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Hermit crabs represent the marine life in the Colombian Caribbean, and are important for the dynamic equilibrium maintenance in ecosystems, the ecological interactions and their impact on food web stability. Generally, in order to come up with some conservation strategies, strong bio-geographical information is needed for poll cies definition. With this aim, this study analyzed the distribution patterns of hermit crabs in the Colombian Caribbean Sea. through classification and spatial ordination multivariate analyses, using historical records from years 1916 to 2006. Besides, the world distribution of Colombian species and their geographic affinity in the Caribbean and Western Atlantic were identified. The results show deep differences between coastal and continental slope faunas, and latitudinal differences in the assemblages, with the identification of three groups: Northeast. Center and Southwest. The differences in faunal composition that support these three groups were determined. Based on maps of the Colombian marine ecosystems, it was found that the main factors affecting the distribution of hermit crabs were the Caribaná slope (depth), water-mass temperature, Guajira sea-grass beds, and particular conditions of "Coralline Archipelagos" and "Darién" eco-regions. Colombian hermit crab fauna is more related to the North Atlantic and the Antilles, than to the South Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, geographical sub-provinces in which Colombia is included, these were found as transition zones among Northern and Austral subprovinces of the Greater Caribbean.  相似文献   

Pareidae and Dipsadidae, two independently evolved taxa in the Serpentes lineage, both feed exclusively on terrestrial mollusks(snails and slugs). Dipsadid snakes developed hypertrophic infralabial glands in their lower jaw, which are thought to be associated with their specialized feeding behaviors. However, whether a similar gland exists in pareid snakes is unknown. In this study, we examined the morphological characteristics of the infralabial glands in Pareas berdmorei and Pareas chinensis b...  相似文献   

Two series of experiments were conducted to investigate the activities of two British species of hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus (L.) and Pagurus prideauxi Leach. The first series showed that P. bernhardus was more active during day than night whereas the opposite was true of P. prideauxi. In the second series, conducted under periods of 24 hours constant illumination, the activity pattern of P. bernhardus persisted to a lesser degree, but P. prideauxi showed no activity pattern. Differences in activity were observed among individuals of the same species, and also between individuals kept in the laboratory for different lengths of time.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that the geographical distribution patterns of freshwater fishes and amphibians have been influenced by past climatic oscillations in China resulting from Pleistocene glacial activity. However, it remains unknown how these past changes have impacted the present-day distribution of Chinese freshwater crabs. This work describes the diversity and endemism of freshwater crabs belonging to Sinopotamon, a highly speciose genus endemic to China, and evaluates its distribution in terms of topography and past climatic fluctuations. Species diversity within Sinopotamon was found to be concentrated in an area from the northeastern edge of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the Jiangnan Hills, and three areas of endemism were identified. Multiple regression analysis between current climatic variables and Sinopotamon diversity suggested that regional annual precipitation, minimum temperature in the coldest month, and annual temperature range significantly influenced species diversity and may explain the diversity patterns of Sinopotamon. A comparison of ecological niche models (ENMs) between current conditions and the last glacial maximum (LGM) showed that suitable habitat for Sinopotamon in China severely contracted during the LGM. The coincidence of ENMs and the areas of endemism indicated that southeast of the Daba Mountains, and central and southeastern China, are potential Pleistocene refuges for Sinopotamon. The presence of multiple Pleistocene refuges within the range of this genus could further promote inter- and intraspecific differentiations, and may have led to high Sinopotamon species diversity, a high endemism rate and widespread distribution.  相似文献   

Summary Coenobita clypeatus were tested on an underwater inclined plane in order to determine their behavioral threshold for perceiving slope, and to investigate the relative importance of input from the statocyst organ and from the weight of the body and gastropod shell on upward orienting ability. The shell's weight was compensated for by a neutral float and increased by weights. The crabs perceive an inclination of less than 5°, and do so with increasing certainty as the slope increases. Perception of the slope seems to be both by statocyst and proprioceptive input, but the latter is not essential for upward orientation.  相似文献   

