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Vegetation analysis provides the prerequisites to understand the overall community structure and function of any ecosystem and is a fundamental requirement for the precise evaluation of biodiversity. Although many studies have assessed floristic attributes of specific areas, there are still unexplored regions, as is the case of the mountain region in the Kashmir Himalayas. Current research highlighted the recent findings of the scientific characterization of floristic and ecological aspects on the forest flora found in the Bhimber hills, Pakistan. Floristically, a total of 93 species belonging to 80 genera in 41 families were recorded. The species distribution patterns across the families were disproportionate with half of the species contributed by 8 families and 25 families were monotypic. Based on the floristic analysis, Asteraceae was the largest family with 12% of species followed by Poaceae with (11%) species. PAST software, a multivariate ecological community analysis was used to classify the species similarities and differences among the different habitat types. According to the habitat wise distribution, 21% of species were growing in the natural forest habitat, while 15% of species were dispersed in highly distributed habitats along roadsides and 8% on pedestrians. In terms of functional diversity, the herbaceous growth form was dominant (58%). The biological spectrum revealed therophytes as the dominant life form as it indicates the disturbed habitat vegetation. The phytogeographical analysis revealed that the maximum (69%) species were native, while the minimum (31%) species were exotic. Thus, the study of these functional and habitat diversity patterns can significantly improve our understanding of the ecological aspects of the flora in the geographical location. This information may additionally be useful in devising management plans to ensure sustainable utilization and better management of forest landscapes in this Himalayan region.  相似文献   

The floristic life-form spectrum of any area unveils the prevailing phytoclimatic conditions, helps in understanding the species-environment relationship and can be applied to compare the vegetation pattern of one eco-zone to another. We scrutinized the pattern of species richness (SR) and floristic spectrum along the elevation gradient in a biodiversity-rich eco-zone of western Himalaya (western Ramganga valley, Uttarakhand, India) between 1200 m (river bank) to 3100 m a.s.l. (summit). The elevation range was classified into six elevation bands (i.e. <1500 m, 1500–1800 m, 1801–2100 m, 2101–2400 m, 2401–2700 m, >2700 m), to prepare the presence (1)/ absence (0) species data matrix using local distribution (elevation range) of each species to estimate the SR of various growth-forms and life-forms for the particular elevational band. The findings suggest that the correlation of SR with elevation is not linear as the species richness peaks at the middle elevation (humped-back shape relationship). The forest cover is large and continues up to the summit; thus, the correlation of tree and shrub SR with elevation is not clear; though, a partly positive correlation was observed between elevation and herb SR while negative correlation between climber SR and elevation. The percentage of phanerophytes and therophytes in total life-forms decreased significantly with increase in elevation while inverse trend was shown by hemicryptophytes and cryptophytes. The pattern of phytoclimate in the area varied from phanero-therophytic at the lower elevation to phanero-hemicryptophytic at the middle and hemicrypto-phanerophytic at the upper elevation. The present contribution is an attempt to fill the knowledge gap in pattern of growth-form, life-form and phytoclimate within the forest-covered montane zone of western Himalaya. It will be helpful in understanding the vegetation dynamics in mountain ecosystems and serve as a ready reference to planners in any future conservation strategy for the area.  相似文献   

A floristic inventory of woody plants was carried out to analyse the relationships between floristic similarity and geographical distance, and to compare the effect of land use history on the floristic composition between sites. Three lowland and two submontane sites were studied in Madidi, Bolivia. In one site, there is evidence of an Inca ruin. A total of 877 species and 12,822 individuals of woody plants with a diameter at breast height ≥2.5 cm were recorded in 44 0.1–ha plots. Fisher’s Alpha index values were slightly higher for the lowlands than for the submontane. Floristic similarity was higher within sites than between sites as measured by both Sørensen and Steinhaus indexes. The fact that the 30 most important species per site (totalling 94 species) accounted for 61.7% of total individuals, support the hypothesis that Amazonian plant communities are dominated by a limited set of species, genera and families. On the other hand, 18 out of the 94 species were reported in a single site, suggesting that some species are patchy in distribution and may be environmentally determined. Both the oligarchy and environmental-determinism hypotheses can be complementary in order to understand floristic patterns of this region. The Ruins submontane site is floristically the most distinct, and past human disturbance is likely to be the main reason. Since species diversity (ranging from 53 to 122 species per plot) and density (ranging from 157 to 503 per plot) are highly variable in Madidi, to characterize the diversity of a site, it is necessary to quantify an average of 10 0.1-ha plots in a relatively small geographical area.  相似文献   

