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微型腕足动物化石镇巴始壮贝Eohadrotreta zhenbaensis常见于陕南、峡东水井沱组与黔东麻江九门冲组等地寒武纪地层中,在贵州松桃盘信寒武系第二统清虚洞组薄层灰岩中为首次发现。通过与华南其他地区E. zhenbaensis的背壳长宽比及中隔板等结构特征比较,发现松桃盘信清虚洞组E. zhenbaensis与浅水扬子地台的陕南、峡东地区的E. zhenbaensis壳体内部特征较为相似,包括肉茎孔形成阶段、肉茎孔封闭阶段及交互沟伸长阶段3个生长发育阶段标本,与较深水过渡区麻江的E. zhenbaensis略有差异。贵州松桃盘信寒武系第二统清虚洞组E. zhenbaensis的发现,扩展了该属化石在华南寒武纪第二世的古地理分布,丰富了该组腕足动物组成面貌,为研究E. zhenbaensis形态结构特征提供了新材料。  相似文献   

Duyunaspis Zhang and Qian in Zhou et al.,1977是黔东、湘西北杷榔组掘头虫类三叶虫的重要分子。本文描述剑河八郎"清虚洞组"的Duyunaspis,这些新材料的头鞍中部膨大且向前略有收缩,前颊类型面线,成虫具10个胸节;而杷榔组的Duyunaspis duyunensis Zhang and Qian in Zhou et al.,1977头鞍桶状,背沟较平直,后颊类型面线,成虫10个胸节,二者明显不同。本文将"清虚洞组"的Duyunaspis定为一个新种:剑河都匀盾壳虫Duyunaspis jianheensis sp.nov.。研究显示,D.jianheensis与杷榔组的D.duyunensis具有形态相似性,后者可能为其祖先种。  相似文献   

贵州剑河八郎松山寒武系黔东统中部清虚洞组主要由灰岩、泥岩组成,下部以灰岩为主,上部为泥岩、灰岩互层,顶部为中层白云岩。上部含有大量的褶颊虫类和掘头虫类三叶虫及带软躯体动物多门类化石组合。本文报道的楔叶形虫Sphenothallus Hall,1847产于清虚洞组上部,分异度低,仅1属1相似种,即台江楔叶形虫(相似种)Sphenothallus cf.taijiangensis Zhu et al.,2000,位于Redlichia(R.)guizhouensis-Redlichia(R.)nobilis顶峰带。S.cf.taijiangensis化石保存较好,少数标本管壁之间保存有横纹,说明Sphenothallus为一具有锥管状外壳的虫体。剑河八郎松山清虚洞组的楔叶形虫是贵州继牛蹄塘组、凯里组之后寒武系另一个产出层位,它的发现不仅丰富了清虚洞组生物群的组成,同时为全球楔叶形虫Sphenothallus的研究提供了新的材料。初步研究表明全球Sphenothallus的演化趋势是个体增长,管壁加厚物宽度变宽,口部膨胀角变小。Sphenothallus与现代刺胞动物水螅虫类或钵水母有密切关系。  相似文献   

Rhynchonelliform brachiopods made their first appearance in early Cambrian, and became a major group within the palaeozoic evolutionary fauna since late Cambrian. Exceptionally preserved fossils from the early Cambrian Lagerstätten provide valuable chances to investigate their phylogeny and ecology. Longtancunella is one of the most interesting early rhynchonelliforms, and has been mainly recovered from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte (Series 2, Stage 3). Here, we report a new rhynchonelliform Longtancunella xiazhuangensis n. sp. from the lower Hongjingshao Formation (upper Stage 3) in Yunnan Province, China. These specimens were well preserved with soft parts, including pinnate mantle canal system and a pedicle. It is identified as a new species based mainly on its difference in shell ornamentations, pinnate mantle canals and pedicle morphology from the type species. Its pedicle looks unusually stout with distinct annulated lamellae on the surface, and reveals crucial evidence in illustrating its ecology and settling strategy as an early marine epifauna. The ecological interaction between L. xiazhuangensis and other marine animals also provides insights into the food web structure in the early Cambrian.  相似文献   

