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Hypocalcemia remains a common metabolic disorder of dairy cattle; therefore, an efficient prevention is still challenging. Among the various prevention strategies for hypocalcemia is the use of anionic compounds to induce a mild metabolic acidosis during the prepartum period. Acid-base status can be readily assessed through urine pH. Accordingly, a target urine pH during the prepartum period between 6.0 and 6.8 has been recommended for Holstein cows; however, in several countries, including the US, certain nutritional strategies are still focused on benchmarking the urine pH to below 6.0. Unfortunately, over-acidification can have no advantages and/or detrimental effects on both the dam and her offspring. In this review, updated information regarding the use of anionic diets on prepartum dairy cows and the potential negative impact of such diets on both cow and calf performance are discussed. There is an urgent need for studies that will elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms by which very acidotic diets may impact the well-being and productive efficiency of dairy cows, and the transgenerational effects of such diets on offspring performance and survival.  相似文献   

Estimation of cold stress effect on dairy cows   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Twelve crossbred heifers (Slovak Spotted x Holstein-Friesian) were housed in an open, uninsulated barn with straw bedding and a concrete-floored yard. Minimum temperatures inside the barn were as low as –19°C. The average milk yield decreased as the temperatures approached these minima. Compared with the temperate conditions, the feed intake and blood levels of glucose and free fatty acids increased. The level of sodium declined significantly during the second cold period. Correlations and regressions between milk yield and biochemical parameters were calculated, and the results indicate that the concentrations of free fatty acids, cholesterol, and triiodothyronine and the haematocrit values may serve to predict milk production during periods of cold stress, or in lactations of 305 days.  相似文献   

The objective was to describe the relationship between concentration of serum nonesterified fatty acids (NEFAs) at calving and the incidence of periparturient disorders in Chilean Holstein dairy cows (Bos taurus). The study was conducted at two dairies (central Chile) with 700 milking cows each and similar management. Between July 2006 and March 2007, 350 cows were selected, and concentrations of serum NEFAs were determined at calving. The incidence of milk fever (MF), retained fetal membranes (RFMs), metritis, and clinical mastitis from calving to 100 d in lactation were consistently recorded. The relationship between concentration of serum NEFAs at calving and the incidence of periparturient diseases was determined using logistic regression. The main explanatory variable was concentration of serum NEFAs at calving. The incidence of MF, RFM, metritis, and mastitis was 5.4%, 15.6%, 10.8%, and 14.4%, respectively. There was no association between concentration of NEFAs at calving and the incidence of these conditions when the median value of NEFAs (0.9 mEq/L) was used as a cutoff. However, when the 75th percentile (1.2 mEq/L) was used as the cutoff, cows with values <1.2 mEq/L were 0.45 and 0.32 times as likely to develop clinical mastitis and MF, respectively, compared with cows with values ≥1.2 mEq/L. When the 90th percentile (1.6 mEq/L) was used as a cutoff, cows with values <1.6 mEq/L were 0.25 times as likely to develop clinical mastitis compared with cows with values ≥1.6 mEq/L. As a continuous variable, for every 0.1 mEq/L increment in NEFAs at calving, cows were 1.11 times more likely to experience clinical mastitis. In conclusion, cows with NEFA concentrations ≥1.2 mEq/L had a higher incidence of clinical mastitis and MF than that of cows with values <1.2 mEq/L.