurons (active during self-movement based on observation of an object) by providing visual feedback on “hand state,” relating the shape of the hand to the shape of the object. We then introduce the MNS1 (mirror neuron system 1) model of F5 and related brain regions. The existing Fagg–Arbib–Rizzolatti–Sakata model represents circuitry for visually guided grasping of objects, linking the anterior intraparietal area (AIP) with F5 canonical neurons. The MNS1 model extends the AIP visual pathway by also modeling pathways, directed toward F5 mirror neurons, which match arm–hand trajectories to the affordances and location of a potential target object. We present the basic schemas for the MNS1 model, then aggregate them into three “grand schemas”– visual analysis of hand state, reach and grasp, and the core mirror circuit – for each of which we present a useful implementation (a non-neural visual processing system, a multijoint 3-D kinematics simulator, and a learning neural network, respectively). With this implementation we show how the mirror system may learnto recognize actions already in the repertoire of the F5 canonical neurons. We show that the connectivity pattern of mirror neuron circuitry can be established through training, and that the resultant network can exhibit a range of novel, physiologically interesting behaviors during the process of action recognition. We train the system on the basis of final grasp but then observe the whole time course of mirror neuron activity, yielding predictions for neurophysiological experiments under conditions of spatial perturbation, altered kinematics, and ambiguous grasp execution which highlight the importance of the timingof mirror neuron activity. Received: 6 August 2001 / Accepted in revised form: 5 February 2002  相似文献   

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