Strata situated within the South China Craton host several key Cambrian macroalgal assemblages, including those of the Chengjiang, Kaili, and Tsinghsutung Lagerstätte. In this report, Cambrian macroalgae are described for the first time from the North China Craton, an area that, during the early Paleozoic, was not contiguous with the South China Craton. The material collected from the Mantou Formation and overlying Zhangxia Formation (Miaolingian Series) in Shandong Province is preserved as carbonaceous compressions and includes abundant simple tubular forms. These fall into two groupings on the basis of size and have characteristics broadly comparable to Fuxianospira gyrata and Sinocylindra yunnanensis, both of which are well-known from the Chengjiang biota and may represent simple siphonous green algae. Additional material includes irregular circular to oval films referable to Morania fragmenta and a tuft-like form superficially similar to Marpolia spissa, taxa with possible cyanophyte affinities described initially on the basis of material from the Burgess Shale but also known from the Cambrian of South China. The material is typical of the “Cambrian Flora” and provides further support for the cosmopolitan distribution of this noncalcified macroalgal flora at low latitude settings during the Cambrian.  相似文献   

Dabashanellids are univalved phosphatocopid crustaceans, and are among the earliest crustaceans known so far. They were reported mainly from the Cambrian Stage 3 of China, but only a single species was established. Here I report a new assemblage of dabashanellids from the Cambrian Stage 3 Shuijingtuo Formation in western Hubei Province, South China. All specimens are sub-millimetre in length, and are preserved as three-dimensional carbonaceous hollow shields. Five species of Dabashanella were recognized, including the previously reported D. hemicyclica, three new species, D. longa n. sp., D. semiorbiculata n. sp., D. unispinata n. sp., and an indeterminate form Dabashanella sp. In addition, five indeterminate forms of arthropods were recovered. These dabashanellids represent part of a meiofauna that lived in the off-shore, deeper environments of mid-northern Yangtze Sea during Cambrian Age 3. This study shows greater morphological diversity and ecologic disparity of dabashanellid crustaceans, and supports the previous suggestion that the invasion of meiofaunal ecdysozoans into the off-shore, deeper environments probably occurred simultaneously with their radiation in the shallow water.  相似文献   

文中首次报导贵州寒武系黔东统都匀阶"清虚洞组"(或乌训组)宏观藻类,计2属2种:环圈螺旋抚仙藻Fuxianospira gyrata Chen and Zhou,1997和云南中华细丝藻Sinocylindra yunnanensis Chen and Erdtmann,1991,它们是澄江生物群最常见的两类宏观藻类具有澄江生物群宏观藻类的组合特征。"清虚洞组"位于黔东统上部,介于杷榔组和凯里组之间,该组宏观藻类的发现,为寒武纪宏观藻类演化链的完整研究提供了有价值的资料。  相似文献   

<正>随着中国经济的持续、稳定发展和国家政府对基础研究的日趋重视,我国科技投入力度正在逐年加大,包括古生物学在内的地球科学基础研究近十年来取得长足的进步和发展。近些年,我国的古生物学已开始在多门类起源、系统演化和环境背景研究中处于国际领先,在部分研究方向开始发挥重要国际引领作用。加之华南、华北保存的化石材料优势和若干国家重大项目的稳定、持续支持(Zhu et al.,2016a;Zhu and Li,2017),使我国在科研队伍、  相似文献   

Eocrinoids are scarce in the Guanshan Biota (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4), Yunnan Province, southwest China. Here, we introduce a new gogiid: Kunmingeocrinus cupuliformis n. gen. n. sp. which is characterized by a short stalk and a well-developed attachment disc. Preservation may indicate a weakly biomineralized body for the new taxon. Morphological similarities between the new taxon and other eocrinoids with attachment discs from Cambrian Lagerstätten of Guizhou Province (Series 2, Stage 4 and Miaolingian, Wuliuan) might suggest a similar mode of life. The eocrinoids from the Guanshan Biota possibly utilized different attachment modes.  相似文献   