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes three recent studies by the same authors with the objective to study the effect of dietary energy source on the energy balance (EB) and risk for metabolic and reproductive disorders in dairy cows in early lactation. The first study, a literature survey, illustrated that feeding extra glucogenic nutrients relative to lipogenic nutrients, decreased milk fat and seems to decrease plasma non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) concentration. However studies are scarce and mostly confound the effect of energy source with level of energy intake, compromising eventual effects on EB and fertility. Therefore, in the second study, 16 dairy cows were either fed a glucogenic or a lipogenic diet (isocaloric) and EB was determined in climate-controlled respiration chambers from week 2 until 9 of lactation. Glucogenic diet decreased milk fat yield and milk energy and tended to decrease body fat mobilization compared with lipogenic diet. The objective of the third study was to study the effect of dietary energy source on EB, metabolites and reproduction variables. Dairy cows (n=111) were fed glucogenic, lipogenic or mixed diet from week 3 until week 9 relative to calving. Multiparous cows fed glucogenic diet had lower milk fat yield, higher calculated EB, and lower plasma NEFA, BHBA and liver triacylglyceride concentration and tended to have fewer days to first postpartum ovulation. In conclusion, increasing the glucogenic nutrient availability improved the EB and had potential to reduce the risk for metabolic disorders and to improve reproductive performance in dairy cows.  相似文献   

It is not clear if B vitamins supplied to the small intestine of dairy cows from dietary and rumen microbial sources are provided in sufficient quantity to maximize animal performance. Our objective was to determine effects of adding a ruminally protected B vitamin blend supplement, containing biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine, to the diet of high producing dairy cows on their productivity. Two dairy facilities located in California (USA) were used, one with mid lactation Holstein cows (Experiment 1) and the other with early lactation Holstein cows (Experiment 2). In each Experiment, cows were randomly assigned to treatment in a 2 × 2 crossover design with 28 d (Experiment 1) or 35 d (Experiment 2) experimental periods. In Experiment 1, milk and milk fat yield were unaffected by treatment, although milk fat proportion was lower (37.1 versus 36.3 g/kg; P<0.01), but milk protein yield was higher (1.21 versus 1.24 kg/d; P=0.02) in cows fed B vitamins. In Experiment 2, milk (39.60 versus 40.46 kg/d; P=0.02), milk fat (1.40 versus 1.47 kg/d; P<0.01) and milk protein yield (1.10 versus 1.16 kg/d; P<0.01), as well as milk energy output (113.2 versus 117.8 MJ/d; P<0.01) were all higher with B vitamin feeding. Body condition score (BCS) increased more with B vitamin feeding in Experiment 2, but was unaffected in Experiment 1. Body locomotion score (BLS) increased with B vitamin feeding in both experiments (P=0.01 and < 0.01, respectively), possibly an indication of reduced locomotory ability. Overall, productivity of high producing lactating dairy cows responded positively to feeding a mixture of ruminally protected B vitamins, although differences in the extent of the positive responses between experiments perhaps suggests that early lactation cows, with lower DM intake to milk yield ratios, may be more responsive to ruminally protected B vitamins than mid lactation cows, with higher DM intake to milk yield ratios.  相似文献   

The rising global demand for animal products and the growing public concerns about the environment and animal welfare require dairy farms to improve their efficiency and apply more sustainable farming systems. Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) could represent a valuable support in addressing these challenges. In recent years, dairy farms have been modernising and introducing new sensors and automatic systems for managing the herd. However, the diffusion of new technologies in Italian dairy farms is still limited and farmers are reluctant to invest in precision systems. The aim of the study was to investigate the presence of PLF tools in Italian dairy farms, the motivations, benefits and limits of technological investments from the farmers’ point of view and the factors affecting the diffusion of technology. From November 2020 to June 2021, an online questionnaire was distributed and 52 responses were obtained. About 79% of the farms were located in Lombardy. The more represented milking system was the conventional milking parlour (73%), followed by automatic milking (19%). The average age of respondents was quite low: 35% of them was less than 40 years old and more than 50% was between 40 and 60. Statistical analyses were performed to evaluate the effects of different factors on the presence of technology at farm. The age of the farmer, the milk production level and the presence of an automatic milking system influenced the technological level of the farm. Precision systems that provide information on animal activity for the management of reproduction and on milk yield and flow are the most popular and are considered among the most