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The development of new effective antimalarial agents is urgently needed due to the ineffectiveness of current drug regimes on the most virulent human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Antisense (AS) oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) have shown promise as chemotherapeutic agents. Phosphorothioate AS ODNs against different regions of P. falciparum topoisomerase II gene were investigated. Chloroquine- and pyrimethamine-resistant P. falciparum K1 strain was exposed to phosphorothioate AS ODNs for 48 h and growth was determined by flow cytometric assay or by microscopic assay. Exogenous delivery of phosphorothioate AS ODNs between 0.01 and 0.5 microM significantly inhibited parasite growth compared with sense sequence controls suggesting sequence specific inhibition. This inhibition was shown to occur during maturation stages, with optimal inhibition being detected after 36 h. These results should prove useful in future designs of novel antimalarial agents.  相似文献   

The present study determined and compared the genetic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum strains infecting children living in 2 areas from Gabon with different malaria endemicity. Blood samples were collected from febrile children from 2008 to 2009 in 2 health centres from rural (Oyem) and urban (Owendo) areas. Genetic diversity was determined in P. falciparum isolates by analyzing the merozoite surface protein-1 (msp1) gene polymorphism using nested-PCR. Overall, 168 children with mild falciparum malaria were included. K1, Ro33, and Mad20 alleles were found in 110 (65.5%), 94 (55.9%), and 35 (20.8%) isolates, respectively, without difference according to the site (P>0.05). Allelic families’ frequencies were comparable between children less than 5 years old from the 2 sites; while among the older children the proportions of Ro33 and Mad20 alleles were 1.7 to 2.0 fold higher at Oyem. Thirty-three different alleles were detected, 16 (48.5%) were common to both sites, and 10 out of the 17 specific alleles were found at Oyem. Furthermore, multiple infection carriers were frequent at Oyem (57.7% vs 42.2% at Owendo; P=0.04) where the complexity of infection was of 1.88 (±0.95) higher compared to that found at Owendo (1.55±0.75). Extended genetic diversity of P. falciparum strains infecting Gabonese symptomatic children and high multiplicity of infections were observed in rural area. Alleles common to the 2 sites were frequent; the site-specific alleles predominated in the rural area. Such distribution of the alleles should be taken into accounts when designing MSP1 or MSP2 malaria vaccine.  相似文献   

Humans immunized by the bites of irradiated Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) sporozoite-infected mosquitoes are protected against malaria. Radiation attenuates the sporozoites preventing them from fully developing and replicating in hepatocytes, but the effects of radiation on gene expression in sporozoites are unknown. We used RT-PCR (35 cycles of PCR followed by densitometry) to assess the expression of ten genes in Pf sporozoites, and in sporozoites irradiated with 15,000cGy. Irradiation reduced expression substantially (>60%) of two DNA repair genes; moderately (30-60%) of PfUIS3, the Pf orthologue of PbUIS3, a gene up-regulated in Plasmodium berghei sporozoites and of a third DNA repair gene; and minimally (<30%) of the Pf18S ribosomal RNA, PfCSP, PfSSP2/TRAP, and PfCELTOS genes. Irradiation increased expression of PfSPATR minimally. PfLSA1 RNA was not detectable in sporozoites. These results establish that radiation of sporozoites affects gene expression levels and provide the foundation for studies to identify specific genes involved in attenuation and protective immunity.  相似文献   

After invasion of red blood cells, malaria matures within the cell by degrading hemoglobin avidly. For enormous protein breakdown in trophozoite stage, many efficient and ordered proteolysis networks have been postulated and exploited. In this study, a potential interaction of a 60-kDa Plasmodium falciparum (Pf)-heat shock protein (Hsp60) and Pf-calpain, a cysteine protease, was explored. Pf-infected RBC was isolated and the endogenous Pf-Hsp60 and Pf-calpain were determined by western blot analysis and similar antigenicity of GroEL and Pf-Hsp60 was determined with anti-Pf-Hsp60. Potential interaction of Pf-calpain and Pf-Hsp60 was determined by immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence assay. Mizoribine, a well-known inhibitor of Hsp60, attenuated both Pf-calpain enzyme activity as well as P. falciparum growth. The presented data suggest that the Pf-Hsp60 may function on Pf-calpain in a part of networks during malaria growth.  相似文献   

