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During meiosis, accurate chromosome segregation relies on the proper interaction between homologous chromosomes, including synapsis and recombination. The meiotic recombination checkpoint is a quality control mechanism that monitors those crucial events. In response to defects in synapsis and/or recombination, this checkpoint blocks or delays progression of meiosis, preventing the formation of aberrant gametes. Meiotic recombination occurs in the context of chromatin and histone modifications, which play crucial roles in the maintenance of genomic integrity. Here, we unveil the role of Dot1-dependent histone H3 methylation at lysine 79 (H3K79me) in this meiotic surveillance mechanism. We demonstrate that the meiotic checkpoint function of Dot1 relies on H3K79me because, like the dot1 deletion, H3-K79A or H3-K79R mutations suppress the checkpoint-imposed meiotic delay of a synapsis-defective zip1 mutant. Moreover, by genetically manipulating Dot1 catalytic activity, we find that the status of H3K79me modulates the meiotic checkpoint response. We also define the phosphorylation events involving activation of the meiotic checkpoint effector Mek1 kinase. Dot1 is required for Mek1 autophosphorylation, but not for its Mec1/Tel1-dependent phosphorylation. Dot1-dependent H3K79me also promotes Hop1 activation and its proper distribution along zip1 meiotic chromosomes, at least in part, by regulating Pch2 localization. Furthermore, HOP1 overexpression bypasses the Dot1 requirement for checkpoint activation. We propose that chromatin remodeling resulting from unrepaired meiotic DSBs and/or faulty interhomolog interactions allows Dot1-mediated H3K79-me to exclude Pch2 from the chromosomes, thus driving localization of Hop1 along chromosome axes and enabling Mek1 full activation to trigger downstream responses, such as meiotic arrest.  相似文献   

In the meiotic prophase, programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) are introduced along chromosomes to promote homolog pairing and recombination. Although meiotic DSBs usually occur in nucleosome-depleted, accessible regions of chromatin, their repair by homologous recombination takes place in a nucleosomal environment. Nucleosomes may represent an obstacle for the recombination machinery and their timely eviction and reincorporation into chromatin may influence the outcome of recombination, for instance by stabilizing recombination intermediates. Here we show in budding yeast that nucleosomes flanking a meiotic DSB are transiently lost during recombination, and that specific histone H3 chaperones, CAF-1 and Hir, are mobilized at meiotic DSBs. However, the absence of these chaperones has no effect on meiotic recombination, suggesting that timely histone reincorporation following their eviction has no influence on the recombination outcome, or that redundant pathways are activated. This study is the first example of the involvement of histone H3 chaperones at naturally occurring, developmentally programmed DNA double-strand breaks.  相似文献   

Highlights? Spp1 and histone H3K4 residue are important for meiotic DSB formation ? Spp1 physically interacts with the DSB protein Mer2 ? Spp1 in meiosis is not with RNA Pol II, but on chromosome axes in DSB-rich domains ? Spp1’s PHD finger tethers H3K4me3 regions to chromosome axes for DSB formation  相似文献   

Understanding the molecular basis of common traits is a primary challenge of modern genetics. One model holds that rare mutations in many genetic backgrounds may often phenocopy one another, together explaining the prevalence of the resulting trait in the population. For the vast majority of phenotypes, the role of rare variants and the evolutionary forces that underlie them are unknown. In this work, we use a population of Saccharomyces paradoxus yeast as a model system for the study of common trait variation. We observed an unusual, flocculation and invasive-growth phenotype in one-third of S. paradoxus strains, which were otherwise unrelated. In crosses with each strain in turn, these morphologies segregated as a recessive Mendelian phenotype, mapping either to IRA1 or to IRA2, yeast homologs of the hypermutable human neurofibromatosis gene NF1. The causal IRA1 and IRA2 haplotypes were of distinct evolutionary origin and, in addition to their morphological effects, associated with hundreds of stress-resistance and growth traits, both beneficial and disadvantageous, across S. paradoxus. Single-gene molecular genetic analyses confirmed variant IRA1 and IRA2 haplotypes as causal for these growth characteristics, many of which were independent of morphology. Our data make clear that common growth and morphology traits in yeast result from a suite of variants in master regulators, which function as a mutation-driven switch between phenotypic states.  相似文献   