useful. Management of reproduction and milk production are the areas where farmers appear to show interest for future investments as well. Younger farmers appear to have implemented more PLF systems than older ones, and they show a propensity to invest in latest generation precision tools. Farmers seem to have a growing interest in PLF, but some limits have been identified: the investment costs, followed by the lack of time to check information from sensor systems and the difficulty in data interpretation. As PLF technologies can play an important role in the development of sustainable, animal-friendly and efficient livestock production, further improvements and efforts are necessary to increase the propensity to PLF of dairy farmers. Results can be useful in the Italian context but also in other countries where dairy farming is rapidly intensifying but PLF is encountering resistance.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to characterize clinical, intrauterine, bacteriologic and cytologic changes during the first month after parturition in healthy dairy cows and in cows with subclinical endometritis (SE) or clinical endometritis (CE). Furthermore, risk factors related to clinical bacteriologic and cytologic findings were determined. A total of 170 calvings were enrolled, and intrauterine samples were collected on Days 0, 3, 9, 15, 21, and 28 postpartum using the cytobrush technique. The presence of Escherichia coli and Trueperella pyogenes was determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The cows were categorized according to their uterine health status (UHS) on Day 21 as healthy (clear or absent vaginal discharge and <5% polymorphonuclear cells [PMN] in the cytologic sample), SE (clear or absent vaginal discharge and ≥5% PMN), or CE (vaginal mucus containing any signs of pus). The prevalence of SE and CE on Day 21 was 27.9% and 58.4%, respectively. Generally, samples from cows with SE and CE showed a greater bacterial growth density (BGD) than those from healthy cows. The BGD tended to be affected by the interaction of time by UHS (P = 0.057). Differences between healthy, SE, and CE cows were found from Day 3 to the last sampling day. Furthermore, the percentage of PMN differed between healthy, SE, and CE cows and was affected by time in a cubic way (decrease/increase/decrease). Overall, E coli was found in 25.4% of the samples, and T pyogenes was identified in 30.2% of the samples. The risk for CE was increased by BGD and the presence of T pyogenes. Conversely, the presence of E coli had no effect on the risk of CE or the risk of SE. The risk for an infection with T pyogenes was greater in the first-parity cows and in cows with assisted calving. In conclusion, changes in BGD and proportion of PMN varied with the UHS (healthy, SE, and CE), which was affected by the presence of T pyogenes but not E coli.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation of pioglitazone (PGT), a specific ligand for PPARγ, on metabolic dynamics, milk production, and reproductive performance of transition dairy cows. Eighty multiparous Holstein cows in their second or more lactations were blocked by the calving date and parity and assigned randomly to four dietary groups (n = 20 cow/treatment) including control (no PGT−/−), supplemented with PGT (6-mg PGT/kg body weight) from Day −14 to +21 relative to parturition (PGT+/+) or only during prepartum (PGT+/−) or postpartum periods (PGT−/+). Postpartum body condition score and body weight loss decreased (P < 0.05) in all PGT-supplemented groups. Milk yield was not affected by PGT supplementation (P > 0.05). Percentage of milk fat decreased (P < 0.05) in all PGT-treated groups; however, milk fat yield was lower (P < 0.05) in PGT (+/+) and PGT (+/−) groups compared with PGT (−/−). Peripartum (Day −7 to +7) concentrations of plasma nonesterified fatty acids and β-Hydroxybutyrate decreased in PGT (+/+) but not in the PGT (−/−) group (P < 0.05). During the postpartum period, PGT reduced (P > 0.05) plasma concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids in all PGT-treated groups but did not affect β-Hydroxybutyrate level. Plasma concentrations of triglycerides decreased in all PGT-supplemented groups. Supplementation of PGT increased the peripartum concentrations of plasma glucose in PGT (+/+) and PGT (+/−) groups compared with control. Plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor 1 were higher in PGT (+/+) compared with the control group during both the peripartum and postpartum periods. Plasma concentrations of growth hormone and insulin were not affected by PGT treatment (P > 0.05). Mean days to ovulation were lower in PGT (+/+) and PGT (-/+), and the proportion of cows ovulating by Day 14 postpartum was higher in PGT (+/+) compared with control. Days open were shorter in PGT (+/+), PGT (+/−), and PGT (−/+) groups compared with control. However, the proportion of pregnant cows at 120 days in milk were higher in all PGT-supplemented groups. The results showed positive effects of dietary supplementation of PGT, especially supplementation during both the prepartum and postpartum periods, on metabolic dynamics, ovarian function, and reproductive performance in transition dairy cows.  相似文献   