Genetic characteristics of Plasmodium falciparum may play a role in the treatment outcome of malaria infection. We have studied the association between diversity at the merozoite surface protein-1 (msp-1), msp-2, and glutamate-rich protein (glurp) loci and the treatment outcome of uncomplicated falciparum malaria patients along the Thai-Myanmar border who were treated with artemisinin derivatives combination therapy. P. falciparum isolates were collected prior to treatment from 3 groups of patients; 50 cases of treatment failures, 50 recrudescences, and 56 successful treatments. Genotyping of the 3 polymorphic markers was analyzed by nested PCR. The distribution of msp-1 alleles was significantly different among the 3 groups of patients but not the msp-2 and glurp alleles. The allelic frequencies of K1 and MAD20 alleles of msp1 gene were higher while RO33 allele was significantly lower in the successful treatment group. Treatment failure samples had a higher median number of alleles as compared to the successful treatment group. Specific genotypes of msp-1, msp-2, and glurp were significantly associated with the treatment outcomes. Three allelic size variants were significantly higher among the isolates from the treatment failure groups, i.e., K1270-290, 3D7610-630, G650-690, while 2 variants, K1150-170, and 3D7670-690 were significantly lower. In conclusion, the present study reports the differences in multiplicity of infection and distribution of specific alleles of msp-1, msp-2, and glurp genes in P. falciparum isolates obtained from treatment failure and successful treatment patients following artemisinin derivatives combination therapy.  相似文献   

Prompt and accurate diagnosis of malaria is the key to prevent disease morbidity and mortality. This study was carried out to evaluate diagnostic performance of 3 commercial rapid detection tests (RDTs), i.e., Malaria Antigen Pf/Pan™, Malaria Ag-Pf™, and Malaria Ag-Pv™ tests, in comparison with the microscopic and PCR methods. A total of 460 blood samples microscopically positive for Plasmodium falciparum (211 samples), P. vivax (218), mixed with P. falciparum and P. vivax (30), or P. ovale (1), and 124 samples of healthy subjects or patients with other fever-related infections, were collected. The sensitivities of Malaria Ag-Pf™ and Malaria Antigen Pf/Pan™ compared with the microscopic method for P. falciparum or P. vivax detection were 97.6% and 99.0%, or 98.6% and 99.0%, respectively. The specificities of Malaria Ag-Pf™, Malaria Ag-Pv™, and Malaria Antigen Pf/Pan™ were 93.3%, 98.8%, and 94.4%, respectively. The sensitivities of Malaria Ag-Pf™, Malaria Antigen Pf/Pan™, and microscopic method, when PCR was used as a reference method for P. falciparum or P. vivax detection were 91.8%, 100%, and 96.7%, or 91.9%, 92.6%, and 97.3%, respectively. The specificities of Malaria Ag-Pf™, Malaria Ag-Pv™, Malaria Antigen Pf/Pan™, and microscopic method were 66.2%, 92.7%, 73.9%, and 78.2%, respectively. Results indicated that the diagnostic performances of all the commercial RDTs are satisfactory for application to malaria diagnosis.  相似文献   

Infections with the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum typically comprise multiple strains, especially in high-transmission areas where infectious mosquito bites occur frequently. However, little is known about the dynamics of mixed-strain infections, particularly whether strains sharing a host compete or grow independently. Competition between drug-sensitive and drug-resistant strains, if it occurs, could be a crucial determinant of the spread of resistance. We analysed 1341 P. falciparum infections in children from Angola, Ghana and Tanzania and found compelling evidence for competition in mixed-strain infections: overall parasite density did not increase with additional strains, and densities of individual chloroquine-sensitive (CQS) and chloroquine-resistant (CQR) strains were reduced in the presence of competitors. We also found that CQR strains exhibited low densities compared with CQS strains (in the absence of chloroquine), which may underlie observed declines of chloroquine resistance in many countries following retirement of chloroquine as a first-line therapy. Our observations support a key role for within-host competition in the evolution of drug-resistant malaria. Malaria control and resistance-management efforts in high-transmission regions may be significantly aided or hindered by the effects of competition in mixed-strain infections. Consideration of within-host dynamics may spur development of novel strategies to minimize resistance while maximizing the benefits of control measures.  相似文献   

