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多聚谷氨酰胺(polyglutamine,PolyQ)疾病是由特定基因序列中CAG三核苷酸的不稳定重复扩增所引发的一类神经退行性疾病。至今已发现9种类型的PolyQ疾病,其中多数疾病的致病蛋白质在转录调控中发挥着重要的病理作用。PolyQ蛋白中谷氨酰胺的异常重复延伸会引发蛋白质错误折叠并在细胞中积聚形成包涵体。积聚的蛋白质可通过自身结构域、泛素修饰和RNA等介导的相互作用,有效地募集细胞内的转录因子、泛素接头或受体蛋白,以及分子伴侣等组分到包涵体中。这些组分在细胞中的可溶性比例减少,使得机体内的转录调控系统功能受损,造成转录失调从而诱发疾病。因此,研究异常延伸的PolyQ蛋白对细胞内转录因子及其他组分的募集作用,可在分子水平上解释神经退行性疾病的发病机制,从而为临床应用提供潜在的预防和治疗方法。  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Amphibian metamorphosis is the developmental processinitiated by thyroid hormone which transforms a tadpole intoa frog. This transformation requires extensive remodeling ofalmost every tissue in the animal. One of the more well-studiedtadpole tissues that undergoes remodeling is the small intestine.This tissue requires a shortening in length as well as internalanatomical restructuring to function in the adult frog. Briefly,the tadpole epithelial cells undergo programmed cell death (orapoptosis) and are replaced by a layer of newly formed adultepithelium. About 20 thyroid hormone-regulated genes participatingin this intestinal remodeling have been identified. These genescan be divided into several groups based on the proposed functionsof their products. One of these groups contains several secretedand/or signaling molecules. Most prominent among these are theXenopus homologs of the hedgehog and stromelysin-3 genes. Basedon the expression profiles and cellular localization, hedgehogappears to be involved in adult epithelial morphogenesis. Stromelysin-3may participate in basal lamina modification which is potentiallyinvolved in the apoptosis of the larval epithelium and developmentof the adult epithelium. Here we will review in detail the potentialroles for these secreted factors as well as the proposed molecularmechanisms responsible for their physiological functions. Furthermore,we will examine the effect of these proteins on the extracellularenvironment and how this impacts upon cellular processes involvedin intestinal remodeling.  相似文献   

维持淋巴细胞的正常功能需要正负向协同刺激信号的同时参与。两种信号决定了T、B细胞对抗原特异性刺激的敏感性和应答方式。二者的平衡使机体在避免对自身抗原产生不适当反应的同时,又能对外来抗原显示足够强的应答能力。多年来有关协同信号的研究,对相关分子结构和功能的认识已大大深化,特别是其中的B7分子及其受体家族。该家族的负向调控作用是通过其抑制性受体来实现的。目前已发现3种抑制性受体:细胞毒性T细胞相关分子(CTLA-4)、程序性死亡分子(PD-1)和B、T细胞弱化因子(BTLA)。对其效应机制的研究,将对免疫调节以及自身免疫、肿瘤免疫和移植免疫产生深远影响。  相似文献   

The Role of GAMYB Transcription Factors in GA-Regulated Gene Expression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A gibberellin- and abscisic acid-regulated MYB, GAMYB, was first identified as an activator of GA-regulated genes in cereal aleurone. Here we review recent advances made in delineating the signaling events related to GAMYB expression and function in aleurone. In addition, there is a growing body of evidence that GAMYB plays an important role in other aspects of plant growth and development, including anther development, stem elongation, floral initiation and seed development.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The ovarian steroid hormones, estradiol and progesterone,act in the guinea pig brain to regulate the expression of sexualbehavior. In studies of the cellular mechanisms of steroid hormoneaction, we have used an immunocytochemical technique to studythe regulation of these receptors in different neuroanatomicalregions. We have observed that progestin receptor-immunoreactivityin cells in certain neuroanatomical regions are more responsiveto particular steroid hormone treatments than are cells in otherregions. Similarly, we have observed selective regulation ofprogestin receptor-immunoreactivity in neurons identified onthe basis of their neuropeptide content. Finally, in the rostralpart of the ventrolateral hypothalamus, a site involved in hormonalregulation of female sexual behavior, estrogen receptor-immunoreactiveneurons that have dopamine-ß-hydroxylase varicositiesclosely-associated have higher levels of immunostaining forestrogen receptors than neurons without this relationship. Takentogether, these studies demonstrate the possibility of studyingthe microregulation of steroid hormone receptors in subsetsof neurons defined by neuroanatomical location, neuropeptide/neurotransmittercontent, afferent input and projection sites. The ability tostudy interactions among different systems at the cellular levelmay help us to understand more clearly the cellular processesinvolved in hormonal regulation of fundamental neuroendocrineprocesses, including the neuroendocrine regulation of sexualbehavior  相似文献   

组蛋白乙酰化/去乙酰化在真核基因转录调控中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
真核生物中 ,染色质的基本单位是核小体。核小体由H2 A ,H2 B ,H3 ,H4构成的核心组蛋白八聚体及缠绕于其上的DNA构成。最近的研究结果表明 ,核心组蛋白的乙酰化 去乙酰化过程是调控基因活性的一个关键步骤[1] 。而含有组蛋白去乙酰化酶活性的分子有两类 :一类是与酵母RPD3同源的分子 ,另一类是与RPD3不同源的分子。它们各有其不同的来源 ,存在于各自的复合物中 ,催化不完全相同的组蛋白或其他蛋白质去乙酰化 ;这些去乙酰化酶与基因转录的调控存在着密切的关系 ,主要是介导基因转录的抑制。  相似文献   

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