Lactation is a highly demanding event in mammals, including buffaloes. It modulates the partitioning of nutrients, energy utilization, and food intake of the mother to meet her own and infant's energy needs. Failure to satisfy these energy needs leads to Negative Energy Balance (NEB). Currently, the only available indirect NEB indicator is Body Condition Score (BCS). However, direct dependency of the BCS on the peak depletion of body fat causes its inefficient use in a dairy farm. Thus, to establish objective NEB indicators in buffaloes, the serum levels of biochemical (serum β-hydroxybutyrate [BHBA] and free fatty acids [FFAs]), and endocrine (Growth Hormone [GH], insulin-like growth factor1 [IGF1], Insulin, and leptin) parameters were estimated in buffaloes. Our results revealed that serum FFA levels were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in high milk yielders (HMY) than low milk yielders (LMY) and heifers (H) during the 3rd and the 4th weeks of postpartum. The serum FFA levels were also significantly (p < 0.001) higher in the postpartum buffaloes with BCS < 3 in the field conditions. Further, serum leptin levels were significantly (p < 0.05) lower in HMY than LMY during the 3rd week of postpartum. However, the BHBA, GH, IGF1, and insulin levels were not significantly different between lactating buffaloes and H. These observations indicated that the NEB condition is probably restricted to the first month of early lactation in buffaloes. In conclusion, the simultaneous higher FFA and lower leptin levels could act as direct plausible metabolic indicators of NEB in buffaloes.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate effects of feeding propylene glycol (PG) on feed intake, milk yield and milk composition, blood metabolites and energy balance in Holstein dairy cows from 1 to 63 days in milk. Thirty-two multiparous cows, blocked by lactation number, previous 305-day milk production and expected calving date, were arranged into four groups in a randomized block design. Treatments were: control, low PG, medium PG and high PG with 0, 150, 300 and 450 ml PG per cow per day, respectively. The supplement of food grade PG (0.998 g/g PG) was hand-mixed into the top one-third of the daily ration. Cows were fed ad libitum a total mixed ration consisting of forage and concentrate (50 : 50, dry matter basis). Feed intake, milk yield and milk components were not affected (P > 0.05) by PG supplementation. Overall, body weight (BW) loss tended (P < 0.08) to be linearly reduced, and energy status was linearly improved with increasing PG supplementation. Concentrations of glucose in plasma were higher for cows fed PG relative to control (55.6 v. 58.9 mg/dl) and linearly increased (P < 0.01) with increasing PG supplementation. Plasma concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids and beta-hydroxybutyrate were linearly increased, but urine acetoacetate concentration was quadratically changed with the highest for control diet and the lowest for 450 ml/day of PG. These results indicated that supplementation of PG in the early lactating cow diets had minimal effects on feed intake and milk production, but may potentially reduce contents of milk fat and milk protein. Supplementation of early lactating dairy cow diets with PG is beneficial in terms of improving energy status and reducing BW loss.  相似文献   

