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The alpaca fiber diameter (FD) varies from 18 to 36 μm, being the finer fiber categories highly appreciated. However, the alpaca fiber presents some limitations in the textile industry due to the high incidence of fiber medullation and diameter variability, both reduces the comfort feeling of the garments. Decreasing or even removing medullation could be a possible selection objective in alpaca breeding programs for increasing economic value of the alpaca fiber. Therefore, the present work aimed to estimate genetic parameters regarding medullation traits, as well as the genetic correlations with other economical important traits, to be able to select the appropriate criteria to reduce or remove medullation on alpaca fiber and help to reduce the prickle factor in the garments. The data was collected from 2000 to 2017 and belonged to the Pacomarca experimental farm. There were 3698 medullation records corresponding to 1869 Huacaya and 414 Suri genetic types. The fiber samples were taken from the mid side, and were analyzed in an OFDA 100® device. The traits analyzed were percentage of medullation (PM), medullated fiber diameter (MFD), FD, standard deviation of FD, greasy fleece weight as fiber traits; density, crimp in Huacaya and lock structure in Suri, head conformation, leg coverage as morphological traits; weaning weight and age at first calving as secondary and functional traits. Genetic parameters were estimated via a multitrait restricted maximum likelihood. The heritabilities for PM and MFD were 0.225 and 0.237 in Huacaya genetic type and 0.664 and 0.237 in Suri genetic type, respectively; heritabilities for other traits were moderate for productive and morphological traits, and low to moderate for secondary and functional traits. The genetic correlations PM–FD and MFD–FD were high and favorable in both genetic types, between 0.531 and 0.975; the genetic correlation PM–MFD was 0.121 in Huacaya and 0.427 in Suri. The rest of genetic correlations with other traits were in general moderate and favorable. The repeatabilities were 0.556 and 0.668 for PM, and 0.322 and 0.293 for MFD in Huacaya and Suri genetic types, respectively. As a conclusion, PM was identified to be a good selection criterion, probably combined in an index with FD to reduce prickling factor.  相似文献   

An experimental trial of the segregation of white vs. pigmented and black vs. brown colours in alpacas was conducted at the Peruvian INIA Quimsachata Experimental Station. One hundred and forty five offspring were born from the following matings: 4 white sires × 36 white dams, 4 white sires × 39 pigmented dams, and 9 pigmented sires × 70 pigmented dams. Among these last matings were, 4 black sires × 25 black dams, 2 black sires × 20 brown dams, and 3 brown sires × 25 brown dams. Statistical tests validate that the inheritance of white is due to a single gene which is dominant over pigmentation, without any modifying effect and independent of segregation of black and brown patterns. However, the evidence does not support a simple dominant inheritance of the black vs. brown.  相似文献   

To evaluate if loci responsible for coat color phenotypes contribute to behavioral characteristics, we specified novel gene loci associated with social exploratory behavior and examined the effects of the frequency of each allele at distinct loci on behavioral expression. We used the F2 generation, which arose from the mating of F1 mice obtained by interbreeding DBA/2 and ICR mice. Phenotypic analysis indicated that the agouti and albino loci affect behavioral traits. A genotype-based analysis revealed that novel exploratory activity was suppressed in a manner dependent on the frequency of the dominant wild-type allele at the agouti, but not albino, locus. The allele-dependent suppression was restricted to colored mice and was not seen in albino mice. The present results suggest that the agouti locus contributes to a particular behavioral trait in the presence of a wild-type allele at the albino locus, which encodes a structural gene for tyrosinase.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters for preweaning traits and their relationship with reproductive, productive and morphological traits in alpacas. The data were collected from 2001 to 2015 in the Pacomarca experimental farm. The data set contained data from 4330 females and 3788 males corresponding to 6396 and 1722 animals for Huacaya and Suri variants, respectively. The number of records for Huacaya and Suri variants were 5494 and 1461 for birth weight (BW), 5429 and 1431 for birth withers height (BH), 3320 and 896 for both weaning weight (WW) and average daily gain (DG) from birth to weaning, 3317 and 896 for weaning withers height (WH), and 5514 and 1474 for survival to weaning. The reproductive traits analyzed were age at first calving and calving interval. The fiber traits were fiber diameter (FD), standard deviation of FD (SD), comfort factor and coefficient of variation of FD and the morphological traits studied were density, crimp in Huacaya and lock structure in Suri, head, coverage and balance. Regarding preweaning traits, model of analysis included additive, maternal and residual random effects for all traits, with sex, coat color, number of calving, month–year and contemporary group as systematic effects, and age at weaning as linear covariate for WW and WH. The most relevant direct heritabilities for Huacaya and Suri were 0.50 and 0.34 for WW, 0.36 and 0.66 for WH, 0.45 and 0.20 for DG, respectively. Maternal heritabilities were 0.25 and 0.38 for BW, 0.18 and 0.32 for BH, 0.29 and 0.39 for WW, 0.19 and 0.26 for WH, 0.27 and 0.36 for DG, respectively. Direct genetic correlations within preweaning traits were high and favorable and lower between direct and maternal genetic effects. The genetic correlations of preweaning traits with fiber traits were moderate and unfavorable. With morphological traits they were high and positive for Suri but not for Huacaya and favorable for direct genetic effect but unfavorable for maternal genetic effect with reproductive traits. If the selection objective was meat production, the selection would have to be based on the direct genetic effect for WW but not on the maternal genetic effect that has been shown to have less relevance. Other weaning traits such as WH or DG would be indirectly selected.  相似文献   

