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Lutzomyia antunesi has been commonly reported in outbreaks of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in the Orinoquia region of Colombia. The bionomics of this species were studied in the municipality of Villavicencio (Meta, Colombia). Sandflies were captured over the course of one week per month for one year in intradomiciliary, peridomiciliary and extradomiciliary housing areas. The captures were performed from 06:00 pm-06:00 am using CDC light traps and the females were processed for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect Leishmania spp. A total of 22,097 specimens and 19 species were captured of which Lu. antunesi (89%) and Lutzomyia walkeri (5%) were the most abundant. Other species recognised as anthropophilic (Lutzomyia panamensis, Lutzomyia gomezi, Lutzomyia flaviscutellata and Lutzomyia fairtigi) were present in very low abundance (< 2%). Natural infection with Leishmania spp was detected using PCR in Lu. antunesi, Lu. panamensis and Lu. flavicutellata, showing infection rates of 1%, 4.8% and 7.5%, respectively. The present paper provides information on various ecological aspects of Lu. antunesi. An analysis of seasonality shows that this species increases in abundance in the hottest months (December, January and February), directly correlating with the maximum temperature and inversely correlating with precipitation. The natural infection rate is associated with the peaks of highest abundance.  相似文献   

Mermithid nematodes are common parasites of black flies and play a significant role in the natural regulation of these medically important insects. Infection levels tend to he moderate and perennial, with epizootics rare and highly localized. Mermithid parasitism almost invariably results in the death of the black fly, and thus considerable attention has focused on the potential of these nematodes as biocontrol agents. Early instar black fly larvae appear most susceptible to infection, and integumental penetration hy mermithid preparasites is the only known mode of entry. Postparasitic nematodes typically emerge before host pupation. However, carryover of parasitism into adult simuliids is an important mechanism for local dispersal and recolonization of upstream areas. Following emergence, the mermithids molt to the adult stage. Copulation ensues, the females then laying eggs which eventually give rise to the next generation of infective preparasites. The number of described species is conservatively estimated at 35-40, with most species within the genera Mesomermis, Gastromermis, and Isomermis. The taxonomy of this group of mermithids is a challenging and little explored area. Host-specificity statements, therefore, must be made cautiously because of these systematic problems and others within the Simuliidae. In most instances, temporal and spatial factors limit the host range of these mermithids among simuliid species. Differential susceptibilities anmng larvae concurrently present within the same microhabitat probably reflect varying degrees of host attractiveness and behavioral-physiological resistance. Effects of parasitism on the host may include prevention of metamorphosis, sterility, intersexual development, and behavior modification. Evaluation of the technical feasibility of mermithid control of black flies has been stymied by the limitations of current inoculum-production technology. Continued advances in in vivo and in vitro culture methods are required to accelerate the research process.  相似文献   

Three new species in the super family Neotylenchoidea collected in Pakistan during 1979-80 are described. New species Nothotylenchus gohleni is related to N. affinis Thorne, 1941 but is differentiated by its longer, more robust body with tine cuticular annules, a more posterior vulva, inconspicuous basal knobs of the stylet, and poorly developed metacorpal area. N. geraerti and N. tuberosus are also close to this undescribed species, hut they have a more developed metacorpal area and a larger post uterine sac. Boleodorus zaini n.sp. is distinguished by its excretory pore open at a level with the base of the posterior esophageal bulb and by six distinct lines in the lateral field. Paurodontella sohailai n.sp. is closely related to P. densa (Thorne, 1941) Hussain &Khan, 1967 and P. minuta Hussain &Khan, 1967 but differs from them by its larger body, shape of tail, and seven incisures in the lateral field.  相似文献   

During a research project aimed at the study of the Culicinae fauna of Gabon and carried out in the National Park of La Lopé, we captured an unknown sandfly male specimen (genus Phlebotomus) by CDC miniature light trap belonging to a new species for Science. Furthermore, the originality of his genitalia does not allow us to include this species in one of the existing subgenus, thus in this paper we propose the creation of a new subgenus, as Phlebotomus (Legeromyia) multihamatus sp. nov., subg. nov. described from the National Park of La Lopé, through one male captured with CDC miniature light trap. A new species and a new subgenus of sandfly is characterised by a short style with three spines, a paramere wearing a basal hook as well as a basal pouch and the absence of basal lobe on the coxite. The originality of the genitalia of the male gives way to discussion about potential primary homologies between P. multihamatus sp. nov. and Phlebotomus (Abonnencius) fortunatarum, Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) stantoni and Phlebotomus (Euphlebotomus) argentipes, which should be verified for future studies. The discovery of this new species in Gabon must encourage the study of sandflies in this country.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to identify the sandfly fauna and the anthropophilic species in a coffee-growing area of Villanueva, Norte de Santander, Colombia, a focus of American cutaneous leishmaniasis, and to analyse the relationship between the most frequent species and rainfall, relative humidity and temperature, with the aim of contributing to epidemiological surveillance in the area. Sandfly collections were performed fortnightly between February 2006-September 2007 using automatic light traps, Shannon traps, protected human bait and aspiration in resting places. A total of 7,051 sandflies belonging to 12 species were captured. Pintomyia spinicrassa (95.7%) predominated. Pintomyia oresbia and Lutzomyia sp. of Pichinde were found in the state of Norte de Santander for the first time. Pi. spinicrassa, Pintomyia nuneztovari, Micropygomyia venezuelensis, Lutzomyia (Helcocyrtomyia) scorzai and Lu. (Helcocyrtomyia) sp. were captured on the protected human bait. A significant association between Pi. spinicrassa abundance and the total rainfall and the average temperature and humidity 10 days before the collection was observed. The dominance of Pi. spinicrassa, a recognised vector of Leishmania braziliensis, especially during the dry periods, indicates that the risk of parasite transmission may increase.  相似文献   

Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in the state of Rio de Janeiro is sporadic and canbe characterised as a peridomestic transmission that occurs in modified naturalenvironments. The aim of this work was to study the fauna and ecologicalcharacteristics of sandflies in an environmentally protected area (the StatePark of Serra da Tiririca) within the remnants of the Atlantic Forest in themunicipalities of Niterói and Maricá and their possible relationship withleishmaniasis. Captures were performed using light traps during the night once amonth for one year in both sylvatic environments and areas surrounding homesnear the park. A total of 1,037 sandflies were captured, belonging to ninegenera and 12 species: Evandromyia tupynambai (34.1%),Migonemyia migonei (20.6%), Brumptomyiacunhai (13.8%), Micropygomyia schreiberi (9.7%),Psathyromyia lanei (6.5%), Brumptomyianitzulescui (5.7%), Evandromyia edwardsi(5.4%), Nyssomyia intermedia (2.8%), Evandromyiacortelezzii (0.6%), Pintomyia bianchigalatiae(0.5%), Lutzomyia longipalpis (0.2%) and Sciopemyiamicrops (0.1%). Both Mg. migonei and Ny.intermedia may be acting as vectors of CL in this area.  相似文献   

Spicules of 9 Meloidogyne, 2 Heterodera, 3 Globodera, and 12 other plant-parasitic, insect-parasitic, and free-living nematodes were excised and examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Gubernacula of some of the species were also excised, and their structure was determined. The two spicules of all species examined were symmetrically identical in morphology. The spicule typically consisted of three parts: head, shaft, and blade with dorsal and ventral vela. The spicular nerve entered through the cytoplasmic core opening on the lateral outer surface of the spicule head and generally communicated with the exterior through one or two pores at the spicule tip. Spicules of Xiphinema sp. and Aporcelaimellus sp. were not composed of three typical parts, were less sclerotized, and lacked a cytoplasmic core opening and distal pores. Spicules of Aphelenchoides spp. had heads expanded into apex and rostrum and had very arcuate blades with thick dorsal and ventral edges (limbs). Gubernaculum shapes were stable within a species, but differed among species examined. The accessory structures of Hoplolaimus galeatus consisted of a tongue-shaped gubernaculum with two titillae at its distal end and a plate-like capitulum terminating distally in two flat, wing-like structures. A comparison of spicules of several species of Meloidogyne by SEM and light microscopy revealed no striking morphological differences.  相似文献   

This study updates the geographic distributions of phlebotomine species in Central-West Brazil and analyses the climatic factors associated with their occurrence. The data were obtained from the entomology services of the state departments of health in Central-West Brazil, scientific collections and a literature review of articles from 1962-2014. Ecological niche models were produced for sandfly species with more than 20 occurrences using the Maxent algorithm and eight climate variables. In all, 2,803 phlebotomine records for 127 species were analysed. Nyssomyia whitmani, Evandromyia lenti and Lutzomyia longipalpis were the species with the greatest number of records and were present in all the biomes in Central-West Brazil. The models, which were produced for 34 species, indicated that the Cerrado areas in the central and western regions of Central-West Brazil were climatically more suitable to sandflies. The variables with the greatest influence on the models were the temperature in the coldest months and the temperature seasonality. The results show that phlebotomine species in Central-West Brazil have different geographical distribution patterns and that climate conditions in essentially the entire region favour the occurrence of at least one Leishmania vector species, highlighting the need to maintain or intensify vector control and surveillance strategies.  相似文献   

Leptonchoid species found in soil samples taken in lowland and mid-elevation seasonal forests at four locations in Panama were as follows: Sclerostylus karri n. gen., n. sp., Basirotyleptus saccatus n. sp., B. nemoralis, B. acus, B. penetrans, Doryllium neotropicum n. sp., D. minor, Tyleptus gymnochilus, Gerthus jamesi, Dorylaimoides micoletzkyi, and Tylencholaimellus macrophallus. The discoveries corroborate our earlier suggestion of a Gondwanian origin for Tyleptus and Basirotyleptus and provide data for additional biogeographical study.  相似文献   