In order to explore pregnancy patterns in high producing dairy cows treated with GnRH or progesterone at pregnancy diagnosis (Days 28-34), two consecutive experiments were designed. In Experiment 1, cows bearing a single embryo were randomly assigned to a PRID (n = 40; cows fitted with a progesterone releasing intra-vaginal device for 28 days), GnRH (n = 40; cows receiving GnRH) or Control (n = 26; untreated cows) group. PRID treatment led to a rise in plasma progesterone concentrations in the 7 days following the onset of treatment compared to the other two groups. In Experiment 2, in which we also examined twin pregnancies, animals were randomly assigned to PRID (n = 312) or GnRH (n = 294) treatment groups. Treatments were the same as described for Experiment 1. Logistic regression procedures revealed that in cows with a single corpus luteum, the probability of pregnancy loss between the first (Days 28-34) and second (Days 65-62) pregnancy diagnosis decreased by a factor of 0.51 in the PRID group compared to the GnRH group. However, in cows with two or more corpora lutea, PRID treatment increased the likelihood of pregnancy loss by a factor of three, compared to GnRH treatment. In cows carrying twins, the conceptus reduction rate was higher (P = 0.02) for the GnRH (36%) than for the PRID (16.4%) group. Formation of a new corpus luteum was recorded in 17.7% of cows in the GnRH group. Our results indicate that compared to GnRH treatment, progesterone treatment given at pregnancy diagnosis in high producing dairy cows, reduced by a factor of 0.51 and increased by a factor of 3 the probability of pregnancy loss in cows with a single or with two or more corpora lutea, respectively, and reduced the conceptus reduction rate in cows carrying twins. The practical implications of our findings are that in herds with a high incidence of early fetal loss of a non-infectious nature, treatment at the time of pregnancy diagnosis with PRID in cows with one corpus luteum and with GnRH in cows with two or more corpora lutea should offer considerable benefits.  相似文献   

The objectives were to evaluate changes in endometrial thickness (ET) near the time of a synchronized ovulation and to assess the relationship of ET and fertility in lactating Holstein cows, with or without estrogen supplementation near timed ovulation. In Experiment 1, eight cows were examined with transrectal ultrasonography, once daily for 5 d, starting concurrent with PGF (PGF) treatment during an Ovsynch protocol (GnRH - 7d - PGF - 72h - GnRH). The ET increased rapidly after PGF (from ∼7 to ∼9.5 mm), remained > 9 mm for the next 2 d, then decreased to ∼8 and 7.4 mm, 1 and 2 d, respectively, after the second GnRH. In Experiment 2,642 cows (total of 758 breedings) were subjected to an Ovsynch protocol (GnRH - 7d - PGF - 56h - GnRH - 16h - timed AI); cows received either no further treatment (Ovsynch) or 1 mg of estradiol-17β im 8 h before the second GnRH (Ovsynch + E2). For both uterine horns, ET was measured (∼2 cm from the internal uterine body bifurcation) before E2 treatment (48 h after PGF). In cows with ET ≤ 8 mm vs > 8 mm, rates of ovulation were 86.0% (n = 136) vs 98.1% (n = 472; P < 0.01), respectively, and percentage pregnant per AI (P/AI) were 26.7% (n = 146) vs 42.7% (n = 524; P < 0.01). Treatment with E2 increased P/AI in cows with lower ET (Ovsynch + E2 = 37.0% vs Ovsynch = 23.3%; P = 0.07), but did not significantly improve P/AI in cows with ET > 8 mm (Ovsynch + E2 = 43.4% vs Ovsynch = 42.1%). In conclusion, a single ultrasonographic evaluation of ET in Holstein cows 48 h after PGF treatment in an Ovsynch program was a good predictor of ovulation failure and pregnancy success. Perhaps poor fertility in cows with reduced ET was low peripheral E2 concentrations near AI, poor P4 priming, or luteolysis failure during timed AI procedures.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine performance and milk fatty acid changes of high producing dairy cows in early lactation, under summer heat, by adding a supplemental rumen inert fat in the form of a saturated free fatty acid (856 g/kg C16:0/kg of total fatty acids) to the total mixed ration (TMR). Early lactation multiparous Holstein cows in two similar pens of 99 and 115 cows were used in a 2 × 2 Latin Square design experiment with 35 d periods during a period when daily high and low temperatures averaged 34.3 and 15.9 °C, the relative humidity averaged 51% and there were no rain events. The TMR was the same for both groups, consisting of approximately 435 g/kg forage and 565 g/kg concentrate, except that the vitamin/mineral premix had no added fat (control, C) or added fat (C16:0) at a level designed to deliver approximately 450 g/cow/d of supplemental fat if cows consumed 26.5 kg/d of dry matter (DM). The two TMR averaged 905 g/kg organic matter (OM), 318 g/kg neutral detergent fiber (aNDF), and 186 g/kg crude protein (CP). The ‘C’ TMR had 58 g/kg total fatty acids with an estimated net energy for lactation (NEl) of 7.3 MJ/kg (DM), while the C16:0 TMR had 72 g/kg total fatty acids and 7.5 MJ/kg NEl (DM). Whole tract digestibility of DM, OM, aNDF and CP tended (P<0.10) to increase, and that of fatty acids increased substantially (P<0.01), with C16:0 feeding, whereas, DM