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The development of codon bias indices (CBIs) remains an active field of research due to their myriad applications in computational biology. Recently, the relative codon usage bias (RCBS) was introduced as a novel CBI able to estimate codon bias without using a reference set. The results of this new index when applied to Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae led the authors of the original publications to conclude that natural selection favours higher expression and enhanced codon usage optimization in short genes. Here, we show that this conclusion was flawed and based on the systematic oversight of an intrinsic bias for short sequences in the RCBS index and of biases in the small data sets used for validation in E. coli. Furthermore, we reveal that how the RCBS can be corrected to produce useful results and how its underlying principle, which we here term relative codon adaptation (RCA), can be made into a powerful reference-set-based index that directly takes into account the genomic base composition. Finally, we show that RCA outperforms the codon adaptation index (CAI) as a predictor of gene expression when operating on the CAI reference set and that this improvement is significantly larger when analysing genomes with high mutational bias.  相似文献   

Ram Maharjan  Thomas Ferenci 《Genetics》2014,198(3):1231-1235
Stress-induced mutagenesis was investigated in the absence of selection for growth fitness by using synthetic biology to control perceived environmental stress in Escherichia coli. We find that controlled intracellular RpoS dosage is central to a sigmoidal, saturable three- to fourfold increase in mutation rates and associated changes in DNA repair proteins.  相似文献   

The evolutionary role of transposable elements (TEs) is still highly controversial. Two key parameters, the transposition rate (u and w, for replicative and non-replicative transposition) and the excision rate (e) are fundamental to understanding their evolution and maintenance in populations. We have estimated u, w and e for six families of TEs (including eight members: IS1, IS2, IS3, IS4, IS5, IS30, IS150 and IS186) in Escherichia coli, using a mutation accumulation (MA) experiment. In this experiment, mutations accumulate essentially at the rate at which they appear, during a period of 80 500 (1610 generations × 50 lines) generations, and spontaneous transposition events can be detected. This differs from other experiments in which insertions accumulated under strong selective pressure or over a limited genomic target. We therefore provide new estimates for the spontaneous rates of transposition and excision in E. coli. We observed 25 transposition and three excision events in 50 MA lines, leading to overall rate estimates of u ∼ 1.15 × 10–5, w ∼ 4 × 10−8 and e ∼ 1.08 × 10−6 (per element, per generation). Furthermore, extensive variation between elements was found, consistent with previous knowledge of the mechanisms and regulation of transposition for the different elements.  相似文献   

Translational pausing may occur due to a number of mechanisms, including the presence of non-optimal codons, and it is thought to play a role in the folding of specific polypeptide domains during translation and in the facilitation of signal peptide recognition during sec-dependent protein targeting. In this whole genome analysis of Escherichia coli we have found that non-optimal codons in the signal peptide-encoding sequences of secretory genes are overrepresented relative to the "mature" portions of these genes; this is in addition to their overrepresentation in the 5'-regions of genes encoding non-secretory proteins. We also find increased non-optimal codon usage at the 3' ends of most E. coli genes, in both non-secretory and secretory sequences. Whereas presumptive translational pausing at the 5' and 3' ends of E. coli messenger RNAs may clearly have a general role in translation, we suggest that it also has a specific role in sec-dependent protein export, possibly in facilitating signal peptide recognition. This finding may have important implications for our understanding of how the majority of non-cytoplasmic proteins are targeted, a process that is essential to all biological cells.  相似文献   

Bacterial pathogens have evolved a sophisticated arsenal of virulence factors to modulate host cell biology. Enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EPEC and EHEC) use a type III protein secretion system (T3SS) to inject microbial proteins into host cells. The T3SS effector cycle inhibiting factor (Cif) produced by EPEC and EHEC is able to block host eukaryotic cell-cycle progression. We present here a crystal structure of Cif, revealing it to be a divergent member of the superfamily of enzymes including cysteine proteases and acetyltransferases that share a common catalytic triad. Mutation of these conserved active site residues abolishes the ability of Cif to block cell-cycle progression. Finally, we demonstrate that irreversible cysteine protease inhibitors do not abolish the Cif cytopathic effect, suggesting that another enzymatic activity may underlie the biological activity of this virulence factor.  相似文献   