A multi-trait animal model was used to estimate genetic parameters among lactation somatic cell score (SCS) and udder-type traits in South African Jersey cattle, through restricted maximum likelihood (REML) procedures. Data comprised records on 18 321 Jersey cows in 470 herds, collected through the National Milk Recording Scheme from 1996 to 2002. Average SCS in the first three lactations (SCS1, SCS2 and SCS3) were considered as different traits and the udder-type traits were fore udder attachment (FUA), rear udder height (RUH), rear udder width (RUW), udder cleft (UC), udder depth (UD), fore teat placement (FTP), rear teat placement (RTP) and fore teat length (FTL). Heritability estimates for the respective lactation SCS were 0.07 ± 0.01, 0.11 ± 0.01 and 0.11 ± 0.02. Udder-type traits had heritability estimates ranging from 0.14 ± 0.01 for UD to 0.30 ± 0.02 for FTL. Genetic correlations between SCS and udder-type traits ranged from -0.003 ± 0.07 between FUA and SCS3 to -0.50 ± 0.07 between UD and SCS3. Slow genetic progress is expected when selection is applied independently on SCS and udder-type traits, due to the generally low heritabilities. Tightly attached shallow udders with narrowly placed rear teats are associated with low SCS in the Jersey population.  相似文献   

章誉兴  吴宏  于黎 《遗传》2021,(2):118-133
哺乳动物类群呈现出的丰富毛色是引人注目的一种生物现象,是研究和理解哺乳动物适应性进化的理想模型之一。哺乳动物的毛色多态在躲避天敌、捕食、求偶及抵御紫外线等方面都具有重要作用。哺乳动物毛发的色素化过程由体内黑色素的数量、质量和分布状况所决定。黑色素的形成过程复杂,包括黑素细胞的分化、成熟,黑素体等细胞器的形态发生及黑色素在黑素细胞中的合成代谢和转运等过程;而在细胞色素化的每个阶段/时相都伴随着一些重要功能基因的参与,并通过基因之间的相互作用形成了黑色素生物代谢的复杂调控网络,进而形成不同的毛色有助于哺乳动物适应不同生存环境。对哺乳动物不同毛色形成机制的探究一直以来都是遗传学及进化生物学的重要研究领域和聚焦热点。本文综述了哺乳动物毛色色素化过程的主要分子机制以及毛色适应性进化的遗传基础,以期为哺乳动物毛色多态及其适应性进化的分子机制研究提供参考。  相似文献   

