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Reports have shown that activation of tumor-specific CD4+ helper T (Th) cells is crucial for effective anti-tumor immunity and identification of Th-cell epitopes is critical for peptide vaccine-based cancer immunotherapy. Although computer algorithms are available to predict peptides with high binding affinity to a specific HLA class II molecule, the ability of those peptides to induce Th-cell responses must be evaluated. We have established HLA-DR4 (HLA-DRA*01:01/HLA-DRB1*04:05) transgenic mice (Tgm), since this HLA-DR allele is most frequent (13.6%) in Japanese population, to evaluate HLA-DR4-restricted Th-cell responses to tumor-associated antigen (TAA)-derived peptides predicted to bind to HLA-DR4. To avoid weak binding between mouse CD4 and HLA-DR4, Tgm were designed to express chimeric HLA-DR4/I-Ed, where I-Ed α1 and β1 domains were replaced with those from HLA-DR4. Th cells isolated from Tgm immunized with adjuvant and HLA-DR4-binding cytomegalovirus-derived peptide proliferated when stimulated with peptide-pulsed HLA-DR4-transduced mouse L cells, indicating chimeric HLA-DR4/I-Ed has equivalent antigen presenting capacity to HLA-DR4. Immunization with CDCA155-78 peptide, a computer algorithm-predicted HLA-DR4-binding peptide derived from TAA CDCA1, successfully induced Th-cell responses in Tgm, while immunization of HLA-DR4-binding Wilms'' tumor 1 antigen-derived peptide with identical amino acid sequence to mouse ortholog failed. This was overcome by using peptide-pulsed syngeneic bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BM-DC) followed by immunization with peptide/CFA booster. BM-DC-based immunization of KIF20A494-517 peptide from another TAA KIF20A, with an almost identical HLA-binding core amino acid sequence to mouse ortholog, successfully induced Th-cell responses in Tgm. Notably, both CDCA155-78 and KIF20A494-517 peptides induced human Th-cell responses in PBMCs from HLA-DR4-positive donors. Finally, an HLA-DR4 binding DEPDC1191-213 peptide from a new TAA DEPDC1 overexpressed in bladder cancer induced strong Th-cell responses both in Tgm and in PBMCs from an HLA-DR4-positive donor. Thus, the HLA-DR4 Tgm combined with computer algorithm was useful for preliminary screening of candidate peptides for vaccination.  相似文献   

获得性免疫具有抗原特异性,但同时T细胞识别却有混杂性和NHC制约等现象,这提示T细胞对抗原肽-MHC分子复合物(pMHC)识别中可能存在不同模式。本文提出了CD4 T细胞有两种特异性识别活化基础单位(具有不同的生理学意义)的模型,一种为纯TCR模式(TCR model),对pMHC(尤其是抗原肽)高特异性识别;另一种为复合受体模式(TCR-CD4 model),对MHC-Ⅱ分子特异性要求很高(NHC制约),但有可以不同亲合度结合抗原肽的混杂性;它们在免疫应答中以不同组合形式出现,可形成细胞水平区分“自我”与“非我”的效应。由此可更合理、简化地理解各种有关免疫现象以及淋巴免疫系统的起源。  相似文献   

CD244 (2B4) is a member of the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) family of immune cell receptors and it plays an important role in modulating NK cell and CD8+ T cell immunity. In this study, we investigated the expression and function of CD244/2B4 on CD4+ T cells from active TB patients and latent infection individuals. Active TB patients had significantly elevated CD244/2B4 expression on M. tuberculosis antigen-specific CD4+ T cells compared with latent infection individuals. The frequencies of CD244/2B4-expressing antigen-specific CD4+ T cells were significantly higher in retreatment active TB patients than in new active TB patients. Compared with CD244/2B4-dull and -middle CD4+ T cells, CD244/2B4-bright CD4+ T cell subset had significantly reduced expression of IFN-γ, suggesting that CD244/2B4 expression may modulate IFN-γ production in M. tuberculosis antigen-responsive CD4+ T cells. Activation of CD244/2B4 signaling by cross-linking led to significantly decreased production of IFN-γ. Blockage of CD244/2B4 signaling pathway of T cells from patients with active TB resulted in significantly increased production of IFN-γ, compared with isotype antibody control. In conclusion, CD244/2B4 signaling pathway has an inhibitory role on M. tuberculosis antigen-specific CD4+ T cell function.  相似文献   