Recruitment of 53BP1 to chromatin flanking double strand breaks (DSBs) requires γH2AX/MDC1/RNF8-dependent ubiquitination of chromatin and interaction of 53BP1 with histone H4 methylated on lysine 20 (H4K20me). Several histone methyltransferases have been implicated in 53BP1 recruitment, but their quantitative contributions to the 53BP1 response are unclear. We have developed a multi-photon laser (MPL) system to target DSBs to subfemtoliter nuclear volumes and used this to mathematically model DSB response kinetics of MDC1 and of 53BP1. In contrast to MDC1, which revealed first order kinetics, the 53BP1 MPL-DSB response is best fitted by a Gompertz growth function. The 53BP1 MPL response shows the expected dependency on MDC1 and RNF8. We determined the impact of altered H4K20 methylation on 53BP1 MPL response kinetics in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) lacking key H4K20 histone methyltransferases. This revealed no major requirement for the known H4K20 dimethylases Suv4-20h1 and Suv4-20h2 in 53BP1 recruitment or DSB repair function, but a key role for the H4K20 monomethylase, PR-SET7. The histone methyltransferase MMSET/WHSC1 has recently been implicated in 53BP1 DSB recruitment. We found that WHSC1 homozygous mutant MEFs reveal an alteration in balance of H4K20 methylation patterns; however, 53BP1 DSB responses in these cells appear normal.  相似文献   

Covalent modifications of histone proteins have profound consequences on chromatin structure and function. Specific modification patterns constitute a code read by effector proteins. Studies from yeast found that H3 trimethylation at K4 and K79 is dependent on ubiquitylation of H2B K123, which is termed a “trans-tail pathway.” In this study, we show that a strain unable to be ubiquitylated on H2B (K123R) is still proficient for H3 trimethylation at both K4 and K79, indicating that H3 methylation status is not solely dependent on H2B ubiquitylation. However, additional mutations in H2B result in loss of H3 methylation when combined with htb1-K123R. Consistent with this, we find that the original strain used to identify the trans-tail pathway has a genomic mutation that, when combined with H2B K123R, results in defective H3 methylation. Finally, we show that strains lacking the ubiquitin ligase Bre1 are defective for H3 methylation, suggesting that there is an additional Bre1 substrate that in combination with H2B K123 facilitates H3 methylation.  相似文献   