intake was not affected. Milk fat content decreased (P<0.01) with C16:0 feeding (37.5 versus 36.0 g/kg), whereas, true protein content tended (P=0.09) to increase. There was a tendency (P=0.07) for increased milk yield (36.69 versus 38.04 kg/d), while milk protein yield increased (P=0.03) with C16:0 supplementation (1.08 versus 1.13 kg/d). Milk fat yield was unaffected by treatment. Concentrations of short and medium chain milk fatty acids (C6:0–C15:0), decreased, or tended to decrease, with C16:0 addition (C13:0 and C15:0, P<0.10; all others, P≤0.05). The concentration of C16:0 increased (P<0.001) in milk triglycerides from cows fed C16:0 (27.10 versus 31.57 g/kg), the longer chain saturated fatty acids C17:0 and C18:0 decreased (P≤0.05) and other long chain unsaturated fatty acids were unaffected. Benefits of C16:0 feeding on cow productivity must be balanced against negative effects on the nutritive value of the milk (i.e., increased C16:0 in milk fatty acids) produced for human consumption. However, relatively low amounts of supplemental C16:0 (27.10 versus 31.57 g/kg in milk triglycerides for C and C16:0 supplemented cows, respectively) were actually secreted in milk, in spite of them being essentially fully digested in the digestive tract. Strategies to divide cows into production groups based on milk yield and/or milk fat proportions could further limit C16:0 secretion in milk. Supplemental dietary C16:0 may have positive effects on milk production that outweigh the negative health effects of the increased C16:0 content in the milk fat.  相似文献   

The objectives were to compare: (1) preovulatory serum LH concentrations, and (2) synchronization of ovulation, after im or iu administration of the second GnRH treatment of Ovsynch in lactating dairy cows. Lactating cows (N = 23) were presynchronized with two injections of PGF given 14 days apart (starting at 34 ± 3 days in milk), followed by Ovsynch (GnRH-7 d-PGF-56 h-GnRH) 12 days later. At the time of the second GnRH of Ovsynch (Hour 0), cows were blocked by parity and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: (1) control group (CON; N = 7) were given 2 mL sterile water im; (2) intramuscular group (IM; N = 8) received 100 μg of GnRH im; and (3) intrauterine group (IU; N = 8) had 100 μg GnRH infused in the uterus (2 mL). Blood samples for serum LH concentrations were collected at Hours 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4. Furthermore, ultrasonography was performed twice daily (12-h intervals) from Hours 0 to 60 to confirm ovulation. The LH concentrations were greater (P < 0.05) in the IM than IU and CON groups at Hours 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4. Although LH concentrations were numerically higher in the IU group, LH concentrations within the IU and CON groups did not change over time. More cows ovulated in the IM (8/8) and IU (7/8) groups within 60 h after the second GnRH administration compared with the CON (2/7) group. In summary, serum LH concentrations were lower in the IU versus IM group, but the proportion of cows that ovulated within 60 h was similar between these two groups. Therefore, iu administration of GnRH may be an alternative route of delivery to synchronize ovulation in beef and dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Dairy products are the major source of odd- and branched-chain fatty acids (OBCFAs), a group of nutrients with emerging health benefits. The animal diet is known to influence milk fat OBCFAs of dairy cows; however, little is known about the effects of physiological factors. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of parity and lactation stage on OBCFAs in milk fat of dairy cows. Holstein dairy cows (n = 157) were selected according to parity (first, second, third, or greater) and days in milk (DIM) (≤21 DIM, 21 < DIM ≤ 100, 100 < DIM ≤ 200, >200 DIM). All cows were fed the same total mixed ration for three weeks. Milk samples were collected during the last three days of each lactation stage for fatty acid (FA) analyses via gas chromatography. Results showed that first- and second-parity cows displayed significantly higher proportions and yields of iso-14:0, iso-15:0, iso-16:0, total iso-FA, and total branched-chain FA (P < 0.05) compared with other parities. The proportions of C17:0 and C17:1 cis-9 were also greater in first-parity cows (P < 0.05), while the yields of C17:0 and C17:1 cis-9 were similar among different parities (P > 0.05). The proportions of total OBCFAs were greater in first- and second-parity cows (P < 0.05), whereas the highest yield was observed in second-parity