Indirubin, a traditional Chinese medicine, is used to treat autoimmune diseases in clinics. However, the effects of indirubin on the immunosuppressive CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) have not been addressed. Thus, we aimed to investigate the effects of indirubin on CD4+CD25+Treg cells in immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) CBA mice, which were established by immunization with Wistar rat platelets. 50 mg/kg indirubin treatment daily for 4 weeks significantly decreased anti-platelet antibody production and prevented the decrease of platelets caused by immunization in ITP mice. Consistently, indirubin significantly enhanced the percentage and cell number of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+Treg cells in the peripheral blood, spleen and lymph nodes. We also observed a significant increase of the frequency and cell number of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+Treg cells in the thymus upon indirubin treatment. Furthermore, CD4+CD25+Treg cells from indirubin-treated mice showed similar immunosuppression on T effector cells as compared to those from control mice. Altogether, indirubin ameliorates ITP by enhancing CD4+CD25+Foxp3+Treg cell level with preserving immunosuppressive function.  相似文献   

Current HIV vaccine approaches are focused on immunogens encoding whole HIV antigenic proteins that mainly elicit cytotoxic CD8+ responses. Mounting evidence points toward a critical role for CD4+ T cells in the control of immunodeficiency virus replication, probably due to cognate help. Vaccine-induced CD4+ T cell responses might, therefore, have a protective effect in HIV replication. In addition, successful vaccines may have to elicit responses to multiple epitopes in a high proportion of vaccinees, to match the highly variable circulating strains of HIV. Using rational vaccine design, we developed a DNA vaccine encoding 18 algorithm-selected conserved, “promiscuous” (multiple HLA-DR-binding) B-subtype HIV CD4 epitopes - previously found to be frequently recognized by HIV-infected patients. We assessed the ability of the vaccine to induce broad T cell responses in the context of multiple HLA class II molecules using different strains of HLA class II- transgenic mice (-DR2, -DR4, -DQ6 and -DQ8). Mice displayed CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses of significant breadth and magnitude, and 16 out of the 18 encoded epitopes were recognized. By virtue of inducing broad responses against conserved CD4+ T cell epitopes that can be recognized in the context of widely diverse, common HLA class II alleles, this vaccine concept may cope both with HIV genetic variability and increased population coverage. The vaccine may thus be a source of cognate help for HIV-specific CD8+ T cells elicited by conventional immunogens, in a wide proportion of vaccinees.  相似文献   

The association between the host immune environment and the size of the HIV reservoir during effective antiretroviral therapy is not clear. Progress has also been limited by the lack of a well-accepted assay for quantifying HIV during therapy. We examined the association between multiple measurements of HIV and T cell activation (as defined by markers including CD38, HLA-DR, CCR5 and PD-1) in 30 antiretroviral-treated HIV-infected adults. We found a consistent association between the frequency of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expressing HLA-DR and the frequency of resting CD4+ T cells containing HIV DNA. This study highlights the need to further examine this relationship and to better characterize the biology of markers commonly used in HIV studies. These results may also have implications for reactivation strategies.  相似文献   

To determine whether changes in sphingolipid composition are associated with age-related immune dysfunction, we analyzed the core sphingolipidome (i.e., all of the metabolites through the first headgroup additions) of young and aged CD4+ T cells. Since sphingolipids influence the biophysical properties of membranes, we evaluated the compositions of immune synapse (IS) and non-IS fractions prepared by magnetic immuno-isolation. Broadly, increased amounts of sphingomyelins, dihydrosphingomyelins and ceramides were found in aged CD4+ T cells. After normalizing for total sphingolipid content, a statistically significant decrease in the molar fraction of glucosylceramides was evident in both the non-IS and IS fractions of aged T cells. This change was balanced by less dramatic increases in the molar fractions of sphingomyelins and dihydrosphingomyelins in aged CD4+ T cells. In vitro, the direct or enzymatic enhancement of ceramide levels decreased CD4+ T cell proliferation without regard for the age of the responding T cells. In contrast, the in vitro inhibition of glucosylceramidase preferentially increased the proliferation of aged CD4+ T cells. These results suggest that reductions in glucosylceramide abundance contribute to age-related impairments in CD4+ T cell function.  相似文献   