Merozoite surface proteins (MSPs) of malaria parasites play critical roles during the erythrocyte invasion and so are potential candidates for malaria vaccine development. However, because MSPs are often under strong immune selection, they can exhibit extensive genetic diversity. The gene encoding the merozoite surface protein-3 (MSP-3) of Plasmodium falciparum displays 2 allelic types, K1 and 3D7. In Thailand, the allelic frequency of the P. falciparum msp-3 gene was evaluated in a single P. falciparum population in Tak at the Thailand and Myanmar border. However, no study has yet looked at the extent of genetic diversity of the msp-3 gene in P. falciparum populations in other localities. Here, we genotyped the msp-3 alleles of 63 P. falciparum samples collected from 5 geographical populations along the borders of Thailand with 3 neighboring countries (Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia). Our study indicated that the K1 and 3D7 alleles coexisted, but at different proportions in different Thai P. falciparum populations. K1 was more prevalent in populations at the Thailand-Myanmar and Thailand-Cambodia borders, whilst 3D7 was more prevalent at the Thailand-Laos border. Global analysis of the msp-3 allele frequencies revealed that proportions of K1 and 3D7 alleles of msp-3 also varied in different continents, suggesting the divergence of malaria parasite populations. In conclusion, the variation in the msp-3 allelic patterns of P. falciparum in Thailand provides fundamental knowledge for inferring the P. falciparum population structure and for the best design of msp-3 based malaria vaccines.  相似文献   

The survival and proliferation of Plasmodium falciparum parasites and human cancer cells require de novo pyrimidine synthesis to supply RNA and DNA precursors. Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRT) is an indispensible component in this metabolic pathway and is a target for antimalarials and antitumor drugs. P. falciparum (Pf) and Homo sapiens (Hs) OPRTs are characterized by highly dissociative transition states with ribocation character. On the basis of the geometrical and electrostatic features of the PfOPRT and HsOPRT transition states, analogues were designed, synthesized, and tested as inhibitors. Iminoribitol mimics of the ribocation transition state in linkage to pyrimidine mimics using methylene or ethylene linkers gave dissociation constants (Kd) as low as 80 nm. Inhibitors with pyrrolidine groups as ribocation mimics displayed slightly weaker binding affinities for OPRTs. Interestingly, p-nitrophenyl riboside 5′-phosphate bound to OPRTs with Kd values near 40 nm. Analogues designed with a C5-pyrimidine carbon–carbon bond to ribocation mimics gave Kd values in the range of 80–500 nm. Acyclic inhibitors with achiral serinol groups as the ribocation mimics also displayed nanomolar inhibition against OPRTs. In comparison with the nucleoside derivatives, inhibition constants of their corresponding 5′-phosphorylated transition state analogues are largely unchanged, an unusual property for a nucleotide-binding site. In silico docking of the best inhibitor into the HsOPRT active site supported an extensive hydrogen bond network associated with the tight binding affinity. These OPRT transition state analogues identify crucial components of potent inhibitors targeting OPRT enzymes. Despite their tight binding to the targets, the inhibitors did not kill cultured P. falciparum.  相似文献   

Malaria parasites produce male and female life cycle stages (gametocytes) that must fertilize to achieve successful colonization of the mosquito. Gametocyte sex ratios have been shown to be under strong selection pressure both as an adaptive response to a worsening blood environment for transmission and according to the number of co-infecting clones in the vertebrate. Evidence for an impact of sex ratio on the transmission success of Plasmodium falciparum has, however, been more controversial. Theoretical models of fertilization predict that increasingly male sex ratios will be favoured at low gametocyte densities to ensure fertilization. Here, we analyse in vitro transmission studies of P. falciparum to Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes and test this prediction. We find that there is a discernible effect of sex ratio on transmission but which is dependent upon the gametocyte density. While increasingly male sex ratios do give higher transmission success at low gametocyte densities, they reduce success at higher densities. This therefore provides empirical confirmation that sex ratio has an immediate impact on transmission success and that it is density-dependent. Identifying the signals used by the parasite to alter its sex ratio is essential to determine the success of transmission-blocking vaccines that aim to impede the fertilization process.  相似文献   