华南寒武系地层中广泛富集微体骨骼化石,为解决某些疑难化石的亲缘关系及研究早期后生动物的演化提供了重要化石证据。在贵州剑河八郎"清虚洞组"中发现一些管状微体骨骼化石。经鉴定后主要有4属,分别为小钻孔螺Torellella、似软舌螺Hyolithellus、鞘状螺Coleoloides和表面具鳞片状管状化石Mongolitubulus squamifer。Mongolitubulus分布范围较为广泛,本文结合前人对该化石亲缘关系的探讨及剑河寒武系"清虚洞组"化石的特征,推测M.squamifer可能是高肌虫的装饰刺。  相似文献   

Isoxys is a very common Cambrian bivalved arthropod, specimens of which are normally preserved only as valves. The discovery of the soft anatomy of Isoxys may greatly assist understanding affinities and functional morphology. Isoxys minor Luo and Hu in Luo et al., 2008 is the most common representative of all animal species known from the lower Cambrian Guanshan fauna (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4) at the Shitangshan Section, near Kunming, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Here we describe and reconstruct the morphology of I. minor on the basis of newly illustrated fossils and a few new specimens that bear soft-parts including new discovery of frontal grasping appendages. Like the soft anatomy of other known Isoxys, it bears a pair of large stalked eyes, a pair of specialized frontal grasping appendages, approximately 12–14 paired biramous limbs, and a helm-like tail exposed outside the valves.  相似文献   

The Yangtze platform of South China offers evidence within its Ediacaran–Cambrian geological record of the Cambrian explosion and diversification events in metazoan history. To understand the explosive radiation of animals and the environments in which it took place, the basal Cambrian fauna succession of the Aijiahe section in the Three Gorges area, western Hubei Province, has been studied, revealing the earliest brachiopod fauna (Tsunyidiscus trilobite Zone) in this region, which was dominated numerically by acrotretoids. This is accompanied by abundant skeletal fossils including minute well-preserved phosphatized archaeocyath cups and an assortment of abundant sponge spicules, chancelloriids, mollusks, hyoliths, and bradoriids, retrieved by acid-etching limestone interbeds in the black shale-dominated Shuijingtuo Formation (Series 2). The brachiopods comprise two species of acrotretoids, two types of botsfordiids (Botsfordiidae gen. et sp. indet. A and B), and four species of linguloids. Of the latter, Spinobolus popovi n. gen. n. sp. is strikingly distinctive and typified by spine-like ornamentation seen for the first time in the lower Cambrian; the remaining three linguloid genera, Palaeobolus, Eoobolus, and Lingulellotreta, have a trans-paleocontinental distribution. The Three Gorges Shuijingtuo brachiopod assemblage differs from that of the upper Atdabanian Stage (Cambrian Stage 3) in Siberia and South China, but shows great similarities with those discovered in the Tsanglangpuan (equivalent to Botoman or Stage 4) Stage of eastern Yunnan Province, Siberia, and South Australia, suggesting a much more prolonged sedimentary hiatus in basalmost Shuijingtuo Formation of the Three Gorges area than previously expected. The presence of such unconformities provides a caveat to stable isotope-based correlations that involve a number of discussions of global ocean geochemical changes across the time interval that witnessed Cambrian explosion of metazoans.  相似文献   