目的:研究重组人粒细胞集落刺激因子(rhG-CSF)动员对供者CD4+T细胞表面分子淋巴细胞功能相关抗原-1(LFA-1)、细胞间黏附分子-1(ICAM-1)、L-选择素(LAM-1)和人整合素-4(VLA-4)的表达及其介导的CD4+T细胞功能的影响,探讨外周血干细胞移植过程中CD4+T细胞免疫耐受机制。方法:使用三色荧光标记检测动员前及动员后第5天供者外周血LFA-1、ICAM-1、LAM-1和VLA-4的表达率,ELISA方法检测动员前后CD4+T细胞分泌IFN-γ和IL-4能力,免疫磁性分选法分离纯化CD4+T细胞,检测动员前后CD4+T细胞对基质细胞衍生因子-1α(SDF-1α)的迁移能力和对ICAM-1的黏附能力。结果:动员前后CD4+T细胞LFA-1(CD11a)和VLA-4(CD49d)表达率差异无统计学意义(P>0.01),动员前后CD4+T细胞LAM-1(CD62L)和ICAM-1(CD54)的表达率差异均有统计学意义,动员前显著高于动员后(P<0.01);动员前后CD4+T淋巴细胞向SDF-1α的迁移率差异无统计学意义(P>0.01);动员后CD4+T细胞对ICAM-1的黏附率降低(P<0.01);动员后IL-4和IFN-γ两个细胞因子在外周血血清的浓度均降低(P<0.01)。结论:rhG-CSF动员不影响CD4+T细胞LFA-1和VLA-4表达及CD4+T细胞迁移,但影响CD4+T细胞ICAM-1和LAM-1表达以及CD4+T细胞通过LFA-1对ICAM-1的黏附能力影响,并可能影响CD4+T细胞分泌细胞因子IL-4及IFN-γ的功能。  相似文献   

The study of the initial phase of the adaptive immune response after first antigen encounter provides essential information on the magnitude and quality of the immune response. This phase is characterized by proliferation and dissemination of T cells in the lymphoid organs. Modeling and identifying the key features of this phenomenon may provide a useful tool for the analysis and prediction of the effects of immunization. This knowledge can be effectively exploited in vaccinology, where it is of interest to evaluate and compare the responses to different vaccine formulations. The objective of this paper is to construct a stochastic model based on branching process theory, for the dissemination network of antigen-specific CD4+ T cells. The devised model is validated on in vivo animal experimental data. The model presented has been applied to the vaccine immunization context making references to simple proliferation laws that take into account division, death and quiescence, but it can also be applied to any context where it is of interest to study the dynamic evolution of a population.  相似文献   



Continuous support from follicular CD4+ T helper (Tfh) cells drives germinal center (GC) responses, which last for several weeks to produce high affinity memory B cells and plasma cells. In autoimmune Sle1 and NZB/W F1 mice, elevated numbers of Tfh cells persist, promoting the expansion of self-reactive B cells. Expansion of circulating Tfh like cells have also been described in several autoimmune diseases. Although, the signals required for Tfh differentiation have now been well described, the mechanisms that sustain the maintenance of fully differentiated Tfh are less understood. Recent data demonstrate a role for GC B cells for Tfh maintenance after protein immunization.

Methods and Finding

Given the pathogenic role Tfh play in autoimmune disease, we explored whether B cells are required for maintenance of autoreactive Tfh. Our data suggest that the number of mature autoreactive Tfh cells is controlled by GC B cells. Depletion of B cells in Sle1 autoimmune mice leads to a dramatic reduction in Tfh cells. In NZB/W F1 autoimmune mice, similar to the SRBC immunization model, GC B cells support the maintenance of mature Tfh, which is dependent mainly on ICOS. The CD28-associated pathway is dispensable for Tfh maintenance in SRBC immunized mice, but is required in the spontaneous NZB/W F1 model.


These data suggest that mature Tfh cells require signals from GC B cells to sustain their optimal numbers and function in both autoimmune and immunization models. Thus, immunotherapies targeting B cells in autoimmune disease may affect pathogenic Tfh cells.  相似文献   

从基因水平探讨蛋氨酸脑啡肽对小鼠CD4'T细胞mRNA转录的影响。6~8周龄BALB/c雌性小鼠体内、外不同浓度MEK刺激。采用RT-PCR技术检测mRNA,所得不同浓度MEK刺激的CD4+T细胞mRNA和β-actin条带密度比值作为相对表达强度,所得数据采用SPSS11.5软件进行统计分析。4mg/mLMEK体内刺激及10-9~10-12mol/mL的MEK体外刺激促进小鼠CD4'T细胞mRNA转录;10-1~10-8mol/mL的MEK抑制小鼠CD4+T细胞mRNA的转录。10-13~10-14mol/mL的MEK对小鼠CD4'T细胞mRNA的转录无明显变化。适量浓度的MEK体内、外刺激能促进小鼠CD4+T细胞mRNA转录的高效表达。  相似文献   