Six hectares, three in a primary forest and three in a 40 year old secondary forest were inventoried for all trees with Diameter at Breast Height (DNH) of 10 cm or greater in a terra firme forest 200 km north-east of Manaus, central Amazonia in order to compare the difference between structure, species richness and floristic composition. Both species richness and tree density were significantly higher in the upland forest than in the secondary forest. The forest structure pattern analysed (DBH, basal area and estimated dry biomass) did not differ significantly between the two forest types. Similarity indices at species level were only 14%. In the 3 ha of primary forest the number of species varied from 137 to 159, the number of individuals from 639 to 713, total basal area from 32.8 to 40.2 m2 and estimate total of above-ground dry biomass (AGBM) from 405 to 560 tons per ha. In the 3 ha of secondary forest, the number of species varied from 86 to 90, the number of individuals from 611 to 653, total basal area from 28.8 to 39.9 m2 and estimated total AGBM from 340 to 586 tons per ha. Family Importance Value (FIV) is the sum of relative density, dominance and richness of a family. The most important families in relation to FIV were Burseraceae, Chrysobalanaceae, Lecythidaceae, Myristicaceae, Bombacaceae, Fabaceae and Mimosaceae in the 3 ha of primary forest, while Burseraceae, Lecythidaceae, Sapotaceae, Arecaceae and Cecropiaceae were the most important families in the 3 ha of secondary forest. Importance Value Index (IVI) is the sum of relative density, dominance and frequency of a species. Alexa grandiflora (Caesalpiniaceae), Sckronema micranthum (Bombacaceae) and Pourouma guianensis (Cecropiaceae) were the most important species in relation IVI, in the primary forest, while Eschweilera grandiflora (Lecythidaceae), Protium apiculatum (Burseraceae) and Bertholletia excelsa (Lecythidaceae) were the most important species in the secondary forest. We conclude that species richness was significandy different between the two forests, but that forest structure patterns analysed in this study (DBH, basal area and dry biomass) were similar. This demonstrates that 40 years was sufficient time for the secondary forest to recover the original structure of the primary forest, but not the original species richness. The low species similarity between the two forests indicates that the floristic composition was quite distinct and that the mixture of primary forest and disturbed forest has led to an increase in total species diversity.  相似文献   

陈东军  钟林生  马国飞  杨浩 《生态学报》2022,42(19):7796-7806
自然教育是生态文明建设的有力抓手及重要内容。自然保护地具有良好的自然资源禀赋,为自然教育实践提供活动场地及教育资源基础。在界定分析自然教育相关概念及内涵基础上,提出自然保护地自然教育资源分类方案,包括自然事物、场地设施、自然文化3项主类,9个亚类、48种基本类型;综合运用层次分析法和德尔菲法构建包括教育价值、资源质量、开发条件3层要素、10项指标的自然教育资源评价体系;以神农架国家公园为例进行自然教育资源分类及评价的实证分析。结果表明,构建的自然教育资源分类方案及评价体系具有科学性、普适性与可操作性,可在自然保护地自然教育资源的调查、分类与评价中推广,为自然保护地的自然教育开发利用提供科学参考。  相似文献   

The forests in Cat Tien National Park, appear as a mosaic of different communities, distinct from each other with respect to their floristic and structural parameters. The objectives of this study are (1) to characterize the different formations occurring in the lowland part and (2) to identify the main successional trends in the area. Understanding forest succession is important for silviculture and restoration of forests and land rehabilitation, as adequate information on the ecological role of local species in the functioning of the forests is not available in Vietnam. Five plots (1 ha each) were established in the lowland part of Cat Tien National Park, where all the trees ≥ 10 cm d.b.h. (diameter at breast height) were located, measured and identified. A systematic sampling was made to assess the regeneration. Three plots (A, C and D) can be considered as secondary forests on the basis of their structural parameters. Plots A and C are dominated by Lagerstrmia calyculata and plot D by Dipterocarpus alatus. The other two plots can be regarded as mature forests. Plot B corresponds to a semideciduous formation dominated by Lagerstrmia calyculata and Fabaceae species, and plot E to an evergreen one dominated by dipterocarp species. The floristic composition of plots A and C will change in the future because dominant canopy species are rare or absent in regeneration. A correspondence analysis performed on the number of trees per species shows two kinds of successional trends: one from A to B on shallow and drier soils, and another from C to E on deeper and wetter soils.  相似文献   