Gogiid eocrinoids from the Lower Cambrian (Balang Formation — Guizhoueocrinus) and basal Middle Cambrian (Kaili Formation — Sinoeocrinus, Globoeocrinus) in Guizhou Province, China are found in great numbers and are extremely well preserved as high fidelity molds in shale/mud sized siliciclastics. Because of their numbers, complete ontogenetic growth sequences have been observed. Significant differences in growth patterns (heterochrony) are present between Lower and Middle Cambrian genera: thecal plates tend to be paedomorphic in development, while the sutural pores developed between them are peramorphic in their development. Because of the large surface area of theca and brachioles relative to the size of the attachment area, considerable drag in ambient currents would necessitate a strong attachment medium. Anchoring by “biogluing”, possibly by collagen, directly to the substrate or to biodetritus is proposed as the method of attachment.  相似文献   

The Kiya River reference section is characterized by trilohites confined to units X–XV of the Lower Cambrian Usa Formation and to the base of the lowermost Middle Cambrian Berikul Formation. Trilobites are represented by 130 species assigned to 77 genera. The given paper describes 38 species belonging to 27 genera. 16 species, 2 genera and one subfamily are new. All of them occur in the Usa Formation and in the Lower Cambrian pebbles of the Berikul Formation. Biostratigraphic analysis shows that the trilobite fauna contains characteristic trilobite assemblage elements of the Lower Cambrian regional stages in the Altay-Sayan Fold Belt, i.e. the Kiya and Kameshki regional stages (Atdabanian Stage), the Sanashtykgol regional stage (Botomian Stage), the Obruchev regional stage (Toyonian Stage). Table I shows trilobite species composition and vertical distribution in the reference section.  相似文献   

A new fossil species, Stenophlebia ryonsangensis n. sp. (Stenophlebiidae), collected from the Lower Cretaceous non-marine Sinuiju Formation, North Phyongan Province, has the following forewing characters: preserved wing slender and longer than 47.1 mm; Cr long, with three cells below it, and well aligned with distal part of ScP; Sn shorter than Cr, one cell long; supplementary veinlet below Sn aligned with RP2 and about two cells long; base of IR1 five cells distal of base of RP2. This well preserved material is the first odonatan reported in the DPRK. Congeneric species has previously been found in the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning Province, Northeast China, thus the new discovery of Stenophlebia ryonsangensis n. sp. may contribute to evaluating the distribution and migration of Stenophlebidae and may further indicate the close relationship of the fossil layer with the famous Jehol Biota in Northeast China.  相似文献   

Located in the northwest margin of the South China Block during the Cambrian, the Lower Cambrian Yanwangbian Formation of southern Shaanxi Province, Central China, has yielded a diverse fossil assemblage that includes abundant bradoriid arthropods, inarticulate brachiopods, hyolithids, trilobites, priapulids, lightly sclerotized arthropods, and ichnofossils. This assemblage represents the biodiversity of Early Cambrian marine communities in South China. Here we describe two new bradoriids from this stratigraphic unit, Sanlangella xixiangensis n. gen. et n. sp. and Kunmingella pentagona n. sp. On the basis of its carapace morphology, S. xixiangensis is assigned to the family Comptalutidae Öpik. The specimens of this species are preserved either in clay minerals or in calcium phosphate. Scanning electron microscopy analysis of phosphatized specimens reveals the microscopic reticulate surface ornaments that form a polygonal pattern on the anterodorsal node, around the base of mid-dorsal spine and along the lateroadmarginal rim. K. pentagona is described as the third species of this preexisting genus, based on the eight specimens with a distinctive pentagonal outline, a prominent anterodorsal curve and an anterodorsal sulcus.  相似文献   

A new trilobite, Longaspis paiwuensis n. gen. n. sp., from the Balang Formation (Cambrian Stage 4) in northwestern Hunan, South China, is described. This rare trilobite adds to an expanding taxonomic list of organisms recognized from the Balang Lagerstätte, a deposit of exceptional preservation from the Cambrian. Longaspis paiwuensis is an unusually large-sized, micropygous oryctocephalid trilobite that has proparian facial sutures, pit-like lateral glabellar furrows, up to 17 thoracic segments, and a distinct medial notch in the pygidium; it lacks marginal spines.The classification of the family Oryctocephalidae is reviewed. Three subfamilies are recognized, and Longaspis n. gen. is assigned to the subfamily Oryctocarinae.  相似文献   