The existence of symbiotic relationships between Acanthamoeba and a variety of bacteria is well-documented. However, the ability of Acanthamoeba interacting with host bacterial pathogens has gained particular attention. Here, to understand the interactions of Escherichia coli K1 and E. coli K5 strains with Acanthamoeba castellanii trophozoites and cysts, association assay, invasion assay, survival assay, and the measurement of bacterial numbers from cysts were performed, and nonpathogenic E. coli K12 was also applied. The association ratio of E. coli K1 with A. castellanii was 4.3 cfu per amoeba for 1 hr but E. coli K5 with A. castellanii was 1 cfu per amoeba for 1 hr. By invasion and survival assays, E. coli K5 was recovered less than E. coli K1 but still alive inside A. castellanii. E. coli K1 and K5 survived and multiplied intracellularly in A. castellanii. The survival assay was performed under a favourable condition for 22 hr and 43 hr with the encystment of A. castellanii. Under the favourable condition for the transformation of trophozoites into cysts, E. coli K5 multiplied significantly. Moreover, the pathogenic potential of E. coli K1 from A. castellanii cysts exhibited no changes as compared with E. coli K1 from A. castellanii trophozoites. E. coli K5 was multiplied in A. castellanii trophozoites and survived in A. castellanii cysts. Therefore, this study suggests that E. coli K5 can use A. castellanii as a reservoir host or a vector for the bacterial transmission.  相似文献   

Rao Y  Wu G  Wang Z  Chai X  Nie Q  Zhang X 《DNA research》2011,18(6):499-512
Synonymous codons are used with different frequencies both among species and among genes within the same genome and are controlled by neutral processes (such as mutation and drift) as well as by selection. Up to now, a systematic examination of the codon usage for the chicken genome has not been performed. Here, we carried out a whole genome analysis of the chicken genome by the use of the relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) method and identified 11 putative optimal codons, all of them ending with uracil (U), which is significantly departing from the pattern observed in other eukaryotes. Optimal codons in the chicken genome are most likely the ones corresponding to highly expressed transfer RNA (tRNAs) or tRNA gene copy numbers in the cell. Codon bias, measured as the frequency of optimal codons (Fop), is negatively correlated with the G + C content, recombination rate, but positively correlated with gene expression, protein length, gene length and intron length. The positive correlation between codon bias and protein, gene and intron length is quite different from other multi-cellular organism, as this trend has been only found in unicellular organisms. Our data displayed that regional G + C content explains a large proportion of the variance of codon bias in chicken. Stepwise selection model analyses indicate that G + C content of coding sequence is the most important factor for codon bias. It appears that variation in the G + C content of CDSs accounts for over 60% of the variation of codon bias. This study suggests that both mutation bias and selection contribute to codon bias. However, mutation bias is the driving force of the codon usage in the Gallus gallus genome. Our data also provide evidence that the negative correlation between codon bias and recombination rates in G. gallus is determined mostly by recombination-dependent mutational patterns.  相似文献   

In the course of liquid culture, serial passage experiments with Escherichia coli K-12 bearing a mutator gene deletion (DeltamutS) we observed the evolution of strains that appeared to kill or inhibit the growth of the bacteria from where they were derived, their ancestors. We demonstrate that this inhibition occurs after the cells stop growing and requires physical contact between the evolved and ancestral bacteria. Thereby, it is referred to as stationary phase contact-dependent inhibition (SCDI). The evolution of this antagonistic relationship is not anticipated from existing theory and experiments of competition in mass (liquid) culture. Nevertheless, it occurred in the same way (parallel evolution) in the eight independent serial transfer cultures, through different single base substitutions in a gene in the glycogen synthesis pathway, glgC. We demonstrate that the observed mutations in glgC, which codes for ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, are responsible for both the ability of the evolved bacteria to inhibit or kill their ancestors and their immunity to that inhibition or killing. We present evidence that without additional evolution, mutator genes, or known mutations in glgC, other strains of E. coli K-12 are also capable of SCDI or sensitive to this inhibition. We interpret this, in part, as support for the generality of SCDI and also as suggesting that the glgC mutations responsible for the SCDI, which evolved in our experiments, may suppress the action of one or more genes responsible for the sensitivity of E. coli to SCDI. Using numerical solutions to a mathematical model and in vitro experiments, we explore the population dynamics of SCDI and postulate the conditions responsible for its evolution in mass culture. We conclude with a brief discussion of the potential ecological significance of SCDI and its possible utility for the development of antimicrobial agents, which unlike existing antibiotics, can kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria that are not growing.  相似文献   