邢万金  莫日根 《遗传》2014,36(10):1062-1068
小鼠是最常用的哺乳动物模式生物,其毛色有白色、灰色、黄色、黑色等,是典型的孟德尔遗传性状。但在本科遗传学教学中,一般只在介绍隐性致死基因的时候才提到小鼠毛色遗传的例子。作者深入挖掘和整理了小鼠毛色遗传的分子机制,并把这个例子贯穿于讲解孟德尔遗传以及介绍分子遗传学的基因结构、基因功能、基因调控、基因互作、基因的表观遗传学修饰和数量性状遗传等,尝试用同一个案例贯穿本科遗传学教学,培养学生建立由表及里的系统分析能力,既凸显遗传学研究的前沿性和完整性,又吸引了学生的注意力,激发了学生的学习兴趣,收到了很好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Mutations of pigment type switching have provided basic insight into melanocortin physiology and evolutionary adaptation. In all vertebrates that have been studied to date, two key genes, Agouti and Melanocortin 1 receptor (Mc1r), encode a ligand-receptor system that controls the switch between synthesis of red-yellow pheomelanin vs. black-brown eumelanin. However, in domestic dogs, historical studies based on pedigree and segregation analysis have suggested that the pigment type-switching system is more complicated and fundamentally different from other mammals. Using a genomewide linkage scan on a Labrador x greyhound cross segregating for black, yellow, and brindle coat colors, we demonstrate that pigment type switching is controlled by an additional gene, the K locus. Our results reveal three alleles with a dominance order of black (K(B)) > brindle (k(br)) > yellow (k(y)), whose genetic map position on dog chromosome 16 is distinct from the predicted location of other pigmentation genes. Interaction studies reveal that Mc1r is epistatic to variation at Agouti or K and that the epistatic relationship between Agouti and K depends on the alleles being tested. These findings suggest a molecular model for a new component of the melanocortin signaling pathway and reveal how coat-color patterns and pigmentary diversity have been shaped by recent selection.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic relationship between postweaning weight gain (PWG), heifer pregnancy (HP), scrotal circumference (SC) at 18 months of age, stayability at 6 years of age (STAY) and finishing visual score at 18 months of age (PREC), and to determine the potential of these traits as selection criteria for the genetic improvement of growth and reproduction in Nellore cattle. The HP was defined as the observation that a heifer conceived and remained pregnant, which was assessed by rectal palpation at 60 days. The STAY was defined as whether or not a cow calved every year up to the age of 6 years, given that she was provided the opportunity to breed. The Bayesian linear-threshold analysis via the Gibbs sampler was used to estimate the variance and covariance components applying a multitrait model. Posterior mean estimates of direct heritability were 0.15 ± 0.00, 0.42 ± 0.02, 0.49 ± 0.01, 0.11 ± 0.01 and 0.19 ± 0.00 for PWG, HP, SC, STAY and PREC, respectively. The genetic correlations between traits ranged from 0.17 to 0.62. The traits studied generally have potential for use as selection criteria in genetic breeding programs. The genetic correlations between all traits show that selection for one of these traits does not imply the loss of the others.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of ewe productivity traits in Moghani sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic and environmental (co)variance components for productivity traits in Moghani sheep were estimated using data from 1344 ewes. The data were collected in the Jafarabad breeding station, north-east of Iran, during a 13-year period (1995-2008). The studied traits were litter size at birth (LSB), litter size at weaning (LSW), litter mean weight per lamb born (LMWLB), litter mean weight per lamb weaned (LMWLW), total litter weight at birth (TLWB) and total litter weight at weaning (TLWW). A model including direct additive genetic effects as well as permanent environmental effects related to repeated records of ewe was the most appropriate model for all the studied traits. Genetic parameters were estimated applying restricted maximum likelihood (REML) procedure. Direct heritability estimate for LSB, LSW, LMWLB, LMWLW, TLWB and TLWW were 0.11, 0.02, 0.15, 0.07, 0.07 and 0.06, respectively. Corresponding values for repeatability estimates were 0.16, 0.19, 0.18, 0.11, 0.13 and 0.09. Genetic correlations between the studied traits ranged from −0.99 for LSB-LMWLB and LSW-LMWLB to 0.99 for LSB-TLWB. Phenotypic and environmental correlation estimates were generally lower than those of genetic ones. Estimates of permanent environmental correlation among traits were positive and medium to high. Although low direct heritabilities were estimated for the reproductive traits, as these traits are of interest then they should be included in a breeding program.  相似文献   