The shikimate pathway for aromatic biosynthesis presents a target for antimalarial drug development as this pathway is absent from animals. This study extends previous work on inhibitors of the shikimate pathway, by examining their interaction with the antimalarial drugs pyrimethamine and atovaquone. Combinations of atovaquone with several shikimate analogues exhibited synergistic effects. These findings highlight potential use of shikimate pathway inhibitors in combination therapy.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity displayed by Plasmodium falciparum, the most deadly Plasmodium species, is a significant obstacle for effective malaria vaccine development. In this study, we identified genetic polymorphisms in P. falciparum glutamate-rich protein (GLURP), which is currently being tested in clinical trials as a malaria vaccine candidate, from isolates found circulating in the Brazilian Amazon at variable transmission levels. The study was performed using samples collected in 1993 and 2008 from rural villages situated near Porto Velho, in the state of Rondônia. DNA was extracted from 126 P. falciparum-positive thick blood smears using the phenol-chloroform method and subjected to a nested polymerase chain reaction protocol with specific primers against two immunodominant regions of GLURP, R0 and R2. Only one R0 fragment and four variants of the R2 fragment were detected. No differences were observed between the two time points with regard to the frequencies of the fragment variants. Mixed infections were uncommon. Our results demonstrate conservation of GLURP-R0 and limited polymorphic variation of GLURP-R2 in P. falciparum isolates from individuals living in Porto Velho. This is an important finding, as genetic polymorphisms in B and T-cell epitopes could have implications for the immunological properties of the antigen.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate antimalarial drug pressure resulting from the clinical use of different antimalarials in Thailand. The phenotypic diversity of the susceptibility profiles of antimalarials, i.e., chloroquine (CQ), quinine (QN), mefloquine (MQ), and artesunate (ARS) in Plasmodium falciparum isolates collected during the period from 1988 to 2003 were studied. P. falciparum isolates from infected patients were collected from the Thai-Cambodian border area at different time periods (1988-1989, 1991-1992, and 2003), during which 3 different patterns of drug use had been implemented: MQ + sulphadoxine (S) + pyrimethamine (P), MQ alone and MQ + ARS, respectively. The in vitro drug susceptibilities were investigated using a method based on the incorporation of [3H] hypoxanthine. A total of 50 isolates were tested for susceptibilities to CQ, QN, MQ, and ARS. Of these isolates, 19, 16, and 15 were adapted during the periods 1988-1989, 1991-1993, and 2003, respectively. P. falciparum isolates collected during the 3 periods were resistant to CQ. Sensitivities to MQ declined from 1988 to 2003. In contrast, the parasite was sensitive to QN, and similar sensitivity profile patterns were observed during the 3 time periods. There was a significantly positive but weak correlation between the IC50 values of CQ and QN, as well as between the IC50 values of QN and MQ. Drug pressure has impact on sensitivity of P. falciparum to MQ. A combination therapy of MQ and ARS is being applied to reduce the parasite resistance, and also increasing the efficacy of the drug.  相似文献   