The extent of genetic differentiation of the decapod crustaceans Carcinus maenas (L.) and C. aestuarii Nardo was studied in nine nearshore locations comprising various European marine and brackish-water habitats, (Norway, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Yugoslavia), using starch gel electrophoresis. The heterozygosity for all 19 allozyme loci was 0.026–0.016 (C. maenas) and 0.011–0.003 (C. aestuarii); one locus (Pgm) was the most polymorphic. The populations had rather low levels of genetic variability, comparable to those found in other decapods. In general, a light clinal variation in allele frequencies was discovered at the Pgm locus of C. maenas as latitude decreased. Because of similar morphologies and a closed genetic relationship (I = 0.89), the two forms should be considered subspecies. Therefore, the designation of the Atlantic subspecies C. maenas maenas is proposed, and the term of the Mediterranean subspecies C. maenas aestuarii is recommended.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对中国西南地区独活属16种1变种植物(分隶于中国独活属的全部4个组)的叶表皮微形态进行了观察,测量并统计气孔器大小、密度和气孔指数,并用统计学方法对远轴面气孔器长轴进行显著差异性分析.结果显示:无规则型气孔器普遍存在于所有研究类群的叶远轴面及个别类群叶近轴面,气孔器的分布和密度具有种间特异性.表皮毛普遍存在于远轴面及大部分类群近轴面,长短和覆盖密度因种而异.近轴面表皮细胞为多边形或者不规则形,垂周壁平直、浅波状或波状;远轴面表皮细胞形态多不规则形,表皮细胞垂周壁浅波状或波状.在扫描电镜下,叶表皮气孔器外拱盖内缘为近平滑、浅波状或波状;角质膜条纹状,有的附有颗粒状、鳞片状蜡质等结构.气孔器外拱盖形态以及蜡质类型是稳定的鉴别特征.研究表明独活属植物叶表皮特征存在较大的种间差异,对独活属的系统分类及进化研究具有重要意义,文中对叶表皮特征在独活属植物分类处理中的应用及系统进化问题等进行了讨论,并建立了以叶表皮微形态特征为依据的分类检索表.  相似文献   

The species composition, abundance, and vertical distribution of hermit crabs (Decapoda: Paguroidea) were investigated in Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan, from September 2014 to September 2015. A total of seven species from two families were found in the monitoring area of approximately 5000 m2 located on the bottom within a depth range of 0–11 m: Pagurus minutus, P. proximus, P. brachiomastus, P. pectinatus, P. ochotensis, P. middendorffii (Paguridae), and Areopaguristes hirsutimanus (Diogenidae). Their population density varied from 22 ± 13 to 26 ± 2 ind./m2; the biomass varied from 55.76 ± 26.10 to 93.38 ± 27.00 g/m2. The species composition remained invariable throughout the study period. The proportions of species abundance changed between seasons, as this parameter is largely determined by seasonal migrations of hermit crabs. Pagurus minutus predominated in number in winter and spring (up to 71%); P. proximus, in summer and autumn (up to 47%). In autumn and spring, P. ochotensis and P. pectinatus constituted a major part of biomass (18–25% and 19–20%, respectively). The proportion of a previously abundant species, P. middendorffii, was very small (no larger than 1.3%) during the study period. Another four species of hermit crabs occurred in other parts of Vostok Bay; thus, the fauna of the bay currently includes 11 species of this group.  相似文献   

The early ontogenetic stages of Paralomis spinosissima Birstein and Vinogradow, 1972, are described in detail and illustrated, with notes on morphological variability observed. Larval and early juvenile development was described to the crab I instar reared under controlled conditions of temperature and food supply. The abbreviated larval development invariably passed through two zoeal stages and the benthic megalopa stage. The larval development was completed without food supply, and food Artemia nauplii were first given after moult to the crab-I stage. Simplification and retarded development of the mouthparts are discussed as a function of lecithotrophy of these larvae and based on morphology no facultative feeding mode is suggested. Lecithotrophy in the Southern Ocean Lithodidae is discussed to be an adaptation allowing independence from seasonal food availability at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Male fiddler crabs (Genus Uca) employ both visual and acousticalsignals to attract females for mating. In U. pugilator and severalother American species, the males attract females during theday first by waving, then by producing sounds just within theirburrows. At night, the males produce sounds at low rates, butwhen touched by a female, they increase their rate of soundproduction. In the European species, U. tangeri, many elements of courtshipare similar to those in U. pugilator, but two types of soundsare produced. One of these, the short drumwhirl, appears tosubstitute for waving when the male is temporarily obscuredfrom the female during his diurnal courtship activities. Thelong drumwhirl is used under different circumstances. The acoustical responses of a male to a female influence thecourtship behavior of other males in the area. When sounds fromstimulated males are played back to test males during the day,their lates of waving increase. At night, the playbacks elicitincreases in rates of sound production. The influence of tidal oscillations, temperature, and lightcycles on the behavior of males is discussed. Courtship activities of aquatic crabs are compared to thoseof terrestrial Brachyura. In aquatic forms, courtship may beabsent or, if present, does not involve elaborate signallingby the male. Chemical or visual cues at close range are themost important stimuli. In several genera of terrestrial crabs,visual signalling for prolonged periods is common, and soundsare often emitted by males to "call" females from their burrowsto the surface for mating. Some of the factors that may accountfor differences in courtship activities in aquatic and terrestrialspecies are discussed.  相似文献   