Male reproductive performances are often ignored in cattle breeding programmes, although semen traits might be used to improve bull breeding soundness. Effects of genetic and environmental factors on semen production and quality traits were estimated in 693 Piemontese bulls with the aim of providing the first estimates of genetic parameters for semen traits for this breed. Volume and concentrations of individual ejaculates (up to three per each test-day), and volume, concentration, total number of spermatozoa and post-thawing progressive motility of within test-day pooled semen were available for 19 060 ejaculates. Bulls reached the maximum amount of daily semen production after their third year of age, with concentration rapidly increasing until 23 months of age, and then slowly decreasing. Semen volume was at its highest when collection days were at least 15 days apart, whereas the maximum concentration was reached when the interval was 6 days. Heritability estimates were generally moderate (0.14–0.26), and low for progressive motility (0.08). Estimates of genetic correlation among the volumes of the individual ejaculates were high and positive (≥0.79), as were the genetic correlations among their concentrations (≥0.46). Genetic correlations among volume and concentration traits varied from −0.47 (with a 95% high posterior density interval ranging from −0.65 to −0.23) to −0.32 (with a 95% high posterior density interval ranging from −0.55 to −0.09). Progressive motility was unrelated with the other traits, but moderately positively correlated with volumes of the second and third ejaculates. The magnitude of heritabilities showed that selection for semen traits is possible. However, the unfavourable relationship between volume and concentration must be taken into account if a future selection programme is to be established.  相似文献   

同源异型域-亮氨酸拉链(homedomain-leucine zipper,HD-Zip)转录因子广泛参与植物的生长发育和抗胁迫过程。该研究通过生物信息学方法对青稞HD-Zip基因家族进行全基因组分析鉴定,并采用qRT-PCR技术分析非生物胁迫下该基因的表达特性,为深入探讨青稞HD-Zip转录因子的生物学功能及其在高原作物抗逆育种中的应用奠定基础。结果表明:(1)成功从青稞基因组中共鉴定出41个HD-Zip基因家族成员,依次命名为i>HvvHD-ZipⅠ-1~Ⅳ-13,且这些基因在7条染色体上呈不均匀分布。(2)理化性质分析发现,HvvHD-Zip蛋白包含197~885个不等的氨基酸残基;分子量范围在19 914.36~94 014.87 Da;亚细胞定位表明HvvHD-Zip蛋白都位于细胞核。(3)根据多序列比对、系统进化、基因结构和保守基序差异将其聚为4个亚家族,各亚家族分类特征与系统聚类结果一致。(4)顺式作用元件预测分析发现,i>HvvHD-Zip基因启动子中含有11种植物激素和胁迫响应元件。(5)qRT-PCR结果显示,HvvHD-Zip Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ亚家族基因对各胁迫响应明显;与根组织相比,多数i>HvvHD-Zip基因在叶组织中响应明显(上调或下调);与冷和盐胁迫相比,i>HvvHD-Zip各基因对旱胁迫响应较强。  相似文献   

白皮松天然群体遗传结构的地理变异分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨白皮松天然群体遗传结构在地理分布上的差异,利用7对SSR引物对5个白皮松分布区域的遗传结构进行了分析。结果表明:7对SSR引物在5个区域内476个单株中共检测到14个多态性位点。各区域间观测等位基因数(Na)、有效等位基因数(Ne)、Shannon’s 信息指数(I)、观测杂合度(Ho)、期望杂合度(He)、Nei’s期望杂合度(Nei’s)分别介于1.7143~2.1429、1.1942~1.571、0.1948~0.4954、0.1726~0.3116、0.1178~0.3325、0.1172~0.3307之间。白皮松遗传多样性水平总体较低,区域间差异较大;遗传多样性水平最高的区域为秦岭西侧群体,其次为大巴山区群体;太行山与吕梁山群体多样性水平相对较低。区域间的遗传分化系数Fst介于0.0138~0.2242之间,基因流Nm介于0.865~17.8646之间。遗传分化较大、基因流水平较低的区域均发生在秦岭西侧及其与其他区域之间。各区域间遗传相似系数在0.8416~0.9964之间,遗传相似度最高的群体为太行山与吕梁山区域,遗传距离最大的为太行山与秦岭西侧区域。白皮松多样性分布的中心主要存在于秦岭西侧和大巴山区域,因此应对该区域进行重点保护。  相似文献   