Studies on chemotaxis of Escherichia coli have shown that modulation of tumble frequency causes a net drift up the gradient of attractants. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the bacteria is also capable of varying its runs speed in uniform concentration of attractant. In this study, we investigate the role of swimming speed on the chemotactic migration of bacteria. To this end, cells are exposed to gradients of a non-metabolizable analogue of glucose which are sensed via the Trg sensor. When exposed to a gradient, the cells modulate their tumble duration, which is accompanied with variation in swimming speed leading to drift velocities that are much higher than those achieved through the modulation of the tumble duration alone. We use an existing intra-cellular model developed for the Tar receptor and incorporate the variation of the swimming speed along with modulation of tumble frequency to predict drift velocities close to the measured values. The main implication of our study is that E. coli not only modulates the tumble frequency, but may also vary the swimming speed to affect chemotaxis and thereby efficiently sample its nutritionally rich environment.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11693-015-9174-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Electroporation has become a widely used method for rapidly and efficiently introducing foreign DNA into a wide range of cells. Electrotransformation has become the method of choice for introducing DNA into prokaryotes that are not naturally competent. Electroporation is a rapid, efficient, and streamlined transformation method that, in addition to purified DNA and competent bacteria, requires commercially available gene pulse controller and cuvettes. In contrast to the pulsing step, preparation of electrocompetent cells is time consuming and labor intensive involving repeated rounds of centrifugation and washes in decreasing volumes of sterile, cold water, or non-ionic buffers of large volumes of cultures grown to mid-logarithmic phase of growth. Time and effort can be saved by purchasing electrocompetent cells from commercial sources, but the selection is limited to commonly employed E. coli laboratory strains. We are hereby disseminating a rapid and efficient method for preparing electrocompetent E. coli, which has been in use by bacteriology laboratories for some time, can be adapted to V. cholerae and other prokaryotes. While we cannot ascertain whom to credit for developing the original technique, we are hereby making it available to the scientific community.  相似文献   

Conotoxin PrIIIE is a 22-amino acid peptide containing three disulfide bonds isolated from the venom of Conus parius Reeve. It is a non-competitive antagonist of the mammalian muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). We fused the PrIIIE to small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) and expressed the fusion protein in an Escherichia coli strain with an oxidizing cytoplasm. We purified the fusion protein by immobilized metal affinity chromatography and further purified PrIIIE from cleaved SUMO using cation exchange chromatography. The yield of peptide was 1.5 mg/L of culture. The recombinant peptide is functional, as demonstrated by two-electrode voltage clamp experiments. This system may prove valuable for future structure-function studies.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic codon models are routinely used to characterize selective regimes in coding sequences. Their parametric design, however, is still a matter of debate, in particular concerning the question of how to account for differing nucleotide frequencies and substitution rates. This problem relates to the fact that nucleotide composition in protein-coding sequences is the result of the interactions between mutation and selection. In particular, because of the structure of the genetic code, the nucleotide composition differs between the three coding positions, with the third position showing a more extreme composition. Yet, phylogenetic codon models do not correctly capture this phenomenon and instead predict that the nucleotide composition should be the same for all three positions. Alternatively, some models allow for different nucleotide rates at the three positions, an approach conflating the effects of mutation and selection on nucleotide composition. In practice, it results in inaccurate estimation of the strength of selection. Conceptually, the problem comes from the fact that phylogenetic codon models do not correctly capture the fixation bias acting against the mutational pressure at the mutation–selection equilibrium. To address this problem and to more accurately identify mutation rates and selection strength, we present an improved codon modeling approach where the fixation rate is not seen as a scalar, but as a tensor. This approach gives an accurate representation of how mutation and selection oppose each other at equilibrium and yields a reliable estimate of the mutational process, while disentangling the mean fixation probabilities prevailing in different mutational directions.  相似文献   

Explaining the coexistence of competing species is a major challenge in community ecology. In bacterial systems, competition is often driven by the production of bacteriocins, which are narrow-spectrum proteinaceous toxins that serve to kill closely related species, providing the producer better access to limited resources. Bacteriocin producers have been shown to competitively exclude sensitive, nonproducing strains. However, the dynamics between bacteriocin producers, each lethal to its competitor, are largely unknown. In this study, we used in vitro, in vivo and in silico models to study competitive interactions between bacteriocin producers. Two Escherichia coli strains were generated, each carrying a DNA-degrading bacteriocin (colicins E2 and E7). Using reporter-gene assays, we showed that each DNase bacteriocin is not only lethal to its opponent but, at lower doses, can also induce the expression of its opponent''s toxin. In a well-mixed habitat, the E2 producer outcompeted its adversary; however, in structured environments (on plates or in mice colons), the two producers coexisted in a spatially ‘frozen'' pattern. Coexistence occurred when the producers were initiated with a clumped spatial distribution. This suggests that a ‘clump'' of each producer can block invasion of the other producer. Agent-based simulation of bacteriocin-mediated competition further showed that mutual exclusion in a structured environment is a relatively robust result. These models imply that colicin-mediated colicin induction enables producers to successfully compete and defend their niche against invaders. This suggests that localized interactions between producers of DNA-degrading toxins can lead to stable coexistence of heterogeneously distributed strains within the bacterial community and to the maintenance of diversity.  相似文献   