cows. Lactation dairy cows in ≤ 21 DIM group displayed lower proportions of iso-13:0, anteiso-13:0, C13:0, iso-14:0, C15:0, iso-16:0, total iso-FA, and total OBCFAs compared with that of the other groups (P < 0.05), and also lower yields of iso-14:0 and iso-16:0 (P < 0.05). In contrast, C17:0 and C17:1 cis-9 proportions and yields were higher in dairy cows with ≤ 21 DIM (P < 0.05). Iso-17:0 and anteiso-17:0 were not affected by lactation stage (P > 0.05). Taken together, our data showed that both parity and lactation stage have considerable effects on milk fat OBCFAs of dairy cows. In summary, first- and second-parity cows had higher milk OBCFAs compared with later parity cows, and OBCFAs with medium chain lengths were lower in dairy cows with ≤ 21 DIM, while C17:0 and C17:1 cis-9 were higher. These findings show that milk OBCFA contents are differentially modulated by physiological state. They will be useful in future studies that seek to alter OBCFA composition of Holstein dairy cow milk fats.  相似文献   

Enhancing the supply of arginine (Arg), a semi-essential amino acid, has positive effects on immune function in dairy cattle experiencing metabolic stress during early lactation. Our objective was to determine the effects of Arg supplementation on biomarkers of liver damage and inflammation in cows during early lactation. Six Chinese Holstein lactating cows with similar BW (508 ± 14 kg), body condition score (3.0), parity (4.0 ± 0), milk yield (30.6 ± 1.8 kg) and days in milk (20 ± days) were randomly assigned to three treatments in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design balanced for carryover effects. Each period was 21 days with 7 days for infusion and 14 days for washout. Treatments were (1) Control: saline; (2) Arg group: saline + 0.216 mol/day l-Arg; and (3) Alanine (Ala) group: saline + 0.868 mol/day l-Ala (iso-nitrogenous to the Arg group). Blood and milk samples from the experimental cows were collected on the last day of each infusion period and analyzed for indices of liver damage and inflammation, and the count and composition of somatic cells in milk. Compared with the Control, the infusion of Arg led to greater concentrations of total protein, immunoglobulin M and high density lipoprotein cholesterol coupled with lower concentrations of haptoglobin and tumor necrosis factor-α, and activity of aspartate aminotransferase in serum. Infusion of Ala had no effect on those biomarkers compared with the Control. Although milk somatic cell count was not affected, the concentration of granulocytes was lower in response to Arg infusion compared with the Control or Ala group. Overall, the biomarker analyses indicated that the supplementation of Arg via the jugular vein during early lactation alleviated inflammation and metabolic stress.  相似文献   

Han RX  Kim HR  Diao YF  Lee MG  Jin Di 《Journal of Proteomics》2012,75(11):3221-3229
Bovine pregnancy is commonly diagnosed by rectal palpation or ultrasonography and changes in progesterone concentration. To determine a simpler and less expensive diagnostic method, we sought to identify early pregnancy-specific proteins in bovine milk by comparing samples collected from pregnant and non-pregnant Holstein cattle. Of the 600-700 protein spots visible on 2-DE gel images, 39 were differentially expressed in milk from pregnant and non-pregnant cattle. Antibodies generated against synthetic peptides of milk whey proteins expressed specifically during pregnancy were used to confirm protein expression patterns. Western blot analysis showed that the levels of expression of lactoferrin (lactotransferrin) and alpha1G T-type calcium channel subunit (alpha-1G) were higher in samples from pregnant than non-pregnant cattle. These findings suggest that assays for pregnancy-specific milk proteins may be used to diagnose pregnancy in cattle.  相似文献   

Twenty-six Alpine and Saanen goats, 12 fitted with a rumen cannula and a T-type cannula in the duodenum, were used in a 6-week experiment on the effect of a monoterpene blend on rumen fermentation, duodenal terpene and nutrient flows, milk yield and composition. The monoterpene blend consisted of 45.2, 36.7, 16.0 and 2.2 mol/100 mol terpene for linalool, p-cymene, α-pinene and β-pinene, respectively. The four compounds were considered as good models of northwest Mediterranean sward terpenes and were supplied in the same proportions as in the spring diet of dairy goats in the Basilicata (Southern Apennine range, Italy). The goats were assigned to three experimental groups fed a total mixed ration with no terpene or with the monoterpene blend at two levels, 0.043 and 0.43 