Menz sheep are indigenous to the highlands of Ethiopia, and highly valued for their meat and wool production. The area is characterized as a low input mixed barley-sheep production system. In 1998, a selection experiment was set up to evaluate the response of Menz sheep to selection for yearling live weight (WT12) and greasy fleece weight (GFW) combined in an economic index. In this paper, we report the results of this breeding program obtained between 1998 and 2003. Average annual genetic selection responses for WT12 and GFW were 1.506 and 0.043 kg in the selected flock and 0.392 and −0.008 kg in the control flock. Annual genetic trends in the selected flock, estimated by regressing BLUP estimated breeding values on year of birth, were 0.495 ± 0.053 kg for WT12, 0.012 ± 0.002 kg for GFW, and Birr 5.53 ± 0.55 for the aggregate breeding value (1 Ethiopian Birr = 0.115 USD). Corresponding values for the control flock were 0.276 ± 0.065 kg, 0.003 ± 0.002 kg and Birr 2.93 ± 0.69. Correlated responses in birth weight (WT0), weaning weight (WT3), 6-month weight (WT6) and staple length (STPL) in the selected flock were 0.038 ± 0.005 kg, 0.271 ± 0.03 kg, 0.388 ± 0.039 kg and 0.011 ± 0.017 cm, respectively. Heritabilities, estimated by fitting a multitrait individual animal model were 0.464 ± 0.014, 0.477 ± 0.016, 0.514 ± 0.017, 0.559 ± 0.019, 0.393 ± 0.016 and 0.339 ± 0.014 for WT0, WT3, WT6, WT12, GFW and staple length (STPL), respectively. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between all traits were positive, except for STPL and WT12. Estimates of genetic parameters and observed genetic trends confirm that selective breeding can lead to significant genetic improvement in Menz sheep.  相似文献   

Seed germination triggered by light exposure (positive photoblastism) has been determined in quantitative studies for numerous plant families and species. For Cactaceae, positive photoblastism is thought to be associated with life form and seed mass, but this association has never been evaluated. To explore hypotheses on associations between seed mass, seed dispersal, seed dormancy, life form, taxa and plant height with Relative Light Germination (RLG) in Cactaceae, we evaluated the effect of light on seed germination of 136 taxa. The taxa studied are native to several countries: México, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Perú, USA, and Venezuela. Seed traits contrasted with RLG were life form, seed mass, seed dispersal, seed dormancy, adult plant height and taxon. We found some differences between RLG among taxa; Cacteae, Pachycereeae and Trichocereeae had higher RLG than Notocacteae. RLG was lower for seeds from taller than for shorter taxa, and lower for taxa with heavier seeds than for taxa with lighter seeds. Dispersal syndrome groups varied with RLG. RLG did not differ between cylindrical and globose taxa. Trends found here were in agreement with expectations for small-seeded species to have a light requirement to germinate more often than large-seeded species. This is the first time that cactus height is related to photoblastism. It is possible that seeds from tall plants are larger and thus have the capacity to produce taller seedlings than those from small plants, and that seedlings from large seeds with more resources have the ability to emerge from greater soil depths than those from small seeds.  相似文献   

Sensory traits, such as juiciness and tenderness, are known to be important to the consumer and thus will influence their consumption of meat, specifically beef. These traits are difficult to measure and often require the use of taste panels to assess the complex parameters involved in the eating experience. Such panels are potentially a large source of measurement error, which may reduce the effectiveness of breeding programmes based on the data they generate. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of such taste panel-derived sensory traits as well as calculating genetic parameters and residual correlations for these traits along with a further set of traditional carcass quality traits. The study examined a sample of 443 Aberdeen Angus-cross animals collected from 14 breeder-finisher farms throughout Scotland. To assess the quality of the taste panel measurements, three consistency statistics were calculated: (i) panel-member consistency, i.e. the extent to which an individual panel member varied in their scoring for a given trait over the period of the experiment; (ii) repeatability, i.e. the consistency with which an individual panel member was able to score a trait on repeated samples from the same animal; and (iii) reproducibility, i.e. the extent to which taste panel members agreed with each other when scoring a trait. These consistency statistics were moderately high, particularly for panel-member consistency and reproducibility, with values ranging from 0.48 to 0.81 and 0.43 to 0.73 respectively. Estimated heritabilities were low for most of the sensory taste-panel-evaluated traits where the maximum value was 0.16 for overall liking. Residual correlations were high between many of the closely related sensory traits, although few significant correlations were found between the carcass quality data and meat quality traits.  相似文献   