The expression of genes residing near telomeres is attenuated through telomere position-effect variegation (TPEV). By using a URA3 reporter located at TEL-VII-L of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it was proposed that the disruptor of telomeric silencing-1 (Dot1) regulates TPEV by catalyzing H3K79 methylation. URA3 reporter assays also indicated that H3K79 methylation is required for HM silencing. Surprisingly, a genome-wide expression analysis of H3K79 methylation-defective mutants identified only a few telomeric genes, such as COS12 at TEL-VII-L, to be subject to H3K79 methylation-dependent natural silencing. Consistently, loss of Dot1 did not globally alter Sir2 or Sir3 occupancy in subtelomeric regions, but only led to some telomere-specific changes. Furthermore, H3K79 methylation by Dot1 did not play a role in the maintenance of natural HML silencing. Therefore, commonly used URA3 reporter assays may not report on natural PEV, and therefore, studies concerning the epigenetic mechanism of silencing in yeast should also employ assays reporting on natural gene expression patterns.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Spo11 protein (Spo11p) is thought to generate the DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) that initiate homologous recombination during meiosis. Spo11p is related to a subunit of archaebacterial topoisomerase VI and appears to cleave DNA through a topoisomerase-like transesterase mechanism. In this work, we used the crystal structure of a fragment of topoisomerase VI to model the Spo11p structure and to identify amino acid residues in yeast Spo11p potentially involved in DSB catalysis and/or DNA binding. These residues were mutated to determine which are critical for Spo11p function in vivo. Mutation of Glu-233 or Asp-288, which lie in a conserved structural motif called the Toprim domain, abolished meiotic recombination. These Toprim domain residues have been implicated in binding a metal ion cofactor in topoisomerases and bacterial primases, supporting the idea that DNA cleavage by Spo11p is Mg(2+) dependent. Mutations at an invariant arginine (Arg-131) within a second conserved structural motif known as the 5Y-CAP domain, as well as three other mutations (E235A, F260R, and D290A), caused marked changes in the DSB pattern at a recombination hotspot, suggesting that Spo11p contributes directly to the choice of DNA cleavage site. Finally, certain DSB-defective mutant alleles generated in this study conferred a semidominant negative phenotype but only when Spo11p activity was partially compromised by the presence of an epitope tag. These results are consistent with a multimeric structure for Spo11p in vivo but may also indicate that the amount of Spo11 protein is not a limiting factor for DSB formation in normal cells.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin contains many repetitive DNA elements and few protein-encoding genes, yet it is essential for chromosome organization and inheritance. Here, we show that Drosophila that lack the Su(var)3-9 H3K9 methyltransferase display significantly elevated frequencies of spontaneous DNA damage in heterochromatin, in both somatic and germ-line cells. Accumulated DNA damage in these mutants correlates with chromosomal defects, such as translocations and loss of heterozygosity. DNA repair and mitotic checkpoints are also activated in mutant animals and are required for their viability. Similar effects of lower magnitude were observed in animals that lack the RNA interference pathway component Dcr2. These results suggest that the H3K9 methylation and RNAi pathways ensure heterochromatin stability.  相似文献   

We employ a stable isotope strategy wherein both histones and their methylations are labeled in synchronized human cells. This allows us to differentiate between old and new methylations on pre-existing versus newly synthesized histones. The strategy is implemented on K79 methylation in an isoform-specific manner for histones H3.1, H3.2, and H3.3. Although levels of H3.3K79 monomethylation are higher than that of H3.2/H3.1, the rate of establishing the K79 methylation is the same for all three isoforms. Surprisingly, we find that pre-existing “old” histones continue to be K79-monomethylated and -dimethylated at a rate equal to the newly synthesized histones. These observations imply that some degree of positional “scrambling” of K79 methylation occurs through the cell cycle.  相似文献   

目的:探讨人类胚胎脑组织中是否存在H3K79同型半胱氨酸修饰(H3K79Hcy)及其在神经管畸形(NTDs)中的作用。方法:通过质谱检测组蛋白H3K79是否存在同型半胱氨酸修饰位点。进一步合成包含组蛋白H3K79位点的同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)修饰的肽段,并与牛血清白蛋白(BSA)偶联后免疫兔子得到抗组蛋白H3K79Hcy多克隆抗体,并对抗体进行特异性检测;采用此抗H3K79Hcy抗体比较人类高Hcy NTDs样本和正常对照样本的H3K79Hcy水平。结果:(1)人胚胎组织组蛋白H3K79位点存在同型半胱氨酸修饰;(2)高Hcy水平NTDs脑组织中H3K79Hcy修饰水平高于正常对照(P0.05)。结论:人胚胎组织存在H3K79Hcy修饰,此修饰异常可能促进神经管畸形的发生。  相似文献   

Ubiquitylation of histone H2B and/or a component of the system that ubiquitylates H2B is required for methylation of histone H3 at lysine 4 (H3K4) in yeasts and probably in humans. In this study, the single ubiquitylation site was mapped to conserved lysine 115 of the C-terminal region of histone H2B in the single-cell model organism Tetrahymena thermophila. In strains lacking H2B ubiquitylation, H3K4 methylation was not detectably affected. As in other organisms, the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Ubc2 and the E3 ubiquitin ligase Bre1 were required for H2B ubiquitylation. However, neither enzyme was required for H3K4 methylation. These studies argue that, in T. thermophila, the histone ubiquitylation mechanism is not required for H3K4 methylation, demonstrating that different organisms can speak different languages in the “cross-talk” among post-translational modifications on different histones.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(4):1223-1234.e8
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