Extensive livestock ranching is one of the main drivers of habitat degradation in terrestrial communities in the dry Chaco forest (Argentina). Grazing intensity could differentially affect native mammals and their interactions, which could impact both, native mammal communities and livestock production systems. Here, we determined how the activity index of grey foxes Lycalopex gymnocercus and capture abundance and richness of small mammals vary along a grazing intensity gradient in a particular region of the dry Chaco forest (Copo National Park, Argentina). Track plots were used to estimate the activity index of foxes and cattle, and Sherman traps for small mammals. Fresh scats were collected to analyse the diet of foxes and to assess possible changes in predator-prey dynamics. Fruit availability and shrub density were measured in 6 plots of 2 m × 50 m. We used generalized linear mixed models, Spearman’s nonparametric rank correlation, Chi-squared test, and Spearman’s partial correlation coefficient to analyse the potential effects of grazing intensity. We found that the activity index of foxes increased (0.06 ± 0.018) while small mammal abundance (-0.08 ± 0.024) and species richness decreased (rs = -0.94) with increasing grazing intensity. However, the proportion of scats with mammalian remains decreased with increasing grazing intensity. Also, we did not find a strong partial correlation between foxes and small mammals when we controlled for grazing intensity. This suggests that the abundance and diversity of small mammals in the study area are determined more by grazing intensity than by predator-prey interactions. Grazing intensity could negatively affect small mammals, but not through changes in fruit availability or shrub density, but possibly by affecting grass cover. Consequently, foxes’ activity could increase to meet caloric intake requirements. Our results suggest that specific cattle management recommendations depend on the wildlife species that serves as a conservation target. We recommend testing whether reducing cattle load can make this productive activity compatible with wildlife conservation in dry Chaco forests.  相似文献   

我国的自然保护地普遍存在着科学管控难、统一管理难和资金供给难等问题, 即便是国家公园体制试点区也不例外。本文以钱江源国家公园体制试点区为例, 设计了基于细化保护需求的保护地役权制度, 以探索一种能解决上述问题并能体现生态补偿的适应性管理方法, 包括: 细化主要保护对象的管理需求, 结合土地利用类型, 确定实施保护地役权的空间范围; 辨析保护需求和原住民生产、生活之间的关系, 形成正负行为的准则并以行为清单的形式体现; 从生态系统监测指标改善情况、正负行为遵守情况和社区能力建设三个维度制定地役权制度的评价方法; 据此形成地役权合同, 明确供役地人和需役地人的权责利, 形成考虑保护绩效的生态补偿方案。这种方法可以解决自然保护地因为权属不一致造成的生态系统和景观破碎化问题, 缓解社区发展和生态保护之间的矛盾, 在我国南方集体林地占比较高的自然保护地具有适用性。  相似文献   

长青国家自然保护区种子植物区系初步分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
长青国家自然保护区有种子植物146科、730属、1792种。对保护区子植物区系统计分析的结果表明:(1)保护区内种子植物种类丰富,有裸子植物7科、16属、24种;被子植物139科、714属、1768种。(2)区系成分复杂,属的地理分布类型有15个及变型19个。其中温带分布占65.2%,热带分布占30.3%,温带分布占一定的优势,但同时表现出与热带-亚热带成分过渡的特点。(3)原始、残遗植物成分较  相似文献   