The mature spermatozoa of four species of European decapod crabs (Clibanarius erythropus, Maja squinado, Cancer pagurusand Potamon fluviatile)have been investigated using indirect immuno-fluorescence techniques for the presence of the cytoskeletal proteins actin and tubulin. Indirect immunofluorescence labelling with monoclonal anti-actin antibody and three different monoclonal anti-tubulin antibodies indicate that actin is present in the spermatozoa of all four species, but tubulins are restricted to the two species with microtubular arms, Clibanariusand Maja.The pattern of actin fluorescence varies between the spermatozoa of the four species, with Majaand Cancershowing intense fluorescence in the acrosome vesicle and in elements of the sperm cell involved in the acrosome reaction. The spermatozoon of each species is described ultrastructurally using transmission electron microscopy and correlations made between observed patterns of fluorescence and the cellular components described. No obvious filamentous actin (F-actin) is visible in the electron micrographs of the spermatozoa of any of the species. In most cases the fluorescence is sufficiently specific to indicate in which region of the mature sperm cell the actin and tubulin occurs. Actin is acrosomal in Maja, Cancerand Potamonbut appears to be cytoplasmic in Clibanarius, while the tubulins appear only to be present in the cytoplasm of Clibanarius, Majaand Cancer.  相似文献   

角蒿属(紫葳科)的花粉形态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对角蒿属(Incarvillea Juss.)14个种(4变种,2居群)的花粉进行了扫描电镜观察。角蒿属花粉形态较为相似,为单粒花粉,花粉粒扁球形至近球形,外壁表面同时具有近刺状和穴状两种纹饰。大小在28~51μm之间,萌发孔为多沟型,6~10沟,沟长度不等,沿赤道分布,一些种类中沟多少弯曲使萌发孔成螺旋状,沟末端在极面上多少连接形成合沟。角蒿属内种间花粉形态上的相似性说明了角蒿属应为一单系类群,而对于角蒿属下单元划分及种间的系统有着有限的意义,波罗花亚属花粉明显大于其它两个属,花粉形态特征也显示了它与角蒿亚属关系较近。同时,研究结果不支持将角蒿属放在硬骨凌霄族(Tecomeae)。  相似文献   

天南星属植物的花粉形态   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用扫描电镜对天南星科天南星属(Arisaema)8组25种植物的花粉进行研究(其中,12种前人未观察过,12种中11种为我国特有)。结果显示:本属花粉形态基本一致,即球形,无萌发孔,无覆盖层,具微刺,是一个非常自然的类群。但各个种在花粉粒大小,刺长,刺的形状,刺基部上径,刺的密度和刺间纹饰方面差别较大,可以作为区别种的依据。这进一步证实了前人的结论。花粉形态支持学者们关于天南星属是本科最进化的类群之一的观点。天南星属花粉可能由线花组从花粉大小适中、刺密度居中向大或小、密或疏的方向发展;刺间表面纹饰对探讨组间演化关系意义不大。Murata等对于花粉刺间具较密颗粒为曲序组特征的界定可疑;把A.yunnanense Buchet、A.bathycoleum Hand.-Mazt.和A.prazeri Hook.f.归入曲序组似乎不妥。A.consanguineum Schott和A.fraternum Schott的花粉形态没有支持李恒对这两个种的归并。  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - The problem of the coexistence of closely related species of Paguroidea (Decapoda: Anomura) and the main mechanisms of structuring the communities of these...  相似文献   

The parasitic fauna of common species of hermit crabs was investigated in Vostok Bay (the northwestern Sea of Japan). Pagurus proximus and Areopaguristes hirsutimanus had no parasites. The average prevalence of rhizocephalan infestation in other five species of hermit crabs ranged from 5.67 to 20.83%. The prevalence of the isopod Parapseudione lata on hermit crabs did not exceed 1%, the prevalence of infestation with the isopod Athelges takanoshimensis was significantly higher, reaching 14.58% in Pagurus middendorffii. Parasitism by the isopod P. lata on the hermit crabs Pagurus minutus and P. ochotensis, as well as parasitism by the rhizocephalan Peltogaster reticulata on P. minutus were recorded for the first time. Several variants of simultaneous infestation with two parasitic species were found. The decline in the abundance of P. middendorffii accompanied by the high prevalence of parasites, primarily the colonial rhizocephalan Peltogasterella gracilis, suggests that parasite invasion may play a more significant role in regulating the abundance of hermit crabs than was previously assumed.  相似文献   