Lymphopenia results in the proliferation and differentiation of naïve T cells into memory-like cells in the apparent absence of antigenic stimulation. This response, at least in part due to a greater availability of cytokines, is thought to promote anti-self responses. Although potentially autoreactive memory-like CD8+ T cells generated in a lymphopenic environment are subject to the mechanisms of peripheral tolerance, they can induce autoimmunity in the presence of antigen-specific memory-like CD4+ T helper cells.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we studied the mechanisms underlying CD4 help under lymphopenic conditions in transgenic mice expressing a model antigen in the beta cells of the pancreas. Surprisingly, we found that the self-reactivity mediated by the cooperation of memory-like CD8+ and CD4+ T cells was not abrogated by CD40L blockade. In contrast, treatment with anti-IL-2 antibodies inhibited the onset of autoimmunity. IL-2 neutralization prevented the CD4-mediated differentiation of memory-like CD8+ T cells into pathogenic effectors in response to self-antigen cross-presentation. Furthermore, in the absence of helper cells, induction of IL-2 signaling by an IL-2 immune complex was sufficient to promote memory-like CD8+ T cell self-reactivity.


IL-2 mediates the cooperation of memory-like CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the breakdown of cross-tolerance, resulting in effector cytotoxic T lymphocyte differentiation and the induction of autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Despite increased frequencies of neutrophils found in autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), how they contribute to disease pathogenesis and the mechanisms that affect the accumulation of neutrophils are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to identify factors in autoantibody-mediated autoimmunity that controls the accumulation of spleen resident neutrophils and to determine whether neutrophils contribute to abnormal B cell responses. Increased levels of the cytokine BAFF have been linked to loss of B cell tolerance in autoimmunity, but the cellular source responsible for excess BAFF is unknown. B cell maturation antigen (BCMA) is a receptor for BAFF and is critical for the survival of bone marrow plasma cells. Paradoxically, BCMA deficiency exacerbates the formation of autoantibody-secreting plasma cells in spleens of lupus-prone mice and the reasons for this effect are not understood. Here we analyzed the phenotype, localization and function of neutrophils in spleens of healthy mice and congenic lupus-prone mice, and compared mice sufficient or deficient in BCMA expression. Neutrophils were found to be significantly increased in frequency and activation status in spleens of lupus-prone mice when BCMA was absent. Furthermore, neutrophils localized within T cell zones and enhanced CD4+ T cell proliferation and IFNγ production through the production of BAFF. Reduced BAFF and IFNγ serum levels, decreased frequencies of IFNγ-producing T cells, germinal center B cells, and autoantibody production after neutrophil depletion indicated the involvement of neutrophils in these autoimmune traits. Thus, we have identified a novel role for BCMA to control excess BAFF production in murine lupus through restraining the accumulation of BAFF-producing neutrophils. Our data suggests that devising therapeutic strategies to reduce neutrophils in autoimmunity may decrease BAFF levels and ameliorate disease.  相似文献   

How do effector CD4 T cells escape cell death during the contraction of the immune response (IR) remain largely unknown. CD47, through interactions with thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) and SIRP-α, is implicated in cell death and phagocytosis of malignant cells. Here, we reported a reduction in SIRP-α-Fc binding to effector memory T cells (T(EM)) and in vitro TCR-activated human CD4 T cells that was linked to TSP-1/CD47-induced cell death. The reduced SIRP-α-Fc binding (CD47(low) status) was not detected when CD4 T cells were stained with two anti-CD47 mAbs, which recognize distinct epitopes. In contrast, increased SIRP-α-Fc binding (CD47(high) status) marked central memory T cells (T(CM)) as well as activated CD4 T cells exposed to IL-2, and correlated with resistance to TSP-1/CD47-mediated killing. Auto-aggressive CD4 effectors, which accumulated in lymph nodes and at mucosal sites of patients with Crohn's disease, displayed a CD47(high) status despite a high level of TSP-1 release in colonic tissues. In mice, CD47 (CD47(low) status) was required on antigen (Ag)-specific CD4 effectors for the contraction of the IR in vivo, as significantly lower numbers of Ag-specific CD47(+/+)CD4 T cells were recovered when compared to Ag-specific CD47(-/-) CD4 T cells. In conclusion, we demonstrate that a transient change in the status of CD47, i.e. from CD47(high) to CD47(low), on CD4 effectors regulates the decision-making process that leads to CD47-mediated cell death and contraction of the IR while maintenance of a CD47(high) status on tissue-destructive CD4 effectors prevents the resolution of the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

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