Although the timing of snowmelt and growth temperatures appear to be the main factors that influence the species richness and phenology of snowbed plants, site-specific characteristics may also play a role in modifying the effects of the timing of snowmelt and temperature. In this study, the effects of site-specific factors (microtopography and snow origin) on species richness and plant phenology were evaluated in 72 plots in two snowbeds in the Andorran Pyrenees. Snowmelt patterns influenced the spatial distribution of species richness and abundance. Site-specific factors had significant effects on the responses of species (shortening or lengthening the duration of the phenophase) and on the extent to which the timing of snowmelt influenced leaf expansion and flowering. Notably, the highest rates of leaf expansion occurred on late snowmelt isoclines, where, nevertheless, the time taken to reach peak flowering was significantly longer than on the early snowmelt isoclines. The results of this study highlight the fact that, in addition to the effects of interannual variability in climate, site-specific factors have a significant effect on the phenology and reproductive success of the commonest plants in the snowbed communities of the Pyrenees.  相似文献   

Rivers in central Amazonia experience annual water-level fluctuations of up to 14m, flooding vast areas of adjacent forest for periods ranging from a few to 270 days per year. At different sites, variation in the duration and type of flooding results in a mosaic of habitats that includes lakes, grasslands, forests, and streams. To study the effects of flood duration on plant species richness and floristic composition, two river margin sites were surveyed on the rivers Jaú and Tarumã-Mirim. Both areas are seasonally flooded by blackwaters, and plots were made at different topographic levels (lower, middle and upper slopes). All woody plants with DBH>5cm were inventoried in five 10 × 40m plots in each of the three topographic levels, which varied in length of flood duration and mean water level. Plant species richness did not vary significantly between topographic levels, but species composition varied substantially. At both study sites, the species composition exhibited distinctive distribution patterns with respect to the three topographic levels and river site. Differences in the distribution of dominant species in both sites probably relate to the ability of species to withstand seasonal flooding, although other edaphic factors associated with the topographic levels may also be important, especially for less-dominant, locally rare, and habitat generalist species. Species composition overlap among topographic levels at the two sites was highly variable ranging from 15% to 43%. Knowledge about the complex pattern of species composition and distributions between and among topographic levels and river sites is important for the preservation of the diverse flora of the blackwater forests and for the creation of future conservation management plans and design of protected areas in this ecosystem that will maintain the biodiversity.  相似文献   

The Asiatic black bear population in Dachigam landscape, Jammu and Kashmir is well recognized as one of the highest density bear populations in India. Increasing incidences of bear-human interactions and the resultant retaliatory killings by locals have become a serious threat to the survivorship of black bears in the Dachigam landscape. The Department of Wildlife Protection in Jammu and Kashmir has been translocating bears involved in conflicts, henceforth ‘conflict bears’ from different sites in Dachigam landscape to Dachigam National Park as a flagship activity to mitigate conflicts. We undertook this study to investigate the population genetics and the fate of bear translocation in Dachigam National Park. We identified 109 unique genotypes in an area of ca. 650 km2 and observed bear population under panmixia that showed sound genetic variability. Molecular tracking of translocated bears revealed that mostly bears (7 out of 11 bears) returned to their capture sites, possibly due to homing instincts or habituation to the high quality food available in agricultural croplands and orchards, while only four bears remained in Dachigam National Park after translocation. Results indicated that translocation success was most likely to be season dependent as bears translocated during spring and late autumn returned to their capture sites, perhaps due to the scarcity of food inside Dachigam National Park while bears translocated in summer remained in Dachigam National Park due to availability of surplus food resources. Thus, the current management practices of translocating conflict bears, without taking into account spatio-temporal variability of food resources in Dachigam landscape seemed to be ineffective in mitigating conflicts on a long-term basis. However, the study highlighted the importance of molecular tracking of bears to understand their movement patterns and socio-biology in tough terrains like Dachigam landscape.  相似文献   

A study on the forest association and phenology of wild coffee ( Coffea canephora Pierre) was conducted in Kibale forest, Uganda. Nested quadrats were used to enumerate tree species, including coffee and herbaceous plants associated with forest and coffee stands. A total of 150 coffee trees was marked along transects and monthly scans carried out to score for fruits, flowers, leaves and leaf insect damage. Pre- and post-dispersal predation levels and coffee yield estimates were made by examining fruits from trees, forest floor and seasonal fruit falls into demarcated plots. In the forest, wild coffee stands are associated with low-quality forest types in terms of timber species (about 10.5 canopy species/study site) and low stocking densities of trees ≥ 50 cm d.b.h. (average 38 trees ha−1 for each site) and poor forest regeneration. In the forest, wild coffee reproductive phases overlap with ripening, coinciding with flower bud and flower production. The variable peak ripening season falls between November and April. The wild coffee yields are generally low (average of 3.5 intact fruits 16 m−2 month−1), with low insect fruit/seed damage (4–19%) but high levels of wastage due to monkeys, bats and birds.  相似文献   