Crystal structures have been determined for free Escherichia coli hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) (2.9 A resolution) and for the enzyme in complex with the reaction products, inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) and guanosine 5'-monophosphate (GMP) (2.8 A resolution). Of the known 6-oxopurine phosphoribosyltransferase (PRTase) structures, E. coli HPRT is most similar in structure to that of Tritrichomonas foetus HGXPRT, with a rmsd for 150 Calpha atoms of 1.0 A. Comparison of the free and product bound structures shows that the side chain of Phe156 and the polypeptide backbone in this vicinity move to bind IMP or GMP. A nonproline cis peptide bond, also found in some other 6-oxopurine PRTases, is observed between Leu46 and Arg47 in both the free and complexed structures. For catalysis to occur, the 6-oxopurine PRTases have a requirement for divalent metal ion, usually Mg(2+) in vivo. In the free structure, a Mg(2+) is coordinated to the side chains of Glu103 and Asp104. This interaction may be important for stabilization of the enzyme before catalysis. E. coli HPRT is unique among the known 6-oxopurine PRTases in that it exhibits a marked preference for hypoxanthine as substrate over both xanthine and guanine. The structures suggest that its substrate specificity is due to the modes of binding of the bases. In E. coli HPRT, the carbonyl oxygen of Asp163 would likely form a hydrogen bond with the 2-exocyclic nitrogen of guanine (in the HPRT-guanine-PRib-PP-Mg(2+) complex). However, hypoxanthine does not have a 2-exocyclic atom and the HPRT-IMP structure suggests that hypoxanthine is likely to occupy a different position in the purine-binding pocket.  相似文献   

We report here that the expression of protein complexes in vivo in Escherichia coli can be more convenient than traditional reconstitution experiments in vitro. In particular, we show that the poor solubility of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III ε subunit (featuring 3’-5’ exonuclease activity) is highly improved when the same protein is co-expressed with the α and θ subunits (featuring DNA polymerase activity and stabilizing ε, respectively). We also show that protein co-expression in E. coli can be used to efficiently test the competence of subunits from different bacterial species to associate in a functional protein complex. We indeed show that the α subunit of Deinococcus radiodurans DNA polymerase III can be co-expressed in vivo with the ε subunit of E. coli. In addition, we report on the use of protein co-expression to modulate mutation frequency in E. coli. By expressing the wild-type ε subunit under the control of the araBAD promoter (arabinose-inducible), and co-expressing the mutagenic D12A variant of the same protein, under the control of the lac promoter (inducible by isopropyl-thio-β-D-galactopyranoside, IPTG), we were able to alter the E. coli mutation frequency using appropriate concentrations of the inducers arabinose and IPTG. Finally, we discuss recent advances and future challenges of protein co-expression in E. coli.  相似文献   

CfaE, the tip adhesin of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli colonization factor antigen I fimbriae, initiates binding of this enteropathogen to the small intestine. It comprises stacked β-sandwich adhesin (AD) and pilin (PD) domains, with the putative receptor-binding pocket at one pole and an equatorial interdomain interface. CfaE binding to erythrocytes is enhanced by application of moderate shear stress. A G168D replacement along the AD facing the CfaE interdomain region was previously shown to decrease the dependence on shear by increasing binding at lower shear forces. To elucidate the structural basis for this functional change, we studied the properties of CfaE G168D (with a self-complemented donor strand) and solved its crystal structure at 2.6 Å resolution. Compared with native CfaE, CfaE G168D showed a downward shift in peak erythrocyte binding under shear stress and greater binding under static conditions. The thermal melting transition of CfaE G168D occurred 10 °C below that of CfaE. Compared with CfaE, the atomic structure of CfaE G168D revealed a 36% reduction in the buried surface area at the interdomain interface. Despite the location of this single modification in the AD, CfaE G168D exhibited structural derangements only in the adjoining PD compared with CfaE. In molecular dynamics simulations, the G168D mutation was associated with weakened interdomain interactions under tensile force. Taken together, these findings indicate that the AD and PD of CfaE are conformationally tightly coupled and support the hypothesis that opening of the interface plays a critical modulatory role in the allosteric activation of CfaE.  相似文献   

Seventy integral membrane proteins from the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome have been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. A combination of T7 promoter-based vectors with hexa-His affinity tags and BL21 E. coli strains with additional tRNA genes to supplement sparsely used E. coli codons have been most successful. The expressed proteins have a wide range of molecular weights and number of transmembrane helices. Expression of these proteins has been observed in the membrane and insoluble fraction of E. coli cell lysates and, in some cases, in the soluble fraction. The highest expression levels in the membrane fraction were restricted to a narrow range of molecular weights and relatively few transmembrane helices. In contrast, overexpression in insoluble aggregates was distributed over a broad range of molecular weights and number of transmembrane helices.  相似文献   

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