Cyber-taxonomy of name usage has focused primarily on producing authoritative lists of names or cross-linking names and data across disparate databases. A feature missing from much of this work is the recording and analysis of the context in which a name was used—context which can be critical for understanding not only what name an author used, but to which currently recognized species they actually refer. An experiment on recording contextual information associated with name usage was conducted for the fiddler crabs (genus Uca). Data from approximately one quarter of all publications that mention fiddler crabs, including 95% of those published prior to 1924 and 67% of those published prior to 1976, have currently been recorded in a database. Approaches and difficulties in recording and analyzing the context of name use are discussed. These results are not meant to be a full solution, rather to highlight problems which have not been previously investigated and may act as a springboard for broader approaches and discussion. Some data on the accessibility of the literature, including in particular electronic forms of publication, are also presented. The resulting data has been integrated for general browsing into the website http://www.fiddlercrab.info; the raw data and code used to construct the website is available at https://github.com/msrosenberg/fiddlercrab.info.  相似文献   

Examination of genetic data (mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I) for western Atlantic clingfishes revealed two distinct lineages within a group of individuals originally identified as Acyrtus artius. Subsequent investigation of preserved voucher specimens was conducted to reconcile the genetic data and the existing classification, which is based on morphology. In addition to discovering that one of the genetic lineages is an undescribed species, which we describe as Acyrtus lanthanum, new species, we found that the nominal species Acyrtus artius has a putative venom gland associated with the subopercle that has been overlooked since the species was described nearly 60 years ago. The new species lacks the subopercular gland as does Acyrtus rubiginosus, but one is present in the related Arcos nudus. Venom glands have not been reported previously for the Gobiesocidae, and the venom gland described herein for Acyrtus and Arcos represents the first example in teleost fishes of a venom gland associated with the subopercle.  相似文献   



The genus Cambarus is one of three most species rich crayfish genera in the Northern Hemisphere. The genus has its center of diversity in the Southern Appalachians of the United States and has been divided into 12 subgenera. Using Cambarus we test the correspondence of subgeneric designations based on morphology used in traditional crayfish taxonomy to the underlying evolutionary history for these crayfish. We further test for significant correlation and explanatory power of geographic distance, taxonomic model, and a habitat model to estimated phylogenetic distance with multiple variable regression.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We use three mitochondrial and one nuclear gene regions to estimate the phylogenetic relationships for species within the genus Cambarus and test evolutionary hypotheses of relationships and associated morphological and biogeographical hypotheses. Our resulting phylogeny indicates that the genus Cambarus is polyphyletic, however we fail to reject the monophyly of Cambarus with a topology test. The majority of the Cambarus subgenera are rejected as monophyletic, suggesting the morphological characters used to define those taxa are subject to convergent evolution. While we found incongruence between taxonomy and estimated phylogenetic relationships, a multiple model regression analysis indicates that taxonomy had more explanatory power of genetic relationships than either habitat or geographic distance.


We find convergent evolution has impacted the morphological features used to delimit Cambarus subgenera. Studies of the crayfish genus Orconectes have shown gonopod morphology used to delimit subgenera is also affected by convergent evolution. This suggests that morphological diagnoses based on traditional crayfish taxonomy might be confounded by convergent evolution across the cambarids and has little utility in diagnosing relationships or defining natural groups. We further suggest that convergent morphological evolution appears to be a common occurrence in invertebrates suggesting the need for careful phylogenetically based interpretations of morphological evolution in invertebrate systematics.  相似文献   

国产芋属花粉形态   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过光镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了芋属(Colocasia Schott)6种、1变种、1品种的花粉形态,其中贡山芋C.gaoligongensis,龚氏芋C.gongii,李氏香芋C.lihengiae,花叶芋C.bic-olor4个种为首次报道。本属花粉为圆球形,无萌发孔。外壁纹饰分为两类:大野芋C.giga-ntea外壁光滑无刺,其余各种均具刺。花粉大小为20.07—32.76μm。  相似文献   

The study of sexual behavior has been largely utilized in phylogenetic analyses of Meloidae beetles. Sexual behavior of the tribe Cerocomini is almost unknown, even though the genus Cerocoma shows the most striking sexual dimorphism in the family. In this paper, the sexual behavior of five species, C. (Cerocoma) adamovichiana, C. (C.) graeca, C. (C.) schaefferi, C. (Metacerocoma) schreberi, and C. (M.) prevezaensis, is described. The cleaning behavior of this genus, previously unknown, is also discussed. A morphological analysis by scanning electron microscopy of sexually dimorphic anatomical features of antennae, maxillary palpi, and forelegs, involved in cleaning and sexual activities, is carried out.  相似文献   

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