泗洱自然保护区种子植物区系特征分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在对泗洱自然保护区详细调查的基础上,对其种子植物的科、属的分布区类型进行了统计分析。结果表明:(1)保护区内种子植物类群丰富;(2)优势科、属明显;(3)区系起源古老;(4)地理成分复杂;(5)种子植物区系在科和属级水平上均显示出温带性质,同时泛热带类型丰富;(6)保护区内植被具明显的过渡性质;(7)分化现象明显,中间类型和特有种丰富。  相似文献   

The taxonomic richness of seed plants at different taxonomic levels was compared between temperate East Asia and North America at both continental and semi-continental scales. In each comparison, land area and latitude range were adjusted to a comparable level between the two continental regions. East Asia is significantly more diverse than North America. In general, differences in taxonomic diversity arise at and below the genus level. At the continental scale, East Asia has 1.3 and 1.5 times as many genera and species, respectively, as North America. The northern part of East Asia has 1.1 times as many species as the northern part of North America. At the genus level, the northern part of East Asia is less diverse than the northern part of North America by a factor of 0.94. This pattern indicates that the diversity bias between the two continental regions results from the flora of southern East Asia. The diversity differences between East Asia and North America are not homogenously distributed across different plant groups. At the species level, East Asia had significantly more species than expected in magnoliids, alismatids, Liliidae, ranunculids, and rosids and had significantly less species in the Commelinidae, Caryophyllidae, and euasterids than North America.  相似文献   

杨畅  王月容  汤志颖  王茜  段敏杰  漆良华 《生态学报》2022,42(16):6499-6513
风景游憩林是城市森林的重要组成部分,具有减菌、降噪、滞尘、释氧及调节人体舒适度等生态保健效应,探索具有良好综合生态保健效应的景观模式对游憩林的建设和管理尤显重要。以北京西山国家森林公园乔-灌-草、乔-草和灌-草等9种不同群落结构风景游憩林为研究对象,通过野外监测和室内分析相结合等方法,研究了空气负离子浓度、PM2.5浓度及消减率、噪音消减率、减菌率及人体舒适度的动态变化,分析了温度、湿度、风速等环境因子对生态保健效应的影响,运用综合指数法对生态保健效应进行定量评价。结果表明:(1)空气负离子浓度年变化范围为296.67-1090.00个/cm3,乔-灌-草结构年均最高,为(755.62±110.11)个/cm3,灌-草结构最低为(637.53±121.90)个/cm3;(2) PM2.5浓度年变化范围为6.83-63.04 μg/m3,且夏季 < 秋季 < 春季 < 冬季,乔-灌-草结构对PM2.5消减率最大(10.95%),灌-草结构最低(1.17%);(3)噪音消减率随着距离的增加均有一个最佳消减场,不同群落结构平均减噪率表现为乔-灌-草 > 乔-草 > 灌-草;(4)减菌率变化范围为11.65%-44.60%,且乔-灌-草 > 乔-草 > 灌-草;(5)乔-草结构人体舒适度最好,灌-草结构最弱;(6) PM2.5浓度和温度呈负相关,与湿度和风速呈正相关,细菌数量与温度、湿度、风速均呈正相关,噪音与温度、风速呈正相关,与湿度呈负相关,空气负离子浓度与湿度和风速呈负相关;(7)生态保健效应综合指数范围为1.6565-9.1387,总体排序乔-灌-草>乔-草>灌-草。北京风景游憩林的建设,在群落结构上以乔-灌-草为宜,在树种选择上优先考虑油松、刺槐、侧柏等具有生态保健效应的乡土树种。  相似文献   