In many wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) growing areas, pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) may cause important damage, and in particular, it has deleterious effects on bread-making quality. The relationship between PHS and grain color is well known and could be due either to the pleiotropic effect of genes controlling red-testa pigmentation (R) or to linkage between these genes and other genes affecting PHS. In the present work, we have studied a population of 194 recombinant inbred lines from the cross between two cultivars, ’Renan’ and ’Récital’, in order to detect QTLs for both PHS resistance and grain color. The variety ’Renan’ has red kernels and is resistant to PHS, while ’Récital’ has white grain and is highly susceptible to PHS. A molecular-marker linkage map of this cross was constructed using SSRs, RFLPs and AFLPs. The population was evaluated over 2 years at Clermont-Ferrand (France). PHS was evaluated on mature spikes under controlled conditions and red-grain color was measured using a chromameter. Over the 2 years, we detected four QTLs for PHS, all of them being co-localized with QTLs for grain color. Three of them were located on the long arm of chromosomes 3 A, 3B and 3D, close to the loci where the genes R and taVp1 were previously mapped. For these three QTLs, the resistance to PHS is due to the allele of the variety ’Renan’. Another co-located QTL for PHS and grain color was detected on the short arm of chromosome 5 A. The resistance for PHS for this QTL is due to the allele of ’Récital’. Received: 13 December 2000 / Accepted: 24 April 2001  相似文献   

锥栗自然居群遗传多样性的ISSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用20条ISSR分子标记对栗属中国特有种-锥栗(Castanea henryi)的16个自然居群进行了遗传多样性与遗传关系分析。在449份试材上共扩增得到379个位点,其中多态性位点378个,多态性位点百分率(PPL)达99.74%,平均期望杂合度(He)为0.2950,Shannon信息指数(I)为0.4522;居群水平遗传多样性为46.09%,且不同居群遗传多样性水平有较大差异,16个自然居群中以湘西居群的遗传多样性水平最高(PPL=53.30%,He=0.1861,I=0.2781),其次为靖州、庆元、昭通及都江堰居群,南平居群最低(PPL=36.94%,He=0.1202,I=0.1817)。Nei’s遗传多样性和AMOVA分析表明,居群间产生了较大的遗传分化(Gst=0.4466),锥栗自然居群内的遗传变异稍占优势(52.51%)。UPGMA聚类分析将16个锥栗居群分为2大类5亚类。湘西地区可能是锥栗的次生分布中心和现代遗传多样性分布中心,是锥栗研究的资源中心,也是最有价值的基因库,需要重点保护。  相似文献   

QTL analysis of floral traits in Louisiana iris hybrids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The formation of hybrid zones between nascent species is a widespread phenomenon. The evolutionary consequences of hybridization are influenced by numerous factors, including the action of natural selection on quantitative trait variation. Here we examine how the genetic basis of floral traits of two species of Louisiana Irises affects the extent of quantitative trait variation in their hybrids. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping was used to assess the size (magnitude) of phenotypic effects of individual QTL, the degree to which QTL for different floral traits are colocalized, and the occurrence of mixed QTL effects. These aspects of quantitative genetic variation would be expected to influence (1) the number of genetic steps (in terms of QTL substitutions) separating the parental species phenotypes; (2) trait correlations; and (3) the potential for transgressive segregation in hybrid populations. Results indicate that some Louisiana Iris floral trait QTL have large effects and QTL for different traits tend to colocalize. Transgressive variation was observed for six of nine traits, despite the fact that mixed QTL effects influence few traits. Overall, our QTL results imply that the genetic basis of floral morphology and color traits might facilitate the maintenance of phenotypic divergence between Iris fulva and Iris brevicaulis, although a great deal of phenotypic variation was observed among hybrids.  相似文献   

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