g/kg dry matter intake. Ruminal fermentation characteristics remained unchanged among groups. In average, the total volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration was 89.0 mM and the proportions of acetate, propionate and butyrate were 66.4, 21.1 and 10.1 mol/100 mol VFA, with an acetate:propionate ratio of 3.19. In average, 0.0, 2.7, 3.5 and 23.5 mol/100 mol of the ingested amounts of linalool, α-pinene, p-cymene and β-pinene were recovered in the duodenum. The mean terpene composition of duodenal digesta was 11.7, 9.2 and 79.1 mol/100 mol terpene for p-cymene, α-pinene and β-pinene, differing markedly from the dietary blend in both supplemented groups. Apparent rumen digestibility of dry matter (0.40), of neutral detergent fibre (0.54), and of acid detergent fibre (0.45) was not affected by either level of terpene supplementation. Dry matter intake and milk production, milk fat content or milk fatty acid profile were not affected by terpenes. It is concluded that, because of extensive ruminal degradation of each terpene, the monoterpene blend had no effect on ruminal digestion of dietary constituents or on milk performance whatever the supplementation level.  相似文献   

The transition between two lactations remains one of the most critical periods during the productive life of dairy cows. In this study, we aimed to develop a model that predicts the milk yield of dairy cows from test day milk yield data collected in the previous lactation. In the past, data routinely collected in the context of herd improvement programmes on dairy farms have been used to provide insights in the health status of animals or for genetic evaluations. Typically, only data from the current lactation is used, comparing expected (i.e., unperturbed) with realised milk yields. This approach cannot be used to monitor the transition period due to the lack of unperturbed milk yields at the start of a lactation. For multiparous cows, an opportunity lies in the use of data from the previous lactation to predict the expected production of the next one. We developed a methodology to predict the first test day milk yield after calving using information from the previous lactation. To this end, three random forest models (nextMILKFULL, nextMILKPH, and nextMILKP) were trained with three different feature sets to forecast the milk yield on the first test day of the next lactation. To evaluate the added value of using a machine-learning approach against simple models based on contemporary animals or production in the previous lactation, we compared the nextMILK models with four benchmark models. The nextMILK models had an RMSE ranging from 6.08 to 6.24 kg of milk. In conclusion, the nextMILK models had a better prediction performance compared to the benchmark models. Application-wise, the proposed methodology could be part of a monitoring tool tailored towards the transition period. Future research should focus on validation of the developed methodology within such tool.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effect of a chronic stressor, lameness, on reproductive parameters. Seventy cows 30-80 days post-partum were scored for lameness and follicular phases synchronized with GnRH followed seven days later by prostaglandin (PG). Fifteen Lame animals did not respond to GnRH ovarian stimulation. Milk progesterone for 5 days prior to PG was lower in the remaining Lame cows than Healthy herdmates. Fewer Lame cows ovulated (26/37 versus 17/18; P = 0.04) and the interval from PG to ovulation was shorter in Lame cows. In Subset 1 (20 animals), the LH pulse frequency was similar in ovulating animals (Lame and Healthy) but lower in Lame non-ovulators. An LH surge always preceded ovulation but lameness did not affect the interval from PG to LH surge onset or LH surge concentrations. Before the LH surge, estradiol was lower in non-ovulating cows compared to those that ovulated and estradiol concentrations were positively correlated with LH pulse frequency. In Subset 2 (45 cows), Lame ovulating cows had a less intense estrus than Healthy cows, although Lame cows began estrus and stood-to-be-mounted earlier than Healthy cows. In conclusion, we have identified several parameters to explain poor fertility in some chronically stressed animals. From 30 to 80 days post-partum, there was a graded effect that ranged from 29% Lame cows with absence of ovarian activity, whereas another 21% Lame cows failed to express estrus or ovulate a low estrogenic follicle; in 50% cows, many reproductive parameters were unaffected by lameness.  相似文献   

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