Aphelenchoides resinosi n. sp. and Ektaphelenchus joyceae n. sp. are described and illustrated from red pines of the Allegheny plateau of Maryland, USA. The new species were found in trees infested with Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Primary diagnostic characters of A. resinosi females are constriction of the head, basal stylet knobs, tong postuterine sac, two incisures in the lateral field, and conical tail four to five anal body widths long with a simple terminal mucro. Diagnostic characters of the males are two pairs of subventral caudal papillae and spicule shape: Primary diagnostic characters of E. joyceae females are a slight constriction of the head, six similar lips, conical tail, and short postuterine sac. Diagnostic characters of the males are spicule size and shape, a single row of spermatocytes, and one pair of caudal papillae. Within-tree distributions of A. resinosi and E. joyceae are presented. A total of 70% of both red-needled and chlorotic-needled trees in the study were positive for A. resinosi and E. joyceae. Branch hierarchy was related to the percentage of samples positive for A. resinosi.  相似文献   

Trichodorus intermedius n. sp., Trichodorus dilatatus n. sp., and Paratrichodorus (Atlantadorus) grandis n. sp. are described from soil around native plants of Southern California. The females of the three subgenera of Paratrichodorus are further characterized on the basis of the vulva, which is pore-like in Atlantadorus, a longitudinal slit in Paratrichodorus, and a transverse slit in Nanidorus.  相似文献   

Strelkovimermis spiculatus n. sp. (Mermithidae: Nematoda), a parasite of the mosquito Aedes albifasciatus Mac. in Argentina, is described. Diagnostic characters of this species include a ventrally shifted mouth opening and spicules fused at the tips. The mermithid has been reared on Culex pipiens L. larvae in the laboratory.  相似文献   

To show the relationship of the monodelphic species of Trichodoridae with the nominal taxa, the genus Monotrichodorus is redefined, with the addition of one new species. The new genus Allotrichodorus is proposed on the basis of new species found in Brazil; and one new species is described in the genus Paratrichodorus.  相似文献   

TrilineeIlus clathrocutis n.g., n.sp. is described and illustrated. It was found as an associate of corn (Zea mays) in Stockton, Georgia, USA, and is related to a group of Tylenchorhynchus sensu lato species having three lines in nonareolated lateral fields. This new species is closely related to Tylenehorhynehus divittatus Siddiqi 1961, T. sculptus Seinhorst 1963, and T. triglyphus Seinhorst 1963 (syn. T. chonai Sethi & Swarup 1968) Tarjan 1973. It differs from these species primarily by having longitudinal striae on the body. These four species are differentiated from Tylenchorhynchus sensu stricto by having three lateral lines instead of four. They differ from Uliginotylenchus Siddiqi 1971 by having nonareolated lateral fields, fewer than 25 annules on conoid rounded tails, differently shaped gubernacula, nonattenuated stylets, and other distinctive characters. They differ from Triversus Sher 1973 by having the male tail enclosed by the bursa and by having rounded female tails. SEM observations of T. clathrocutis reveal a cuticle deeply cut by longitudinal and horizontal striae and bearing wide (> 2.0 μm) annules. Trilineellus is proposed to accommodate the new species and the three-incisured species still within Tylenchorhynchus. Tylenchorhynchus is thereby the repository for species within Tylenchorhynchinae having four lines in the lateral field, no conspicuous labial disc, and bursa enclosing the male tail.  相似文献   

Five species of nematodes - Hemicriconemoides pseudobrachyurum, Hemicycliophora conida, Macroposthonia ornata, Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi, and Psilenchus hilarulus -were desiccated to study their capacity to survive anhydrobiotically. Results indicate that the ability of the sheath to shrink quickly and its relatively loose attachment with the nematode body allow H. conida to survive longer than H. pseudobrachyurum; the survival of M. ornata was intermediate, A. ritzemabosi and P. hilarulus survived immersion in paraffin oil for 12 and 17 days, respectively. Both of these nematodes possess multiple contraction ability; i.e., coiling coupled with transverse and longitudinal folding of the cuticle. P. hilarulus is a new addition to the list of anhydrobiotic nematodes.  相似文献   

The mermithid parasite Heleidomermis magnapapula was maintained in larvae of the midge Culicoides variipennis for 20 months in enamel pans containing nutrient-rich water and polyester pads as a substrate. Inseminated female mermithids were introduced to the pad surface when the host was in the late second or early third-instar. Host larvae were harvested from the pans 9 days after exposure and held in tap water for nematode emergence. Preparasite yield was positively correlated with female nematode size and averaged 1,267 preparasites/female. Male and female nematodes emerged an average of 12.2 and 13.4 days after host exposure, respectively. Supplemental host food (Panagrellus) during the final days of parasitism did not alter time of emergence. Parasites emerging singly were 64% females, whereas superparasitized hosts yielded males (up to nine/host). Nematode carryover into the adult midge normally occurred at a level of 0.5-2.5%. Parasite load (nematodes/ parasitized individual) in midge adults was lower than that of larvae from the same cohort, and adult midges were more likely to harbor female parasites. Exposure of fourth-instar host larvae resulted in higher levels of adult parasitism (up to 17%).  相似文献   

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