Polymorphism in the beta-globin gene (hemoglobin S) has been associated with protection against severe forms of malaria. In a cross-sectional study, 180 young Gabonese children with and without sickle cell trait and harboring asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infections, were assessed for the responses to recombinant protein containing the conserved region of glutamate-rich protein (GLURP). We reported increased age-dependence of antibody prevalence and levels of total IgG (p<0.0001), IgG1 (p=0.009), and IgG3 (p<0.03) antibodies to GLURP with a cut-off at 5 years of age. Whatever the hemoglobin type, cytophilic antibodies (IgG1 and IgG3) were prevalent, but GLURP-specific IgG4 antibodies were detected at significantly (p<0.05) lower levels in HbAS children. We showed that the distribution of non-cytophilic IgG antibodies differs according to the hemoglobin type and to the malaria antigens tested. This may have possible implication for the clearance of malaria parasites and for protection against severe malaria.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of beta-hydroxyacyl acyl carrier protein dehydratase of Plasmodium falciparum (PfFabZ) has been determined at a resolution of 2.4 A. PfFabZ has been found to exist as a homodimer (d-PfFabZ) in the crystals of the present study in contrast to the reported hexameric form (h-PfFabZ) which is a trimer of dimers crystallized in a different condition. The catalytic sites of this enzyme are located in deep narrow tunnel-shaped pockets formed at the dimer interface. A histidine residue from one subunit of the dimer and a glutamate residue from the other subunit lining the tunnel form the catalytic dyad in the reported crystal structures. While the position of glutamate remains unaltered in the crystal structure of d-PfFabZ compared to that in h-PfFabZ, the histidine residue takes up an entirely different conformation and moves away from the tunnel leading to a His-Phe cis-trans peptide flip at the histidine residue. In addition, a loop in the vicinity has been observed to undergo a similar flip at a Tyr-Pro peptide bond. These alterations not only prevent the formation of a hexamer but also distort the active site geometry resulting in a dimeric form of FabZ that is incapable of substrate binding. The dimeric state and an altered catalytic site architecture make d-PfFabZ distinctly different from the FabZ structures described so far. Dynamic light scattering and size exclusion chromatographic studies clearly indicate a pH-related switching of the dimers to active hexamers.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum malaria is a major public health problem in Thailand due to the emergence of multidrug resistance. The understanding of genetic diversity of malaria parasites is essential for developing effective drugs and vaccines. The genetic diversity of the merozoite surface protein-1 (PfMSP-1) and merozoite surface protein-2 (PfMSP-2) genes was investigated in a total of 145 P. falciparum isolates collected from Mae Sot District, Tak Province, Thailand during 3 different periods (1997-1999, 2005-2007, and 2009-2010). Analysis of genetic polymorphisms was performed to track the evolution of genetic change of P. falciparum using PCR. Both individual genes and their combination patterns showed marked genetic diversity during the 3 study periods. The results strongly support that P. falciparum isolates in Thailand are markedly diverse and patterns changed with time. These 2 polymorphic genes could be used as molecular markers to detect multiple clone infections and differentiate recrudescence from reinfection in P. falciparum isolates in Thailand.  相似文献   

Pyronaridine and artesunate have been shown to be effective in falciparum malaria treatment. However, pyronaridine is rarely used in Hainan Island clinically, and artesunate is not widely used as a therapeutic agent. Instead, conventional antimalarial drugs, chloroquine and piperaquine, are used, explaining the emergence of chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum. In this article, we investigated the sensitivity of P. falciparum to antimalarial drugs used in Hainan Island for rational drug therapy. We performed in vivo (28 days) and in vitro tests to determine the sensitivity of P. falciparum to antimalarial drugs. Total 46 patients with falciparum malaria were treated with dihydroartemisinin/piperaquine phosphate (DUO-COTECXIN) and followed up for 28 day. The cure rate was 97.8%. The mean fever clearance time (22.5±10.6 hr) and the mean parasite clearance time (27.3±12.2 hr) showed no statistical significance with different genders, ages, temperatures, or parasite density (P>0.05). The resistance rates of chloroquine, piperaquine, pyronarididine, and artesunate detected in vitro were 71.9%, 40.6%, 12.5%, and 0%, respectively (P<0.0001). The resistance intensities decreased as follows: chloroquine>piperaquine>pyronarididine>artesunate. The inhibitory dose 50 (IC50) was 3.77×10-6 mol/L, 2.09×10-6 mol/L, 0.09×10-6 mol/L, and 0.05×10-6 mol/L, and the mean concentrations for complete inhibition (CIMC) of schizont formation were 5.60×10-6 mol/L, 9.26×10-6 mol/L, 0.55×10-6 mol/L, and 0.07×10-6 mol/L, respectively. Dihydroartemisinin showed a strong therapeutic effect against falciparum malaria with a low toxicity.  相似文献   

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