Breeding birds in the tropical rain forests of Kibale National Park, Uganda   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A combination of trapping and foot surveys was used to assess the breeding status of birds in unlogged and logged sites in the tropical rain forest of Kibale National Park, Uganda. Breeding of forest edge and gap species was greatly enhanced by logging, whereas crevice and hole nesting specialist breeders were adversely affected. Egg‐laying periods corresponded to higher rainfall regimes at the nearby field station. The relevance of these findings to bird conservation is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper presents results of a long-term study on natural forest dynamics in the Bia?owieza National Park (BNP), northeastern Poland. Five permanent sample areas were used, each consisting of a transect of varying width (40 - 60 m) and length (200 - 1380 m). The total sample area is 14.9 ha. The study covers the period 1936–1992. During this period measurements were made on five occasions at approximately 10-yr intervals. On each measurement date all trees with DBH > 5 cm were identified and their spatial location, diameter, crown condition and position in the canopy determined. During the study period the stands underwent noticeable changes, mainly in terms of tree species composition. The major change was a quantitative increase of the late-successional species: Tilia cordata and Carpinus betulus, also to a lesser degree Fraxinus excelsior and, in the last period, of the early successional Alnus glutinosa. Declining species included both early- and late-succession species. Among the latter group, Picea abies ranked first. This species lost much of its importance during the last few decades. P. abies was followed by Pinus sylvestris which is an important component of the climax vegetation under the conditions prevailing in Bialowieza, at least on more oligotrophic sites. Still, this species has not been able to regenerate during the whole study period. Some other late-succession species, Acer platanoides and Quercus robur, were also amongst the declining species. Although the basal area of Q. robur increased, its population was getting older and the process of natural regeneration was markedly impeded. All typical pioneer, short-lived species: Betula pendula and B. pubescens, Salix caprea and Populus tremula also decreased, which was probably caused by a lack of major disturbances during the study period. In general, the results obtained for the semi-natural conditions of Bialowieza during the 56-yr observation period suggest a rather high compositional instability of the forest stands there. A more precise identification of the role of particular factors in the observed stand dynamics is difficult because of the paucity of appropriate historical and environmental data which refer directly to the study plots; moreover, the data are generally incompatible and of different resolution.  相似文献   

岷江上游流域种子植物区系研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
岷江上游流域在地理位置上位于青藏高原、四川盆地两个自然地理区域的过渡地带;其在植被分区上属于泛北极植物区中国—喜马拉雅森林植物亚区横断山脉地区的一部分。区内共有种子植物169科,726属,2162种。其中大科、大属在区系组成中起着非常重要的作用。该区种子植物区系包含有15种分布区类型及其14个变型,其中泛热带分布、北温带分布、旧世界温带分布、东亚分布等成分占有重要地位。其种子植物区系的主要特征为:地理过渡特征明显,区系成分新老并存;区系地理成分复杂,以北温带成分为主;沿海拔梯度植物区系地理成分差异显著。在该区未来的生态建设中,应充分利用其植物区系的基本特征,保护现有物种,并充分利用当地具有特殊抗性的珍贵物种资源和遗传资源。  相似文献   

Understanding the change in vegetation composition along elevational gradients is critical for species conservation in a changing world. We studied the species richness, tree height, and floristic composition of woody plants along an elevation gradient of protected habitats on the eastern slope of Mount Meru and analyzed how these vegetation variables are influenced by the interplay of temperature and precipitation. Vegetation data were collected on 44 plots systematically placed along five transects spanning an elevational gradient of 1600 to 3400 m a.s.l. We used ordinary linear models and multivariate analyses to test the effect of mean annual temperature and precipitation on woody plant species richness, tree height, and floristic composition. We found that species richness, mean tree height, and maximum tree height declined monotonically with elevation. Models that included only mean annual temperature as an explanatory variable were generally best supported to predict changes in species richness and tree height along the elevation gradient. We found significant changes in woody plant floristic composition with elevation, which were shaped by an interaction of mean annual temperature and precipitation. While plant communities consistently changed with temperature along the elevation gradient, levels of precipitation were more important for plant communities at lower than for those at higher elevations. Our study suggests that changes in temperature and precipitation regimes in the course of climate change will reshape elevational gradients of diversity, tree height, and correlated carbon storage in ecosystems, and the sequence of tree communities on East African mountains.  相似文献   

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