The lower Cambrian succession in the Jiaobang section, Jianhe County, eastern Guizhou, China, includes, in ascending order, the Bianmachong, Balang, and Tsinghsutung formations, with a total thickness of about 645 m. Twenty-six morphological genera (including one new genus) are identified from the Balang and the underlying Bianmachong formations, many of which are common and widely distributed. Six acritarch assemblages are discerned in the Balang Formation. They are, in ascending order, the Adara alea‒Skiagia ornata, the Acrum radiale‒Pterospermella velata, the Comasphaeridium molliculum‒Solisphaeridium baltoscandium, the Corrugasphaera perfecta n. sp.‒Pterospermella vinctusa n. sp., the Acrum novum‒Heliosphaeridium oligum, and the Acrum membranosum‒Adarve diafanum acritarch assemblages. An obvious change of organic-walled microfossil assemblages occurred in the interval between 84 m and 98 m from the bottom of the Balang Formation which roughly corresponds to the boundary between the Oryctacarella duyunensis trilobite Zone and the overlying Arthricocephalus chauveaui trilobite Zone. In addition, organic-walled microfossils are scarce in about 24 m thick from the bottom of the Balang Formation. One new genus and five new species including Plagasphaera balangensis n. gen. n. sp., Asteridium tubulus n. sp., Cymatiosphaera spina n. sp., Corrugasphaera perfecta n. sp., and Pterospermella vinctusa n. sp. are described.  相似文献   

贵州剑河寒武系甲劳组中发现大量艾苏贝(Nisusia),经鉴定共1属2种(贵州艾苏贝Nisusia guizhouensis、瘤点艾苏贝Nisusia granosa), 1未定种(Nisusia sp.)。其中Nisusia guizhouensis丰度高、保存好,壳体上具明显的壳刺构造,与同区下伏地层凯里组和清虚洞组中已报道的N. guizhouensis有一定区别。定量形态学分析结果显示,从清虚洞组到甲劳组N.guizhouensis的腹壳和背壳的主端和侧缘位置相对向外扩张,壳体前缘部分相对向内收缩,其体腔也相应变小;腹壳的变化略大于背壳,且从凯里组到甲劳组的变化大于清虚洞组到凯里组的变化,但主成分分析(PCA)显示这些差异都属种内差异。这些差异可能是由于不同层位的N. guizhouensis所处的沉积环境差异所致,其壳体形态和特征的变化可能是适应更强水动力环境的结果。本研究丰富了甲劳组腕足动物的组成,为Nisusia系统分类和形态学研究提供新材料,还为腕足动物对环境适应性演化提供了证据。  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2017,103(4):271-281
Additional Cambrian Series 3, Stage 5, trilobite fauna comprising Peronopsis sp., Eosoptychoparia cf. Spinosa Gaotanaspis cf. pingzhaiensis and Gaotanaspis cf. transversa have been recorded just immediately above the known Oryctocephalus indicus biozone (Cambrian Series 3, Stage 5) in the Parahio valley section (Spiti region). The FAD of Peronopsis and LAD of Gaotanaspis are used to establish a PeronopsisGaotanaspis concurrent biozone immediately above the Oryctocephalus indicus biozone. The first records of Gaotanaspis cf. pingzhaiensis and G. transversa from the Cambrian of Spiti region and the other faunal elements are correlated with the Peronopsis taijiangensis biozone of the Kaili Formation (South China). The stratigraphic thickness from the base of the O. indicus biozone to the top of the PeronopsisGaotanaspis concurrent biozone in the Kunzam La (=Parahio) Formation and its comparison to the Kaili Formation (South China) indicate a possible stratigraphic condensation in the basal part of the Cambrian Series 3, Stage 5 of the Parahio valley (Spiti). Sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic analysis supports this contention.  相似文献   

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